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Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations, third edition

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Tai Lieu Chat Luong Third Edition Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Third Edition Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Frank R Spellman Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2014 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Version Date: 20130305 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4665-5338-5 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all 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granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Contents Foreword xxxvii Preface to Third Edition xxxix Preface to First and Second Editions xli To the Reader xliii Author xlv Water: The New Oil? xlvii Section I  Water and Wastewater Operations: An Overview Chapter Current Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment Operations 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Sick Water 1.3 Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Cash Cows or Cash Dogs? 1.4 The Paradigm Shift 1.4.1 A Change in the Way Things Are Understood and Done 1.5 Multiple-Barrier Concept 1.5.1 Multiple-Barrier Approach and Wastewater Operations 1.6 Management Problems Facing Water and Wastewater Operations 1.6.1 Compliance with New, Changing, and Existing Regulations 1.6.2 Privatization and/or Reengineering 11 1.6.3 Benchmarking 12 What Benchmarking Is 13 Potential Results of Benchmarking 13 Targets 13 Benchmarking Process 13 Benchmarking Steps 13 Collection of Baseline Data and Tracking Energy Use 14 Baseline Audit 15 1.6.4 Technical vs Professional Management 17 1.6.5 Energy Conservation Measures and Sustainability 18 Sustainable Water/Wastewater Infrastructure 19 Maintaining Sustainable Infrastructure 19 Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Gap 20 Energy Efficiency: Water/Wastewater Treatment Operations 20 Chapter Review Questions 20 References and Recommended Reading 21 Chapter Water/Wastewater Operators 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 Setting the Record Straight 24 2.3 Computer-Literate Jack or Jill 24 2.4 Plant Operators as Emergency Responders 25 2.5 Operator Duties, Numbers, and Working Conditions 25 2.6 Operator Certification and Licensure 26 Chapter Review Questions 27 References and Suggested Readings 27 v vi Contents Chapter Upgrading Security 29 3.1 Introduction 29 3.2 Consequences of 9/11 29 3.3 Security Hardware/Devices 31 3.3.1 Physical Asset Monitoring and Control Devices 31 Aboveground Outdoor Equipment Enclosures 31 Alarms 32 Backflow Prevention Devices 33 Barriers 34 Biometric Security Systems 36 Card Identification/Access/Tracking Systems 37 Fences 38 Films for Glass Shatter Protection 39 Fire Hydrant Locks 39 Hatch Security 39 Intrusion Sensors 40 Ladder Access Control 40 Locks 40 Manhole Intrusion Sensors 41 Manhole Locks 41 Radiation Detection Equipment for Monitoring Personnel and Packages 41 Reservoir Covers 42 Security for Side-Hinged Doors 42 Valve Lockout Devices 43 Security for Vents 44 Visual Surveillance Monitoring 44 3.3.2 Water Monitoring Devices 45 Sensors for Monitoring Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Contamination 45 Chemical Sensors: Arsenic Measurement System 46 Chemical Sensor: Adapted BOD Analyzer 46 Chemical Sensor: Total Organic Carbon Analyzer 46 Chemical Sensors: Chlorine Measurement System 47 Chemical Sensors: Portable Cyanide Analyzer 47 Portable Field Monitors to Measure VOCs 48 Radiation Detection Equipment 48 Radiation Detection Equipment for Monitoring Water Assets 49 Toxicity Monitoring/Toxicity Meters 50 3.3.3 Communication and Integration 50 Electronic Controllers 50 Two-Way Radios 50 Wireless Data Communications 51 3.3.4 Cyber Protection Devices 51 Antivirus and Pest-Eradication Software 51 Firewalls 52 Network Intrusion Hardware and Software 52 3.4 SCADA 53 3.4.1 What Is SCADA? 54 3.4.2 SCADA Applications in Water/Wastewater Systems 54 3.4.3 SCADA Vulnerabilities 54 3.4.4 Increasing Risk 56 3.4.5 Adoption of Technologies with Known Vulnerabilities 56 3.4.6 Cyber Threats to Control Systems 57 3.4.7 Securing Control Systems 57 3.4.8 Steps to Improve SCADA Security 58 Chapter Review Questions 61 References and Recommended Reading 61 vii Contents Chapter Energy Conservation Measures and Sustainability 63 4.1 Introduction 63 4.2 Pumping System Energy Conservation Measures 63 4.2.1 Pumping System Design 64 4.2.2 Pump Motors 65 Motor Efficiency and Efficiency Standards 66 Motor Management Programs 66 Innovative and Emerging Technologies 67 4.2.3 Power Factor 67 4.2.4 Variable Frequency Drives 69 Energy Savings 69 Applications 69 Strategies for Wastewater Pumping Stations 69 4.3 Design and Control of Aeration Systems 69 4.3.1 ECMs for Aeration Systems 70 ECMs for Diffused Aeration Systems 70 ECMs for Mechanical Aerators 72 4.3.2 Control of the Aeration Process 72 Automated DO Control 72 4.3.3 Emerging Technologies Using Control Parameters Other than DO 85 Respirometry 85 Mass Balance and Measuring Plant Performance 85 Critical Oxygen Point Control Determination 86 Off-Gas Analysis 86 4.3.4 Innovative and Emerging Control Strategies for Biological Nitrogen Removal 86 SymBio® 86 Bioprocess Intelligent Optimization System (BIOS) 87 4.4 Blowers 87 4.4.1 High-Speed Gearless (Turbo) Blowers 89 4.4.2 Single-Stage Centrifugal Blowers with Inlet Guide Vanes and Variable Diffuser Vanes 89 4.4.3 New Diffuser Technology 90 Fine Bubble Aeration 90 Fine Bubble Aeration Application Examples 90 4.4.4 Preventing Diffuser Fouling 91 4.5 Innovative and Emerging Energy Conservation Measures 91 4.5.1 UV Disinfection 92 Design 93 Operation and Maintenance 94 4.5.2 Membrane Bioreactors 94 4.5.3 Anoxic and Anaerobic Zone Mixing 95 Hyperbolic Mixing 95 Pulsed Large Bubble Mixing 96 Chapter Review Question 97 References and Recommended Reading 97 Chapter Water/Wastewater References, Models, and Terminology 99 5.1 5.2 Setting the Stage 99 Treatment Process Models 99 5.2.1 Additional Wastewater Treatment Models 99 Green Bay, Wisconsin, Metropolitan Sewerage District 99 Sheboygan, Michigan, Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 101 Big Gulch Wastewater Treatment Plant 102 City of Bartlett, Tennessee, Wastewater Treatment Plant 103 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Western Branch WWTP, Prince Georges County, Maryland 104 viii Contents San Jose/Santa Clara, California, Water Pollution Control Plant 105 Waco, Texas, Metropolitan Area Regional Sewer System Wastewater Treatment Facility 107 5.3 Key Terms, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Used in Water and Wastewater Operations 108 5.3.1 Definitions 109 5.3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 115 Chapter Review Questions 116 References and Recommended Reading .117 Section II  Water/Wastewater Operations: Math, Physics, and Technical Aspects Chapter Water/Wastewater Math Operations 121 6.1 Introduction 121 6.2 Calculation Steps 121 6.3 Equivalents, Formulae, and Symbols 121 6.4 Basic Water/Wastewater Math Operations 121 6.4.1 Arithmetic Average (or Arithmetic Mean) and Median 121 6.4.2 Units and Conversions 124 Temperature Conversions 124 Milligrams per Liter (Parts per Million) 125 6.4.3 Area and Volume 125 6.4.4 Force, Pressure, and Head 125 6.4.5 Flow Conversions 127 6.4.6 Flow Calculations 128 Instantaneous Flow Rates 128 Instantaneous Flow into and out of a Rectangular Tank 128 Flow Rate into a Cylindrical Tank 129 Flow through a Full Pipeline 129 Velocity Calculations 129 Average Flow Rate Calculations 130 Flow Conversion Calculations 130 6.4.7 Detention Time 130 6.4.8 Hydraulic Detention Time 131 Hydraulic Detention Time in Days .131 Hydraulic Detention Time in Hours 131 Hydraulic Detention Time in Minutes 131 6.4.9 Chemical Dosage Calculations 132 Dosage Formula Pie Chart 132 Chlorine Dosage 132 Hypochlorite Dosage 133 6.4.10 Percent Removal 134 6.4.11 Population Equivalent or Unit Loading Factor 134 6.4.12 Specific Gravity 135 6.4.13 Percent Volatile Matter Reduction in Sludge 135 6.4.14 Chemical Coagulation and Sedimentation 135 Calculating Feed Rate 135 Calculating Solution Strength 135 6.4.15 Filtration 136 Calculating the Rate of Filtration 136 Filter Backwash 136 6.4.16 Water Distribution System Calculations 136 Water Flow Velocity 136 Storage Tank Calculations 138 Distribution System Disinfection Calculations 138 6.4.17 Complex Conversions 139 ix Contents 6.5 6.6 Concentration to Quantity 139 Quantity to Concentration 139 Quantity to Volume or Flow Rate 140 Applied Math Operations 140 6.5.1 Mass Balance and Measuring Plant Performance 140 6.5.2 Mass Balance for Settling Tanks 140 6.5.3 Mass Balance Using BOD Removal 141 6.5.4 Measuring Plant Performance 141 Plant Performance/Efficiency 142 Unit Process Performance/Efficiency 142 Percent Volatile Matter Reduction in Sludge 142 Water Math Concepts 142 6.6.1 Water Sources and Storage Calculations 142 6.6.2 Water Source Calculations 142 Well Drawdown 142 Well Yield 143 Specific Yield 143 Well Casing Disinfection 143 Deep-Well Turbine Pump Calculations 144 Vertical Turbine Pumps 144 6.6.3 Water Storage Calculations 144 6.6.4 Copper Sulfate Dosing Calculations 145 6.6.5 Coagulation and Flocculation Calculations 145 Coagulation 145 Flocculation 146 Coagulation and Flocculation Calculations 146 6.6.6 Chemical Usage Calculations 150 6.6.7 Sedimentation Calculations 151 Calculating Tank Volume 151 Detention Time 151 Surface Loading Rate 151 Mean Flow Velocity 152 Weir Overflow Rate (Weir Loading Rate) 152 Percent Settled Biosolids 153 Determining Lime Dosage (mg/L) 153 Determining Lime Dosage (lb/day) 155 Determining Lime Dosage (g/min) 155 6.6.8 Filtration Calculations 155 Flow Rate through a Filter (gpm) 156 Filtration Rate 157 Unit Filter Run Volume (UFRV) 157 Backwash Rate 158 Backwash Rise Rate 159 Volume of Backwash Water Required (gal) 159 Required Depth of Backwash Water Tank (ft) 159 Backwash Pumping Rate (gpm) 160 Percent Product Water Used for Backwashing 160 Percent Mud Ball Volume 160 Filter Bed Expansion 161 6.6.9 Water Chlorination Calculations .161 Chlorine Disinfection 161 Determining Chlorine Dosage (Feed Rate) 161 Calculating Chlorine Dose, Demand, and Residual 162 Calculating Dry Hypochlorite Rate 164 Calculating Hypochlorite Solution Feed Rate 165 Calculating Percent Strength of Solutions 165 Calculating Percent Strength Using Dry Hypochlorite 165 x Contents 6.6.10 6.6.11 6.7 Chemical Use Calculations 166 Fluoridation Calculations 166 Water Fluoridation 166 Fluoride Compounds 166 Optimal Fluoride Levels 167 Fluoridation Process Calculations 168 6.6.12 Water Softening Calculations 172 Calculating Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 172 Calculating Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3 172 Calculating Total Hardness 172 Calculating Carbonate and Noncarbonate Hardness 173 Alkalinity Determination 174 Calculation for Removal of Noncarbonate Hardness 174 Recarbonation Calculation 175 Calculating Feed Rates 176 Ion-Exchange Capacity .176 Water Treatment Capacity 177 Treatment Time Calculation (Until Regeneration Required) 177 Salt and Brine Required for Regeneration 178 Wastewater Math Concepts 178 6.7.1 Preliminary Treatment Calculations 178 Screening .178 Grit Removal 179 6.7.2 Primary Treatment Calculations .181 Process Control 181 Surface Loading Rate (Surface Settling Rate/Surface Overflow Rate) 182 Weir Overflow Rate (Weir Loading Rate) 182 BOD and Suspended Solids Removed (lb/day) 182 6.7.3 Trickling Filter Process Calculations 183 Hydraulic Loading 183 Organic Loading Rate 184 Recirculation Flow 184 6.7.4 Rotating Biological Contactor Calculations 184 Hydraulic Loading Rate 185 Soluble BOD 185 Organic Loading Rate 186 Total Media Area 186 6.7.5 Activated Biosolids Calculations 186 Moving Averages 186 BOD or COD Loading 187 Solids Inventory 187 Food-to-Microorganism Ratio (F/M Ratio) 187 Gould Sludge Age 189 Mean Cell Residence Time 189 Estimating Return Rates from SSV60 190 Sludge Volume Index 190 Mass Balance: Settling Tank Suspended Solids 191 Biosolids Waste Based on Mass Balance 191 Oxidation Ditch Detention Time 191 6.7.6 Treatment Ponds Calculations 192 Treatment Pond Parameters 192 Treatment Pond Process Control 192 Hydraulic Detention Time (Days) 192 BOD Loading 193 Organic Loading Rate 193 BOD Removal Efficiency 193 860 feeder calibration, 149–150, 197–198 feedlot runoff, 468, 542, 544, 545 feed rate calculations, 135, 147–148, 149–150, 161–162, 165, 169–170, 176, 194, 196–197, 757 chlorine, 757 fluoride, 169 feedstock, 801 fences, 38–39 ferric chloride, 71, 101, 112, 146, 464, 573, 632, 669, 670, 672, 788 ferric hydroxide, 630, 650, 671, 672 ferric iron, 569, 651 ferric sulfate, 632, 669 ferromagnetic materials, 343 ferrous ammonium sulfate, 593 ferrous metals, 413, 419 ferrule, 413 fertilizer, 468, 490–491, 542, 580, 682, 807 field capacity, defined, 111 field excitation, 68 field head, 144 field weld symbol, 279 field windings, 384 filamentous organisms, 72, 479, 514, 646, 705, 726, 729, 741, 742, 743, 769, 781, 782 film, glass, 39 filter backwash calculations, 136 filter bed expansion, 161 filter breakthrough, 636, 637 filter flies, 719 filter, 416, 443, 444, 630 cartridge, 637 diatomaceous earth, 635, 636 manganese greensand, 628 presses, 205, 816 rapid sand, 635–636 rotary drum, 815 rotary vacuum, 815 roughing, 714 sand, 484 slow sand, 635 trickling, see trickling filter underdrain, 711 filtration, 6, 111, 480, 481, 488, 533, 539, 603, 606, 634–642, 651, 765–766, 775, 808 by soil, 775 calculations, 136, 155–161 Cryptosporidium, and, 486–487 Giardia, and, 483, 484 pressure, 206, 808, 816–818 rapid sand, 635 rate, 157 rotary vacuum, 814–815 sand, 779 technologies, 635–637 turbidity, 575 limits, 664 types of, 155 vacuum, 808 fine bubble diffusion, 71, 76, 89, 90, 101, 102, 108 fine particulate organic matter (FPOM), 498 fine pore aeration system, 91 finger geometry recognition, 36–37 finish weld symbol, 280 fire detection alarms, 33 fire hydrant lock, 39 firewalls, 52, 58 Index fish assemblages, 549 biomonitoring, and, 547–548, 549 fittings, 416 piping system, 436–437 refrigeration, 305 five haloacetic acids (HAA5), 666 fixation, 468 fixed-bed reactors, 672 fixed dissolved solids, 688 fixed-film systems, 702 fixed-nozzle trickling filter, 715, 716 fixed solids, 217, 688, 727 fixed suspended solids, 688 flagella, 474–475, 477, 478, 517, 742 flanged joints, 299, 422–423, 437–438 flanges, 416 flare fitting connection, 438 flared joints, 429–430 flatworms, 479–480 floatable solids, 688, 697, 727, 788 float and stopwatch method, 693, 696 float and thermostatic trap, 444–445 float cake, 793 float control, centrifugal pump, 403 floc, 632, 633, 635, 739, 742, 743, 778 defined, 111, 683 nematodes, and, 479 water, 789 flocculation, 480, 484, 630, 631, 632, 633, 638, 728, 729, 742 calculations, 146–150 defined, 111 flood plain, 510–512 flotation thickening, 793 flow air, 71, 73, 74, 75, 84, 87, 88, 89, 716, 718, 739, 806 amount, 328 calculations, 127–130 chlorination, 754 measurement, 327–335 pipeline, 320–321 rate, 63, 64, 314–316 activated sludge process, 746 filtration, and, 156 measurement, 54, 327–335 stabilization pond, 710 variable frequency drives, and, 69 return activated sludge, 744 settling tank effluent, 744 settling tank influent, 743 trickling filter, 717 waste activated sludge, 744 wastewater, 687 flowmeters, 328–333, 335 fluidized bed incinerator, 820 fluid power system, 303–304 graphic symbols, 272–274, 304 hydraulic, 309 fluids vs liquids, 414 flumes, 333–334, 335, 683 defined, 111 fluoridation, 99, 171, 467, 621 calculations, 166–169 defined, 111 fluoride, 466, 467, 539, 540, 670 compounds, 166–167 feed rate, 169 optimal levels, 167–168 testing, 593–594 fluorosilicic acid, 166, 167, 169, 171 flushing time, service line, 213 flux lines, 342 flux, soldering, 413, 429 fly ash, 807 foam, aeration basin, 739 food chains, 495, 501, 502, 503 aquatic, 502 efficiency of, 503 metals concentration in, 541 food-to-microorganism ratio (F/M), 16, 683, 726, 744 calculations, 187–188, 747–748 defined, 111 food web, 502 aquatic, 547 macroinvertebrates, and, 516 force, 231–234, 312–313 calculations, 125–127 defined, 125 force main, 111, 112, 322, 327, 416, 420 collection system, 688, 689 Forel-Ule color scale, 591 formula weight of compound, 215 fossil fuels, 490 fractions, 252–253 decimal equivalents of, 253 free available chlorine, 658, 659 free chlorine residual, 162, 592–593, 651, 655, 658, 659, 665 free electrons, 339 free fall, 233 free residual chlorine, 659, 661, 753 free-swimming ciliated protozoa, 478, 742–743 free water, 789, 808 free water surface, 316, 317, 320, 811, 812 freezing, biosolids, 813 frequency alternating current, 375–376, 384 sound, 240 wave, 239 friable, 425 defined, 413 friction, 63, 66, 237, 315, 317, 318, 324, 327, 330, 333, 339, 345, 399, 415, 443, 509 head, 314, 393–394, 400 loss, 320–325, 393–394 pressure, and, 415 tape, 370 velocity, and, 415, 509 voltage, and, 281, 344 fungi, 472, 479, 501, 688, 711, 716, 726, 743 fuse, 295, 349, 389 G gaining stream, 508 galvanic cell, 345 galvanic corrosion, 630 galvanic electrodes, 74 gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer, 48 gas-flow proportional counters, 49 gaskets, 416 gas chlorination, 659–660 gas density, 310–311 gas exchange, reservoir, 42 gas-flow proportional counters, 49 gas laws, 238 gas production anaerobic digester, 799 estimated, 205, 798, 799 861 Index gas welding, 275 weld symbols for, 276 gases, 40, 165, 238, 271, 284, 455 as conductors, 365 chlorine, 25, 133–134, 161, 458, 592, 657, 659–660, 663–664, 666, 667, 752, 753, 754 hydrogen, 458 hydrogen cyanide, 47, 48 in wastewater, 542 mercury, 93 methane, 204, 488, 797 nitrogen, 95, 468, 472, 489–491, 542, 707, 733, 753, 770, 776 oxygen, 70, 85, 459 ozone, 762, 763 radon, 113 sulfur dioxide, 755 gates, 38 security, 35 gate valves, 302, 413, 420, 439, 440 gauge pressure, 313, 413, 446 gauges, 445–448 pressure, 126, 144, 416, 446–447, 610 temperature, 416, 447–448 generation time, bacteria, 476 generators alternating current, 384 direct current, 382–384 genotypic adaptation, 513 genus and species, 473 Giardia, 6, 7, 26, 155, 473, 477, 480, 481–485, 488, 606, 632, 635, 637, 638, 647–648, 655, 658, 665, 761 chlorine, and, 484 infections, risk factors for, 482 giardiasis, 477, 480, 481–485, 647–648 treatment of, 481 glass fiber filter, 218 glass pipe, 423 glauconite, 669 global positioning system (GPS), 51 globe valves, 302–303, 413, 439, 440 gluconite, 628 Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant, 760 Gould sludge age, 189, 726, 737 grab sample, 45, 47, 49, 214, 566, 683 defined, 111 Grafton, Wisconsin, wastewater treatment plant, 86 granular activated carbon (GAC), 651, 654, 656 granular ferric hydroxide, 672–673 graphic symbols for fluid power systems, 272–273 gravimetric dry feeders, 625 gravitational potential energy, 235 gravity, 233, 237, 327, 391, 418 gravity belt thickeners, 99 gravity collection system, 688 cleaning, 693 operational problems, 693–694 gravity dams, 603 gravity thickening, 793 gravity/velocity-controlled grit removal, 692–694 gray water, defined, 111 grease, 542 Green Bay, Wisconsin, Metropolitan Sewerage District, 99–101 greenhouse gases, 20 greensand filtration, 669 grid, 552 grit, 111, 683 removal, 692–695, 732 aeration, 694 calculations, 179–181, 693, 694–695 centrifugal force, 694 gravity/velocity-controlled, 692–694 groove angle, 279 ground, electrical, 358–359 Ground Water Disinfection Rule (GWDR), groundwater, 602, 604–605, 614, 622, 643, 686 defined, 111, 600 hardness, 628 hydrology, defined, 111 quality, 605 recharge, defined, 111 runoff, defined, 111 groundwater under the direct influence (GWUDI), 7, 585 groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUDISW), 601, 605–606, 607, 637 grout, well, 609, 612 growth curve, microorganism, 728 growth cycles, organism, 489 H habitat, 496, 501, 511 assessment, 547 muddy-bottom stream, 557–560 rocky-bottom stream, 555–557 benthic, 514–524 critical, in subwatershed, 616 stream, 552 half-duplex communication, 51 haloacetic acid (HAA), 606, 607, 652, 653, 656, 666 halogenated compounds, 466, 541 halogenated organic byproducts, 652 hand geometry recognition, 36–37 hard soldering, 413 hardness, water, 458, 463, 465, 539, 540, 630, 631, 670 calculations, 172–178, 629 defined, 111 measurement of, 574 temporary vs permanent, 628 treatment, 628–629 hardwired alarms, 33 hatch security, 39–40 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER), 25 hazards, treatment plant, 26 Hazen–Williams equation, 322, 324, 325, 326 HAZMAT Emergency Response Technician 24-hour certification, 25 head, 313–314 calculations, 125–127 cut-off, 400 defined, 125 discharge, 144, 268 elevation, 873 energy, 316 equivalent, 314 field, 144 friction, 314, 393–394, 400 hydraulic, 63, 112, 612 loss, 303, 317, 330, 421, 440, 636, 672 defined, 111 friction, 320–325, 393–394 major, 321–322 minor, 323 piping, 324 total, 324 meters, 329 net positive suction, 396–398 pressure, 285, 394, 398 pressure, and, 314 static, 69, 314, 392–393 static discharge, 393 static suction, 392 total, 314, 394, 400 total dynamic, 65 total pumping, 144 velocity, 314, 321, 322, 325, 394, 398, 400 weir, 334 heat, 235, 237 removal, composting, 801 voltage, and, 344 heat exchangers, 442, 449 heat pump, 286 heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC), 412 heavy metals, 50, 466, 467–468, 543, 544 defined, 111 hedonics, odor, 806 hellgrammites, 522 helminths, 480, 488, 545, 716, 790–791, 801 hemimetabolism, 517 hems, sheet metal, 270 herbicides, 541 herbivores, 502, 504, 547 Hercules, 5, 11 heterotrophic plate count (HPC), 651 heterotrophs, 472, 477, 501, 524, 544, 547, 606, 776 hidden lines, blueprint, 254 high-rate activated sludge (HRAS), 104, 105 holding pond, 484 defined, 111 holometabolism, 517, 520 homeostasis, 501, 524 horizontal braiding, hose, 433 horsepower, 394–395 hoses, 431–435 industrial components, 432 couplings, 435 maintenance, 435 metallic, 434 nonmetallic, 433–434 selecting, 432 types of, 433–434 household wastes, 686 human ecology, 500 human–machine interface (HMI), 54 hydraulic cleaning, defined, 111 hydraulic depth, 325, 326 hydraulic detention time, 181, 685, 699, 709, 710 calculations, 131–132, 192–193 primary clarifier, 181 hydraulic grade line (HGL), 317, 321, 327 hydraulic gradient, 110, 317 defined, 111 hydraulic head, 63, 612 defined, 112 hydraulic horsepower, 395 hydraulic loading, 711, 715, 795 activated sludge process, 729 calculations, 193 862 rate belt filter press, 818 calculations, 183–184, 185, 203 rotating biological contactor, 725 trickling filter, 717, 720 hydraulic radius, 325–326 hydraulic retention time, 784 oxidation ditch, 736 hydraulics, 309–335 piping, 323–324 well, 319–320 wet well, 320 hydraulic shock, 313 hydraulic system drawings, 270–275, 303–306 hydraulic valve operator, 443 hydrochloric, 91, 566, 638, 658, 663, 754 hydrofluorosilicic acid, 167 hydrogen, 339, 458, 542 ions, 463, 543 hydrogen cyanide gas, 47, 48 hydrogen peroxide, 464, 649 hydrogen sulfide, 491, 538, 544, 623, 651, 664, 687, 694, 695, 703, 704, 709 hydrologic cycle, 112, 600–601, 775; see also water cycle hydrologic reserve areas, 616 hydrology, defined, 112, 600 hydrophilic, 475 hydrophobic, 475 hydrostatic pressure, 312–313 hydroxyl group (OH), 460 hyperbolic mixers, 95–96 hypochloric acid, 460, 658, 659 hypochlorination, 660–661 hypochlorite, 412, 414, 649, 650, 657, 658–664, 665, 753, 754, 758 calculations, 133–134, 164–165 dosage calculations, 195 radical, 658 required quantity of, 758 hypochlorous acid, 592, 658, 659, 663, 665, 754 hypoxia, 578 hysteresis, 373 I ideal gas law, 238 illumination, 242 Imhoff tank, 698 immigration, 505 impeller–bowl assemblies, 268, 407 impellers, 72, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 406 specific speed of, 395 impermeable, defined, 600 impervious cover, 616, 617 impoundment, defined, 112 impurities, 458 incandescent light, 241 incineration, 793, 819–820 inclusions, bacterial cell, 475 incrustation, 612 Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), 549 Indianapolis, Indiana, ozone disinfection, 762–763 indicator organisms, 498, 514, 515, 547, 548, 549, 550, 583, 584, 741 inductance, 379–382 mutual, 295 total, 381–382 induction motor, 65, 67–68, 385–386 copper rotor, 67 Index induction system, air conditioning, 287 inductively coupled plasma–mass spectroscopy (ICP–MS), 46 inductor, 295 industrial hose, 431–435 components, 432 couplings, 435 maintenance, 435 metallic, 434 nonmetallic, 433–434 selecting, 432 types of, 433–434 industrial wastes, 686, 687 industrial wastewater, 466, 541, 583, 604, 687 defined, 112, 683 inertia, 234, 379 infiltration, 683, 686 capacity, 508 defined, 112 gallery, 603 infiltration–percolation, 774–776 expected performance levels, 775 inflow, 683 defined, 112 inflow and infiltration (I&I), 64 influent, defined, 112, 683 influent stream, 508 infrastructure, 11, 18, 19–20 cyber threats to, 57 gap analysis, 20 public information about, 56–57 security of, 31, 53 inner diameter, 426 inorganic, 455, 683 inorganic byproducts, 652, 654 inorganic chemicals, defined, 112 inorganic matter, 460, 542 in wastewater, 543–544 inorganic solids, 688, 727, 789 insectivores, 547 inside diameter, 417, 427, 432, 433, 434 instantaneous amplitude, 376 instantaneous flow rates, 128–129 insulating tape, 370 insulation conductor, 369 piping, 416 insulators, 340 integrated air flow control, 75–80 intensity, odor, 806 Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), 602, 606, 607, 664 filtration, and, 637–642 interior intrusion sensors, 33, 40 intermittent aeration, 71–72 intermittent stream, 508 internal recirculation flow rate, 87 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 246 International System of Units (SI), 252 interrupted paths, on blueprints, 291 intrinsic color, 537 intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 58, 59 invertebrates, 45, 497, 498, 514–524, 547–561, 575, 577, 582, 706 iodine, 464 ion exchange, 539, 628, 629 arsenic removal, and, 671 calculations, 176–178 process, 112 water softening, 465 ionization, 454, 458 ionized atom, 340 ions, 454, 458 iris recognition, 37 iron, 419, 467, 468, 540, 569, 579, 582, 590, 591, 615, 623, 624, 628, 631, 632, 636, 654, 658, 664, 670, 729 corrosion of, 630 filings, 673 oxidation, 650 oxide-coated sand, 671 removal techniques, 627–628 iron/manganese (Fe/Mn) oxidation, 669 irrigation, 6, 8, 106, 109, 111, 142, 527, 539, 557, 580, 601, 767, 769, 774–776, 787 expected performance levels, 775 solids and, 579 isolation, piping, 420 isotope, 457 J jar tests, 112, 147, 153, 154, 176, 196, 633 Javelle water, 663 jetted wells, 608 joints, pipe, 299–300, 323, 413, 416, 421–423 sheet metal, 270 tubing, 429–430 types of, 422–423 welded, 276, 299 K Kalispell Wastewater Treatment Plant, 782–785 K factor, 185, 724, 751 kinetic energy, 235, 318, 329 kingdoms, 473 Kirchhoff’s current law, 361–362 Kirchhoff’s voltage law, 357–358 Klebsiella, 584 L laboratory calculations, 212–219 ladder access control, 40 ladder drawings, 283–284 lagging power factor, 68 lagoons, 790 laminae, 315 laminar flow, 315, 321, 325, 413, 428, 509 land application, 103, 104, 210, 211, 544, 616, 774–776, 793 process control calculations, 820–827 land conservation, 616–617 land use controls and planning, 615–616 landfill, 807 Langelier saturation index (LSI), 112, 630 lantern ring, 399 lap joints, 276 large woody debris (LWD), 512 latent heat of fusion, 238 latent heat of vaporization, 238 law of conservation of energy, 237, 316 law of conservation of mass, 85, 140 law of continuity, 315, 316 leaching, defined, 112 lead, 468, 541, 544, 629, 631 action level, 629 exposure, 544 lead–acid battery, 347, 348 Lead and Copper Rule, 6, 629–630 863 Index leaders, blueprint, 254 leading power factor, 68 lead pipe, 419 corrosion, 629 leaf litter, 512 leaf processing, in streams, 497–498 leeches, 523 left-handed snails, 524 Legionella, 6, 606, 647, 648 Legionnaires’ disease, 648 lentic freshwater systems, 508, 515, 516 Lenz’s law, 380 Leptospira, 473 levels of organization, 501 lichens, 506 lift station, 112 light, 241–243 sources of, 241 speed of, 241 treatment ponds, and, 708 voltage, and, 344 lightning, nitrogen fixation and, 490 lime, 101, 414, 462, 465, 627, 628, 631, 663, 764, 778, 787, 797, 809 dosage, 153–155, 176, 194, 204, 574, 797 softening, 175–176, 463, 465, 638, 666, 670 arsenic removal, and, 638 stabilization, 796, 800, 806–807 lime–soda ash, 465 limiting factor, 511 limiting nutrient, 542, 709 limit of technology (LOT), 780 limits, tolerance and, 263–264 line gauge, blueprint, 256 lineal length, sheet metal, 269 linear dimensions, 264 linear gates, 35 lineshaft turbines, 610 lines of force, 341, 342, 343, 372, 373–374 lines, on blueprints, 253–261, 292 liquid bleach, 663 liquids, 238, 455 hydraulics, and, 309 vs fluids, 414 liquid scintillation counter, 49 littoral habitats, 514 load, electrical, 282, 294, 348–349 load resistance, 348 local alarm, 32 local area network (LAN), 51 location dimensions, 264 locks, 40–41, 43 log growth phase, 728 longitudinal macwaves, 239 lophotrichous bacteria, 474 losing stream, 508 lotic freshwater system, 508, 511 low-side pressure, 285 luminescence, 241 luminous flux, 241 luminous intensity, 241–242 lung-breathing snails, 523–524 M machine drawings, 266–268 macroinvertebrates, 498, 514–516 attachment sites of, 556, 559 biological sampling, and, 551 in muddy-bottom streams, 557–560 in rocky-bottom streams, 553–557 biomonitoring, and, 547, 548, 549–550 body parts of, 516–517 classification of, 516 identification of, 515–516 sensitivity to pollution, 550 macrophytes, submerged, 552 macroplankton, 562 macrotubellarians, 480 madricoles, 512 magnesium, 465, 539, 541, 574, 582, 628, 629 hardness, 172 removal, 670 magnesium hydroxide, 465, 540 magnetic field, 370–373, 384, 385–386, 387, 388 magnetic flowmeters, 331 magnetic flux, 342, 372, 373 magnetic lines of force, 342, 343 magnetic materials, types of, 343 magnetic poles, 342, 343 magnetic units, 372 magnetism, 341–343, 370–373 of Earth, 343 voltage, and, 344 magnetite, 342 magnetomotive force (mmf), 65, 372, 385 major head loss, 321–322 malware, 51–52 management problems, 9–20 management, technical vs professional, 17–18 mandrel, 413 manganese, 467, 468, 540, 560, 615, 623, 624, 628, 636, 658, 664, 670 greensand, 628, 669 oxidation, 650 removal techniques, 627–628 manhole intrusion sensors, 41 manhole locks, 41 Manning equation, 322, 326 manually cleaned screens, 690–691 operational problems, 691 mass, 456 vs weight, 455 mass balance, 85, 140–141, 191, 750–752 master terminal unit (MTU), 54 Mastigophora, 477 matter, 455–457 structure of, 338–340 maximum concentration, 829 maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) chlorite, 606 chloroform, 606 copper, 630 Cryptosporidium, 486, 607, 637 lead, 630 maximum contaminant level (MCL), 9, 29, 112, 530–531, 655 arsenic, 46, 673 bromate, 666 chlorite, 666 color, 591 cyanide, 48 Giardia, 481 haloacetic acids, 666 lead, 629 pH, 575 radioactivity, 49 surface water, 606 total coliform, 583, 585 total trihalomethanes, 654, 666 maximum daily discharge, 827 maximum discharge, 827 maximum residual disinfectant levels (MRDLs), 655 chlorine dioxide, 666 total chlorine, 666 Maxwell (Ma), 372 mayflies, 497, 498, 501, 512, 513, 516, 517–518, 550 mean cell residence time (MCRT), 726, 744 calculations, 189–190, 748–750 defined, 112, 683 nitrification, and, 770 meandering streams, 510, 560 mean flow velocity, 152 mechanical aerators, 72 mechanical cleaning, defined, 112 mechanical surface aeration, 70 mechanically cleaned screens, 691 media, defined, 711 melt-thru weld symbol, 279 melting point, 238 membrane bioreactors (MBRs), 91, 94–95, 766–769 advantages and disadvantages, 767 applicability, 767 design considerations, 767–768 design features, 768–769 downstream treatment, 769 performance examples, 769 membrane electrodes, 74 membrane filtration, 585, 586, 588–590, 637, 648, 654 calculations, 590 membrane probes, 74–75 membrane process, 671 defined, 112 mercury, 468, 541, 544 mercury cell, 348 mercury switch, 404 mesosome, 475 metallic hose, 434 metallic piping, 416–423 joining, 421–423 maintenance, 420–421 materials, 418–420 metallic tubing, 427 metallurgy, 413, 419 metals, 460, 466, 539, 540–541 loading, 211, 822–823 toxic, in drinking water, 541 meter and probe dissolved oxygen testing, 570–572 metering pump, 112 methane, 204, 488, 703, 797 methanol, 770 microbial repair, 761 microbiology, 471–492 microfiltration, 671 for arsenic removal, 670 microhabitat, 512 microorganisms, 183, 471–492, 541, 606, 632, 651, 657, 658, 664, 688, 703, 708, 716, 725, 728, 729, 741, 743, 766, 767, 769–770 classification of, 472–474 growth curve for, 728 pathogenic, 584 turbidity, and, 533 microplankton, 562 microscreening, 764–765 microtubellarians, 480 milligrams per liter conversions, 125 864 Milwaukee Cryptosporidium outbreak, 485, 487, 648 minimum concentration, 829 minimum discharge, 827 minor head loss, 323 miscible, 453 mixed liquor, 728, 733, 776, 782 color, 739 defined, 112, 683, 726 settling tank, 744 mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), 80, 87, 100, 107, 108, 114, 187, 216, 218–219, 683, 726, 728, 737, 742, 744, 773, 784, 785 aeration tank, 741 mixed liquor total suspended solids, 737 mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS), 187–188, 684, 727, 737, 744, 747–748 defined, 112 mixis, 708 mixture, 454 mode of existence, macroinvertebrates, 515 Modified Ludzack–Ettinger (MLE) process, 75–78, 87, 95, 733, 734, 778 moisture removal, 801 moisture reduction, digested sludge, 800 molarity, 215–216, 238 molecular weight, 215, 542 molecules, 338, 454, 456, 457 moles, 215–216, 238–239 momentum, 235–236 angular, 237 monochloramine, 649 monotrichous bacteria, 474 mortality, 505 mosquito hawks, 523 mosquitoes, 519, 520, 706 most open valve (MOV), 71, 73, 75, 76, 78, 733, 734, 735, 736 most probable number (MPN), 586, 587–588, 610 calculations, 588 motion, 231–233 motor control center (MCC), 16 Motor Decisions MatterSM, 67 motor efficiency, 66–67 motor horsepower, 395 MotorMaster+, 67 motors, 384–387, 395, 398 moving averages, 186–187 biochemical oxygen demand, 215 mud dwellers, 512 mudball, 637 volume, 160–161 multiple-barrier approach, 6, 8–9, 31, 486, 613 multiple hearth furnaces (MHFs), 104, 820 multiple-tube fermentation, 585, 586, 587 muskrats, 483 musty odor, water, 465 mutual inductance, 295, 381, 386 Mycobacterium fortuitum, 664 N nanofiltration, 671 nanoplankton, 562 nappe, 334 Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) Bucklin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant, 75–80 natality, 505 Index National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 66 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 19 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 33, 418 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), 10, 45, 50, 83, 113, 530, 684, 771, 782, 826–829 non-stormwater discharges, and, 618 fecal coliform testing, and, 590 National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, National Secondary Drinking Water Regulation, naturally occurring organic matter (NOM), 631–632 natural magnets, 342 natural organic matter (NOM), 460, 652, 653, 654, 665, 669, 671 needle valves, 439, 440 negative ion, 340 nektons, 512 nematodes, 472, 479–480, 727 neoprene, 413 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU), 576 defined, 112 net positive suction head required (NPSHR), 396–398 network honeypot, 52–53 network intrusion detection, 52–53 neustons, 512 neutrons, 338–339, 456 Newton’s laws of motion, 234–235, 237 niche, 501, 518, 524 nickel–cadmium cell, 348 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), 86 nitrate, 84, 86, 87, 95, 108, 466, 468, 472, 489, 490–491, 542, 543, 578–579, 582, 653, 664, 705, 707, 729, 733, 744, 769, 770, 776, 778, 779, 780 electrode, 579 measurement, 578–579 poisoning, 542 sources, 578 nitrification, 86–89, 104, 106, 107–108, 468, 491, 733, 740, 744, 764, 776–785 biological, 769–770 nitrification activated sludge (NAS), 104 nitrite, 84, 86, 468, 490, 542, 543, 569, 578, 611, 707, 733, 753, 776 Nitrobacter, 776 nitrogen, 460, 489, 542, 543, 576, 687, 709, 723, 729, 733, 764, 767, 775, 776–785 cycle, 468, 490–491, 706–707 fixation, 490 gas, 95, 468, 472, 489–491, 542, 707, 733, 753, 770, 776 plant available, 822 removal, 753, 776 nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD), 684, 764 defined, 112 Nitrosomonas, 776 noise, 239 nominal pipe size (NPS), 413, 417 nominal pressure, 301, 439 nominal size, 263, 301, 439 nonbiodegradable organic matter, 467, 541 noncarbonate hardness, 173, 174–175, 540, 628 non-community water systems (NCWSs), 29 nondispersive infrared (NDIR) detector, 46 nonferrous metals, 419, 423, 429 nonflared joints, 429–430 nonmetallic piping, 423–426 nonpoint source pollution, 529, 614 defined, 112 nonreinforced concrete pipe, 424 nonsettleable solids, 727 non-stormwater discharges, 618 nonuniform flow, 321, 325 nonvolatile solids, 459, 533 normality, 216 Northwest Bergen County Utility Authority, 760–761 nozzles, flow, 330 nuclear region, prokaryotic cell, 475 nucleus, 456 atom, 338–339, 340, 455–456, 457, 460 cell, 473, 474, 475 numbers pyramids, 504 nutrient pollution, 10 nutrient removal, 18, 75, 87; see also biological nutrient removal nutrients, 212, 466, 468, 488, 497, 539, 541–542, 651, 684, 686, 703, 704, 727, 729, 767, 775 septic systems, and, 618 O object lines, blueprint, 254 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 20 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard, 25 Process Safety Management, 11, 25 octave bands, 240 Octet Comparator, 568 odor analysis, 591–592 as indicator of water pollution, 555 composting, 804–806 control, 25, 132, 145, 193, 194, 212, 463–464, 537–538, 632, 656, 657, 659, 704, 709, 729 removal, 464–465, 591–592, 623, 651 rotten egg, 491, 538, 555, 684, 687, 694, 739 sludge, 739, 826 threshold, hydrogen cyanide, 48 trickling pond, 718–719 wastewater, 687 wind, and, 709 Odum, Eugene P., 500 oecology, 500 off-gas analysis, 86 Ohm’s law, 350–351, 356, 357, 360, 361, 376, 377, 378 oils, 542 old-field succession, 506 omnivores, 547 one-factor control hypothesis, 492 one-view blueprint drawing, 259 ontogenic adaptation, 513 oocysts, 6, 480, 481, 486–487, 488, 607, 638, 648, 658, 665 open-channel flow, 324–327 measurement, 333–335 open circuit, electrical, 359 open system, 271 operating load, 66 operators, valve, 442–443 optical dissolved oxygen probe, 74 OPTIMaster™, 80–83 orbits, electron, 338 865 Index organic chemicals, defined, 113 organic loading activated sludge process, 729–730 loading rate calculations, 184, 186, 193 rotating biological contactor, 725 trickling filter, 717, 720–721 treatment pond, 710 trickling filter, 714 organic matter, 455, 460, 465, 488, 491, 497, 501, 514, 537, 539, 572, 606, 684, 703, 728, 789–790, 807 in drinking water, 541 in wastewater, 542–543 in water, 466–467 nitrogen-rich, 578 organic nitrogen, 822 organic oxidation byproducts, 652, 654 organic solids, 688, 789 orifice flowmeter, 329–330 orthographic projections, 256–259 orthophosphate, 709 measurement of, 576–578 outside diameter, 417, 427, 432 over-excitation, 68 overland flow, 602, 774–776 defined, 600 expected performance levels, 775 oxidation, 46–47, 212, 419, 466, 471, 538, 541, 543, 572, 591, 623, 624, 627–628, 636, 642, 643, 648, 650, 651, 653, 654, 663, 673, 710, 775 air, 801 ammonia, 132, 193, 543 bromide ion, 652, 665 chemical, 464, 467, 572, 623, 627–628, 648, 651, 796, 800, 807 chlorine, 48, 738, 796, 800, 807–808 ditch, 69, 72, 75, 85, 102–103, 192, 730, 732–737, 769, 778, 786 advantages and disadvantages, 736–737 detention time, 191–192 for arsenic removal, 669 iron and manganese, 623, 627–628, 648, 650, 656, 663, 669, 670 nitrogen, 659, 687 organic carbon, 46 ozone, and, 649, 652, 656 pond, 99, 681, 701, 703, 704 reduction potential, 97 tower, 711 wet air, 796, 800, 807 Oxnard, California, Wastewater Treatment Plant, 80–83 oxygen, 70, 85, 95, 109, 110, 111, 185, 212, 238, 419, 421, 456, 457, 458, 459, 465, 476, 477, 488–489, 491, 523, 542, 681, 682, 683, 684, 687, 703, 704, 722, 726, 727, 762, 763, 776, 778; see also aeration, oxidation, photosynthesis algae, and, 479, 702, 703, 705 composting, and, 800–806 concentration, 86, 504, 518, 519, 547 -consuming algae, consumption, 46, 50, 85, 466 rate of, 572 demand, 70, 71, 72–73, 75, 90, 543, 476, 584, 719, 730, 738, 770; see also biochemical oxygen demand, carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, nitrogenous oxygen demand dissolved, see dissolved oxygen nematodes, and, 479–480 productivity, and, 504 sag curve, 549 starvation, 468, 542 transfer, 72, 91, 183, 542, 708, 716, 732 rate, 70, 90 efficiency, 16, 70, 72, 73, 86, 90, 91 uptake rate, 85 oxygenation, 549, 707 ozonation, 752, 762–763 advantages and disadvantages, 762 applicability, 762 operation and maintenance, 763 performance example, 762–763 ozone, 464, 465, 481, 486, 643, 649, 651, 655, 656, 666, 762–763 P package plant, 730–732 packing, centrifugal pump, 399 packing gland, 267, 399 panel diffusers, 90 paradigm shift, in water treatment, 6–8 parallel circuits, 359–365 parallel pipe system, 324 paramagnetic materials, 343 parasites, 479 Parshall flume, 335 particles, in streams, 509, 510, 512, 575 particle size, 809 particle water, 789 particulate matter, 579 parts list, 275 passive security barriers, 34, 36 pass-through, 681 pathogen inactivation, 648 chlorine and, 664–665 pathogenic, defined, 113, 684 pathogens, 5, 44, 92, 472, 481, 486, 544, 688, 704, 705, 801, 802, 807; see also Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Giardia airborne, 790–791 sludge, 790–791 paved drying beds, 811–812 peak current, 376 peak-to-peak amplitude, 376 peak voltage, 376, 377 peaking air, 801 pelagic organisms, 512 percent fluoride ion present in a compound, 168 percent moisture reduction, 800 percent mudball volume, 160–161 percent removal, 181, 684–685 calculations, 134 primary clarifier, 699 percent settled biosolids, 153 percent solids, 200, 217, 699 recovery, 209 percent strength of a solution, 148–149, 165 percent stroke setting, 197 percent total solids, 181, 700 percent volatile matter, 699 reduction, 135, 685 percolation, defined, 113 perennial stream, 508 performance efficiency, 684–685 perimeter intrusion sensors, 33 period, alternating current, 375 period, wave, 239 periodic table, 456–457 periphyton, 512, 517, 547 biomonitoring protocols, 548–549 periphytons, 512, 547 peristaltic pumps, 408 peritrichous bacteria, 474 permanent magnets, 342 permeability, 604 magnetic, 342, 343, 373 permeable, defined, 600 permeate, 767, 769 permissible exposure limit for hydrogen cyanide gas, 48 permit-required confined spaces, 798 permits, wastewater treatment, 826–829 pesticides, 541, 579 petcock valve, 441 Pfisteria, 776 pH, 462–463, 464, 465, 468, 539, 540, 543, 563, 565, 630, 631, 633, 687, 688 activated sludge process, 729, 731, 737 adjustment, 204, 627 aeration influent, 740 aeration tank, 740 aerobic digestion, and, 796, 797 alkalinity, and, 463 anaerobic digestion, and, 798 arsenic removal, and, 672 biosolids dewatering, and, 809 chlorination, and, 665 clarification, 699 defined, 113 disinfection, and, 484 disinfection byproducts, and, 653 groundwater, 606 lime stabilization, and, 807 measurement of, 575 meter, 575, 579 pocket pal, 575, 583 secondary maximum contaminant level, 575 settling tank influent, 743 softened water, 670 testing, 568 treatment pond, 703, 707–708 trickling filter, 716 phage typing, 478 phagocytosis, 474 phantom lines, blueprint, 256 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), 4–5 phase angle, 378–379 phasor, 378, 379 phenolphthalein, 174 phenotypic adaptation, 513 phenylarsine oxide, 593 phosphate, 468, 576–578, 582, 631, 672 -accumulating organisms (PAOs), 95, 776–778, 782 inorganic compounds, 577 phosphorus, 72, 93, 99, 100, 101, 106, 108, 460, 468, 491, 542, 543, 576–578, 579, 615, 633, 687, 688, 709, 729, 764, 767, 775, 823 cycle, 491–492, 577 forms of, 577 reactive, 577 removal, 776–788, 823–826 testing, 577 uptake, 780 photoelectricity, 344 866 photooxidation, for arsenic removal, 673 photorepair, 761 photosynthesis, 113, 479, 489–490, 497, 501, 502, 504, 508, 516, 575, 704, 706, 708, 709, 711 photosynthetic pond, 704 Phragmites reeds, 808, 812, 813 physical asset monitoring and control, 31–44 physical characteristics, of wastewater, 687 physical states of matter, 447, 454, 455 physiological ecology, 500 phytoplankton, 512, 562 pictorial drawings, electrical, 292 pie chart, dosage formula, 132 piercers, 515 piezoelectricity, 344 piezometric surface, 316–319, 608 defined, 113 pig iron, 419 pin floc, 739, 743 pioneer community, 506 pipe classification, 417–418 codes for identifying, 418 defined, 417 fittings and connections, 437 hangers, 416, 417 material, corrosion-resistant, 631 sizes, 417–418 supports, 416, 417, 419, 420 wall thickness, 417 weight per foot, 417 pipeline flow, 320–321 piping hydraulics, 323–324 piping, metallic, 416–423 joining, 421–423 maintenance, 420–421 materials, 418–420 piping networks, 323–324 piping, nonmetallic, 423–426 piping schematics, 298–303, 305 piping system, 411–449 accessories, 415–416, 445–449 components, 416–417 fittings, 436–437 maintaining fluid flow in, 414–415 performance tests, 415 protective devices, 443–445 temperature and insulation, 416 types of, 418 piping vs tubing, 427–428 piscivores, 547 piston pump, 197, 391, 407 Pitot tube, 330 pitting, 630 plain settling tank, 698 planarians, 480 planktivores, 547 plankton, 512, 515–516, 579 sampler, 562 plant available nitrogen, 210–211, 822 plant performance, measuring, 141–142 plasma membrane, 475 plastic pipe, 423, 426 plastic tubing, 431 plate and frame press, 206, 818 plug valves, 439, 441 plunger gauge, 447 plutonium, 544 pneumatic control, centrifugal pump, 403–404 pneumatic pumping station, 689 Index pneumatic system drawings, 270–275, 303–306 pneumatic valve operator, 443 pocket pals, 575, 583 point source pollution, 113, 684, 827 polar substances, 458 polarized light, 243 poliovirus, 665 polishing ponds, 703, 704 pollutant, 458, 524, 548, 615, 618, 619, 683, 764, 775, 801, 827 pollution, 524, 529 biotic index, and, 550 defined, 113 prevention, 619 species diversity, and, 505 surface water, and, 602 water, 616 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 541 polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), 776–778 polyphosphates, 577 polyvinylchloride (PVC), 413, 419, 426, 610 ponding, trickling filter, 718 pond, wastewater treatment, 701, 702–711 aerated, 704–705 aerobic, 704 anaerobic, 704 calculations, 710 facultative, 704 nutritional requirements, 709–710 organisms, 705–706 overturn, 708 physical factors, 708–709 types of, 703–704 pool zone, 511 pools, stream, 510 population, 504–507 population ecology, 496, 500, 504–507 population equivalent (PE), 134 population genetics, 499 population loading, 193, 710 porosity, 604 defined, 113, 600 portable barricades, 35–36 position, of an object, 231 positive displacement blowers, 70, 73, 87, 88, 101 positive displacement flowmeters, 333 positive displacement pump, 197, 407–408, 625 calibration, 626 positive ion, 340 potable water, 3, 8, 33, 45, 110, 167, 213, 328, 391, 402, 419, 420, 423, 464, 466, 471, 480, 483, 543, 575, 578, 582, 583, 591, 592, 594, 599–612, 613, 621, 623, 624, 643, 644, 646, 647, 668, 670; see also drinking water defined, 113 potassium, 539 potassium permanganate, 464, 465, 538, 591, 627, 628, 643, 649, 651, 656, 669 potential, difference in, 343–344, 346 potential energy, 235, 318, 329 power, electric, 281, 351–352 generation, 382–387 parallel circuit, 364–365 series circuit, 355–356 power factor, 67–68 power smoothers, 294 power supplies, 292–294 preaeration, 695 prechlorination, 480, 624, 651, 663 precipitate, 454 precipitation, 113, 528, 627 chemical, 464, 465 defined, 600 predators, macroinvertebrate, 515 preliminary treatment, 77, 100, 623–631, 686, 688, 690–697 calculations, 178–181 preozonation, 651 presedimentation, 623 pressure, 312–313 calculations, 125–127 defined, 125 filtration, 206, 635, 636, 808, 816–818 friction, and, 415 gauges, 126, 144, 416, 446–447, 610 head, 285, 394, 398 head, and, 314, 318, 321 ideal gas law, and, 238 ratings, valve, 301 -reducing valves, 442 -regulating valves, 413, 441–442 -relief valve, 415 stagnation, 330 total, 330 velocity, and, 316, 318, 329–330, 392 voltage, and, 344 prestressed concrete, 413 prestressed concrete pipe, 424, 425 pretreatment, 623–631 preventive maintenance (PM), 113 primary cells, 346 primary clarifier, 101, 102, 107, 181, 182, 199, 406, 538, 699, 700 factors affecting performance, 697–698, 701 primary consumers, 502 primary effluent, 701 primary production, 504 primary sludge, 788 primary succession, 506 primary treatment, 199, 681, 686, 688, 697–701 calculations, 181–183, 199 problem analysis, 701 priming, centrifugal pump, 399, 401 privatization, 11–12 probes, dissolved oxygen, 73–75 process control systems, 73; see also supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) process lines, 418 process residuals, 199, 788–826 Process Safety Management (PSM), 11, 20 process sidestreams, 738 producers, 501, 502, 503, 504 productivity, ecosystem, 504 productivity index, 610 product over the sum method, 364 programmable logic controllers (PLCs), 50, 57, 73, 86, 90, 95 prokaryotes, 472, 473, 475 proportional–integral–derivative (PID), 734 proposed maximum contaminant level (PMCL) for cadmium, 630 protection in depth, 31 proteins, 542 protocol analysis, 52 protocols, proprietary, 58–59 proton number, 456 protons, 338–339, 456 protozoa, 6, 26, 183, 471, 472, 477–478, 486, 498, 512, 545, 584, 606, 646, 647, 688, 705, 711, 716, 727, 741, 742, 790–791 pathogenic, 480–481 867 Index Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 665 public water systems (PWSs), 29, 602, 606, 642 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), 5–6, 29, 645, 681 quality requirements for, 607 pulsed large bubble mixing, 95, 96–97 pump column, 144 pump motors, 65–67 pumping level, 600 pumping rate calibration, 198 pumping stations, 689 wet well, calculations, 689–690 pumping system energy conservation measures, 63–69 pumping water level, 319 pumps, 391–408, 689 calculations for, 391–398 centrifugal, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396, 398–407, 400, 603 diaphragm, 407–408 peristaltic, 408 piston, 391, 407 positive displacement, 625 calibration, 626 recirculation, 715 screw, 391 series vs parallel, 398 solution, 624 well, 610 pupae, 519, 520 purple sulfur bacteria, 705, 706 purveyor, 113 pyramid, ecological, 503–504 Pythagorean theorem, 232 Q quagga mussel, 650 quick-connect hose couplings, 435 quick-opening valves, 439, 441 R Rachel’s Creek Sanitation District, 16–17 rack load test, 43 radiation, 237 detection, 41–42, 48–49 radical, 454, 457 radius of influence, 320 defined, 600 radon, 113 random distribution, 505 random sampling, 552 rapid sand filtration, 635–636 raw sewage stabilization ponds, 703 raw sludge, 788 raw water, 621, 624, 632, 654 contamination, 648 defined, 600 storage, 602 turbidity, 636 RC series circuit, 287 reach, channel or pipeline, 327 reactance, 379 reactive phosphorus, 577 reactive power, 67 recarbonation, 465 calculations, 175–176 recessed impeller pump, 405, 406 recharge area, 602, 605 defined, 600 recharge, defined, 113 rechargeable batteries, 346, 348 reciprocal, 345, 363 method, for equivalent resistance, 363 reciprocating pump, 407 recirculation flow calculations, 184 recirculation pumps, 402 recirculation, trickling filter, 714, 716, 717 calculation, 717 pumps, 715 records, wastewater treatment, 826–829 rectifier, 293 recycle flow, 795 calculations, 203 redox potential, 468 reducer, 436 reducing valves, 439, 442 reduction, 541 reduction to an equivalent circuit, 364 reed beds, 808, 813 reengineering, 11–12 reference dimensions, 265 reference line, welding symbol, 277 reflection, 242–243 reflux valves, 441 refraction, 242–243 refrigerant, 284 refrigeration, 284–286, 305–306 component drawings, 286, 306 regeneration, 628, 669, 671, 673 calculations, 178 regular distribution, 505 regulating valves, 439, 441–442 regulations, compliance with, 9–11 reinforced concrete pipe, 424–425 relative permeability, 342, 343 relief valves, 415, 439, 442 reluctance, magnetic, 373 remote telemetry unit, 51 remote terminal unit, 54, 57 removal efficiencies, primary sedimentation basin, 141–142 Renton, Washington, Wastewater Treatment Plant, 91 Report Card for American Infrastructure, 18 reports, wastewater treatment, 826–829 repulsion, force of, 341 repulsion-start motor, 387 required seed volume, 799 reservoir covers, 42 defined, 113 destratification, 623 residual chlorine, 47, 163, 564, 566, 592, 593, 649, 650, 659, 661, 753, 754, 755 residual magnetism, 342 residual solids, 453 resin, 176, 178, 628, 629 resistance, electrical, 345, 348, 349, 350–351, 374 alternating current, 377–378 current, and, 350, 360 parallel circuit, 359–365 power, and, 352 series circuit, 353–354, 356–357 temperature coefficient, 369 resistance, insulation, 369 resistance temperature devices (RTDs), 405 resistance welding, 275–276 weld symbols for, 276 resistivity, 365, 367, 631 conductivity, and, 367 resistors, 345, 348, 353–356, 357, 360–365, 374 fixed vs variable, 296 respiration, 706 respirometry, 85 retentate, 767 retention time, wind, and, 709 retractable bollards, 35 return activated sludge (RAS), 103, 104, 107–108, 727, 731, 733, 734, 744, 773, 780, 783, 825 activated sludge process, and, 737 dissolved oxygen, 76 recycle rate, 782 settling tank, 744 return activated sludge solids (RASS), 684 defined, 113 return-bend fitting, 436 return sludge, 727, 746 reverse osmosis, 113, 539, 671 reversing starter, 296 revision block, 249 Reynold’s number, 322 rheotaxis, 513 ribosomes, 475 Ridgewood, New Jersey, Wastewater Treatment Plant, 91 riffle, 510 549, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 561, 569 riffle beetle, 520 riffle zone, 511 right-handed snails, 523 riparian vegetative zone, 557, 560 riser, 610 rising sludge, 727 risk assessments, SCADA, 60 Risk Management Planning (RMP), 11, 20 river basin, defined, 113 rock, average size of, 512 rocky-bottom sampling method, 553–557 roof catchment, 602, 603 root-mean-square (RMS), 376, 377 rotary distributor, 715 rotary drum filter, 815 rotary drum thickener, 108 rotary screw compressor, 89 rotary vacuum filtration, 814–815 calculations, 208–209 rotating biological contactor (RBC), 701, 722–725, 770, 778 calculations, 184–186, 724–725 equipment, 722–723 expected performance, 723 operator observations, 723 sampling and testing, 723 total media area, 725 rotifers, 472, 478, 688, 727, 741, 743 rotor, 65, 67, 68, 75, 337, 384, 385, 386 roughing filter, 714, 715 roughing towers, 711 roughness coefficient, 326 roughness factor, 394 roughness, pipe, 321, 324, 393 ROY G BIV, 243 runoff, 46, 486, 509, 528, 541, 544, 557, 575, 580, 599, 604, 616, 790 feedlot, 468, 542, 544, 545, 618 fertilizer, 3, 4, 468, 490, 542, 577, 578 groundwater, 111 mine tailings, 543 stormwater, 112, 114, 532, 545, 568, 572, 575, 584, 617–618, 683, 684, 686, 687, 803 868 surface, 34, 112, 115, 508, 600, 602, 608, 613 urban, 109, 529, 532, 544, 575 run zone, 511 S saddle clamp, 425 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), 8, 11, 26, 45, 49, 530–533, 605–606, 614, 635, 673 Amendments of 1996, 26, 27 Arsenic Rule, 46 residual chlorine requirements, 47 safety valves, 415 Salmonella, 473, 665, 801, 807 salt brine, 629 saltation, 509 salts, 461–462 sample preservation and storage, 567 samples, types of, 566 sampling, biological, see biological sampling sampling containers, 565–566 sampling methods, 552 sampling nets, 561 sand, 552 sand drying beds, 205, 209–210, 809–811 sand filter, 484 sand filtration, 779 sand particles, 509 Sanitaire®, 91 sanitary seal, well, 609 sanitary sewers, 30, 618 sanitary wastewater, 684, 686 defined, 113 San Jose/Santa Clara, California, Water Pollution Control Plant, 105–107 saprophytes, 479 Sarcodina, 477 saturated solution, 238, 454 Saukville, Wisconsin, Wastewater Treatment Plant, 90–91 SCADA, see supervisory control and data acquisition scale, 465–466 scale, drawing, 248 scaling, 414–415, 539, 540, 628 schedule, 417 defined, 413 number, 417, 419 schematics, 287–298 electrical, 291–298, 349–352 schmutzdecke, defined, 113 science fundamentals, 231–243 scrapers, macroinvertebrate, 515 screening, 623, 690–692 calculations, 178–179 removal calculations, 691–692 safety, 691 screens, well, 610, 611 screw-cap bottles, for sampling, 566–567 screw pump, 391 screwed joints, 299, 422 screwed pipe fittings, 437 scrubbing, chemical, 464 scrubbing towers, 464 scum, 113, 684, 697, 698, 699, 727, 788 seal cage, 399 seals, pump, 398, 399 seamless tubing, 430–431 Secchi disk, 562, 576 secondary basin, 725 secondary cell, 346, 347, 348 Index secondary clarifier, 101, 102, 103, 107–108, 186, 717, 725, 727, 728, 729, 732, 733, 737, 752, 766, 767, 769, 786, 789 calculations, 199–200 solids concentration, 752 secondary drinking water standards, 9–10, 530 secondary maximum contaminant level, 606 color, 591 pH, 575 secondary productivity, 504 secondary sludge, 789 secondary succession, 506 secondary treatment, 16, 99, 103, 106, 186, 199, 529, 530, 681, 686, 688, 697, 701–725, 727, 762, 763, 764, 766, 785, 786, 787, 788, 793 advanced wastewater treatment, and, 764 defined, 701 section lines, blueprint, 254 security, 29–61 consequences of 9/11, 29–31 devices, 31–53 SCADA, and, 53–61 technologies, 56–57 sediment, 453, 509, 533, 560 control, 617 defined, 113 deposition, 556 sampler, 561 sedimentation, 464, 484, 533, 632, 634, 638, 681, 697–701 basins, 110, 617, 630, 651 calculations, 151–155, 699–700 conditions affecting, 634 defined, 113 tanks, 698 seed volume, 204 required, 799 seepage, defined, 113 selenium, 671 self-assessments, cybersecurity, 60 self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), 660, 755, 757 self-inductance, 380–381 self-purification, 507, 552, 686 semiconductors, 340 sensors, 32 water quality, 45–50 separately excited DC generator, 383 September 11, 2001, 29–31, 53 septic biosolids, 809 septic, defined, 684 septic systems, 618 septic tanks, 113, 698 septic wastewater, 537, 701 septum, 636 sequence of operations, on blueprints, 274 sequencing batch reactors, 85, 778 sequestering, 628 series circuit, 353–358 series generator, 383–384 series motor, 385, 387 series–parallel battery network, 346–347 series–parallel DC circuit, 365 series pipe flow, 324 service line flushing time, 213 service lines, 418 service stop valves, 420 service water, 419 pumps, 402 set-back tables, 268–269 settleability, 684 defined, 113, 727 settleability test, 216–217, 218, 740, 743 settleable solids, 454, 459, 533, 634, 688, 697, 699, 716, 742 settled biosolids volume (SBV), 216 settled sludge volume (SSV), 113, 216, 684, 727 60-minute percent, 190 activated sludge process, 745–746 aeration influent, 740 defined, 114 settling tank influent, 743 settling, 635 basin, 634, 725 tank, 110, 697, 698, 699, 700, 721, 727, 739, 743–744, 767 effluent, 701, 744 influent, 743 mass balance, 750–751 observations, 739 rotating biological contactor, 723 time, 181, 216 calculation, 693, 696–697 settling volume index (SVI), 80–83 sewage, 684, 686 nutrients in, 764 sewers, 30 shaded-pole motor, 387 shaft, centrifugal pump, 399 shallow wells, 608 Sheboygan, Michigan, Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, 101–102 sheet metal drawings, 268–270 Shigella, 473, 665 shock load, 727 shop notes, 265 short circuit, 293, 359, 389, 405 short-radius elbow fittings, 436 shredders, 498, 515, 518 shredding, 692 shunt generator, 383 shunt motors, 385 sick water, 3–5 sieves, 562 silica, 671 silicates, 631 silicofluoric acid, 167 silt fences, 617 siltation, 533 silver, 541, 544 simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, 86 sine wave, 376–378 single-line diagram, 413 single-phase motors, 386 sinuosity, 560 sinuosity index (SI), 510 site design, 617 skaters, macroinvertebrate, 515 slime, 91, 132, 193, 479, 488, 514, 631, 651; see also zoogleal slime layers, 474 rotating biological contactor, 723 treatment pond, 702 trickling filter, 183, 184, 711, 716, 717, 727 slinger ring, 399 slope, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327 sloughings, 185, 711, 714, 715, 722 slow sand filtration, 635, 638 sludge, 697, 699; see also activated sludge, activated sludge process, waste activated sludge 869 Index age, 80–83, 825 blanket, 699, 719, 729, 737, 738, 739, 743–744, 746, 750, 780, 825 characteristics of, 789–791 color, 739 daily production calculation, 794–795 defined, 684 digestion, 418 exceptional quality, 801 floating, 701 handling, 788–826 mass balance, and, 751–752 odor, 739 production calculation, 792 pumped per day, 791–792 pumping, 700 calculations, 791–793 rate, 791 time, 791 retention time, 189, 684, 726, 748, 784 anaerobic digester, 799 membrane bioreactor, 769 nitrification, and, 770 sources of, 788–789 stabilization, 795–814 operation, 808–813 thickening, 793–795 calculations, 794–795 treatment, 686 volume index, 113, 190–191, 684, 727 activated sludge process, 746 defined, 114 worms, 480, 523 snags, 552, 557, 558 snails, lung-breathing, 523–524 Snow, Dr John, 644–646 soap, water hardness and, 540, 628 social engineering, 61 socket-welded joints, 423 soda ash, 135, 174, 175, 176, 457, 465, 627, 631, 670 sodium, 582, 629, 631 sodium fluoride, 166, 167, 169–171, 594 sodium fluorosilicate, 166, 167, 169, 171 sodium hydroxide, 414, 464 sodium hypochlorite, 414, 650, 657, 660–661, 663, 664 application methods, 666–667 pipes, 412 safety, 667 sodium iodide scintillator, 49 sodium phosphate, 577 soil moisture, 114 soil resistivity, 631 solder, 429 solder joints, 629 soldered joints, 300, 423, 428 soldering, 370, 413, 423, 428, 429 solderless connectors, 370 solenoid, 373, 408, 443 chart, 274–275 defined, 413 solid load, stream, 509 solids, 238, 454, 455, 459, 533, 686, 687, 688, 727 colloidal, 454, 459, 533, 632, 688, 727, 788 concentrators, 794 dissolved, 454, 459, 533, 579–582, 688, 727 fixed, 217, 688, 727 fixed dissolved, 688 fixed suspended, 688 floatable, 688, 697, 727, 788 handling, 788–826 inorganic, 688 loading rate, 202, 206, 209–210 calculation, 795 measurement of, 579–582 mixed liquor suspended, see mixed liquor suspended solids mixed liquor volatile suspended, see mixed liquor volatile suspended solids nonsettleable, 727 organic, 688 pounds pressed per hour, 818 pumped per day, 792 residual, 453 retention time, 80–83, 95, 732, 733 return activated sludge, 684 settleable, 454, 459, 533, 634, 688, 697, 699, 716, 742 sources of, 580 suspended, see suspended solids total, 217, 454, 459, 533, 539, 565, 579–582, 727 total dissolved, 466, 467, 539, 669, 688 total suspended, see total suspended solids volatile, 217, 459, 533, 727 volatile/nonvolatile, 533 volatile suspended, 218, 581–582, 688 waste activated sludge, 684 solubility, 196, 453, 624 soluble biochemical oxygen demand, 185, 724 soluble cyanide, 48 solute, 196, 238, 454, 458, 624 solution feeders, 625 solution strength calculations, 135, 148, 196–197 solutions, 238–239, 458, 632 chemical, 624–625 saturated, 454 solvent, 196, 238, 454, 458, 624 sonar, 404 sound, 239–241 sound pressure, 240–241 sound waves, 239, 241 source water quality control, 654 sparge rings, 727 species diversity, 505 species, metal, 460 specific capacity, 320, 610, 611, 612 specific conductance, 463 specific energy, 321 specific gravity, 310–311, 467 batteries, and, 348 calculations, 135, 625 specific heat, 238 defined, 114 specific resistance, 365, 367 specific speed, 395–396, 400 specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA), 653, 666 specific yield, 600 calculations, 143 speed, 231–232 equation for, 231 vs velocity, 231 speed of light, 241 spirilla, 476, 646 splices, conductor, 369–370 split-phase motor, 386 spores, 606 Sporozoa, 477 spot welds, 279 sprawlers, macroinvertebrate, 516 spring-loaded gauges, 446 springs, 604, 605 defined, 600 spyware, 51 square mil, 365–366 SRTmaster™, 80–83 stabilization, 465, 788, 793, 795–814 biosolids, 203 performance factors, 813–814 pond, 702, 703 calculations, 710 raw sewage, 703 Stage Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts (D/DBP) Rule, 606 stages, electronic device, 291 staging, trickling filter, 715 stagnation pressure, 330 stainless steel, 413, 419 stainless steel tubing, 430, 431 stalked ciliated protozoa, 478, 742–743 standard oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE), 70, 91 standard oxygen transfer rate (SOTR), 70 standard part, 247 standard temperature and pressure (STP), 238, 309, 310 standards-setting organizations, 246 states of matter, 238–239 static discharge head, 393 static electricity, 340–341 static head, 314, 392–393 variable frequency drives, and, 69 static level, defined, 600 static suction head, 392 static suction lift, 392 static water level, 319 stator, 65, 67, 68, 384, 385, 386 steady flow, 321, 327 steady inflow, 683 steady uniform flow, 327 steam lines, 443, 444 steel pipe, 419, 420 steel tubing, 430 step aeration, 730 step-feed process, 778 step-up/step-down transformer, 388 sterilization, 643, 753 Stevin’s law, 310 stoneflies, 498, 512, 514, 515, 517, 518, 547, 550 storage battery, 347 capacity, 348 storage tank calculations, 138 storm sewers, 30, 114, 684 stormwater management, 617–618 runoff, 112, 114, 532, 545, 568, 572, 575, 584, 617–618, 683, 684, 686, 687, 803 straggler floc, 739 strainers, 413, 416, 443–444 straining, 635 stray-current corrosion, 421 stream aeration of, 572 biological sampling, 551–563; see also biological sampling buffer, 617 channels, 509–510 collecting samples from, 566–567 competence, 509 conductivity, 582 current, 498, 512 870 adaptations to, 513–514 velocity, 509, 511 defined, 114, 508 depth, 556–557 ecosystem, 506, 507 energy sources, 497 flow, 509 solids, and, 580 genesis and structure, 507–514 leaf processing in, 497–498 muddy-bottom, 557–560 nonsupporting, 616 parable, 496 profiles, 510 quality, 529 rocky-bottom, 553–557 sinuosity, 510 substrate, 512 velocity, 556–557, 575 solids, and, 580 water discharge, 509 water flow in, 508 water quality, 547, 549, 550 streamlines, 315 streamside zone, 617 streptococci, 584 stress relieving, 419 stroke, piston, 197 strontium, 628 struvite, 72 stuffing boxes, 69, 266, 267, 399, 439 submersible motors, 66 submersible pump, 266, 267–268, 402, 405, 406 submersible turbines, 610 subwatershed, 616, 617, 618 suction pressure, 285 suction specific speed, 395 sulfates, 461–462, 491, 544, 582, 673, 716 sulfides, 615, 623 sulfur, 542, 543, 544, 579, 709 cycle, 491 sulfur dioxide, 491, 755 sulfur-modified iron, 671–672 sulfuric acid, 167, 345, 346, 347, 348, 458, 460, 569, 570, 583, 632, 638, 671, 709 supernatant, 684, 725, 738, 783, 793, 796 ammonia-rich, 72 defined, 114 liquor, 633 withdrawal, 798 super-rate trickling filters, 711 supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 32, 50, 51, 53–61, 73, 84 Oxnard, California, wastewater treatment plant, 82 steps to improve security of, 58–61 vulnerabilities, 54–58 supervisory instruments, 405 surface charge, 809 surface loading rate, 151–152, 181, 699–700 calculations, 182, 202, 795 surface overflow rate, 699–700 surface runoff, 34, 112, 115, 508, 600, 602, 608, 613 defined, 600 surface settling rate, 699 surface tension, defined, 114 surface water, 7, 20, 44, 46, 112, 142, 145, 328, 391, 468, 480, 508, 528, 540, 542, 585, 602–604, 614 advantages and disadvantages of, 602 Index alkalinity, 174 bacteria, 476, 480–482, 486 defined, 114, 600 fecal contamination, 584 fluoride in, 166, 467 hardness, 628 heavy metals in, 468 hydrology, 602 intakes, 602 oocysts in, 486 organics in, 465, 466, 480 phosphorus in, 491 quality, 604, 606–607 screens, 604 slow sand filtration, and, 635 treatment requirements, 606–607 viruses in, 478, 480–481 Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), 7, 155, 480–481, 487, 601, 602, 605, 635, 656, 664 surging, 421 surveillance, visual, 44 suspended-growth systems, 702 suspended load, stream, 509 suspended solids, 185, 187, 188, 189, 208, 218, 454, 459, 477, 478, 530, 533, 551, 579–582, 590, 632, 688, 699, 701, 716, 727, 775, 780 colloidal, 788 fixed, 688 influent, 140 mass balance, 750–751 microscreening, and, 765 mixed liquor, see mixed liquor suspended solids mixed liquor volatile, see mixed liquor volatile suspended solids removal, 132, 141, 181, 186 calculations, 182–183 removal calculations, 700 total, see total suspended solids total fixed, 582 total volatile, 581–582 volatile, 218, 581–582, 688 wasted, 189–190 suspension, 453 sustainability, 18–20, 63–97 sustainable development, 19 swarming attacks, 57 swimmers, macroinvertebrate, 516 swing beam crash barrier, 35 swing gates, 35 switch, electrical, 294 SymBio®, 86 symbiotic relationship, 490 synchronous motors, 68, 385, 386 synecology, 496 synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs), 466, 467, 669 system backups, 61 T tabular dimensions, 265 tail, reference line, 280 taste, 538, 632 removal, 464–465, 623, 651 taxonomic hierarchy, 516 technical audits, of SCADA systems, 59 tee joint, 276 tees, piping, 424 temperature, 563 activated sludge process, 729, 737 aeration influent, 740 anaerobic digestion, and, 798 biological nutrient removal, and, 781 biosolids, 809 coefficient, 369 control, composting, 801 conversions, 124–125 detectors, 405 disinfection, and, 484 electrical resistance, and, 345 gauge, 416, 447–448 groundwater, 606 ideal gas law, and, 238 -regulating valves, 442 scales, 447 treatment pond, 708 wastewater, 539, 687 water, 463, 538, 555, 563, 569, 606, 630, 664 chlorine solubility, and, 664 impervious surfaces, and, 616 measurement of, 574 solids, and, 580 turbidity, and, 575 water quality, and, 538 template, 269 terrorism, reducing threats from, 30–31 tertiary treatment, 10, 99; see also wastewater treatment: advanced thalweg, 510 thermal discharges, 569 thermal expansion, 416, 420 thermal pollution, defined, 114 thermal properties, 237–238 thermal treatment, 807, 808 thermocouples, 405 thermodynamics, laws of, 502, 503 thermoelectricity, 344 thermometers, 447, 574 thermostatic control valves, 442 thermostatic traps, 444 thermostats, 448 thickening, 788, 793–795 thigmotaxis, 513 threaded joints, 422, 428 three-phase motor, 65, 385 three-view blueprint drawing, 259–260 threshold odor number (TON), 592 throttle, defined, 413 throttling, 440 thrust, water, 313 time-of-flight flowmeter, 331–332 timers, 50 timethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP–SMX), 487 tinning, 429 defined, 413 title block, 247–249 titrant, 568 defined, 114 titration, 583, 592–593 defined, 114 titrator, 583 defined, 114 titrimetric–amperometric direct titration, 592, 593 titrimetric analyses, 568 titrimetric test procedure, 593 tolerance, 263–264 block, 248 871 Index torque, 237 total alkalinity, measurement of, 583 total chlorine residual, 162, 658 total coliform bacteria, 583–590 Total Coliform Rule, 6, 650 sampling requirements, 584–585 Total Coliform Rule (TCR)/ Distribution System (DS) Advisory Committee, total cyanide, 48 total dissolved solids (TDS), 466, 467, 539, 669, 688 defined, 114 total dynamic head (TDH), 65 total filterable residue test, 208 total fixed suspended solids concentration, 582 total flow calculation, 720 total hardness, 172–174 total head, 314, 394, 400 loss, 324 total inflow, 683 total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), 687 aeration influent, 740 settling tank effluent, 744 total maximum daily loads, 530 total nitrogen, 772, 774, 776–785, 825 total organic carbon, 653, 655, 666 analyzer, 46–47 total orthophosphate test, 577 total phosphate test, 577 total phosphorus, 212, 772, 774, 776–785, 824, 826 total pressure, 330 total pumping head, 144 Total Quality Management (TQM), 12 total residual chlorine, 592–593, 649, 659, 753, 754, 755 total residue test, 208 total solids, 217, 454, 459, 533, 539, 565, 579–582, 727 total surface area, 186 total suspended solids (TSS), 80, 81, 96, 97, 114, 181, 208, 218, 459, 633, 688, 697, 699, 703, 706, 715, 764 aeration influent, 740 calculations, 581 enhanced biological nutrient removal, and, 786 mass balance, and, 750–751 settling tank effluent, 744 settling tank influent, 743 testing, 580–581 ultraviolet disinfection, and, 760 total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), 624, 627, 653, 654, 655, 666 total volatile suspended solids calculations, 581–582 toxic industrial chemicals, 48 toxic metals, 544 toxic waste, 729 toxicity activated sludge process, 729, 740 defined, 114 meters, 45, 50 tests, 45 trace metals, 468, 488 traction load, 509 traffic anomaly detection, 52 train, rotating biological contactor, 722 transect, 552 transformers, 281, 295, 374, 387–388 step-up/step-down, 295 transparency tube, 576 transpiration, 528 defined, 114 transverse waves, 239 traps, 443, 444–445 inspection of, 445 steam line, 413 treatment pond calculations, 192–193 treatment time calculations, 177–178 Trent Biotic Index (TBI), 549 trickling filter, 80–83, 99, 108, 681, 701, 711–722, 770, 790 bacteria, 544 calculations, 183–184, 717, 720–722 freezing, 719–720 grease, 542 helminths, 488 high-rate, 711 nematodes, 479 operator observations, 717 sampling and testing, 717–718 standard operating procedures, 716 troubleshooting, 718–720 types of, 715 trihalomethane precursors, 623 trihalomethanes, 6, 606, 607, 624, 653, 654, 655, 656 triple bottom line, 18 trophic groups, macroinvertebrates, 515 trophic levels, 502, 503, 547 trophozoites, 477, 482–483 true color, 459, 537, 591 true flies, 498, 512, 517, 519–520 true power, 67 Trumbull, Connecticut, 65 tuberculation, 630, 631 Tubifex, 480, 523, 550 tubing, 426–431 applications, 431 advantages of, 428 bending, 430 caps, 436 connections, 429–430 cutting, 429 fittings, 436–438 pumps, 408 soldering, 429 types of, 430–431 vs piping, 427–428 turbidimeters, 576, 639 turbidity, 6, 10, 454, 459, 464, 480, 533, 565, 583, 590, 607, 632, 633, 638, 648, 658, 786 chlorination, and, 664 groundwater, 606 measurement of, 575–576 raw water, 636 reporting requirements, 639 sources of, 575 surface water, 602 Total Coliform Rule, and, 585 treatment requirements, 606 ultraviolet disinfection, and, 92, 759, 760 water temperature, and, 575 turbine flowmeters, 332 turbine pump, 266, 405, 407, 610 drawing, 268 turbo blowers, 88, 89, 100, 101, 102 turbulence, 322, 739 turbulent flow, 315, 325, 428, 509 two-story tank, 698 two-view blueprint drawing, 259 two-way wireless radios, 50–51 U ultimate carrying capacity, 505 ultrafiltration, 671 ultra-fine bubble diffusers, 90 ultrasonic flowmeters, 331–332 ultraviolet transmittance (UVT), 92, 94, 103 ultraviolet (UV) disinfection, 91, 92–94, 99, 101, 102, 103, 533, 643, 655, 656, 657, 752, 759–762 advantages and disadvantages, 760 applicability, 760 design, 93 lamp selection, 93, 759, 760 operation and maintenance, 94, 761–762 performance examples, 760–761 unconfined aquifer, 604–605 cone of depression in, 320 defined, 600 under-aeration, 72 under-excitation, 68 underground storage tanks (USTs), 111 uniform distribution, 505 uniform flow, 321, 325, 327 unilateral tolerance, 264 union, piping, 437 unit filter run volume (UFRV), 157–158 unit loading factor, 134 unit process efficiency, 685 units of measurement, 252–253 universal motors, 387 universal solvent, 539 University of Cape Town (UCT) process, 778, 782 unpolarized light, 243 urban water cycle, 323 urea, 491, 542 U.S Customary System (USCS), 252 V vacuum-assisted drying beds, 812 vacuum breaker, 414, 448 vacuum collection system, 689 vacuum filter calculations, 208–209 yield, 815 vacuum filtration, 205, 808 vacuum rating of hose, 432 valve lockout devices, 43–44 valve trim, 438 valves, 305, 438–443 ball, 439, 440, 443 blow-off, 415 butterfly, 420, 439, 441 check, 439, 441 components of, 439 diaphragm, 413, 439, 441 gate, 413, 420, 439, 440 globe, 413, 439, 440 maintenance of, 443 needle, 439, 440 piping, 299, 300–303, 415–416, 420 plug, 439, 441 pressure-reducing, 442 pressure-regulating, 413, 441–442 pressure relief, 415 quick-opening, 439, 441 872 reducing, 439, 442 regulating, 439, 441–442 relief, 415, 439, 442 safety, 415 service stop, 420 temperature-regulating, 442 thermostatic control, 442 types of, 439–442 vaporization, defined, 114 variable air volume, 287 variable frequency drives (VFDs), 63, 64, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 89 varied flow, 321, 325 vector, 232, 378, 379 vector attraction, 790–791, 800, 801 velocity, 231–233 area, and, 315–316, 392, 400, 509 calculations, 129–130, 136–137, 152, 180–181, 232, 328, 391–392, 693, 696 float and stopwatch, 693, 696 entraining, 509 erosion, and, 509 flowmeters, 332–333 friction, and, 415 head, 314, 321, 322, 325, 394, 398, 400 pressure, and, 316, 318, 329–330, 392 stream, 509, 511, 556 vs speed, 231 wastewater, 692–694 vent security, 44 Venturi flowmeter, 330 Venturi tube, 666 vertical braiding, hose, 433 vibration dampeners, 438 vibration sensors, 405 Vibrio cholerae, 473, 644 vibrios, 646 viewing plane line, 254 viruses, 471, 472, 478, 544, 606, 632, 638, 646– 647, 655, 665, 688, 705, 790–791, 801 viscosity, 322, 331, 428, 809 defined, 414 visible lines, blueprint, 254 visible spectrum, 243 visual surveillance, 44 vitrified clay defined, 414 pipe, 424 V-notch weirs, 335 volatile acids, 488 volatile acids-to-alkalinity ratio, 799 volatile dissolved solids, 688 volatile fatty acids (VFAs), 776, 784, 785, 825 volatile matter percent reduction, 135, 205, 685, 799–800 pumped per day, 792 volatile organic compound (VOC), 45, 466, 467 defined, 114 monitoring of, 48 volatile solids, 217, 459, 533, 727 loading, 203–204, 796 volatile suspended solids (VSS), 218, 688 testing, 581–582 voltage, 280–281, 340, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350–351, 373–374 alternating current, 374–376 current, and, 350 cycles, 374–375 drop, 354–355, 356, 365 permissible, 368 polarity, 357–358 Index effective value, 377 in phase/out of phase, 378 instantaneous value, 376–377 Kirchhoff’s law, 357–358 measurements, 359 parallel circuit, 359–365 peak, 376 power, and, 352 primary, 388 series aiding/opposing sources of, 358 series circuit, 354–357 sine wave, 376–378 transformer coil, 388 voltaic cell, 345–346 volume, 125, 455 calculations, 146, 151 ideal gas law, and, 238 mudball, 160–161 volumetric dry feeders, 625 volute, 398, 400 vortex pump, 405, 406 W Waco, Texas, Metropolitan Area Regional Sewer System, 107–108 wall thickness, tubing, 427 wash load, 509 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), 104–105 washout, sludge solids, 739 waste activated sludge (WAS), 101, 103, 104, 108, 186, 725, 727, 728, 731, 744, 826 calculation, 747 flow rate, 737 settling tank, 744 solids, 114, 684 waste rate, 728, 737, 739, 744, 747, 748, 749–750 wastes household, 686 human and animal, 686 industrial, 686, 687 wastewater; see also wastewater treatment characteristics, 687–688 biological, 544–545 chemical, 542–544 physical, 533–539 classification of, 686–687 collection systems, 688–690 color, 537 combined, 687 conveyance, 411–448 defined, 684 effluent, 6, 7, 9, 10, 19, 45, 402, 407, 411, 491, 496, 529, 530, 533, 544, 552, 588, 752, 774 flows, 14 industrial, 683 operators, 23–27, 681 sanitary, 684 sources, 686–687 temperature, 539, 687 test methods for, 568–594 wastewater treatment; see also piping system, wastewater conveyance advanced, 99, 681, 686, 763–788 biological denitrification, 770–774 biological nitrification, 769–770 biological nutrient removal, 776–785 carbon adsorption, 774 case study, 823–826 chemical treatment, 764 enhanced biological nutrient removal, 785–788 filtration, 765–766 land application, 774–776 membrane bioreactors, 766–769 microscreening, 764–765 automated dissolved oxygen control, 73 current issues, 3–20 discharges into Chesapeake Bay, 10 energy efficiency, 20 equipment inventories, 16 hazards, 26 math operations, 121–219 microbiological processes, and, 488–492 models, 99–108 multiple-barrier approach to, 8–9 odor control, 463–464 operations, 681–829 pumping system energy conservation measures, 63–69 purposes of, 686 SCADA applications for, 54 water quality standards, and, 529 water analogy, for electricity, 343–344 appearance, 555 as constituent of wastewater, 688 backswimmer, 501 boatman, 501 characteristics biological, 544–545 chemical, 539–542 physical, 533–539 chemistry, 453–468 constituents, 458–462 conveyance, 411–449 cycle, 528–529, 599, 600–601 defined, 112, 114 distribution system calculations, 136–139 drinking, see drinking water ecology, 495–524 flows, 14 hammer, 313, 419, 420, 421 defined, 414, 421 horsepower (WHP), 395 hydraulics, 309–335 management, current issues, 613–614 measurements, 462–464 microbiology, 471–492 monitoring devices, 45–50 odor, 591–592 operators, 23–27 penny, 521 pollution, 616 potable, see potable water quality, see water quality rights, 600, 602 softening, 414, 463, 480, 574, 628–629, 638, 670 calculations, 172–178 solution, 196 source calculations, 142–144 sources of, 601 storage calculations, 144–145 striders, 512, 515, 521–522 table, 604 aquifer, 605 defined, 600 temperature, see water temperature treatment, see water treatment 873 Index usage, 528, 601, 607 weight of gallon, 310 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, 19 Water Protection Task Force, 29 water quality, 6, 8, 9, 11, 527–545, 599, 604, 605, 606–607, 613, 654; see also biological sampling annual reports, 532 characteristics, 533–545 classification, 551 conductivity, and, 582 impacts, 614 impairment, leading sources of, 529 monitoring, 563–568, 619 purpose of, 564, 565 sampling considerations, 565–568 standards, 115, 529–532, 548, 550, 564 stream, 547, 549, 550 water temperature, 463, 538, 555, 563, 569, 606, 630, 664 chlorine solubility, and, 664 impervious surfaces, and, 616 measurement of, 574 solids, and, 580 turbidity, and, 575 water treatment; see also piping system, water conveyance capacity, 177 chemical parameters, 466–468 chemicals, 464–466 current issues, 3–20 energy efficiency, 20 equipment inventories, 16 hazards, 26 math operations, 121–219 microbiological processes, and, 480–488 models, 99 multiple-barrier approach to, 8–9 operations, 621–674 purpose of, 622 SCADA applications for, 54 stages, 622–623 waterborne diseases, 471, 472, 480–488, 606, 644–648 waterborne pathogens, 471, 472, 480–488, 544 watershed, 602 defined, 115, 600, 614 management practices, 615 protection, 613–619 eight tools, 615–619 plan, 614–615 regulations, 614 restoration, 619 stewardship, 618–619 waterworks operators, 621–622 wattless power, 67 Waukesha, Wisconsin, 71 wavelength, 239 alternating current, 376 wave motion, 239–241 weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide, 48 wearing rings, 399 wedge barriers, 34 weight vs mass, 455 weir, 333–335, 684, 697, 699 loading rate, 700 overflow rate, 152–153, 181, 182, 700 primary clarifier, 181 weld-all-around symbol, 279 weld symbols, 276–277, 278 vs welding symbols, 276 welded flange connection, 437 welded joints, 276, 299, 423, 428, 437 welded tubing, 430 welding blueprints, 275–280 welding symbols, 277–280 well casing, 609 disinfection, 143–144 vent, 610 well drawdown calculations, 142–143 well hydraulics, 319–320 well log, 611 well pad, 609 well screen, 610, 611 well yield, 320, 610, 612 calculations, 143 wells, water, 605, 607–612 abandonment of, 612 components of, 609–610 evaluation of, 610 maintenance of, 611–612 operation of, 610–611 requirements for, 607–608 types of, 608 wet-pit pump, 402 wet well/dry well pumping station, 689 wet well hydraulics, 320 wet well pumping station calculations, 689–690 wetted perimeter, 325, 326 whirligig beetles, 521 Whirl-Pak® bags, 566, 578, 580, 583 whole effluent toxicity (WET), 50 wind, treatment ponds, and, 708–709 Winkler method, 560–561, 571 for dissolved oxygen, 569–570 wire measurement, 367–368 wire-to-water efficiency, 63 wireless alarms, 33 wireless data communications, 51 wiring diagram, 292 wood pipes, 423 woody debris, 497, 512, 552, 560, 617 work, 237, 281, 351–353 equation for, 234 unit of, 394–395 working drawings, 247 worms, 479–480, 488, 497, 516, 523, 545, 550, 711, 716, 727 wrought iron, 419 wyes, 424 Y yield specific, 143, 600 vacuum filter, 815 well, 320, 610, 612 Z zebra mussels, 648, 649–650 zinc, 544, 631 zone of aeration, defined, 115 zone of influence, 320 zone of saturation, 604 zoogleal slime, 185, 684, 711, 722 defined, 115 zooplankton, 512, 562, 632

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 15:47