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Impact of using google translate on essay writing among english department’s sophomores university of foreign languages and international studies hue university

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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH  TONG THI THUY TRANG IMPACT OF USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE ON ESSAY WRITING AMONG ENGLISH DEPARTMENT’S SOPHOMORES, UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, HUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATION THESIS SUPERVISOR: THAI TON PHUNG DIEM, M A Hue, Academic year: 2019 – 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………… Page i ABSTRACT …………………………………………………… Page ii Chapter I: Introduction……………………………………… Page I.1 Rationale…………………………………………………… Page I.2 Scope of the study …………………………………………… Page I.3 Aims of the study…………………………………………… Page I.4 Significance of the study…………………………………… Page I.5 Structure of the study………………………………………… Page CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW…………………… Page II.1 Definition of Google Translate……………………………… Page II.2 Benefits of using Google Translate ………………………… Page II.2.1 Benefits of using Google Translate towards the process of writing essays…………………………………………………… Page II.2.2 Benefits of using Google Translate towards personal development……………………………………………………… Page 13 II.3 Drawbacks of using Google Translate……………………… Page 14 II.4 Previous studies on impact of using Google Translate on essay writing …………………………………………………… Page 16 II.5 Summary…………………………………………………… Page 18 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………… Page 19 III.1 The subject of the study…………………………………… Page 19 III.2 Data collection…………………………………………… Page 20 III.2.1 Data collection tool……………………………………… Page 20 III.2.2 Data procedure…………………………………………… Page 22 III.3 Data analysis……………………………………………… Page 22 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION…………… Page 23 IV.1 Reasons why students use Google Translate on essay writing Page 23 IV.2 Impacts of using Google Translate on essay writing……… Page 26 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS …… Page 30 V.1 Conclusion………………………………………………… Page 30 V.2 Implications………………………………………………… Page 32 V.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research…………… Page 33 REFERENCES ………………………………………………… Page 36 APPENDIX Page 40 LIST OF CHARTS Chart 1: Frequency of second-year students in choosing Google Translate in their essay writing…………………………………… Page 24 Chart 2: Frequency of gender in using Google Translate in their essay writing……………………………………………………… Page 24 Chart 3: The reliability of Google Translate in essay writing……… Page 27 Chart 4: The usefulness of using Google Translate in essay writing Page 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This graduation research paper would not have been possible without the guidance and support from several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this research paper First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to the University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University for including graduation research paper as a seven-credit course which has offered me an opportunity to gain practical experience in conducting a research Secondly, I am deeply grateful to Mrs Thai Ton Phung Diem for devoting her time in order to guide me in the process of doing this graduation research paper It was she who is always ready to help me with her warming hearts when I encounter problems Last but not least, I love to express my most sincere appreciation to my parents and friends who were a source of energy and motivation for me to complete this research i ABSTRACT Google Translate has a fundamental role in helping learners in their essay writing Google Translate is a widely used tool for translating text from one language to another, making it easier and more accessible for individuals to communicate with each other regardless of their language background Despite its convenience, using Google Translate in essay writing can result in inaccurate translations, hindered language learning and writing skills, and a loss of cultural understanding and appreciation This research paper aims to find out the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing among second-year students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University Furthermore, I will figure out some ways to help students use Google Translate in the right way in order to help them improve their essay writing ii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I.1 Rationale The increasing reliance on technology for language translation and communication has brought about the need to understand the impact of such tools, specifically Google Translate, on the process of essay writing Essay writing is a critical aspect of language development and communication, and it is essential to understand the impact of Google Translate on this process This is the rationale behind the research about the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing The rationale behind researching the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing stems from the increasing reliance on technology for language translation and communication With the rise of globalization and the increasing need for individuals to communicate across language barriers, translation tools like Google Translate have become increasingly popular However, as convenient as these tools may be, it is important to understand their impact on language learning, writing skills, and cultural understanding Essay writing is a critical aspect of language development and communication, and understanding the impact of Google Translate on this process is essential for language educators, professionals and students By examining the benefits and drawbacks of using Google Translate in essay writing, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on language development and communication In language learning, students seem to use translation tools like Google Translate This translation tool could be used in the process of listening, reading, speaking, and writing, especially in the writing process for meaning reference Writing is a daunting task for students for several aspects, so it is not strange for academicians to use Google Translate in their writing performance The reason behind this issue is because writing skill has many components that students need to master in order to have a better writing performance, such as, subject-verb agreement, word order, and diction Moreover, first language transfer (Belkhir & Benyelles, 2017), grammatical weakness (Huwari, I & Al-Khasawneh, 2013), the limited number of vocabulary and idioms as well as less experience with second language (Salem, 2007) are other reasons why students find writing difficult Since writing, especially essay writing has become a problem for EFL learners (Ahmed, 2010), the emergence of Google Translate is a significant breakthrough since it not only assists its users to transfer their ideas from the source language into the target one easily but also plays an essential role to help them in the process of writing essays In spite of some aforementioned benefits, Google Translate has some drawbacks The noticeable disadvantage is that it cannot provide a perfectly accurate translation This is because Google Translate is just a machine which cannot understand the context of the content and nuances of the words, which results in mistranslation Another drawback from this tool is the incorrect translation for a long and complicated sentence or text (Medvedev, 2016; Santoso, 2010) Medvedev (2016) stated that Google Translate is unable to handle a long sentence If it translates a long sentence, usually this tool gives a literal translation Santoso (2010) even mentioned that this tool cannot handle idiom or figurative language Furthermore, he added that the length of the text determines the quality of the product translated meaning that the shorter the text is, the better the result gets What is more, there are a lot of students using Google Translate as a translation tool in their writing process To make it specific, they write their essays in their mother tongue such as Vietnamese and then copy their essays to paste them in Google Translate to render into English As a result, these essays are usually marked with low grades Or there are some individuals using Google Translate to translate words and phrases or to check grammar and spelling However, Google Translate is not a perfect translation tool but an automatic machine Therefore, I conduct this research to find out the influence of Google Translate in essay writing on second-year students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University I hope that after this research, I can figure out some ways to help them use Google Translate in the right way in order to study well Furthermore, the results of this research can provide valuable insights for educators, students, and professionals on how to effectively use Google Translate in a way that enhances language learning and writing skills, while avoiding potential drawbacks By exploring the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing, researchers can contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of technology in language development and communication, and provide practical recommendations for its use In conclusion, the rationale behind researching the impact of Google Translate on essay writing is to understand the impact of technology on language learning, writing skills, and cultural understanding The results of this research can provide valuable insights for educators, students, and professionals, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of technology in language development and communication I.2 Scope of the study This study concentrates on the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing among English Department’s sophomores, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University Second-year students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University will be taken as the subject of the research I.3 Aims of the study The main objective of the study is to find out the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing among second-year students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University Through the research, I try to answer the following questions: Why second-year English students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies use Google Translate in their essay writing? What impacts does Google Translate have on second-year English students' essay writing? I.4 Significance of the study The research provides the impact of using Google Translate on essay writing among second-year students at English Department, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University There are several significance of the study For teachers, they can encourage their students to use Google Translate as a tool to check grammar and spelling For students, they can use it to transfer their ideas into the target According to the results of questionnaire, Google Translate has an enormous influence on essay writing One of the most significant positive impact of using Google Translate on essay writing is the tool’s ability to enhance vocabulary Google Translate provides users with synonyms, antonyms, and definitions of words in the target language This feature helps writers to expand their vocabulary and choose more appropriate words to convey their ideas Moreover, Google Translate’s translation suggestions provide writers with new words and phrases that they may not have encountered before This way, Google Translate can help writers express their ideas more effectively and eloquently Another positive impact of using Google Translate is that it can help writers save time and effort When writing an essay, it is common to come across words or phrases that you are not familiar with Without Google Translate, a writer may have to spend a lot of time looking up the meaning of each word, which can be time-consuming and distracting However, with Google Translate, a writer can quickly get the meaning of a word or phrase, allowing them to focus more on writing and less on researching Google Translate can also improve a writer’s accuracy in essay writing The tool can detect and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, thus improving the overall quality of the essay Google Translate’s translation suggestions also help writers avoid common mistakes, such as incorrect word usage or idiomatic expressions that may not make sense in the target language This way, Google Translate can help writers produce essays that are more accurate and professional Using Google Translate can also improve a writer's confidence in their writing abilities With the tool's ability to provide quick and accurate 28 translations, writers can feel more confident These findings answer question number eight in the questionnaire In conclusion, Google Translate can have various positive impacts on essay writing The tool can help students identify the appropriate language and style for their essay, ensuring that it is well-written and effective Students can use the tool to receive instant feedback on their writing, allowing them to make revisions and corrections in real-time This can help to produce higher-quality essays, leading to improved academic performance Therefore, students should be encouraged to take advantage of Google Translate in order to study well in general and improve their writing skills in particular 29 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION V.1 Conclusion In conclusion, the research on the impact of Google Translate on essay writing has shown both positive and negative effects While Google Translate can be a useful tool for language learners who want to improve their writing skills and expand their vocabulary, it can also present a number of challenges that can negatively impact the quality of writing Through the findings and discussions, it is clear that the use of Google Translate should be approached with caution and used in moderation One of the major positive findings of the research is that Google Translate can help students expand their vocabulary and improve their writing skills By translating words and phrases that are unfamiliar to them, students can learn new vocabulary and improve their understanding of sentence structure and syntax This is supported by a study conducted by AlSabbagh and Alsawi (2016) which found that the use of Google Translate can help EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students to increase their vocabulary and improve their writing skills However, the research also highlights some negative effects of using Google Translate in essay writing One of the major concerns is the issue of accuracy While Google Translate has improved over the years, it still cannot produce translations that are entirely accurate, particularly for complex sentences and idiomatic expressions This can lead to errors in grammar, vocabulary, and syntax, which can detract from the quality of writing and make it difficult for readers to understand the meaning of the text This is supported by a study conducted by Farahzad and Motallebzadeh (2019) 30 which found that the use of Google Translate led to errors in grammar and syntax in the written output of Iranian EFL learners Another significant concern is the issue of plagiarism Some students may rely too heavily on Google Translate to translate entire passages without properly citing the source or acknowledging the original author This not only undermines the integrity of the writing, but it also violates academic and professional standards This is supported by a study conducted by Doiz, Lasagabaster, and Sierra (2014) which found that the use of Google Translate can lead to plagiarism and academic misconduct In light of these findings, it is clear that the use of Google Translate in essay writing should be approached with caution While it can be a useful tool for expanding vocabulary and generating ideas, it should not be relied on too heavily, and its limitations should be recognized Students should also take the time to learn the language on their own, and use other resources such as dictionaries and language textbooks to improve their writing skills Overall, the impact of Google Translate on essay writing depends on how it is used, and whether students are able to balance the benefits and drawbacks of the tool While Google Translate can be a helpful resource, it is important to recognize its limitations and use it as a supplementary tool, rather than a substitute for language learning and independent writing The findings and discussions of this research suggest that students should use Google Translate in moderation, and in conjunction with other language learning resources, in order to maximize its benefits and minimize its drawbacks 31 V.2 Implications The use of Google Translate has become widespread among students who are writing essays in languages other than their native language While the technology is convenient and can save students time and effort, there are concerns that it may have negative effects on the quality of their writing As such, several studies have been conducted to explore the impact of Google Translate on essay writing I will discuss the implications of this research One of the key implications of the research is that the use of Google Translate can result in a loss of meaning and accuracy While Google Translate can provide a quick translation of a text, it is not always accurate and can misinterpret the meaning of certain words or phrases This can lead to confusion and a loss of accuracy in the translation, which can ultimately impact the quality of the student's essay Another important implication of the research is that the use of Google Translate can lead to a lack of understanding of grammar and vocabulary When students rely on Google Translate to translate sentences and paragraphs, they may not learn the rules of grammar and the nuances of the language they are trying to learn This can result in poor grammar and an inability to use vocabulary effectively Moreover, the research shows that the use of Google Translate can have negative effects on students' writing skills in the long term When students rely too heavily on Google Translate, they may not develop their own writing skills, such as sentence structure, organization, and the ability to convey ideas clearly This can lead to poor performance in writing assignments and can even impact their future careers, particularly if they need to communicate effectively in a second language 32 Despite these negative implications, it is important to note that there are also some potential benefits of using Google Translate in essay writing For example, it can help students save time and improve their efficiency when writing essays in a language that is not their native language Additionally, it can help students learn new vocabulary and phrases, particularly if they use the technology as a tool to supplement their own learning In conclusion, while the use of Google Translate can be beneficial in some cases, the research suggests that it can have negative impacts on students' essay writing skills in the long term As such, it is important for students to use the technology responsibly and to develop their own writing skills through practice and study Instructors can also play a role in ensuring that students use Google Translate in a responsible manner by educating them about its limitations and encouraging them to use it as a tool rather than a crutch Ultimately, the key to successful essay writing in a second language is to strike a balance between using technology and developing one's own writing skills V.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research The use of Google Translate in essay writing has become increasingly popular among students who are trying to translate foreign language content While this may seem like a helpful tool, it also comes with its own set of drawbacks The previous research has identified several benefits and drawbacks of using Google Translate in essay writing, but there are also limitations that need to be considered Therefore, I will discuss the limitations of the research on the impact of Google Translate on essay writing and suggest areas for future research 33 One limitation of the research is that it has mainly focused on the impact of Google Translate on the content of essays, but has not delved into the impact of using Google Translate on the learning process of students For example, a study by Kalambouka and Michelle (2017) found that using translation software may have a negative impact on students' writing skills, as it reduces their reliance on their own language knowledge However, this study did not explore the long-term impact of using translation software on students' learning and language development Another limitation of the research is that it has mainly focused on the use of Google Translate in essay writing in English as a second language (ESL) settings This means that the findings may not be generalizable to other contexts, such as professional translation, or essay writing in other languages For example, a study by Cao and Lyster (2018) found that using Google Translate in essay writing had a negative impact on the accuracy and fluency of French writing by English-speaking learners However, this study did not explore the impact of using Google Translate on other languages In addition, the research has mainly focused on the use of Google Translate as a tool for translation and has not explored the use of other translation tools, such as translation dictionaries or human translators For example, a study by Zhang and Ma (2018) found that using translation dictionaries was more effective than using Google Translate in translating academic vocabulary from Chinese to English Therefore, it is important to explore the impact of different translation tools on essay writing Furthermore, the research has mainly focused on the use of Google Translate by students, but has not explored the use of Google Translate by teachers For example, a study by Lu (2018) found that some Chinese 34 teachers used Google Translate to translate English materials into Chinese for their students However, this study did not explore the impact of this on students' learning outcomes To address these limitations, future research should explore the longterm impact of using translation software on students' learning and language development This could be done through longitudinal studies that track students' language proficiency over time Furthermore, research should explore the impact of using different translation tools, such as translation dictionaries or human translators, on essay writing Finally, research should also explore the use of Google Translate by teachers and its impact on students' learning outcomes In conclusion, the research on the impact of Google Translate on essay writing has identified several benefits and drawbacks However, there are also limitations that need to be considered when interpreting the findings Future research should address these limitations and explore the impact of using Google Translate on students' learning and language development, the impact of different translation tools, and the use of Google Translate by teachers This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of Google Translate on essay writing and language learning more broadly 35 REFERENCES Ahmed, A H (2010) Students’ problems with cohesion and coherence in EFL essay writing in Egypt: Different perspectives Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), 1(4), 211–221 Al-Eryani, A M., & Al-Sadi, A M (2018) The impact of Google Translate on the writing skills of EFL learners: A case study Journal of Education and Practice, 9(18), 31-37 Al-Shboul, M (2016) The impact of Google Translate on the writing skills of Arabic-speaking EFL learners Journal of Educational and Social Research, 6(2), 121-127 Balk EM, Chung M, Hadar N, et al Accuracy of Data Extraction of Non-English Language Trials with Google Translate Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US), Rockville (MD); 2012 PMID: 22624170 Belkhir, A., & Benyelles, R (2017) Identifying EFL learners essay writing difficulties and sources: A move towards solution the case of second year EFL learners at Tlemcen International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational 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I Personal information What is your full name? What is your gender? Male Female II Questions about impact of using Google Translate on essay writing among English Department's sophomores, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue University Do you use Google Translate? 40 Yes No How often you use Google Translate in writing essays? Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always Why you use Google Translate in your essay writing? To translate words To check grammar To check sentence structure Others:……………………………………………………………………… Do you often use Google Translate to translate a word, phrase or a sentence? Yes No Have you ever used Google Translate to translate a long sentence or a paragraph? Yes No Do you find it helpful when using Google Translate in essay writing? Yes No 41 Do you find Google Translate reliable when it comes to your essay writing? Yes No What effects does Google Translate have on your essay writing? Your answer: ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you for your answers! 42

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