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Bioadhesion and biomimetics from nature to applications

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Tai Lieu Chat Luong Bioadhesion and Biomimetics 1BO4UBOGPSE4FSJFTPO3FOFXBCMF&OFSHZ‰7PMVNF Bioadhesion and Biomimetics From Nature to Applications editors Preben Maegaard edited by Anna Krenz Wolfgang Palz Havazelet Bianco-Peled Maya Davidovich-Pinhas The Rise of Modern Wind Energy Wind Power for the World CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2015 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Version Date: 20150218 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-981-4463-99-7 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright 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Raghu Raj Singh, David S Jones, Gavin P Andrews, and Ravi Sheshala 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Methods of Bio-/Mucoadhesion Characterization 2.2.1 In vitro Testing Methods measuring the force of detachment Rheological measurement of mucoadhesion Flow-through or falling liquid film method Imaging techniques Other in vitro tests 2.2.2 In vivo studies 2.3 Conclusion Section II  Natural Adhesives Mussel Adhesives Hongbo Zeng, Qingye Lu, Bin Yan, Jun Huang, Lin Li, and Zhi Liao 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Mussel Adhesive System 3.2.1 Mussel Byssus 3.2.2 Biochemistry of Mussel Byssus 3.3 Understanding Interactions of Mussel Foot Proteins 3.3.1 Techniques for Studying Molecular Interactions of Mussel Foot Proteins General surface analytical techniques Atomic force microscopy Surface forces apparatus 3.3.2 Protein–Substratum Interactions 23 24 25 26 26 31 34 35 37 41 42 49 49 50 50 52 54 54 55 56 57 60 Contents 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Interaction between mussel foot proteins and mica Interaction between mussel foot proteins and silica Interaction between mussel foot proteins and TiO2/metal Interaction between mussel foot proteins and polymers Protein–Protein Interactions in Byssal Plaque 3.4.1 The Interaction of Mussel Foot Protein (mfp-1) in the Cuticle Interactions between foot proteins in the plaque Mussel-Inspired Materials Adhesive/Sealants Functional Coating Conclusions Gecko Adhesion Joseph C Cremaldi, Kejia Jin, and Noshir S Pesika 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Gecko Pad 4.2.1 Hierarchical Tiers 4.2.2 Van der Waals Forces 4.2.3 Roughness Considerations 4.2.4 Force Generation and the Autumn Experiment 4.2.5 Force Results 4.2.6 Comparison with Whole Pad and Single Spatula Measurements 4.3 Attachment and Detachment 4.3.1 The Peel-Zone Model 4.3.2 Peel Modes 4.4 Self-Cleaning Mechanism 4.5 Non-Adhesive Unloaded State and Non-Self-Adherence 60 62 62 63 64 64 66 68 69 72 73 85 86 87 87 88 90 91 91 93 93 95 97 98 100 vii viii Contents 4.6 Substrates and the Environment 4.7 Conclusion From Sand Tube to Test Tube: The Adhesive Secretion from Sabellariid Tubeworms Elise Hennebert, Barbara Maldonado, Cécile Van De Weerdt, Mélanie Demeuldre, Katharina Richter, Klaus Rischka, Patrick Flammang 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Characterization of the Natural Adhesive System 5.2.1 Morphology of the Adhesive Cells 5.2.2 Morphology and Mechanics of the Cement 5.2.3 Cement Composition and Formation 5.3 Bio-Inspired Adhesive Polymers: Production, Characterization and Applications 5.3.1 Recombinant Proteins 5.3.2 Synthetic Peptides 5.3.3 Polymers Section III  Biomimetic Adhesives Adhesives and Coatings Inspired by Mussel Adhesive Proteins Hao Meng, Yuan Liu, Morgan M Cencer, and Bruce P Lee 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Chemistry of DOPA Side Chain 6.2.1 Reversible Interactions 6.2.2 Covalent Bond Formation 6.3 Architectures of Synthetic Adhesive Polymers 6.3.1 Main Chain Functionalization 6.3.2 End Group Functionalization 6.4 Bioinspired Synthetic Adhesives 6.4.1 Injectable Tissue Adhesive 6.4.2 Nanocomposite Adhesive Hydrogel 6.4.3 Thin-Film Adhesive 101 103 109 110 111 111 113 115 118 119 120 122 131 131 133 134 135 136 136 137 138 138 140 142 Contents 6.4.4 Hybrid Gecko- and Mussel-Inspired Adhesive 6.5 Mussel-Inspired Antifouling Coatings 6.5.1 Graft-to Coating Method 6.5.2 Graft-From Coating Method 6.6 Polydopamine as a Versatile Multifunctional Anchoring Group 6.6.1 Polydopamine-Mediated Surface Modification 6.6.2 Metallization and Metal Ion Reduction 6.6.3 Polydopamine Capsule 6.7 Summary and Future Outlook Algal Glue Mimetics Ronit Bitton 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Algal Glue 7.2.1 Green Algae 7.2.2 Brown Algae 7.3 Biomimetic Algal Glue Bio-Inspired Surfaces with Directional Adhesion Luciano Afferrante 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Energy Release Rate 8.2.1 Detachment Occurring Perpendicularly to the Microwalls 8.2.2 Detachment Occurring Obliquely to the Microwalls 8.3 The Critical Moment for Detachment 8.3.1 Detachment Occurring Perpendicularly to the Microwalls 8.3.2 Detachment Occurring Obliquely to the Microwalls 8.4 Conclusions 143 144 145 146 147 149 150 150 151 167 167 168 168 169 172 181 181 186 186 190 190 190 194 195 ix Strategies to Prevent Adhesion on Medical Devices Selenium NPs were able to inhibit bacterial growth of S aureus In this study, they also compared the efficiency of selenium and silver NPs on PVC substrates and verified that selenium was the most effective Lellouche and coworkers (2012) showed in their study that yttrium fluoride (YF3) nanoparticles exhibited antibacterial activity against E coli and S aureus and this was dependent on NP size having the smaller size a higher antibacterial effect than larger NPs [56] The modification of catheter surfaces with these NPs prevented the adhesion and consequent colonization by these two common bacterial pathogens Once again, these results highlight the promising use of these metal fluoride NPs as novel antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents and as medical devices coatings taking advantage of their low solubility and providing extended protection [56] Chifiriuc et al (2012) tested Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil coated NPs pelliculised on the surface of catheter pieces [14] Using this strategy, these authors studied the combined action of NPs and a natural compound known for its antimicrobial properties This nanobiosystem exhibited high efficiency in inhibiting C albicans and C tropicalis adhesion and biofilm accumulation These results reinforced the potentialities of the use of nanoparticles in the medical field Furthermore, the combination of anti-adhesion strategies can potentiate an improvement in the resistance to microbial colonization and biofilm formation opening new directions for the design of film-coated surfaces  Bacteriophages For a long time, phage therapy has attracted attention of several groups of investigation, but nowadays there is a renewed interest in this therapy namely in the control of adhesion and biofilm formation [29] Bacteriophages are viruses that infect, replicate within the host, and kill bacteria [13] Therefore, in the first stage called “penetration,” the virus injects its genome into the host and begins to replicate and multiply inside the bacterial cell At the end of their life cycle, phages promote bacterial lyse releasing newly formed phage particles that are free to infect other cells [73] Kutateladze and Adamia (2010) demonstrated that these viruses are anti-infectives in humans and animals [55] and Fischetti (2010) also demonstrated that some lytic phages can be used as 281 282 Preventing Adhesion on Medical Devices antimicrobials against pathogenic bacteria [32] Since they are harmless to humans [8], they gained a significant importance especially in clinical use Their emergence arose from the necessity of new alternatives to antibiotics in order to overcome the problem of resistance One example of phages studied as potential alternative to antibiotics and presenting anti-biofilm properties are phages specific to S epidermidis These phages were able to destroy biofilm by extracellular material degradation In fact, some phages produce depolymerases, whose target is the exopolysacharide (EPS), which hydrolyses and degrades the extracellular polymeric matrix of biofilms [29,41] The use of phages has several advantages such as the strong antibacterial activity, the absence of adverse effect after phage therapy [4,40,87], and rapid, simple, and inexpensive phage production [4] However, this approach has also some disadvantages, namely the narrow lytic spectrum and the low probability of finding a specific phage with high lytic action and expressing relevant exopolymeric degrading enzymes [4] To circumvent this problem, a phage cocktail can be a solution, consisting of the combination of several phages aiming to create an optimal mixture with broad activity against host cells Another alternative are engineered phages that are able to degrade medical biofilms and alter their host range in order to make them able to infect a wide range of host bacterial strains and species Moreover, their manipulation also consists of the introduction of new genes aiming the induction of the production of specific enzymes essential for the degradation of the biofilm matrix, facilitating their entrance into the biofilm Taking into consideration their capacity to avoid biofilm accumulation on medical devices, their possible use as therapeutic strategy gained importance mainly in the area of catheter coatings [73] Some researchers investigated the in vitro use of phages by incorporating these microorganisms into a hydrogel used to coat medical devices Curtin and Donlan (2006) treated silicone catheter using phage 456 with and without supplemental divalent cations [21] They obtained a reduction in S epidermidis biofilm viable cells of 4.47 and 2.34 log CFU/cm2, respectively On the other hand, Fu et al (2010) tested a hydrogel impregnated with a cocktail of phages in Foley catheters and studied their effect in adhesion and biofilm formation of P aeruginosa [34] They observed a Strategies to Prevent Adhesion on Medical Devices significant mitigation of biofilm formation by these clinical relevant bacteria Overall, this pre-treatment coating was able to attenuate adhesion and reduce the biofilm formation of S epidermidis and P aeruginosa [21,34] Carson et al (2010) also studied the effect of phage-coating onto Foley catheter biomaterials on E coli and Proteus mirabilis adhesion and biofilm formation [10] Once again, this pre-treatment was able to prevent biofilm formation and reduce the number of viable cells on the surface of circa of 90% in both E coli and P mirabilis On the other hand, Fenton et al (2013) showed the efficacy of CHAPK, a bacteriophage-derived peptidase, as biocidal agent for prevention and treatment of biofilm-associated staphylococcal infections namely S epidermidis and all known clonal types of Methicillin-resistant S aureus [31] Therefore, they suggested their utilization as a coating agent on medical implants for prevention of infections caused by the aforementioned species Thus, phages can be used as a prophylactic measure in the pre-treatment of medical devices and decrease the incidence of catheter-associated infections [31,84]  Natural compounds Natural compounds used as coating surfaces of medical devices and presenting anti-adherence characteristics are urgently needed in the medical field In recent years, several researchers suggested the possible use of broad-range natural antimicrobial agents in clinical setting as a potential alternative to conventional antibiotics For example, heparin, a highly sulfated glycosaminoglycan, immobilized on plastic surfaces was shown to reduce bacterial adherence in vitro and in vivo [3,90] On the other hand, essential oils of Boswellia spp., effectively inhibit the development of biofilms of medically relevant species, namely S aureus, S epidermidis, and C albicans [78] Another essential oil was studied by Cavalcanti et al (2011), who demonstrated that the essential oil of R officinalis (Rosemary) has anti-adherent activity against C albicans [11] Further, a study involving M piperita essential oil reported the anti-adhesive properties of this natural substance when used as coating of prosthetic devices [1] In addition to present antiadherence properties against S aureus, a microbicidal effect was also observed This effect results from the stabilization, decrease 283 284 Preventing Adhesion on Medical Devices of volatility, and controlled release of the essential oil from the core/shell nanostructure Taking into account these results, these authors suggested this kind of strategies as good candidates for the design of novel material surfaces used for prosthetic devices Cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol also exhibited a significant antimicrobial activity and consequently an anti-biofilm effect against E coli, P aeruginosa and S aureus When incorporated into poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) polymer films, these natural antimicrobial compounds were able to mitigate biofilm formation of S aureus and E coli In conclusion, they proposed the use of these two natural compounds as plant-based coating for indwelling devices to safely prevent adhesion and consequent accumulation by pathogenic bacteria [100] Nowatzki et al (2012) developed a new strategy to impede bacterial adhesion and biofilm growth on synthetic materials [64] This approach is based in the controlled salicylic acid release from a polymeric coating This kind of coating was effectively inhibitory against E coli and P aeruginosa When mimicking the physiological urine flow, urinary catheters coated with the salicylic acid-polymer exhibited a significant reduction of biofilm formation by E coli  Electrical methods Electrical approaches have been used either to release antimicrobials from device surfaces and thus prevent biofilm formation or to drive antimicrobials through established biofilms This last method, the bioelectric effect, consists of the concurrent application of antibiotics and a weak electric field to kill bacteria According to Costerton and co-authors (1994), with the application of direct current electric fields between 1.5 and 20 V/cm, the concentrations of antibiotics needed to be effective against biofilm bacteria fell from approximately 5000 times to times greater than those necessary for planktonic bacteria in the absence of electricity [19] However, in a work that aimed to study the in vitro bioelectric effect on the activities of 11 antimicrobial agents representing a variety of different classes against P aeruginosa, MRSA, and S epidermidis, it was observed that the enhancement of the activity of antimicrobial agents against biofilm organisms by electrical current is not a generalizable phenomenon across microorganisms and antimicrobial agents [24] It has been suggested Acknowledgment that the mechanism of antibacterial activity of electrical current results from the oxidation of enzymes and coenzymes, membrane damage leading to the leakage of essential cytoplasmic constituents, toxic substances (e.g., H2O2, oxidizing radicals, and chlorine molecules) produced as a result of electrolysis, and/or a decreased bacterial respiratory rate [24] It must be noted that this method is more a therapeutic one rather than a preventive measure 11.4  Conclusions A serious health problem is represented by the high occurrence of medical device infections, the colonization of these surfaces by microorganisms and biofilm formation being the major cause of this kind of infections This issue was aggravated by the emergence of antibiotic resistance that prompted the search of novel agents able to inhibit bacterial adhesion and biofilm growth In recent years, further efforts have been made by several groups of researchers aiming to develop new approaches for the design of sterile surface coatings that may be useful for various medical applications Biomaterial surface properties including hydrophobicity and roughness must be taken into consideration since they control adhesion and growth of infecting bacteria Here we mentioned several of these novel anti-biofilm strategies and several of them demonstrated promising applicability in medical environment since they exhibited great ability to counteract microbial adhesion and biofilm formation on medical devices surfaces However, researchers are always looking for new and most effective strategies aiming the successful reduction or the total eradication of the infections focused here To achieve this, more studies will be necessary, preferentially in vivo, to better understand the mechanisms of bacterial adhesion and biomaterials infection Acknowledgment P Teixeira and F Gomes acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through the grants SFRH/BPD/86732/2012 and SFRH/BPD/84488/2012, respectively 285 286 Preventing Adhesion on 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Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 15:46