HTML 5 is the latest version of the hypertext markup language used to build websites, its optimized for the creation of mobile websites and applications. Responsive websites are easily built using HTML5, offering full functionality across all types of devices. Without the need for horizontal scrolling, mobile internet users can browse websites more efficiently. While it offers many of the same features as previous versions, there are several new features that open up world of opportunities. However, some webmasters are skeptical of making the switch to HTML5, fearing its not worth their time or effort. HTML5 also offers offline caching, meaning visitors can load certain elements on a webpage without an active internet connection – assuming theyve visited the site in the past. If a visitors internet connection happens to go down, he or she can still load core elements of the site.
HTML 5 WTF? html timeline 1980 1989 1996 1997 1999 2000 2008 ENQUIRE HTML HTML2.0 HTML3.2 HTML4 HTML4.01 ISO/IEC 15445:2000 HTML5 working draft xhtml timeline 2000 2008 XHTML1.0 XHTML5 alongside HTML5 XHTML1.1 XHTML2 HTML4.01 FINISHED in 2O22 WTF? compatibility Opera, Chrome, Safari & Firefox ♥ <TODAY> HTML5 internet explorer DEAD END <javascript> to the rescue! IE does not ♥ HTML5 nor do i says Firefox2 html5 minified no body? <!DOCTYPE html> <title>HTML 5</title> <p>Hello world</p> i ♥ validator no head? looks the old <div id=”header”> <div id=”footer”> <div id=”sidebar”> <div id=”nav”> <div class=”section”> <div class=”article”> new <header> <footer> <aside> <nav> <section> <article> [...]... contenteditable hello styleable for those who can’t see this movie look no flash video /html5 html5/ canvas audio & canvas drag & drop threaded non blocking UI web workers like the iPhone ask the user’s location see Google Maps geolocation web apps Gmail... XHTML lowercase YOU CHOOSE no empty attributes elements HTML5 always use “quotes” side by side width clear size cellspacing element attributes cellpadding height valign bye bye min / max