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23.5 FTCS and BTCS 241 x t 0 T L Fig. 23.2. Finite difference grid {jh, ik} N x , N t j=0,i=0 . Points are spaced at a distance of h apart in the x-direction and k apart in the t-direction. A simple method for the heat equation (23.2) involves approximating the time derivative ∂/∂t by the scaled forward difference in time, k −1 t , and the second order space derivative ∂ 2 /∂x 2 by the scaled second order central difference in space, h −2 δ 2 x . This gives the equation k −1 t U i j − h −2 δ 2 x U i j = 0, which may be expanded as U i+1 j − U i j k − U i j+1 − 2U i j + U i j−1 h 2 = 0. A more revealing re-write is U i+1 j = νU i j+1 + (1 − 2ν)U i j + νU i j−1 , (23.7) where ν := k/h 2 is known as the mesh ratio. Suppose that all approximate solution values at time level i, {U i j } N x j=0 , are known. Now note that U i+1 0 = a((i + 1)k) and U i+1 N x = b((i + 1)k) are given by the boundary conditions (23.4). Equation (23.7) then gives a formula for comput- ing all other approximate values at time level i + 1, that is, {U i+1 j } N x −1 j=1 . Since we 242 Finite difference methods Fig. 23.3. Stencil for FTCS. Solid circles indicate the location of values that must be known in order to obtain the value located at the open circle. are supplied with the time-zero values, U 0 j = g( jh) from (23.3), this means that the complete set of approximations {U i j } N x , N t j=0,i=0 can be computed by stepping for- ward in time. The method defined by (23.7) is known as FTCS, which stands for forward difference in time, central difference in space. Figure 23.3 illustrates the stencil for FTCS. Here, the solid circles indicate the location of values U i j−1 , U i j and U i j+1 that must be known in order to obtain the value U i+1 j located at the open circle. We may collect all the interior values at time level i into a vector, U i := U i 1 U i 2 . . . . . . U i N x −1 ∈ R N x −1 . (23.8) Exercise 23.3 then asks you to confirm that FTCS may be written U i+1 = FU i + p i , for 0 ≤ i ≤ N t − 1, (23.9) with U 0 = g(h) g(2h) . . . . . . g((N x − 1)h) ∈ R N x −1 , 23.5 FTCS and BTCS 243 where the matrix F has the form F = 1 − 2νν 0 0 ν 1 − 2νν 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 − 2νν 0 0 ν 1 − 2ν ∈ R (N x −1)×(N x −1) , and the vector p i has the form p i = νa(ik) 0 . . . . . . 0 νb(ik) ∈ R N x −1 . Here, FU i denotes a matrix–vector product. Computational example Figure 23.4 illustrates a numerical solution produced by FTCS on the problem of Figure 23.1, with T = 3. We chose N x = 14 and N t = 199, so h = π/14 ≈ 0.22 and k = 3/199 ≈ 0.015, giving ν ≈ 0.3. The numerical solution appears to match the exact solution, shown in Figure 23.1. Computing the worst-case grid error, max 0≤j ≤N x ,0≤i≤N t |U i j − u( jh, ik)|, pro- duced 0.0012, which confirms the close agreement. As can be seen from Figure 23.4, we used a grid where k is much smaller than h –wedivided the x- axis into only 15 points, compared with 200 points on the t-axis. In Figure 23.5 we show what happens if we try to correct this imbalance. Here, we reduced N t to 94, so k ≈ 0.032 and ν ≈ 0.63. We see that the numerical solution has de- veloped oscillations that render it useless as an approximation to u(x, t).Taking smaller values of N t , that is, larger timesteps k,leads to more dramatic oscilla- tions. In Section 23.7 we develop some theory that explains this behaviour. We finish this section by deriving an alternative method that is more computationally expensive, but does not suffer from the type of instability seen in Figure 23.5. ♦ Replacing the forward difference in time in FTCS by a backward difference gives k −1 ∇ t U i j − h −2 δ 2 x U i j = 0, 244 Finite difference methods 0 5 10 15 0 50 100 150 200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x FTCS: ν = 0.3 t Fig. 23.4. FTCS solution on the heat equation (23.2), (23.3) and (23.4) with initial and boundary conditions (23.5). Here N x = 14 and N t = 199, so ν ≈ 0.3. or, in more detail, U i j − U i−1 j k − U i j+1 − 2U i j + U i j−1 h 2 = 0. It is convenient to write this as a process that goes from time level i to i + 1, that is, to increase the time index by 1, which allows the method to be written U i+1 j = U i j + ν U i+1 j+1 − 2U i+1 j + U i+1 j−1 . (23.10) The method defined by (23.10) is known as BTCS, which stands for backward difference in time, central difference in space. Figure 23.6 illustrates the stencil for BTCS. Unlike FTCS, with BTCS there is no explicit way to compute {U i+1 j } N x −1 j=1 from {U i j } N x −1 j=1 . Using the vector notation (23.8), Exercise 23.4 asks you to show that the recurrence (23.10) for BTCS may be written BU i+1 = U i + q i , for 0 ≤ i ≤ N t − 1, (23.11) 23.5 FTCS and BTCS 245 0 5 10 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 x FTCS: ν = 0.63 t Fig. 23.5. FTCS solution on the heat equation (23.2), (23.3) and (23.4) with initial and boundary conditions (23.5). Here N x = 14 and N t = 94, so ν ≈ 0.63. where the matrix B has the form B = 1 + 2ν −ν 0 0 −ν 1 + 2ν −ν 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . −ν 1 + 2ν −ν 0 0 −ν 1 + 2ν ∈ R (N x −1)×(N x −1) , (23.12) and the vector q i has the form q i = νa((i + 1)k) 0 . . . . . . 0 νb((i + 1)k) ∈ R N x −1 . 246 Finite difference methods Fig. 23.6. Stencil for BTCS. Solid circles indicate the location of values that must be known in order to obtain the value located at the open circle. The formulation (23.11) reveals that, given U i ,wemay compute U i+1 by solv- ing a system of linear equations. This is a standard problem in numerical analysis, see Section 23.9 for references. Computational example Figure 23.7 gives the BTCS numerical solution for the problem in Figure 23.1, with T = 3. We used N x = 14 and N t = 9, so h = π/14 ≈ 0.22 and k = 3/9 ≈ 0.33, giving ν ≈ 6.6. The numerical solution agrees qualitatively with the exact solution in Figure 23.1, and we found that the worst-case grid error, max 0≤j ≤N x ,0≤i≤N t |U i j − u( jh, ik)|,was a respectable 0.055. ♦ 23.6 Local accuracy It is intuitively reasonable to judge the accuracy of a finite difference method by looking at the residual when the exact solution is substituted into the difference for- mula. For FTCS, letting u i j denote the exact solution u( jh, ik), the local accuracy is defined to be R i j := k −1 t u i j − h −2 δ 2 x u i j . (23.13) Using the Taylor series results in Table 23.1, this may be expanded as R i j = ∂u ∂t + 1 2 k ∂ 2 u ∂t 2 + O(k 2 ) − ∂ 2 u ∂x 2 + 1 12 h 2 ∂ 4 u ∂x 4 + O(h 4 ) , where all functions ∂u/∂t, ∂ 2 u/∂t 2 , etc., are evaluated at x = jh, t = ik. Since u satisfies the PDE (23.2), we have R i j = 1 2 k ∂ 2 u ∂t 2 − 1 12 h 2 ∂ 4 u ∂x 4 + O(k 2 ) + O(h 4 ). (23.14) 23.7 Von Neumann stability and convergence 247 0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x BTCS: ν = 6.6 t Fig. 23.7. BTCS solution on the heat equation (23.2), (23.3) and (23.4) with initial and boundary conditions (23.5). Here N x = 14 and N t = 9, so ν ≈ 6.6. The expansion (23.14) shows that the local accuracy of FTCS behaves as O(k) + O(h 2 ). Hence, FTCS may be described as first order in time and second order in space. For BTCS, the local accuracy is defined as R i j := k −1 ∇ t u i j − h −2 δ 2 x u i j . (23.15) In this case it is convenient to use Taylor series results from Table expansion about time level (i + 1)k, and we find that R i j =− 1 2 k ∂ 2 u ∂t 2 − 1 12 h 2 ∂ 4 u ∂x 4 + O(k 2 ) + O(h 4 ), (23.16) with the functions evaluated at x = jh, t = ik.Exercise 23.5 asks you to fill in the details. This shows that BTCS has the same order of local accuracy as FTCS. 23.7 Von Neumann stability and convergence A fundamental, and seemingly modest, requirement of a finite difference method is that of convergence – the error should tend to zero as k and h are decreased to zero. It turns out that convergence is quite a subtle issue. One aspect that must be 248 Finite difference methods addressed is the choice of norm in which convergence is measured; in the limit k → 0, h → 0, we are dealing with infinite-dimensional vector spaces, so we lose the property that ‘all norms are equivalent’. There is, however, a wonderful and very general result, known as the Lax Equiv- alence Theorem, which states that a method converges if and only if its local ac- curacy tends to zero as k → 0, h → 0 and it satisfies a stability condition. The particular stability condition to be satisfied depends on the norm in which conver- gence is measured. We do not have the space to go into any detail on this matter, but readers with a feel for Fourier analysis may appreciate that the following sta- bility definition is related to the L 2 norm. Definition A finite difference method generating approximations U i j is stable in the sense of von Neumann if, ignoring initial and boundary conditions, under the substitution U i j = ξ i e iβ jh it follows that 1 |ξ|≤1 for all βh ∈ [−π, π]. Here i denotes the unit imaginary number. ♦ To illustrate the idea, taking FTCS in the form (23.7) and substituting U i j = ξ i e iβ jh gives ξ i+1 e iβ jh = νξ i e iβ jh e iβh + (1 − 2ν)ξ i e iβ jh + νξ i e iβ jh e −iβh . So ξ = νe iβh + (1 − 2ν) + νe −iβh = 1 + ν e iβh − 2 + e −iβh = 1 + ν e i 1 2 βh − e −i 1 2 βh 2 = 1 + ν 2i sin( 1 2 βh) 2 = 1 − 4ν sin 2 ( 1 2 βh). The condition |ξ|≤1 thus becomes |1 − 4ν sin 2 ( 1 2 βh)|≤1, which simplifies to 0 ≤ ν sin 2 ( 1 2 βh) ≤ 1 2 . For βh ∈ [−π, π] the quantity sin 2 ( 1 2 βh) takes values between 0 and 1, and hence stability in the sense of von Neumann for FTCS is equivalent to ν ≤ 1 2 . (23.17) 1 A more general definition allows |ξ|≤1 +Ck for some constant C,but our simpler version suffices here. 23.8 Crank–Nicolson 249 Returning to our previous computations, we see that a stable value of ν ≈ 0.3 was used for FTCS in Figure 23.4, whereas Figure 23.5 went beyond the stability limit, with ν ≈ 0.63. In practice, FCTS is only useful for ν ≤ 1 2 .Ifweconsider refining the grid, that is reducing h and k to get more accuracy, then we do so while respecting this condition. It is typical to choose ν, say ν = 0.45, and consider the limit h → 0 with fixed mesh ratio k/ h 2 = ν.Inthis regime, k tends to zero much more quickly than h. Exercise 23.6 asks you to show that BTCS is unconditionally stable, that is, stability in the sense of von Neumann is guaranteed for all ν>0. This is consis- tent with Figure 23.7, where a relatively large value of ν did not give rise to any instabilities. 23.8 Crank–Nicolson We have seen that FTCS and BTCS are both of local accuracy O(k) + O(h 2 ). The O(k) accuracy in time arises from the use of first order forward or backward differencing in time. The Crank–Nicolson method uses a clever trick to achieve second order in time without the need to deal with more than two time levels. To derive the Crank–Nicolson method, we temporarily entertain the idea of an intermediate time level at (i + 1 2 )k. The heat equation (23.2) may then be approx- imated by k −1 δ t U i+ 1 2 j − h −2 δ 2 x U i+ 1 2 j = 0. This finite difference formula has an appealing symmetry. However, we have intro- duced points that are not on the grid. We may overcome this difficulty by applying the time averaging operator, µ t ,onthe right-hand term, to get a new method k −1 δ t U i+ 1 2 j − h −2 δ 2 x µ t U i+ 1 2 j = 0, that is k −1 (U i+1 j − U i j ) − h −2 δ 2 x 1 2 (U i+1 j + U i j ) = 0. This may be written as 2(1 + ν)U i+1 j = νU i+1 j+1 + νU i+1 j−1 + νU i j+1 + 2(1 − ν)U i j + νU i j−1 . (23.18) This is Crank–Nicolson. The stencil is shown in Figure 23.8. Because of its inher- ent symmetry, the method has local accuracy O(k 2 ) + O(h 2 ).Exercise 23.8 asks you to confirm this. Crank–Nicolson has two features in common with BTCS. First, it is implicit, requiring a system of linear equations to be solved in order to compute U i+1 from U i . The equations may be written 250 Finite difference methods Fig. 23.8. Stencil for Crank–Nicolson. Solid circles indicate the location of val- ues that must be known in order to obtain the value located at the open circle. BU i+1 = FU i + r i , for 0 ≤ i ≤ N t − 1, (23.19) where the matrices B and F have the form B = 1 + ν − 1 2 ν 0 0 − 1 2 ν 1 + ν − 1 2 ν 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . − 1 2 ν 1 + ν − 1 2 ν 0 0 − 1 2 ν 1 + ν ∈ R (N x −1)×(N x −1) , F = 1 − ν 1 2 ν 0 0 1 2 ν 1 − ν 1 2 ν 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . 1 2 ν 1 −ν 1 2 ν 0 0 1 2 ν 1 − ν ∈ R (N x −1)×(N x −1) , and the vector r i has the form r i = 1 2 ν ( a(ik) + a((i + 1)k) ) 0 . . . . . . 0 1 2 ν ( b(ik) + b((i + 1)k) ) ∈ R N x −1 , [...]... 0) and the left-hand boundary condition (19.1) gives V0 i = 0 At the right-hand boundary, a reasonable approach is to argue that, since S is large, the asset is very unlikely to i hit the out barrier, so VNx = C(L , τ ) may be imposed, where C(S, t) denotes the European call value Computational example For the case B = 2, E = 4, σ = 0.3, r = 0.03 and T = 1 we used Crank–Nicolson to value a down -and- out... derivatives by finite differences and apply a reputable ODE solver, without paying heed to the fact that, actually, one is attempting to solve a PDE This nonsense has, unfortunately, taken root in many textbooks and lecture courses, which, not to mince words, propagate shoddy mathematicsand poor numerical practice Reputable literature is surprisingly scarce, considering the importance and depth of the subject... difficulty We must represent this range by a finite set of points A reasonable fix is to truncate the domain to S ∈ [0, L], where L is some suitably large value Using (8.17) and (8.18), this gives call boundary conditions C(0, τ ) = 0 C(L , τ ) = L and (24.4) Similarly, from (8.26) and (8.27) we obtain P(0, τ ) = Ee−r τ and P(L , τ ) = 0 (24.5) for a European put We are now able to use a grid { j h, ik} Nx... that err0 = 1.5 × 10−3 for FTCS and err0 = 1.7 × 10−3 for BTCS With Crank– Nicolson we were able to reduce Nt to 50, so k = 2 × 10−2 , and still get a comparable error, err0 = 1.6 × 10−3 ♦ Our treatment of stability and convergence of finite difference methods in Chapter 23 does not carry through directly to this section, since the PDE (24.1) has nonconstant coefficients and includes a first order spatial... that the error reduces to 0.0019, which reflects the higher order of local accuracy in time ♦ 23.9 Notes and references This chapter was designed to give only the most cursory introduction to finite differences Excellent, accessible texts that give much more detail and, in particular, describe methods for solving the linear systems such as (23.11) and (23.19), and also do justice to the Lax Equivalence... the average of the FTCS equation (23.9) and the BTCS equation (23.11) to get 1 2 (I + B)Ui+1 = 1 (I + F)Ui + 1 (pi + qi ) 2 2 Show that this method is Crank–Nicolson (The second order accuracy in time may now be understood by observing that averaging the local accuracy expansions (23.14) and (23.16) causes the O(k) term to vanish.) 23.10 Program of Chapter 23 and walkthrough The program ch23 implements... − 1 kr D1 T1 2 2 and i+1 − r )V0 0 i , q = 0 1 2 (N − 1) + r )V i+1 x Nx 2 k(N x − 1)(σ 1 2 2 k(σ see Exercise 24.1 One way to generalize the Crank–Nicolson scheme (23.18) is to adopt the viewpoint of Exercise 23.11 and take the average of the FTCS and BTCS formulas 260 Finite difference methods for the Black–Scholes PDE (23.9) and (23.11) to give 1 2 (I +... Notes and references As we mentioned in Chapter 23, it is possible to convert the Black–Scholes PDE for European calls and puts into the heat equation form (23.2) Hence, it is perfectly reasonable to convert to that form before applying a finite difference method We showed how to work directly with the Black–Scholes version (in reverse time) because in the case of more complicated options such a transformation... (Iserles, 1996; Mitchell and Griffiths, 1980; Morton and Mayers, 1994; Strikwerda, 1989) A freely available work of similarly high quality is the unpublished text, Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 1996, by Lloyd N Trefethen, which is downloadable from http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/nick.trefethen/pdetext.html Details of how to transform the Black–Scholes... transform the Black–Scholes PDE (8.15) into standard heat equation form (23.2) can be found, for example, in (Nielsen, 1999, Section 6.7) and (Wilmott et al., 1995, Section 5.4) Finite difference methods represent the most conceptually straightforward approach to solving a PDE numerically, and they appear to be the most popular choice in the mathematical finance community However, it is worth pointing . the linear systems such as (23.11) and (23.19), and also do justice to the Lax Equivalence Theorem, include (Iserles, 1996; Mitchell and Griffiths, 1980; Morton and Mayers, 1994; Strikwerda, 1989) local accuracy expansions (23.14) and (23.16) causes the O(k) term to vanish.) 23.10 Program of Chapter 23 and walkthrough The program ch23 implements BTCS for the heat equation (23.2) with initial and boundary. (24.9) With N x = 50 and N t = 500, so k = 2 × 10 −3 and h = 0.2, we found that err 0 = 1.5 ×10 −3 for FTCS and err 0 = 1.7 ×10 −3 for BTCS. With Crank– Nicolson we were able to reduce N t to 50, so k