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Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Part 1 pdf

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   Edited by  Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Edited by Rosario Gerhardt Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Katarina Lovrecic Technical Editor Goran Bajac Cover Designer Martina Sirotic Image Copyright Jasminka KERES, 2011. Used under license from Shutterstock.com First published March, 2011 Printed in India A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide, Edited by Rosario Gerhardt p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-201-2 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at www.intechopen.com Part 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Preface IX Thin Films and Electromagnetic Applications 1 Identification and Kinetic Properties of the Photosensitive Impurities and Defects in High-Purity Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide 3 D. V. Savchenko, B. D. Shanina and E. N. Kalabukhova One-dimensional Models for Diffusion and Segregation of Boron and for Ion Implantation of Aluminum in 4H-Silicon Carbide 29 Kazuhiro Mochizuki Low temperature deposition of polycrystalline silicon carbide film using monomethylsilane gas 55 Hitoshi Habuka Growth rate enhancement of silicon-carbide oxidation in thin oxide regime 77 Yasuto Hijikata Hiroyuki Yaguchi and Sadafumi Yoshida Magnetic Properties of Transition-Metal-Doped Silicon Carbide Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors 89 Andrei Los and Victor Los Electrodynamical Modelling of Open Cylindrical and Rectangular Silicon Carbide Waveguides 115 L. Nickelson, S. Asmontas and T. Gric Silicon Carbide Based Transit Time Devices: The New Frontier in High-power THz Electronics 143 Moumita Mukherjee Contents Contents VI Contact Formation on Silicon Carbide by Use of Nickel and Tantalum from a Materials Science Point of View 171 Yu Cao and Lars Nyborg Other applications: Electrical, Structural and Biomedical 195 Properties and Applications of Ceramic Composites Containing Silicon Carbide Whiskers 197 Brian D. Bertram and Rosario A. Gerhardt Spectroscopic properties of carbon fibre reinforced silicon carbide composites for aerospace applications 231 Davide Alfano Effect of Self-Healing on Fatigue Behaviour of Structural Ceramics and Influence Factors on Fatigue Strength of Healed Ceramics 251 Wataru Nakao Contribution to the Evaluation of Silicon Carbide Surge Arresters 259 Arnaldo Gakiya Kanashiro and Milton Zanotti Jr. Silicon Carbide Neutron Detectors 275 Fausto Franceschini and Frank H. Ruddy Fundamentals of biomedical applications of biomorphic SiC 297 Mahboobeh Mahmoodi and Lida Ghazanfari Silicon Carbide Whisker-mediated Plant Transformation 345 Shaheen Asad and Muhammad Arshad Bulk Processing, Phase Equilibria and Machining 359 Silicon Carbide: Synthesis and Properties 361 Houyem Abderrazak and Emna Selmane Bel Hadj Hmida Combustion Synthesis of Silicon Carbide 389 Alexander S. Mukasyan In Situ Synthesis of Silicon-Silicon Carbide Composites from SiO2-C-Mg System via Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 411 Sutham Niyomwas Chapter 8 Part 2 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Part 3 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Contents VII High Reliability Alumina-Silicon Carbide Laminated Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering 427 Vincenzo M. Sglavo and Francesca De Genua High Temperature Phase Equilibrium of SiC-Based Ceramic Systems 445 Yuhong Chen, Laner Wu ,Wenzhou Sun, Youjun Lu and Zhenkun Huang Liquid Phase Sintering of Silicon Carbide with AlN-Re2O3 Additives 457 Laner Wu, Yuhong Chen ,Yong Jiang, Youjun Lu and Zhenkun Huang Investigations on Jet Footprint Geometry and its Characteristics for Complex Shape Machining with Abrasive Waterjets in Silicon Carbide Ceramic Material 469 S. Srinivasu D. and A. Axinte D. Ductile Mode Micro Laser Assisted Machining of Silicon Carbide (SiC) 505 Deepak Ravindra, Saurabh Virkar and John Patten Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Silicon carbide (SiC) is an interesting material that has found application in a variety of industries. The two best known applications of this material are its use as an abrasive material and its more recent use as a wide band gap semiconductor for high power, high temperature electronic devices. The high hardness of this material, known for many years, led to its use in machining tools and in other structural applications. Us- age of SiC in semiconductor devices only became possible in the last twenty years, when commercially available SiC single crystals became available. Thin lms and nanoparticles of SiC are still rare, but monolithic SiC and composites containing SiC have been available much longer. One of the challenges of working with this material is that it can crystallize into many dierent polymorphs, the most common being the 3C (β-SiC), and the hexagonal (α-SiC): 2H, 4H and 6H phases. Because of its high melting point, achieving reasonable bulk densities in polycrystalline materials is dicult. In addition, the semiconducting material forms Schoky barriers with most metals, while the formation of its native oxide, SiO2, can pose additional issues when used in oxidiz- ing atmospheres. However, the scientic community has shown ingenuity in turning some of the pitfalls into decided advantages for a variety of applications. In this book, we explore an eclectic mix of articles that highlight some new potential applications of SiC and dierent ways to achieve specic properties. Some articles de- scribe well-established processing methods, while others highlight phase equilibria or machining methods. A resurgence of interest in the structural arena is evident, while new ways to utilize the interesting electromagnetic properties of SiC continue to in- crease. The reader is encouraged to explore the vast literature in this eld, ranging from 40,000 up to 150,000 articles depending on which database one chooses to search in, but several gems may be found among the chapters in this book. Preface Preface X The articles have been grouped according to the following three categories: Part A: Thin Films and Electromagnetic Applications. Part B: Other Applications: Electri- cal, Structural and Biomedical. Part C: Bulk Processing Methods, Phase Stability and Machining. Katarina Lovrecic, the publishing process manager, deserves much credit for this work. She initiated contact with the various authors and kept everyone on task throughout this process. I would like to also acknowledge the assistance of my graduate students, Brian D. Bertram and Timothy L. Pruyn, who helped proofread the chapters and make suggestions to the authors. The nal editing of all materials was conducted by In-Tech publications. Rosario A. Gerhardt Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, USA [...]... structure E15 -1: (5-5') 6.43 4.46 1 x 29Si (4-4') 3.89 4.08 E15-2: 3 x 29Si (1- 1') 0.39 0.34 E15()-3: 5 -11 x 13 C + 3 x 29Si (6-6') 13 . 71 9.52 Xh -1: 0.062 ID2 -1: E16 -1: 1 x 29Si 1 x 29Si 1 x 29Si ID2-2: E16-2: (3-3') 1. 87 2.76 Xh-2: 0 .14 6 3 x 29Si 3 x 29Si 3 x 29Si ID2-3: E16-3: (2-2') 0.74 0.66 Xh-3: 0 .15 6 3 x 29Si 3 x 29Si 3 x 29Si Table 1 EPR parameters of the Xc and Xh defects with S = 1/ 2 in HPSI... Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide 7 Fig 2 X-band EPR spectrum of the X-defect measured at 77 K B0c After (b Kalabukhova et al., 2006) Satellite line number1) Relative intensities and assignments of Xc/Xh ligand structure XC -1: 0.060 1 x 29Si XC-2: 0 .14 6 3 x 29Si XC-3: 0.543 12 x 13 C +8 x 29Si Assignments of ID1/ID2 ligand structure ID1 -1: 1 x 29Si ID1-2: 3 x 29Si ID1-3: 12 x 13 C Assignments of E15/E16 ligand structure... 0,6ехр(–2et) + 0,05ехр(–3et), (2) where 1e = 1. 3 min 1, 2e = 0 .12 5 min 1, and 3e = 0.002 min 1 Examining Eqs (1) and (2), we see that the decay of the photocurrent is described through the same relaxation rates as the acceptor and donor concentration decays, so that λ1e ≈ 1Ah, 2e ≈ 1D and 3e ≈ 2D 18 Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Fig 10 Decay with time of persistent photocurrent in HPSI... intensities of EPR signals due to nitrogen, cubic boron, and hexagonal boron centers, respectively; t is the time (in min); and λi are the rates of exponential decay: 1D = 0 .13 3 min 1, 2D = 0.0025 min 1, 1Ac = 0.48 min 1, 2Ac = 0.002 min 1, 1Ah = 1. 1 min 1, and 2Ah = 0.003 min 1 Identification and Kinetic Properties of the Photosensitive Impurities and Defects in High-Purity Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide. .. ionizations of the nitrogen and boron centers are given in Table 3 after (Evwaraye et al., 19 96) and (Sridhara et al., 19 98), respectively Impurity Nc Nh Bc Bh 2.0043 2.0063 2.0063 2.0 019 g 2.0 013 2.0006 2.0046 2.0070 g 1. 82 0 .10 0.20 0.20 A, mT 1. 82 0 .10 0 .11 0 .12 A, mT EC – Ei, eV 0 .10 0.053 EV + Ei, eV 0.628 Table 3 EPR parameters and energy ionizations of nitrogen (Nc and Nh) and boron (Bc and Bh)... Nc1 Nc2 Bc1 Bc2 Bh 2.0040 2.0037 2.0055 2.0062 2.0020 g 2.0026 2.0030 2.0045 2.0045 2.0068 g 1. 20 1. 19 0.22 0 .19 0 .19 A, mT 1. 20 1. 19 0 .13 0 .12 0 .15 A, mT EC– Ei, eV 0 .13 8 0 .14 2 EV + Ei, eV 0. 31- 0.38 0.27 Table 5 EPR parameters of nitrogen and boron centers measured in HPSI 6H-SiC under photo-excitation with interband light in the temperature interval from 50 K to 80 K The energy ionizations of. .. level of the P1 and P2 centers On the other hand, as can be seen in Fig 5, the transformation of the P1 and P2 centers into an EPR-active charge state can be achieved by the photo-excitation of the HPSI 4H-SiC sample with a threshold photon energy of approximately h = 2 .11 eV (598 nm) making it possible to determine the position of the energy level of P1 and P2 defects as: E = Eg – 2 .11 eV = EC – 1. 15.. .Part 1 Thin Films and Electromagnetic Applications Identification and Kinetic Properties of the Photosensitive Impurities and Defects in High-Purity Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide 3 1 X Identification and Kinetic Properties of the Photosensitive Impurities and Defects in High-Purity Semi-Insulating Silicon Carbide D V Savchenko, B D Shanina and E N Kalabukhova V.E Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor... of the Q-band EPR spectrum in HPSI 4H-SiC samples at T = 77 K and B0c: (a) – in the dark, (b) – excitation with interband light, and (c) – EPR spectrum measured in the dark 21 h after termination of photo-excitation After (a Savchenko et al., 2009) 10 Properties and Applications of Silicon Carbide Illumination of the samples with interband light of wavelength 365 nm gives rise to trapping of non-equilibrium... the slope of the dependence of charge carrier concentration on 1/ T, turned out to be 1. 1 eV The charge carrier concentration determined at the highest temperature of the experiment was about 1 10 15 cm–3 (Kalabukhova et al., 2004) The EPR and photo-EPR spectra were measured in an X-band (9 GHz) and Q-band (37 GHz) EPR spectrometers in the temperature range of 4.2 K – 14 0 K Photo-excitation of samples . X C -3: 0.543 12 x 13 C +8 x 29 Si ID1-3: 12 x 13 C E15(  )-3: 5 -11 x 13 C + 3 x 29 Si (6-6 ' ) 13 . 71 9.52 X h -1: 0.062 1 x 29 Si ID2 -1: 1 x 29 Si E16 -1: 1 x 29 Si (3-3 ' ). X C -3: 0.543 12 x 13 C +8 x 29 Si ID1-3: 12 x 13 C E15(  )-3: 5 -11 x 13 C + 3 x 29 Si (6-6 ' ) 13 . 71 9.52 X h -1: 0.062 1 x 29 Si ID2 -1: 1 x 29 Si E16 -1: 1 x 29 Si (3-3 ' ). Niyomwas Chapter 8 Part 2 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Part 3 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Contents VII High Reliability Alumina -Silicon Carbide Laminated

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