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De thi hsg anh 8 2015 (chinh thuc) (1)

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO BẮC GIANG ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Bằng số: ĐIỂM BÀI THI LƯU Ý: Bằng chữ: ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI VĂN HỐ CẤP TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2014-2015 MƠN THI: Tiếng Anh - LỚP Ngày thi: 21/3/2015 Thời gian làm 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề Chữ ký giám khảo 1: Số phách Chữ ký giám khảo 2: - Đề thi gồm 06 trang, thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi - Thí sinh khơng sử dụng tài liệu kể từ điển I  Listening (15 pts) Part People are talking about exercise What phrase completes each statement? Listen and write the correct letter You will hear the conversations twice (5 pts) Jim is lifting weights George is walking Phyllis is swimming Ted is playing tennis Brenda is doing yoga Your answers A to get some fresh air B to lose weight C to reduce stress D to be strong and flexible E to have a healthy heart Part Listen to Oliver talking to his friends, Eva, about horse-riding Choose the right answer (A, B or C) You will hear the conversation twice (5 pts) Example: When did Oliver start horse-riding lessons? A In January B In May C In September How many riders are normally in Oliver’s class? A B C Which pony does Oliver ride now? A Storm B Prince C Nutmeg How long was Oliver’s last riding lesson? A 30 minutes B 45 minutes C hour Oliver says it’s sometimes difficult to A turn his horse B make his horse go C stop his horse Oliver hopes he will soon A ride outside B help at the riding school C learn to jumps Your answers: Part You will hear a teacher telling some students about a school club Listen and complete each question You will hear the information twice (5 pts) School gardening club Name of organizer: _ Mrs Black Day of club: (1) every _ Start time: (2) from _ We will grow: (3) Carrots, tomatoes and _ Please bring: (4) _ Important: (5) go to school office to collect a II Choose the best answer to complete the sentences (10 pts) It’s _ nice a day _ we should go somewhere A either-or B such-that C neither-nor D so-that Ivan _ hasn’t repaired his bicycle tire A yet B soon C still D already Mr Andrews has not yet given me the receipts, but when _, I’ll mail them to you A he does B they C he is D they are The course books for the orphans were free They _ A were priceless B were worthless C cost nothing D were grateful My grade depends on _ A what I master calculus C whether I master calculus B whether calculus mastered by me D when master calculus He has gone to the post office to _ a parcel that has come for him A collect B gather C deliver D pick She asked for _ classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly A peculiar B particular C private D personal _ employees in the postal service has meant slower service in the last two years A Less B Fewer C Few D The least He has arrived late _ A as usual B as usually C like usual D like usually 10 We went to that new restaurant in High Street, and we both enjoyed _ very much A ourself C myself and himself B oneself D ourselves Your answers: 10 III Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition (5 pts) The two ugly sisters’ fierceness finally led themselves _ unhappiness all my friends, Jenny is always the one I spend most of my time I’m not sure a green skirt combination blue top is such a good idea for the festival Let’s join them They are dancing with the music, greeting visitors and posing photos The Maori’s language and culture have a great impact New Zealand life Don’t be worried I am sure he will come and pick you soon Your answers: IV Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the brackets (10 pts) Reality shows Despite the suggestions by many critics that reality TV (for example “Daddy, where are we going?” on VTV) would be a very short-lived phenomenon, it is still increasing in (1 popular) Several shows are (2 current) watched by millions of viewers each night, and it’s clearly a form of (3 entertain) that’s here to stay Indeed, a number of people have become (4 fame) because of their involvement in reality TV shows, and have gone on to have successful careers as singers, actors or TV (5 present) We can watch with excitement each night the “goings-on” in the house (or jungle, or bar, or school of arts) The (6 converse) between the contestants are interesting so we don’t get (7 bore) and there are frequently (8 vary) conflicts, which provide further amusement If the contestants have to give some kinds of performance at the end of the week, that’s even more attractive But there’s a (9 say) in the TV industry: “it’s all in the editing” and this is (10 special) true of reality shows Your answers: _ 10 _ V Put these sentences in the dialogue in the appropriate order (5pts) A The flight was delayed, so we were hanging around at the airport for ages B No, it was OK when we finally got here C Hi I haven’t seen you around for a while D Oh really, what happened? E Something similar happened to my sister’s family last year They were going to Jamaica, funnily enough F Well, we’ve been away for a couple of weeks, in Jamaica G Why? What was the problem? H Oh dear How long did you have to wait? I About seven and a half hours I wasn’t in too good a mood by the time we took off Nor was my husband We won’t be traveling with that company again I can tell you J Well, we did in the end K Well, I hope it didn’t spoil your holiday too much L Oh, very nice Did you have a good time? E.g: C- F Your answers: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 VI Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences (5 pts) Quang’s English seems (improve) these days as he (chat) with his gaming friends from all over the world You should only play online games when you (update) antivirus software Once upon a time there was a girl (call) Little Red Riding Hood who (live) in a wood As the hare believed that he (win) the race, he stopped (take) a nap He went to work and tried to concentrate although he (feel) bad at that moment The Kate festival (hold) by the Cham ethnic group in Ninh Thuan in the central part of Vietnam Few people can speak a foreign language well without (practice) the skill regularly Your answers: _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. VII Each of the following sentences contains one mistake Write it and your correction down in the space provided There is one example (0) for you (5 pts) Example: Because his behavior in prison was so good they let him out after few years few years-> a few years Bill did not realize what time was it when I knocked on the door The teacher told the students to sit down and not opening the test booklets until he told them to so Bob is going to decide about his future course study Octopuses have not only large brains and also a well-developed nervous system When lightning strikes an unprotected building, the electric charge can make considerable damage Your answers: 1. _ 2. 3. _ 4. 5. _ VIII Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word (10 pts) In the U.K, we each year use about two hundred steel food and drink cans Steel cans are popular (1) they are convenient, easy to store and unbreakable But when you have finished with a can, (2) you with it? Do you throw it away and forget all about it? Probably! But behind the scenes there are people whose job is to make (3) that the steel is never wasted In fact, recycling or reusing steel cans is so successful that every day of the year more than five million cans start new (4) in new steel products After you have thrown away your can, what (5) ? Well, first of all it is collected by the men who empty your dustbin each week and taken to a tip, (6) with all the other household rubbish (7) the rubbish is stored and the steel cans are taken separately to a special factory which turns dirty old cans (8) high quality steel It’s this steel which may well find its way (9) into your home in the (10) of knives and forks, garden equipment and, of course, food and drink cans So the next time you open your fizzy drink, just remember where your can may have been! Your answers: _ 2. _ _ _ _ 7. _ _ _ 10. IX Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (10 pts)         PERSONAL SECURITY ISSUES Having good preparations and taking careful precautions when you travel are considered to bring you happiness, so just remember to: Recognize potentially dangerous situations (1) _ they develop Assess the (2) _ and have a safety plan Decide what you would if you felt (3) _ Be (4) _ to scream or shout if attacked Consider taking a self-defense (5) _ in a certain center If you are attacked, don’t suffer in silence (6) _ the incident to someone who can protect you, for example the police Never leave your wallet, bag or purse (7) _ and unsecured Never (8) _ your PIN number with your credit cards and never tell it to anyone Lock your home, (9) _ and place of work when you leave it  Always carry your bag or purse close to you (10) _ it cannot easily be snatched A when B before C while D though A place B chances C risks D possibilities A attacked B risked C hit D threatened A prepared B able C keen D afraid A lesson B plan C move D course A Report B Tell C Describe D Discuss A open B unattended C obvious D lonely A use B write C carry D remember A suitcase B door C key D vehicle 10.A when B where C while D whereas Your answers: _ 10 _ X Read the article about robots Choose the most suitable headline from the list A-F for each part of the article (1-5) and write your answers in the box There is one unnecessary headline Example: A Falling Demand C Dependability E Research B Robot Stars D Inefficiency F Changing roles The most sophisticated Japanese robots, which have vision system and work at very high speed, are still based on American designs Studies of robots, particularly computer control software, are considered to be generally less advanced in Japan than in America or Europe Although industrial robots were originally developed as devices for simply handling objects, today their commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding, spray painting and assembling components In Britain, robot sales appropriately peaked in 1984, but have been declining ever since This is partly because British wage rates are too low to make robots financially attractive and partly because engineers now have more experience with robots and are more aware of the difficulties of introducing them effectively It has been calculated that a robot uses on average about 100 times more energy than a human to an equivalent job It is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in Japan are robots This is an enormous number because comics are so popular that they make up a third of all material published in Japan XI Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence Do not change the form of the given word (5 pts) Jo’s training accident meant she couldn’t take part in the race PREVENTED - Jo’s _ in the race Why don’t you ask an electrician to fit your cooker? GET - Why don’t you an electrician? There have been so many robberies lately that people are afraid SUCH - There lately that people are afraid “If you like, I’ll help you the decorating, Bob”, said Ann OFFERED - Ann _ the decorating 5 I’ll finish marking the exams and then I’ll tell you your results SOON - I’ll tell you your results marking the exams XII Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the first one, beginning with the given words (5 pts) This town has more cinemas than it did in the past - This town used _ I can’t wait until we some experiments in the science lab - I’m really looking _ Fleming discovered penicillin as a result of a little luck - A little luck resulted _ Dr Frankenstein was finally successful in bringing the monster to life - Dr Frankenstein finally managed _ These two dictionaries are similar - There is little _ XIII Write a paragraph (70-100 words) about a festival that you like (10pts) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE END

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2023, 09:07

