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1203 marxism liberalism and feminism leftist legal thought

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Tiêu đề Marxism, Liberalism, And Feminism (Leftist Legal Thought)
Tác giả Dr. Jur. Eric Engle
Trường học Serials Publications
Thể loại book
Năm xuất bản 2010
Thành phố New Delhi
Định dạng
Số trang 183
Dung lượng 414,36 KB

Nội dung

Marxism,L i b e r a l i s m , A n d Feminism (LeftistL e g a l T h o u g h t ) Mamism,Liberalism,An dFeminism (LeftistL e g a l T h o u g h t ) Dr.Jur.EricEngle SERIALSP U B L I C A T I O N S NEWD E L H I (INDIA) ODr.Jur.EricEngle FirstPublished— 2010 ISBN: A llrightsreservedw iththe Publisher,includin gthe rightto translate orreproduce this book or parts there of except for brief quotations in criticalarticlesorr e v ices Publishedb y SERIALSP U B L I C A T I O N S 4830/24,PrahladStreet,AnsariRoad DaryaG anj,N ewDelhi-110002(Ind ia)Phone: 23245225F a x : 91-11-23272135 E-mail:s e r i a l s Satyam.net.in CONTENTS Foreword vii Rousseau,P r e c u r s o r ofM arx? KarlMarx’sRootsinJ ohn L o c k e 23 HumanRightsAccordingtoM a r x i s m 32 SocialistLegalismi n t h e USSR 44 LawandL i t e r a t u r e i n E m i l e 65 MackinnonandM a r x 81 LeftL e g a l T h e o r y 106 FOREWORD This w orkpreventsa broad overview of M arx’s theory on thestate andthe in flu en cesM ar xistth eory h as h ad on leg al thought.M ar xis mw asth elarg estandm ostfarr e a c h i n g attemptat fu n d am entalsystem ic reformthew or Idh as everseen , governingat one point at least one qu arter of theentireplanet I startedm y stu dies ofM arxism from th e p ersp ectiveof thecoldw ar:all I knew about Marxism w as that it w as aglobal id eolog ylockedina d eathstrugglew iththeUnitedStates As I grew old er I becam e m orecritical and able to assessbothM ar xismandC ap it alismontheir ow nterm s Here Ipresent a theoretical overv iew of the M ar xist view of law andthestateto sh ow th at M ar xism w as a critiqu e from w ithinliber al W ester n v alu es, a d ev i atio n w ith in an h istor icalmovement Inp ract iceth e M ar x is t ideaof a p ro let ar iandictatorshipdegeneratedinto dysfun ctionandcapitalistrestorationin n plementedb y thec o m munistpartyits elf.T h e U.S.didn otw inthecoldw ar.Rather,theUSSRlost.Sov iet(mis)managementw as drivenby fear, lead in gto silen ce, blam eshifting,denialofresp onsibility,lackofinitiative, and noreward,onlyp unishm ent for thosew hod ared tot r y toinnovate.Theinvoluted, defensiveandp arano i a c Sovietsystemw h ichb r o u g h tl i t e r a c y toR u ssiaandd o u bledi t s l i f e expectancyc o l l a p sedresultingi n a dropint h e a v e r a g e Russianlifeexpectancy.Whatarew e to make of the afterm ath ? H owmuchof thehop es M ar xismofferedw erelies orunrealistic orattainable? SovietandC h i n e s e communisma l i k e eliminatedi l l i t e r a c y , elevatedt h e s t a t u so f women,endedfamineandprovided Marxism,Liberalism,andFeminis m basic med ical care to hund red s of millions of p eop le w h ow ou ldoth erw ise never h avegotten it H ow cou ld system s w hichstart out so su ccessfu lly, w ork in gtru lyrev olu tion arysocial changes, so qu ick ly grind to a halt and d egen erate backintoc a p italism? Lib er a1th eo ryar g u esth atd ict ato r sh ip sin ev itab lydegenerate into corru p tion and th at the transition betw een onedictatorandanotheris alw aysd ang erou s and u nstable TheSov iet exp erien ce firm s th at v iew In stead of creatin g ap roletariand ictatorsh ip, M ar xis msh ou ldh avesoug h t tostrugglet h r o ughliberalismandp l u r alism.S e l f - l i m itingtemporary dictatorship s and stable w aysof transferringpowerprob ablycou ldn oth avebeeninn p lem en tedinth e Sov ietsystems ThisworkexaminestheM arxisttheoryo f lawa n d t h e s t a t e asal e g a1and historical p henom en on.Whenscholars situ ateMarxismcorrectlyinitsrelationto thel i b e r a l t h e o r i e s w h i c h engenderedi t ande x a m inethehistoricalexperienceso f Marxis mw e candrawbothpositive andneg ative in sp irationfromthe Soviet experiencesandlessons for contem porarylawreform.W e c a n lookatt h e Sovieth i s t o r i e s f o r e x a m plesofboth“w hatw entw rong” and“w hatw entrigh t” andw h y TheSoviet lega1systemw asa variant of, and not a m ajor breakfrom,c i v i l i a n istl e g a1systemsj u st as Marx ism itse lfrepresentedn o t a b r e a k i n W e s t e r n theorieso f e p istemologyands tatebut rathera dialecticalsynthesis of prior thought byscholarsw el1 anchoredinthew estern tradition Th at is w h ytheprocessoflegalreform in Eastern Europe — a key asp ectcapitalistr estoration— has g on esosm ooth ly From th eM arxistperspectiveitmayindicatethat not enoughconsciou seffortwasmadeatdevelopingSovietSocialistlega1concepts.Thisw orksketchesoutthe positionth attheSoviet systemessentiallymirroredtheU S sy stem withp aralleli n s t i t u t i o ns buta d i f f e r e n t s e t o f j u stifications.T h e U S a n d U.S.S.R.w ere stru ctu ralsim ilarfed eralstates,victim soffascistsur priseattacks H ow ever, theyoperatedu nderdifferingteleolog ies,consequent to a d ifferent choice of the p rin ciple for the society’sdistributiveprinciple:equalityfortheEast,libertyfortheWe st Thereareplentyofprod u ctivep athsforfutureresearchintoSoviet/S o c i a l i s t legalh i s t o r y andItry heretoi n d i c a t e them Am ore controversialandm oreim portantp o s i t i o n I a r g u e foris thatitis w rongt o e q u a t e t h e S o v i e t S o c i a l i s t l e g a l s y s t e m withN ation alSocialism T h a t i s a n o t h e r r e a s o n w h y S o v i e t lawandl e g altheoryn eedsresearched— t o preventt h e whitewashingofbrutalfailederrorsin th e p ast, to stopresurgen tfascism O fcourse,h adn ation alsocialismn otunleashedaglobalw aritw ou Idholdamuchbetterplaceinhistory.Butthen,w arw asbu iltintotheN.S.visiono f s t a t e s lockedinzerosu mcomp etitionf o r t r a d e a n d t e r r i t o r y T h e pre-warGermanecon omic miracleth atsomedonotseet o d a y butwhichwaso n l y tooe v i d e n t inthe1930swasl a r g e l y t h e resultoft h e s e c r e t f a s c i s t r e a r m amentp r o g r a m P r i o r t o t h e w aratleast, itseemedthe fascistshadgoodideas.Historicalpersp ectiveisthea b i l i t y t o s t e p o u t o f o n e s c u r r e n t e r a a n d seet h e w orldthroughthee yes ofa n o t h e r o n e , noti n h in d sight,noreveninforesight,bu ttobe present,m entally,inthep ast.Seeingt h a t t h e u t o p ianvisionsof f a s c i s m a n d c o m munismalikec o lla p sed,onec a ta str o p hical ly,t h e otherg r a c e f u l l y , i t i s und erstan d ableth atthep ost-m od ern istsared istru stfu 1ofutopianu niv ersal narratives.H ow ever,w henonelookstothesufferingoft h e T h i r d W o r l d a n d s e e s l i f e e x p e c t a n c i e s i n t h e 40sa n d d e a t h f r o m s t a r v a t i o n a n d p r e v e n t a b l e d i s e a s e t h e n oneiscompelledtoreexam inethesed ifferin gsocials y s t e m s fromalegal persp ectiveinord ertounderstandthe possibilitiesandlimitso f f u ndamentalr e f o r m B e c a u seb o t h Sovi etR u ssiaandM a o i s t C h i n a a c h i e v e d s i g n ificantgain sin literacy a n d lifeexpectan cyasw ellas innutritionan dgend erequ alityascomparedw ithT s a r i s t RussiaandW arlordC h i n a t h e n t h a t too explain sw h ylookingatSovietl a w i s i m p o r t a n t : i t p r e s e n t s an alternativ e theory of developm ent which m er itsconsideration.Thei s s u e i s , h o w t o o b t a i n t h e r a p i d p r o g r e s s inl i t e r a c y , s e x e q u a l i t y , n u t r i t i o n , health care w hich th eauthoritariansystemo b t a i n edw ithoutt h eformationo f a totalitarianp e r m anentdictatorshipo f as e l f servinge l i t e ? Thisw orkco n si sts ofa theoreticalportion,ahistoricalportiona n d a speculativeportion.Thetheoreticalportion

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2023, 09:40


