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Trang 1Test Item File to Accompany
Principles of Macroeconomics - Test
Item File 1
Ninth Edition
by Case / Fair / Oster
Prentice Hall
c.2009 10/29/08
Trang 2Contents
Chapter 1 The Scope and Method of Economics 1
Chapter 2 The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice 28
Chapter 3 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium 55
Chapter 4 Demand and Supply Applications 95
Chapter 5 Introduction to Macroeconomics 116
Chapter 6 Measuring National Output and National Income 139
Chapter 7 Unemployment, Inflation, and Long‐Run Growth 169
Chapter 8 Aggregate Expenditure and Equilibrium Output 199
Chapter 9 The Government and Fiscal Policy 239
Chapter 10 The Money Supply and the Federal Reserve System 278
Chapter 11 Money Demand and the Equilibrium Interest Rate 307
Chapter 12 Aggregate Demand in the Goods and Money Markets 340
Chapter 13 Aggregate Supply and the Equilibrium Price Level 383
Chapter 14 The Labor Market in the Macroeconomy 419
Chapter 15 Policy Timing, Deficit Targeting, and Stock Market Effects 455
Chapter 16 Household and Firm Behavior in the Macroeconomy: A Further Look 493
Chapter 17 Long‐Run Growth 535
Chapter 18 Debates in Macroeconomics: Monetarism, New Classical Theory, and Supply‐Side Economics 566
Chapter 19 International Trade, Comparative Advantage, and Protectionism 598
Chapter 20 Open‐Economy Macroeconomics: The Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates 635
Chapter 21 Economic Growth in Developing and Transitional Economies 667
Trang 3B) the study of how consumers spend their income
C) the study of how business firms decide what inputs to hire and what outputs to produceD) the study of how the federal government allocates tax dollars
Trang 4B) You should base your decision on whether or not the hockey game will provide you withmore than $100 in satisfaction.
C) The $100 you paid for the jazz festival ticket should be irrelevant in your decision
making, because it is a sunk cost
D) The $100 jazz festival ticket should be irrelevant in your decision making, because itrepresents the marginal cost of attending the hockey game
Trang 59) You have decided that you want to attend a costume party as Ironman. You estimate that itwill cost $40 to assemble your costume. After spending $40 on the costume, you realize thatthe additional pieces you need will cost you $25 more. The marginal cost of completing thecostume is
A) $15 B) $25 C) $40 D) $65.Answer: B
Trang 614) If your tuition is $5,000 this semester, your books cost $600, you can only work 20 rather than
40 hours per week during the 15 weeks you are taking classes and you make $15 per hour, andyour room and board is $3000 this semester, then your opportunity cost of attending collegethis semester is
A) $5,600 B) $5,900 C) $10,100 D) $11,600.Answer: C
attending college this semester is
A) $26,500 B) $26,800 C) $31,000 D) $38,500.Answer: C
Trang 7A) zero B) $2 C) $200 D) $2,000.Answer: A
Trang 8B) The iPod would not have been as successful without the development of Web sites thatallow users to purchase and download music.
C) Companies that assemble the iPod and those that manufacture iPod componentstogether capture only a small fraction of the iPodʹs retail value
D) Increases in the costs of components will reduce the profitability of the iPod, althoughprice increases can be passed on to consumers
B) Intellectual property laws protect the iPod in both domestic and international markets,although enforcement of those laws varies widely between countries
C) Apple stock is publicly traded, and so citizens of any country can own Apple stock.D) The iPod was designed and is sold by a U.S. company, but it is assembled in China fromparts made in the United States and other countries
Trang 92) The value of the best alternative foregone is the opportunity cost of making a decision.Answer: TRUE
Trang 103) Studying how Joshua allocates his time between school and video games is an example ofA) macroeconomics B) microeconomics.
Trang 111.3 The Method of Economics
1 Multiple Choice
1) Better insurance benefits increase the incentive of some individuals to work. This statement isbest described as a
A) positive statement B) Marxist ideology
C) normative statement D) descriptive economics statement.Answer: A
Trang 125) Positive economics is an approach to economics that
A) seeks to understand behavior and the operation of systems while making judgmentsabout their usefulness to society
B) analyzes outcomes of economic behavior, evaluates them as good or bad, and mayprescribe preferred courses of action
D) How will oil exploration be affected if the government subsidizes oil producers?Answer: C
C) Wouldnʹt it be more equitable if the minimum wage increased automatically with thecost of living?
D) Wouldnʹt it be better to try to increase peopleʹs wages through job-training programsrather than by requiring employers to pay minimum wages?
Trang 139) Health insurance should be provided to every citizen in a wealthy nation such as the UnitedStates. This statement is best described as
A) a positive statement B) a normative statement
C) a descriptive economics statement D) an implication of an efficient market.Answer: B
C) tries to understand the relationship between the price of imported agricultural productsand the level of employment in the U.S. farming industry
D) tries to determine if there are any regular patterns in the employment levels in thefarming industry and then makes generalizations from these patterns
Trang 1517) Refer to Scenario 1.1. A graph of the value of the minimum wage on one axis and the level ofteenage unemployment on the other axis is an example of
Trang 1622) Stanley Jevons, an economist in the nineteenth century, noted a high correlation betweeneconomic prosperity and sunspots. Based on this observation he developed a ʺsunspot theoryʺ
A) fallacy of inductive reasoning B) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.C) fallacy of composition D) ceteris paribus fallacy
A) fallacy of composition B) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.C) fallacy of inductive reasoning D) ceteris paribus fallacy
A) ceteris paribus fallacy B) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.C) fallacy of composition D) fallacy of inductive reasoning
Trang 1726) Experimental research in small cities suggests that mandating work for welfare recipientsincreases their income. Therefore, we should mandate work requirements for all welfarerecipients. This statement is an example of
A) fallacy of inductive reasoning B) ceteris paribus fallacy
C) fallacy of composition D) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.Answer: C
A) efficiency B) equity C) growth D) stabilityAnswer: B
A) efficiency B) equity C) growth D) stabilityAnswer: B
Trang 1831) It always rains about an hour after you finish washing your car. Concluding that washingyour car caused it to rain is an example of the
A) fallacy of composition B) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.C) fallacy of inductive reasoning D) ceteris paribus conditions
A) fallacy of composition B) fallacy of inductive reasoning
C) fallacy of ceteris paribus D) post hoc, ergo prompter hoc fallacy.Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: The Method of Economics
Skill: Definition
35) Two variables are said to be if one variable changes when the other variable changes.A) causally related B) correlated
Trang 2041) The four criteria that are frequently used in judging the outcome of economic policy areA) efficiency, equity, stability, and economic growth.
Trang 24A) lie above B) lie below
C) cross D) indeterminant from this informationAnswer: A
Diff: 3
Topic: Appendix: How to Read and Understand Graphs
Skill: Analytic
Trang 258) Refer to Figure 1.3. At Point A, what is the value of Y?
A) 10 B) 12
C) 15 D) indeterminate from this informationAnswer: B
Trang 2717) If the slope of a straight line is 4 and if X (the variable on the horizontal axis) increases by 12, then Y (the variable on the vertical axis) will
Trang 2923) Refer to Figure 1.5. In many industries, as firms produce additional units, average costs ofproduction decline as the firm produces an additional unit, but average costs declines by asmaller and smaller amount as production continues to increase. If output is graphed on thehorizontal axis and average costs are graphed on the vertical axis, the relationship betweenaverage costs and output would be like which of the following panels?
Trang 30Answer: D
Diff: 3
Topic: Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost
Skill: Conceptual
Trang 31B) all trading parties, even when some are absolutely more efficient producers than others.C) only that trading party that has an absolute advantage in the production of all goods.D) only that trading party that has a comparative advantage in the production of all goods.Answer: B
Diff: 3
Topic: Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost
Skill: Conceptual
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Trang 32Table 2.1
Krystal MarkWriting Poems 8 12Writing TV Commercials 2 4
B) Mark has a comparative advantage in both writing TV commercials and writing poems.C) Krystal has a comparative advantage in writing TV commercials and Mark has acomparative advantage in writing poems
D) Mark has a comparative advantage in writing TV commercials and Krystal has acomparative advantage in writing poems
B) Mark should specialize in writing TV commercials and Krystal should specialize inwriting poems
C) Krystal and Mark should both split their time between writing poems and writing TVcommercials
D) Krystal should write poems and write TV commercials, but Mark should only writepoems
Trang 3314) Refer to Table 2.1. For Mark, the opportunity cost of writing six TV commercials is poems made.
Trang 3419) If someone has a comparative advantage in growing pineapples,
A) they can grow pineapples at a lower opportunity cost than other pineapple growers.B) they also have an absolute advantage in growing pineapples
C) they can grow more pineapples using the same resources than other pineapple growers.D) pineapples are the only product they can grow
Trang 35Topic: Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost
Skill: Conceptual
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Trang 3835) The production possibility frontier is a graph that shows
A) all the combinations of goods and services that are consumed over time if all of societyʹsresources are used efficiently
B) the amount of goods and services consumed at various average price levels
C) the rate at which an economyʹs output will grow over time if all resources are usedefficiently
D) all the combinations of goods and services that can be produced if all of societyʹsresources are used efficiently
C) either when an economy produces underneath the production possibility frontier orwhen the economy is producing the wrong combination of goods on the productionpossibility frontier
A) efficient, as it is on the production possibility frontier
B) inefficient, as the combination of goods and services produced is not what people want.C) efficient, as the economy is producing goods at the lowest possible cost
D) inefficient, as that combination of goods could be produced at a lower cost if moreefficient technology were employed
Trang 3939) Suppose an economy produces hybrid engines and solar panels in perfectly competitiveindustries. The economy is currently operating at a point on its ppf. If a single firm gainscontrol over the production of solar panels, which of the following is most likely to happen?A) The economy will move to a less-desirable point on the ppf.
B) The economyʹs ppf will shift inward
C) The economy will now be able to produce at a point outside its ppf
D) The economyʹs ppf will shift outward, but the maximum number of solar panels willremain the same
Trang 40Figure 2.3
42) Refer to Figure 2.3. Assume that in this society the marginal rate of transformation of sailboatsfor surfboards is constant and equal to -10. A graph of this societyʹs production possibilityfrontier will be represented by
Trang 4144) Refer to Figure 2.3. The law of opportunity costs is best depicted by the productionpossibilities frontier in panel A.
A) increasing B) constant C) decreasing D) zero
Trang 42A) B to A B) B to D C) C to D D) A to C.
Diff: 2
Topic: Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost
Skill: Analytic
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Trang 4352) According to Figure 2.4, as the economy moves from Point E to Point A, the opportunity cost
of hybrid cars, measured in terms of motorcycles,
A) increases B) decreases
C) remains constant D) initially increases, then decreases.Answer: A
A) 90 LCD televisions that must be forgone to produce 20 additional plasma televisions.B) 30 LCD televisions that must be forgone to produce 60 additional plasma televisions.C) 120 LCD televisions that must be forgone to produce 40 additional plasma televisions.D) 30 LCD televisions that must be forgone to produce 20 additional plasma televisions.Answer: D
Diff: 2
Topic: Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost
Skill: Analytic
AACSB: Analytic Skills
Trang 44A) exactly 30 B) fewer than 30 C) more than 30 D) exactly 60.Answer: C
D) indeterminate from this information, as we donʹt have any information about thesocietyʹs desires
Trang 4559) As you move down the production possibility frontier, the absolute value of the marginal rate
of transformation
A) increases B) decreases
C) initially increases, then decreases D) initially decreases, then increases.Answer: A
A) as more of a good is produced the inputs used to produce that good will increase inprice
B) consumers would be willing to pay higher prices for the good as more of the good isproduced
C) resources are not equally well suited to producing all goods and as more of a good isproduced it is necessary to use resources less well suited to the production of that good.D) as more of a good is produced the quality of that good declines and therefore the costs ofproduction increase
Trang 4973) The gap between rich and poor countries
A) has decreased over time because poor countries can more easily devote resources tocapital production
B) has increased over time because poor countries find it difficult to devote resources tocapital production
C) has remained constant over time because technological advances can be easily sharedamong nations
D) has remained constant over time because the rate of capital production has remainedconstant in rich and poor nations
A) ʺpoorʺ country because such a nation has difficulty devoting many resources to theproduction of capital goods
B) Given scarce resources, how exactly do societies go about deciding what to produce, how
to produce it, and for whom to produce?
C) Given the fact that the economy is inefficient, how much and what type of governmentintervention should be used to improve the efficiency of the economy?
Trang 5076) Related to the Economics in Practice on p. 28: Which one of the following occurs when an
individual enters the paid work force?
A) The opportunity cost of time for housework increases, because time spent on houseworkcould be spent on money-earning activities
B) The opportunity cost of time for housework increases, because money earned at a job canallow individuals to pay someone to do household chores that the individuals used to dothemselves
C) The opportunity cost of time for housework decreases, because increased earning powermakes individuals less likely to do their own housework
D) The opportunity cost of time for housework decreases, because as more people enter thework force, businesses have greater incentives to develop innovations that make
C) It increased the financial cost of alternative methods of food preparation, such as
conventional ovens
D) It made frozen foods more appealing by increasing the variety of meals that could befrozen and reheated