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Giáo án tiếng anh 8 sách global success, unit 6, soạn chi tiết, chất lượng

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Week:…………… Date of planning: …/… / 2023 Period:…………… Date of teaching: …/… / 2023 UNIT 6: LIFESTYLES LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED – LIFESTYLE DIFFERENCES I OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Knowledge - Gain an overview about the topic Lifestyle - Gain vocabulary to talk about Lifestyle - To practice listening and reading skills + Vocabulary: - Use vocabulary to talk about Lifestyle + Distinguish two sounds /br / and / pr / correctly + Grammar: - Future simple - First conditional Competences - Students will be able to practice listening and reading skills - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Actively join in class activities Personal qualities - Love talking about different lifestyles II MATERIALS - Grade textbook, Unit 6, Getting started - Computer connected to the Internet - Projector / TV - hoclieu.vn III PROCEDURES WARM - UP (5 mins) a Objectives: - To set the context for the introductory dialogue; - To introduce the topic of the unit b Content: - Asking questions to lead in the lesson c Expected outcomes: - Students know the topic of the unit and be ready for the conversation d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Asking questions: - T asks Ss some questions Ss answer the question individually CONTENTS Questions and suggested answers: What is the video about? Teacher shows students a video of -> About ways of greetings around the world different ways of greetings and asks students to guess what the video is about In Viet Nam, how two men greet each other T sets the context for the listening when they meet? and reading text: Write the title on the board Lifestyle – Lifestyle differences -> They shake hands or say hello Do people in Thailand shake hands when meeting? -> No They greet each other with a “Wai” and say “Sawadee” ACTIVITY 1: PRESENTATION (10 mins) a Objectives: - To prepare vocabulary for students to understand the conversation b Content: - Vocabulary pre-teaching c Expected outcomes: - Students know how to use the target vocabulary d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Vocabulary pre-teaching * Teach vocabulary: + Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia, translation.) - T_Ss * Vocabulary + Teacher introduces the vocabulary by: - providing the pictures - eliciting the definition of the words + Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub out and remember” technique greet (v) greeting (n) serve (v) common practice (n) in the habit of ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (20 mins) a Objectives: - To help Ss use words and phrases related to lifestyles - To help Ss further understand the text To introduce some vocabulary items and collocations related to lifestyles b Content: - Task 1: Listen and read - Task 2: Read the conversation again and complete the table - Task 3: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box - Task 4: Label each picture with a word or phrase from the box c Expected outcomes: Students understand the conversation and know the vocabulary related to the topic d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1: Listen and read (5 mins) Ask Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the pictures and guess what the conversation between Nam and Tom might be about Question and suggested answer: Play the recording once or twice for Ss to listen and read along silently or aloud -> They are talking about lifestyles and lifestyle differences - What you think Nam and Tom are talking about? Have some pairs of Ss read the conversation aloud Task 2: Read the conversation again and complete the table (5 mins) Teacher asks Ss to read the dialogue in detail to answer the questions Ask them how to this kind of exercise Explain the strategies, if necessary (e.g reading the statements in the table, underlining the key words in the statements, locating the key words in the text, and then completing the table) Tell them to underline parts of the dialogue that help them with the answers Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss - T_Ss - Work individually Answer key: surnames on the street store / restaurant quickly read the text for information Tell them to compare their answers in pairs before sharing them with the class Ask them to give evidence to support their answers Task 3: Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box (5 mins) Teacher tells Ss to read the conversation again and ask them to share their answers with one or more partners T can ask for translation of some of the words and phrase in the box to check their understanding - T_ Ss - Ss work individually Answer key: lifestyle greet T asks students to write their answers on the board serve - in the habit of Check the answers as a class practice Task 4: Label each picture with a word or phrase from the box (5 mins) T has Ss work individually to label the pictures with the words and phrases in the box Have them compare their answers with a partner Then ask for Ss’ answers Quickly write their answers on the board without confirming the correct answers T has Ss listen to the recording, check their answers, and repeat the words / phrases Ask Ss to look at the answers on the board and say if they are right or wrong Confirm the correct answers - T_ Ss Ss work independently Answer key: street food food in restaurants pizza online learning greeting Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback ACTIVITY 3: FURTHER PRACTICE (7 mins) a Objectives: - To introduce greetings around the world b Content: - Task 5: QUIZZ: Greetings around the world c Expected outcomes: - Students know about greetings around the world d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Task 5: QUIZZ: Greetings around the world - Model this activity with a strong student Ask Ss to work in pairs Set a time limit (2 - minutes) for Ss to finish the task T goes round to help weaker Ss Call on some Ss to share the answers CONTENTS - T_ Ss - Ss work individually Answer key: A B B B A Confirm the correct answers T may need to explain to Ss if they not know the answers CONSOLIDATION (3 mins) a Wrap-up - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt Ask Ss to say aloud some words and phrases they remember from the lesson b Homework - Name a list of 10 ways of greetings from different countries - Do exercises in the workbook - Start preparing for the Project of the unit: Teacher randomly puts Ss in groups of or and asks them to brainstorm about an interesting way of life around the world and make a poster about it Students will show and present their posters in Lesson – Looking back and Project (Teacher should check the progress of students’ preparation after each lesson.) - Prepare new lesson: Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK ============================================== Week: … Date of planning:…… Period: … Date of planning:…… UNIT 6: LIFESTYLES Lesson 2: A closer look I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain the following: Knowledge - Use and practice more with vocabularies related to the topic “lifestyles” - Pronounce words containing the clusters /br/ and /pr/ correctly in isolation and in context + Vocabulary: - Use the lexical items related to Lifestyles + Distinguish two sounds /br / and / pr / correctly Competences - Students will be able to know more new words about lifestyles - Develop communication skills and creativity - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork - Be actively join in class activities Personal qualities - Love and respect the lifestyles of Viet Nam and other countries around the world - Develop self-study skills II MATERIALS - Teacher: Grade textbook, teaching plan, teacher’s book ,computer, projector/TV, - Students: Text books, workbook,notebook, - Computer connected to the Internet - Hoclieu.vn or sachmem.vn III PROCEDURES WARM-UP (5 mins) a Objectives: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson - To lead into the new lesson b Content: - To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson - Matching game (Task 1) c Expected outcomes: - Students get some vocabulary from the lesson and be ready for the lesson d Organisation: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES * Matching game: (Task 1) - T gives out the handouts and divides the class into 10 groups and explains the rules - Ss match the given words to the pictures and they have to send one to stick the handout onto the board as quickly as possible - T shows students the answer on the screen CONTENTS Questions: Match the words with the correct pictures and announces the winning group - T sets the context for the lesson - Teacher shows students the answer on the screen and announces the winning group Answer key: - T leads in the new lesson dogsled - e make crafts – d native art –c weave – a tribal dance - b ACTIVITY 1: PRESENTATION (8 mins) VOCABULARY a Objectives: - To help Ss know more vocabularies about the topic: “Lifestyles” b Content: - Vocabulary teaching - Ss work individually to study new words c Expected outcomes: - Students know how to use the target vocabulary - Ss know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use them in appropriate situations d Organisation: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Vocabulary teaching - Teacher asks students to try explaining the meaning of the words that they have matched in Warm-up activity New words: dogsled (n): xe trượt tuyết chó kéo - Teacher uses different techniques to teach make crafts : làm đồ thủ công vocabulary (situation, realia… ), follows the native (adj): thuộc xứ seven steps of teaching vocabulary - Ss listen carefully the T’s modeling twice, tribal (adj): thuộc tộc, thành repeat in chorus and individually, then copy lạc all the words in their notebooks - Teacher checks students’ understanding by the follow-up tasks in the student's book ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (15 mins) a Objectives: - Teacher helps Ss understand more clearly the meaning of some words and phrases - Teacher helps Ss use the words and phrases to exercise b Content: - Task 2: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box - Task 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each sentence c Expected outcomes: - Ss can use vocabularies about the topic: “Lifestyles” to exercises well d Organisation: Teacher’s instructions … Task 2: Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box (8’) - T has Ss read the sentences and choose the correct word given to fill each blank in the - T - Ss

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2023, 16:21
