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The student satisfaction on the educational experience at kent international college in ho chi minh city

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RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) Research Proposal THE STUDENT SATISFACTION ON THE EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE AT KENT INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE IN HO CHI MINH CITY STUDENT’S FULL NAME : VU THI DAN THANH – TRAN LUAN VU STUDENT ID : 2448476 - 2448474 INTAKE : MAY 2012 ADVISOR’S NAME & TITLE : DR UT TRAN October 2013 Advisor’s assessment Advisor’s signature CD-ROM format  CD-ROM must be contained the whole content of Research Project in one (1) PDF file  CD-ROM must be high qualitative product and contained in hard plastic box  CD-ROM must be labeled like the illustration below OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA RESEARCH PROJECT (BMBR5103) Student’s full name : DAN THANH – LUAN VU Student ID : 2448476 - 2448474 Intake : MAY 2012 Advisor’s name & title: DR UT TRAN Research Proposal THE STUDENT SATISFACTION ON THE EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE AT KENT INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE IN HO CHI MINH CITY OPE EN UN NIVERS SITY MALAY M YSIA HC CMC U UNIVER RSITY OF TE ECHNO OLOGY Y BUSIINE ESS S RE ESE EAR RCH H M TH MET HOD D THE E FIRST T ASSIIGNME ENT Lectuurer: Dr Ut Tran n Studeent: Vu Thi Dan n Thanh ID No : 24484776 Traan Luan n Vu ID I No : 24484774 Classs : MBAOUM0 0512 – 1C 09/2013 A CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT: The student satisfaction on the educational experience at KENT International College in Ho Chi Minh City Table of Contents Acknowledgement Abstract 01 List of Figures 1.1 10 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 02 1.1 Research Background 02 1.1.1 About Kent International College 02 1.1.2 Research background 02 1.2 Research statement 02 1.3 Research Objectives and the Scope of the Research 04 1.3.1.Research Objectives 04 1.3.2 The Scope of the Research 04 1.3.3 Limitation of the Research 05 CHAPTER II: LITERARTURE REVIEW 05 2.1 Research definition 05 2.2 Related research 06 2.3 Related model in an analysis 09 CHAPTER III: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 09 Conceptual Framework 09 Reference 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS No one walks alone on the journey of life Just where you start to thank those that joined you, walked beside you, and helped you along the way continuously urged us to write a book, to put us thoughts down Over the years, those that we have met and worked with have paper and to share us insights together with the secrets to us continual, positive approach to life and all that life throws at us So at last, here it is Therefore, perhaps this book and it is pages will see as "Thanks" to the tens of thousands of you who have helped make us life what is today First, we would like to thank us dear Dr Ut Tran who coaches us a lot of information knowledge Besides, many thanks should be deserved to us entire colleague those who have shared us in learning as well as the experience we have during the course Without their warm encouragement and support, the completion of the report would not have been possible With kindest regards, Vu Thi Dan Thanh – Tran Luan Vu Ho Chi Minh City, September 2013 Business Research Methods M (Ass ignment – BM MBRM5103)   Abstrac ct Student S satiisfaction is considered as one tthe ways th hat schoolss use to evvaluate the e effective eness of th heir organiz zation The e mentione d satisfaction can be e influenced d by many y factors, such as trraining pro ogram, lectu urers, acad demic stafff, student a activities, ffacilities forr nd other educational services s Sttudent satissfaction is a very impo ortant attribution which h study an is freque ently measured by the e school sy ystem The most common way o of measurement is the e use of assessmentt scales whe ere studentts report the eir reaction ns to their academic work Questions Q related to le earning, teachers, school staff, student acctivities as advertising g opportun nities for trraining and d service quality q Forr schools, the studen nt satisfacttion means s extreme ely impetus s and commitment to o quality S Survey of sstudent satisfaction w will provide e essentia al informattion to an nalyze background and offerr some fu urther solu utions and d recomm mendations to t improve the educational experrience For F the purp poses of this s study, the e data extra acted from KENT Interrnational co ollege in Ho o Chi Minh h City Here e, we analy yzed the da ata using simple corre elation analyysis In the analysis, itt is found d that there e is a posittive relation nship betwe een the stu udent satisfaction and d academic c performa ance of students  Vũ Thị Đaan Thanh ‐ Trần Luân Vũ   Page 1 Business Research Methods M (Ass ignment – BM MBRM5103)   CHAPTE ER I: INTR RODUCTION N 1.1 Research Backgrround: 1.1.1 About Ke ent Interna ational Col lege: Kent International College is the first A Australian vvocational C College esttablished in n 2000 in Vietnam It received app proval from m the Ministtry of Educcation and Training to o te each Austra alian Advan nced Diplomas in ourr country B Besides, Ke ent has be een granted d lic cences to teach t Austrralian Adva anced Diplo omas in Business Adm ministration, Marketing g and Informa ation Techn nology Morre than 13 years runn ning the business, Kent now has s tw wo branche es with nearrly 10,000 students s stu udying at scchool 1.1.2 Research h backgrou und: At Ke ent Internattional Colle ege, statisticcs recentlyy indicate th hat more th han 20% off all college entrants e lea ave college e education n without e earning a d degree, 85% % of these e sttudents dro op out in the t first year of colle ge and 15 5% of them m in the se econd year Facing F to this problem, The Board d of manag gement exp pects to find d out speciific reasons s th hrough doiing a rese earch The ey especia ally pay m more attenttion to the e students’ satisfaction to improve not only th he educatio onal qualityy but some other relevvant factors s as well ent: 1.2 Research stateme In the e past, ed ducation wa as regarde ed as one of non-pro ofit training g activities However, H with the spee ed of globa alization an nd strong co ompetition in market e economy, itt has made education e become b a profit p busine ess Educa ation quicklyy becomess a superiorr kind of serv vice and cu ustomers (s students an nd their pa arents) are willing to sspend theirr money m to en njoy the be est educatio on service When now wadays the students a as the main n customers of o this kind of service have so ma any choices, how to m make them satisfied is s one of the most impo ortant facto ors to deccide the de evelopmen nt of that e educational program Vũ Thị Đaan Thanh ‐ Trần Luân Vũ   Page 2 Business Research Methods M (Ass ignment – BM MBRM5103)   KENT T Internatio onal College operatess under the e education nal linkage agreementt between Ke ent Institute e of Busin ness & Te echnology in Sydneyy, Australia and Kentt In nternational College Kent Institute, a go overnment registered training o organization n (R RTO) and run unde er Australia an Quality Training Frameworkk (AQTF), has been n operating fo or over 16 years In that time m many thousands of sstudents ave gained d academic aw wards leadiing to Unive ersity educa ation or patthways to e employment The Australian Quality Training F Framework 2007 (A AQTF) high hlights the e im mportance placed by y the Austrralian Gove ernment on the mea asurement of studentt satisfaction with w vocatio onal education and tra aining (VET T) services All registered training g organization ns, no mattter what size, s are n now require ed to mea asure, repo ort on, and d undertake strategies s to t improve satisfactio on amongst their stud dents (Dep partment off Education, E Science an nd Training g 2007, pp p.9, 22) S Student sattisfaction iss generally y accepted as s a short-terrm attitude resulting fro rom an evalluation of a student’s e educational experience Student sa atisfaction results whe n actual pe erformance meets or e exceeds the e xpectations s Athiyaman (1997) concluded d that perrceived qua ality of an n sttudent’s ex educational experience e is a consequence of student satisfactio on In the m meanwhile, Grossman G (1999) fou und that satisfaction n was sig gnificantly influenced by trust Universities U can build trust t by tre eating stude ents in a co onsistent a and equitab ble manner, meeting m students’ expe ectations, and a handlin ng student complaintss in a carin ng manner Student S life is a web off interconne ected experriences whiich overlap and influen nce studentt satisfaction Sevier (19 996) argues s that a univversity’s pro oduct is the e sum of th he student’s s academic, social, s phy ysical, and even spirritual experriences Ko otler and F Fox (1995)) nts are satiisfied with ttheir academic programs, but are e suggest thatt the majority of studen le ess satisfied d with supp port service es such as academic advising and career ccounseling Besides, B Bro owne, Kaldenberg, Brrowne, and Brown (19 998) found tthat the like elihood of a sttudent reco ommending g the univerrsity to frien nds/relative es was hea avily influen nced by the e extent of inte eraction between the students s off university personnel, such as fa aculty To su um up, acc cording to above refe erences fro om literaturre, we can n state thatt ns making students drrop out as ffollowing: some reason Vũ Thị Đaan Thanh ‐ Trần Luân Vũ   Page 3 Business Research Methods M (Ass ignment – BM MBRM5103)    The train ning progra am is not actually a attractive to o the students (main n problem)  The facilitties are nott very good (related su ub-problem) m)  The teach her does no ot meet the e students’ n need (relate ed sub-prob blem)  The acad demic staff is i not friend dly (related d sub-proble em)  The stude ent activitie es are so po oor (related d sub-proble em) The aim a of this study is to o measure the studen nt’s satisfacction basing g on AQTF F sttandard and also help p the board of director continuouss to improve e the teach hing quality, th he student services, s and facilities s at Kent Intternational College 1.3 Researc ch Objectives and th he Scope o of the Rese earch: 1.3.1.Research Objectives s The purpose p of this study is analyzed d the factorrs affecting student’s satisfaction n at KENT Intternational colleges in n Ho Chi M Minh City T The result will help th he board off e the teaching quality, sttudent servvices, and ffacilities to satisfy the e director to enhance earners’ de emand To be more specific, th he purpose e of the stu udy is to e explore the e le sttudent satis sfaction varrious aspec cts and the basic objecctives of the e study are e:  To asses ss importan nt factors in n teaching q quality dimensions wh hich impactt significan ntly on the student s satisfaction  To know w the levell of the sstudent sattisfaction o on Kent In nternational College  To find th he problems s and difficu ulties faced d in the colle ege  To sugge est appropriate measu ures to imprrove the qu uality and e efficiency att Kent Interrnational College pe of the Research: R 1.3.2 The Scop  To meas sure the level of sstudent sa atisfaction on the e educational ex xperience Vũ Thị Đaan Thanh ‐ Trần Luân Vũ   Page 4 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   COURSE EVALUATION FORM BẢNG ĐÁNH GIÁ MƠN HỌC Student’s name :…….……………………… Sex:…………………………… Teacher (Têngiảngviên):………………………… Subject (Tênmơnhọc) :…………………………… Class(Lớphọc) :…………………………………… To improve the teaching quality at Kent, please use the point scale below to evaluate the performance of the course & the teacher in general Để nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo Kent, học viên vui lịng đánh giá mơn học giảng viên dựa vào thang điểm A B, C, D dướiđây A: Outstanding (Xuất sắc) C: Adequate (Bình thường) B: Very good ( Rất tốt) D: Not very good (Không tốt lắm) I PROGRAMS OF STUDY (CHƯƠNG TRÌNH GIẢNG DẠY) A B C A The subjects are interesting Các môn học thú vị B The subjects are well organized Các môn học tổ chức tốt (cách bố trí phối hợp giảng viên, tỷ lệ thực hành vàlý thuyết, thang điểm đánh giá học viên…) C Demonstrate accurate knowledge in subject field Giảng viên có đầy đủ kiến thức lĩnh vực giảngdạy D What was taught met with the objectives stated in the course outlines Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 21 D Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   Giảng viên dạy theo mục tiêu môn học đề II CLASSROOM ATMOSPHERE (KHƠNG KHÍ LỚP HỌC) A B C D B C D A Encourage students's attendance Giảng viên khuyến khích sinh viên tham gia lớp học đầy đủ B Treats students in a fair manner and good behavior Giảng viên có cách cư xử đắn công học viên C.Creats an interesting environment that supports learning Giảng viên tạo khơng khí học sinh động thoải mái D Personal help is available from the the teacher Giảng viên sẵn sàng giúp đỡ học viên III.TEACHING MANAGEMENT (QUẢN LÝ LỚP HỌC & NỘI DUNG GIẢNG DẠY ) A A Handouts are easy to understand Bài giảng giảng viên dễ hiểu B Has materials and equipment ready at the start of the lesson Giảng viên chuẩn bị đầy đủ tài liệu, trang thiết bị vào đầu buổi học C Encourages students to express their own opinions Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 22 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   Giảng viên khuyến khích sinh viên đóng góp ý kiến lớp học D Questions from students are answered appropriately Các câu hỏi học viên nêu giảng viên trả lời thỏa đáng E Teacher's performance is persuasive Phong cách giảng dạy giảng viên có sức thuyết phục IV COMMUNICATION (GIAO TIẾP) A B C D A B C D A Speaks and write English (Vietnamese) clearly and correctly Giảng viên nói viết tiếng Anh (Tiếng việt) rõ ràng xác B Students feel easy to communicate with the teacher Học viên cảm thấy thoải mái giao tiếp với giảng viên C Communicates regularly and effectively with students Giảng viên thường xuyên trao đổi học với học viên IV COMMUNICATION (GIAO TIẾP) A The class attendance is recorded by a member of the academic department or techer Việc chuyên cần sinh viên ghi nhận nhân viên giảng viên nhà trường B Warning letters are sent to the student who had missed class and fallen below 80% Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 23 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   Các thư cảnh báo gửi đến sinh viên nghỉ học tham dự 80% số buổi học C Handouts are provided enough and ready at the start of lesson Bài giảng cung cấp đầy đủ sẵn sàng buổi đầu môn học D Facilities (furniture, projector, air-conditioned, light…) for study are well preparative Trang thiết bị học tập (bàn ghế, máy chiếu, máy lạnh, hệ thống chiếu sáng…) chuẩn bị tốt E Program Manager is professional in the administration of her/his duties Nhân viên Quản lý chương trình chuyên nghiệp cách thức quản lý What suggestions you have for improving the teaching of this course? Bạn có đề xuất để nâng cao chất lượng giảng dạy khóa học này? What did you particularly appreciate about this teacher? Bạn đánh giá cao giảng viên điểm nào? Instrument used: A closed-ended interview-schedule was designed to collect primary data After collecting all necessary data, data have been analyzed and tabulated descriptively And, this tabulated information used to measure perceived satisfaction and dissatisfaction level of the students There are some limitations to this study Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 24 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)    Firstly, data collection was conducted at only Phu Nhuan campus of Kent International College and focused on multimedia student (because Thu Duc campus is a suburb of Ho Chi Minh City) In the future, we will expand to survey at Thu Duc campus with students in business administrator and marketing department  The second limitation to this study concerns about the teaching and learning qualification (issues regarding teaching and learning) But according to AQTF (Australian Quality Training Framework) you should to survey more factors as follows: - Course organization (issues regarding the organization of the course) - Learning facilities (issues regarding facilities that directly impact upon learning) - Campus facilities (issues regarding other facilities around the various campuses) - Library (issues regarding the library) - Social environment (issues regarding social activities - Ancillary support (issues regarding support services) In the future, we will expand to survey above factors 3.2.3 Budget: Total estimated expenses for this proposed research are VND 665,000 These funds will be used to cover direct out-of-pocket expenses associated with the study, including questionnaire production, printing, copying, distribution, travelling and gifts for respondents who replied the questionnaire We have not received any prior funding for this project Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 25 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   The budget cost of the research as the calculation: RESEARCH PROPOSAL BUDGET (August 25, 2013 - September 21, 2013) Unit: VND Budget Item Questionnaire Printing Copying, Envelops Reminder letters Q'ty 330 Price 2,000 330 1,000 30 2,000 Travel fee Amount Justification 660,000 Pay for direct 330,000 materials to conduct the research 60,000 1,000,000 Gift for participants Printing and Binding Total cost 330 40,000 Give a pen to each respondents as a 13,200,000 bonus 100,000 Finish the research 1,00,000 proposal 16,250,000 3.3 Activity plan: Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 26 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   Business Resource Method Assignment - BMBR5103 Start Date: 25-Aug-2013 Time: 21/09/2013 End Date: 21-Sep-2013 Done By: Vu Thi Dan Thanh - Tran Luan Vu Status Task name Complete Complete Complete Complete Dur Start CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research 25-Aug background 1.2 Research 25-Aug statement 1.3 Research objective and Scope of 26-Aug the Research 1.4 Research 28-Aug significance CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW Finish Work day Use day 1 27-Aug 2 28-Aug 1 29-Aug 29-Aug 1 Complete 03-Sep 03-Sep 2.2 Related research 2.3 Related Model in 04-Sep 07-Sep an analysis 2.4 Theoretical 09-Sep 09-Sep framework CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1 4 1 Complete Complete 3.1 Type of the research 10-Sep 10-Sep 1 Complete 3.2 Research design 11-Sep 11-Sep 1 Complete 3.2.1 Data collection 12-Sep 15-Sep 4 Complete 3.2.2 Data analysis 16-Sep 17-Sep 2 Complete 3.2.3 Budget 18-Sep 18-Sep 1 Complete 3.3 Activity plan 19-Sep 19-Sep 1 Complete Formating and auditing 20-Sep 20-Sep 1 Complete Printing & binding 21-Sep 21-Sep 1 23 23 Total 23 Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     27 28 Sep-2013 29 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 25-Aug 2.1 Research definition Complete 26 25-Aug Complete Aug-2013 25 Page 27 20 21 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   Conclusion: The research results are based on the require from the Australian vocational education and training system, the content described in this paper focuses on student satisfaction survey based on factors such as the training organization, teaching method, learning services Besides these factors, there are still other factors such as social environment, campus facilities, learning support and library not regard in this research because not enough time By analyzing the results of student satisfaction surveys for training activities at the school KENT International College was found that most students have high satisfaction with the quality of training strategy and teaching methods However, besides the achievements are still some factors that need to be improved to the training activities Based on the survey results and comments from the student, I suggest some recommendations as follows: Training Strategy: In order to improve the quality of the training, program structure must be consistent with student’s requirements, meet the labor market and social requirements Through the comments and the result collected from the survey we see students expect factors such as: should include practical exercises in the class activities, teachers should encourage their students from developing ideas, organized team work, presentation skills development In addition, schools need to build close relationships with outside companies, creating opportunities for students to internship, practice with Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 28 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   the business environment Besides, it also helps the school to know the labor’s demand from outside company, from which the school will improve the curriculum to meet the requirements of the company, so the training program is regularly update to meet the society environment, learning, and student’s research Teaching method: Create the best conditions for students to study a new knowledge, develop self-learning and self-study is the most important issue To achieve that goal, teachers should change teaching methods for suiting the objectives of each subject and each student group Instead of using boring presentation methods, teachers can use the interactive conversational approach to guide, inspire and guide students to new knowledge Besides, teachers should also combined with group work method, expanding the ability to self-learning, self-study, communication skills, solving problem, develop the new ideas Teachers also need to improve the methods of assessment, teachers should assess the score base on during the learning process by different methods Also, begin of the course, the teacher should provide full syllabus as well as the evaluation criteria for the students so that students feel the assessment is fair and accurate Besides, the trainer should a close, friendly and enthusiastic in helping students, this makes students feel confident with the knowledge However, some students still not like some special subjects for example: Accounting, Finance and Logic programming Most of these are basic science, which requires logical thinking making it difficult for Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 29 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   students to understand, so that some students don’t like this subjects So that teachers need to change the modern teaching methods how to easy understanding for students, and combine the classroom activities such as group work, presentations, practical exercises… Training Origination Head of studies continuous improve the quality of training, structure of program to meet social needs and meet the expectations of students Established a specialized department responsible for assessing and monitoring the quality of student graduates, assess and monitor the quality of teaching faculty, collect student satisfaction about training activities, self-assessment of all activities of the school Establish the Business relations center with the purpose is to looking for the part-time job for students and also help student to looking the job after graduation The mission of this center is often looking for businesses outside and business needs to build the marketing strategy, business research, brand systems, Website design, music videos, advertising video and bring them abck for students to practice For the purpose of this can help students work with real projects in learning process, have more practical experience and help you easily find work after graduation Training Origination Need to invest in digital library system, which allows students to download electronic lectures, slice, and reference book … from the server system Beside continuous improve the learning activities for online forum systems Libraries need to increase more books, newspapers and documents Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 30 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   for student’s research Increase the operation time of the library to meet the students learning needs Increase Internet wireless access speed, scan virus regularly at the computer room, and upgrade new useful software and English test software for student’s practice  Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - Trần Luân Vũ     Page 31 Business Research Methods (2nd Assignment – BMBRM5103)   References: Department of Education, Science and Training 2007, AQTF 2007: ‘Essential standards for registration 2007’, DEST, Canberra Giese, JL & Cote, JA 1999, ‘Defining customer satisfaction’, Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2000 Elliot, KM & Healy, MA 2001, ‘Key factors influencing student satisfaction related to recruitment and retention’, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education Marzo-Navarro, M, Pedraja-Iglesias, M & Rivera-Torres, MP 2005, ‘Measuring customer satisfaction with summer courses’, Quality Assurance in Education Owila, MS & Aspinwall, EM 1998, ‘A framework for measuring quality in engineering education’, Journal of Retailing Joseph, M & Joseph, B 1997, ‘Service quality in education: The role of student as primary consumer’, Quality Assurance in Education Elliot, KM & Healy, MA 2001, ‘Key factors influencing student satisfaction related to recruitment and retention’, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education Kotler, P., & Keller, K.L (2006), ‘Marketing Management’, Pearson Prentice Hall, USA Zeithaml, V A & M J Bitner (2000), ‘Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm’, Irwin McGraw- Hill 10 Kotler, P & Armstrong, G, (2004), Principles of Marketing (2), Vietnam Statistical Publishing 11 Tham Nguyen (2010), ‘ the survey in student’s satisfaction at Natural Science of HCM University’ Vũ Thị Đan Thanh - 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