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4 Gold Sparks dla klasy Oxford University Press is the world’s authority on the English language E IO N O N R B ZA IE N A Gold Sparks to specjalna edycja cenionego przez nauczycieli i uwielbianego przez uczniów trzyczęściowego kursu języka angielskiego dla klas I-III szkoły podstawowej, zgodna z wymogami obowiązującego prawa oświatowego W Znany i uwielbiany od lat! Zeszyt ćwiczeń We continuously bring together our experience, expertise and research to create resources such as this one, helping millions of learners of English to achieve their potential O As part of the University of Oxford, we are committed to furthering English language learning worldwide Zeszyt ćwiczeń IK O PI Sprawdzone rozwiązania w nowej odsłonie Przyjazne i bezpieczne środowisko dla ucznia Pełna realizacja nowej podstawy programowej N IA N IE Dla ucznia Podręcznik + nagrania MP3, zeszyt ćwiczeń, strona internetowa Gold Sparks Fun Zone www.oup.com/elt/goldsparks O ZP O W SZ EC H Dla nauczyciela Teacher’s Power Pack (w tym Teacher’s DVD), Classroom Presentation Tool (dostępne z Teacher’s Power Pack lub oddzielnie), Teacher’s Resource Pack 1-3, strona nauczyciela – Oxford Teachers’ Club A Ż R Dla rodziców Strona Oxford Parents z artykułami w języku polskim oraz filmami pokazującymi, jak pracować z dzieckiem w domu Oxford Read and Imagine Oxford Read and Discover N IE Classic Tales N A SP R ZE D Dodatkowo polecamy serie lekturek: ISBN 978-0-19-461678-2 www.oup.com/elt/oxfordparents www.oup.com/elt P.A Davies   780194 616782 Viv Lambert © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 Gold Sparks WB3 Reform Cover_Rev.indd 08/02/2019 12:11 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6dp, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2019 The moral rights of the author have been asserted IO N E First published in 2019 2023  2022  2021  2020  2019 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O N No unauthorized photocopying IE ZA B R All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above N You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer O W A Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work PI isbn: 978 19 461678 O Printed in China IK This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources IE acknowledgements N Back cover photograph: Oxford University Press building/David Fisher N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O W SZ EC H N IA Illustrations by: Dave Smith and Sarah Warburton (Zabadoo artwork): Beccy Blake rhyme artwork on pp.11 (bottom), 12, 20 (bottom), 29 (bottom), 38 (bottom), 47 (bottom), 56, 71 (bottom); Garry Davies pp.13, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 36, 40, 49, 55, 57, 58, 70 (bottom), 72 (coin); Alan Rowe pp.2, 4, 5, 6, 10 (top), 14, 17, 18 (bottom), 19 (bottom), 20 (top), 23, 27, 32, 33, 37, 41, 42 (top), 44, 46, 50, 59, 67 (top), 71 (zebra, dog, lion, dinosaur), 72 (pet shop, supermarket, clothes shop, sports shop); Mark Ruffle pp.10 (bottom), 11 (top), 15, 16, 18 (top), 19 (top), 24, 26, 37, 38 (top), 48, 67 (bottom), 71 (fridge); Dave Whammond/Three In A Box, Inc pp.6 (bottom), 7, 8, 9, 14, 29 (top), 42 (bottom), 47 (top), 51, 54, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70 (top), 71 (windy weather, kick), 72 (fish, cheese, coins, rollerblades) © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 Gold Sparks WB3 Reform Cover_Rev.indd 08/02/2019 12:11 ZA B R O N IO N E Paul A Davies Viv Lambert O W A N IE Contents O PI Welcome back! page IA N IE IK Animals 6 15 Our house SZ EC H N 24 In the park Shopping 33 O ZP O W 42 Meal times Hobbies 51 60 Strony dla rodziców lub opiekunów 63 Plus pages 65 Review 71 Review 72 N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R Revision games © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 11/12/2018 10:40 Unit In the p rk IO N E Read and number Przeczytaj i ponumeruj O N ZA B R She’s playing tennis   O IK He’s running He’s drinking   PI She’s swimming O W A N IE He’s riding a bike   She’s eating N IE   W SZ EC What’s he doing? H N IA Look and write Popatrz i napisz O ZP O What’s she doing? R ZE D A Ż What’s he doing? SP R What’s she doing? N IE N A Extra fun! Ask your friend to mime three things on the page Write sentences Poproś kolegę/koleżankę, aby pokazała Ci za pomocą gestów trzy czynności z tej strony Napisz o nich zdania 24 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 24 11/12/2018 10:40 IO N ZA B R O N E Look, read and write Popatrz, przeczytaj i napisz What’s Laura doing? PI What’s Tim doing? W SZ EC H What’s Leo’s mum doing? N IA N IE IK O O W A N IE What’s Leo doing? ZE D A Ż R O ZP O What’s Tabitha doing? N IE N A SP R What’s Zabadoo doing? Extra fun! Draw two people in your family doing different things What are they doing? Write questions and answers Narysuj dwie osoby z twojej rodziny w trakcie wykonywania różnych czynności Co one robią? Napisz w zeszycie pytania i odpowiedzi Unit Lesson 25 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 25 11/12/2018 10:40 Look, read and circle Popatrz, przeczytaj i zakreśl singing walking playing football playing tennis B IE O riding a bike dancing eating an apple drinking I’m swimming running IK I’m IE I’m PI O W A N R I’m ZA I’m O N IO N E W playing the guitar playing the trumpet O ZP O I’m SZ EC H N IA N What are you doing? I’m and N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R Look and write Popatrz i napisz 26 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 26 11/12/2018 10:40 3.30   Listen and number Draw the weather Posłuchaj i ponumeruj Narysuj, jaka jest pogoda N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O W SZ EC H N IA N IE IK O PI O W A N IE ZA B R O N IO N E Extra fun! Choose three pictures Write about the weather and what the person is doing Wybierz trzy obrazki Napisz w zeszycie, jaka jest pogoda i co robią osoby na obrazkach Unit Lesson 27 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 27 11/12/2018 10:40 Number and write Ponumeruj i napisz ZA B R O N IO N E N IE It’s windy What’s she doing? PI O W A It’s sunny What’s she doing? N N IA It’s cloudy What’s she doing? IE IK O It’s rainy What’s she doing? SZ EC H Read and draw Przeczytaj i narysuj N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O W It’s rainy He’s playing football  It’s sunny She’s sitting under a tree Extra fun! Draw your friend What’s the weather? What is he/she doing? Say Narysuj kolegę/koleżankę Jaka jest pogoda? Co on/ona robi? Powiedz 28 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 28 11/12/2018 10:40 O N IO N E Choose, tick (✔) and write Wybierz, zaznacz (✔) i napisz ZA B R What’s the weather like today? N A PI Posłuchaj i powiedz wierszyk Zakreśl litery nn O W   Listen and say the rhyme Circle nn O 3.31 IK IE What are you doing?  A Ż R O ZP O W SZ EC H N IA N IE Anna is running and the weather is sunny But Benny’s playing tennis and it’s rainy – that’s funny! ZE D SP R Napisz inne wyrazy zawierające dwie takie same litery N IE N A Write more words with double letters Unit Lesson 29 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 29 11/12/2018 10:40 Complete and match Uzupełnij i połącz c d IO N b H N He’s riding a bike There’s a SZ EC IA N IE IK O PI O W A N IE ZA B R O N a E blizzard hurricane thunderstorm f  lood O ZP O W She’s lying on the bed There’s a He’s playing football There’s a R A Ż She’s swimming There’s a ZE D N IE N A SP R Read and choose Przeczytaj i wybierz 30 It’s very cold It’s very noisy hurricane cold snap blizzard thunderstorm It’s very windy It’s very snowy flood hurricane It’s very hot and dry heatwave hurricane blizzard cold snap Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 30 11/12/2018 10:40 Look at the menu Answer the questions Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday R Tuesday ZA B Monday O N IO N E Popatrz na menu Odpowiedz na pytania N IE Breakfast O W A Lunch IK O PI Dinner N IA N IE It’s Wednesday What’s for lunch? SZ EC H It’s Friday What’s for dinner? O ZP O W It’s Monday What’s for breakfast? R It’s Sunday What’s for lunch? A Ż Napisz inne pytania i odpowiedzi o menu ZE D Write more questions and answers about the menu ? N IE N A SP R It’s Tuesday What’s It’s Saturday Extra fun! Look at the menu in Exercise Colour the foods you like in green Colour the foods you don’t like in red Popatrz na menu z ćw Pokoloruj potrawy, które lubisz, na zielono, a te, których nie lubisz, na czerwono 46 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 46 11/12/2018 10:41 Choose and write Wybierz i napisz E Monday O N IO N Tuesday ZA B R Wednesday A N IE Thursday O PI O W Friday IE IK Saturday 3.38   Listen and say the rhyme Circle ee and ea W Posłuchaj i powiedz wierszyk Zakreśl litery ee oraz ea Eat your meat and eat your peas Don’t put your feet on the table, please! SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O SZ EC H N IA N Sunday N A Write more words with ee and ea spelling N IE Napisz inne wyrazy zawierające litery ee oraz ea Unit Lesson 47 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 47 11/12/2018 10:41 A N IE ZA B R O N IO N E Read and colour Przeczytaj i pokoloruj Colour Turkey yellow Colour China red Colour Japan blue IE IK O PI O W Colour Canada pink Colour Colombia black Colour Germany green IA N Answer Odpowiedz SZ EC H N Where they eat pancakes for breakfast? In O ZP O W Where they eat fish for breakfast? In ZE D A Ż R Where they eat egg and beans for breakfast? In N IE N A SP R Where they eat cucumber and olives for breakfast? In Extra fun! Find out about a breakfast in another country Draw and label Znajdź informacje na temat śniadania w innym kraju Narysuj je w zeszycie i podpisz 48 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 48 11/12/2018 10:41 1 Number Ponumeruj IO N E I don’t know R O N W A N IE ZA B Great! O PI O Help! IA N IE IK W SZ EC H N Wait for me! O ZP O Look and write Popatrz i napisz N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R What’s for breakfast? There are There are There’s Unit Lesson 49 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 49 11/12/2018 10:41 Now I know Read and draw the times Przeczytaj i dorysuj wskazówki ZA B R O N IO N E N IE It’s six o’clock.  It’s eight o’clock.  It’s one o’clock.  It’s eleven o’clock PI O W A Look and write Popatrz i napisz Lunch Dinner O ZP O W SZ EC H N IA N IE IK O Breakfast A Ż R ZE D N IE N A SP R 50 Unit Now I know © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 50 11/12/2018 10:41 Unit Hobbies IO N A N rollerblading listening to music I’m taking photos making models O I’m IK reading comics playing computer games IA N IE I’m PI O W playing basketball reading comics B I’m ZA doing karate rollerblading IE I’m R O N E Look, read and circle Popatrz, przeczytaj i zakreśl W doing karate taking photos O ZP O I’m SZ EC H N ZE D I like A Ż R Look and write Popatrz i napisz N IE N A SP R I like I like I like I like Unit Lesson 51 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 51 11/12/2018 10:41 Look and write Popatrz i napisz IO N W SZ EC H N IA N IE IK O PI O W A N IE ZA B R O N E What you like doing? N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O Extra fun! Look at the hobbies in the pictures Write them in order (1= you like most, = you like least) Popatrz na różne zainteresowania z tej strony Uszereguj je (1 = lubię najbardziej, = lubię najmniej) 52 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 52 11/12/2018 10:41 3.39   Listen and choose Posłuchaj i wybierz R B ZA She likes doesn’t like dancing Mark O N IO N She likes doesn’t like playing the guitar She likes doesn’t like singing E Beth O W A N IE He likes doesn’t like making models He likes doesn’t like taking photos IK O PI He likes doesn’t like reading comics A Ż R O ZP O W SZ EC H N IA N IE Read, choose (✔) and complete Przeczytaj, wybierz (✔) i uzupełnij SP R ZE D Sam likes taking photos He likes doing karate and he likes He doesn’t like listening to music N IE N A and he doesn’t like playing basketball Extra fun! Ask a friend about the hobbies in the pictures in Exercise Then write about what he/she does/doesn’t like Zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę o zainteresowania przedstawione na obrazkach w ćw Następnie napisz w zeszycie, co on/ona lubi, a czego nie Unit Lesson 53 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 53 11/12/2018 10:41 Look and join Popatrz i połącz He likes swimming She doesn’t like rollerblading He likes riding a bike She doesn’t like taking photos He likes She doesn’t like W A N IE ZA B R O N IO N E playing computer games IA N IE IK O PI O doing karate SZ EC H N Look and write Popatrz i napisz SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O W N IE N A 54 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 54 11/12/2018 10:41 Look and answer Popatrz i odpowiedz E Does he like doing karate? O N IO N Does she like playing the guitar? ZA B R Does she like listening to music? N IE IK O PI O W A N IE Does he like reading comics? N IA Now write questions and answers A teraz napisz pytania i odpowiedzi SZ EC H O ZP O W A Ż SP R ZE D R N IE N A Extra fun! Ask a friend three more questions about the people in Exercise Write the questions and answers Zadaj koledze/koleżance kolejne trzy pytania o osoby z ćw Napisz w zeszycie pytania i odpowiedzi Unit Lesson 55 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 55 11/12/2018 10:41 Draw things you like doing Then write Narysuj, co lubisz robić Potem napisz O N Saturday evening ZA B R Saturday morning E I like … IO N I like … N IE On Saturday morning, I like W O PI   Listen and say the rhyme Circle c and k O 3.40 IK Posłuchaj i powiedz wierszyk Zakreśl litery c oraz k IA N IE A On Saturday evening, R Write more words with c and k spelling Napisz inne wyrazy zawierające litery c oraz k SP R ZE D A Ż O ZP O W SZ EC H N Look in the supermarket What can you see? Carrot cake and milk – and a comic for me! N IE N A Extra fun! How many other words with ‘c’ or ‘k’ you know? Write Ile znasz innych słów zawierających litery ‘c’ lub ‘k’? Napisz je w zeszycie 56 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 56 11/12/2018 10:41 Label the pictures Podpisz obrazki a drawing  an installation  a mural  a painting  a sculpture IE N IE IK O PI O W A N ZA B R O N IO N E What type of art are they making? SZ EC H N IA Colour the mosaic What is it? Pokoloruj mozaikę Co to jest? Key: 5 W 3 O ZP O 3 SP R 3 4 5 1 = blue = red = yellow = pink = black It’s a N IE 4 3 3 N A R A Ż ZE D 3 3 3 3 Extra fun! Draw a mosaic for your friend Give your friend a key to colour it Narysuj mozaikę dla kolegi/koleżanki Daj mu/jej klucz pokolorowania jej Unit Lesson 57 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 57 11/12/2018 10:41 Write Napisz I’m hungry.  IO N E Hurray!  O N I’m sorry.  ZA B R Oh please! A N IE SZ EC H N IA N IE IK O PI O W O ZP O W Look and write Popatrz i napisz She He She He She He ZE D A Ż R N IE N A SP R 58 Unit Lesson © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 58 11/12/2018 10:41 Now I know IA N IE IK O PI O W A N IE ZA B R O N IO N E Look and write Popatrz i napisz S N D Z W E S S U M O N K E Y C G U A M T K W D B D L F P U Q A B I D R P O M E S U T L O I A N U O R A E K W I D Y D N M G F R T O ZE D N R O ZP O W P D G E O Y D A E M A T O E S A R S O O K E R E H Y K E R M T U E S D A Y E D A I S T A U E H E T B X S P O R T S S H O P N A SP R I C N IE D A Ż L SZ EC H N Find and write Znajdź i napisz Two animals: Two things in a kitchen: Two kinds of weather: Two shops: Two kinds of food: Two days of the week: Unit Now I know 59 © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 GS WB3.indb 59 11/12/2018 10:41 B ZA Znany i uwielbiany od lat! R O N We continuously bring together our experience, expertise and research to create resources such as this one, helping millions of learners of English to achieve their potential O W A N IE Gold Sparks to specjalna edycja cenionego przez nauczycieli i uwielbianego przez uczniów trzyczęściowego kursu języka angielskiego dla klas I-III szkoły podstawowej, zgodna z wymogami obowiązującego prawa oświatowego Zeszyt ćwiczeń Zeszyt ćwiczeń IO N E As part of the University of Oxford, we are committed to furthering English language learning worldwide Gold Sparks dla klasy Oxford University Press is the world’s authority on the English language IK O PI Sprawdzone rozwiązania w nowej odsłonie Przyjazne i bezpieczne środowisko dla ucznia Pełna realizacja nowej podstawy programowej H N IA N IE Dla ucznia Podręcznik + nagrania MP3, zeszyt ćwiczeń, strona internetowa Gold Sparks Fun Zone www.oup.com/elt/goldsparks Dla rodziców Strona Oxford Parents z artykułami w języku polskim oraz filmami pokazującymi, jak pracować z dzieckiem w domu Dodatkowo polecamy serie lekturek: Classic Tales Oxford Read and Imagine Oxford Read and Discover N IE N A SP R ZE D A Ż R O ZP O W SZ EC Dla nauczyciela Teacher’s Power Pack (w tym Teacher’s DVD), Classroom Presentation Tool (dostępne z Teacher’s Power Pack lub oddzielnie), Teacher’s Resource Pack 1-3, strona nauczyciela – Oxford Teachers’ Club ISBN 978-0-19-461678-2 www.oup.com/elt/oxfordparents www.oup.com/elt 780194 616782 P.A Davies Viv Lambert © Copyright Oxford University Press 4616782 Gold Sparks WB3 Reform Cover_Rev.indd 08/02/2019 12:11

Ngày đăng: 23/08/2023, 12:01
