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Doctoral Dissertation Geographical Study on Migration Related to The Fukushima Nuclear Accident DO Xuan Bien Department of Geography, Graduate School of Letters Hiroshima University Hiroshima University Phoenix Leader Education Program (Hiroshima Initiative) for the Renaissance from Radiation Disaster Radioactivity Social Recovery Course May 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY 1 Research background Research objectives and research questions Literature review 1) Migration decision and factors that shape migration decision 2) Migration destination and how people decide migration destination 3) Return migration after disaster 10 4) Research framework 14 Research methodology 17 Definitions of key terms and the scope of the research 24 Research limitations 27 Dissertation outline 28 CHAPTER 2: THE ACCIDENT AT THE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AND OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY AREA 23 Introduction 23 Overview of the Fukushima nuclear accident 23 1) Chronological sequences of the nuclear accident 23 2) Damages caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident 33 3) Responses to the Fukushima nuclear accident 39 Overview of the research location 52 1) Overview of Fukushima prefecture 52 2) Overview of Minamisoma city 54 Concluding remarks 58 CHAPTER 3: DEMOGRAPHIC IMPACTS OF THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT AND THE MOTIVATION OF POPULATION MIGRATION 60 Introduction 60 Demographic changes in Fukushima prefecture before and after the nuclear accident 60 1) Fukushima nuclear accident evacuation 61 2) Demographic changes in Fukushima Prefecture 61 Demographic impacts in nuclear disaster-affected area: case of Minamisoma City i 64 1) Evacuation 65 2) Demographic changes after the nuclear accident 66 Motivations of migration 70 1) Out-migration and its influencing factors 71 2) In-migration and its influencing factors 75 Discussions and concluding remarks 83 CHAPTER 4: GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EVACUATION RELATED TO THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: A CASE STUDY OF MINAMISOMA CITY 85 Introduction 85 Temporal-spatial patterns of evacuation 86 1) Overall temporal-spatial patterns 86 2) Furthest evacuation location and evacuation location stayed at longest 90 Reasons for selecting evacuation destination 93 Factors that influence the selection of evacuation destinations 94 1) Fear of radiation and evacuation distance 95 2) Demographic characteristics of evacuees and evacuation distance 96 Discussions and concluding remarks 106 1) Spatial features of evacuation associated with the accident 106 2) Reasons for evacuation destination selection 107 3) Socio-demographic characteristics of evacuees and the evacuation destinations 108 CHAPTER 5: RETURN MIGRATION TO MINAMISOMA CITY AFTER THE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT 110 Introduction 110 Policy related to return migration and the status of return migration after the Fukushima nuclear accident 110 1) Prerequisites for the return of evacuees 111 2) Lifting of evacuation orders 112 3) Terminating of compensation and housing subsidy 114 4) Progress of return migration 115 Reasons to return 116 1) Home attachment 116 ii 2) Job attachment 117 3) Reuniting with family 117 4) Job and business opportunities 118 5) Perception of radiation safety 118 Factors influence the return migration 118 1) Institutional factors 119 2) Individual factors 123 Discussions and concluding remarks 130 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS 133 Summary of the research outcomes 133 1) Demographic impact of the nuclear accident 133 2) Temporal-spatial patterns of the nuclear accident evacuation 133 3) Reasons for evacuation destination selection 134 4) Return migration after the nuclear accident 135 Differences between geographical patterns of the Fukushima nuclear accident migration and other types of disaster migration 137 Recommendations for future research 139 REFERENCES 141 ACKOWLEDGEMENTS 156 SUMMARY 157 iii LIST OF FIGURES Page 15 Figure 1: Research framework Figure 2: Research method chart 17 Figure 3: Map of the Earthquake on March 11, 2011 31 Figure 4: Map of radiation air dose on April 29, 2011 34 Figure 5: Radioactive monitoring results of marine fishery products in Fukushima prefecture 37 Figure 6: Map of evacuation zone in August 2011 41 Figure 7: Roadmap of the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP 47 Figure 8: Decontamination areas 48 Figure 9: Decontamination progress in the Special Decontamination Area as of April 2017 49 Figure 10: Map of Fukushima prefecture 52 Figure 11: Average temperature of Fukushima prefecture 53 Figure 12: Population in March 2011 and proportion of evacuated population of evacuation zone 55 Figure 13: Minamisoma city with tsunami affected and nuclear accident evacuation zone 56 Figure 14: Monthly average temperature of Minamisoma city 57 Figure 15: Population growth rate (%) of Fukushima prefecture from 2000-2016 62 Figure 16: Migration patters of Fukushima 2000-2016 63 Figure 17: Population changes in Fukushima prefecture, 2011-2015 65 Figure 18: Population pyramid of Minamisoma city in March 2011 and December 2015 67 Figure 19: Population pyramid of Odaka district in March 2011 and September 2017 68 Figure 20: Population pyramid of Haramachi district in March 2011 and September 2017 69 Figure 21: Population pyramid of Kashima district in March 2011 and September 2017 70 Figure 22: Map of out-migrant destinations in February 2016 72 Figure 23: Map of immigrant origins 77 Figure 24: Spatial distribution of respondents 87 Figure 25: Average evacuation distance of respondents 88 Figure 26a: Distribution of respondents in March 2011 89 Figure 26b: Distribution of respondents in March 2016 89 Figure 27: Locations that perceived safe from radiation by respondents 92 Figure 28: Temporal-spatial distribution of evacuees by perception of radiation risk 95 Figure 29: Temporal-spatial distribution of evacuees by gender 97 Figure 30: Temporal-spatial distribution of evacuees by ages 98 Figure 31: Temporal-spatial distribution of evacuees by having young children 100 iv Figure 32: Spatial distribution of evacuees by occupation 101 Figure 33: Evacuation zone in August 2013 (a) and April 2017 (b) 114 Figure 34: Number of evacuees from Fukushima prefecture 2011-2017 115 Figure 35: Number of evacuees from Fukushima prefecture, dates evacuation orders were lifted, and dates compensation and housing subsidies were terminated 120 Figure 36: Evacuees from Minamisoma city 2011-2017 121 Figure 37: Return status referring to evacuees' occupation 129 Figure 36: Return status and having young children 130 v LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Characteristics of the surveyed respondents Page 20 Table 2: Characteristics of informants (returnees) 22 Table 3: Characteristics of informants (immigrants) 23 Table 4: Chronology of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident 32 Table 5: Estimates of amounts of radioactive materials released from Fukushima Daiichi NPP into the atmosphere from March 12-31, 2011 (PBq) 35 Table 6: The impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on agriculture in evacuation areas 38 Table 7: Sequences of evacuation orders 40 Table 8: Basic definition of evacuation areas on August 3, 2011 41 Table 9: Basic definition of evacuation areas since March 30, 2012 42 Table 10: Number of evacuees from the evacuation zone in August 2011 43 Table 11: Summary of compensation for damage caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident 45 Table 12: Population growth rate of Fukushima Prefecture, 1980-2015 62 Table 13: Distribution of workforce by industries in Fukushima Prefecture 63 Table 14: In-migration and out-migration of Fukushima Prefecture, 2008-2013 63 Table 15: Cumulative numbers of evacuees and out-migrants of Minamisoma city since March 2011 66 Table 16: Distribution of workforce by industry in Minamisoma city 68 Table 17: Cumulative outward migration from Minamisoma city from March 2011 to February 2016 71 Table 18: Reasons for out-migration 73 Table 19: Migration reasons by age of migrants 74 Table 20: Migration reasons by migration destinations 75 Table 21: Cumulative inward migration to Minamisoma city from March 2011 to November 76 2016 Table 22: Number of evacuees from Minamisoma city 87 Table 23: Spatial distribution of evacuation location 91 Table 24: Time of moving to the furthest evacuation location and the location stayed at longest 92 Table 25: Reasons for selecting evacuation location 93 Table 26: Evacuation distances of evacuees according to fear expressed about radiation 96 Table 27: Evacuation distances of evacuees by gender 97 Table 28: Evacuation distances of evacuees by age 99 Table 29: Evacuation distances of evacuees by having young children 100 vi Table 30: Evacuation distances by evacuees’ occupation 102 Table 31: Evacuation distances of evacuees by educational level 103 Table 32: Evacuation distances of evacuees by the location of origin 104 Table 33: Evacuation distances of evacuees by economic status 105 Table 34: Prerequisites to return displaced people 111 Table 35: Lifting of evacuation orders in Fukushima nuclear accident-affected areas 113 Table 36: Reasons for return 116 Table 37: Return rate of residents from the evacuation zone after evacuation orders lifted 121 Table 38: Reasons for not returning to one’s home location 124 Table 39: Comparisons of characteristics between natural disasters and the Fukushima nuclear accident 138 vii Chapter CHAPTER INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Research background On March 11, 2011, at 2:46 pm, a giant earthquake of magnitude 9.0 occurred with the epicenter at 130 km off the Pacific coast of the Tohoku region, Japan and the hypocenter at 24 km of the crust (Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), 2011) The strong quake triggered powerful tsunamis, which hit the Japan east coast within an hour According to a report of the Japan National Police in March 2018, over 15,895 people were killed, and over 2,539 people are still missing by the compound disaster (National Police Agency of Japan, 2018) The tsunami damaged the cooling system of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which led to a series of meltdown and explosions at three out of four reactors of the plant As a consequence, a massive amount of radioactive substances was released into the air The nuclear disaster caused huge damage environmentally and socioeconomically (National Diet of Japan, 2012) After seven years, the signs of recovery can be seen in many of the affected areas but the disaster still impacts many aspects of society and may last further in the next several decades (Yamakawa & Yamamoto, 2017) The Fukushima nuclear disaster caused substantial environmental damages It even caused severer social impacts in municipalities surrounding the nuclear power plant when people's livelihoods were suspended, children's education was interrupted, communities' cohesion was collapsed, many families were separated, and hundred thousands of people were displaced Statistical data of Fukushima Prefecture (2017) shows that as of May 2012, about 164,000 evacuees, both mandatory and voluntary, moved to different places in all 47 prefectures in Japan Unplanned and unexpected long evacuation also shapes the features of population displacement Many just got in their car or got on the evacuation buses arranged by local government and moved away without bringing any belongings (Isoda, 2011b) Many people have moved several times to different places without knowing when they could return home (Fukushima on the Globe, 2013; Ishikawa, 2012) Evacuees experienced lives of disaster refugees with substantial hardship, particularly in searching for accommodation, a school for children, family separation, and physical and mental health problems (International Displacement Monitoring Centre, 2017) Many people had to rely on their friends or relatives in the early stage of the evacuation, and thousands of people then decided to move to temporary housings when they were offered months after the disaster, others chose to stay in public housings or rental accommodation or even bought a new house for long-term displacement (Ishikawa, 2012) Some have faced difficulty in adapting to the new living environment and communities in evacuation destinations, and some even felt they were discriminated The population displacement has caused significant demographic impacts at the affected areas The National Census 2015 reveals that Fukushima prefecture's population decreased by 5.7% in C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an Chapter 2015 compared to that of 2010, the second largest population reduction rate nationwide (Fukushima Prefectural Office, 2015) Twelve municipalities in the evacuation zone experienced both severe depopulation and significant acceleration in aging population because of the increased flow of outmigration (predominantly by young people) Some municipalities are still without residents because the evacuation orders have not been lifted Besides the out-migration, there is also a flow of immigrants to the affected areas although the scales and the demographic composition are different from the emigration In contrast, five municipalities in Fukushima prefecture experienced a population increase at the same period due to the migration of people from affected municipalities A variety of measures have been undertaken by the Japanese government to revitalize the nuclear disaster-affected areas (NRA, 2013) Huge decontamination work has been done to reduce the radiation levels Infrastructure and social services were also considerably reconstructed Many business initiatives to recover the economy and to generate more job opportunities in previous evacuation areas have been facilitated Owning to these efforts the Japanese government has gradually lifted evacuation orders in evacuation zones, labeling those areas "safe from radiation" and implementing sufficient social services and facilities for the return of people (NRA, 2013) However, as of February 2017, despite about 85,000 people have returned, nearly 80,000 people still remain evacuated Most returnees are voluntary evacuees from outside the mandatory evacuation areas In fact, the process of returning is very slow in previous mandatory evacuation areas The observed small proportion of young returnees causes labor shortage and hinders the rehabilitation of the affected areas (Higuchi et al., 2012) The stigma associated with radioactive contamination is still intangible damage that affects businesses and agriculture (Norito, 2017) Besides the considerable concerns about low dose radiation exposure, the evacuees also wish better schools and healthcare facilities as well as better social amenities for returning The relationship between the revitalization of social services and facilities and the return of people possibly is a vicious circle The understanding of the mechanism of the migration caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident is necessary regarding both academic and policy-making domains, especially policies related to the reconstruction of the disaster-affected areas After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the displacement of a population has been researched by some studies The demographic impacts of the nuclear accident evacuation; an accelerated depopulation and aging population have been observed in the Tohoku region, especially the Fukushima prefecture The spatial distribution of evacuees has also been investigated by Ishikawa (2012) and Oda (2012) mainly through statistical analysis Additionally, Isoda (2011) examined the differences in evacuation patterns between different groups of evacuees based on their age and gender Horikawa (2017) used ethnographic narratives to explore the main causes of family and community division following the nuclear accident and focused on different perspectives on the risk of radiation exposure among different social groups In their studies of evacuation behavior, Song et al (2013) also attempted to identify possible routes of evacuation Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor GOTO Hideaki, the primary supervisor of this research for his valuable time and supports through out all phases of this research The practical discussion with him, and his constructive feedbacks are very important for the completion of my PhD dissertation I would like also to express my special appreciation to Professor TOMOZAWA Kazuo who was the academic supervisor at the beginning and then a co-supervisor of my study Professor TOMOZAWA is often the person I seek for consultation in different issues of my research His academic advices and encouragement greatly helped me to complete this research I am thankful to professor MIURA Massayuki, professor OKAHASHI Hidenori, and professor OUMURA Koji for providing valuable comments and useful recommendation on my research via the advice seminars of the Department of Geography, Hiroshima University I would also like to acknowledge Mr FUJIWARA Nakayuki from the Minamisoma City Office for providing statistical data and effective assistance in administrating the questionnaire survey I am grateful to Mr YAMASHIRO Masaaki and Ms TSUBOI Maki for their effective help during my research fieldwork in Minamisoma City from October 2015 to February 2017 This research was financially supported by the Hiroshima University Phoenix Leader Education Program (Hiroshima Initiative) for the Renaissance from Radiation Disaster and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology Without this support, it is unlikely that this research can be conducted Lastly, I am endlessly grateful to my parents, my wife VUU Ngoc Huyen Tram, my children DO Trong Nhan, DO Ngoc Thanh Van for their unconditional supports and sacrifice during my year-PhD study in Japan Their love and inspiration motivated me to overcome many difficulties and to complete my study 156 Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an SUMMARY The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triggered a massive evacuation of about 164,000 from the government designated evacuation zone and its adjacent areas People have moved to different destinations with different temporal-spatial patterns The population displacement has caused significant demographic impacts at the disaster-affected areas, particularly the disrupted population decline and the increasing aging population The demographic changes then accelerate labor shortage in the affected municipalities Thanks to the extensive decontamination and rehabilitation efforts, the Japanese government has gradually lifted the evacuation orders Seven years after the disaster, evacuation orders have been lifted in most areas of the evacuation zone The lifting of evacuation orders allowed tens of thousands of people to return However, as of December 2017, about 60,000 people still remain evacuated Although previous studies have examined various aspects of the population movement caused by the nuclear disaster, little has been known about geographical features of the disaster migration, particularly the temporal-spatial features of the evacuation as well as return migration The overall aim of this dissertation is to examine the geographical features of migration caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident, focusing on four primary objectives First, the research explores the demographic impacts of the nuclear accident in the affected areas by examining the changes in demographic characteristics before and after the accident Second, the research examines the temporal-spatial features of the migration due to the nuclear accident and the factors that influence the migration decisions of people from the affected areas Third, this study discusses the return progress and identifies the impacts of institutional factors and the socio-demographic characteristics of evacuees on the return migration Finally, the research elucidates the geographical features of the Fukushima nuclear accident migration by aligning it with existing migration theories and comparing it with the geographical features of other forms of disaster migration This research selected Minamisoma City as the research location because the city was heavily affected by earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident on March 11, 2011 Minamisoma City has the largest number of evacuees among twelve affected municipalities It also shares the majority of primary geographical and demographical features with other affected municipalities such as spanning in different evacuation areas including areas where residents were forced to evacuate and location that people evacuated voluntarily This city had all the attributes required to be the best location for this research This research adopted the mixed research approach, consisting of quantitative and qualitative research methods The author firstly collected and analyzed secondary data including the statistical data about demography and evacuees to capture the general picture of the population movement after the Fukushima nuclear disaster The statistical data about population and evacuees is also used to analyze the demographic impacts of the nuclear disaster, the spatial distribution of the evacuation, and Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd 157 C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an the progress of return Also, to show the impacts between different institutional interventions on the return migration, the researcher analyzed the statistical data about the evacuees to see the changes in return flow after each lifting of evacuation orders, the terminating of compensation and housing subsidies Statistical data is collected from the National Census, Fukushima Prefectural Office, and Minamisoma City Office In addition to statistical data analysis, a questionnaire survey was conducted between May and November 2016 in Minamisoma City (the research area of this study) to collect primary information from evacuees which is not available in statistical data The survey received 289 valid questionnaires from evacuees which provided information about where each evacuee moved and the reasons for selecting a specific evacuation destination The questionnaire also acquired information about characteristics of each evacuee, evacuees' perception of the radiation exposure risk, or evacuees’ perceptions regarding how well living conditions have been rehabilitated in affected areas, future intentions of migration, factors that motivate them to return or remain evacuated, and factors about which people are most concerned to return As well as the quantitative method, during fieldwork undertaken from October 2016 to November 2017, the author also conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with returnees, and 15 semistructured interviews with those who migrated to disaster-affected areas The purpose of the interviews was to grasp further detailed information that was not adequately obtained from the questionnaire survey Specifically, the interviews with returnees acquired information about the reasons for returning and returnees' assessment of living conditions at their home location after returning The responses provided further insight into what motivated evacuees to return home, the challenges those returnees currently face after returning and whether these challenges are different from the hardships perceived by those that remain evacuated The results add depth to the questionnaire data The interviews with immigrants aim to capture the primary reasons that motivated immigrants to come to the disaster-affected areas, their assessment of living conditions between Minamisoma City and their previous place of residence, difficulties they faced after moving to a new living environment and their future moving intentions This dissertation is structured in six chapters Chapter presents the research context, research questions, research aims, methods, research scope and the limitation of this study This chapter also reviews the literature related to nuclear disaster migration to elaborate the existing knowledge and the research gap in this research domain Chapter describes the occurrence of the Fukushima nuclear accident, damage caused by the accident, responses to the accident by the Japanese government, and evacuation-related policies following the accident Besides, this chapter gives an overview about the geographical, socio-economic, and demographic characteristics of the research area Chapter examines demographic changes before and after the nuclear accident regarding the population, population structure, and inflow and outflow of migration The chapter also identifies what pushes people to move out (permanently) and what motivates people from other places Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd 158 C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an Do an to migrate to nuclear disaster-afflicted areas Chapter explores the temporal-spatial patterns of the evacuation with an emphasis on evacuation distances Chapter describes the progress of return migration and discusses factors that influence the decision to return Finally, Chapter summarizes the main findings of the research and generalizes the geographical features of the Fukushima nuclear accident migration These features will be compared with the features of migration from other forms of disasters to find similarities and differences Features of the Fukushima nuclear accident migration will also be examined in light of common migration theories to explore any possible uniqueness migration caused by a nuclear accident There are four key findings from this research First, the research found that the nuclear accident has caused an increased outflow of migration, profoundly in young population due to concerns about radiation exposure and the deteriorated quality of life in the disaster-affected areas This consequently accelerated depopulation and aging population trends in disaster-affected areas, particularly in Minamisoma City Although there is also an in-flow of migration driven by a high labor demand related to the intensive decontamination and reconstruction work, and the sense of supporting disaster-stricken areas, it seems more temporary and much smaller in scale compared to the outflow of migration This suggests the aging population and labor shortages in disaster-affected areas will be prolonged Second, the study also found that evacuees have increased their evacuation distance from the nuclear power plant and reached their furthest evacuation destinations shortly after the accident due to the fear of radiation exposure Evacuees whose home location was in the restricted areas, those engaged in a permanent job, and those who had young children at the time of the nuclear accident tended to evacuate shorter distances Choosing an evacuation location is strongly driven by social networks and recommendations of local government officials and acquaintances It is influenced less strongly by job-related matters, accommodation availability, and the accessibility of social amenities The fear of radiation exposure only had an impact on selecting evacuation destinations briefly after the accident while economic consideration shows insignificant impact on evacuees' decision of evacuation destinations Third, the study elucidated how the institutional and individual factors affect the return of evacuees The results of this study reveals that the lifting of evacuation order had a minimal impact while the termination of compensation and housing subsidies show a significant impact in pushing people to return A sense of home attachment, job obligations, family reunification, and the ownership of house or business are also driving people to return, while the persist concern about the low-dose radiation exposure risk and the inconvenience of living conditions in the home location reduce the likelihood that evacuees will return home Lastly, the Fukushima evacuation’s spatial features are also consistent with the migration distance decay law and the gravity model of migration as people tended to move to locations a short distance away from the disaster and to large metropolitan regions The study suggests that evacuation Stt.010.Mssv.BKD002ac.email.ninhd 159 C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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