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Effects of Dynamic Corrective Feedback on ESL Writing Accuracy

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Effects of Dynamic Corrective Feedback on ESL Writing Accuracy K JAMES HARTSHORN, NORMAN W EVANS, PAUL F MERRILL, RICHARD R SUDWEEKS, DIANE STRONG-KRAUSE, AND NEIL J ANDERSON Brigham Young University Provo, Utah, United States Though recent research has shown that written corrective feedback (WCF) may improve aspects of writing accuracy in some English as a second language (ESL) contexts, many teachers continue to be confused about the practical steps they should utilize to help their students improve their writing Moreover, some have raised concerns as to whether commonly used approaches to ESL writing pedagogy and grammar instruction are effective in helping students improve their linguistic accuracy This article describes an instructional strategy we developed for improving students’ accuracy based on insights gleaned from practice, research, and theory We refer to this instructional methodology as dynamic WCF The article also discusses a test of the methodology’s efficacy that compared the performance of two groups of students, one using a conventional process approach to writing instruction and the other using the dynamic WCF approach Test results demonstrated that although rhetorical competence, writing fluency, and writing complexity were largely unaffected by the dynamic WCF pedagogy, significant improvement was observed for writing accuracy doi: 10.5054/tq.2010.213781 hough writing ability is one of the most salient outcomes of higher education, many learners of English as a second language (ESL) continue to struggle to produce writing that is linguistically accurate (e.g., Hinkel, 2002, 2004; Silva, 1993) Not only is this challenge common for students enrolled in intensive English programs, but it is evident for many matriculated university students as well In an attempt to provide practitioners with guidance for the best ways to teach second language (L2) writing, many studies over the past few decades have examined the effects of error correction or written corrective feedback (WCF) Although some studies have claimed that WCF is ineffective or harmful (e.g., Kepner, 1991; Truscott, 1996, 1999, 2004, 2007; Truscott & Hsu, 2008), others have shown that, in certain contexts, it can improve T 84 TESOL QUARTERLY Vol 44, No 1, March 2010 aspects of L2 writing accuracy (e.g., Bitchener, 2008; Bitchener & Knoch, 2008; Bitchener, Young & Cameron, 2005; Ellis, Sheen, Murakami, & Takashima, 2008; Ferris, 2006; Russell Valezy & Spada, 2006; Sheen, 2007).1 Despite growing evidence of the potential benefits of WCF in certain contexts, many practitioners continue to feel perplexed about how to interpret recent research and the practical steps they should take to apply its findings in their classrooms For many practitioners who have continued to utilize WCF, the most important question was never whether it was beneficial, but rather how to use it effectively to help their students write more accurately Despite the ongoing research, the answer to this essential question has remained elusive Therefore, this study is an attempt to move us closer toward an understanding of how to use WCF to maximize ESL student opportunities to learn to improve the linguistic accuracy of their writing At the outset, we acknowledge that the accuracy of L2 writing may be dramatically influenced by a number of variables such as the learning environment, learner differences, and instructional methodologies (Evans, Hartshorn, McCollum, & Wolfersberger, in press) Although each of these deserves greater attention in our research and practice, the focus of this study deals specifically with our growing concern that common approaches to L2 writing pedagogy (largely based on models for teaching first language [L1] writing) may be inadequate for helping ESL learners to maximize the accuracy of their writing (see Hinkel, 2002, 2004; Grabe, 2001; Silva, 1993) Therefore, an instructional strategy was developed based on compelling insights from practice, theory, and research, with the specific intent of improving L2 writing accuracy Thus the purpose of this article is (a) to provide a brief rationale for this instructional methodology and (b) to test its efficacy in one specific ESL learning context THE NEED FOR A BETTER INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY We begin with a brief discussion of why it may be useful to rethink our instructional methodologies used for teaching L2 writing First, we point to a number of meta-analyses examining the benefits of formative feedback in a variety of disciplines that have consistently demonstrated a moderate to strong positive effect for feedback recipients when compared to those in contrast groups (e.g., Azevedo & Bernard, 1995; Guzzo, Jette, & Katzell, 1985; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) We also note the Because it is unfeasible for this article to present a broad survey of all of the relevant WCF literature, these sources may be useful, particularly the extensive review provided by Bitchener (2008) EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 85 growing evidence suggesting that negative feedback that draws learner attention to linguistic form may play a meaningful role in facilitating L2 language development (e.g., Ayoun, 2001; Gu & Wang, 2008; Hino, 2006; Iwashita, 2003; Long, Inagaki, & Ortega, 1998; McDonough, 2005; Pawlak, 2005) Though such findings should give us confidence in the general benefits of such feedback, similar gains have not always been apparent in some ESL contexts where WCF has been utilized (e.g., Truscott, 1996, 1999, 2004, 2007) Although some researchers have appropriately suggested that this lack of observable improvement in ESL writing accuracy may be due to flaws in research methods (e.g., Ferris, 1999, 2004, 2006; Truscott, 1996, 2004), including neglecting to account for individual learner differences (e.g., Ferris, 2006; Gue´nette, 2007), we believe that it is at least as important to recognize that weaknesses in instructional methodologies may also play a significant role in preventing ESL learners from maximizing their ability to write more accurately (Evans et al., in press) In order to understand the nature of the improvements that may be needed to increase ESL writing accuracy, consider two related problems observed extensively in practice First, utilizing WCF in many ESL writing contexts is overwhelming for both the teacher and the student Providing quality feedback can be time-consuming for the teacher, and the tasks of processing and implementing large amounts of feedback can be unrealistic for the student Second, the learning cycle is seldom completed, in that instruction and feedback often fail to result in observable improvements in the linguistic accuracy of the writing that ESL learners produce Whether students attend a traditional grammar class or a class that focuses on process writing along with WCF, many continue to make the same errors in writing tasks, despite explicit classroom instruction and feedback from their teachers AN ALTERNATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGY In an effort to overcome such problems commonly observed with traditional approaches to ESL grammar and writing pedagogy, an alternative instructional methodology was devised based on a number of insights gleaned from practice, research, and relevant theory The goal was to bring a fresh perspective to the problem of how to maximize the opportunities of individual students to learn to write more accurately In doing so, we acknowledge that we have focused more on the immediate needs of students and practitioners than we have on what might make a tidy contribution to the current WCF research Though recent research literature has played an essential role in shaping our thinking, many of 86 TESOL QUARTERLY our views have also grown out of numerous decades of experience teaching, observing, and assessing L1 and L2 writing and its inherent challenges Although some of these views may represent a departure from current thinking in the literature, we believe that they contribute substantially to the dialogue surrounding WCF research Skill Acquisition Theory First, we briefly discuss skill acquisition theory in terms of its relevance to second language acquisition as described by DeKeyser (2001, 2007) He asserts that declarative knowledge (what one knows) is required for the development of procedural knowledge (what one can do) and that it must be based on explicit rules and numerous examples He also claims that proceduralization requires extensive and deliberate practice, which then leads the learner toward greater automatization Although such notions appear to be highly relevant for informing how WCF might be utilized, it seems that, generally, they have not been applied effectively in pedagogy Two additional concepts from skill acquisition theory are important to this study First, the theory predicts that accuracy is a function of practice Second, the theory predicts that procedural knowledge does not transfer well Thus, if students are to learn to produce accurate writing, practice tasks and activities must be authentic With such a premium on writing practice that is both frequent and authentic, we recognized the need to effectively balance explicit instruction and extensive practice, along with the other insights gleaned from observation and theory Making WCF Dynamic Based on the need for practice that is both frequent and authentic, we developed what we term dynamic WCF, the core component of our instructional methodology For our purposes, dynamic WCF is narrowly defined as having two essential elements that we have hypothesized many students may need in order to maximize their opportunity to learn to write more accurately It includes (a) feedback that reflects what the individual learner needs most, as demonstrated by what the learner produces,2 and (b) a principled approach to pedagogy that ensures that writing tasks and feedback are meaningful, timely, constant, and manageable for both student and teacher Each of these aspects of dynamic WCF is addressed below This is opposed to focused feedback based on a form that may be targeted as an instructional objective or as part of a research study For additional discussion of focused and unfocused feedback, see Ellis et al (2008) EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 87 Meaningful To ensure that feedback is meaningful to the learner at a cognitive level, indirect feedback is provided in the form of coded symbols that identify the error type and its location However, the student is responsible for correcting errors on subsequent drafts (see Appendix A for a list of errors and their corresponding symbols) Students are taught how to interpret the symbols, and they record each of their errors on an Error List, a comprehensive inventory of the errors they produce along with the written context in which they are produced Use of these symbols also helps facilitate the students’ ability to keep track of errors on a Tally Sheet (see Appendix B), a cumulative list of errors that shows frequencies for each error type In addition to raising student awareness, these tools are used to identify high-frequency errors, which form the basis for the explicit instruction essential to skill-acquisition theory Finally, student writing is given a holistic score that reflects both linguistic accuracy as well as the overall quality of the writing.3 Timely and Constant Skill acquisition theory suggests that, in order for the feedback to be meaningful enough to process effectively, it also needs to be timely and constant In dynamic WCF, feedback is timely, in that student writing is consistently marked with the coded symbols and returned the following class period It is constant, in that students produce new pieces of writing and receive feedback nearly every class period of the course Manageable Another vital aspect of the tasks and feedback is that, in order for them to be meaningful, timely, and constant, they also must be manageable Feedback is manageable for teachers when they have enough time to attend to the quality and completeness of what they communicate to their students Feedback is manageable for the students when they have the time and ability to process, learn from, and apply the needed feedback from their teachers Without manageable tasks and feedback, students may be unable to process feedback effectively and may experience something akin to the learning breakdown predicted by cognitive load theory (Kirschner, 2002; Paas, Renkl, & Sweller, 2004) 88 Though a number of different rubrics might be used depending on specific features the teacher may wish to emphasize, the purpose is to provide students with an overall sense of the quality of their writing that may help them to contextualize improvement TESOL QUARTERLY Moreover, without manageability, the frequency and the meaningfulness of the needed practice would be impossible to maintain Though references to the need for manageability in ESL writing practice have been largely absent from the literature, recently Bitchener (2008, p 109) has also noted the importance for providing manageable feedback to prevent ‘‘information overload.’’ To avoid this problem, Bitchener (2008, p 108) suggests that teachers and learners focus on ‘‘one or only a few error categories’’ at a time This view has been widely advocated by other WCF researchers as well (e.g., Ellis et al., 2008; Ferris, 2006; Sheen, 2007) However, whereas such an approach may be useful or necessary for certain types of research or theory building, it may be much less practical for a classroom of students who are anxious to improve the overall accuracy of their writing Such an approach would be especially problematic if the error categories targeted for feedback did not represent the most frequent error types produced by the individual students In addition, focusing on such a limited number of error categories seems at odds with notions of effective practice suggested by researchers such as Ranta and Lyster (2007, p 151), who advocate practice that is ‘‘inherently repetitive and psychologically authentic.’’ It seems that, in order for writing tasks to be truly authentic, students would need to focus on the accurate production of all aspects of writing, simultaneously Therefore, rather than limit the focus of the feedback, the alternative approach we use to ensure that tasks and feedback are manageable in dynamic WCF is simply to limit the length of the student writing With a shorter piece of writing, teachers can identify all linguistic errors produced by their students, without overwhelming themselves or their students Thus the essential element of our instructional methodology is a 10-min paragraph written daily Ten minutes was chosen because it seemed long enough to provide a meaningful sample of writing, while still being manageable enough for the teacher to mark and for the student to process This cycle, at the heart of providing dynamic WCF, involves six steps as summarized in Figure RESEARCH QUESTIONS Though the main focus of this study is ESL writing accuracy, analyzing accuracy without regard for other important dimensions of writing would be meaningless For example, though a piece of writing may be completely free from linguistic errors, its ultimate quality must be evaluated by its overall communicative effect Thus it was determined that linguistic accuracy would need to be examined within the context of the rhetorical competence reflected in the writing, as well as its writing EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 89 FIGURE Feedback cycle for dynamic written corrective feedback fluency and writing complexity This is because we concluded that, even if the methodology had a positive effect on linguistic accuracy, such improvements would need to be viewed in terms of any potential tradeoff effects that might be observed among complexity, fluency, and accuracy, as described by Skehan (1998) Measures of L2 Writing Production In order to operationalize our research questions, the notions of writing accuracy, rhetorical competence, writing fluency, and writing complexity were carefully defined Writing Accuracy Though many measures of accuracy might have been used, we defined writing accuracy in terms of the error-free T-unit ratio (EFT/T) as described and recommended by Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaki, and Kim (1998) The EFT/T is calculated as the total number of error-free Tunits4 (EFT) in a given piece of writing divided by the total number of Tunits The EFT was chosen as the unit of measure in this study, because it has been shown to be one of the most effective measures of accuracy (Wolfe-Quintero, Inagaki, & Kim, 1989) and because we felt it would give us the most reliable results 90 The T-unit was originally developed by Hunt (1965) as a way of measuring writing maturity to overcome problems associated with the sentence as a unit of production Hunt (1965, p 49) defined the T-unit as ‘‘one main clause plus the subordinate clauses attached to or embedded within it.’’ TESOL QUARTERLY Rhetorical Competence In addition to defining writing accuracy, it was necessary to establish an appropriate measure of rhetorical competence It was intended that this measure capture the substance, organization, and flow of ideas in student writing To this, a rubric was adapted from the TOEFL iBT (test of English as a second language Internet-based test) To suit the purpose of this study, the rubric was modified to be limited to aspects of rhetorical competence Though nearly 80% of the original rubric stayed intact, the modified rubric isolated rhetorical features of writing common to process-writing instruction These included criteria such as addressing the writing task successfully; demonstrating effective organization and development; providing appropriate examples, details, or support; and conveying a sense of unity and coherence (see rubric in Appendix C) Writing Fluency and Complexity In order to further contextualize writing accuracy and rhetorical competence, we also sought to examine writing fluency and writing complexity Fluency was simply defined as the ‘‘number of words a writer is able to include in their writing within a particular period of time’’ (Wolfe-Quintero et al., 1998, p 14) Though writing complexity could have been defined many ways that target different aspects of writing, the measure that seemed best suited for our purposes in this study was the mean length of T-unit (the average number of words per Tunit) as described by Ortega (2003) and Wolfe-Quintero et al (1998) Operationalized Research Questions Though classroom practice was based on 10-min compositions so tasks and feedback could be manageable, meaningful, timely, and constant, the intent behind our instructional methodology was to improve the accuracy of our students’ writing We concluded that this would need to be demonstrated by new pieces of writing in a pretest-posttest design, rather than merely examining text revisions (e.g., Bitchener, 2008; Truscott, 2007) Therefore, we chose a 30-min essay as the elicitation task, with the hypothesis that the dynamic WCF provided for the 10-min compositions would transfer to the larger 30-min essays Thus our research questions were operationalized as Based on 30-min pretest and posttest essays, will mean accuracy scores from the treatment group posttest essays be significantly greater than those from the contrast group? EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 91 Based on 30-min pretest and posttest essays, will rhetorical competence scores, fluency scores, or complexity scores from the treatment group posttest essays be significantly lower than those from the contrast group? METHOD Participants The Students This study included 47 advanced-low to advanced-mid ESL students who were studying at Brigham Young University’s English Language Center (ELC) in the United States The treatment group consisted of 28 students ranging from ages 18 to 45 years (with a mean of 24 years), and the contrast group included 19 students ranging from ages 18 to 33 years (with a mean of 25 years) Table summarizes the composition of the treatment and contrast groups in terms of native language and gender This breakdown of student L1s is useful for examining the potential effect of language distance or the notion that differences between various L1s and English may account for some of the relative difficulty or speed with which a learner may acquire English (Odlin, 1989) Corder (1981) claimed that native speakers of western European languages such as Spanish would likely experience less difficulty learning English when compared with native speakers of Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean With this in mind, we note that the percentage of native speakers of western European languages in the control group was just under 53%, and the percentage in the treatment group was just over 71% In addition, the native speakers of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean TABLE Experimental Groups by Native Language and Gender Experimental groups Treatment Native language Spanish Korean Mandarin Portuguese Japanese French Mongolian Romanian Russian Totals 92 Contrast Male Female Total Male Female Total 10 0 1 0 16 0 0 0 12 19 0 0 28 1 0 0 4 2 1 1 15 3 1 1 19 TESOL QUARTERLY made up just over 31% of the control group and 29% of the treatment group Although these data may imply a slight advantage for the treatment group, additional insights from Ringbom (1987) suggest that any potential advantage would likely be minimal First, he noted that L1 influence is stronger for younger learners than for older learners Second, he observed that L1 influence is greatest for those with lower proficiency and less significant for those with higher proficiency Third, he concluded that L1 influence is greater in highly communicative tasks and less significant when more monitoring takes place Unlike those learners who most likely would be affected by language distance, the students in this study were advanced-level adult learners who were engaged in writing tasks, which allowed for substantial monitoring Therefore, it was assumed that the influence of language distance on student performance would be minimal, if not negligible The Teachers Three different teachers taught students in the treatment group Teacher A taught 10 students, Teacher B taught 10 students, and Teacher C taught students For the contrast group, Teacher D taught students and Teacher E taught students In addition to teaching students in the treatment group, Teacher C also taught students in the contrast group All of the teachers who taught the students in the contrast group were well experienced in teaching traditional process writing, and all of the instructors in both groups were highly regarded as effective teachers by their students The Scorers and Raters In an effort to estimate the reliability of the measures investigated in this study, three experienced teachers scored or rated essays or essay components after undergoing a brief period of rigorous training and practice Additional 30-min essays that were not part of this study were used for training for both scorers and raters over a two-week period During this time, several meetings were held to discuss the specific criteria to be used to evaluate the essays Participants also practiced by alternating scoring or rating as a group, using think-aloud protocols, and then as individuals The goal was to achieve a sustained pattern of consistency among participants (i.e., r 0.90), before moving on to the essays included in this study Although this goal was easily exceeded by those scoring EFT/Ts, it took much more effort to reach this goal for those who rated essays for rhetorical competence Though two of these EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 93 most frequent types of errors being produced by the students in their daily writing On the other hand, students in the contrast group were taught skills common to process writing During the experimental period, these students wrote four multidraft papers and received detailed feedback on each draft However, this class not only emphasized a variety of rhetorical writing skills, but it also focused on linguistic accuracy It may be helpful to emphasize that, unlike some contrast groups in recent studies, who were only given rhetorical feedback (e.g., Bitchener, 2008; Bitchener & Knoch, 2008; Bitchener et al., 2005), these students were also given a wide variety of feedback on the linguistic accuracy of what they produced Students in both groups participated in three or four 30min essays like those that were administered as the pretest and posttest Design A pretest, posttest nonequivalent control group design was used for this study, as described by Shadish, Cook, and Campbell (2002) A mixed-model, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was computed using the statistical package for the social sciences Because multiple tests would be analyzed, a pseudo-Bonferroni adjustment of 0.01 for the significance level was used as described by Huck (2008) Though this adjustment was chosen in an effort to balance the risk of making either Type I or Type II errors, it was anticipated that effect sizes would need to be analyzed to help contextualize the test results In addition, Facets software (Linacre, 2006) was used to analyze rating data based on the many-facets Rasch model (MFRM) Reliability For the findings of this study to be meaningful, it was necessary to provide appropriate estimates of the reliability for the included measures Of the four dependent variables examined in this study, rhetorical competence was based on the rubric ratings from three judges, and the measures of accuracy, fluency, and complexity were based on scores provided by two judges Scoring A criterion of absolute agreement for the number of T-units for each essay was established between the first scorer (S1) and the second scorer (S2) When discrepancies emerged, S1 and S2 reexamined the essay and determined the number of T-units jointly While S1 scored all 94 essays EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 95 on the number of EFTs for each essay, S2 scored 48 of the essays, based on a stratified random sample that drew proportionally from six possible groups of essays, including pretest and posttest essays from students who were rated by their teachers to be at a low, middle, or high proficiency level This is illustrated in Table Rating Three raters were used in this study, R1, R2, and R3 R1 used the rhetorical competence rubric to rate all students on both the pretest and posttest (94 essays) R2 rated all of the pretests (47 essays), and R3 rated all of the posttests (47 essays) This rating design, described by Schumacker (1999), allowed us to use the MFRM to account for and adjust the ratings based on differences in essay difficulty as well as interrater or intrarater inconsistencies (see Bond & Fox, 2007; Linacre, 1994) In addition to the MFRM, an intraclass correlation for the three raters was also estimated Because this required a fully crossed design (all raters providing a score for each essay), this estimate was based on an additional 23 posttest essays rated by R2 and an additional 23 pretest essays rated by R3 Elicitation Procedures The pretest task for both the treatment group and the contrast group was simply to write for 30 in response to the prompt Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Similarly, the posttest task for both experimental groups was to write for 30 in response to the prompt TABLE Stratification for the Second Scorer’s Random Sampling Testing occasion Pretest Posttest 96 Proficiency level Control group Treatment group High Middle Low High Middle Low Total 3 3 3 18 5 5 5 30 TESOL QUARTERLY In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic (for example, honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have to be successful in life? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer In both instances the elicitations occurred in a computer lab, where students typed their responses during the regular final exam period in a secure testing environment Although the software allowed the students to cut, copy, or paste text, no other word processing tools were available Once the time ran out, the software prevented the students from being able to continue to type additional text RESULTS Reliability Estimates Scoring and Rating Reliability The Pearson correlation coefficient between S1 and S2 for the EFT/T was 0.97 Ratings from R1, R2, and R3 produced an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.87 for the 48 essays that were triple rated based on the rhetorical competence rubric In addition, data analysis from Facets software showed good separation among essays (i.e., the essays were fairly reliably separated from one another in terms of the level of rhetorical competence demonstrated by each) Although such separation among essays is desirable, we note that separation is undesirable among raters Though separation was higher than expected5 among the three raters, the in-fit statistics appear to be at acceptable levels (i.e., these data adequately fit the predicted model) According to Wright and Linacre (1994), the in-fit statistics would need to fall within the range of 0.5 to 1.7 in order to be acceptable for clinical observation However, based on the procedure6 recommended and used by others, such as McNamara (1996) and Pollitt and Hutchinson (1987), the in-fit statistics would need to fall within the range of 0.3 to 1.38 Because the most extreme in-fit statistic of 0.51 from the most lenient rater was within both of these acceptable ranges, raters could be considered consistent enough to allow the model to produce a fair average for each essay, to adjust for the observed rater inconsistencies These fair average scores were used for our statistical analyses This is based on a minimum benchmark of at least 0.80 for a reliability separation index and at least 2.0 for separation (J M Linacre, personal communication, May 15, 2008) Essays: reliability separation index 0.86, separation 2.43 Raters: reliability separation index 0.91, separation 3.14 The in-fit statistic cannot be less than or greater than the mean square mean plus or minus twice the standard deviation (i.e., [0.84 +/2 2(0.27)] 0.3–1.38) EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 97 Gender and Teacher Differences Before examining our results, we briefly address two concerns we had regarding our data The first was the disproportionately large number of female students in the contrast group, and the second was the issue of teacher differences To test whether the effect of gender should be a concern in our data analysis, a mixed-model ANOVA was performed for gender by time, with accuracy scores as the dependent variable Results of this test suggest that gender was not a significant influence on mean student performance, F(1,45) 0.002, p5 0.96 The second concern with our data dealt with teacher differences Although one teacher taught students in both the treatment group and the contrast group, there was no overlap for the other teachers Though an effort was made to use comparable teachers for both groups, we realized that such variability would make it difficult to rule out teacher effect Therefore, to test for teacher effect, we performed a two-way ANOVA for experimental group by teacher, where students of the instructor who taught both experimental groups functioned as their own group and were contrasted with the students who were taught by the other two teachers No significant difference was observed between mean accuracy scores of students grouped by teacher, F(1,45) 1.06, p 0.31 This suggests that teacher differences probably had little effect on mean performance levels ANOVA Test Results Before discussing our ANOVA test results, we should briefly comment on how well our data met the requisite ANOVA assumptions Though a strict process for random assignment was not possible in this study, we attempted to make student experiences unrelated to the treatment as similar as possible for both groups In addition, the Kolmogorov– Smirnov test was used (p > 0.10), suggesting that distributions were normal We also used the Levene’s test, pretest: F(1,45) 2.48, p 0.12; posttest: F(1,45) 3.2, p 0.08, indicating that the equality of error variance across groups was at acceptable levels The first research question dealt with whether the mean accuracy scores from the treatment group posttest essays would be significantly greater than those from the contrast group Table provides the means and standard deviations for accuracy scores for the treatment and contrast group Table shows a significant interaction effect (p 0.001) illustrated in Figure 2, demonstrating that significantly higher accuracy scores were produced by those who received the treatment than those who had been instructed with the traditional approach 98 TESOL QUARTERLY TABLE Descriptive Statistics for Accuracy Scores Group Control (n 19) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Treatment (n 28) Total (N 47) Pretest Posttest Mean 16.30 10.70 14.02 15.00 14.94 13.35 13.78 11.81 24.16 19.46 19.97 17.42 15.04 11.26 19.09 17.23 17.46 15.39 Note SD standard deviation TABLE Mixed ANOVA Summary Table for Accuracy Scores Source Between Subjects Group Error Within Subject Time Time x Group Error Total SS 371.05 17,536.12 329.01 908.19 3,333.22 22,477.59 df 46 45 47 1 45 93 MS F p g2p 371.05 389.69 0.95 0.33 0.02 329.01 908.19 74.07 4.44 12.26 0.04 0.001 0.09 0.21 Two additional observations are worth noting First, an analysis of simple main effects shows that, whereas posttest differences between the experimental groups were significant, pretest differences were not, FIGURE Illustration of effect in Table EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 99 F(1,46) 2.3, p 0.14, showing relatively equal performance levels for both experimental groups on accuracy prior to the treatment Second, based on the guidelines proposed by Cohen7 (1988), the partial eta squared (g2p) of 0.21 suggests a fairly large effect size that could be attributed to the effect of the instructional methodology The second research question dealt with whether means from the rhetorical competence scores, writing fluency scores, or writing complexity scores from the treatment group posttest essays would be significantly lower than those from the contrast group None of these measures were significant, based on our pseudo-Bonferroni adjustment of 0.01 determined previously: rhetorical competence: F(1,45) 0.09, p 0.77; writing fluency: F(1,45) 1.8, p 0.19; writing complexity: F(1,45) 3.2, p 0.08 Nevertheless, there was a small effect for writing fluency (5 0.07), suggesting that the instructional methodology may have had a slight negative effect on writing fluency and complexity DISCUSSION The purpose of this study was to test the effects of our instructional methodology on ESL writing accuracy within the context of its overall impact on rhetorical competence, writing fluency, and writing complexity In order to this, one group of students was taught utilizing dynamic WCF The writing performance of the treatment group was contrasted with the performance of another group of students who were taught using traditional approaches to process writing Results revealed that the treatment had a relatively large effect on improving the mean accuracy scores of those students in the treatment group compared with those in the contrast group Although there were no statistical differences between the two groups over time, in terms of their mean rhetorical competence ratings, writing fluency scores, or writing complexity scores, the traditional approach to process writing slightly favored the contrast group in terms of writing fluency and writing complexity, according to analyses of effect size Although it is not clear exactly why the writing from students in the treatment group may have produced slightly less fluency and complexity compared with the writing from the contrast group, it is conceivable that, as students strive to write more accurately, the fluency and complexity of their writing may be inhibited slightly as they monitor their production more carefully.8 Cohen’s guidelines for interpreting effect sizes (g2p) 0.01 small, 0.06 moderate, 0.14 large These results seem consistent with the trade-offs among accuracy, fluency, and complexity described by Skehan (1998) 100 TESOL QUARTERLY However, two important points should be kept in mind regarding these findings First, the effect of the experiment on accuracy scores, which favored the treatment group, was relatively large, whereas the effects of the treatment on writing fluency and complexity, which appears to have favored the contrast group, were much smaller Second, it should be noted that, in terms of statistical significance based on simple main effects, the treatment group’s performance levels for fluency and complexity did not decline Rather, they remained unchanged over time or improved, though not to the same extent as the contrast group With these findings in mind, one might ask whether the observed increase in accuracy is worth the small but apparent negative effect the treatment may have had on the development of fluency and complexity One way to attempt to answer this question is to convert mean scores on these measures into units that can be discussed in more practical terms For example, consider writing fluency Since a test of simple main effects revealed no significant differences between the contrast group and the treatment group on the pretest, F(1,46) 0.16, p 0.69, then the posttest scores might serve as a practical estimate of the effect of the treatment on fluency An examination of posttest means shows that, on average, the treatment group wrote approximately 36 fewer words (roughly one and a one-half to two sentences) when compared with the contrast group, of an average of approximately 388 words written during the 30-min time limit Although both groups significantly increased their fluency over the experimental period, these data suggest that students in the treatment group produced approximately 9% less text compared with the contrast group for the allotted time Similarly, we should also examine the treatment’s practical effect on writing complexity Although this is less straightforward because of an interaction effect with different pretest and posttest scores, it may be instructive to note that, whereas a test of simple main effects showed that pretest and posttest means for the treatment group were not significantly different, F(1,46) 0.37, p 0.55, the contrast group advanced from a mean length of T-unit of 12.56 to 14.13, a gain of approximately 1.5 words per T-unit Finally, we should contextualize these findings by examining the practical effect of the treatment on writing accuracy Although differences in the pretest accuracy scores between the treatment and contrast groups were not statistically different, F(1,46) 2.3, p 0.14, mean posttest scores suggest that, on average, the writing of the students in the treatment group (M 24.16) was just over 75% more accurate than the writing of the students in the contrast group (M 513.78), based on the error-free T-unit ratio This difference is perhaps most EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 101 meaningful when we keep in mind that this study did not compare the effects of treatment with the effects of a methodology that did not utilize WCF; rather, both experimental groups in this study received WCF that targeted linguistic accuracy This seems to underscore the notion that how one uses WCF may make a great difference in the outcome With these findings in mind, two observations are in order First, the treatment appears to have had a large beneficial effect on the accuracy of the student’s ESL writing Second, though rhetorical competence seemed unaffected, the treatment appears to have had a slight unfavorable effect on writing fluency and writing complexity Nevertheless, we believe that most teachers who strive to improve the writing accuracy of their ESL students would welcome such progress, even if it meant sacrificing a sentence or two from an essay or a slight reduction in its complexity One might well ask, ‘‘What is the true value of small gains in writing fluency or complexity when the substance of those gains is laden with linguistic errors that undermine communicative efficacy?’’ It seems that, for improvements in writing fluency or complexity to become truly meaningful, it would be necessary to observe equal or greater improvements in accuracy Pedagogical Implications Perhaps the most salient outcome of this study is that it has shown that a systematic approach to WCF can have a positive effect on the accuracy of ESL writing Although the skills developed through process writing and the activities that strengthen rhetorical competence, writing fluency, and writing complexity are important pursuits that have an appropriate place in an ESL writing curriculum, traditional approaches to process writing may be inadequate for helping students maximize their linguistic accuracy Perhaps this is because traditional approaches lack the frequency and volume of practice and feedback needed for improvement Thus efforts to improve accuracy may be more successful if separated from attempts to develop other aspects of ESL writing For example, though the instructional methodology presented here may not be a good substitute for a general writing class designed to improve rhetorical aspects of writing, it may be more effective at producing linguistic accuracy than traditional methodologies that lack frequent opportunities for productive practice and feedback Though we recognize that linguistic accuracy may not be a priority in every L2 learning context and that dynamic WCF may not be well suited for all ESL writers, these findings seem promising for practitioners who are striving to help motivated students improve the accuracy of their L2 writing Although care should be exercised in generalizing beyond the 102 TESOL QUARTERLY context of this study, if these findings represent an appropriate description of what might be observed in similar settings, then ESL writing teachers and administrators may want to weigh the possible benefits and trade-offs of such an approach to improving writing accuracy within their specific teaching and learning contexts Limitations and Further Research Despite the potential benefits of these findings, there are a number of limitations in this study that should be considered Though these intact classes had been balanced by administrators in terms of proficiency, L1, nationality, and gender prior to the experiment, they were not subjected to a strict process of randomization This should be corrected in future research Moreover, although dynamic WCF includes several different components that may strengthen pedagogy, this can be problematic for research, because it may be unclear which elements of the methodology are the most helpful Additional research might clarify this by isolating the various components of dynamic WCF to identify those elements that have the greatest effect on improved accuracy A related question deals with whether dynamic WCF could be equally useful for students at other proficiency levels such as intermediate-high or intermediate-low In addition, though the experimental period in this study was only one semester, another important question for further research would be to determine how the results might differ if the study were continued over two or three semesters For example, would student accuracy over a longer period continue to improve, plateau, or decline? In addition, would a longitudinal study result in different effects for rhetorical competence, fluency, or complexity? These and other longitudinal questions could be pursued to increase our understanding of how to help ESL students improve the accuracy of their writing over time CONCLUSION Though some have questioned the effectiveness of traditional approaches to WCF, this study has shown that dynamic WCF, based on insights from practice and theory, has helped ESL students improve the accuracy of their writing Though additional research is needed to test the benefits of dynamic WCF in other learning contexts and to answer additional questions about the best ways to use WCF, these findings should be valuable to program administrators and practitioners who strive to help their ESL students write more accurately Perhaps the time has come to reframe the WCF debate to focus less on whether WCF is effective and more on how to use WCF to help students EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK ON ESL WRITING ACCURACY 103 learn to write more accurately In doing so, related research should focus on providing practitioners with information that can inform pedagogy in ways that are both meaningful and practical Although the path toward accurate ESL writing may be steep and strewn with challenges, the findings of this study suggest that substantial progress may be possible Explicit instruction, coupled with ongoing practice and dynamic WCF, may hasten many L2 learners along this important path in their language development THE AUTHORS K James Hartshorn has been involved in second language education in the United States and Asia for more than two decades He currently serves as the curriculum coordinator at Brigham Young University’s English Language Center, Provo, Utah, United States Research interests include second language writing, pronunciation, curriculum development, and teacher training Norman W Evans is a faculty member in the Linguistics and English Language Department and director of curriculum development at the English Language Center at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States His research interests include writing in a second language, language teaching methods, and curriculum development Paul F Merrill is a professor of instructional psychology and technology at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States He received his doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin He is the principal author of the text Computers in Education, published by Allyn and Bacon Richard R Sudweeks is a professor in the Instructional Psychology and Technology Department at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States His research interests focus on problems related to assessing the cognitive, behavioral, and affective outcomes of instruction Diane Strong-Krause is an associate teaching professor of linguistics and English language at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States Her research focuses on language assessment and its relationship to curricula Neil J Anderson is a humanities professor of linguistics and English language at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States His research interests include second language reading, language learner strategies, and English language teaching leadership development Professor Anderson served as president of the global association Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages from 2001 to 2002 REFERENCES Ayoun, D (2001) The role of negative and positive feedback in the second language acquisition of passe´ compose´ and imparfait Modern Language Journal, 85, 226– 243 104 TESOL QUARTERLY Azevedo, R., & Bernard, R M (1995) A meta-analysis of the effects of feedback in computer-based instruction Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13, 109– 125 Bitchener, J (2008) Evidence in support of written corrective feedback Journal of Second Language Writing, 17, 102–118 Bitchener, J., & Knoch, U (2008) The value of a focused approach to written corrective feedback Language Teaching Research, 12, 409–431 Bitchener, J., Young, S., & Cameron, D (2005) The effect of different types of corrective feedback on ESL student writing Journal of Second Language Writing, 14, 191–205 Bond, T G., & Fox, C M (2007) Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (2nd ed.) 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