1 B E L F A S R O M A N D II N B U R G TT H A M E S G O W L I S E D R G L A S O B I N E N N G T H which of Britainnia that covered most of present day whatisisthe theprovince main of the nation (England,Scotland, Which which islanguage the is the ther second capital largest offour city Northem city of Scotland? of along Scotland? Ireland? London is which situated inisHood southeastern islargest a legendary England folk hero the river England Wales? Wales, and Ireland)? SƯU TẦM: ĐOÀN VĂN DOANH, NAM TRỰC, NAM ĐỊNH LINK NHĨM DÀNH CHO GV BỘ MƠN VẬT LÝ TRAO ĐỔI TÀI LIỆU VÀ CHUYÊN MÔN CT 2018 https://www.facebook.com/groups/299257004355186