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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO BẮC GIANG ĐỀ THI DỰ BỊ ĐIỂM BÀI THI LƯU Ý: KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI VĂN HÓA CẤP TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2013 - 2014 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh lớp Ngày thi: 21 tháng năm 2014 Thời gian làm 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề Bằng số: Chữ ký giám khảo 1: Bằng chữ: Chữ ký giám khảo 2: Số phách - Đề thi gồm 05 trang, thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi - Thí sinh khơng sử dụng tài liệu kể từ điển I  Listening (15 pts) Part Listen to Pete talking to a friend about his holiday What was the weather like each day? Listen and write a letter A-H next to each day You will hear the conversation twice There is one example (5 pts) Example: Monday _B _ DAYS WEATHER Tuesday A cloud Wednesday B cold Thursday C fog Friday D rain Saturday E snow F sun G warm H wind Part Listen and write There is one example (5 pts) CAMPING TRIP TO LAKE Ex Meet at: _ KERBY BRIDGE Time: Take: _ _ _ _ Part 3: Listen to Chloe talking to a man about a sailing holiday For questions 1-5, put a tick next to the right answer There is an example (5 pts) Chloe wants to go to  A Italy B Sweden C Switzerland How many times has Chloe been sailing before? A never How much can Chloe spend? A £300 B once C twice B £380 C £450 Trang 1/5 Chloe will go in A August B September Chloe would like to sail on A a lake B the sea How does Chloe want to pay? A by cheque B with cash C October C a river C by credit card II Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D (10 pts) Nguyen Du was one of the best …………….of Viet Nam A writers B poets C musicians D designers - Mary: “Is 11 o’clock alright?” - Tom: “ .” A Yes, that’s fine B No, I don’t want to go C Wait a minute D Sounds interesting Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily a harvest A finish B destroy C provide D defeat You should pay to what the instruction is saying A attendance B intention C convention D attention My friends usually enjoy my of humor A sense B kind C means D form - Mother: “Could you me a favor?” - Kate: “ .” A No, thanks I’m fine B Yes, that’s kind of you C Yes, sure D Yes, thank you There used to a high building right in front of the pagoda, ? A wasn't it B didn't there C wasn't there D didn't it He hardly has time to hang out with his friends because his preparation for the show is A expensive B time-consuming C costly D time - saving She has to leave early avoid getting caught in the traffic during rush hours A so as to B so that C in order that D so as for 10 If possible, you can take part in other programs such as funds for the poor, helping street children and planting trees and flowers A rising B growing C arising D raising III Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition (5 pts) What is the difference “clean up” and “clean out”? We are going to hold a discussion recycling The boy fell his bike and hit his head the road Santa Claus is based the description of Saint Nicholas Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, finally came up _ a device which they first introduced in 1876 The stores in the mall will offer a wide selection of products, some _ cheaper prices Would you like me to pick you _ after the meeting? Many people from rural areas are leaving _ their traditional ways of life and moving _ big cities IV Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in capital letters (10 pts) I’m going to see a programme performed by a world- WONDER famous violinist at the Sydney Opera House tonight In 2013, the World Water Week will be held under the theme “Water COOPERATE -Building Partnerships” , dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain FORTUNE _ in many cities put a strain on schools and hospitals as well as water and electricity supplies First, soak some old newspapers in a bucket of _ Then, use a wooden spoon to mash the paper The children found the film so _ to see CROWD NIGHT EXCITED Trang 2/5 Should I write “British or “English” as my ? NATION There are several room with beautifully _ walls DECORATE Many of the older generation were there REPRESENT 10 In some areas water has to be boiled to it PURE V Put the sentences (A – J) in the correct order (1 – 10 ) to make a meaningful conversation (5 pts) A Goodbye B Yes, can you come at ten to three on Wednesday afternoon? C What name is it, please? D Yes, that’s fine E It’s Tom Smith F Yes, can I make an appointment with doctor Wall, please? G No, I’m sorry, I can’t What about the evening? H Good morning Can I help you? I Thank you Mr Smith Goodbye J Doctor Wall isn’t here in the evening on Wednesday, I’m afraid I can put you in at half past six on Thursday evening Your answers: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 _ VI Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences (5pts) 1.My children enjoy (allow) (stay) up late  when there is something special on TV Compost (make) from vegetable matter  (consider) a wonderful natural fertilizer He always (come) on time but this morning he  (come) just a few minutes late I used (ride) but I (not have) a chance to  any since coming here Mary wasn’t wearing her glasses at that time, so she (not,  notice) what kind of car the man (drive) VII Each of the following sentences contains one error Underline the mistake and write the correct answer (5 pts) He wants to be an officer but he is not tall enogh to join in the  army 2 People use first-aid in order for ease the victim’s pain and  anxiety My brother tried to learn Japanese at a night school, so he gave  up after months 4 Your grandfather and I are delighting that you passed your  English exam 5.He sounded so unhappily when someone stole his car yesterday  VIII Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word (10 pts) You can now phone (1) _ any country in the world, but in some cases you can (2) _ call major cities When you cannot (3) _ a direct dialing call, you can ask the (4) _ service operator to help you This is more expensive and time-consuming, (5) _ it may be helpful if you want to speak to a particular person and no one else; in this case, you should ask (6) _ a “person to person” call Even more expensive is a reversed-charge call where the person (7) _ receives the call has to pay the fee If the international (8) _ is busy, you can reserve a call, explain the number you want and the operator will call you later (9) _ the line is free You can save a lot of money by calling (10) office hours, for example, early in the morning, late at night and on Sundays Trang 3/5 Your answers: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 _ IX Read the passage below and then circle the correct answer A, B, C or D (10 pts) Have you ever been to Britain? I’ve dreamed of going there (1) I was a little girl and finally, (2) the spring of 2012, it happened I was there three weeks and (3) much of that time soaking up the culture, history, and scenery of this incredible island I visited several districts in England, Wales and Scotland and even (4) a site trip to Ireland Every place I went to seemed to be more interesting and more beautiful (5) the last The tour I was with began in London Of all the sights I saw there, the Tower of London was the most (6) The Tower is a building complex of incredibly rich history Also on the Thames are the Houses of Parliament and, of course, the clock tower housing “Big Ben” I saw so many landmarks I can hardly remember them all Although it was just a glimpse of London I did, (7) , get a chance to see all the (8) famous places After (9) of days in London we traveled to the south of England stopping to visit Stonehenge If you don’t know about Stonehenge there are a couple of links on my links page that will (10) you to sites that can fill you in A for B while C since D because A on B in C at D to A spent B took C did D used A did B got C spent D made A then B as C with D than A interesting B interested C interest D interestingly A at first B at all C at least D at that A more B much C most D many A few B some C a couple D little 10 A reach B take C make D send X Read the following text then choose from the list A-F the best sentence to fill each of the spaces There is one extra sentence which you not need (5 pts) The city of Melbourne, Australia has always had a reputation for unusual weather (1) _, : if you don’t like the weather in Melbourne, don’t worry, just wait five minutes, because it’s sure to change At the beginning of 1992, (2) _ It rained for nine days on end As well as raining all day, the weather was also cold At night, people in some (3) It was so cold that many people could hardly never believe that it was summer at all The best weather in Melbourne, however, is not usually in the summer: it is in the autumn (4) _ The weather is usually composed of warm days and cool, comfortable nights The scenery of the city at this time of year is beautiful, too Melbourne has many lovely gardens and parklands with beautiful trees In the autumn, the trees change their leaves to red, gold and brown (5) _, the leaves add life to the city So even if the summer is cold and wet, people in Melbourne can still look forward to the possibility of a warm sunny autumn A Melbourne had its wettest January for over 100 years B The autumn usually has more pleasant days than the summer C Tourists will never forget the weather and the scenery in Melbourne D As they are blown in the air by the wind of a late autumn day E Melbourne suburbs were turning on their heating as if it was winter F Melbourne people enjoy telling this joke to visitors Your answers: _ _ _ _ XI Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given words (10 pts) I sent my friend a letter in London last week  A letter Trang 4/5 I last saw him when I was a student  I haven’t _ “Don’t forget to bring your passports with you when you go abroad.”  She reminded _ My brother studies now harder than he used to  My brother _ The train journey from London to Bristol takes two hours  It is a 6.The book was so interesting that he couldn’t put it down  It was _ Could you please help me with this box?  Would you "Would you like me to give you a lift to the station?"  She offered _ Smoking is not allowed in the ward  Would you _? 10 He failed the exam because of his laziness  Because he XII Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence Do not change the form of the given word (5 pts) You should look up the new words so that you won't misuse them (so that)  You _ I don’t really want to go to the museum (rather)  I’d "Remember to water the flower" she to her son (reminded)  She _ She wrote that book during her holiday in Wales (while)  She _ My grandfather was sixty when he learnt to swim (age)  I XIII Use the given suggestions to complete sentences (5 pts) We / delight / you / interest / protect / environment  _ She / lose/ job / last month / and / out of work/ ever since  _? Tom / always / go / home / late,/ so / mother / often/ get / angry  _ We / finish/ most / it now/ and / look/ very nice  _ Tom / hear / pen pal / since / move / another / city?  _ - THE END - Trang 5/5

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2023, 09:07
