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The role of human resources department in international hotels in ho chi minh city

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~'.\\) ~ U ' " HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSm OF FOREIGN tANGUAGES - INFORMAJION IECHNotOGY SCI-lOot OF FOREIGN tANGUAGES I i ••••••• • • 1'1 I" I "I " Tti-='"-== I '" I" I" " " II TIlE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS IN HO cm MINH CITY 'f}., ' ;~.;: ~ •.• ,"' II II! ," " ,I Iii " ,.1 Iii ~ Advisor Student ~ j : NGUYEN TnI nONG NUUNG HCMe JUtY 2000 ",t., , , : Mr NGO Quoe DUY I~ =-_ "" 'v' :>-: i t ( ; ,\< ~",." ".~ / I AC{{N01Yli,OGM£NTS Thanks are due to Foreign Languages Departme~t • A~'ity at Ho Chi Minh of Foceign Language, - Information Technology for the~sound advice and support ""'-"" , I I would like to reiterate bJen invaluable , in the my gratitude to all those whose help preparation of this research paper II Mr Ngo Quoc Duy, my advisor, read through this paper with a II ' critical eye and suggested valuable guidance Mr Son Hong Duc, ,- ( \ tHuman Resources Manager of Garden Plaza Parkroyal, and Mr Phung Van My, Human Resources Manager of New World' Hotel Saigon, were extremely helpful and provided practical advice r I am especially indebted to my parents and my family who always love, care, and encourage me every step of the way I J finally, m=y thank< to my friend" e'pedally Bui Tuan Ngoc, wto aided me in the preparation of this graduati~n paper ' Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung COMMENTS According to the World Tourism Organization "\: •• (WTO), countries like Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore and Vietnam are expected to receive an average annual tourism growth of7;6 per cent up to the year 2010 This translates into more businesses as well as challenges to the Vietnam hotel industry in general and particularly in HoChiMinh City With the topic.' INTERNATIONAL , "THE ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT' IN HOTELS IN HCMC", Studen,t Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung has indicated one of the challenges of international Resources Department, typically in hotels: The New World Saigon and the Garden Plaza Parkroyal discussion, Through information the' research strengths and weaknesses hotels nowadays collection does analyze in implementing and interpretation, and make a detailed Student the findings as well as the, comparison of the current together with '" to assist the readers in forming an overall judgmeritof human resource activities in international evaluation and compensation, etc Hong Nhung also gives some of her own suggestions convincing data and illustrations, of the Human the human resource activities such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance Besides, - the functions hotels ip HCMC The research is presented ' in a nice format and a logical order, easy to understand However, due to time limitation, this research could not cover all human resource aspects of other international hotels, especially in another big cities such as Hanoi, Danang, etc And the , research would be more interesting if it includes the analysis as well as comparison in terms of human resource activities with some of State-run hotels of the same level In short, this is a very good research, worth of reading and reference both in theory and in practice It indicates a very serious effort and positive attitude of Student Hong Nhung in the completion of this res Hong Nhung • -~ A \ NGO QUOC DUY Advisor rch I'm really happy to have the opportunity to work with Student I CONTf.,NTS INTKODUCTION CUAPTEK ONE 1.1 1.2 Overview of the present situation of tourism and hotel industry in HCM City : Structural organization of an international hotel 1.3.l Main departments in an international hotel ~ I, Forecasting business situation of the tourism and hotel industry in HCM City in the period 2000-2005 1.3 I ~ ~ ~ Roo m Divis ion Front Office Department Food and Beverage Department : Engineering and Maintenance Department Sales and Marketing Department Accounting Department Security Department Human Resources Department (HRD) , 11 13 : 14 , : : , : 14 : :15 ' 16 CUAPTEK TWO ' '; 18 I 2.1 Strategic-tluman Resource Planning in international hotels 18 2.1.1 Definition of Human Resource Planning (HRP) 18 2.1.2 The strategic planning and implementation process 18, Overtime ; : 18 Employee leasing : .• ,.19 ' 2.1.3 Forecasting HR requirements 19 2.2 Recruitment ; 2.2.1 Definition of recruitment 2.2.2 Description of hotel staff recruitment process Determine HR demand of the hotel Determine recruitment sources : Determine recruitment methods 2.2.3 HRD and HRM'S roles in the recruitment process HR Department HR Manager The role of the "Labor Law" in HR Management 2.3 I "• ~ : : ~ : , Selection 2.3.1 Definition of selection 2.3.2 Describe the hotel selection process The preliminary interview Review of applications and resumes Types of employment tests 20 ' : ; 20 21'" 21 :21 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 " ; : : : : 26 ; 27 : 27 ~ 30 •• Employment interviews Reference and background checks Police clearance Selection decision Health examination Contracts : 31 33 33 33 : 37 37 2.3.3 Enumeration of some selection criteria for the front office 2.4 • • ,} " Receptionists Bell attendants 38 39 Training and development 39 2.4.1 Definition of Training and Development (T&D) 2.4.2 Benefits oftraining in the hotel industry , 2.4.3 Present main contents of staff training in intemationalhotels Orientation Professional Training : 42 CUAPTER TUKEE 43 3.1 Introduction to Garden Plaza Parkr~yal 3.2 Introduction to New World Hotel Saigon 3.3 Organization Saigon Structure Recruitment and selection processes and New World Hotel Saigon 3.9.1 Strenght ofHRD in Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon 3.9.2 Weakness ofHR Management in Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon : 3.10 Some suggestions REFERENCES to overcome hotels , 49 • 53 61 ~ 61 : 62' , 62.' , 63 63' Evaluating the role of HRD in Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon CONCLUSION 44 of Garden Plaza Parkroyal 3.8 Transfer and promotion in international 43 46 3.4 HRD of Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon 3.9 : of Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel 3.7 Training programs of New World Saigon Hotel 3.7.1 Staff training and development 3.7.2 Education opportunities # : 40 ,.40 3.6 Training and Development 3.6.1 Training programs of Garden Plaza Parkroyal " 39 39 40 2.5 Conclusion 3.5 •• 38 67 67 69 the difficulties in HRD 70 •• IN:TROOOCTION: ourism is a significant factor in the development of a Nation's economy T expenditure Tourists" affects a country's economic activities such as creating jobs for a large number of people working directly in the field of tourism or indirectly in other areas, the' , biggest group of whom are hotel employees In 1996, the total number of people working in the tourism industry was 112 million worldwide Compared with other economic sectors, tourism is one of the new sectors with a high growth rate According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO) 's statistics, the incoming figure in international tourism for the year' 1996 was US$ 432 billion compared to that of 1950 which was US$ 2.1 billion There is an • increase of 205.7% in 46 years' time (1950-1996); the percentage for the average annual I ••, increase is 4.5% In the mid 1990s, the period known as the Golden Age of the Vietnamese Tourism Industry, the industry has grown at a fairly rapid rate nearly 30-40% and attracted significant foreign exchange It was during this period that several hotels were built In 1997, the number of tourists coming into Vietnam is about 1.9 millions Ho Chi Minh City (formerly merchants from the Occident, SaiGon), once called the "Pearl of the Far East" by sea has climatic According to statistics compiled by Department number of international and geographical for tourism.' of Tourism, in Ho Chi Minh City alone, the tourists was 871,077 in 1998 and 975,000 in 1999 with an increase of 12% and total income was 3,090 billion Dongs in 1999 advantages The hotel industry has quickly developed strongly in accordance with the tourism industry To hotel investment, the supply has greatly increase and currently outstrips demand According to statistics from Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT), in 1996 throughout the country has had more than 3,000 accommodations international especially • standard with 50,000 rooms, including 27,000 rooms This situation leads to strongly competition among hotels, in Ho Chi Minh City where the number of international hotels has increased' dramatically in recent years The main objective of all international hotels is to expand their' existing guest base and maintain guest's loyalty' by providing the best services with the highest quality To support the objective that happy guests will come back, most of hotels are now equipped with state-of-the art facilities, the spacious and well- furnished rooms Since each hotel has its own image and its own attraction, the staff is an important factor that cannot be substituted People is the most precious resource for hotel business because all services provided to guests are run, managed and performed by people - "people serve people" Hotel will only be successful with attentive, hospitable professional and courteous staff at all time Consequently, how we attract skilled and effective employees for the hotel industry? How we can to use the human resource Resources Department It must effectively? establish These are the "raison d'etre" effective personnel Moreover, another role of the Human Resource Management polices and of Human strategies is to ensure that hotel human resources are managed and cared for in the best possible ways That is the major reason why the subject of this research is "The role of Human Resources Department hotels in Ho Chi Minh City" in international "1 "'J The objective to effectively of this research is to analyze the steps in human resource management in order' enhance quality and service in international training and development for hotel staff Moreover, emphasize of the human resource the importance hotels and to offer long~term the purpose of this research is to in the development hotel is one of the broadest and' most complex management area department industry Human resource management The focus of this research is on the principle and practice of recruitment, development and evaluation of hotel employees, selection, training,' especially in international hotels in Ho Chi Minh City Based on knowledge that was learned from the university; collecting data from newspapers and reference books; asking the lecturer's ideas; interviewing Human Resources Managers in various hotels we try to point out suitable solutions for each subject of this research These subjects will be solved more properly and convincingly The scheme of this research is as follows: Chapter 1: Introducing an overview of tourism and hotel industry in Vietnam, especially in Ho Chi Minh City Simultaneously, introducing the typical organization and main divisions in international hotels Chapter 2: Analyzing, building strategic Human Resources planning, recruitment, training and development selection, programs in order to establish the hotel's skilled staff Chapter 3: Evaluating training and development Ho Chi Minh City together with suggestions strategies in some in international to effectively Resources Department in the development of these hotels improve hotels in the role of Human , I ' • CHAPTER ONE \ ~ , AN OVERVIEW OF TOURISM AND HOTEL INDUSTRY IN' HCM CITY I, t' • • • CllAfT£R ONt A~ ()Vt=VVIt=W 1.1 ()-= T()UVI~M A~I) Ii()Tt=L I~I)U~TV~ I~ IiCM CIT~ Overview of the present situation of tourism and hotel industry in HCM City Tourism, the smokeless industry, is seen as important sector contributing to national income, job creation and balance of payments (Vietnam National Administration of Tourism -VNAT) II In the begin 1990s, Vietnam tourism industry enters a new stage under the "Doi Moi" policy Tourism plays an important role in this period and the social-economic of Vietnam The recent promulgation with other government • authorities strategy of the CP/45 decree has allowed VNAT to co-operate to facilitate Party Congress stated that "Developing development tourism development In 1994, the Seventh Tourism industry in large scale and high standard to correspond to its potential is one of the important economic goals" Robert Burns, chairman of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), stated "There are 51 no doubt that Vietnam will become one of the great travel destinations of the 21 century and we want to make sure that this is achieved to the benefit not only of international travelers but also the Vietnamese " • The 1995 Master Plan for Tourism Development, developed by VNAT, showed that Vietnam would have significant potential for tourism development over the next 15 years Mrs Vo Thi Thang, Head ofVNAT, said "Tourism development at present is not proportioned to its potential period, the ability to control international Vietnam Tourism is just at the development market shares is limited, tourism products not attract tourists and cannot compete with those of other countries in the region." (VNAT, 1998) • JI?to/le"1", /YIti :Jtir,? J17:(~ • • External professional training: There are many opportunities for the hotel staff to attend seminar and training course organized by appropriate institutions/ companies • English training: The Garden Plaza Parkroyal is an international hotel dealing with mainly international guests Good communication in English is a must for every staff, either in guest contact areas or back of the house Therefore, the hotel always invests in English training for all staff The first objective is to improve oral communication skills In any promotion opportunities, the English communication skills, telephone skills will be considered I as one of the main criteria 3.7 Training programs of New World Saigon Hotel 3.7.1 Staff training and development , The New World Saigon Hotel Managers also recognize the most importance of training and commit to providing on a continual basis, matched Therefore, development with all employees opportunities it is critical with comprehensives for personal growth, enrichment and development to train staff for their current jobs and for their future career to meet the growth and success of the hotel and the individuals The hotel provides various training resources • and development through the HRD These sources include in- house and external training programs • In-house training programs: are tailor-made for the employees according to both employees and the hotel's needs Details and enrolment procedures will be made known to employees through their Department Head and through the Staff Bulletin Board • External training programs: The HRD collects a range of latest information on courses offered by external institutes Popular course information will be posted onto the Staff , Bulletin Board Moreover, employees can seek information and advice on the selection of external courses from the HRD and they will in turn advise and assist employees on the enrolment procedures • Training resources library: A range of reference books, magazines and journals on hotel products, operation and management, together with language tapes are collected in the Training Resources Library located in the HRD A complete catalogue is also available from your Department Head The hotel always welcomes and appreciates employees' opinions relating to their needs and interest in training and career development Suggestions can be directed to their Department Heads or the HRD 3.7.2 Education opportunities The hotel will reimburse the employees, who have been employed by the hotel for months or more, for educational hospitality industry courses (college accredited Reimbursement or equivalent) will be made pertaining upon satisfactory directly to the completion of the course(s) as follows: If employee receives an Honor or "A" grade, 100% of the course will be paid by the hotel If the grade is "B" or "C" or for satisfactory completion, 50% will be paid Course must be approved by the General Manager prior to the beginning of each course • semester (or equivalent school/college 3.8 term) Transfer and promotion + Transfer is defined as a movement from one position to another, within or outside of the Department + Promotion is defined as a movement from one grade to the next higher grade • , The New World Saigon Hotel may initiate transfer of an employee with or without promotion to another job or another department agreed between Department Heads and in conjunction with the HRD An employee may, after serving in one job for at least months, apply for a transfer Such an employee must fill in a "Request for Transfer Form" (Figure 3-10) which is to be endorsed by his/her Department Heads and to be processed by the HRD Then, HRD send one copy of" Movement of personnel advice" (Figure 3-11) to Accounting Department, and one is recorded in personnel file A transfer can only be effected vacancy arises and is agreed by both the releasing department when an available and the receiving department Promotion is based on merit When an opening occurs, the hotel looks for the person with the best all-around record Including but not limited to performance ability to take responsibility, I' I' attendance, on the past and present jobs, attitude, length of service (at least months in • present position), punctuality, ability to get along with others, guest relations and supervisory ability Policy in the Garden Plaza Parkroyal is to reward staff who has contributed to the hotel success and to stimulate the spirit of "growing up with the company" Hence, whenever a vacancy exists and which provides an opportunity for internal promotion, every effort will be made to' fill that vacancy from inside If after the trial period, the staff is confirmed in the new position, he/she will get the starting salary for that position in case the new salary is higher than his (her) previous one But if the new salary is less than his/her previous one the Management guarantee no loss of earnings because of promotion With the requirement business, a staff is subject to temporary transfer to another job not exceeding unilateral decision from Management will of the hotel's months by Longer period of transfer must be agreed by both parties Moreover, after performance review, if a staff is considered not suitable for the current position, the staff may be transferred to a lower position with lower salary However, the staff may ask for transfer, but it is at the discretion of the actual Head of Department and the receiving Head of Department REQUEST FOR TRANSFER POST APPLIED FOR: _ NAME: I.D No _ DEPT/ POSITION: MONTHS IN POSITION _ EDUCATION: Majoring in ENGLISH B/C Certificate COMMAND GOOD _ FAIR POOR TRAINING/ SKILLSACQUIRED : 1/ 2/ _ _ 3/ _ 4/._ _ 5/ -REASON FOR TRANSFER: YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO NEW POSITION? DATE: SIGNATURE: RECOMMENDED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD: RELEASEDATE: _ _ SCREENED BY DIR HUMAN RESOURCES: _ INTERVIEW ARRANGEMENT _ RESULT: _ Figure 3-10: Request for Transfer Form i I & '" MOVEMENT OF PERSONNEl ADVICE DATE: _ NAME: HOTEL I.D No: POSITION: PRESENT SALARY: _ DEPARTMENT: COMM _ DATE: NEW EMPLOYEE PROMOTION NON RESIGNATION TRANSFER SUSPENSION TERMINATION RETITLE RESUME DUTY SALARY ADJUSTMENT CHANGE _ DISMISSAL PAY LEAVE OF PERSONAL PARTICULAR EFFECTIVE DATE: • PLEASE NOTE: _ PLEASE DEDUCT: • • HUMAN ORIGINAL COpy : RESOURCES OFFICER NC : PERSONAL HUMAN FILE RESOURCES DEPT Figure 3-11: Movement of Personnel Advice _ 3.9 Evaluating the role of HRD in Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon 3.9.1 Strenghts of HRD in Garden PlazaParkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon Both Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel Saigon have solid organization structures At the hotel's opening day, the employees of the Garden Plaza Parkroyal were 240 employees, included 10 foreign experts; and the New World Hotel Saigon had 980 employees, included 35 foreign experts employees After the restructuring, the Garden Plaza Parkroyal currently has 172 including foreign experts; and New World Hotel Saigon staff is 460 employees including II foreign experts The downsizing of both the hotels' human resource related cost such as salary, labor insurance, etc New World Hotel Saigon now has the ratio of employees/rooms is 0.85 which is the efficient ratio for an international hotel In addition, reducing the number of foreign experts in both hotels is their priority as foreign experts always, cost more than local employees in the same position The HRD of these hotels has created sound recruitment also have long-term training and development professionalism and selection processes The hotels programs that are targeted to nurture expertise, of staff in order to improve the service quality and ultimately to meet the grow their business and profitability To guide the hotel staff in their daily jobs, each the hotel has" Employee Handbook" which ' must be considered as a "chart" or reference for all activities inside the hotels That handbook will help the hotel staff and even the managers to learn about the hotel policies, procedures and benefits I I The HRD organized management many programs to create strong relationship between board, especially the "Rap sessions" The New World Hotel Saigon's HRD have published "Staff Newsletters" keeps employees Employees staff and the every four months It informed about latest hotel events, personnel movement and staff activities are welcomed "Staff Newsletters" and encouraged to contribute their experiences , ' and talents to the In addition, notices to employees will be issued by HRDs and posted onto Staff Bulletin Boards All employees are encouraged to pay attention to the notices issued: Both hotels have the "Open Door Policy" (the Open Door Policy means that the hotel staff always gets a fair and attentive hearing) to foster employee participation in creating the hotel a true community Each department of both the hotels conducts periodic meeting to share ideas" inform the staff, of changes, make special announcements, etc All employees are encouraged' to participate by offering suggestions, asking questions and expressing opinions The Garden Plaza Parkroyal has a "Staff Suggestion Box" at the staff canteen to encourage staff to put forward ideas or suggestion which may: • Improve customer services • Reduce cost ' • Rationalize supplies, wastage, etc • Improve internal control, security, safety, work productivity and efficiency The objective is to encourage hotel staff to participate in, the management of the hotel, to I I materialize the notion of belonging the hotel The New World Hotel Saigon's HRD also has a suggestion box from which all letters will be sent to the GM which is called "Speak-Out" That is a program to provide expression of the , staff thoughts, suggestions, concerns, questions, problems which cannot be addressed or i resolved to the staff satisfaction by the hotel I I To thanks the staff contributions, the New World Hotel Saigon celebrates the annually "Associate Appreciation Week" with various activities 3.9.2 Weaknesses of HR Management in Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New' World Hotel Saigon Although both the Garden Plaza Parkroyal and New World Hotel organization structures but they still inherit some management weaknesses Saigon have good especially in HRD The scope of the hotels' HRD is quite broad It has the responsibility to conduct daily affair as well as to resolve employees staff related issues However, the HRD size is limited with just 6-7 As a result, staff often work overtime but are not always able to complete their tasks In 1997-1998, Asia faced the worst financial crisis and Vietnam economy was also be affected, especially the loss income situation in the Vietnam tourism and hotel industries in this period In 1998, 200 employees • I., I , I L , income decreased of the New World Hotel Saigon were laid off because the hotel's from millions USD/month to million USD/month Therefore, each , employee has to job enlargement or reservation such as the receptionists have to accept the job of cashier with no increase in salary Consequently, some employees left the hotel due to high pressure in their jobs Both the hotels have challenges in replacing foreign managers by Vietnamese ones because mother companies believe that just foreign managers can easily attract more foreign guests in certain areas As an example, most of F&B Manager are foreigners because the hotel's' L General Manager (GM) believes that F&Bforeign taste, and requirement, better education while Vietnamese or higher degree Financial Manager, Manager can understand F&B Manager Therefore, cannot; even he/she might have in Garden Plaza Parkroyal Chief the cuisine are foreigners, foreign guests' F&B Manager, and in New World Hotel Saigon GM, F&B Manager, Financial Manager, Chief the cuisine, HR Director, DO Engineering are also foreigners The HRD faces difficulties programs to encourage department in satisfy the staff's requirements eventhough the staff express their thoughts, suggestions, also has problem in training and development there are many problems, etc And the requirements due to 2% - 4% reduction of the training budget In addition, both hotels not have the trainer- training programs for training officers Most of the hotel's training officers not have opportunities to be trained in foreign countries or even in Vietnam, so they just use their own work experiences in staff training programs 3.10 Some suggestions to overcome the difficulties in HRD in international hotels The hotels should maintain their strength in hotel management management and personnel encourage employees' and especially in HRD Quality should merge into an' innovative and dynamic environment to contribution and boost team work spirit Currently the HRD has created many programs in order to encourage the staff to express theirideas through medium such as "Staff Suggestion Box ", Staff notices, Newsletter, Rap sessions, department meetings, etc However the result is not as good as expected because the employees are not confident and comfortable of expressing their ideas when they interact with' the hotel Management Board or foreign Managers Therefore, the HRD should consult and' I , help the employees feel comfortable to it And the HRD should to be "The Bridge" to foster positive relationship between the Management Board andall staff The hotel's budget for training programs is too limited Gust 2%-4% of the hotel's last year' income) so the HRM should recommend Board of Directors development alternative the training and" budget to a more reasonable of not providing effective to increase level Training does costa great deal but the."' training can be more harmful as it will lead to poor' service quality unable to attract customers in the future Therefore, attention in reinforcing the professionalism, if the hotel pays more the work efficiency will become higher with the goals of providing guests the best in service and the hotel gets better return of investment ' Moreover, the HRD should organize annually "Train the Trainer" courses for training officers : " " " both inside or outside the hotel in order to create chances for employees to learn new training " methods of the international hotel industry Most of hotels'" development management strategy pay more attention in the development of the.' level, so they usually send managers and supervisors to attend training courses in foreign countries The hotels should also send the potential staff to take part in these programs ' for long-term development • ' strategies of the hotels The HRD should plan to recruit more HR employees to lessen the work pressure in HRD In addition, the HRD should make close relationship, with the Labor Union In Vietnam, all of companies must have Labor Union because it is a political constituent The HRD together with " : the Labor Union should give the best solution in any labor problems and organize programs for both Management Board and all associates to improve their relations such as Associate ,' appreciation week, charity activities, annually holidays, etc The hotel's Labor Union has to strengthen their role in defending the employees' right and interest Last but not least, the four and five-star hotels should apply the ISO 9000 quality management system; for example, establishing the Local Area Network (LAN) to exchange information and data between departments By receiving the ISO 9000 quality management system certificate, the hotels not only improve the quality in their products and services but also create the most • effective marketing and competitive position in the future I • II ~ I., \ • I C08CLOSI08 I~ ntering the new century with the aggressive Destination for the Millenium", marketing the Vietnamese "Vietnam - A tourism in general and its hotel industry in particular are facing many business development competitive challenges campaign opportunities ' as well as tough This unique economic situation demands the hotel human resource manager to have deep professional knowledge and skill to respond quickly and effectively to the new HRM requirements In addition to carry out traditional planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, HR functions 'such as the hotel HRD has to develop innovative policies and practices to increase staff's commitment to high quality services in order to maintain guests' satisfaction and trust In the past few years, joint venture hotels in HCM city have grown significantly in terms of investment dollars; physical size, service and infrastructure These hotels have been carrying out many re-structuring internally and develop more businesses limitation of this topic, my researchment standard and number of staff initiatives in order to control cost at the same time Due to time constraint is only referring to the management practice of the HRD of two large representative and structure and hotels in HCM namely New World Hotel Saigon and Garden Plaza Parkroyal My research indicates that human resource management is fairly well organized with clear-cut policies and procedures that can be easily followed by staff at all levels As a result, these hotels now have a highly qualified and deeply committed staff However, these HRDs are also facing serious challenges near future To achieve this objective requires total commitment which will be resolved the of the whole hotel at all " levels, management professional and staff alike Especially, knowhow HRD staff will need to acquire more from foreign experts in order to transfer expires and skills to local staff It is truly a prospective learning opportunity for the Vietnamese employees in these hotels I truly hope that this research paper "The role of HRD in international hotels in HCM City" will be a helpful resource to all hotel staff who performs HR functions I also hope that this • paper will provide practical lessons learned for HRD of state hotels in order to avoid similar missteps and emulate innovative solutions The ultimate result of a highly performed HRD is the significant contribution to the profitability of the hotel and the improved working conditions of its staff Due to the limitation of experience and time, this research paper certainly contains unintentional mistakes I look forward to receiving all constructive comments and suggestions as well ••• • R£f£R£~C£8 Cuc thong ke (1998) Nien giam thong ke 1997 Vietnam: NXB Thong Ke David,B.,& Robert,P (1998) Management-An introduction Europe: Prentice Hall ~ Employee Handbook Garden Plaza Parkroyal • Employee Handbook New World Hotel Saigon Hiep hoi du lich TP.HCM, Truong dao tao nghiep vu du lich Sai Gon (1997) Quan ly khach san Kasavana,M.L.,& Brooks,R.M.(1991) Managing front office operations (3rd ed.) 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