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WEEK 19 Pre: 28 / / 2023 PERIOD 55: UNIT RECIPES AND EATING HABITS LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: - By the end of the theme SS can use some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and recipes for dishes Competences: To develop self- studying skill, communicating and co-opererating skills, problem- solving and creating skills Qualities: To educate ss mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility II TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board - Teacher: Equipment : laptop, projector III TEACHING PROCEDURES: 1.Class organization: Class Date of teaching attendance absence 9A 9B 9C Checking: - Talk about one of the wonders you like best New lesson: A Activity 1: Determining the task: * Chatting: *Aims: To help ss to relate to the topic of unit * Organization: 1.Transfering the task: - Ask Ss to work in group to the task Doing the task: - In groups of three, ask what their favorite dishes are Reporting the result and discussing: - SS present Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks B Activity 2: Form the new knowledge: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES MAIN CONTENTS I Teaching vocabulary *Aims: Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and use them to make sentences and know what they are going to listen and read * Organization: Transfering the task: I New words : - Elicit some new words from the pictures - ingredients thành phần and situations , realias … - prawn (n) tôm Doing the task: T: reads new words - celery (n) cần tây - T: writes new words on the board - spring onion (n) hành - SS: listen and repeat in individual first - mayonnaise (n) xốt then the whole class - to boil luộc Reporting the result and discussing: - to drain để - Call 3- SS to read the words again - to peel lột vỏ - Checks vocab : slap the board - to chop chặt Giving the remarks to their doing the - to starve đói task: Kho : to cook with sauce - T corrects and gives the remarks Nướng : to grill Ask Ss to open their books and look at the Quay : to roast picture and the phrase under GETTING Rán, chiên : to fry STARTED Ask them some questions: Xào, áp chảo : to saute Who can you see in the picture? Hầm, ninh : to stew What is there on the table? Hấp : to steam Where are the people? What you think the people in the picture are talking about? C Activity 3: Practice *Aims: SS get the content of the conversation between Nick and Mi and then complete the exercises * Organization: Ex1: Transfering the task: Ex1 Listen and read - Explain the requirement of the task to SS Doing the task: - SS listen to the conversation - Ss work in pairs to complete the tasks Reporting the result and discussing: - T calls two Ss to write on the board - Other SS give their answers orally Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks a.Can you find a word that means: a Can you find a word that means: Have Ss work independently to find the Key: words with the given meanings in the starter dialogue Allow Ss to share versatile their answers before asking them to drain discuss as a class Remember to ask Ss to peel read out the lines in the chop dialogue that contain the words Quickly combine write the correct answers on the board - Have Ss look at the Watch out! box and quickly read the information If time allows, ask Ss to make some examples with the expressions b Find all the words related to the b.Find all the words related to the topic of food in the conversation Put topic of food in the conversation Put them in the word webs them in the word webs Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the word webs Call on one pair to write their answers on the board Other pairs add more words if needed c Answer the questions Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them Ask them firstly to answer the questions without reading the dialogue again Have Ss exchange their answers with a classmate Now ask them to check their answers by reading the dialogue again Ask for Ss’ answers Ex2: - Explain the requirement of the task to SS - Ss look at the pictures Tell Ss that in the box are some dishes from different countries in the world - Ask Ss to write these dishes under the pictures - Ss listen to the text - Ss work in pairs to complete the task - T calls two Ss to write on the board - Other SS give their answers orally - T corrects and gives the remarks Ex3: a Have Ss work in pairs to discuss what country in the box is associated with each dish in Check and confirm the correct answers b Tell Ss to complete the sentences with the names of the dishes in2 The complete sentences will give Ss information about these dishes Call on two Ss to write their c Answer the questions Key: Nick’s mum Because it’s simple and delicious In the summertime They are versatile, and you can use lots of different ingredients in a salad Nick’s mum boils and drains the prawns Nick washes the celery, peels the prawns, and mixes the ingredients Mi washes the spring onions, chops the celery and spring onions, and mixes the ingredients Because he is finding it difficult to wait for one hour Ex2 Write the name of each dish in the box under each picture A Cobb salad A Cobb xà B sushi lách C steak pie B sushi D fajitas C bánh bít E lasagne tết F mango sticky D fajitas rice D mì ống Ý G beef noodle F Xơi xồi soup Thái H curry G phở bò H cà ri Lasagna, Lasagne, (phát âm [lazaɲɲa], số nhiều [lazaɲɲe Ex3a In pairs, discuss which country from the box is associated with each dish in A The USA B Japan C The UK D Mexico E Italy F Thailand answers on the board G Viet Nam H India - If time allows, T may organise a short b Fill each blank with the name of a activity to check Ss’ short-term memory dish in 2: Lasagne curry Have Ss close their books Point steak pie Fajitas sushi at each of Ss’ answers on the board and quickly Ss have to call out the country where the dish comes from D Activity 4: Application *Aims:Help Sstalk about the name of some food * Organization: Transfering the task: Food quiz - AskSs to work in groups to the beef quiz The group which has the answers prawn, potato the fastest is invited to read out cheese, butter, ice cream their answers Elicit feedback from other strawberry, lychee, cherry, groups and ask them to add some other pomegranate answers broccoli, spinach, lettuce, celery, Doing the tasks - Ss work in groups kohlrabi to the quiz The group which has the answers the fastest is invited to read out their answers Elicit feedback from other groups and ask them to add some other answers T moves around to provide help (if necessary) Reporting the result and discussing: - Ss play the game - When time is up, ask the first group to read out a question in their quiz Ss from other groups give the answers Other Ss decide if their answers are correct Continue the activity until all the groups have read out all of their questions Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T gives the remarks Homework: - Learn new words by heart Read the conversation again - Pre: 28/ 1/ 2023 PERIOD 56: UNIT RECIPES AND EATING HABITS LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to: - use the lexical items related to dishes and ways of preparing and cooking food - ask statement questions with the correct intonation Competences: To develop ss’ ss’ self- studying skill, communicating and coopererating skills, problem- solving and creating skills Qualities: To educate ss about mercifulness, studiousness, honesty and responsibility II TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board - Teacher: Equipment : laptop, projector III TEACHING PROCEDURES: Class organization: Class Date of teaching attendance absence 9A 9B 9C Checking: S1: goes to the board to write new words - S2: answers some questions New lesson: A Activity 1: Determining the task: Brainstorming *Aims:To encourage Ss in their new lesson by playing a game * Organization: 1.Transfering the task: - Ask Ss to the task Doing the task: - Ss work individually Reporting the result and discussing: - SS answer the questions Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T gives the remarks B Activity 2: Form the new knowledge T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES MAIN CONTENTS I Teaching Vocabulary *Aims:Ss know how to read new words, identify their meanings and some exercises * Organization: Transfering the task: I Vocabulary - Explain the requirement of the task to SS - whisk: beat eggs, cream, etc., Doing the task: with a special tool to add air and - Teach some new words : make the food light (đánh trứng, - T: writes new words on the board kem.,.) - SS: listen and repeat in individual first then - slice: cut something into thin the whole class Reporting the result and discussing: Call 3- SS to read the words again Checking: rub out and remember Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks flat pieces (thái lát) - grate: rub food (e.g cheese) against a grater in order to cut it into very small pieces (nạo) - dip: put something quickly into a drink, sauce or batter and take it out again (nhúng) - chop: cut something into pieces with a knife (chặt, cắt) - spread: put a layer of a substance evenly onto the surface of something (phết) - sprinkle: shake small pieces of something, or drops of a liquid, on something (rắc) - marinate: pour a mixture, usually containing oil, wine or vinegar, and herbs and spices, over meat or fish before it is cooked to add flavour or make it tender (ướp) C Activity 3: Practice *Aims: - Ss know how to exercises * Organization: Transfering the task: - Explain the Ex1 Write a food preparation verb requirement of the task to SS from the box under each picture Doing the task: - Ss work individually A Chop: chặt, cắt - Use the verbs correctly to talk about food B Slice: thái lát preparation C grate : nạo Reporting the result and discussing: D marinate: ướp - T calls two Ss to write on the board E whisk: đánh trứng - Other SS give their answers orally F dip: nhúng Giving the remarks to their doing the G sprinkle: rắc task: H spread: phết - T corrects and gives the remarks Ex1: - Have Ss work individually to this exercise and then compare their answers Ex2 Complete the sentences with with a classmate the correct form of the verbs in Elicit the answers from Ss and quickly write Key: them on the board chop; Slice whisk Ex2: The purpose of this exercise is to help 2.grates; Dip Ss use the verbs correctly to talk about food sprinkles spread preparation Ask Ss to work in pairs to Marinate the exercise Check the answers as a class If Ex3 Match each cooking verb in time allows, have Ss make sentences A with its definition in B Ex3 Have Ss this exercise individually Key: and then compare their answers with a partner Check and confirm the correct answers Have Ss give the Vietnamese translation of the words if needed Ex4a a Ask Ss to answer the two questions Elicit their answers Ask them if they have ever eaten or made a pizza If Ss have eaten pizza, ask them if they like the dish If they have made a pizza themselves, ask them to describe the process of making one briefly b Have Ss complete the instructions individually and then compare their answers with a partner Check the answers as a class Ask Ss who have not made a pizza before if they can make a pizza themselves after heading the instructions g e f a h d c b Ex4a What can you see in the pictures? Do you know what dish these ingredients are used for? Key: tomato sauce, onion, cheese, apple, bacon, pizza base —> pizza b Complete the instructions below with the verbs in and One verb is used twice Key: Chop Grate Spread Sprinkle Spread Bake II Teaching pronunciation *Aims:Help SS to learn and practice the Tones in statements used as questions * Organization: Transfering the task: II Pronunciation: - Explain the requirement of the task Tones in statements used as - Explain to Ss the meaning of ‘statement’ (a questions telling sentence that ends with a full stop) and ‘statement question’ (used to check information; has the order of a statement but ends with a question mark) - Have Ss listen to the recording Doing the task: Let them listen again and have them repeat the sentences with a focus on the tones Reporting the result and discussing: - SS read aloud Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks Ex5 Ask Ss to read through the three conversations Play the recording for Ss to draw appropriate arrows to indicate the Ex5 Listen to the conversations intonation of each sentence Have Ss Draw ↘ or ↗ at the end of each compare their answers in pairs Call on line Practise the conversations some pairs to read the conversations out with a partner loud Correct any mistakes For a more able class, have Ss work in pairs and draw the arrows first Then play the recording for them to check their answers D Activity 4: Application * Aims:Help SS to learn and practice the Tones in statements used as questions * Organization: 1.Transfering the learning task: Ex6 a Work in pairs Complete Ex6 a Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the mini-dialogues with suitable statement questions the mini-dialogues with suitable statement questions Call on some pairs to write their answers on the board Give comments when needed b Practise the dialogues using the b Practise the dialogues using the correct correct intonation intonation Suggested answer: Have Ss practise the dialogues and act them You don't like pasta?/Don't like out in front of the class with the correct pasta? intonation Ask other Ss to comment Add some salt? If time allows, let Ss write their own dialogues with statement questions Doing the task: Work in pairs Reporting the task result and discuss: Calls on some sts to read loudly Giving the remarks to their doing the task:- Correct and give marks - Feedback Homework: - Learn by heart the new words - Prepare UNIT 7: A CLOSER LOOK 2- page 11,12 - textbook Pre: 28/ 01/ 2023 PERIOD 57: UNIT RECIPES AND EATING HABITS LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: After the lesson students will be able to: - use some quantifiers correctly - write and use conditional sentences type with modal verbs Competences: To develop ss’ ss’ self- studying skill, communicating and coopererating skills, problem- solving and creating skills Qualities:To educate ss about mercifulness, patriotism, studiousness, honesty and responsibility II TEACHING AIDS: - Students: Materials: book, board - Teacher: Equipment : laptop, projector III TEACHING PROCEDURES: Class organization: Class Date of teaching 9A 9B attendance absence 9C Checking S1: Does A1- workbook S2:Write the words and make sentences New lesson: A Activity 1: Determining the task: * Play game: Network *Aims: To lead in the new lesson * Organization: 1.Transfering the task: - Write down all quantifiers that they know in two minutes The winner in the pair with has the most answers Doing the task: - Students work in pairs Reporting the result and discussing: - SS present Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks B Activity 2: Form the new knowledge: T AND SS’ ACTIVITIES MAIN CONTENTS I Teaching Grammar: *Aims:Help SS to review quantifiers: a, an, some or any, use Conditional sentences type * Organization: Transfering the task: I Quantifiers: review - Asks sts to retell the grammar II Modal verbs in conditional Doing the task:Ss work individually sentences type Điều kiện Reporting the result and discussing: xảy (open/likely/possible - T calls two Ss to write on the board condition) - Other SS give their answers orally If + S + V (present simple), Giving the remarks to their doing the S + can/must/may/might/should + V task: (infinitive) - T corrects and gives the remarks C Activity 3: Practice Modal verbs in conditional sentences type ( 15 minutes) * Aims:Help SS use modal verbs in conditional sentences type and quantifiers * Organization: Ex1: Ex1: Fill each blank with o, an, some, - Ask Ss about the use of the four quanti- or an fiers Make any necessary comments Key: Have Ss this exercise individually and 1.a a some then compare their answers in pairs some/any a some - Tell Ss that when talking about recipes an any Some people usually use food quantifiers and Ex2: Match the food quantifiers with that the Look out! Box contains the most the nouns Some quantifiers can go common ones with more than one noun - Have Ss read the information in the Key: Look out! box Explain any unclear 1.a, g a 3.f,g 4.c points If time allows, ask Ss to give examples with the quantifiers Ss may also add some more food quantifiers they know to the list Ex2: Have Ss the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner Remind them that some quantifiers can go with more than one noun Check the answers as a class Ex3: a a Have Ss work in pairs to read the instructions to make a chicken salad and to fill each blank with a word/ phrase from the box Check as a class b Ask Ss to work in pairs, and think about a simple salad they know Together Ss write the instructions to J make it Call on some pairs to read aloud their instructions Other Ss listen, make comments, and vote for the best salad T may also organise a competition Have Ss work in groups to write the instructions to make a salad on a big piece of paper Once they have finished, each group sticks their instructions on the board A board of five Ss act as examiners This board reads the instructions and gives each group a mark Ex Transfering the task:- Explain the requirement of the task to SS Doing the task: Ss work individually, doing Ex 4,5,6 T moves around to provide help (if necessary) Reporting the result and discussing: - T calls two Ss to write on the board - Other SS give their answers orally Giving the remarks to their doing the task: - T corrects and gives the remarks Ex4: Have Ss read the two given sentences and answer the questions Elicit their answers and confirm the correct ones 10 5.h b,d 7.e,f b Ex3: a Read the instructions to make a salad Fill each blank with a word/phrase inthe box Key: 1.200grams an tablespoons teaspoon teaspoon some b Work in pairs Think about a simple salad Write the instructions on how to make it using the quantifiers and cooking verbs you have learnt Share the instructions with the whole class Vote for the best salad Ex4: Read these sentences from the conversation in GETTING STARTED Pay attention to the underlined part and answer the questions In conditional sentences type 1, we use a simple present tense in the If-clause and will + bare infinitive in the main clause This is the standard form Instead of will, we can use other modal verbs such as can, must, may; might or should in the main clause to express ability, permission, advice, possibilities, necessity, etc Example: If you cut your finger, it will bleed (standard form) If you finish your dinner, you can watch TV (permission) She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard, (ability) if he likes eating spicy food, he may/might add chilly, (possibility) If you don't want to get burnt, you must follow these safety instructions (necessity) If you feel unwell, you shouldn't eat fast food (advice) Key ability Advice Ex5: Match the first half of the sentence in A with the second half in

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2023, 18:38

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