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Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations

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Second Edition Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Second Edition Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations Frank R Spellman Boca Raton London New York CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4200-7530-4 (Softcover) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint Except as permitted under U.S Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Spellman, Frank R Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations / Frank R Spellman 2nd ed p cm “A CRC title.” Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-4200-7530-4 (alk paper) Water treatment plants Handbooks, manuals, etc Sewage disposal plants Handbooks, manuals, etc Water Purification Handbooks, manuals, etc Sewage Purification Handbooks, manuals, etc I Title TD434.S64 2008 628.1’62 dc22 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2008018725 Contents Preface xxxv To the Reader xxxvii Author xxxix Part I Water and Wastewater Operations: An Overview Chapter Current Issues in Water and Wastewater Treatment Operations 1.1 1.2 Introduction .3 The Paradigm Shift 1.2.1 A Change in the Way Things Are Understood and Done 1.3 Multiple-Barrier Concept 1.3.1 Multiple-Barrier Approach: Wastewater Operations 1.4 Management Problems Facing Water and Wastewater Operations 1.4.1 Compliance with New, Changing, and Existing Regulations 1.4.2 Maintaining Infrastructure 1.4.3 Privatization and/or Reengineering 11 1.4.4 Benchmarking 13 Benchmarking: The Process 14 1.5 Water: The New Oil? 16 1.5.1 Characteristics of Water 16 1.5.2 Water Use 17 1.6 Technical Management vs Professional Management .19 Chapter Review Questions 23 Thought-Provoking Question 23 References and Suggested Reading 23 Chapter Water/Wastewater Operators 25 2.1 Introduction 25 2.2 Setting the Record Straight 26 2.3 The Computer-Literate Jack or Jill .26 2.4 Plant Operators as Emergency Responders 27 2.5 Operator Duties, Numbers, and Working Conditions 28 2.6 Operator Certification and Licensure 29 Chapter Review Questions 30 References and Suggested Reading 30 Chapter Upgrading Security .31 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Consequences of 9/11 31 3.3 Security Hardware/Devices 34 3.3.1 Physical Asset Monitoring and Control Devices 34 Aboveground Outdoor Equipment Enclosures .34 Alarms .34 Backflow-Prevention Devices 36 Barriers 36 Biometric Security Systems 39 v © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC vi Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition Card Identification and Access and Tracking Systems 40 Fences 40 Films for Glass Shatter Protection 41 Fire Hydrant Locks 42 Hatch Security .42 Intrusion Sensors 43 Ladder Access Control 43 Locks .43 Manhole Intrusion Sensors .44 Manhole Locks 44 Radiation Detection Equipment for Monitoring Personnel and Packages 44 Reservoir Covers .45 Side-Hinged Door Security 46 Valve Lockout Devices 47 Vent Security 47 Visual Surveillance Monitoring 48 3.3.2 Water Monitoring Devices .48 Sensors for Monitoring Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Contamination .49 Chemical Sensors: Arsenic Measurement System 49 Chemical Sensors: Adapted BOD Analyzer 50 Chemical Sensors: Total Organic Carbon Analyzer .50 Chemical Sensors: Chlorine Measurement System .50 Chemical Sensors: Portable Cyanide Analyzer 51 Portable Field Monitors to Measure VOCs 52 Radiation Detection Equipment 52 Radiation Detection Equipment for Monitoring Water Assets 53 Toxicity Monitoring/Toxicity Meters 54 3.3.3 Communication and Integration .54 Electronic Controllers .54 Two-Way Radios .55 Wireless Data Communications 55 3.3.4 Cyber Protection Devices .55 Antivirus and Pest-Eradication Software .56 Firewalls 56 Network Intrusion Hardware and Software 56 3.4 SCADA 57 3.4.1 What Is SCADA? .58 3.4.2 SCADA Applications in Water/Wastewater Systems 59 3.4.3 SCADA Vulnerabilities 59 3.4.4 The Increasing Risk 60 3.4.5 Adoption of Technologies with Known Vulnerabilities 60 3.4.6 Cyber Threats to Control Systems 62 3.4.7 Securing Control Systems 62 3.4.8 Steps to Improve SCADA Security 62 The Bottom Line on Security 66 Chapter Review Question 66 References and Suggested Reading 67 Chapter Water/Wastewater References, Models, and Terminology 69 4.1 Setting the Stage 69 4.2 Treatment Process Models 69 4.3 Key Terms Used in Water and Wastewater Operations 69 Chapter Review Question 77 References and Suggested Reading 78 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Contents vii Part II Water/Wastewater Operations: Math and Technical Aspects 79 Chapter Water/Wastewater Math Operations .81 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Introduction 81 Calculation Steps 81 Equivalents, Formulae, and Symbols 81 Basic Water/Wastewater Math Operations 81 5.4.1 Arithmetic Average (or Arithmetic Mean) and Median 81 5.4.2 Units and Conversions .84 Temperature Conversions 84 Milligrams Per Liter (Parts Per Million) 85 5.4.3 Area and Volume 86 5.4.4 Force, Pressure, and Head 86 5.4.5 Flow 88 5.4.6 Flow Calculations 89 Instantaneous Flow Rates .89 Instantaneous Flow into and out of a Rectangular Tank .89 Flow Rate into a Cylindrical Tank 90 Flow through a Full Pipeline 90 Velocity Calculations 90 Average Flow Rate Calculations 91 Flow Conversion Calculations 91 5.4.7 Detention Time .91 5.4.8 Hydraulic Detention Time 92 Hydraulic Detention Time in Days 92 Hydraulic Detention Time in Hours .92 Hydraulic Detention Time in Minutes 93 5.4.9 Chemical Dosage Calculations 93 Dosage Formula Pie Chart 93 Chlorine Dosage 94 Hypochlorite Dosage .94 5.4.10 Percent Removal .95 5.4.11 Population Equivalent or Unit Loading Factor 96 5.4.12 Specific Gravity 96 5.4.13 Percent Volatile Matter Reduction in Sludge 96 5.4.14 Chemical Coagulation and Sedimentation .96 Calculating Feed Rate 96 Calculating Solution Strength .97 5.4.15 Filtration 97 Calculating the Rate of Filtration 97 Filter Backwash .97 5.4.16 Water Distribution System Calculations 98 Water Flow Velocity 98 Storage Tank Calculations 99 Distribution System Disinfection Calculations 99 5.4.17 Complex Conversions 100 Concentration to Quantity 101 Quantity to Concentration 101 Quantity to Volume or Flow Rate .102 Applied Math Operations 102 5.5.1 Mass Balance and Measuring Plant Performance 102 5.5.2 Mass Balance for Settling Tanks 102 5.5.3 Mass Balance Using BOD Removal 102 5.5.4 Measuring Plant Performance 103 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC viii 5.6 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition Plant Performance/Efficiency 104 Unit Process Performance/Efficiency 104 Percent Volatile Matter Reduction in Sludge .104 Water Math Concepts 104 5.6.1 Water Sources and Storage Calculations .104 5.6.2 Water Source Calculations .105 Well Drawdown 105 Well Yield 105 Specific Yield 105 Well Casing Disinfection 106 Deep-Well Turbine Pumps 106 Vertical Turbine Pump Calculations .106 5.6.3 Water Storage Calculations 107 5.6.4 Copper Sulfate Dosing 107 5.6.5 Coagulation and Flocculation 108 Coagulation 108 Flocculation 108 Coagulation and Flocculation Calculations 108 5.6.6 Determining Chemical Usage 113 5.6.7 Sedimentation Calculations 114 Calculating Tank Volume 114 Detention Time 114 Surface Overflow Rate 115 Mean Flow Velocity 115 Weir Loading Rate (Weir Overflow Rate) 116 Percent Settled Biosolids 116 Determining Lime Dosage (mg/L) .117 Determining Lime Dosage (lb/day) 118 Determining Lime Dosage (g/min) 118 5.6.8 Filtration Calculations 119 Flow Rate through a Filter (gpm) .119 Filtration Rate .120 Unit Filter Run Volume 121 Backwash Rate 122 Backwash Rise Rate 122 Volume of Backwash Water Required (gal) 123 Required Depth of Backwash Water Tank (ft) .123 Backwash Pumping Rate (gpm) 123 Percent Product Water Used for Backwash 124 Percent Mud Ball Volume 124 Filter Bed Expansion 125 5.6.9 Water Chlorination Calculations 125 Chlorine Disinfection 125 Determining Chlorine Dosage (Feed Rate) 125 Calculating Chlorine Dose, Demand, and Residual 126 Calculating Dry Hypochlorite Rate 128 Calculating Hypochlorite Solution Feed Rate 129 Calculating Percent Strength of Solutions 130 Calculating Percent Strength Using Dry Hypochlorite 130 5.6.10 Chemical Use Calculations 130 5.6.11 Fluoridation 131 Water Fluoridation 131 Fluoride Compounds 131 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Contents 5.7 ix Optimal Fluoride Levels .132 Fluoridation Process Calculations 133 5.6.12 Water Softening 137 Calculating Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 137 Calculating Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3 .137 Calculating Total Hardness 138 Calculating Carbonate and Noncarbonate Hardness 138 Alkalinity Determination 139 Calculation for Removal of Noncarbonate Hardness 140 Recarbonation Calculation 140 Calculating Feed Rates 141 Ion Exchange Capacity 141 Water Treatment Capacity 142 Treatment Time Calculation (Until Regeneration Required) .143 Salt and Brine Required for Regeneration 143 Wastewater Math Concepts .144 5.7.1 Preliminary Treatment Calculations .144 Screening .144 Grit Removal .145 5.7.2 Primary Treatment Calculations 147 Process Control Calculations 147 Surface Loading Rate (Surface Settling Rate/Surface Overflow Rate) .147 Weir Overflow Rate (Weir Loading Rate) 148 BOD and Suspended Solids Removed (lb/day) 148 5.7.3 Trickling Filters 148 Trickling Filter Process Calculations 149 Hydraulic Loading 149 Organic Loading Rate 149 BOD and Suspended Solids Removed 150 Recirculation Flow 150 5.7.4 Rotating Biological Contactors 150 RBC Process Control Calculations .151 Hydraulic Loading Rate 151 Soluble BOD 151 Organic Loading Rate 152 Total Media Area 152 5.7.5 Activated Biosolids 152 Activated Biosolids Process Control Calculations .153 Moving Averages 153 BOD or COD Loading 153 Solids Inventory 153 Food-to-Microorganism Ratio 154 Gould Biosolids Age 155 Mean Cell Residence Time 155 Estimating Return Rates from SSV60 156 Sludge Volume Index 157 Mass Balance: Settling Tank Suspended Solids 157 Biosolids Waste Based on Mass Balance 158 Oxidation Ditch Detention Time 158 5.7.6 Treatment Ponds 159 Treatment Pond Parameters 159 Treatment Pond Process Control Calculations .159 Hydraulic Detention Time (Days) 159 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC x Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition BOD Loading 160 Organic Loading Rate 160 BOD Removal Efficiency .160 Population Loading .160 Hydraulic Loading Rate (In./Day) (Hydraulic Overflow Rate) 160 5.7.7 Chemical Dosing 160 Chemical Feed Rate 161 Chlorine Dose, Demand, and Residual 162 Hypochlorite Dosage 162 5.7.8 Chemical Solutions 163 Chemical Solution Feeder Setting (gpd) 164 Chemical Feed Pump: Percent Stroke Setting .164 Chemical Solution Feeder Setting (mL/min) .165 Chemical Feed Calibration 165 Average Use Calculations .166 Process Residuals: Biosolids Production and Pumping Calculations 167 Primary and Secondary Solids Production Calculations 167 Primary Clarifier Solids Production Calculations 167 Secondary Clarifier Solids Production Calculations 167 Percent Solids 168 Biosolids Pumping 168 Estimating Daily Biosolids Production 168 Biosolids Production in Pounds per Million Gallons 168 Biosolids Production in Wet Tons/Year 169 Biosolids Pumping Time .169 Biosolids Pumped per Day in Gallons 169 Biosolids Pumped per Day in Pounds 169 Solids Pumped per Day in Pounds .169 Volatile Matter Pumped per Day in Pounds .169 Biosolids Thickening 170 Gravity/Dissolved Air Flotation Thickener Calculations .170 Centrifuge Thickening Calculations .171 Biosolids Digestion or Stabilization 172 Aerobic Digestion Process Control Calculations 172 Volatile Solids Loading (lb/ft3/day) 172 Digestion Time, Days 172 pH Adjustment 172 Anaerobic Digestion Process Control Calculations .173 Required Seed Volume in Gallons 173 Volatile Acids/Alkalinity Ratio 173 Biosolids Retention Time .173 Estimated Gas Production in Cubic Feet/Day 173 Percent Volatile Matter Reduction 174 Percent Moisture Reduction in Digested Biosolids .174 5.7.9 Biosolids Dewatering .174 Pressure Filtration 174 Plate and Frame Press Calculations .174 Belt Filter Press Calculations .175 Rotary Vacuum Filter Dewatering Calculations 177 Sand Drying Beds 178 5.7.10 Biosolids Disposal 179 Land Application Calculations .179 Biosolids to Compost 181 Composting Calculations 181 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Contents xi 5.8 Water/Wastewater Laboratory Calculations 182 5.8.1 Faucet Flow Estimation 182 5.8.2 Service Line Flushing Time 182 5.8.3 Composite Sampling 183 5.8.4 Biochemical Oxygen Demand Calculations 184 BOD5 Unseeded 184 BOD5 Seeded 184 BOD 7-Day Moving Average .184 5.8.5 Moles and Molarity 184 Moles 185 Normality 185 5.8.6 Settleability (Activated Biosolids) 186 5.8.7 Settleable Solids .186 5.8.8 Biosolids Total Solids, Fixed Solids, and Volatile Solids .187 5.8.9 Wastewater Suspended Solids and Volatile Suspended Solids 187 5.8.10 Biosolids Volume Index and Biosolids Density Index 188 Chapter Review Questions 189 General Wastewater Treatment Problems 189 General Water Treatment Problems 196 References and Suggested Reading 197 Chapter Blueprint Reading .199 6.1 Blueprints: The Universal Language 199 6.1.1 Blueprint Standards 200 Standards-Setting Organizations 201 ANSI Standards for Blueprint Sheets 201 6.1.2 Finding Information .201 Detail Drawings 201 Assembly Drawings 201 Title Block 201 Drawing Notes 204 6.2 Units of Measurement .207 6.2.1 Fractions and Decimal Fractions 207 6.3 Alphabet of Lines 208 6.3.1 Just a Bunch of Drawn Lines? .208 6.3.2 Visible Lines 208 6.3.3 Hidden Lines 209 6.3.4 Section Lines 209 6.3.5 Center Lines 210 6.3.6 Dimension and Extension Lines 210 6.3.7 Leaders 210 6.3.8 Cutting Plane or Viewing Plane Lines 210 6.3.9 Break Lines 210 6.3.10 Phantom Lines 211 6.3.11 Line Gauge .211 6.3.12 Views 211 Orthographic Projections 212 One-View Drawings 214 Two-View Drawings .214 Three-View Drawings 214 Auxiliary Views 216 6.4 Dimensions and Shop Notes .217 6.4.1 Dimensioning 217 6.4.2 Decimal and Size Dimensions .218 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Appendix A Answers to Chapter Review Questions CHAPTER ANSWERS CHAPTER ANSWERS 1.1 3.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 A pattern or point of view that determines what is seen as reality A change in the way things are understood and done (1) Assessing and protecting drinking water sources (2) Optimizing treatment processes (3) Ensuring the integrity of distribution systems (4) Effecting correct cross-connection control procedures (5) Continuous monitoring and testing of the water before it reaches the tap Water/wastewater operations are usually low-profile activities and much of water/wastewater infrastructure is buried underground Secondary Privatization means allowing private enterprise to compete with government in providing public services, such as water and wastewater operations Reengineering is the systematic transformation of an existing system into a new form to realize quality improvements in operations, systems capability, functionality, and performance at lower cost, improved schedule, and less risk to the customer A process for rigorously measuring performance vs “best-in-class” operations and using the analysis to meet and exceed the best in class Planning, research, observation, analysis, adaptation CHAPTER ANSWERS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Operators are exposed to the full range of hazards and work under all weather conditions Plants are upgrading to computerized operations Computerized maintenance management system HAZMAT emergency response technician 24-hour certification Safe Drinking Water Act Answers will vary CHAPTER ANSWERS 4.1 Matching answers o 14 c 15 t 16 j 17 s 18 p 19 d 20 i 21 e 22 10 q 23 11 u 24 12 k 25 13 a 26 v r w l x m y f b z h n g CHAPTER ANSWERS 5.1 5.2 5.3 (2.5 mg/L)(5.5 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 115 lb/day (7.1 mg/L)(4.2 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 249 lb/day (11.8 mg/L)(4.8 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 472 lb/day 5.4 (10 mg/L)(1.8 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.65 lb/day (60 mg/L)(0.086 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 43 lb (2220 mg/L)(0.225)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4166 lb 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 (8 mg/L)(0.83 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 85 lb/day 0.65 (450 mg/L)(1.84 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6906 lb/day (25 mg/L)(2.90 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 605 lb/day (260 mg/L)(5.45 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 11,818 lb/day (144 mg/L)(3.66 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4396 lb/day (290 mg/L)(3.31 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 8006 lb/day (152 mg/L)(5.7 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 7226 lb/day 777 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 778 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition (188 mg/L)(1.92 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 3010 lb/day SS (184 mg/L)(1.88 MGD)(8.34 lb/day) = 2885 lb/day SS (150 mg/L)(4.88 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6105 lb/day BOD (205 mg/L)(2.13 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 3642 lb/day solids (115 mg/L)(4.20 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4028 lb/day BOD (2230 mg/L)(0.40 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 7439 lb SS (1890 mg/L)(0.41 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6463 lb MLVSS (3125 mg/L)(0.18 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4691 lb MLVSS (2250 mg/L)(0.53 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 9945 lb MLSS (2910 mg/L)(0.63 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 15,290 lb MLSS (6150 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 5200 lb/day x = 0.10 MGD (6200 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4500 lb/day a x = 0.09 b 90,000 gpd ÷ 1440 min/day = 62.5 gpm (6600 lb/day)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6070 lb/day x = 0.11 MGD x = 110,000 gpd ÷ 1440 min/day = 76 gpm (6350 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 7350 lb/day x = 0.14 MGD x = 140,000 gpd ÷ 1440 min/day = 97 gpm (7240 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 5750 lb/day x = 0.10 MGD x = 100,000 gpd ÷ 1440 min/day = 69 gpm (2.5 mg)(3.65 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 76.1 lb/day (17 mg/L)(2.10 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 298 lb/day (190 mg/L)(4.8 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 7606 lb/day SS removed (9.7 mg/L)(5.5 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 445 lb/day (305 mg/L)(3.5 MGD) (8.34 lb/gal) = 8903 lb/day (10 mg/L)(3.1 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 398 lb/day 0.65 (210 mg/L)(3.44 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6025 lb/day solids (60 mg/L)(0.09 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 45 lb chlorine (2720 mg/L)(0.52 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 11,796 lb MLSS (5870 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 5480 lb/day x = 0.11 MGD (120 mg/L)(3.312 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 3315 lb/day BOD (240 mg/L)(3.18 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 6365 lb/day BOD (196 mg/L)(1.7 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 2779 lb/day BOD removed © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 5.42 5.43 (x mg/L)(5.3 MGD)(8.34 lb/day) = 330 lb/day x = 7.5 mg/L (5810 mg/L)(x MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 5810 mg/L x = 0.12 MGD x = 120,000 gpd ÷ 1440 min/day = 83 gpm 5.44 3,400,000 gpd = 433 gpd/ft (0.785)(100 ft)(100 ft) 5.45 4,525,000 gpd = 712 gpd/ft (0.785)(90 ft)(90 ft) 5.46 3,800,000 gpd = 4.4 gpd/ft 870,000 ft 5.47 280,749 ft day = 0.4 ft/day 696,960 ft (0.4 ft/day)(12 in./ft) = 4.8 in./day 5.48 5,280,000 gpd = 830 gpd/ft (0.785)(90 ft)(90 ft) 5.49 4.4 ac-ft/day = 0.22 ft/day = in./day 20 ac 5.50 2,050,000 gpd = 1171 gpd/ft (70 ft)(25 ft) 5.51 2,440,000 gpd = 863 gpd/ft (0.785)(60 ft)(60 ft) 5.52 3,450,000 gpd = 627 gpd/ft (110 ft)(50 ft) 5.53 1,660,000 gpd = 949 gpd/ft (25 ft)(70 ft) 5.54 2,660,000 gpd = 691 gpd/ft (0.785)(70 ft)(70 ft) 5.55 2230 gpm = 2.8 gpm/ft (40 ft)(20 ft) 5.56 3100 gpm = 3.1 gpm/ft (40 ft)(25 ft) 5.57 2500 gpm = 1.6 gpm/ft (26 ft)(60 ft) 5.58 1528 gpm = 1.9 gpm/ft (40 ft)(20 ft) 5.59 2850 gpm = 3.2 gpm/ft 880 ft 5.60 4750 gpm = 24 gpm/ft (14 ft)(14 ft) 5.61 4900 gpm = 12 gpm/ft (20 ft)(20 ft) 779 5.62 3400 gpm = gpm/ft (25 ft)(15 ft) 5.80 (200 mg/L)(3.42 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.9 (1875 mg/L))(0.42 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.63 3300 gpm = 4.4 gpm/ft (75 ft)(30 ft) 5.81 (190 mg/L)(3.24 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 1.3 (1710 mg/L))(0.28 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.64 3800 gpm = 12.7 gpm/ft (15 ft)(20 ft) 5.82 (151 mg/L)(2.25 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.9 x lb MLVSS 5.65 3,770,000 gal = 8378 gal/ft (15 ft)(30 ft) 5.66 1,860,000 gal = 6200 gal/ft (20 ft)(15 ft) 5.67 3,880,000 gal = 7760 gal/ft (25 ft)(20 ft) 5.68 1,410,200 gal = 5036 gal/ft (20 ft)(14 ft) 5.69 5,425,000 gal = 9042 gal/ft (30 ft)(20 ft) 5.70 1,410,000 gpd = 8650 gpd/ft 163 ft 5.71 2,120,000 gpd = 11,253 gpd/ft (3.14)(60 ft) 5.72 2,700,00 gpd = 11,250 gpd/ft 240 ft 5.73 (1400 gpm)(1440 min/day) = 8025 gpd/ft (3.14)(80 ft) 5.74 2785 gpm = 14.7 gpm/ft 189 ft 5.75 (210 mg/L)(2.45 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 25.1 1000 ft = 171 lb BOD/day/1000 ft 5.76 5.77 (170 mg/L)(0.120 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 3.5 ac = 49 lb BOD/day/ac (160 mg/L)(2.10 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.7 (1900 mg/L))(0.255 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.84 (180 mg/L)(3.11 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) (x mg/L)(0.88 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) x = 1262 mg/L MLVSS 5.85 (2650 mg/L)(3.60 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 20.7 lb MLSS/day/ft (0.785)(70 ft)(70 ft) 5.86 (2825 mg/L)(4.25 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 19.9 lb MLSS/day/ft (0.785)(80 ft)(80 ft) 5.87 (x mg/L)(3.61 MGD)  × (8.34 lb/gal)    = 26 lb MLSS/day/ft (0.785)(60 ft)(60 ft) x = 2441 mg/L MLSS 5.88 (2210 mg/L)(3.3 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 21.5 lb MLSS/day/ft (0.785)(60 ft)(60 ft) 5.89 (x mg/L)(3.11 MGD)  × (8.34 lb/gal)    = 20 lb MLSS/day/ft (0.785)(60 ft)(60 ft) x = 2174 mg/L MLSS 5.90 12,110 lb VS/day = 0.37 lb VS/day/ft 33,100 ft 5.91 (124,000 lb/day)  × (0.065)(0.70)    = 0.08 lb VS/day/ft (0.785)(60 ft)(60 ft)(25 ft) 5.92 (141,000 lb/day)  × (0.06)(0.71)    = 0.15 lb VS/day/ft (0.785)(50 ft)(50 ft)(20 ft) 5.93 (21,200 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)   × (0.055)(0.69)   = 0.33 VS/day//ft (0.785)(40 ft)(40 ft)(16 ft) (140 mg/L)(2.20 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 900 1000 ft = 2.9 lb/BOD/day/1000 ft 5.79 5.83 (120 mg/L)(2.85 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 34 1000 ft = 84 lb/BOD/day/1000 ft 5.78 x = 3148 lb MLVSS (0.785)(90 ft)(90 ft)(4 ft) = 25,434 (150 mg//L) (3.5 MGD) (8.34 lb/gal) 25.4 1000 ft =172 lb BOD/day/1000 ft © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 780 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition (22,000 gpd)(8.6 lb/gal)   (0.052)(0.70)   = 0.18 lb VS/day/ft (0.785)(50 ft)(50 ft)(20 ft) 5.113 5.95 2050 lb VS added per day = 0.06 32,400 lb VS 5.114 5.96 620 lb VS added per day = 0.09 (174,600 lb)(0.061)(00.65) 5.97 (63,200 lb/day)(0.055)(0.73) = 0.07 (115,000 gal)(8 34 lb/gal)(0.066)(0.59) 5.98 x lb VS added per day = 0.08 (110,000 gal)(8.34 lb/ggal)(0.059)(0.58) 5.116 1,785,000 gal = 3570 gal/ft (25 ft)(20 ft) x = 2511 lb/day VS 5.117 (150 mg/L)(2.69 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.68 (1920 mg/L))(0.31 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.118 x lb VS added/day = 0.09 (24,500 gal)(8.34 lb/gal)(00.055)(0.56) 5.94 = (0.17 ft/day)(12 in./ft) = 2.0 in./day 5.102 (1765 mg/L)(0.381 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 28,040 people 0.2 lb/day 5.103 5.115 5.119 3083 gpm = 2.6 gpm/ft (40 ft)(30 ft) 5.120 (115 mg/L)(3.3 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 20.1 1000 ft = 157 lb BOD/day/1000 ft 5.104 (2210 mg/L)(0.100 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 9216 people 0.2 lb/day 5.121 5.105 2,250,000 gpd = 448 gpd/ft (0.785)(80 ft)(80 ft) 5.123 5.106 2960 gpm = 15.6 gpm/ft 2 190 ft 5.107 2,100,000 gpd = 8360 gpd/ft (3.14)(80 ft) 5.108 3,300,000 gpd = 519 gpd/ft (0.785)(90 ft)(90 ft) 5.110 500 lb/day VS added per day = 0.06 (182,000 lb)(0.0664)(0.67) 5.111 (2760 mg/L)(3.58 MGD)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 16 lb/day/ft (0.785)(80 ft)(80 ft) 5.112 (115,000 lb/day)(0.071) (0.70) = 0.09 (0.785)(70 ft))(70 ft)(21 ft) © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2,000,000 gpd = 1000 gpd/ft (80 ft)(25 ft) x = 566 lb/day 6000 people = 420 people/ac, x = 14.3 ac x ac (161 mg/L)(2.1 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.7 5.109 x lb MLVSS x = 4028 lb MLVSS (174 mg/L)(3.335 MGD)(8.3 lb/gal) = 0.5 (x mg/L)(0.287 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) x = 4033 mg/L MLVSS 5.99 (7900 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(0.048)(0.73) = 0.06 x lb VS x = 38,477 lb VS 5.100 1733 people/5.3 ac = 327 people/ac 5.101 4112 people/10 ac = 411 people/ac 4.15 ac-ft/day = 0.17 ft/day 25 ac 2,560,000 gpd = 10,191 gpd/ft (3.14)(80 ft) 5.122 1900 people/5.5 ac = 345 people/ac (140 mg/L)(2.44 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 750 1000 ft = 3.8 lb BOD/day/1000 ft 5.124 2882 gpm = 2.4 gpm/ft (40 ft)(30 ft) 5.125 (30 ft)(16 ft)(8 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 29 1007 gpm 5.126 (80 ft)(20 ft)(12 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 1.9 hr 75,000 gph 5.127 (3 ft)(4 ft)(3 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 0.75 hr (6 gpm)(60 min/hr) 5.128 (0.785)(80 ft)(80 ft)(10 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 1.7 hr 216,667 gpd 5.129 (500 ft)(600 ft)(6 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 60.5 days 222,500 gpd 5.130 12,300 lb MLSS = 4.5 days 2750 lb/day 781 5.131 5.132 5.133 5.134 (2820 mg/L MLSS)(0.49 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 10.6 days (132 mg/L)(0.988 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.143 (2810 Mg/L MLSS)(0.325 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) (61000 mg/L)(0.0189 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   + (18 mg/L L)(2.4 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   7617 lb MLSS = 5.8 days 962 lb/day + 360 lb/day (x mg/L MLSS)(0.205 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = days (80 mg/L)(2.10 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.144 x = 4917 mg/L MLSS 5.145 = 7.1 days (2750 mg/L MLSS)(0.360 MG)(8.35 lb/gal)  (54100 mg/L)(0.0192 MG)(8.34 lb/gal)  + (16 mg/L SS)(2.35 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   8257 lb = 7.0 days 866 lb/day + 314 lb/day (2550 mg/L MLSS)(1.8 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) (6240 mg/L SS)(0.085 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   + (20 mg/L L)(2.8 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   5.146 (2610 mg/L)(0.15 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days (140 mg/L)((0.92 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.147 (0.785)(6 ft)(6 ft)(4 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 70 12 gpm 5.148 x lb MLSS = days (140 mg/L)(2.14 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) x = 14,992 lb MLSS 5.149 (400 ft)(440 ft)(6 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 39.5 200,000 gpd 5.150 (x mg/L MLSS)(0.64 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days (6310 mg/L)(0.034 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   + (12 mg/L)(2.9 92 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   (x mg/L)(0.970 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) (x mg/L)(0.64 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days (1789 lb/day) + (292 lb/day) (6340 mg/L)(0.032 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   + (20 mg/L)(2.6 MGD D)(8.34 lb/gal)   (x mg/L)(0.64 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days 2081 lb/day (x mg/L)(0.970 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days 1692 lb/day + 434 lb/day (x mg/L)(0.970 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = days 2126 x = 3141 mg/L MLSS 5.151 89 mg/L removed × 100% = 81% 110 mg/L 5.152 216 mg/L removed × 100 = 94% 230 mg/L 5.153 200 mg/L removed × 100 = 77% 260 mg/L x = 2100 mg/L MLSS 5.139 (75 ft)(30 ft)(14 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 3.5 hr 68,333 gph 5.140 12,600 lb MLSS = 4.5 days 2820 lb/day 5.141 (2408 mg/L)(1.9 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 38,157 lb = 9.8 days (3753 lb/day) + (594 lb/day) 38,281 lb MLSS = days 4424 lb/day + 467 lb/day 5.138 (3250 mg/L)(0.33 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) = 4.6 days (100 mg/L)((2.35 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) (6320 mg/L)((0.0712 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)   + (25 mg/L)(2.85 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal)    x lb MLSS = 5.5 days, x = 8855 lb MLSS 1610 lb/day SS (1610 lb/day wasted)   + (340 lb/day in SE)    5.137 (40 ft)(20 ft)(10 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 47 1264 gpm (2850 mg/L MLSS)(0.20 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 4.5 dayss (84 mg/L)(1.52 MGD)(8.34 lb/gal) 5.135 (3300 mg/L)(0.50 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   5.136 5.142 (3120 mg/L MLSS)(0.48 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 6.4 days 1640 lb/day wasted + 320 lb/day © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 5.154 175 mg/L removed × 100 = 56% 310 mg/L 5.155 4.9 = x lb/day solids × 100 (3700 gal)(8.34 lb/gal) x = 1512 lb/day solids 782 5.156 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition 0.87 g sludge × 100 = 6.8% 12.87 g sludge 5.163 5.157 1450 lb/day solids × 100 = 3.3%, x = 43,939 lb/day x lb/day sludge 5.158 5.159 4.4 = 3.6 = 258 lb/day × 100, x = 703 gpd (x gpd)(8.34 lb/gal) = x lb/day solids × 100 291,000 lb/day sludge 5.161 5.162 = 1138 lb/day + 1231 lb/day × 100 25,854 lb//day + 34,194 lb/day = 2369 lb/day × 100 = 3.9% 60,048 lb/day  (8100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(5.1)    100  (7000 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(4.1)  +   100 × 100  (8100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)  + (7000 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)   = 3445 lb/day solids + 2394 lb/day soolids × 100  67,554 lb/day sludge     + 58,380 lb/day sludge  = 5839 lb/day solids × 100 = 4.6% 125,934 lb/day sludge  (4750 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(4.7)    100  (5250 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(3.5)  +   100 × 100  (4750 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)  + (5250 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)   = 1862 lb/day + 1532 lb/day × 100 39,615 + 43,785 = 3394 lb/day solids × 100 = 4.1% 83,400 lb/day sludge © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 2977 lb/day + 6242 lb/day × 100 74,435 lb/day + 94,576 lb/day 9219 lb/day × 100 = 5.5% 169,011 lb/day (3250 lb/day solids)(0.65) = 2113 lb/day VS (4120 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(0.07)(0.70) = 1684 lb/day VS 98 ft – 91 ft = ft drawdown 125 ft – 110 ft = 15 ft drawdown 161 ft – 144 ft = 17 ft drawdown = x = 10,476 lb/day solids 5.160  (3100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(4.4)    100  (4100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(3.6)  +   100 × 100  (3100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)  + (4100 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)    (8925 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(4.0)    100  (11,340 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)(6.6)  +   100 × 100  (8925 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal)  + (11,340 gpd)(8.34 lb/gal))   5.164 5.165 5.166 5.167 5.168 5.169 (3.7 psi)(2.31 ft/psi) = 8.5 ft sounding linne water depth 112 ft – 8.5 ft = 103.5 ft 1033.5 ft – 86 ft = 17.5 ft 5.170 (4.6 psi)(2.31 ft/psi) = 10.6 ft sounding line water depth 150 ft – 10.6 ft = 139.4 ft 171 ft – 139.4 ft = 31.4 ft drawdown 5.171 300 ÷ 20 = 15 gpm per ft of drawdown 5.172 420 gal ÷ = 84 gpm 5.173 810 gal ÷ = 162 gpm 5.174 856 gal = 171 gpm (171 gpm)(60 min/hr) = 10,260 gph 5.175  (0.785)(1 ft)(1 ft)(12 ft)    × (7.48 gal/ft )(12 round trips) = 169 gpm 5.176 750 gal ÷ = 150 gpm (150 gpm)(60 min/hr) = 9000 gph (9000 gph)(10 hr/day) = 90,000 gal/day 5.177 200 gpm ÷ 28 ft = 7.1 gpm/ft 5.178 620 gpm ÷ 21 ft = 29.5 gpm/ft 5.179 1100 gpm ÷ 41.3 ft = 26.6 gpm/ft 5.180 x gpm = 33.4 fpm/ft 42.8 ft x = (33.4)(42.8) = 1430 gpm 5.181  (0.785)(0.5 ft)(0.5 ft)    = 206 gal × (140 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) (40 mg/L)(0.000206 MG)   = 0.07 lb chlorine × (8.34 lb/gal)   783 5.182  (0.785)(1 ft)(1 ft)    = 640 gal × (109 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) (40 mg/L)(0.000640 MG)   = 0.21 lb chlorine × (8.34 lb/gal)   5.183  (0.785)(1 ft)(1 ft)    = 633 gal × (109 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) (0.785)(0.67 ft)(0.67 ft)   = 105 gal  × (40 ft)(7.48 gal/ft )  5.189 (4.0 psi) (2.31 ft/psi) = 9.2 ft 5.190 (94 ft + 24 ft) + (3.6 psi)(2.31 ft/psi) = 118 ft + 8.3 ft = 126.3 ft 5.191 (400 ft)(110 ft)(14 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 4,607,680 gal 5.192 (400 ft)(110 ft)(30 ft × 0.4 average depth) × (7.48 gal/ft ) = 3,949,440 gal 5.193 (200 ft)(80 ft)(12 ft) = 4.4 ac-ft 43,560 ft /ac-ft 633 + 105 gal = 738 gal 5.194 (110 mg/L)(0.000738 gal)   = 0.68 lb chlorine × (8.34 lb/gal)   (320 ft)(170 ft)(16 ft)(0.4) = 8.0 ac-ft 43,560 ft /ac-ft 5.195 (0.5 mg/L chlorine)(20 MG)(8.34 lb/gal) 25/1000 5.184 (x mg/L)(0.000540 gal)(8.34 lb/gal) = 0.48 lb x= = 334 lb copper sulfate 0.48 (0.000540)(8.34) 5.196 131.9 ft – 93.5 ft = 38.4 ft x = 107 mg/L 5.185 5.197 0.09 lb chlorine = 1.5 lb 5.25/100 707 gal = 141 gpm (141 gpm)(60 min/hr) = 8460 gph 1.5 lb = 0.18 gal 8.34 lb/gal (0.18 gal)(128 fluid oz./gal) = 23 fl oz 5.198  (0.785)(1 ft)(1 ft)(12 ft)    × (7.48 gal/ft )(8 round trips) = 113 gpm gpm 5.199 (3.5 psi)(2.31 ft/psi) = 8.1 sounding line water depth 5.186  (0.785)(0.5 ft)(0.5 ft)    = 176 gal  × (120 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) = 167 ft − 8.1 ft = 158.9 ft pumping water level (50 mg/L)(0.000176 MG)   0.1 lb calcium × (8.34 lb/gal)   = hypochlorite 65/100 (0.1 lb)(16 oz./1 lb) = 1.6 oz calcium hypochlorite 5.187  (0.785)(1.5 ft)(1.5 ft)    = 1387 gal × (105 ft)(748 gal/ft ) (100 mg/L)(0.001387 MG)   4.6 lb chloride × (8.34 lb/gal)   = of lime 25/100 5.188 (60 mg/L)(0.000240 MG)   × (8.34 lb/gal)   = 2.3 lb 5.25/100 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 5.200 610 gpm = 21.8 gpm/ft 28 ft drawdown 5.201  (0.785)(0.5 ft)(0.5 ft)    = 220 gal × (150 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) (55 mg/L)(0.000220 MG)   = 0.10 lb chlorine req × (8.34 lb/gal)   5.202 780 gal ÷ = 156 gpm (156 gal/min)(60 min/hr)   = 74,880 gal/day × (8 hr/day)   5.203 (x mg/L)(0.000610 MG)   = 0.47 lb × (8.34 lb/gal)   2.3 lb = 0.3 gal 8.34 lb/gal (0.3 gal)(128 fl oz./gal) = Drawdown (ft) = 158.9 ft − 141 ft = 17.9 ft 38.4 fl oz sodium m hypochlorite x= 0.47 = 92.3 mg/L (0.000610)(8.34) 784 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition 5.204  (0.785)(1 ft)(1 ft)    = 523 gal × (89)(7.48 gal/ft )  (0.785)(0.67)(0.67)    = 119 gal × (45 ft)(7.48 gal/ft ) 523 gal + 119 gal = 642 gal (100 mg/L)(0.000642 MG)   = 0.54 lb chlorine × (8.34 lb/gal)   5.205 0.3 lb chlorine = 5.7 lb 5.25/100 5.7 lb = 0.68 gal 8.34 lb/gal (0.68 gal)(128 fl oz./gal) = 87 fl oz 5.206 Volume = (4 ft)(5 ft)(3 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 449 gal 5.207 Volume = (50 ft)(20 ft)(8 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 59,840 gal 5.208 Volume = (40 ft)(16 ft)(8 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 38,298 gal 5.209 42 in ÷ 12 in./ft = 3.5 ft Volume = (5 ft)(5 ft)(3.5 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 655 gal 5.210 in ÷ 12 in./ft = 0.17 ft Volume = (40 ft)(25 ft)(9.17 ft)(7.48 gal/ft3) = 68,592 gal 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.47 6.48 6.49 6.50 Fillet weld Square butt weld Single hem Single flange Location of weld Steel section Bevel weld V weld J-groove weld times true size Drawing number 180 Break line Object line 3-D pictorial Shape; complexity Limits Center line; finished surface Volute Hem Seam Relief valve Gas; liquid Butt Architectural Plot plan Line CHAPTER ANSWERS CHAPTER ANSWERS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 Screwed joint Welded joint Soldered joint Screwed glove valve Globe valve Screwed check valve Pump Flexible line Check valve Heat exchanger Expansion joint Vibration absorber Battery cell Motor Relay Voltmeter Ammeter Knife switch Fuse Transformer Ground Normally open contacts Local note reference © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 26 ft 77 ft Eccentric, segmental Flow nozzle Ultrasonic flowmeter 4937 gal 4.57 213,904 ft3 103 ft 8064 lb Always constant Pressure due to the depth of water The line that connects the piezometric surface along a pipeline 0.28 ft 254.1 ft 6.2 × 10–8 0.86 ft Pressure energy due to the velocity of the water A pumping condition where the size of the impeller of the pump and above the surface of the water from which the pump is running The slope of the specific energy line 785 CHAPTER ANSWERS CHAPTER ANSWERS 8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.35 8.36 8.37 8.38 8.39 8.40 8.41 8.42 Alternator The effect that causes current flow in a conductor moving across magnetic lines of force Mechanical, electrical Increases, decreases, decreases, increases To protect an electrical circuit and load 0.2 ohms Orbits or shells Protons and neutrons The value of the resistor, the length of the conductors, and the diameter of the conductors Direct current flow does not change direction, whereas alternating current periodically changes direction The magnetic poles The flux lines, or magnetic flux along which a magnetic force acts Natural magnet, permanent magnets, and electromagnets Chemistry Battery, two A series circuit has only one path for current flow, whereas a parallel circuit has more than one path Source voltage Voltage drop Counterclockwise amps 12 volts 16 watts 80 watts Less, more Resistivity Circular mil Circular mil Conductivity Smaller Doubles It will withstand high voltages The two are directly proportional As flux density increases, field strength also increases The type of material and the flux density North pole Increases 141.4 volts A voltage is induced in the conductor AC, cut, counter Counter Current has an associated magnetic field Increase Increase © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Positive-displacement High-viscosity Positive-displacement High High Eye Static, dynamic Shut off V2/2g Total head Head capacity, efficiency, horsepower demand Water Suction lift Elevation head Water hp and pump efficiency Centrifugal force Stuffing box Impeller Rings, impeller Casing CHAPTER 10 ANSWERS 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 10.18 10.19 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.24 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.28 A flexible piping component that absorbs thermal and/or terminal movement Fluid Fluid Connected Flow Pressure loss Increases Automatically Insulation Leakage Four times Routine preventive maintenance 12 Schedule, thickness Increases Ferrous Increases Iron oxide Cast iron Iron Corrosion Decreases Clay, concrete, plastic, glass, or wood Corrosion-proof Cement Pressed Turbulent, lower Steel 786 10.29 10.30 10.31 10.32 10.33 10.34 10.35 10.36 10.37 10.38 10.39 10.40 10.41 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.45 10.46 10.47 10.48 10.49 10.50 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition Fusion Flexible Aluminum Annealed Fusion Metals, plastics Laminar flow Reinforced nonmetallic Wire-reinforced Dacron® Diameter Flexibility E.E Reinforced, pressure Flexible Expansion joint Vibration dampener Plain Bends Pressure Plug A long-radius elbow CHAPTER 11 ANSWERS 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 11.18 11.19 11.20 Na H2SO4 Base Changes Solid, liquid, gas Element Compound Periodic Solvent, solute An atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electrical charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons Colloid Turbidity Result of dissolved chemicals Toxicity Organic 0; 14 Ability of water to neutralize an acid Calcium and magnesium Base 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 Spheres, rods, spirals Typhoid, cholera, gastroenteritis Amoebic dysentery, giardiasis Cyst Host Plug screens, machinery; cause taste and odor problems 12.11 No; bacteria is Machiavellian—it is a survivor CHAPTER 13 ANSWERS 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 CHAPTER 14 ANSWERS 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Secondary maximum contaminant levels Transpiration Surface water Agriculture, municipal wastewater plants, habitat and hydrologic modifications, resource extraction, and urban runoff and storm sewers 14.5 Solids content 14.6 Turbidity 14.7 Universal solvent 14.8 Alkalinity 14.9 Neutral state 14.10 Lead CHAPTER 15 ANSWERS 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 CHAPTER 12 ANSWERS 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Bacteria, viruses, protozoa During rain storms No Binary fission © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Ecosystem Benthos Periphyton Plankton Pelagic Neuston Immigration Autotrophs Lentic Dissolved oxygen solubility 15.6 Muffle furnace, ceramic dishes, furnace tongs, and insulated gloves 15 minutes A sample collected all at one time; representative of the conditions only at the time taken For pH, dissolved oxygen, total residual chlorine, fecal coliform, and any test by NPDES permit for grab sample A series of samples collected over a specified period of time in proportion to flow Collect from well-mixed location; clearly mark sampling points; easy location to read; no large or unusual particles; no deposits, growths, or floating materials; corrosion-resistant containers; follow safety procedures; test samples as soon as possible 787 15.7 15.8 Refrigerate at 4°C Absorption of water during cooling, contaminants, fingerprints, etc CHAPTER 16 ANSWERS 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Cone of depression 12 in Concrete Surface water, groundwater, GUDISW Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water 16.6 Easily located; softer than groundwater 16.7 The study of the properties of water and its distribution and behavior 16.8 Zone of influence 16.9 GUDISW 16.10 Prevent large material from entering the intake CHAPTER 17 ANSWERS 17.1 A potential reserve area, usually distinct from the treatment plant, where natural or artificial lakes are used for water storage, natural sedimentation, and seasonal pretreatment with or without disinfection 17.2 Collection area into which water drains 17.3 Either of two choices in water utility management—keep it out of the watershed or take it out during treatment 17.4 Control algae and in turn decrease taste and odor problems 17.5 Best management practices 17.6 True 17.7 True 17.8 True 17.9 False 17.10 False 18.9 18.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 18.17 18.18 18.19 18.20 18.21 18.22 18.23 18.24 18.25 CHAPTER 18 ANSWERS 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 Calcium (Ca) and magnesium Buffer Sodium hydroxide Chlorine feed rate (lb/day) = Dose (mg/L) × flow (MGD) × 8.34 = 1.2 mg/L × 1.6 MGD ì 8.34 = 16.0 lb/day 2.4 (60 ữ 25 = 2.4) Chlorine dose (mg/L) – chlorine residual (mg/L) = 1.0 mg/L – 0.5 mg/L = 0.5 mg/L Residual = Dose – demand = 6.0 mg/L – 3.3 mg/L = 2.7 mg/L Dose (mg/L) = 220 lb/day Cl2 = 8.5 mg/L 3.1 × 8.34 Chlorine residual = 8.5 mg/L − 6.9 mg/L = 1.6 mg/L © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC A description of the soil encountered during well construction, water quantity, well casing information, and well development and testing Dug well Disinfection residual, turbidity, coliform analysis National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Fit for human consumption First, determine the required chlorine feed rate: Feed rate (lb/day) = Dose (mg/L) × flow (MGD) × 8.34 = 0.6 mg/L × MGD × 8.34 = 5.0 lb/day If we require lb/day of chlorine, we will require more pounds of hypochlorite because it is not 100% chlorine; 68% of the hypochlorite is available chlorine, and 68% = 68/100 = 0.68 Next: (Cl2 fraction)(hypochlorite) = Available chlorine (0.68)(x lb/day hypochlorite) = 5.00 lb/day Cl2 x lb/day hypochlorite = 5.00/0.68 x = 7.36 lb/day hypochlorite Public The transport of water from one location to another Acute Reduction of pathogens to safe levels Hypochlorites Reduce the number of pathogens to safe levels in water before the contact time is completed Feed rate (lb/day) = Dose (mg/L) × flow (MGD) × 8.34 = 0.4 mg/L × 5/3 MGD × 8.34 = 17.68 lb/day Cl2 Residual = Dose – demand = 10 (mg/L) – 2.6 (mg/L) = 7.5 mg/L Turbidity can entrap or shield microorganisms from the chlorine Feed rate (lb/day) = Dose (mg/L) × flow (MGD) × 8.34 = 0.8 × 2.6 × 8.34 = 17.35 lb/day soda ash Given: Flow 0.75 MGD Shape Circular Size Radius = 20 ft Depth 10 ft Find the detention time a Find tank volume: Volume = πr2h Volume = π × (20 ft)2 × 10 ft = 12,560 ft3 b Flow = 0.75 MGD × 1,000,000 = 750,000 gpd 12,560 ft × 7.4824 hr = hr 750,000 gal/day 18.26 Chemical feed rate = Dose (mg/L) × flow (MGD) × 8.34 = 35 mg/L × MGD × 8.34 = 70 × 8.34 = 584 lb/day of alum Detention time (hr) = 788 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition 18.27 Yes 18.28 Chlorine residual 18.29 A link that connects two systems and a force that causes liquids in a system to move 18.30 Moderate 18.31 Negative; low 18.32 Peristaltic metering pump 18.33 Purchase of buffer zone around a reservoir; inspection of construction sites; public education 18.34 Given: No of filters Size (each) 10 ft × ft Operating out of service Filtration rate 280 gal/min (total capacity for both filters) Find the filtration rate square foot of filter: Area of each filter = 10 ft × ft = 70 ft2 Total area of filters = 70 ft2 = 140 ft2 total Filtration rate = 280 gal/min = gal/min/ft of filter 140 ft 18.35 Given: Filter area 300 ft2 Backwash rate 15 gal/ft2/min Backwash time Find the amount of water for backwash We have been given information on per foot of filter but we want to find the total water required to backwash the entire filter a Find total filtration rate: 15 gal = 4500 gal/min ft /min b Gallons per 8-minute backwash time 300 ft × 18.36 18.37 18.38 18.39 18.40 18.41 18.42 18.43 18.44 18.45 4500 gal × = 36,000 gal used Velocity = Distance traveled ÷ time Velocity = 600 ft ÷ = 120 ft/min Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Chlorination and filtration Pump more than rated capacity Hypochlorous acid Protozoa Removal/inactivation of most resistant pathogens Corrosivity Turbidity, paddles speed, pH We want to find the velocity; therefore, we must rearrange the general formula to solve for velocity: V = Q/A Given: Q = Rate of flow = 11.2 cfs A = Area in square feet Width = 2.5 ft Depth = 1.4 ft © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 18.46 18.47 18.48 18.49 18.50 18.51 18.52 18.53 18.54 18.55 18.56 18.57 18.58 18.59 18.60 18.61 Find the average velocity Step Area = Width × depth = 2.5 ft × 1.4 ft = 3.5 ft2 Step Velocity (ft/sec) = Flow rate (ft3/sec) ÷ area (ft2) Velocity = 11.2 ft3/sec ÷ 3.5 ft2 = 32 ft/sec Given: Height 100 ft Diameter 20 ft Shape Cylindrical Find total gallons of water contained in the tank a Find the volume in cubic feet: Volume = 0.785 × (diameter)2 × height = 0.785 × (20 ft)2 × 100 ft = 0.785 × 400 ft2 × 100 ft = 31,400 ft3 b Our problem asks how many gallons of water will it contain: 31,400 ft3 × 7.48 gal/ft3 = 234,872 gal Rapid mix, flocculation, sedimentation Removal of color, suspended matter, and organics Transform soluble ions to insoluble compounds to times the theoretical amount 5% Given: Distance 1500 ft Time a Find the velocity in ft/min: Velocity = 1500 ft ÷ = 375 ft/min b Convert minutes to seconds: 375 ft/min × min/60 sec = 6.25 ft/sec Gate Achieve optimum corrosion control 50% Sodium fluoride (NaF) Mottled teeth enamel 0.75 mg/L Amount of chlorine to add for breakpoint chlorination; correct amount of coagulant to use for proper coagulation; length of flash mix; proper amount of mixing and settling time Corrosion control technology Given: Flow 350 GPM Pipe size in Find the velocity (ft/sec) = Distance ÷ time a Convert gallons to ft3: 350 gal/min ÷ 7.48 gal/ft3 = 46.8 ft3/min b Find cross-sectional area of pipe: Area of circle = πr2 = 3.14 × (3 in × in.) = 28.26 in.2 c Convert square inches to square feet: 28.26 in.2 ÷ 144 in.2/ft2 = 0.20 ft2 789 18.62 18.63 18.64 18.65 18.66 18.67 18.68 18.69 18.70 18.71 18.72 18.73 18.74 18.75 18.76 18.77 18.78 18.79 18.80 18.81 18.82 18.83 18.84 18.85 18.86 18.87 18.88 18.89 18.90 18.91 18.92 d Find ft/min: 46.8 ft3/min ÷ 0.20 ft2 = 234 ft/min e Convert minutes to seconds: 234 ft/min × min/60 sec = 3.9 ft/sec Air, chlorine, or potassium permanganate pH, alkalinity, hardness Adsorption Prior to the rapid mix basin Before the backwash, water reaches the lip of the wash water trough Chlorine True True 79,269 gal Powdered activated carbon Iron and manganese Copper Soluble polyvalent cations Gains an electron in going from the +2 oxidation state to the +3 form Bicarbonate Negative head Gravity Influent Uniform Maximize the conversion of organic carbon from the dissolved phase to the particulate phase; the removal of natural organic material; optimize the removal of DHP precursor material 30 hours Phenyl arsine oxide Given: Surface area of pond = 20 ac Height of water collected = in Find the number of gallons collected in the reservoir after the storm a Convert acres to ft2: 20 ac × 43,560 ft2/ac = 871,200 ft2 b Convert inches to feet: in × ft/12 in = 0.167 ft c Calculate volume of water collected: Area × height = 871,200 ft2 × 0.167 ft = 145,490 ft3 d Convert ft3 to gallons: 145,590 ft3 × 7.48 gal/ft3 = 1,089,013 gal 20.0 lb/day Cl2 70 ft × 0.4 = 28 ft 28 ft × 0.433 = 12.1 psi Groundwater Aeration, boiling, adsorption Addition of powdered activated carbon Permeability Water table Waterborne © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 18.93 18.94 18.95 18.96 18.97 18.98 18.99 Coagulant Greater Copper sulfate Lime Disinfected Oxygen Binary fission CHAPTER 19 ANSWERS 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 19.18 19.19 19.20 19.21 19.22 19.23 19.24 19.25 19.26 19.27 19.28 19.29 19.30 19.31 The licensed operator and the responsible official The amount of organic material in a sample that can be oxidized by a strong oxidizing agent Prevent disease, protect aquatic organisms, protect water quality Dissolved and suspended Organic indicates matter that is made up mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and will decompose into mainly carbon dioxide and water at 550°C; inorganic materials, such as salt, ferric chloride, iron, sand, gravel, etc Algae, bacteria, protozoa, rotifers, virus Carbon dioxide, water, more organics, stable solids Toxic matter, inorganic dissolved solids, pathogenic organisms Raw effluent From body wastes of humans who have disease Disease-causing Domestic waste Industrial waste 4.4% 2.3 ft 5250 gal × 8.34 lb/gal = 43,785 lb 14,362 gal 850.7 lb/day 686 kg/day 0.121 MGD 8477 people 9.41 lb/gal Cutter may be sharpened or replaced when needed Cutter alignment must be adjusted as needed Grit is heavy inorganic matter; sand, gravel, metal filings, egg shells, coffee grounds, etc 0.7 fps A large amount of organic matter is present in the gut The aeration rate must be increased to prevent settling of the organic solids To remove settleable and flotable solids To remove the settleable solids formed by the biological activity 7962 gpd/ft Stabilization pond, oxidation pond, polishing pond Settling, anaerobic digestion of settled solids, aerobic/anaerobic decomposition of dissolved and 790 19.32 19.33 19.34 19.35 19.36 19.37 19.38 19.39 19.40 19.41 19.42 19.43 19.44 19.45 19.46 19.47 19.48 19.49 19.50 19.51 19.52 19.53 19.54 19.55 19.56 19.57 19.58 Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations, Second Edition colloidal organic solids by bacteria producing stable solids and carbon dioxide, photosynthesis Products of oxygen by algae; summer effluent is high in solids (algae) and low in BOD; winter effluent is low in solids and high in BOD Eliminates wide diurnal and seasonal variation in pond dissolved oxygen Standard, high rate, roughing Increase waste rate Decrease, decrease, decrease, increase, increase 10 containers 88 days 103 cylinders; $2823.49 4716 lb/day 21.5 lb 27 days 64.1% National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System By increasing the primary sludge pumping rate or by adding dilution water 7.0 pH Because the microorganisms have been killed or they are absent The time to the test, hours vs days Dark, greasy Increases Temperature, pH, toxicity, waste rate, aeration tank configuration Can function with or without dissolved oxygen; prefer dissolved oxygen but can use chemically combined oxygen such as sulfate or nitrate Organic Living organisms Final Colloidal Not possible Aerobic, facultative © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 19.59 19.60 19.61 19.62 19.63 19.64 19.65 19.66 19.67 19.68 19.69 19.70 19.71 19.72 19.73 19.74 19.75 19.76 19.77 19.78 19.79 19.80 19.81 19.82 19.83 19.84 19.85 19.86 19.87 19.88 19.89 19.90 19.91 19.92 19.93 Different Reduced Temperature BOD F/M Secondary clarifier weirs To separate and return biosolids to the aeration tank Declining 1.5 and 2.5 mg/L Increased MLVSS concentration Decreased waste rate Decreased MCRT Concentration of aeration influent solids Complete mix is more resistant to shock loads Decrease the grit channel aeration rate Increase Floor level $22.77 Anoxic C:N:P Secondary Are not ft/sec Lower Chlorine residual hr 0.1 800 gpd/ft2 Monochloramine 0.2 to 0.5 Nitrogen Decrease explosive hazard, decrease odor release, maintain temperature, collect gas Algae Dissolved solids 0.0005 ppm APPENDIX B Formulae AREA EFFICIENCY a Rectangular tank: A=L×W Efficiency (% removal) = b Circular tank: A = πr2 or A = 0.785 × (diameter)2 WEIR LOADING Influent − effluent ×100 Influent Weir loading (overflow rate) = Total gpd Length of weir VOLUME a Rectangular tank: V=L×W×H b Circular tank: V = πr2 × H or 0.785 × (diameter)2 × H FLOW Gal/day (gpd) = gal/min (gpm) × 1440 min/day Gal/day (gpd) = gal/hr (gph) × 24 hr/day Million gallons/day (MGD) = (gpd)/1,000,000 SURFACE SETTLING RATE Surface settling rate = Total gpd Surface area of tank DETENTION TIME Detention time (hr) = Capacity of tank (gal) × 24 hr/day Flow rate (gpd) HORSEPOWER Horsepower (hp) = gpm × head (ft) 3960 × total efficiency DOSE lb = ppm × MG × 8.34 lb/gal ppm = lb/(MG × 8.34 lb/gal) 791 © 2009 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Ngày đăng: 04/04/2023, 17:04