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1485 effects of schema based activities on efl learners reading comprehension ảnh hưởng của các hoạt động hoạt hóa kiến thức nền đối với khả năng đọc hiể

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MINISTRYOFEDUCATIONANDTRAINING QUYNHONUNIVERSITY NGUYENPHUONGNGAN EFFECTS OF SCHEMA-BASED ACTIVITIES ONEFLLEARNERS’READINGCOMPREHENSION Field: Theory and Methodology of English Language TeachingCode:8140111 Supervisor:Assoc.Prof.Dr.NguyenQuangNgoan BinhDinh -2022 BỘGIÁODỤC VÀĐÀOTẠO TRƯỜNGĐẠI HỌC QUYNHƠN NGUYỄNPHƯƠNGNGÂN ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA CÁC HOẠT ĐỘNG HOẠT HÓAKIẾNTHỨCNỀNĐỐIVỚIKHẢNĂNGĐỌC HIỂUCỦANGƯỜI HỌC TIẾNG ANH Ngành: Lý luận phương pháp dạy học môn Tiếng AnhMãsố:8140111 Ngườihướngdẫn:PGS.TS.NguyễnQuangNgoạn BìnhĐịnh-2022 STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP I declare that the information reported in this study is the result of myown work and effort, except where due reference is made The thesis has notbeenacceptedforanydegreeandisnotconcurrentlysubmittedtoanycandidatur efor anydegreeordiploma BinhDinh,August2022 NguyenPhuong Ngan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS During the process of doing this thesis, I have received invaluablesupport,preciousideasandtimelyencouragementsfrommysupervisor,family andfriends.Thispapercouldnothavebeensuccessfullycompletedwithouttheir helps, encouragement and contributions I take this chance to appreciatethemfortheirexpertadviceand wisecomments and generoustime First and foremost, I am grateful to my supervisor, Assos Prof Dr.NguyenQuangNgoan,forhisamazingsupervision.Hisoutstandingknowledge ,professionalteaching-relatedexpertise,kindsupportandcontinuous assistances went through the process of doing this thesis Hisencouragement and comment had significantly enriched and improved mywork.Iappreciatehisaccommodatingguidelinesandsuggestions,greatpatienc e,andstrongmanagementskillsinhelpingmeresolveobstacleswhenIcarriedoutmy thesis.Ifeel fortunateto havehadhimsupport my work This study was made achievable by the presence of the enthusiasticstudents at Au Viet Center in Khanh Hoa Province, who devoted their timetaking part in this research I am also thankful to my colleagues for theirfascinatingassistance,support andmanagementduringthepilotphase Last but not least, a special thank is given to my beloved parents andsisterfortheirencouragementandsupportthroughoutthesiseducation ABSTRACT Reading comprehension is one of four important skills in learning anylanguages However, many learners still have difficulties in improving theirreading comprehension This research aims at investigating the effects ofschema-basedactivitiesonEFLlearners’readingcomprehension.Theresearchemployed a quasi-experimental method in a mixed-method design with theparticipationof80EFLtenthgradelearnersinanEnglishcenterinKhanhHoaProvince These participants were divided into groups: control group andexperimentalgroup.Threeresearchinstrumentsweretworeadingcomprehensi on tests, a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview Thefindingsshowedthatschema-basedactivitieshavepositiveeffectsonlearners’reading comprehensionsuchasincreasingreadingspeed,motivatinginterests,providingreal-worldknowledgeandspecificpurposes beforereading,andsoon Keywords: schema activation, readingcomprehension schema-based activities, TABLEOFCONTENTS STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLEOF CONTENTS iv LIST OFTABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OFABBRREVIATIONS .xi CHAPTER1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aimandobjectivesofthestudy .2 1.3 Researchquestions 1.4 Significanceofthe study 1.5 Scopeofthe study 1.6 Definitions ofterms 1.7 Structureof the thesis CHAPTER2.LITERATUREREVIEW 2.1 Reading comprehension .6 2.1.1 Definitions 2.1.2 Readingcomprehensionapproaches 2.1.3 Readingcomprehensionteachingand learning .10 2.1.4 Theimportance ofEnglishlanguagereading 12 2.1.5 Readingtestingandassessment .13 2.2 SchemaTheory 14 2.2.1 Definitions 14 2.2.2 Typesofschemas 15 2.3 Schema-basedactivitiesandreadingcomprehension .17 2.3.1 Theeffectsofschema-basedactivitiesonreadingcomprehension 17 2.3.2 Pedagogicali m p l i c a t i o n o f s c h e m a b a s e d a c t i v i t i e s i n r e a d i n g comprehension 19 2.4 Relateds t u d i e s o n a p p l y i n g s c h e m a a c t i v a t i o n t o t e a c h L r e a d i n g comprehension 22 CHAPTER3.RESEARCHMETHODOLOGY 28 3.1 Researchaimandhypotheses .28 3.1.1 Researchquestions 28 3.1.2 Hypotheses 28 3.2 Researchdesign 29 3.3 Participants 30 3.3.1 Teacher .30 3.3.2 Students 30 3.4 Materialandtimeframe 31 3.4.1 Materialandlessonplan .31 3.4.2 Timeframe 32 3.5 Instruments 32 3.5.1 Readingcomprehensiontests 33 3.5.2 Thequestionnaire 34 3.5.3 Thesemi-structuredinterview 34 3.6 Datacollectionprocedure .35 3.7 Validityandreliability 36 CHAPTER4.FINDINGSANDDISCUSSION .37 4.1 Students’achievementinreadingcomprehensionbetweenthecontr olgroupandexperimentalgroupbeforeandaftertheintervention 37 4.1.1 Students’achievementinreadingcomprehensionbetween thetwogroupsbeforetheintervention 38 4.1.2 Students’achievementinreadingcomprehensionbetween thetwogroupsaftertheintervention 39 4.2 Students’ achievement in reading comprehensionwithintheexperimentalgroupbeforeandaftertheintervention 41 4.2.1 Students’readingcomprehensiondifferencebetweenthepretestandpost-test 41 4.2.2 Students’readingcomprehensiondetailedscoreinthepre-testandpost-test 42 4.2.3 Students’ performance in eachpartofthereadingcomprehensiontests 43 4.3 Students’attitudestowardstheuseofschemabasedactivitiesinlearningreadingcomprehension 45 4.3.1 Students’t i m e o f p r a c t i c i n g r e a d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n o u t s i d e t h e class 46 4.3.2 Students’preferencesforeachactivity 47 4.3.3 Students’attitudestowardstheuseofschemabasedactivitiesinlearningreadingcomprehension 49 4.3.4 Differences in male and female students’ attitudes towards the useofschema-basedactivitiesinleaningreadingcomprehension 56 4.4 Students’u nd er st an di ng of u s i n g s c h e m a b a s e d a c t i v i t i e s i n l e a r n i n g Englishreadingcomprehensionitsbenefits,challengesandsuggestions57 CHAPTER5.CONCLUSIONAND IMPLICATIONS 63 5.1 Summaryofthefindings .63 5.2 Pedagogicalimplications .65 5.3 Limitationsofthestudy 66 5.4 Suggestionsforfurtherstudies 67 REFERENCES 68 APPENDICES .76

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2023, 12:44
