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Quality management for product at the lovebread bakery company ,ltd

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1 STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICATION I hereby undertake that the data and results of this thesis are true and have not been used for publication in any other study Everything that helped to make this thesis was thanked and the information cited in the thesis was clearly stated I am fully responsible to the school for this assurance Tai Lieu Chat Luong Student Đường Phúc Nguyên MBQPM6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all with sincere feelings and deep gratitude, I would like to thank the teachers at the Open University and Solvay University of class MBQPM6 for their devotion and teaching in research.Help have deep knowledge to complete the last lesson Sincerely the Board of Directors and colleagues in the company: sales department, quality management department, production department, have helped, facilitate and provide the data and documents needed To study and complete this dissertation In particular I am deeply grateful to Professor Martin for taking the time to instruct and facilitate me during the course of the research project and to complete the final project Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family and my colleagues and friends in MBQPM6 for sharing information and helping with study and research Student Đường Phúc Nguyên MBQPM6 ACADEMIC TUTOR AND PRACTICAL TUTOR’S COMMENTS AND APPROVAL MBQPM6 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION - PART 1: QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES AT THE LOVEBREAD BAKERY CO., LTD 11 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE LOVEBREAD BAKERY.CO.,LTD 11 About us: - 11 1.1 Business activities: - 11 1.2 Personnel situation and organization chart of the lovebread bakery: 12 1.2.1 Company's personnel situation: 12 1.2.2 Organization chart: - 12 1.2.3 Purpose of establishment: 14 1.2.4 Mission: 14 1.2.5 Vision: 14 1.2.6 Core Values: 14 1.2.7 Direction to customer target: - 14 Business results: 14 2.1 Main product categories: - 14 2.2 Business Overview of Lovebread: 15 2.3 Marketing and Sales: 17 CHAPTER 2: PRODUCTION PROCESS AT THE LOVEBREAD BAKERY.CO.,LTD 19 Current of product quality management at the Lovebread Bakery.CO.LTD: 19 1.1 Applying HACCP system and ISO 22000: 2005 system applied at Lovebread: - 19 1.1.1 HACCP System: - 19 1.1.2 ISO 22000: 2005 System: - 21 1.2 Quality Policy: 22 1.3 Quality planning: - 22 1.3.1 Quality objective: 23 1.3.2 Backlog issues: - 24 1.4 Quality control work: 24 1.4.1 Control of People: - 25 1.4.2 Control method and process: - 25 1.4.3 Control of equipment used in production and testing: 25 1.4.4 Work environment: - 25 1.4.5 Relationship department: 25 1.5 Quality assurance work: 38 1.5.1 Humans: - 38 MBQPM6 1.5.2 Process trace: - 38 1.5.3 Tools: 38 1.5.4 Work environment: - 38 1.5.5 Relationship with the department - 38 1.5.6 Who control Quality control staff? 38 1.6 The strengths and weaknesses of QMS (Quality Management System) in Lovebread: - 39 1.6.1 Strength: 39 1.6.2 Weakness: 39 Factors affecting quality management in the company: - 40 2.1 Backlogs: - 40 2.1.1 Subjective factors: - 40 2.1.2 Objective factors: 41 2.2 The demand of the economy: 43 2.3 The development of science and technology: - 43 2.4 Effect of economic management mechanism: 44 PART 2: IMPROVE MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE AT LOVEBREAD BAKERY CO., LTD. 45 CHAPTER 1: THE BASICS TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT, QUALITY ASSURANCE AT LOVEBREAD COMPANY 45 P-D-C-A ( Plan –Do –Check – Action): - 45 1.1 P (Plan): 45 1.2 D (Do): 45 1.3 C (check): 46 1.4 A (Action): - 46 Benchmarking: - 46 CHAPTER 2: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT QUALITY, QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOVEBREAD BAKERY CO., LTD - 47 Improved planning solution: 47 1.1 Quality management system planning solution: - 47 1.2 Solutions to improve management review and improvement: - 47 1.3 Complete solution for effective control when using KPI (key performance indicators): 48 1.4 Complete solution for quality planning: - 48 1.5 Complete solutions for measuring instruments and instruments: - 48 Quality control solutions: 48 2.1 Quality control measures in the control of input materials (purchase process): - 48 2.2 Quality control measures of the incubation process: - 48 2.3 Quality control measures for baking and other processes: 49 MBQPM6 Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Solutions: - 55 3.1 Quality Control CIRCLE( QCC): 55 3.2 Continuously raise awareness on quality assurance and quality management among staff through periodic training, communication and instruction - 56 3.3 Solutions to perfect working environment - 56 CONCLUSION - 57 REFERENCES - 58 MBQPM6 LIST OF PICTURES IN REPORT Figure 1: Partners – source from Business Dpt 11 Figure 2: Company organization chart 12 Figure 3: Breadcrumbs – Business Department Source 15 Figure 4: Annual sales of Lovebread 16 Figure 5: Sales of month numbers for all branches in August, September, October 2017 18 Figure 6: Flowchart of the Critical Control Point (CCP) 20 Figure 7: Value mapping 24 Figure 8: Oven temperature thermometer 32 Figure 9:Time setting device 32 Figure 10: Color palette to contrast the baked pastry color 33 Figure 11: Color of Bread after Baking 33 Figure 12: Form track the baking process34Figure 13: Image layout backing process 35 Figure 14: Form of work plan 46 Figure 15: Fishbone Diagram to explain the faulty breads 50 Figure 16: Diagram about statistical data of Defect Types 53 Figure 17: Layout the sample 53 Figure 18: Diagram about statistic data from Checking and recording the capacity of QC 55 MBQPM6 LIST OF TABLE IN REPORT Table1: Table of employee statistics on February 2018 compare to 2017 12 Table 2: Revenue table of the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 16 Table 3: Table of revenue of stores in month 8,9,10 on 2017 17 Table 4: Plan Quality objective 23 Table 5: Main Production Process 26 Table 6: Baking process 29 Table 7: Process of Baking Quality Control Process 30 Table 8: Flowchart of quality control baking process 32 Table 9: List Defect Types 50 Table 10: Statistic data of Defect Types 51 Table 11: Checking and recording the capacity of QC in 64 weight test times a day 52 Table 12: Statistic data from Checking and recording the capacity of QC 53 MBQPM6 INTRODUCTION Today, in the world of product quality and product quality management is becoming a very important issue, to some degree, we can see a marked change in the market for the product And service Major trade blocs are being developed in the Asia Pacific and North America European countries aim to achieve economic harmony Between the major and the major trading blocs within the blocks, in countries and at every level of the company, the demand for quality has increased steadily Quality has become a vital issue, deciding the existence and development of the business, quality is the most powerful driving force for business operations in the world Over the last twenty years of socio-economic reform, product quality and product quality management in Vietnam have seen significant improvements Not the consumers value the quality of products or services that businesses have also recognized the importance of quality As a result, managers have considered quality and quality management to be an urgent matter Now with the opening process Vietnam joining the ASEAN countries, becoming a member of APEC has created opportunities for the development of the country, but at the same time poses great challenges, namely the elimination of tariff barriers Goods of other countries shall be freely circulated in the countries of the association This situation has given Vietnamese enterprises new challenges The competition in the market will be more and more fierce, the drastic pressure of imported goods, the demand of consumers at home and abroad for the quality of goods and services are increasing Therefore, Vietnamese enterprises Nowadays, quality and quality management are at the heart of corporate governance With a variety of pastry brands in Ho Chi Minh City, Love bread Co., Ltd is a business that is facing the challenge of quality competition, together with the strong development of the current market economy, free development in the ASEAN economic community; The products of Love bread are not only under pressure of quality, price, service from products from domestic companies such as Grival, Brodard, Kinh, Duc Phat, ABC, Lam Dong, but also from the foreign brands Break talk, Tours jours, Paris Baguette As a result, managers value product quality as a key to the success of the business The company wants to survive and develop sustainably, it is nothing more than to continuously improve and improve the quality management of products This is important to maintain competition Derived from the importance of quality control of cake products I decided to research on the subject: "Quality management for the product at The Love bread Bakery Co., Ltd." In order to evaluate the quality of bakery products of the Company and propose some perfect solutions for the quality management of bakery products, contributing to improve the business efficiency and value of products This requires rigorous control procedures to ensure product quality and to meet customer expectations Objectives of the study Analysis of the status of product quality management of Love bread Co., Ltd, from which to propose some practical solutions to improve product quality management, to facilitate the competitiveness of Company and product value MBQPM6 10 Research subjects Issues related to the quality management of products include quality management of inputs of raw materials in the process of purchasing, storage, quality management in the production process and quality management of the output of the product from which to work out feasible measures to improve the efficiency of the current quality control gear Structure of the thesis Apart from the introduction, conclusions, appendices, and bibliography of the dissertation, there are two main sections: Part 1: Quality control issues at love bread Part 2: Improve management and quality assurance at Love bread Pastry Company MBQPM6 44 Direct quality of any product is attached and is paid coordinated by the development of science and technology, especially the application of the achievements of it into production The main result of the application of science and technology into production is maked a jump in productivity, quality and efficiency The application of current scientific and technical advances is:  Create new materials or alternative materials  Innovation or technological innovation  Improve old products and research new products 2.4 Effect of economic management mechanism: Product quality is affected, governed by economic management mechanisms, Legal regulations such as testing and disclosure of current bakery products affect the composition of bakery products as well as packaging MBQPM6 45 PART 2: IMPROVE MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE AT LOVEBREAD BAKERY CO., LTD CHAPTER 1: THE BASICS TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT, QUALITY ASSURANCE AT LOVEBREAD COMPANY For today's food companies, the problem of product quality management is the guarantee of fair competition and commitment to sustainable development - At present, each company has the management and quality assurance with the application of many different tools But at Lovebread, along with analyzing company situations and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of quality management systems, the basis for improved management and quality assurance is:  P-D-C-A ( Plan –Do –Check – Act)  Benchmarking P-D-C-A ( Plan –Do –Check – Act): 1.1 P (Plan): Planning, direction and method of achieving goals At Lovebread the quality policy is issued and quality objectives are given by the management based on aggregate information and analysis of information about the market, customers These tasks and objectives are specified and defined clearly and quantitatively (content blocks, content, standards, completion time, who ) assigned to the department for understanding and orientation, Identified by numbers and specific targets, assigned, described members to achieve departmental objectives according to the objectives of the board Targeting method: SMART is the most appropriate method  S (Specific)  M (Measurable)  A (Achievable)  R (Realistics)  T (Timebound) have deadline 1.2 D (Do): Form a plan Once the objectives and tasks have been identified, the next step is to implement the implementation plan The planning includes the following elements:     Job title to Start time, end time Who performs / who is responsible How MBQPM6 46 Figure 14: Form of work plan 1.3 C (check): The inspection is very important in quality management This is done in accordance with the work plan, to ensure that the plan is implemented and meets the requirements 1.4 A (Act): The inspection is performed and records inappropriate points for adjustment, correction and resolution to avoid duplication of detected nonconformities and removal of factors The cause of those things Introduce improvement actions and standardize steps and activities so that the departments achieve the desired results as required by the Board Benchmarking: At the company lovebread periodically every quarter of business activities are conducted to track, compare the products of competitors Trading rooms and quality rooms buying ABC, Kinh Do and Grival products are the main rivals of Lovebread nowadays to consider price, shape, color, packaging and taste Recorded information and R & D team meetings to discuss ideas As a basis for improving the quality of the company's products and to tailor them to market trends, consumer demand MBQPM6 47 CHAPTER 2: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT QUALITY, QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOVEBREAD BAKERY CO., LTD Improved planning solution: Based on the actual situation and the weaknesses of the QMS (Quality Management System), the proposed quality planning solution 1.1 Quality management system planning solution: - Integrate and apply ISO 9001 quality management system with ISO 22000 Purpose: HACCP is Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ISO 22000 is a food safety management system ISO 9001 is a quality management system Why choose ISO 9001? - By integrating the two systems, the company will be able to improve its management capabilities and prevent risks because it does not have a complete system - The expected benefits of integrating management systems in accordance with ISO 9001: 1) The first and most obvious benefit is to enhance the image and reputation of the business for customers and partners (2) Promote the efficiency of each department, company (3) Enhancing internal trust, promoting the work of each employee (4) Raise the sense of responsibility of each employee (5) To inherit the knowledge of all employees in the company to promote the strength of a company with many experiences (6) The capacity of employees in the company is increasingly higher (7) Minimize mistakes in the work (8) The new employee is easy to take the job (9) The quality of products / services is stable, the rate of defective products is decreasing (10) Reduced risk for purchased materials (11) Increase profits without increasing sales: (12) Improve the reputation of the organization by increasing customer satisfaction (13) There are more opportunities in finding great business strategies and signing big contracts (14) Increase the volume of goods / services sold (15) It is easy to apply other advanced management systems successfully - Remedies: Due to the similar ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 system architecture, the ISO 22000 system has now been developed to facilitate the integration of the ISO 9001 system By adding the content manual of ISO 9001 and reviewing the appropriate processes 1.2 Solutions to improve management review and improvement: - Purpose: The issue of review and improvement of leadership is very important and necessary for the current Lovebread As the current HACCP or ISO 22000 standards apply to the Company, many issues need to be considered for conformity assessment to be tailored accordingly, in addition to the resources and capabilities of existing staff We need to encourage and remove difficulties in operating the system from senior leaders From then on there are real results - Remedies: Modify meeting process and leadership review MBQPM6 48 Frequency of meetings and management review is only once a year, this frequency should improve after months will meet the leadership review once, ie times a year 1.3 Complete solution for effective control when using KPI (key performance indicators): - Purpose: It is hard when lovebread applies a 20 record process to control the tracking processes in the company These procedures ensure that activities are monitored and monitored closely, but without effective measurement tools, they not know how effective they are - Remedies: Each KPI must have a KPI for evaluation and improvement 1.4 Complete solution for quality planning: - Purpose: A suitable recruitment target must be developed and training plans should be developed for the staff throughout the company to understand and understand the quality Overcome the current shortage of QC and QA personnel - Remedies: Must have a plan for quality management training for the middle management team and the grassroots level once a month 1.5 Complete solutions for measuring instruments and instruments: - Purpose: To provide adequate and appropriate instruments and quality control equipment To serve the inspection and quality control work is the right and objective results - Remedies: Purchase electronic scales to control shrinkage when weighing small weight to control product quality and avoid loss of material Buy a moisture meter and spectrophotometer measure the color of the finished product Quality control solutions: 2.1 Quality control measures in the control of input materials (purchase process): - Purpose: Although there is currently control over the input materials and the purchase process But the effect is not high Traditional supplier lists and supplier lists should be established to ensure that the purchase is stable in quality, price, delivery time and defect status - Remedies: Improve the level of professionalism, master the accounting procedures, debt, negotiate and evaluate customers for the purchasing staff at Lovebread 2.2 Quality control measures of the incubation process: - Purpose: Specify the professional function for the staff to mix, specifically the person in charge of the area Avoid the same people in charge of whisking the current while not training guide the process of a common standard - Remedies: All mixing jobs for each type of cake and each customer must be recorded by the QC with the form of tracking and signed full of people involved: powder staff, QC staff and production team This avoids defects in the formulation and ingredients used in the MBQPM6 49 weighing process and manipulates the steps of powdering to obtain the resultant quality of the pulp after mixing 2.3 Quality control measures for baking and other processes: - Purpose: Ensure that processes in the baking process and other processes are monitored and quality assured - Remedies: Need to use quality control tools such as:  5S: to create a convenient working environment, help workers love work, improve work productivity when the spirit of work is improved  Kaizen: A tool for improving every day, every where, everyone, the foundation of building a sense of improvement, changing every day a little bit better for all employees working in the company From that, change your self-concept and teamwork  5W1H: what ?, Where ?, When ?, Why ?, How ?, Who? Simple yet effective tool for planning goals and work plans  Fishbone Diagram: indicates the relationship between the causal factors between the causes leading to the outcome  The Pareto chart used to classify causes / factors that affect their importance to the product Help QC staff know what to focus on processing according to the 80-20 principle  Histogram Diagram: Diagram showing the distribution of product / component parameters - When applying quality control tools, the following are proposed:  Risk Management ( Requirement : Identity the critical points in term of risk)  Critical Points of Risk Consideration:  Check the baking temperature Explain the important reasons for this point: Baking temperature is very important, it determines whether the cakes are ripe or raw, the color of the cakes is too high, the cakes may burn and the cake may be uneven Long baking time, broken buns  Check baking time Explain the important reasons for this point: Baking time is important, because each type of baking has different baking times, if the baking time is incorrect, the bread is destroyed by fire, the bread is dry, the product is unusually colored It also consumes electricity (in the production of pastries cost of electricity from the input to output accounts for 40-50% of the cost of products)  Sensory inspection - this is the result of the temperature and breading process Check the color sensation Explain the important reasons for this point: If the following defects: uneven color, too dark color, color is not correct according to customer requirements The quality of breads changes This happens due to defects during baking, due to improper temperature or time of baking Customers will not accept Check shape and size: Explain the important reasons for this point: MBQPM6 50 If breads changes shape, size will make customers believe that quality is not guaranteed Shape change will lead to confusion in determining the name and type of breads compared to the sample breads For some breads, if the temperature suddenly drops and suddenly breaks down the structure of the product, the product will change its structure as designed Of course, the size of the cake also varies Check the weight Explain the important reasons for this point: During baking, dehydration occurs in the product, ie a portion of the water in the product is converted into steam This means that the weight of the cake will change compared to the time of shaping If this error occurs when the finished product reaches the customer will be very risky, maybe customer don't know,can will receive bad feedback and discredited, customers will be deceived because of failure to comply with the agreement about weight This is associated with reduced breads quality  Applying Quality Tools To Analyze Breads Errors:  Tool 1: Fishbone Diagram MATERIAL QC/ bakingstaff Employees Lack of concentration Shap Defect Lack of training powder quality error when viewing customer needs Faulty mixing Input Error Container defect the process of floating powder wrong operating procedure 5S, MENTHOD Faulty breads(or failed breads) switch defect Heat Sensor defect Timekeeping clock defect Radiator fan defect HACCP MENTHOD self-stop relay Defect Overheat alarm system defect METHOD MACHINE (OVEN, TIMEKEEPING CLOCK…) Figure 15: Fishbone Diagram to explain the faulty breads Commentary: MBQPM6 51 The defects (or errors) of finished breads are divided into groups (Machine, method, material and human error) as follows: 1/ Explicit defects have root causes found and are presented and assessed through the FMECA method 2/ Implicit defects have not yet been detected or found out root causes brought about defects (or faulties, errors) (such as Lack of concentration, Overheat alarm system defect, Radiator fan defect, …)  Pareto Chart: General requirement: Pareto chart is a bar graph showing what is significant The length of the bar represents frequency of cause will have defect to quality of breads QC department use Pareto chart to highlight the most significant causes From that, the action plans will set up to solve the most causes Input data: QC have been recording data from their checking process in a year They found that there are seven causes relate to breads defects They also get a data of cause frequency of occurrence of these causes Table 9: List Defect Types Months Defect Types/ Jan Fe Event b Occurrence Lack of concentration 75 77 Input Error Ma Ap May Ju r r n Jul Au g Se p Oc t No v De c TOTAL 80 66 82 73 90 85 83 95 13 12 1056 53 68 55 49 67 66 83 94 93 94 11 11 952 Heat Sensor defect 15 12 14 17 13 16 15 16 16 15 18 20 187 Timekeeping clock defect 10 11 9 13 14 15 18 17 18 150 Radiator defect 12 11 14 15 17 18 125 20 22 18 14 24 21 27 31 35 42 63 60 377 11 10 10 10 15 10 11 11 12 118 20 18 16 21 20 25 266 26 29 37 36 2965 fan switch defect Overheat alarm system defect Total occurrence 18 MBQPM6 52 (Source of data:Quality management dept.- 2016) QC team calculates the percentage for each category (Defect type) and cumulates values from % to 100 % The following table indicates rank of the causes in percentage value Table 10: Statistic data of Defect Types Percentage The Percentage of number of of each cumulative faulty category value Defect Types Lack concentration of Input Error switch defect Heat Sensor defect Timekeeping clock defect Radiator fan defect Overheat alarm system defect Total 1,056.00 36 36 952.00 33 68 377.00 13 80 187.00 87 150.00 92 125.00 96 118.00 100 2,965.00 100.00 1,200 120 1,000 100 800 80 600 60 400 40 200 20 0 The number of faulty breads Percentage of cumulative value MBQPM6 53 Figure 16: Diagram about statistical data of Defect Types Evaluation from Pareto chart: Base on the principle of Pareto: defects which will cause approximate 80% problems for quality come from 20% of causes So, from the Pareto chart we have three (03) defects: o Lack of concentration (35.62%), o Input Error ( 32.11%), and o Switch defect (12.72%) are the most significant causes  Histogram Chart: control the quality breads after using to bake process General requirement: The QC department is in charged of setting up a process to check quality of breads With the total number of 3200 breads per day Test the weight of one type of baked bread in 64 weight test times a day Sample: CORN SANDWICH BIG Weight: 1136 gram Purpose : Control loss during baking - Check that the production worker has complied with the production norm for a bread (put more or less flour in a bread) - Control and prediction of the operation of the oven (excessive weight reduction of the cake may be due to dehydration too fast, the cause may be due to the heat bar too high or fan blowing convection uneven ) Figure 17: Layout the sample Depend on the data check sheet collected from checking bread process of QC, we will set up a histogram chart to analyze whether the checking process can meets its goal or the process is under control or out of control Input data: Table 11: Checking and recording the capacity of QC in 64 weight test times a day Weighting Final goods bread weight after Weighting Final goods bread Times baking Times weight after baking.( ( gram) gram) 1132 33 1136 1138 34 1142 1130 35 1134 1140 36 1138 1134 37 1136 MBQPM6 54 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1132 1130 1132 1140 1142 1134 1128 1136 1132 1138 1130 1136 1139 1134 1136 1132 1138 1134 1139 1136 1132 1140 1138 1136 1142 1134 1130 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1139 1134 1136 1143 1129 1136 1129 1136 1143 1138 1144 1141 1138 1136 1137 1130 1132 1140 1141 1134 1137 1138 1140 1141 1135 1134 1129 Conformity with the capability of QC department, checking capacity will have lower limit is: 1128 and Upper limit is 1145 Identification classes: Step 1: Define number of classes 64 data: number of classes = Step 2: Workout the width of classes: Range of the whole data: Largest value – smallest value : 1144-1128 = 16 (R) Width of each bar: R/N: 16/8 = Table 12: Statistic data from Checking and recording the capacity of QC Class L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 From 1128 1130 1132 1134 1136 1138 To 1129 1131 1133 1135 1137 1139 Numbers of data 10 13 11 MBQPM6 55 L7 L8 Total 1140 1142 1141 1144 64 Histogram: Low er lim it 1128 14 Upper Lim it 1145 13 12 11 Number/Frequency 10 10 8 6 4 1128 1130 1132 1134 1136 1138 1140 1142 1144 Classes Figure 18: Diagram about statistic data from Checking and recording the capacity of QC Evaluation from histogram chart: Cp = UL-LL/R= 1145-1128/ 1144-1128 = 17/16 = 1.06 Cpk = D/R/2= 1145-1137/(1144-1128)/2 = 8/8 = CPK = : It means that the process is capable with tight control Commentary: We can see that the histogram have nearly a bell-shaped curve, the bread have weight normally, no sign of nonconformity All data are in the area between lower and upper limit Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Solutions: 3.1 Quality Control CIRCLE( QCC): Quality groups of 4-5 people have similar jobs, regularly exchanging issues that affect the workplace and the work environment One of the goals of the quality control team is to encourage the collective spirit of the members Members who work in the same department may have the same idea because they have to deal with common problems This facilitates the group's improved theme choice Members should only deal with their problems and should not "dig into the work of MBQPM6 56 others" This will make the inter-room relationship as well as the room grow better Moreover, members can contribute their own issues to their work 3.2 Continuously raise awareness on quality assurance and quality management among staff through periodic training, communication and instruction With a common cultural and environmental influence on the way we work, the majority of employees in lovebread are from longtime workers to high-level management and have a place to live near the company so many people The staff is affected by the old way of creating great strength, not creativity, ability to update knowledge is not high Due to the lack of training and lack of equipment, employees are not allowed to access modern knowledge and management methods Hence, there is a great deal of interest in updating current knowledge about quality, management systems So much training and communication; can be internal or external It is necessary to develop a clear and specific description of each individual's job and the function of each department, to develop discipline and reward and punishment measures to improve worker's perceptions of change Build KPIs to assess employee competencies to know, to classify employees for rewarding or more specialized training 3.3 Solutions to perfect working environment Perform 5S in production; but now just forcus 3S to solve problems in company:  S1: filter floor  S2: sort  S3: clean To create a comfortable working environment, remove unnecessary, excess supplies in the production area Make useful tools and tools for production when needed, whenever possible Machinery and equipment are checked regularly to prevent unexpected damage Everybody in the factory improves solidarity by doing the same sorting work, and all things are in common, so the sense of protection, better preservation Change the lights to increase the working brightness Maintain a cool system to create a comfortable working environment MBQPM6 57 CONCLUSION Quality management and product quality assurance for food companies are now very hot topics This is an urgent demand from government agencies and consumer demand All general food manufacturing companies and lovebread co., Ltd are not excluded from these requirements The Board of Directors is aware of the urgency to control and assure the quality of products to the best of the consumers, the quality demonstrating the competitiveness and the commitment from the board of directors to the consumers via the supplied product Based on this research, I have focused on describing and analyzing the quality and quality of products at Lovebread Co., Ltd As a small and medium-sized company growing with limited resources when it comes to development, the focus is on quality and building a quality system that is vital Via the two main parts of the project Quality control issues at Lovebread Bread Company With the newly implemented HACCP system and ISO 22000, quality control and quality assurance are built at a level that identifies hazards and controls them effectively The quality of work is not high The company is also implementing quality control in five components: Human control, Improvement solution, Process control, Improvement Solution, Apply quality control tools in the process of quality control; Control of input materials, Improvement solution, Buy support tools to control input materials… By analyzing the current state of the situation and bringing in improved solutions, I believe it will help solve 80% of Lvoebread's current problems in terms of effective solutions for product quality control and quality assurance The analysis will support the Board of Directors in the design of quality strategies in 2018 and in the furture MBQPM6 58 REFERENCES  - - References in VietNam Tạ Thị Kiều An, Ngô Thị Ánh, Nguyễn Văn Hóa, Nguyễn Hồng Kiệt, Đinh phượng Vương,( 2004),Quản lý chất lượng tổ chức- nhà xuất thống kê Masaaki Imai Kaizen, Biên soạn: Nguyễn Khắc Thìn, Trịnh Thị Ninh (1992), Chìa khóa thành cơng quản lý nhật – nhà xuất Tp Hồ Chí Minh PGS.TS.Nguyễn Quang Toản, (2001), ISO 9000& TQM- thiết lập hệ thống quản lý tập trung vào chất lượng hướng vào khách hàng, - NXB ĐH quốc gia TP HCM TCVN ISO 9001:2008, (2008), Hệ thống quản lý chất lượng – yêu cầu TCVN ISO 22000:2005, (2005), Hệ thống quản lý an toàn thực phẩm- yêu cầu TCVN 5603:2008, (2008), Quy phạm thực hành nguyên tắc chung vệ sinh thực phẩm  Foreign Reference - International Standard 9001, (2015), Quality management systems —Requirements International Standard 22000, (2000), Quality management systems — Requirements - HACCP CODEX CAC/RCP 1-1969, (Rev.4-2003), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points MBQPM6

Ngày đăng: 04/10/2023, 10:40
