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Giáo án tiếng anh 8 sách global success, unit 12, soạn chi tiết, chất lượng

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Week: Date of planning: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 1: Getting started – A thrilling science fiction novel I OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Knowledge - Gain an overview about the topic life on other planets - Gain vocabulary to talk about Life on other planets Competences - Use words and expressions related to Life on other planets - Read and listen about Thrilling Science Fiction Novel - Actively join in class activities Personal qualities - Love to research more about outer space - Respect the Earth and other planets II MATERIALS - Grade textbook, Unit 12, Getting started - Computer connected to the Internet - Projector / TV - hoclieu.vn III PROCEDURES WARM-UP (5 mins) a Objectives: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson - To lead into the new unit b Content: - Brainstorming to get something about new technologies to travel to other planets c Expected outcomes: - Students have general ideas about the topic “Life on Other Planets” d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - T writes Science and Technology on the board and divides the class into four teams and asks them to write on the board the list of future technology they expect to see in the future in minutes - The team with the most items wins CONTENTS Questions: - Where and How fast you think we can travel with those new technologies? - Can we travel to other planets with those technologies? - Lead to the new unit Ask Ss where and how fast they think we can travel with those new technologies Ask them if we could travel to other planets with the new technologies that they have listed Say “Today, we’re going to learn about other planets, or more specifically, life on other planets.” - Teacher writes the unit title Life on other planets on the board ACTIVITY 1: PRESENTATION (7 mins) a Objectives: - To prepare vocabulary for students to understand the conversation b Content: - Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the dialogue c Expected outcomes: - Students know how to use the target vocabulary d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES * Vocabulary pre-teaching New words: - Teacher introduces and explain the alien (n) CONTENTS vobulary by pictures commander (n) - Teacher checks students’ understanding with the Matching Game creature (n) - Teacher gives feedback and asks students to oppose (v) open their textbook to discover further thrilling (adj) destroy (v) spaceship (n) ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (25 mins) a Objectives: - To set the context for the introductory dialogue - To develop students’ reading skills - To help Ss further understand the text b Content: - Task 1: Listen and read - Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick T (True) or F (False) - Task 3: Match the words (1 - 5) with their definitions (a - e) - Task 4: Complete the sentences with the words in c Expected outcomes: - Students can read and understand general and specific information about A Thrilling Science Fiction Novel - Students can understand and use the vocabulary in dialogue d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Task Listen and read (10 mins) - Set the context for the listening and Questions: reading What are Nick and Mai talking - Teacher asks Ss to look at the conversation about? on page 124 in the book and answer some - They are talking about aliens / questions Encourages Ss to give answers, creatures from another planet but not confirm whether their answers are Who you think the men in right Asks them to talk a bit about what life black are? on other planets might be like - They are aliens / creatures from another planet - Ss answer questions individually - Teacher plays the recording twice for Ss to Where you think the men in listen and read along then invite some pairs black are from? of Ss to read the conversation aloud - Another planet - Ss listen and read then some pairs practice Where you think the boy dialogue before class standing - Teacher refers to the questions previously between the four men is from? asked Confirms the correct answer - He is from Earth What you think the object above the men is? - It is a spaceship / flying saucer / UFO Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick T (True) or F (False) (8 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to run through the Answer key: statements and underline the keywords in the F (Soduka is a planet that is like statements Earth.) - Teacher has Ss to read the conversation in details and work independently to the exercise Explains the strategies, if necessary Reminds Ss to underline the information and correct the false statements T F (Tommy helps the four creatures repair their spaceship so that they can return to Soduka.) F (The four creatures travel to - Ss work independently to find the answers Earth again to protect the in minutes Earth/oppose the commander) - Teacher has Ss compare the answers in T pairs before checking with the whole class - Ss compare answer in pairs in minutes - Teacher checks the answers as a class and gives feedback Task 3: Match the words (1 - 5) with their definitions (a - e) (5 mins) - Teacher has Ss quickly match the words in Answer key: the left column with their meanings in the c right column individually in minutes a - Ss read and the task individually e - Then teacher asks Ss to check their answers b with their partners Ask for translation of d some of the words in the list to check their understanding - With a stronger class, teacher asks Ss to make some examples with the words they have learnt If there is enough time, asks some Ss to write their answers on the board - Ss answer individually Task 4: Complete the sentences with the words in (5 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to the exercise Answer key: individually in minutes and then check possibility with the whole class aliens - Ss the task individually to complete creatures sentences commander - When checking, teacher asks Ss to refer to oppose Activity to make the meanings of the words clearer to them - Ss answer individually ACTIVITY 3: PRODUCTION (5 mins) a Objectives: - To provide Ss with practice in giving their opinions about the possibility of life on other planets b Content: - Task 5: Work in groups Discuss the following questions Then report your group’s answers to the class c Expected outcomes: - Students can give their ideas about life on other planets d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Task 5: Work in groups Discuss the following questions Then report your group’s answers to the class (7 mins) - Teacher has Ss work in groups, discussing whether they believe that there is life on other planets or not Reminds Ss to explain the reasons for their belief T may go round to observe Questions: Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Why / Why not? Suggestion: I don’t believe that there is life on - Ss work with friends in groups other planets because oxygen, - Teacher calls on Ss from every group to water and air are lacking on other give their groups’ opinions about the planets possibility of life on other planets and explain the reasons for their opinions Encourages Ss to say as many sentences as possible - Ss answer individually - Teacher does not intervene Ss while they are speaking in order to correct their errors or give comments After each student finishes his or her presentation, invites comments on his or her clarity, language, fluency from other Ss - Teacher corrects some common errors if needed CONSOLIDATION (5 mins) a Wrap-up - Ask one or two Ss to tell the class what they have learnt - Ask Ss to say aloud some words and phrases they remember from the lesson b Homework - Learn new words by heart - Make sentences with new words - Start preparing for the Project of the unit: Teacher randomly puts Ss in groups of or and asks them to choose a planet in our solar system that they like and search for the information about it, then make a poster (suggested information in Project lesson) Students will show and present their posters in Lesson – Looking back and Project (Teacher should check the progress of students’ preparation after each lesson.) - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 12 – Lesson 2: A closer look (Ask Ss to find out the new words and get information about intonation for making lists.) Week: Date of planning: Period: Date of teaching: UNIT 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 2: A closer look I OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: Knowledge - Use the words related to outer space - Use intonation for making lists correctly Competences - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work - Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources - Actively join in class activities Personal qualities - Promote planets in solar system - Develop knowledge about other planets II MATERIALS - Grade textbook, Unit 12, Getting started - Computer connected to the Internet - Projector / TV/ pictures and cards III PROCEDURES WARM-UP (5 mins) a Objectives: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson - To lead into the new unit b Content:- Introduce about the solar system c Expected outcomes: - Ss have general ideas about the solar system d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Lucky number CONTENTS Question: - Teacher divides class into groups How many planets we have in - The teacher gives ss some numbers with our solar system? questions about solar system and lets them Is the sun a planet or a star? answer their answers on the mini-board The Have humans ever walked on team has the most correct answers will get Mars? the star How many moons (including Ss the task in groups moonlets) does Saturn have? Which galaxy is the Earth found in? Answer keys: planets 2.A star 3.No/Not yet 4.150 5.Milky Way Galaxy ACTIVITY 1: PRESENTATION (15 mins) a Objectives: - To present some vocabulary related to the outer space b Content: - Vocabulary Study (crater, galaxy, rocket, telescope, UFO, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Venus) c Expected outcomes: - Ss know how to pronounce new words correctly and use them in appropriate situations d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Vocabulary Pre-Teaching - Teacher introduces the vocabulary by: CONTENTS Vocabulary: + Providing the definition of the words Galaxy (n) ngân hà + Providing the pictures of the words Telescope (n) kính viễn vọng -Teacher asks sts to match the words with UFO (n) vật thể bay k xác định the given pictures and check their answers Jupiter (n): Mộc tinh - Teacher asks students for the Vietnamese Mars (n) Hoả tinh meanings of these phrases Mercury (n) Thuỷ tinh - Ss say the words Neptune (n) Hải vương tinh - Other Ss correct if the previous answers are Uranus (n) Thiên vương tinh incorrect Venus (n) Kim tinh - Teacher shows and says the words aloud and asks Ss to repeat them Task 1: Put the eight planets in order from the closest to the farthest from the sun (Ex 1,p.126) - T read out the name of each planet and asks Ss to repeat it in chorus Then calls some Ss to read out the names of the planets Correct their pronunciation mistakes if needed WC the task in chorus - T has Ss work individually to put the eight planets in order from the closest to the farthest from the sun Ss the task individually - Let Ss work in pairs to compare their answers before sharing their answers to the Answer keys: class Check and confirm the correct answers Mercury Venus Earth Call on some Ss to say the names of the eight Mars planets in Vietnamese Uranus Ss compare answer in pairs Jupiter Saturn Neptune Task 2: Match the words (1 - 5) with the pictures (a - e) (Ex 2,p.126) - T has Ss individually match the words given to the pictures in the right column Ss the matching individually - Then T asks Ss to check their answers with Answer keys: their partners If needed, provide translation of e d a b c some of the words given to check their understanding Ss answer individually - With a stronger class, ask Ss to make some examples with the words they have learnt If there is enough time, ask some Ss to write their answers on the board ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (5 mins) a Objectives: - To help Ss use the words related to outer space that they have learnt in Activity in specific contexts b Content:- To fill in the blanks with right words c Expected outcomes:- Students can understand words relate to outer space d Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Task Complete the following sentences with the words from the box (5 mins) (Ex 3, p.126) - T asks Ss to the exercise individually Ss the task individually - T and WC check the answer Answer key: - When checking, T asks Ss to refer to craters 10 rocket telescope

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2023, 16:21
