Instructor Guidelines-ExamOverviewandAdministration
This exam is for use with regular CCNA classes taught by local academies to high school and college
students. The skills-based exam consists of three parts; 1) Router Configuration, 2) Troubleshooting
and 3) Network Concepts. All three should be completed (total possible of 100 points) and the total
score combined with the Semester2 online assessment exam to establish a course grade. Scores from
chapter exams and completion of labs, as well as points for participation and attendance may also
count toward the final grade.
The guidelines presented here are recommendations and instructors have flexibility in assigning point
values and administering the exambased on their classroom environment and schedule. Emphasis
should be on the hands-on portions of the exam. Students should be made aware of what they will be
tested on early in the course in order to study and prepare adequately for the exam.
The exam may be administered by dividing the class into groups (teams) of five. Try to ensure that
teams are evenly matched with a variety of skill levels. Teams should be formed about 2/3 of the way
through the class to allow them time to work together and to minimize team dropout. Parts 1 and2
will require exclusive access to the 5-router lab and should be performed sequentially. Five students
can be tested simultaneously on parts 1 and2 while another group is working on Part 3, the Network
Concepts portion of the exam.
Exam Part 1 – Router Configuration – (Practical hands-on, Max. time 40 min., 60 Points)
Objective: Configure the standard 5-router lab and verify proper connectivity. Routers and attached
workstations must share an IP addressing / subnet scheme and a common dynamic routing protocol.
The NVRAM (startup config file) in all routers will be erased prior to starting the exam. Students will
select a single class B or C network address. The team must establish and document a subnetted IP
addressing scheme that will accommodate the number of networks, routers, and interfaces represented
by the current setup in the classroom.
Preparation / Tools: Standard 5-router / workstation lab setup. Workstations should have
HyperTerminal and a TFTP server installed. Backups of the configuration files for all 5 routers on
floppy or CD should be available for quick restore.
Important Note: Hand out a copy of Part 1 of the exam (2 pages) to each student several weeks
in advance when teams are formed. This is part of the actual examand includes the router lab
physical cable diagram, required test items and deliverables for Exam Part 1 – Router Configuration.
Students will work in teams and use this handout to determine the number of subnets and interfaces
they will need. The required documentation from teams should be prepared prior to the final exam.
When configuring the routers, teams may use the SETUP dialog utility, manual console configuration
or may use HyperTerminal or a TFTP server to load the configuration file for each router. Refer to the
semester 2 labs for loading configuration files from HyperTerminal or TFTP server.
Each student will configure at least one router and an attached workstation. The configuration for each
router will need to be documented by capturing and printing the configuration commands ahead of
time. The physical arrangement of the routers and interfaces will be the same as it is for the standard
5-router lab and all cabling will be attached. Time allowed to complete Practical Exam Part 1 is
approx. 40 minutes depending on the configuration method chosen.
CCNA Semester2-SkillsBasedFinalExam-StudentTraining
Instructor Guidelines-ExamOverviewandAdministration – Cont.
Exam Part 2 – Troubleshooting – (Practical hands-on, Est. time 20 min., 20 Points)
Objective: Troubleshoot problems after the lab routers have been configured. After the routers are
successfully configured, the team will be asked to leave and problems will be introduced into each PC
and/or its network connections demonstrate troubleshooting skills. Problems encountered during
troubleshooting and the steps taken to correct them must be documented. Each student will have to
troubleshoot the same workstation and router they configured during part 1 of the exam.
Preparation / Tools: A list of potential problems and causes which can be found in the instructor’s
version of the Semester2 curriculum in the Preface, Chapter 0 under Second Semester Finals.
Exam Part 3 - Network Concepts – (Oral or Written, Est. time 20 min., 20 Points)
Objective: Answer 3 networking concepts questions from a pool of approved questions. Any student
may have to answer any question and will know the questions ahead of time. Responses may be given
verbally to the instructor / proctor or written depending on instructorandstudent preferences.
Preparation / Tools: List of questions and rubric which can be found in the instructor’s version of the
Semester 2 curriculum in the Preface, Chapter 0 under Second Semester Finals. Rubric is provided to
help assess the accuracy and completeness of student’s answers.
Team and Individual Grading
Each team will provide a copy of the required exam documentation items (indicated in the next
section) to the instructor / proctor prior to starting the Exam. The team will be graded as a whole on
the completeness and neatness of the required documentation. The exam worksheet will be used as a
checklist to verify and score correct router / workstation configuration. Each individual in the team
will configure at least one router and workstation and must perform all of the hands-on commands.
For each performance item, and each team member, the instructor will decide which workstation(s) or
router(s) to use when executing the hands-on commands. For each successful performance item, the
team member will get up to the number of points indicated. The finalexam grade for each individual
on the team should be the overall grade for the team as a whole plus the their scores from the
individually graded items.
Semester 2SkillsBasedFinal – Part 1 Router Configuration
Student Training
Exam Part 1 Overview:
This is the first part of the Semester2 practical final exam. It will focus on your ability to configure
the lab routers to communicate properly. You will work in teams of five to configure all five Cisco
routers and attached workstations so that they share an IP addressing / subnet scheme and a common
dynamic routing protocol (e.g.: RIP, IGRP etc.). This will enable them to route packets from a
network on router LAB-A to a network on router LAB-E. The NVRAM (startup config file) in all five
routers will be erased prior to starting the exam. Your team will select a single class B or C network
address. The team must establish and document a subnetted IP addressing scheme that will
accommodate the number of networks, routers, and interfaces represented by the current configuration
in the classroom. The configuration for each router will need to be documented as a text file by
capturing and printing the configuration commands. The physical arrangement and cabling of the
routers and interfaces will be the same as it is for the standard 5-router lab. When configuring the
routers, teams may use the SETUP dialog utility, manual configuration or may use HyperTerminal or a
TFTP server to load the configuration file for each router. Maximum time allowed to complete Exam
Part 1 is 40 minutes depending on the configuration method that is chosen. Points will be deducted if
your team goes over 40 minutes. The required documentation from your team should be prepared and
presented prior to the final exam.
Team and Individual Grading
Each team will provide a copy of the documentation items listed in the worksheet prior to starting the
Exam. Each individual in the team will configure at least one router and workstation and will perform
all of the performance items listed in the worksheet. For each successful worksheet item, the team or
individual will get the points indicated.
Standard Router Lab Configuration (this is a guideline, your configuration may vary)
Semester 2SkillsBasedFinal – Part 1 Router Configuration
Team Documentation – 30 points
Team Name / Members: __________________________________________________________
Date: _______________
The team will be graded as a whole on the following documentation. These items should be
prepared and ready before taking the exam:
Documentation Item / Grading Criteria Pts
Cover sheet with IP addressing scheme (1 page):
Include team name and members. Document IP addressing scheme and rationale
including what types of devices will be assigned which addresses
Graphical Network Design (1 page):
Provide a computer-generated graphic network diagram showing all devices and
interfaces. List all routers and workstations with interfaces and IP addresses. Use
ConfigMaker or Network Designer to develop the network diagram.
Router Configurations (1 page per router – 5 pages total):
Document the startup commands required to configure all five routers and print
out the text file for each, one per page. Capture the output from the show running
config command for all 5 routers on one floppy disk. Label the floppy
Total Points 30
Individual Performance – 30 points
(Write the initials of each individual under the router they configured)
Performance Item / Grading Criteria Pts
Lab A
Lab B
Lab C
Lab D
Lab E
Configure router and PC within 40
min. Include MOTD banner to show
who configured each router.
Ping router interface from router.
Ping an interface IP address on any
router from any other router
Ping workstation IP from
workstation. Ping any workstation IP
address from any other workstation
Telnet to all routers by router host
name. Telnet from one router to each of
the other routers using their host name
and be able to show all telnet sessions to
other routers simultaneously.
Show routing table. Show the routing
table entries for each router to see other
neighboring router interfaces are present.
Total Points 30
NOTE: Be sure to erase the startup config and run reload for all five routers when finished (do
not save your configuration). The person who configured each router should reload it.
Semester 2SkillsBasedFinal – Part 2 Troubleshooting
Individual Performance – 20 points
Name: _______________ Date: ____________
Troubleshoot induced problems after the lab routers have been configured. After the routers are
successfully configured, you will be asked to leave and problems will be introduced into your PC
and/or its network connections to demonstrate troubleshooting skills. Problems encountered during
troubleshooting and the steps taken to correct them must be documented. You will troubleshoot the
workstation and router you configured during part 1 of the exam.
Instructor notes: A list of potential problems and causes can be found in the instructor’s version of
the Semester2 curriculum in the Preface, Chapter 0 under Second Semester Finals.
Troubleshooting Activity Record – 10 Points each (use back if necessary)
Symptom / Cause Tests / Results Detailed Solutions Points
Semester 2SkillsBasedFinal – Part 3 Network Concepts
Individual Performance – 20 points
Answer the 3 questions on networking concepts as assigned by the instructor. Write the questions
assigned in the space provided below. You may be asked to answer orally or write your answers on
the back of this sheet. Answers should be as detailed as possible for maximum credit.
Instructor notes: Sample questions and rubrics to help assess answers are found in the instructor’s
version of the Semester2 curriculum in the Preface, Chapter 0 under Second Semester Finals.
Questions 1 (10 pts):
Question 2: (10 pts)
Question 3: (10 pts)
Points Scored: ____________
CCNA Semester 2 - Skills Based Final Exam - Student Training
Instructor Guidelines - Exam Overview and Administration – Cont.
Exam Part 2 – Troubleshooting. CCNA Semester 2 - Skills Based Final Exam - Student Training
Instructor Guidelines - Exam Overview and Administration
This exam is for