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D.\I HOC QUÓC GIA HA NÜI TRIONG OAI HOC KHOA HOC TI NHIKN TEN DE TAI: NGHIÉN Cirv ANH HlfÓNG CÚA SĨNG DÍÉN TI MATsM LÉN MOT SO TÍNH CHAT DONGTRONG BÁNDANTHÁPCHIÉL M A S Ó : Q T - - 15 CHU TRI DE TAI: GS.TS NÍ.ÍJVEN QrANí, B W H - NCii - 20'M DAl HOC QC GIA HA NĨÍ TRNG DAI HOC KHOA HOC TU NHHN TEN DE TAI: NGHIÉN CÚU ANH HUÓNG CÚA SĨNG DIÉN TÚ MANÍ! LÉN MOT SĨ TÍNH CHAT DONGTRONG BÁN DAN THAP CHIÉU MÁSO:QT-08-15 CHU TRI DÉ TAI : GS.TS NGUYÉN QUANíí P.ÁU CÁC CAN B() THAM GIA: 7S Nguyén Vü Nhán TS Trán Cóng Pliong TS, Dinh Quóc Viíctnc 'Jhs - NCS l.,uun¿ v Tung, ^^^s Le Dinh,Th.s-NCS Hoang Dlnli Trien ,Ths-NCS Trán fhi Hai, NCS.L:.- Tlii;; NCS Ngun Bích Ngoc.NCS Dó Manh Hüng.Cir nhán Ngun hi Mai Nhicn, Cú nS.ar Trán Thi Nga.Cú nhán Nguyén Ván Thiián Cú nhán Ngu\én Van Nglua Cif nhán NÍÍIÍX.Thu Híifc*iio HA N - 20(«8 Bao cao tóm tát í! f í'on de tai: NGHIÉN CÚU ANH Hl/ĨNG CÜA SĨNG DÍEN TÜ^i:A^H LÉN MOT SĨ TÍNH CHAT DONGTRONG BÁN DAN THAP CHIÉU MA SO: OT - OS 15 b) N¿ubi chij Irj: (ÍS.TS Nguyén Quang Báu Khoa Vat ly,Dai hoc Khoa hpc Tir nhién ( DHQGHN ) Día chi: 334 Nguyén Trai, Thanh Xuán, Ha Noi Sódien thoai:(C)4)7626547 c) C;k can bo tham gia: TS Ngiiycn Vü Nhán, TS Trán Cóng Phong, TS Dinh Quóc Vucfng, Ths - NCS Luor^^ Van Tíing nis Lé Dinh.Ths-NCS Hống Dmh Trien ,Ths-NCS Trun Thi Hái NCS.l A- JhÁi i bu NCS Ngun Bích Ngoc,NCS Dó Manh Hüng,CLr nhán Ngun Thi Mai Nhién Cu íihai; Trán Thi Nga^Cú nhán Nguyén Ván Thuán, Cu nhán Nguyén Ván Nghía, Cú nhán ^iguycíi Thu Huono d) Miic tiéu vá nói diing nghién cúu: - Nghién ci'm háp thu phi tuyén sóng dien tir bal dien tií giam cám irong bán úhn ihap chiéu vái cae dang thé giam cám khác ( có ké den sir giam cám ci:a phonon ,\ -:'• ké den aiih huang cüa tír tru'ófng - Nghién ciiu bien dói tham só giira phonon ám giam cám vá phonon quang gsam c;\^-; iiong bán dan tbáp chiéu vói dang thé giam cám khác - Nghién cii'u cóng huang tham só giu'a phonon ám giam cám \á phonon ijiiLinií g'^.^rcám Irong bán dan tháp chiéu vái dang thé giam cám khác Tính chai, phuong pliáp luán vá sir pham cao cúa két qua nghién cú'u IT!:-; ÍÍI^: C Dé tai cüng góp phán quan vao su nghiep dao tao Dai hpc Sau d.M hoc \;Í va} dung dói ngu nhá khoa hoc cóng nghe tien tién cho dál mróc e) Các kcl dat dupc: 11 cóng trinh da cóng bó tren lap chi khoj n;x ^i' hoí nghi khoa hoc: f ac cong trinh da cóng bó tren tap chí khoa hoc Qc te: (2 bái) : i'tii! í'.íjMii Ptu»ng Luong Van Tung Nguyén Quang Bau-PararncMic I'CMÍVA.I ^ ' \':o\\^uc ^!i)d (jpiical Phonons in a Doped Semiconductor Suncíi;:üice.Kv'.c;ü^ I'.; -i' ^-ci-y V(;! 53 No4 (.ktober 2008 pp.1971-1975 j Ng'ayen Quami, Bau Nguyén Bich Ngoc, and Do Manh h'ung Tii^: r.oi;hii:o; absorption coefficient of a strong electromagnetic vvave by contíned cloctuwi- ;f rlie quantum v^eíls Journal ofthe Korean Physical Socicty (to be pubü^hed) >iK'V^ Các cóng trinh da cóng bó tren tap chí khoa hpc Qc gia: (5 baii i Nguyén Thi Mai Nhien, Do Manh Hung, Nguyén Quang Bau The paraincirtL iesonatice of conílned acoustic phonons and confined optical phonon> in qucUiíuní vveUs VN(J -Journal of Science, Mathematics-Physics, Vol.24.No S.pp.'.MO::43(2008) Nguven Van Thuan, Do Manh Hung, Nguyén Quang Bau The influenc;.^ o! magnetic tleld on the nonhnear absorption coefficient of a strong eleonomaíir.ciie vvave by confiried electrons in the doping superlattices VNTJ -Journa! oí Scior/.::: Mathematics-Physics, Vol.24,No.lS pp.232-235(2008) Hoang Dinh Trien, Nguyén Quang Bau, Nguyén Thi Thar-h Nhon ¡r;iuení.e *-,r magnetic field on the nonlinear absorption coefficient of a strong e¡ec:roniag!^.:ti: v^^ave by confíned electronis in cylindrical quantum v/ires \^! 53 No4 (J^iob-r 2008 pp.i97M975 ¡Nguyén Ou^ng Bau Nguyén Bich Ngoc, and Do Manii Hung Th¿ nonhn-o: absorption coefficient of a strong electromagnetic vvave by confíned eloclrDUs ;{ vh.e quantum weíls Journal ofthe Korean Physical Society (to be published) JOOV 2, Các cóng trinh da cóng l)ó tren tap chí khoa hpc Quóc gia: (5 bái t L Nguyén Thi Mai Nhien, Do Manh Hung, Nguyén Quang Bau The paramenta loonaucc of confíned acoustic phonons and confíned optical phonons in qucUiluoi weüs VN(J -Journal of Science, Mathematics-Physics, Vol.24.No S.pp.'.:4'»243(20í)8) 2, Nguyén Van Thuan, Do Manh Hung, Nguyén Quang Bau The intluencL^ o! magnetic field on the nonlinear absorption coefficient of a strong elcciiOir>.iL''íC'.!c vvave hy confír¡ed electrons in the doping superlattices VNL' -Journul o! SÍ i:,:.:: -Matheniatics-Physics, Vol.24,No.l S pp.232-235(2008) Hoang Dinh Trien, Nguyén Quang Bau, Nguyén Thi Thanh Nhan iüiue-ice r,\ magneric fíeld on the nonlinear absorption coefficient of a strong eieccroiv.auri.-hL vvave by confíned electronis in cylindrical quantum vvires V?'Jli -Jouriv^i ^'l Science Mathematics-Physics, Vol.24,No.lS,pp.47-50(2008) 4- Do Manh Hung, Nguyén Quang Bau, Hoang Dinh Trien, and Nguycn '¡ ¡li í lianii Nhan Caculation of the nonlinear absoiption coeffcient of i IAI^ÍJ elecíroinagnetic vvave by coefined electrons in the composiíionaí lur'.vririíil; :, \'NC "Jouma! of Science, Mathematics-Physics Vo!.24.No,lS,pp.236-239í2í;08í Luong Van Tung, Hoang Dinh Trien, NguyenQuang Bau A nuinber H.igi' íi-equency Lffects on Semiconductor Superlattices VNU -Jouü-ía; oi' Sciei C: Matiiematics-Physics Vol.24,No.! S,pp.228-231 (2008) Các háo cao khoa hoc lai Hói nghi: (4 bao cao C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an bao cao kbo:i hoc ó Hói nghi khoa hoc Vát ly niróc: :\¿M,rvcn Van Hieu, I e Thi Thu Phuong Do Manh Hung Nguveri li -;i.'i: NiMjjycn Quang íJau The 33rh National Conference on rhi^rverScj! í")- i\ 1 í^ ¡hmm - i-ioanu Dinh iricn N'juven Quíínii Bau and Do Manh \h.\r:¿ CaicMÍaiup i\ i-v n.^niinear absorption coefficient of a strong electromagnetic vvavc b> CUIKLV elecírons u] recion^zular quantum vvires vvith infínite oolentíd The 33!!i N':';^^-•' Conferencc or rhcoretica! Physics, Da Nang 08^2008 Nguyén Van Nghia, Nguyén Van Thuan, Tran Thi Nga, Nguyén Qii liig L' : : Nguyén Vti Nhan Parametric transformation and parametric resonance o! ccríiiv,: acoustic phonons and superlattices The 33th National Conferencc on (hooreiicai Physics, Da Nang 08/2008 i bao cao o Hói nghi Vát ly Quóc Té: Nguyén Quang Bau, Ha Dang ÍChoa, Nguyén Bich Ngoc and Ngi;\'c;i Difjit • ¡en Calculation of nonlinear absorption coefficient ofthe strong ei;Xi;\vr;á;:iKi> vvave by coníined electrons in the composiíional superlattices Procccd-ng '-i^(:v Rleventh Vieínainese - Germán Seminar on Physics and Fingineering Nria ¡:.:;:;.: C iiy, from March, 31 lo April, 5, 2008 Các cóng trlrih da hốn thánh gái dang tren lap chí khoa ho: gu'i dang lap chí Han Qc ) K q dao tao: (íóp phán dao tao lio vá ten NCSJiioc vién Tién sv , Cap cláo tao Ten ln vđn Ghi cht^ " TS/Ths" Mót só hiéu li'ns cao l^S (bao vé tan tucnig tac ! thán2 I elecíron-phonon 6/2008) i dáv luaniz tir bán dan I I Lé Dinh Thac sS * Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd I C h u nh-vín ' dé lái huoivj ! danchíni-^ i [ S^U C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an -•i uo'n-^ Van i:'p; en V an í hn •LNauvéi '' an NL'íiia :.Ngun Lhi Ma.i Nhién ó.Ngun Thu Huaim Trán Thi No^a Mót só 1-liéu i'mg cao TS (bao \ é ! tan bán dan siéu tháng , tna.ng 12''2008) /'inh Ivjii cua tír •ruoPü ¡en so han thu piíi luyen sóng dien tú sicu mang pha tap Bien dói tham só giira phonon ám giam cám vá phonon quang giam cám trons siéu mang pha tap i Cóng hiróníi tham so i giúa phonon ám giam I cáin vá phonon quang I í2Íam cám ti'onu hó j liranií tu I :—^ ^ I C'ónu hiróim tham so ! gura phonn am giam ; cám vá phonon quang j giam cám siéu I mang phatham tap só güja Bien dói ' Cí \ii nh: • • ; íái \'\o ' d jn Ch!:* • ThS {bao vé thánií 12/2008) ' *' in 'V;'v ••: ; de tai iii.c^i ' dancíunh ThS (bao vé tháng 12/2008) Chu iihié.n i dé tai huxÍDg ! dl.nchrir ThS (bao vé tháng 12/2008) ¡ Chu nhiem dé tai hiróü • dan chí.-h ThS (bao vé tháno 12/2008) ¡ Chu nliic;ivi dé lái huon i danch'piT ThS (bao vé j>honon ám giam cám tháns vá phonon quang giam 2/2008) cám hó luong tú ' Ch:i nhie^n i dé tai h'L'.ón i L Ngối ra, dé tai góp phán dao tao Cu nhán Vát ly : Nguyén Hoa; \:.'\, an Nuuvén lhi Nizoc Ha Nieó lhi Thanh Ha N^iuvéa lhi Thẵh H-^ n i íní) hinh kinh phi cúa dé tai: Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Mót só hiéu úng cao TS (bao v tan troné bán dan siéu tháng 12/2008) nang, vij])d V a n ¡ 'j-i 'ji! V íin I huán LNauvéi) ^^ an Níjuia I Anh hng cua tú i '.rM' >'ng só háp I thu phi luyen sóng i dién tú SICU mang pha íap Bien dói tham só giúa phonon ám giam cám vá phonon quang giam ! cám tronü siéu mang I :.Nguyén Lhi Mai Nhién o ' Chu nhio:» i tai !";LIĨ íLíU chí ThS(bao \i thánií 12/2008) de tai iu.' dan chür' ThS (bcio vé j Chu nhiém ^ • thánu 2/2008) I ! dé ta: luiwrz dan chivui o I P^i'- tap i Cóng hirón¿: tham so I aiúa phonon ám giam ThS (bao vé ; cam va phonon quang tháne I giam cárn hó 12/2008) i Chu nh¡en"i dé tai hu'ó dan iro'ne tu O.N^uvén Thu Huanu •l'ián Tin N^a tCóníi hirón^i tham so \ i * ' I giúa pliónn ám giam ¡ ThS (bao ve | Chu nSiiéi< I dé tai huong ; ¡ cám vá phonon quang tháng dan ch^r'h i giam cám siéu 12/2008) ¡ mang pha tap ; Bien dói tham só giúa ; ThS (bao vé ' Chu nhioni • i vlionon am s.iam cam ; tháng i dé tai hiión I vá phonon quang giam i 12/2008) I danchír,!) i cám troné hó luone íú Ngối ra, dé tai góp phán dao tao Cu nhán Vát ly : Nguyén Hoai XiLi an Nguyén lili Ngoc Ha NgO lhi Thanh Ha Nguyén thi Thai^.h H ^ fí \)nh hmh kinh phi cüa dé tai: Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an - Kmh ¡>hí d w c cap: 20 iriéu dóng VN irong nárn 2006 G'ái irinh nhúng khoiui chi lón: 18 iriéu VND thué chuyén p:\ uorv.^ 'VJ •'=• -v ' i hj! bao va bao cao khoa hpc (4 cóng trinh nghién cúu trony ^o i I -IL •:::.: Í''"j ' ' í n i i c r í KHOAQLANLV (Kv ^a ^ni ró ho tin) Ha Noi, Ngay 2'h [\:1:)-: i :u:.; CHL ! H ! i i L LU íKv \ j5 ^t^ rv ho U:i-) ^h^ív^^i J'jz¿:)i^ (íS.TS.Nguyet5 Quanií B.iu TRCONC OAI HOC KHOA HOC Til NHIEN MIEU T R U O N G pesJS.^üi Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd lili J uOs'/n C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 3- u/iq en' OQ a 9-* a i Sí' H •C gQ O o p^ ztr p> OQ a ;3 rt rt 3- a^ a- c Ul a ^ rt 00 re P s^I^^ 3^ *« tr p- re ^ rt o' a Co en re re" jiperatu pr ~^ 3" re Q en re o re" = re s a- re S" en Cn a ^y* a re o" z^ re a res o/" í'íírc rth metáis is itistical //leíií method cale ulate tlu^ Helmholtz free leííí /í at a íJc rangge of tais can be etcrmined by per e.t he phase that id that lower bcc Dy metal of Dy metal rti a- ^ a "§^ (—1 7^ re re o a Vi < p( X OQ O p< OQ H 3p X re o A A C fif n OQ < " ff p( rt 3* :r rt OQ rt 3cr Đ rt p' 03 ãP 3- n 3H rt p- tr CA CA a 2' o Ci L3 p- n en' OQ a 3.rt rt OQ -ã ^ r s3 OQ rt ô o en g^^i 3, a es CA -t >• rt S^ rt -N r- ^ 1= -I *o u fil qQ A t£3 "^ 3- •P EC c Q 3 ?r n A V) rt A Vi 5i" rt OQ H 3- P- p Z 5: Z H fi) c 3 o> rt o> 3 i^ tr rt n 3H tr ^ ^ 12 r^ a 5: = Ti c A **- rt '.A N ^ -— ^ v ~— ;r > 55 S a n c re rtre Qo ;:: O ^ ri Ts H 5"" r- H 9l •> o> ^^Z XCÍ QT^ •0 m> ^ H O -1 Zz fij rt EL lo, í o- 03 •P a - rt rt Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd a 3 a- a C "1 z^ A 3 n A sy H n g fil rr o is 11 p, p' -^ s O ta g- 3A fif a" -^ fi) "^ rt V) Ci re -I ^z anc X OQ o ?^ o " *•» < SAO OQ P •** a JTrt leto C3 orr- l ; ;.,^ ,1 30C 290 T(K) 280 270 T(K) 280 xlO" 10 F i g Dependence of Q on T and EQ (electronacoustic phonon scattering) F i g Dependence of a on T and Eo (electronoptical phonon scattering) 1.92 1.91 Ly(m) 1.91 U(m) F i g Dependence of a on Ly and Lx (electronacoustic phonon scattering) 270 10 xlO (f02 O 03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Photon energy (eV) 0.08 0.09 F i g Dependence of Q on hCl (electron-acoustic phonon scattering) system and intensity Eo of EMW It can be seen from this figure that a depends Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an HOANG DINH TRIEN NGUYÉN QUANG BAU, Strongly and nonlinear on T and EQ Q is stronger at large valúes of the intensity Eo of EMW but smaller at large valúes of the temperature T Different from normal bulk semiconductors [5], valúes a in RQW is bigger IIL2 Electron- acoustic Phonon Scattering Figures 4-6 shows the dependence of a on the intensity EQ and energy hü oí the external strong EMW, the temperature T and size L oí wires in the case electrón- acoustic phonon scattering It can be seen from the figures that like the case electrón- optical phonon scattering, this dependence is nonlinear However, in this case, a is smaller than which in the case electrón- optical phonon scattering and not appear the resonance peak IV C O N C L U S I Ó N In the present paper, we have obtained analytical expressions for the nonlinear absorption of a strong EMW by confined electrons in RQWs for both mechanisms of electron-phonon scattering The dependence of a on the intensity £^0 and frequency ü oí the external strong EMW, the temperature T of the system and size L ^ f wires is complex and different compared to those obtained in normal bulk semiconductors [5] It is another interesting thing that from the analytic results, we see that when the intensity of EMW EQ = O, the nonlinear result will turn back to the lineaj result which was calculated by using Kubo - Mori method The numerical results obtained for a GaAs ¡GaAs Al RQW show that a depends strongly and nonüneax on the intensity EQ and frequency íí of the external strong EMW, the temperature T of the system and size Ly oí wires Different from normal bulk semiconductors [5], the nonlinear absorption coefficient in RQW are bigger and has the same máximum valúes (peaks) In addition, the results show a geometrical dependence of a due to the confinement of electrons in RQW ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is completed with financial support from the Program of Basic Research in Natural Sciences, 405906 and QT-08-15REFERENCES [1] [2] (3) [4] [5] [6] [7] (8) [9] [10] [11| N Mori and T Ando, Phys Rev.B, 40 (1989) 6175 J Pozela and V Juciene, Sov Phys Tech Semicond, 29 (1995) 459 P Yasilopoulos, M Charbonneau and C N Van Vlier, Phys Rev.B, 35 (1987) 1334 A Suzuki, Phys Rev.B, 45 (1992) 6731 V V Pavlovich and E M Epshtein, Sov Phys Solid State, 19 (1977) 1760 G M Shmelev, L A Chaikovskii and N Q Bau, Soc Phys Tech Semicond, 12 (1978) 1932 N Q Bau and T C Phong, J.Phys Soc Japan, 67 (1998) 3875 N Q Bau, N V Nhan and T C Phong, J Korean Phys Soc, (2002) 149 N Q Bau, L Dinh and T C Phong J Korean Phys Soc, 51 (2007) 1325 T C- Phong, L Dinh, N Q Bau and D Q Vuong, J Korean Phys Soc, 49 (2006) 2367 R Mickevicius and V Mitin, Phys Rev B, 48 (1993) 17194 Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an z I I > ^ CA SS -ôằ 55 5= ^ -3 Đ ^ „ i^ z I re n» ã ^ ô ^ ^1 & Đ B S ' ^ O & OQ Si CA ^ 5« • ^ «i H ^ » ^S C ,¿ 6a< S ?ã H ^ ^cg g ô ^ s^ ^ ^ 3- S^ 1V O » O z »* :r r*- *5 EG s» í^ S S ' ^ ^ Đ Si? ã^ O" 3 ! 5ft> «o? o < -« o s^ c o, fl» ^ o ^ - o í^ S^ u -Q q rt rt 3- H 5: a » • * 3rt S £ o » ^ ~ rt cñ ^ rt ir iĐ-i Đ I 1^3 CA -^ U 'ã^ *-ằã Đ § O' O- ^ í"^ M n I» o (D atfi Í-» rt S z ^ rt Cí CA rt n - ^ s § W" 3- íl s^ ** 55 = ' n* ^ OQ S =^ rt-> 33 H- CA rt a "^ «?r SH^ rt^ ^- 3: -^ ¿O § ^ '•^ ^ O* rt" • ? sS 01 cj rt s: rt H »3 rt rt ^" CA CA CA 31 "^ ^ * ^' g -t rt CA a ^ &- ^1 C5 a 3- 3 a ^ ^ ^ a a ^ 3 CA fv § íl " a 3 CA CA S « a' "cs ^ 3 rt 31 ci - a rt rt •— Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd ^ -a 2- r.* -^ f ^ ^ §- ^ s s ^ § CL rt^ -^ rt ^ ^ rt 3" rt rt O O "Q O CA rt ^ A C rt rt C m n cr O í OQ s C3- r t (O OQ C2 rt '^ c 2: p CA 3 ?• O ^ : 1^1 -^ •O H fií> CA CA c O ü¡ 3- vO CA rt rt 5* n D -a ^ O 03 O o c O 3 a CA rt a rt o 3.- ^ rr rt = o Ir § CA* ^ S ^ o § B t- ^ í^** ^^ DC i i S ^^1 35: rr £ -* ? Q =• rt- S CA n S 3 rt rt G !5 n a- ^^^ r?" rfi-f— n T I ? (D *^ "•^ Sí ** § cy S S n I n- ^ -"* J3 3 ¿ir ri?r Q ^ (^ n 5t !^ i » ^ ^ »*- ^ (g 3 qQ Z OQ tí ^ rt>í K c rt>, H •C qQ rt ; ; rt VI rt tf) ^M* a rt ^» U) (/) 2A fT c n 0) ^r•t4 < n rt rt C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an The 33 national conference on theoretical physics N o n l i n e a r absorption coefficient of strong electromagnetic waves caused by confined electrons in the cylindrical quantum wires 1\T Nguycn Van Hieu, ^Lc Thi Thu Phuüiig , ^DO Manh Hung ^Nguycn Thi Thanh Nhan, -Nguycn Quang Bau ^ Danang University of Education, 459 Ton Dac Thang Lrcn Chicu De Naní/ Tel: 0983633596 Email: ^vanhieahí82úyahoo.com ^Hanoi National University, College of Natural Sciences 334 Nguyén Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hilanoi A b s t r a c t The quantum theory of the nonlinear absoi-ption of strong electromagnetic waves cauaed by confined electrons m the cylindrical quantum win-^ has butn studied based on the quantum kinetic equation for electrons Analytical expressions for the nnnlinejir ab.-iorption coefficient of strong FlfctromaqnHir wavws m the cylindral quantum wires with the electron-acoustic phonon and electron-optical phonon scattering mechanisms are obtained The dependence of ihe nonhnear absorption coeffícieni of a strong electromagnetic wavts on i¿.s frtqurncí/ U, the system temperature T, and the parameters character-ing the sample are analyzed Numerical caculations have been done, and the results are discussed for a typmd vñre of GaAs/GaAsAl I I N T R O D U C T I O N Electrons in the quantum wires are a quasi-one-dimcnsional system (ID) The idea of making quantum wires originated from a quasi-two-dimensional electrón systems in which one or more dimensional motion of elcrtrons wfue ¡)reventad For this reason, the sample was cnclosed with a layer of material with an infinite potential barrier In practica!, quantum wires are material in which the motion of the electrons is restricted in two dimensions, so that they can flow freely in one dimensión The confinement of electrons in these systems has changed the electrón mobility remarkably This has resulted in a number oí tho new phenomena, wliich concern a reduction of sample dimensions These (;fferts differ ñom those in bulk semiconductor There have been many papers dealing with problems related to these eñects, for example, electron-phonon interaction and scattering rates[l-3] and de electrical conductivity [4,5] In recent times, there are more and more interests in studying and discovering the behaviour of low dimensional systems, in particular, of one dimensional systems, such as cylindrical quaiitmn wire, rectangular quantum wire The confincniuínt of ehíctrons in these systems considerably (enhances thf^ (^kíctrons mobility and leads to their unusual behaviours under external stimuli As the results, the properties of low dimensional systems, especially optical properties are very different in comparison with normal bulk semiconductors ¡6.7] The problems of optical properties in normal bulk semiconductors, as well as, low dimensional systems have ever been enthusiastically investigated and resulted in producing many interesting scientifíc papers [8,9,10,11,12] The nonhnear absorption of n strong Electromagnetic wave (Láser radiation) by free electrons in bulk semiconductors has been investigated and resulted in [9]; The linear absorption of a weak electromagnetic wave by confined electrons in low dimensional systems has been investigated and resulted in [8,10,11]; The absorption weak electromagnetic waves by confined electrons in cylindrical quantum wires[12] Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd However, the nonlinear absorption of electromagnetic wave in a cylindrical quantum wire which has strong intensity and high frequency still opens for C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an NGUYÉN VAN HIEU Studying, in this paper we study the nonhnear absorption of strong clectiomaiínetic wav(^ by ronfinííd electrons in a cyhndrical quantum wire with the raíhus R and length L^ The strong electromagnetic wave is assumed to be planar nud monochromatic, and has a high frequency (ür » 1) with r being aqnantiry w range of E M W energ>- appear resonant p c k Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an NONLINEAR ABSORPTION COEFFICCrENT '> at fi = U;Ü (the absorption close to its threshold, figm-e 3, 4) In addition ÍL can SÍ.ÍC from figure 1,2 that the peak move to th;.» right when thf» temperature and wire's rises In contrast, figure 3, shows that the positions of the míixinnmi is nearly unchangcd when the wire's radius and latticcs temperaturíí are varied This means that resonance condition is determaned mainly by the photon's energy This has been investigated and resulted in [12, 14] for the case absorption electromagnetic wave with small amplitude Comparing Figm'C 1, 2, 3, 4, wc sec that when tho tcmpcratiu-cs or tho wire's radius is constant, there is a resonance point, corresponds to varioiis photon cncrgies, in each curve This exprcsses the fact that the energy spectra of electrons in CQR are quantized and bring about complicated selection rules From figures and 4, we also see that máximum corresponded to the same photon energy and was independent of the temperature and the wire's radius Because tho intrasubband transitions n=n'=0 and l = r = l are considered Different with acoustic phonons, in the case of optical phonons not observe amplification of the EMW Tliis conforms to our consideration of phonon generation and can be explained by the great significance of optical phonon energy Electron-acoustic phonon scattering 0.2 ' ' ' " ' 0.2S /'' i -0* 1 c 1^-0.6 / ' // s Daahed lina T.2/3X Solid line T.J'/OK /' 01 ft -0.6 -1 • -1,2 -I.4L 1i A/' / M 0.2 0.4 0.6 Radius (rf quantum wire(in] 100 120 140 Tempe rarure(K) 160 IBO 200 Fig Dependence ofthe absorption co- Fig Dependence of the absorption coefficient on the wire's radius at different efficient ou the temperature at ditiererit valúes of the radius valúes of the lattice temperature Figure shows the dependence of the absorption coefficient on the wire s radius at different valúes of the lattices temperature The dependence of the absorption coefficient on the wire's radius at different valúes of temperatur(í shows that the absorption coefBcient has same máximum valué (peaks) at R -^ 15 nm, but with valué ranges of the wire's from 50nm to 70nm, the absorption coefficient has a máximum increases a^ the temperature rises For example, at T-273K T=270K, the peaks correspond to R ^ 60 nm, R 65 nm, respectively This means that absorption coefficient dependences significantly on the lattice temperature It can see from figure that there exist valué range of the wire s radnas at Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2023, 01:59


