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r BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO TRUONG DAI HOC MO THANH PHO HO CHI MINH HO THUY HA cAc YEU TO ANH HUONG DEN LONG TRUNG THANH CUA ,, Tai Lieu Chat Luong KRACH HANG CA NHAN GUI TIEN TAI NGAN HANG TMCP CONG TRUONG VIET NAM • - CHI NHANH TP HO CHi MINH Chuyen nganh : Tai chinh - Ngan hang Ma s6 chuyen nganh : 60 3, MHG "'HOC MO rp HCM l - Tr~.,,' V~~ ~d ~ ~ ' , " ' LUAN VAN THAC SY TAI CHINH - NGAN HANG Nguai hu6ng d~n khoa h9c: T.S HOANG THJ PHlfdNG THAO TP.Hfi Chi Minh - Nam 2012 I ' LOI CAM DOAN Toi cam doan rfmg lu~n van "Cac ylu ta iinh hirung aln long trung thimh cua khach hang ca nhlin gfri tiJn t{li Nglin Hang ThirO'ng m{li CB phfln Cong ThirO'ng Vift Nam - Chi nhanh Thanh pha HJ Chi Minh" la bai nghien ctru cua chinh toi Ngoai trir nhfrng tai li~u tham khao duqc trich d§n lu~n van nay, toi cam doan r~ng toan ph~n hay nhfrng ph~n nh6 cua lu~n van chua timg duqc cong b6 ho~c duqc SU d\lllg dS nh~n b~ng dp anhfrng nai khac Khong c6 san ph&rn!nghien Clru nao cua nguai khac duqc SU d\lng lu~n van ma khong duqc trich d§n theo dung quy dinh ,Lu~ van chua bao gia duqc n9p dS nh~n bAt ky b~ng cAp nao tc l~p KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 912 Approx Chi-Square 4.920E3 Df 406 Sig .000 Total Variance Explained Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings Loadings Initial Eigenvalues Component Total % of Cumulative Variance % Total % of Cumulative Variance % Total % Qf Cumulative Variance % 9.930 34.240 34.240 9.930 34.240 34.240 3.231 11.142 11.142 3.478 11.995 46.235 3.478 11.995 46.235 3.224 11.118 22.259 1.952 6.732 52.967 1.952 6.732 52.967 3.167 10.919 33.179 1.413 4.874 57.841 1.413 4.874 57.841 2.980 10.276 43.455 1.292 4.454 62.295 1.292 4.454 62.295 2.699 9.306 52.761 1.100 3.793 66.088 1.100 3.793 66.088 2.483 8.563 61.324 1.070 3.688 69.776 1.070 3.688 69.776 2.451 8.452 69.776 740 2.551 72.327 639 2.204 74.531 10 615 2.122 76.653 11 578 1.994 78.647 12 562 1.938 80.585 13 517 1.783 82.368 14 486 1.675 84.043 15 470 1.622 85.665 78 " \ ' 16 442 1.524 87.189 17 399 1.377 88.567 18 392 1.352 89.919 19 361 1.245 91.164 20 345 1.188 92.352 21 323 1.115 93.467 22 290 1.001 94.468 23 287 989 95.457 24 265 912 96.369 25 251 866 97.236 26 228 785 98.021 27 206 709 98.730 28 201 693 99.423 29 167 577 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotated Component Matrix• Component TC5 704 TC4 691 TC3 629 DU5 621 TC1 596 TC2 575 HA3 783 HA4 773 HA5 735 HA2 732 HA1 639 MT3 810 MT2 778 MT4 685 MT1 629 DU3 759 DU2 736 DU4 651 79 I ' DU1 639 NL1 736 NL2 712 NL3 710 NL4 625 LS1 885 LS2 840 LS3 836 KM2 873 KM3 853 KM1 820 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 11.3 Ki~m djnh d() tin c~y sau phan tich nhan tfi Tin c~y (TCl, TC2, TC3, TC4, TC5, DU5) Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 858 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Item Deleted Item Deleted Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha Total Correlation if Item Deleted TC1 17.47 12.042 684 828 TC2 17.60 12.348 654 834 TC3 17.59 12.704 572 848 TC4 17.78 11.931 658 833 TC5 17.80 11.732 682 828 DUS 17.66 12.043 639 836 11.4 Phan tich nhan tfi bi~n ph9 thu()c: long trung KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 691 Approx Chi-Square Df 228.609 80 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 691 Approx Chi-Square 228.609 Df Sig .000 Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Component % of Variance Total Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Cumulative% 2.042 68.055 68.055 531 17.693 85.748 428 14.252 100.000 Total 2.042 % of Variance 68.055 Cumulative% 68.055 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Component Matrix• Component TT1 845 TT3 832 TT2 798 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis a components extracted 11.5 Thfing ke mo ta Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation Analysis N NL1 4.02 842 300 NL2 4.07 867 300 NL3 3.96 876 300 NL4 3.86 922 300 TC1 3.71 880 300 TC2 3.58 852 300 TC3 3.59 867 300 TC4 3.40 925 300 TC5 3.38 937 300 DU1 4.06 834 300 DU2 3.64 849 300 81 I ' '\ \; DU3 3.7S 880 300 DU4 3.87 83S 300 DUS 3.S2 923 300 MT1 3.86 8S8 300 MT2 3.60 8SO 300 MT3 3.60 826 300 MT4 3.73 847 300 LS1 4.02 941 300 LS2 3.82 986 300 LS3 3.90 1.026 300 HA1 3.71 84S 300 HA2 3.79 819 300 HA3 3.38 764 300 HA4 3.S3 803 300 HAS 3.77 813 300 KM1 3.S3 927 300 KM2 3.71 946 300 KM3 3.62 901 300 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation Analysis N TT1 3.87 791 300 TT2 3.64 891 300 TT3 3.80 826 300 11.6 Phan tich tuong quan Correlations NL NL Pearson Correlation TC Sig (2-tailed) N TC DU Pearson Correlation 300 .64S Sig (2-tailed) 000 N 300 Pearson Correlation .637 .64S DU .637 MT .S94 HA KM LS 366•• .220 309 TT • 663 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 .623 .623 .687 .262 .201 .284 000 000 000 000 000 000 300 300 300 300 300 300 82 .S87 .371 .269 319 764 67S Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 N 300 300 HA .687 .587 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 N 300 300 300 000 300 300 300 300 300 .246 .181 .336 000 002 000 000 300 300 300 300 300 .371 .246 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 000 N 300 300 300 300 .201 .269 .181 .528 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 002 000 N 300 300 300 300 300 743 ,528 .305 000 000 000 300 300 300 300 .220 300 .309 .284 .319 .336 .305 .198 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 000 000 001 N 300 300 300 300 300 300 Pearson Correlation 407 .198 333 001 000 300 300 387 000 300 .663 .764 .675 .743 .407 .333 .387 Sig (2-tailed) 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 N 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Pearson Correlation TT 000 .262 Pearson Correlation LS 000 .366 Pearson Correlation KM 000 300 .594 Pearson Correlation MT 000 300 300 **.Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) 11.7 Ki~m tra hi~n tm;mg da cong tuy~n va phan tich hBi quy Collinearity Diagnostics• Variance Proportions Condition Index Eigenvalue (Constant) NL TC DU MT HA KM LS Model Dimension 1 7.843 1.000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 051 12.352 00 02 04 01 04 04 37 00 037 14.573 00 01 02 01 01 00 07 87 019 20.243 20 02 05 00 08 29 46 09 015 22.967 47 14 01 24 18 03 00 03 012 25.180 31 00 03 30 17 54 05 00 012 26.013 02 50 10 42 21 06 03 01 011 27.222 00 31 76 01 32 04 • 02 00 a Dependent Variable: TT Coefficients" Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity T Sig Correlations Statistics 83 I '\ Zero Std Error B Beta order Partial Part Tolerance VIF -1.692 092 098 2.237 026 663 130 067 460 2.175 046 342 7.394 000 764 397 220 415 2.410 139 043 141 3.270 001 675 188 097 475 2.106 MT 298 043 307 6.991 000 743 379 208 460 2.174 HA 093 041 085 2.268 024 407 132 068 626 1.597 KM 074 029 090 2.554 011 333 148 076 713 1.403 LS 053 026 068 2.066 040 387 120 062 825 1.213 (Constant) -.265 157 NL 094 042 TC 343 DU a Dependent Variable: TI Variables Entered/Removedb Variables Model Variables Entered LS, KM, TC, HA, Removed Method Enter DU, MT, NL8 a All requested variables entered b Dependent Variable: TI Model Summaryb Change Statistics R Model Square R 861 741 Adjusted R Std Error of Square the Estimate 735 R Square F Change Change 741 35493 119.341 df2 df1 292 Sig F Durbin- Change Watson 000 2.242 a Predictors: (Constant), LS, KM, TC, HA, DU, MT, NL b Dependent Variable: TI Sum of Squares Model Regression Residual Total Of Mean Square 105.235 15.034 36.784 292 126 142.019 299 F 119.341 Sig .oooa a Predictors: (Constant), LS, KM, TC, HA, DU, MT, NL b Dependent Variable: TI 84 \ ' 11.8 Phan tich S\f khac bi~t gifra cac nhom khach hang ca nhan GiOi tinh Group Statistics Gioi tinh TT N Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean Nam 147 3.7574 70068 05779 nu 153 3.7821 68004 05498 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence Interval of the Sig (2- F TT Equal variances 060 Sig t df tailed) Mean Std Error Difference Difference Difference Lower Upper 807 -.311 298 756 -.02477 07972 -.310 296.546 756 -.02477 07976 -.15638 assumed Equal variances not assumed -.15630 10677 10685 Tu Bi Test of Homogeneity of Variances TT Levene Statistic df1 349 df2 Sig 296 790 ANOVA TT Sum of Squares Between Groups df Mean Square 411 137 Within Groups 141.608 296 478 Total 142.019 299 F Sig .286 835 Thu nhip Descriptives I TT N Mean Std Std 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum 85 I '\ Deviatio Error n 42 Dl16'i trieu Lower Bound Upper Bound 3.5556 .71252 10994 3.3335 3.7776 2.00 5.0C o trieu Tren 1o trieu 157 3.7707 68962 05504 3.6620 3.8794 2.00 5.00 101 3.8581 66558 06623 3.7267 3.9895 2.00 5.00 Total 300 3.7700 68919 3.6917 3.8483 2.00 5.00 dl!n 03979 Test of Homogeneity of Variances TT Levene Statistic df2 df1 058 Sig 297 943 ANOVA TT Sum of Squares df Mean Square 2.715 1.358 Within Groups 139.304 297 469 Total 142.019 299 Between Groups F Sig 2.894 057 Post Hoc: Multiple Comparisons TT Bonferroni 90% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (1-J) (I) thu nhap (J) thu nhap Dl16'i trieu o trieu Tren 1o trieu dl!n -.21515 dl!n o trieu Dl16'i trieu o o trieu Upper Bound -.4695 03! 12574 050 -.5714 -.03: 21515 11897 215 -.0392 46! -.08739 08736 954 -.2742 09! 12574 050 0337 571 08736 954 -.0994 27'- 08739 dl!n Lower Bound 215 30253 Dll&i trieu Sig .11897 -.30253 Tren trieu Tren 10 trieu Std Error * The mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level Ngh~ nghi~p Test of Homogeneity of Variances TT Levene Statistic 869 df2 df1 Sig 296 457 ANOVA 86 \ ' • Sum of Squares Mean Square df 1.711 570 Within Groups 140.308 296 474 Total 142.019 299 Between Groups F 1.203 Sig .309 Trinh dQ hqc vAn Test of Homogeneity of Variances TI Levene Statistic 551 df1 df2 Sig 297 577 ANOVA TI Sum of Squares df Mean Square 1.886 943 Within Groups 140.133 297 472 Total 142.019 299 Between Groups F 1.998 Sig .137 87 \ '

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 11:36


