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Báo cáo cuối kỳ môn Chuyển đổi số và kinh doanh tại Trường Đại học Kinh tế Luật với đề tài về việc đề xuất chuyển đổi số cho doanh nghiệp nhằm đảm bảo và đáp ứng nhu cầu công nghệ đã được thực hiện qua một loạt nghiên cứu, phân tích, và đề xuất các giải pháp cụ thể. Báo cáo này tập trung vào việc cung cấp những khái niệm quan trọng về chuyển đổi số, nhấn mạnh vai trò quyết định của việc kết hợp công nghệ số trong hoạt động doanh nghiệp. Các khía cạnh quan trọng bao gồm việc thúc đẩy sự cải tiến trong quản lý, tối ưu hóa quá trình sản xuất và tiếp thị, cải thiện trải nghiệm khách hàng, và tăng cường sự đổi mới và cạnh tranh. Công nghệ số là một phần quan trọng trong việc đảm bảo sự tồn tại và phát triển của doanh nghiệp trong môi trường kinh doanh ngày càng cạnh tranh và biến đổi nhanh chóng. Việc hiện đại hóa cơ cấu tổ chức, sử dụng dữ liệu thông minh, và áp dụng các công nghệ mới như trí tuệ nhân tạo và blockchain có thể giúp tạo ra lợi thế cạnh tranh đối với các đối thủ. Báo cáo cũng đề cập đến những thách thức và nguy cơ có thể phát sinh trong quá trình chuyển đổi số, bao gồm vấn đề về bảo mật thông tin và quản lý dữ liệu, cũng như cách thức xây dựng một nền tảng kỹ thuật đáng tin cậy. Đồng thời, việc đào tạo nhân viên và thay đổi văn hóa tổ chức cũng đóng vai trò quan trọng trong quá trình này. Trong kết luận, báo cáo sẽ tổng kết các đề xuất cụ thể để doanh nghiệp thực hiện chuyển đổi số một cách hiệu quả và bền vững. Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng thông qua báo cáo này, doanh nghiệp sẽ có thêm kiến thức và hướng dẫn để tận dụng tiềm năng của chuyển đổi số trong hoạt động kinh doanh của họ.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN GROUP FINAL PROJECT MEMBERS Nguyễn Thanh Minh Tú K214060445 02 Lê Thị Cẩm Hằng K214061755 Hoàng Trung K214060444 04 01 Phạm Thảo Vân K214060447 03 CONTENT 2I INTRODUCTION II ANALYSICS III CHANGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IV CONCLUSION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 MARKET OVERVIEW Vietnam's tourism potential is huge, but so far its exploitation and business have not really been commensurate with its potential Over 1,383 international travel businesses Thousands of domestic tourism businesses About 100 more businesses operate in the field of tourism The fierce competition of the tourism market This competition has made many companies difficult, many companies have died slowly because they have to plunge into the spiral of price competition, gain market share The leading travel companies in Vietnam with high brand awareness that always lead in terms of revenue and a number of guests served: Market share of Vietravel: Vietravel has chosen a fairly good competitive strategy by focusing their resources on the domestic individual tourist segment for foreign tours Fiditour market share Fiditour is one of the few travel companies listed on the stock exchange (HNX) Buffalo Tour market share Buffalo has chosen its own business path with a focus on Inbound customers, building specific tour products for the segment This is like an adventure tour product Although leading in market share, the number of domestic customers using Saigontourist's travel services has not increased much The cause of this situation is mainly because the quality of Saigontourist's travel services is not good, making customers unsatisfied 1.2 OVERVIEW OF SAIGONTOURIST PROFILE AT PRESENT Established in 1975 The first travel enterprise in Vietnam and quickly became one of the leading travel groups in Vietnam Specializes in providing travel services Domestic travel International travel 45 Hotel booking Air ticket, car or yacht rental, years of experience in operating and developing in the tourism industry Become one of the most prestigious and trusted travel groups in Vietnam Saigontourist is facing difficulties in catching up with the trend of digital transformation While other travel agencies applying digital technologies Boxchat Customer systems are widely management Saigontourist could not meet this request, causing discomfort and dissatisfaction from customers ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE This organizational chart helps Saigontourist operate most effectively, allowing departments to work closely to create a strong Saigontourist A drawback: Information and notifications from the top management to employees may be delayed W H Why does Saigontourist have to continue digital transformation? Digital transformation leads to asynchrony between many processes, which makes a company that has gone digital but leads to more disadvantages from incomplete digital transformation To what extent are businesses looking to transform digitally? Who will be involved in the digital transformation? Digital transformation is a comprehensive process within an organization that requires all departments to participate Which department of Saigontourist will digital transformation be done? Improvements in the range of tour management operations and additional services to address the growing needs of customers The digital transformation will be carried out mainly in departments: operating, sales and marketing department When will Saigontourist start its digital transformation? How will Saigontourist perform continuous digital transformation? This question is not really necessary because of the current trend of the world in general and Vietnam To be able to carry out digital transformation continuously, Saigontourist needs a team of personnel with expertise in digital transformation THE PROBLEMS SAIGONTOURIST IS FACING REASON Saigontourist is facing many problems with service quality, the main problems include: customer support service has many shortcomings and product quality does not meet the requirements of customers, lack of uniformity The company's customer support service is still lacking The product quality of Saigontourist does not meet the requirements of customers and there is no consistency Not adapting well to change, delay in technology adoption and digital transformation management Saigontourist has not invested enough in applying technology to its operations, leading to difficulties in managing, tracking and updating information for customers REASON Saigontourist does not focus on customers, and does not put customers at the center of business strategy Or it could be that Saigontourist does not use effective customer management tools to help them interact and serve customers in the best possible way THE PROBLEMS SAIGONTOURIST IS FACING CONSEQUENCES Saigontourist is facing many problems with service quality, the main problems include: customer support service has many shortcomings and product quality does not meet the requirements of customers, lack of uniformity The company's customer support service is still lacking The lack of focus on customer support has led to customer dissatisfaction and significantly reduced trust in the company's brand Customers will not return to use Saigontourist's services and may switch to other competitors CONSEQUENCES The product quality of Saigontourist does not meet the requirements of customers and there is no consistency Not adapting to change has made Saigontourist lag behind other competitors If Saigontourist cannot adapt and improve its current problems, the company will lose the opportunity to grow and expand To overcome these difficulties, Saigontourist needs to focus on customers and adapt to the application of digital technology to improve service quality and meet customer requirements WHAT IS TAM MODEL? Perceived Usefulness Attitude Toward Using External Variables Behavioral Intention to Use Actual System Use Perceived Ease of Use The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a theory of technology-based behavior put forward by Fred Davis in 1986 According to this model, user use of the technology depends on two main factors: Perceived usefulness Perceived ease of use Factors affecting the application of CRM system in Saigontourist's customer management Perception of usefulness If consumers here are Saigontourist's employees who perceive and feel the excitement, excitement as well as the benefits of Zoho CRM system, they will use it in the future The improvement in the working level of Saigontourist's staff Greatly increase the accuracy of data Increases with the application of Zoho CRM system to Saigontourist's business processes Iincrease customer experience when coming to Saigontourist Perceived ease of use Saigontourist's employees intend to use Zoho CRM system software if they feel that it is easy to use and fully meets the utilities such as: easy to learn how to use, not complicated, and easy to become proficient users The interface of current Zoho CRM systems is extremely user-friendly The use of CRM does not require highly specialized skills Its integration and compatibility with other systems in the business Zoho CRM system software is usually designed to train users in a short time Factors affecting the application of CRM system in Saigontourist's customer management Attitude Employees' Zoho CRM system attitudes have a direct impact on their usage intent According to research, the common attitudes of employees towards the use of CRM are divided into the following groups: Positive There are employees who not want to change their way of working and prefer to use traditional management tools Annoying Behavioral intentions Employees' behavioral intentions when adopting Zoho CRM system, i.e employees' decisions about whether to continue using old technologies or switch to CRM in their own business processes are categorized as follows: Acceptance group Non-acceptance group It can be seen that the level of technology adoption of Zoho CRM system is quite good because of its high usefulness, and at the same time with ease of use 2.1 TRAINING PLAN STEP 1: SETTING TRAINING GOALS Businesses need to build for themselves a system of indicators and necessary skills to be able to build a specific plan from these goals STEP 2: DEVELOP A TRAINING PLAN Saigontourist needs to develop a training plan to train employees with the the duration, content and suitable trainers of the training STEP 3: CONDUCT TRAINING Saigontourist company needs to implement the training program according to the plan And the training must be attended by all staff in all departments In order to have effective training sessions to help employees master all the necessary skills to use the system, we have developed a training plan for employees at Saigontourist with the following steps: : STEP 4: EVALUATION OF TRAINING RESULTS Saigontourist needs to have a re-test of the trained knowledge after each teaching session with a specific grading system based on the training lecture so that staff can participate STEP 5: UPDATE AND IMPROVE SKILLS Saigontourist needs to continue to update and improve the skills of its employees to ensure the effectiveness of using the CRM system 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP ANALYZE YOUR NEEDS AND DEFINE YOUR GOALS Analyze the needs and requirements of Saigontourist in terms of customer data management and business activities Define the goals and performance indicators that Saigontourist wants to achieve by using the Zoho CRM system 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP SYSTEM INTEGRATION STEP STEP STEP STEP Connect the Zoho CRM system with other tools that Saigontourist is using Tailor the configuration settings to the company's business processes Test feature and confirm full feature Before putting the system into use 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP COLLECT DATA STEP STEP STEP STEP Build forms to collect customer data and company business activities Collect and import data into the Zoho CRM system Identify critical information to ensure data accuracy and completeness 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP COLLECT DATA STEP STEP STEP STEP Build forms to collect customer data and company business activities Collect and import data into the Zoho CRM system Identify critical information to ensure data accuracy and completeness 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP INTERNAL COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATION WITH EXTERNAL PARTNERS STEP STEP STEP STEP Use Zoho CRM's internal communications to create online meetings and share documents and information across departments and employees Create email and message templates that use customer information in the Zoho CRM system Manage lists of customers and external partners using the classification, annotation, and identification features 2.2 PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION STEP STEP TRAIN EMPLOYEES TO USE TECHNOLOGY STEP STEP STEP STEP Provide training and manuals to employees on how to use the Zoho CRM system Make sure employees have the knowledge and skills to use Zoho CRM's features and tools RISK FORECASTING & SOLUTIONS SECURITY RISK If the system is not properly secured, client information may be taken and utilized for improper purposes DATA MANAGEMENT RISKS if the business does not swiftly inform third parties when weather conditions prevent clients from canceling a trip, it will be required to make a sizable payment when customers fail to show up for appointments as scheduled EMPLOYEE TRAINING RISK The inability of longtime traditional employees to use new technology will prompt them to desire to leave the organization COST-RELATED RISKS The organization must make a significant investment to implement and use CRM Some companies have suffered huge losses from ineffective digital transformation despite their thorough research CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT RISK If a business uses CRM to send out promotional communications that are too frequent or not relevant to the customer's interests, it may be perceived as spam and annoy the customer PRIVACY CONCERNS Saigontourist needs to ensure that the customer data collected through CRM is used ethically and in compliance with relevant data protection regulations DATA ACCURACY CRM is only effective if the data is accurate Ensure that the data entered into the system is regularly updated, and any errors are corrected TRAINING Staff training is essential to ensure that employees understand how to use the CRM system effectively INTEGRATION WITH OTHER SYSTEMS Saigontourist often uses multiple systems to manage its operations Ensure that the CRM system is integrated with other systems MONITORING Regular monitoring of the CRM system is necessary to identify and correct any errors or issues IV CONCLUSION EVALUATE P R O S Using Zoho CRM can solve the outstanding problems of Saigontourist Help Saigontourist increase the interactivity of departments in Saigontourist, avoiding Data Silos cases Helps Saigontourist provide timely and personalized support to its customers The training of employees to use the system Saigontourist need to ensure that their data is entered into the system accurately and completely Saigontourist need to regularly evaluate and update the system C O N S CONCLUSION Digital transformation is a critical process for businesses that want to remain competitive in today's fast-paced digital economy After the careful strategies that our team has prepared for Saigontourist, we hope that the company can successfully apply digital transformation and bring significant achievements to Vietnam's tourism economy GROUP THANK YOU F O R L I S T E N I N G

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2023, 01:08


