ach grid curve, either u1 or u2 is selected as a constant. The intersections of grid curves are called grid points. For each grid point on the surface, a normal vector is created, and the nearest preferred feed vectors to this normal vector are obtained. The average values in the 3 directions are obtained from all the nearest preferred feed vectors to form the preferred feed vector for the grid point. By this regularization process, the large number of preferred feed vectors are transformed into a grid of preferred feed vectors.3. Since the tool feed direction to machine each grid point on the freeform surface has to be on the tangent plane of this point, the preferred feed direction obtained in Step 2 at each grid point is projected onto the tangent plane which is perpendicular to the normal vector of the grid point.4. The preferred feed vectors on the tangent planes of the grid points are subsequently mapped to the parametric domain of (u1,u2) based on the parametric model of the surface
Optical off Optical switch off when commanded by M code Optical on Optical switch on when commanded by M code Shank switch on Spin off Spin at 650 rev/min for sec minimum (6 sec maximum) Spin on Spin at 650 rev/min for sec minimum (6 sec maximum) Shank switch off Timer off (time out) Time out will occur (12, 33 or 134 sec) after the last probe trigger or reseat A timer automatically switches the probe off after 90 from last trigger if not spun Timer off (time out) Time out will occur (12, 33 or 134 sec) after the last probe trigger or reseat Optical on Optical switch on when commanded by auto start Timer off (time out) Time out will occur (12, 33 or 134 sec) after the last probe trigger or reseat A timer automatically switches the probe off after 90 from last trigger if not turned off by M code Switch-off methods available Switch-on method Probe settings 17 Probe settings In Legacy mode a start filter improves the probe’s resistance to these effects The OMP60 can be operated in either ‘Legacy’ or ‘Modulated’ optical transmission modes Probes subjected to particular forms of light interference may accept spurious start signals Optical transmission method Factory set to OFF It may be necessary to reduce the probe approach speed to allow for the increased stylus overtravel during the extended time delay When the filter is enabled, a constant nominal 10, 20 or 40 ms delay is introduced to the probe output Probes subjected to high levels of vibration or shock loads may output signals without having contacted any surface The enhanced trigger filter improves the probes resistance to these effects Enhanced trigger filter 18 Factory set to standard optical power Dotted lines on performance envelopes represent the OMP60 in low optical power Where the separation between OMP60 and the OMI-2, OMI or OMM is small, the low optical power may be used In this setting, the optical transmission range will be reduced as shown on performance envelopes, so battery life will be extended Low optical power In Modulated mode, the OMP60 becomes compatible for use with OMI-2, to provide substantially increased resistance to light interference It may be necessary to revise the probe program software to allow for the increased activation time When Legacy (start filter on) is enabled, an additional sec delay is introduced to the probe activation (switch on) time OPTICAL OFF or SPIN OFF or or SHANK ON or 134 sec 33 sec 12 sec or LONG TIME OUT MEDIUM TIME OUT SHORT TIME OUT or SPIN ON SWITCH OFF METHOD (omitted for SHANK ON) OPTICAL ON LED CHECK SWITCH ON METHOD LEDs will show the following sequence DO NOT deflect stylus when reviewing settings Insert batteries, or if already inserted remove for sec and replace Reviewing current probe settings Reviewing current probe settings 19 20 or 20 ms ON or BATTERY STATUS or OPTICAL POWER BATTERY LOW STANDARD or or MODULATED PROBE IN STAND-BY MODE (after sec) BATTERY GOOD LOW or LEGACY (start filter on) LEGACY (start filter off) OPTICAL TRANSMISSION METHOD 10 ms sec or ON OFF ENHANCED TRIGGER FILTER SETTING Reviewing current probe settings 40 ms ON Note: Settings are saved as they are changed The probe is now in configuration mode and will flash the current switch on method Trigger logic is now active enabling probe settings to be changed as shown on next page See ‘Probe settings’ for further details Note: If battery power is low then each of the red flashes will be followed by a blue flash Following the LED check, deflect the stylus and hold deflected until red flashes occur at end of the review sequence Insert batteries or if already inserted, remove for seconds and replace Probe settings can be configured using trigger logic Changing probe settings < > 20 sec > 21 Leave stylus untouched (for period shown) Deflect stylus for more than seconds Deflect stylus for less than seconds KEY Changing probe settings 22 OPTICAL or SPIN < > OPTICAL ON > SHANK ON < > NEW SETTINGS COMPLETE SPIN ON 12 sec SHORT TIME OUT < > 33 sec MEDIUM TIME OUT < > TO CHANGE SWITCH OFF METHOD (omitted for SHANK ON) < TO CHANGE SWITCH ON METHOD Changing probe settings > 134 sec < > 20 sec LONG TIME OUT < > OFF LEGACY < > (start filter off) sec < > ON < > NEW SETTINGS COMPLETE 20 ms < > (start filter on) LEGACY < > MODULATED TO CHANGE OPTICAL TRANSMISSION METHOD 10 ms ON TO CHANGE ENHANCED TRIGGER FILTER SETTING < > > 20 sec 40 ms ON Changing probe settings < > 23 24 LOW Return to > STANDARD NEW SETTINGS COMPLETE ‘TO CHANGE SWITCH ON METHOD’ < TO CHANGE OPTICAL POWER Changing probe settings > > 20 sec < These will be needed if the probe is replaced For quick reference Renishaw suggest you record your settings on the table at back of this User’s guide Settings record table It is recommended that settings are reviewed after programming Review current probe settings In stand-by mode the OMP60 is waiting for a switch on signal LEDs are not lit unless the battery is ‘dead’ (see Operating mode - probe status LEDs, for further information) Stand-by mode