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An investigation into the impact of context on a vietnamese tertiary level english teachers teaching practices a case study dr

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AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPACT OF CONTEXT ON A VIETNAMESE TERTIARY LEVEL ENGLISH TEACHER‘S TEACHING PRACTICES: A CASE STUDY A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School Ateneo de Manila University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy By Nguyễn Quang Tiến 2012 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writing of this dissertation was truly a journey with many challenges that came along the way, and the completion of this journey was thanks to many kind and generous people who constantly helped me to surmount the difficulties I am most grateful to Dr Maria Luz C Vilches for accepting me as her advisee, for her guidance, dedication, patience, trust, warm full support, and encouragement all throughout the process of writing this dissertation I also thank my dissertation panel members, Dr Maria Luisa T Reyes, Dr Margarita R Orendain, Dr Marianne Rachel G Perfecto, Dr Carolina A Nuñez, and Dr Vũ Thị Phương Anh for their comments and recommendations to enrich my insights I would not have been able to accomplish this dissertation without the help of the following people to whom I give my heartfelt thanks: Dr Frances L Hoffmann and Dr Vũ Thị Phương Anh for helpful discussions and suggestions; Dr Isabel Pefianco Martin and Dr Beatriz P Lorente, whose coursework provided me with knowledge of English language teaching; Ms Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hà and Mr Bùi Mỹ Ngọc (University of Economics, HCMC), Mr Nguyễn Ngọc Huân (HUFLIT), and Ms Bùi Thị Thúy Quyên (University of Economics and Finance) for their support in my data collection; Mr Quách Phúc Linh, Ms Quách Bảo Trân, and Mr Võ Văn Sang for their taking care of me in the Philippines and in Vietnam; and Ms Nguyễn Bích Hạnh for her encouragement This work would not have been possible without the grant from the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and the administrative support of the Office of International Relations (OIR) of the Ateneo de Manila University My special thanks go to my family for their care, encouragement and love My greatest gratitude goes to God Almighty in whom I live and trust v ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the impact of context on a Vietnamese tertiary level English teacher‘s teaching practices It aims to answer the central question, ―Why does a Vietnamese English teacher teach the way he/she does in each of two different tertiary level educational contexts?‖ The research subject was a Vietnamese English teacher teaching in two different universities The data mainly came from classroom observations, stimulated recall interviews, and students‘ written feedback The general finding was that while national and institutional contexts (with either BANA1 or TESEP2 norms) set the general conditions for a teacher‘s teaching practices, the impact of such contexts on the teacher‘s decision-making processes about what constitutes good English teaching in actual classroom practice is secondary to the impact of the teacher‘s wealth of educational training, teaching experience, and dedication to duty in order to meet the learning needs of students The teacher‘s teaching practices in these contexts can be shown in her classroom management styles, lecture styles, and teaching methods – all creatively adjusted to offset the limitations of context or to enhance the favorable setting in order to create the desired learning atmosphere Britain, Australasia, an North America Tertiary, secondary, and primary English language education in the countries, not including BANA vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABBREVIATIONS .x DEFINITION OF TERMS xi LIST OF TABLES xiii CHARTS xv FIGURES xvi APPENDICES xvii I INTRODUCTION 01 Background of the Study 01 Historical View of Foreign Language Education in Vietnam .02 Summary .08 Languages of Vietnam 09 Ethnic setting 09 Linguistic setting 10 Summary .14 English in Vietnam‘s Educational System 14 Statement of the Problem 16 Scope and Limitations of the Study 18 Significance of the Study 18 Language Research Area .19 Teaching-learning Practice 19 Vietnamese Educators and Administrators 20 Theoretical Framework 20 Institutional Context .22 TESEP and BANA—two parts of the profession in ELT 22 Cultural networks 25 National cultures 25 Organizational cultures 28 Classroom cultures .30 The professional-academic cultures 30 Summary .33 Sociocultural Interaction (Vygotsky, 1978) 33 Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) .34 Scaffolding 36 Conceptual Framework 37 Summary 39 vii II METHODOLOGY .41 Research Question #1 42 Vietnam‘s English Language Policies 43 Current Teaching and Learning English in Vietnam‘s Educational System 47 ELT Context in Two Universities Where the Present Study Was Conducted .48 General contexts 49 Context in detail 50 Curricula 50 Foci in the curriculum 52 Number of hours for English study 52 English class size .54 Materials and use of supplementary materials 54 Following the curriculum framework of the MOET 55 Placement tests 55 Exit English language exams 56 Syllabi 56 Syllabus of Class KT 79 in UEH .56 Syllabus of Class SE 2.3 in UEF .56 Objectives of the course .57 Lesson plans 57 Facilities .57 Equipment 57 Students‘ tables and benches 57 Teaching quality assurance 58 Classroom observations 58 Periodic teacher evaluation and student feedback 58 Teachers‘ meetings 59 Quality assurance office 59 Administrative matters 59 Curriculum management 59 Tuition fee 60 Teaching remuneration 60 Students‘ profiles 60 Teacher‘s profile 61 Research Question #2 61 Locales of the Study .61 Time for Classroom Observations 62 Observed Classes 62 Case Study Subject 62 Non-participant Observers .62 Instruments for Observations 63 Observation Focus Points 63 More about Questioning Strategies 64 The Analysis of Questioning Strategies 65 Transcriptions 67 viii Students‘ Feedback on the Observed Classes 67 Research question #3 68 The Gap between the Observation Sessions and the Stimulated Recall Interviews 69 Procedures of the Stimulated Recall Interviews 70 Stages of Data Analysis 72 Ethical Issues 72 Quality Control Issues 76 Summary 78 III LITERATURE REVIEW 81 Recent Reviews and Studies on the Current ELT in Vietnam‘s Educational System in General 81 Lack of English Teachers .81 Big Class Size 81 Low Educational Cost, Low Tuition Fee, Teacher‘s Low Remuneration, and Low Quality Teaching and Learning .82 Students‘ Low Entrance English Level 82 Limited Length of Time for English Learning 83 The Interplay between Students‘ Level of English and Class Time 83 Students‘ Heterogeneous English Levels .83 Foci in English Learning and Teaching 84 Foci in English Assessment 84 Waste of Time, Money, and Efforts in English Learning and Teaching .84 Time for English Learning .84 Percentage of Students Who Meet the Required Level of English Communication .85 Overview of Research-based studies 85 Separate Research-based Studies 86 Han‘s (2007) Study Hawkey‘s (2006) Study Littlewood‘s (2001) Study Wu‘s (1995) Study Lai‘s (1994) Study Kumar‘s (1992) Study Summary 96 IV ENGLISH TEACHING PRACTICES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS 98 General Observations 98 Classroom Interaction 98 Participation organization .98 Interactive styles 100 Teacher questions 100 Teacher-student interaction .101 ix Interaction time .102 Time distribution for all activities 104 The Relationship between teacher talk time and the number of teacher questions 104 The relationship among the number of teacher questions, wait time, and the number of teacher questions answered by the students .105 Teacher‘s giving answers to her own questions in relation to wait time 105 Teaching Methods 106 Teaching styles 106 Use of the mother tongue 107 Analysis 108 Time Constraint and Class Size 109 Seating Arrangements in Relation to Class Size 112 Teaching Content in Relation to Time Constraint .114 Students‘ Levels of English and Target Objectives in the English Programs .122 Teacher Evaluation System 127 Cultural Factors 132 Students‘ Preference in Teacher-student Interaction 135 Technical Support 136 Challenges Which Brought out Solutions 137 Teacher Cognition 145 Summary 146 V CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 147 Conclusions 147 The Conditions Which Had Impacts on the Teacher‘s Teaching Practices 147 Gains from the Present Study 155 Summary 158 Implications 159 Language Research Area .159 Teaching-learning Practice 159 Vietnamese Educators and Administrators 161 Development of the English Language in Vietnam .162 Recommendations 164 REFERENCES 166 FOOTNOTES 176 APPENDICES 178 x ABBREVIATIONS AFTA : Asia Free Trade Area ALTE : The Association of Language Testers of Europe APEC : Asia Pacific Economic Group ASEAN : Association of South East Asia Nations BANA : Britain, Australasia, an North America CEF : Common European Framework CLT : Communicative Language Teaching COLT : Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching COMECON : Communist Economic Trading Block DRV : Democratic Republic of Vietnam EFL : English as a Foreign Language ELT : English Language Teaching ESL : English as a Second Language ESP : English for Specific Purposes ETS : Educational Testing Service HCMC : Ho Chi Minh City IELTS : International English Language Testing System MOET : Ministry of Education and Training TESEP : Tertiary, secondary, and primary English language education in the countries, not including BANA TESOL : Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEIC : Test of English for International Communication UEF : University of Economics and Finance, Ho Chi Minh City UEH : University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City xi DEFINITION OF TERMS Behavior is any activity of an organism that can be either directly or indirectly observed (Powell et al., 2002, p 3) Classroom behavior refers to teachers‘ and/ or students‘ observable activities Classroom observation refers to a set of related procedures for gathering data in the classroom Context is defined as a national and/ or institutional setting that is comprised of elements such as educational policies, styles of management, classroom settings, curricula, syllabi, teachers, and students General pedagogical knowledge denotes general knowledge about teaching, including beliefs and skills related to general principles of curriculum and instruction, learners and learning, and classroom management (Shulman, 1986) Impact is the effect of something on something else (Hornby, 2005) Input refers to the language that is addressed to the L2 learner (Gebhard & Oprandy, 1991, p 53) Interaction consists of the discourse jointly constructed by the learner and his interlocutors (Philippson & Skutnabb-Kangas, 1996) Language policy is a broad, overarching term for decisions on rights and access to language (Gebhard & Oprandy, 1999, p 38) Overt behavior is behavior being directly observed by an individual other than the one performing the behavior (Powell et al., 2002, (p 48) Participant observer is the one who plans to be involved with a class The action of the participant observer is added to a video or audio recording of a class in order to elicit xii verbal commentaries about the cognitions which are typically thoughts or decisionmaking processes (Borg, 2006, 209; Nunan & Bailey, 2009, p 259) Participation refers to taking part in an observable activity Question asking is defined as one of the basic ways by which the teacher stimulates student thinking and learning (Gall, 1970, p 707) Rephrasing in the present study refers to using different syntactic structures to provide comprehensible input to language learners Semi-structured interviews are open-ended and less rigid than structured interviews, thus providing much greater flexibility to the researcher (Allwright & Bailey, 1991, p 62; Burns, 1999, pp 120 – 121) Stimulated recall interview, as the name suggests, is a procedure by which a researcher stimulates the recollection by a participant of an event This is done by having that person review data collected during the event (Nunan & Bailey, 2009, p 259) Teacher cognition is an unobservable cognitive dimension of teaching, which includes what teachers think, know, and believe It is reflected in teachers‘ decision making (Borg, 2003, 2006) Teaching practices refer to teachers‘ application of teaching strategies, teaching techniques, or teaching methods Transcripts are written records of interaction wherein one can read the researcher‘s verbatim notation of information (Wu, 1995) C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 256 T: Undergraduate students Do you agree? (#2‘) (145) (wt=1) No What was the controlling idea? (#3‘) (146) (wt=2) S: Several reasons T: Several reasons Very good Several reasons that undergraduate students should not study away from home (CD1, 01: 16: 40) T: Are there any irrelevant sentences? (#6‘) (DVD 1:17:00) (Q147) (wt=5) Can you find any irrelevant sentences? (Q148) (wt=0) Do you think that the paragraph was unified? (#5‘) (Q149) (CD1, 01: 17: 10) (wt=3) Có quán, ý quán hết, không em? (Unity, all unity, right?) Is there unity there or good unity? (Q150) (wt=4) Are there any irrelevant sentences? (Q151) (wt=0) What you think? (#3‘) (Q152) (wt=14) Come on! (#13‘) (CD1, 01: 17: 40) S: Đâu có quán đâu? (Not unified at all.) T: OK, đâu có quán đâu Ok, chỗ nào? (Not unified at all Ok, so where is not unified? (Q153)) (wt=0) Which sentence? (Q154) (wt=0) S: XXX (01:17:55—01:17:56=1) T: Say it again S: XXX (01:17:57-01:17:58=1) T: (Q147) Display/ open (Q148) Referential, Rephrasing/ closed (Q149) Display, Probing/ open (Q150) Display/ open (Q151) Display, Repetition/ open (Q152) Display, Probing/ open (Q153) Display, Probing/ open (Q154) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s response (2‘) (Q155) Display, Repetition/ open (Q156) Display, Probing/ open (Q157) Display, Probing/ open (Q158) Display, Repetition/ open (Q159) Display, Probing/ open T: Come on! Are there any irrelevant sentence? (1:26:00) (Q155) (wt=0) Do you think that this paragraph has unity? (#4‘)(CD1, 01:19:14) (Q156) (wt=4) Ok T: Do you think it‘s easy to understand? (Q157) (wt=1) Is it easy to understand? (Q158) (wt=2) Yes or no? (Q159) (wt=0) The writer says there are several reasons Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 257 UEF-SESSION (24 questions) T T S T S T S T The Quick Speak was about the lecture we have already listened Do you remember what the lecture was about? (DVD, 00:04:40) (Q1) (wt=1) Yes, it‘s about ? (Q2) (wt=4) S: Differences T: Very good Differences? (Q3 ) (wt=3) Between? Come on! What‘s the lecture about, remember? (Q4) (wt=2) Working hours Working hours, Okay, working habits Pleasure time Leisure time LEISURE TIME Leisure time in ?(2‘) (Q5) (wt=2) In the U.S and in Europe (2‘) I Europe Very good Well-done I‘m very happy (1) Display/ open T: What‘s the reading about? (Q6) (wt=1) What‘s the name of the article? (Q7) (wt=0) Class: (silent) T: What‘s the name of the article? (Q8) (wt=2) T: come on T: What are you going to learn today? (Q9) (wt=0) You are going to read, going to to look at the answer…… What‘s the article? (Q10) (wt=0) What‘s the title of the article? (Q11) (wt=1) S: The money T: The money (pause)? (Q12) (wt=0) (Q6) Display/ open (Q7) Display, Rephrasing/ open (Q8) Display, Repetition/ open (Q9) Display, Probing/ open (Q10) Display, Repetition/ open (Q11) Display, Probing/ open (using synonym) – S‘s response (Q12) Display, Probing/ open (Q13) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s response (Q2) Display, probing/ open – S‘s response (Q3) Display, probing/ open (Q4) Display, Repetition/ open – S‘s response (2 responses) (Q5) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s response (Long) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 258 The money? (Q13) (wt=1) S: Move T: The money move, very good T S T S T S T S T T S T S T This is the first reason The second reason for the difference? What is the second reason? (Q14) (00:40:55) (wt=1) Xxx (inaudible) (40:57—41:00) (Long response) American work place, you see American work place and the work place in Europe are very different Now tell me more about American and European workplace Xxx (inaudible) (41:15—41:19 = 4) (long response) Very good In America, less job security, and….? (Q15) (wt=1) No competition There‘s no competition There‘s no….(inaudible) (long response) (2‘) Less job security, tell me What is it? (Q16) (wt=4) S: xxxx T: Less job security means? (Q17) (wt=1) Xxx (inaudible) (Long response) (5‘) (42:09—42:15=6) Very good….you can So how does it affect ? (Q18) (wt=0) More competition, less job security How can affect American workplace? (inaudible)? (Q19) (wt=2) They work harder They have to work harder, harder They even have to? (Q20) (wt=0) (Q14) Display/ open – S‘s long response S‘s long response (Q15) Display, probing/ open – S‘s response S‘s long response (Q16) Display/ open (Q17) Display, Rephrasing/ open – S‘s long response (Q18) Display/ open (Q19) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s response (Q20) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s long response Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 259 S T Xxx (inaudible) (long response) (43:52—43:56 = 4) ….Americans work harder? (Q21) (wt=1) S Xxx (inaudible) (long response) (44:33—44:35 = 2) T The first reason? (Q22) (wt=1) The first reason…? Tell me again (Q23) (wt=1) S T Xxx (inaudible) (long response) (4‘) (45:09 – 45:11): Long response Different attitudes Different attitudes towards working hours and leisure time The second reason? (Q24) (wt=3) (inaudible) (short answer) (1‘) American workplace, and European workplace S T (Q21) Display, Probing/ open – S‘s long response (Q22) Display/ open (Q23) Display, Repetition/ open – S‘s long response (Q24) Display, probing/ open – S‘s short response Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 260 UEF-SESSION (23 questions) Activity 1: FLUENCY – ―Self-employment‖ T Can you explain this term, ―self-employment‖? (00:02: 50) (Q1) (wt=0) Ss (silent) T Are there any words, any other terms you remember which also mean ―self-employment‖? (Q2) (wt=2) Other words? (Q3) (wt=0) Come on! What is it, ―Self-employment‖, what is it? (7‘) (Q4) (wt=6) Ss (silent) T What is it ―self-employment‖? (Q5) (wt=1) Use your own words Try to explain It is better to give me some examples of ―selfemployment‖ (Silent) Ss T Come on! Come on! Don‘t be shy What? (2‘) (Q6) (wt=2) What is it? (Q7) (wt=0) What is ―self-employment‖? (Q8) (wt=1) S Xxx (inaudible) your own business (long response – 5‘) (03:38—03:43 = 5) T Yes, doing your own business, setting up your own business OK? (3‘) Give me one example of ―self-employment‖ (3‘) S (silent) T Setting up your own business (6‘) Xxx (inaudible) Tell me one example of ―self-employment‖ (7‘) Now (4‘) People who work for OK If I‘m working for the UEF, Do you think I‘m working for myself? (4‘) (00:04:41) (Q9) (wt=5) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd (1) Referential/ closed (2) Display, Probing/ open (3) Display, Probing/ open (4) Display, Probing/ open (5) Display, Repetition/ open (6) Display, Repetition/ open (7) Display, Repetition/ open (8) Display, Repetition/ open (9) Referential/ closed (10) Referential, Rephrasing/ closed – T‘s response (11) Referential, Rephrasing/ closed C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 261 Do you think this was an example of ―self-employment‖? (2‘) (Q10) (wt=1) Yes? (Q11) (wt=1) I‘m employed by the University My employer was UEF Do you think I .my job was an example of ―self-employment?‖ (3‘) (Q11) (wt=3) No, my employer was UEF (2‘) This university was not mine I‘m working, working to earn money (2‘) The University employs me In return, I get income I get salary (3‘) I have a job, and work for the university My job was not an example of self-employment Okay Someone else here get his/ her own shop And this person‘s managing the shop And this person employs other people to help him with his shop (1‘) What kind of work you think is self-employment? (Q12) (wt=0) What is it? (Q13) (wt=1) S T IT IT? What you mean by ―IT‖? (2‘) (Q14) (wt=3 Now, does someone else have his/ her own shop? (1‘) (Q15) (wt=1) Was he/ she managing the shop? (Q16) (wt=1) And he/ she also employs more people, some people to help him Ok So you think this person is an example of self-employment? (Q17) (wt=1) Yes This person is working for himself He‘s working for himself and also for herself OK Do you think self-employment is very common now? (2‘) (Q18) (wt=1) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd (12) Display, Probing/ open (13) Display, Repetition/ open – S‘s response (14) Display/ open (15) Display/ open (Q16) Display, Probing/ open (Q17) Referential/ closed – T‘s response (Q18) Display/ open (Q19) Display, Repetition/ open (Q20) Display, Rephrasing/ open – T‘s response C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 262 Is it common? (Q19) (wt=1) Are there many people are self-employment now in Vietnam? (Q20) (wt=0) Yes, there are A lot OK, because there are many many reasons people set up their own business There are many reasons why they have their own shops There are many reasons why some teachers set up their own schools Think about the reason why there must be some advantages of working for for yourself OK Now, let‘s talk about self-employment Talk about the reason why people work for themselves Why there are many many people setting up their own business, Setting up their own schools, Opening their own shops Think about the advantages We can find the main reasons for self-employment (00:08:20) Actually, in Vietnam, there are many many It‘s growing OK OK Talk about advantages of ―self-employment‖ Talk about ―reasons‖ and also ―disadvantages‖ Talk about ―self-employment‖, working for him OK (00:09:22) T Now, can you work in pairs, please? Pair up with your partner Someone next to you Start talking Come on! Find two reasons for self-employment (09:23) Work for minutes Work together T Now, let‘s talk about disadvantages of working for yourself (00:24:55) There are many benefits from working for yourself, but having y our own business, having your own shop is not easy to make money There are some disadvantages of working for yourself Now think about it Work together Work together Share your ideas Now, come on! I‘d like you to turn around and talk to your friends (00:25:46) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 263 T Any disadvantages of self-employment? (24‘) (00:38:00 – 00:38:04) (Q21) (wt=2) Any volunteers? Are you ready? Come one! Come on! (21) Display/ open T Do you think you like to work for yourself? (00:40:45) (Q22) (wt=0) Yes? Prepare for that Working for more than 10 hours a day Why? (Q23) (wt= 0) Because of the composition of (inaudible) (22) Referential/ closed (23) Display, probing/ open – T‘s response ACTIVITY 2: ―Voodoo Expense‖ (Language Task Booklet, pp 42 – 43) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 268 APPENDIX 4E Code-switching (culled from McArthur, 1996, p 211) Code-switching emphasizes movement from one language to another There are four major types of switching: Type Definition Tag-switching: Tags and certain set phrases in one language are inserted into an utterance otherwise in another Intra-sentential switching Switches occur within a clause or sentence boundary Intersentential switching A change of language occurs at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or the other Intra-word switching A change occurs within a word boundary Example A Panjai/ English bilingual says: It‘s a nice day, hana? (hana = isnt‘ it?) A Yoruba/ English says: Won o arrest a single person (=They did not) A Spanish/ English bilingual says: Sometimes I‘ll start a sentence in English y termino en espanol (=and finish it in Spanish) Shoppa (Shop – English) (a – Panjabi plural ending) Kuenjoy (Ku – ―to‖ in Swahili) (enjoy – English) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 269 CODE-SWITCHING UEH Session Time Tape script T: ―Vi ba gì?‖, anyone? (Q28) (What is “vi ba”?, anyone?) T: Is this a place where you can buy and sell a product, a microwave oven? (Q77) Phải không em? Từ ―target market‖ gì? (Q78) (What is “target market”?) Listening activity: Thay sửa đáp án, đề nghị em làm Nhìn vào audio script đằng sau, sửa câu trả lời Rồi em làm em (Instead that I give you answers, I suggest that you this: Look at the audio script at the back of the book, and correct your answers Now let’s it.) T: Can you find ―useful language‖ box on page 56? (Q84) Cả lớp có tìm thấy phần chưa? (Class….have you found that part?) Types of code-switching Intra-sentential Use of L1 when giving instruction T: Bây làm hai việc (Now we are doing two things.) Việc việc em? (What are they?) Việc việc em? (Whaty are they?) Nghe, nghe lại nói chuyện (Listen Listen to that talk.) Việc thứ hai làm nữa? (What is the second thing?) Đánh vào, tick vào tát cái, nhóm từ, câu hỏi nghe (Put a tick for phrases, questions you have heard.) Intersentential Use of L1 when giving instruction Translation for instruction Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 270 UEH - Session (No Vietnamese used) UEH – Session Extract Tape script T: How many syllables? (Q12) Cả lớp, có âm tiết? (Q13) (Class, how many syllables?) T: Now look at the example, 1, 2, 3, and say the word after me All of you ―Thought.‖ Class: (silent) T: Cả lớp, lập lại theo cô ―Thought‖ (Class, repeat after me.) T: Cố gắng Một điểm yếu em nói ít, khơng chịu cố gắng nói Thấy chưa? Cố gắng Cố gắng them lớp (Please try One of your weaknesses was to speak very little, not trying to speak You see? Try more Try more, class.) T: Các em ngồi viết không đâu Nói cho bạn nghe Mình nói bạn nghe, bạn nói nghe (Don’t just sitt writing Speak to your friends, your friends speak to you .) T: What‘s the reading about? (Q14) Bài nói em? (What is this reading about?) T: Cô bảo em không đọc Không đọc Chưa đọc Chưa đọc (I have told you not to read Don’t read Don’t read yet.) T: Cả lớp, just think (Class, just think.) Types of code-switching Translation – explaining a word Translation Use of L1 when giving instruction Use of L1 when giving instruction Translation Use of L1 when giving instruction Intra-sentential Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 271 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 T: You know the word ―order‖? (Q26) Chúng ta học (We have studied this lesson.) T: ―Mail‖ What is it? (Q28) Các em biết từ ―email‖ rồi, không? (You all know the word “email”, right?) Inter-sentential Email từ ―e‖ cộng với từ ―mail‖, ―electric mail‖, ―electric mail‖, thư điện tử (“Email” is made up of “e” and “mail”, “electric mail”, “electric mail”.) T: Do they make goods? (Q37) Họ có sản xuất, sảm phẩm, họ có bán sảm phẩm khơng? (Do they make goods, products?) Are they manufacturing in a factory? Họ có phải nhà sản xuất bán sản phẩm không em? (Do they manufacture products?) Họ có bán sản phẩm không? (Do they sell products?) T: Mail order business Cơ vừa nói xong ―đơn đặt hàng‖ (I have just said, “order business.”) T: Do they sell goods? (Q45) Có khơng em? (Yes?) T: Do they have shops? (Q48) Nếu bán hàng, phải có cửa hàng (If selling goods, we have to have shops.) T: Nếu em khơng mua hàng hóa, em có cách để mua gián tiếp khơng? (Q51 – Q65) (If you can’t buy products, you have any ways to buy products indirectly?) T: First step No Bước phải làm gì? Intra-sentential Inter-sentential Translation Translation Translation – a business term Inter-sentential Inter-sentential Use of L1 when giving instruction/ explaining Translation – giving instruction Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 272 (What we đo in the first step?) Reading instruction carefully Read the questions And .để làm gì? (for what?) Read the instructions (right.) Bước Ba em làm gì? (What you in the third step?) Inter-sentential – giving instruction Use of L1 when giving explanation Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an 273 UEF – Session Extract Tape script T: Anyone can find the meaning of ―unity‖ is (Q104) S: Đọc, thống (Reading, unity) T: Thống nhất, quán, (Unity, unity, right.) T: What…? Ideas fit together very well, very well (Q131) Các câu phải quán với (All sentences must be unified.) Nó phải lien quan trực tiếp, quán với (They must be directly relevant, unified.) T: By using transition, chưa? (right?) T: Đơn giản không em? Đọc vô hiểu liền Đọc khơng trơi chảy khơng hiểu Đó vấn đề techniques (So simple? Easy to understand immediately When you read, you don’t understand, it means that it’s not coherent That’s due to techniques.) T: Do you think that the paragraph was unified? Có quán, ý quán hết, không em? (Is there unity there, right?) T: Đâu có quán đâu (Not unified at all.) OK Đâu có quán đâu OK, chỗ nào? Which sentences? (OK No unified OK So where is it unified? Which sentences?) Types of code-switching Translation – explaining a concept Translation - explaining a concept Tag-switching Use of L1 when giving explanation Intra-sentential Translation – explaining a concept Use of L1 when giving instruction Inter-sentential UEF – Sessions & (No Vietnamese used) Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2023, 03:01