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FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.31) Task 2: You have a certain amount of money and you can buy one of the following things: a dishwasher, a mobile phone or a laptop What you think you will buy? Why? Chưa làm I would definitely choose to buy a dishwasher, because I already have a phone and a laptop Besides, the dishwasher will support me a lot after a tiring working day but still have to cook Task 3: "The widespread use of the internet has a mostly positive effect on life in today's world." Nowadays technology is more advanced than in the past, consequently, it has generated a lot of enhancements in many areas such as communication, health and business The internet is one of the most important of these improvements over the last few decades and has given rise contrasting opinions about it Personally, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages of being online or using the resources of the Internet I feel this way for the following reasons Firstly, the Internet and social media minimize distances, although some argue that people tend to get isolated and have no social life using it In the past, it would take several months to someone receive a letter with news of their relatives and friends, on the other hand, today with one touch we can spread and obtain messages for all our acquaintances as well as make new friends all over the world For example, I have two nephews that live in another country, therefore, I follow their lives and growth online I miss them so much but, fortunately, technology helps us to keep in touch We always vídeo calls since we enjoy talking and laughing a lot Secondly, the Internet helps us to acquire knowledge readily because facilitating researches Before this advance in technology, students had to go to the library and look for books to searches or homework On the other hand, these days libraries have many computers that are connected with universities and scientific journals around the globe Consequently, the research is easier and faster to be done and the content is deeper My own experience demonstrates this concept, when my sister was a child in the school she had to use encyclopedias to find different subjects, later when I was in school we already had the Internet and all of us start to learn how to use it It was very valuable to our student life In conclusion, I strongly agree that there are more benefits than drawbacks using the Internet in our daily lives This is because it helps us to communicate easily, and because it enhances our student´s researches FINAL ORAL TES T - SPEAKING (2020.32) Task 2: You are going to buy a book for your nephew as a present Among the following kinds of books: a comic book, a fairy tale, and a scientific book, which one might be your best choice? Why? I will definitely choose a comic book for my nephew as a gift because comics have pictures in them, which is good for my nephew visual thinking, as well as his imagination Comics are also very interesting to read Task 3: “In my country, young people have a better life today than their parents enjoyed when they were young.” Today’s younger generation have all necessary commodities that our parents did not have Nevertheless, I not believe that mileniums have a better life than their parents I will explain in the following essay First, sixty years ago life was much slower Our parents and granparents lived a more relax and down to earth life they did not worry about technology or travel, the only thing that concerned them was to put food on their families’s plate Furthermore, they used to work from early morning till dusk, when night tome came, it was time to relax with their families and have a quite family dinner All in all, I believe, this kind of quite life is a much bettter one than today’s younger generation running up and down, getting in debt before they even start a job, like is happening with college students Second, people live and die in their own town.Sixty years ago, people did not dream of living some where else They whole world was their own town or city In addtion, people that study and become professionals, they usual return to their town to help the community On the contrary, millenums, their sole ambitious is to live in cosmopolitan cities, and strive to become millionaires before their 30 birthday, like I read last week, in a article regarding young people in Hong Kong This kind of hassles create stress and poor health, eventually deteriorating the quality of life of the person Lastly, our parents and granparents die of old age Nowadays , people suffer from all kind of diseases related to strees and anxiety No wonder, their lifes has become a line of events that they need to accomplished by certain time and certain places, otherwise, there are consider failures Constantaly, their lifes are judged through social media The rate of suicide has increased, the used of libarated stress drugs, like heroine and morfine has shoot up exponentially On the contarry our parents and granparents did not suffer from this type of events, to me they quite life was a much better quality of life than it is today with young people By way of conclusion, I believe that today’s milleniums live a drepressing kind of life Our parents and granparnets used to have a much better quality of life FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.33) Task 2: There is a vote for the most important technological wonder of the world There are three choices: advances in healthcare, the development of air travel and space exploration What is your vote? Why? If there was a vote above I would vote for the advancements in health care, because for people health is the most important thing, all the wonders in the world will no longer mean anything to a person who sick Task 3: “People communicate with each other less than in the past because of the popularity of smart phones.” Smartphone has become an indispensable device in life, but besides its advantages, it also has significant harms First of all, users can be addicted to their mobile phones A well-known university has published a research report that shows that about 30 to 40% of smartphone users say that if they lose their phone, they will be very upset This study shows that a lot of people are too dependent on them Without their smartphone they would be very bored and restless Second, kids don't play with others, they just focus on making friends with their smartphones Because games can be easily downloaded on smartphones, many children ask their parents for one so they can play games However, this is not good for children Playing games too much on mobile phones will not only hurt children's eyes, but can also make them lose their ability to socialize Third, the smartphone can interfere with the communication process between people When walking or driving on the street, it can be seen that many people keep looking at their phones and not talking to each other Fourth, the continuous development of smartphones makes users tend to change phones much faster than before, a phone model with a rather short life cycle of only a few months Unused or obsolete phone numbers will become a huge amount of technology waste that causes great harm to the environment The truth is that smartphones can bring a lot of advantages in life However, sometimes it is also necessary to put smartphones, tablets and other technology devices aside, and spend more time with friends and family, because it is easy to see that love never fails can be replaced by smartphones FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKI NG (2020.34) Task 2: You want to take a trip to Ha Long Bay with your friends There are three means of transport to choose: train, car, motorbike Which one you choose? Why? If I have a trip to Ha Long Bay, I will choose to travel by car, because it is a convenient and very safe means of transport, in addition, when I come to Ha Long Bay, I will have the initiative to transport when I want visit other areas Task 3: “My lifestyle is easier and more comfortable than the one my grandparents experienced when they were young.” Comparative lifestyle between past and now is the most important issue that these days everyone speak about it personally, thought, I believe that life in the world which we now live on it is easier than recent years I fell this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay First of all, at the moment people live in the modern society, which over ninety percent of life is machinery In the past people lived in a situation which every things was taken by hand, but now people have a better life than last periods I remember that when I was a childhood my parents had an arduous life Those days our home warmed by petroleum, so my father every days in the cold weather went to a supermarket that was located far from our house and bought five liter soil, then when my parent reached to home, my mother transferred the petroleum to the heater Hitherto, I talk about the example which relate to lifestyle in the past, but I now write about the modern lifestyle I live in an apartment which warm by modern technology that called floor heating which rate hot of this system control by remote This technology managed by specific company which has a many technicians The company every month in the cold seasons, dispatch their experts to houses for to check the connection of floor heating, If technicians see a problem without any cash start to repair the system As you can see, lifestyle has changed in these years, and day by day is improving secondly, in the past people worked everyday and not had a enough time for recreations Actually, people in the last periods not had electronic assistant, thus they had to worked full-time, therefore, lifestyle in the past was very difficult for them For instance, when I was a kid, my father went to his office everyday and when he got back to the home we slept My parent had to strive every day, because in that time every tasks manipulated by hand, and they not had a computer or intelligent system which helped them, but, now days conditions has changed qua small jobs managed by advanced computer Years go by, my father likewise work, but, no like the past His office developed and most of the tasks handle with computer, so, my father and his colleagues can work part-time These days my father has time to play gulf with his friends, also he can run tasks of the office with a software that he have on the tablet, therefore, he has a more time to relax in the home This example shows lifestyle in the recent years has modified which makes life is easier for people In conclusion, I powerfully believe that lifestyle is comfortable for people than last years This is because these days most of the toils handled by technology, and this is because people in modern society have more time for other activities which make they have an enjoyable time FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKI NG (2020.35) Task 2: You have a certain amount of money and you can buy one of the following things: a dishwasher, a mobile phone or a laptop What you think you will buy? Why? I would definitely choose to buy a dishwasher, because I already have a phone and a laptop Besides, the dishwasher will support me a lot after a tiring working day but still have to cook (Giống 2020.31) Task 3: Neighbors are the people who live near us In your opinion, what type of neighbor is the best to have? - someone who is quiet - someone who we are similar to - someone who is supportive People live in different places, as some of us are residents of a countryside and others occupy apartments in large cities Anyway, all of us have at least one neighbor Therefore, it is important to define essential characteristics of great neighbors In my view, good neighbors have to be both respectful and supportive There are a few reasons why I hold this opinion First of all, respectful neighbors make our lives less stressful Nowadays, people are extremely busy at their workplaces, furthermore, a lot of us have families to take care about We make a lot of efforts to be professional employees in order to keep our jobs, and we try our best to be wonderful spouses and parents All these efforts take an enormous amount of energy to accomplish them, so when we come home, we want to chill out in a quiet environment In this case, it is important to have respectful neighbors, who are not very noisy because they understand that people who live around them need some rest For instance, when I lived in an apartment in Moscow and had a physically hard job, I had a neighbor who always played loud music even late at night, which did not let me relax after overwhelming days Moreover, it made me even more stressed out and exhausted That is why having a neighbor who cares about people around him is pivotal for me Secondly, supportive neighbors can help us when we need it in emergency moments Sometimes, when people face unexpected situations, the only ones who can assist them instantly are those who live nearby My own experience is a compelling example of this When I was a student, I spent a summer in my pregnant sister`s house When at one night, she started delivering a baby, her husband was out of a town, and at that moment, I did not have a drivers license, so I could not transport her to a hospital Therefore, I ran to my sister`s neighbor to ask him to take the young suffering woman to a hospital, and this kind gentleman helped us without a hesitation As a result, my sister delivered a baby in a medical facility, and her labors were assisted by professionals In this way, neighbors who are able to support us in an emergency situation are the ones who I would like to live next to To conclude, I strongly believe that the hallmarks of an excellent neighbor are respectfulness and supportiveness This is because it allows us to feel comfortable in our homes and aids us in urgent circumstances FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.36) Task 2: You are going to some sports to keep fit Between doing aerobics, skiing and playing football, which one might be the best choice? Why? To keep fit and healthy, I will choose a few movements of aerobics because it is suitable for me and my body condition, the exercise intensity is not too heavy but still brings the best effect Task 3: When you face difficult problems in life, what you feel is the best way to solve them? • asking someone with more experience for advice about the problem • finding information about the problem using the Internet • taking a long time to think about the problem We all in the society face numerous difficulties in our day to day life At that crunch situation, sometimes we are unable to think properly to take decision and that time we need advices from other people Some people argue that we should take suggestions from an experienced person, who overcome this situation, some people like to solve the problem using the information from internet and some other prefers to get rid of the problem by taking so much time for getting the solution of the problem I personally prefer to take suggestions from experience person of my surroundings I assert this because of few reasons, which I will explore in the following essay First of all, sometimes we need to address the problem within very short time, otherwise we will incur great losses In this situation, it is always convenient to take advice from a person, who went through this situation That person is the right person to suggest which way should adapt to solve the problem, as he already overcome that situations There might be arise some emergency situations, which not permit us to take lengthy period to address the issues My personal experience is a compelling example of this few years back, my uncle had a heart attack and we have to take sudden decision where we should take him Then I called my friend, who few months back have faced the same situations Then he suggested me to take my uncle of Dhaka Medical College, which is a government medical college Fortunately, my uncle got the best treatment available in our country and became fully fit In this case, if I took long time in making decision then it might cost my uncle's life This is why, I prefer to get advice from my close people, who have incurred the same difficulties Secondly, I like to take the suggestions from an experienced person Because, our life is complex and in our journey of life, we face varieties of problem, which distinguish nature and requires special knowledge to overcome from these problems For instance, when my nephew got the chance of getting admission in medical science and Engineering Then we, the family members were indecisive about choosing her area of education Then I took the advice from one my colleagues, whose son was a medical student at that time and we decided to admit my nephew to medical Now after completing his study, he is well established and doing good in his profession In conclusion, I prefer to get the advice from a person, who have go through the same situation in his own life This is so because they are the right person to make suggestion and sometimes we have to decide within very short time so that we have no enough time to take long time for decision making FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.37) Task 2: You are going to travel to one of the following cities - Paris, Hanoi and Tokyo Which one will you choose? Why? I have a dream that is to travel to France, because through books, I find out that the people here are very friendly, elegant and easy to love France is also a dreamy country with premium wines Task 3: Everyone wants to be as healthy as possible Fortunately, in modern society there are many things that people can to improve their physical condition What you think is the best way to stay healthy? • Getting exercise on a regular basis • Eating healthy food every day • Visiting a doctor for regular examinations Having a fit body and calm mental is necessary for everyone because these thing cause people have good feel also they can better their daily tasks Personally, though I believe that eat healthy food in during a day is the way which people can use it to have a good physical condition I fell this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay To begin with, healthy food cause people not experience illnesses such as obesity and diabetes Organic food is the branch of the healthy foods, which has nutrient contents that all of them are suitable for body metabolism; therefor we should use them in our cooking In the following, I write about a story that shows significant of healthy food When I went to school every day my mom was cooked delicious lunch for me Most of time my mom’s food had a fresh vegetable, which this work caused I had a fit body that on time Actually, vegetables can help to stomach has a good digest process and this cycle cause the body eliminate extra fat from the body Years go by, still I have the perfect body condition, but these days I eat extra sugar which probably makes an unstable blood pressure in the future This example demonstrates meals that contain healthy nutrients can help body has a good situation Secondly, each healthy food has a suitable range of sugar, protein, carbohydrate and such in The sugar plays a critical role in energy, actually when a range of sugar is very high in the body, our organs can tasks very well, but when the span of it is low in the body our brain cannot organize tasks The healthy food has a natural sugar, otherwise unhealthy food has a synthetic sugar which is very detrimental for body I decide to shows a personal history, which describes the important role of natural sugar Two years ago I had final exam, so I had stress because I cannot study very more The morning of the exam I ate simple breakfast which had no nutritional value, moreover I could not sleep very well In the exam I felt weakness, and I could not continue to answers Immediately I went to a doctor and he said me ‘you should eat foods which has a natural sugar because these foods are healthy foods’ Later, I found that food has an artificial sugar is harmful because this food actually is false food As you can see, having an appropriate condition requires eating healthy food In conclusion, maintaining a health of body requires a proper diet which compose healthy foods This is because eating wholesome food prevents serious illnesses, and because healthy food makes an enough energy for body which cause body has a convenient condition FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.38) Task 2: You are going to be a volunteer in a charity organization Between an organization that rescues wildlife animals, a charity that helps people with HIV, and a charity that helps street children, which one would you like to work for? Why? If I have time and energy, I will join and donate to a charity that helps street children Because I am also a mother, I understand better than anyone how much children need to be loved, protected and protected Task 3: Some people like to travel with a companion Other people prefer to travel alone Which you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice While many people nowadays like to travel alone by contending that their trip will be more comfortable as they can whatever that they want to, I still believe that traveling with a group is better In this essay, I will discuss reasons and examples to support my viewpoint To begin with, people in a group can help each other to plan a good trip Planning a trip is not a simple task because, even before the departure day, traveler will have to make a lot of decisions and reservations such as booking a hotel, selecting a flight, and scheduling a trip If we have a group of people, then the tasks can be distributed among people On the other hand, if we decide to travel alone, then we will also have to complete those tasks alone Second, the expense per person for a trip will be reduced when more people join the trip because the same rate of charge will be shared among the group For example, when renting a vehicle, a person in a group of four people will have to pay only a quarter of the renting cost instead of a full of charge when driving the car alone Other expenses such as hotel rental, food cost, and even some ticket cost are also be lower when purchased by a group of people Third, a group will make the trip more convenient and enjoyable because there are so many simple activities that can be done easier and happier with friends, for instance, resting in a car while one is driving, chatting whenever we want to, taking a great non-selfie photograph, and even going to a toilet while other are taking care for our belongings The trip will also be even more memorable when we, later, spend times with friends taking about the adventure that be taken together In conclusion, I suggest that people go on a holiday with a group because the trip will be more convenient, cheaper, and more enjoyable FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.39) Task 2: You are going to have a summer vacation with your family Between going to the beach, mountain hiking and visiting hometown, which one might be the best choice? Why? When my daughter ends the school year, I will take a trip with my family to a beautiful beach, because my daughter loves the sea very much and this summer, if there is no beach, it would be a mistake, right? ! Task 3: Some people like to spend their money as soon as they earn it, while others think it is better to save their money for some time in the future Which you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion Money concerns are a major cause of stress and anxiety in the modern world Some people prefer to spend their money as soon as they earn However, I go along with people who believe that we should save our money for not-too-distant needs Because, we may face crucial points in our life that by spending the expenses it will bring us more prosperous life and also for emergency situations Many youngsters believe that enjoyment is the most important purpose in our life and as soon as we achieve this we will experience better life Indeed, they are not ready to ignore small and highly ephemeral happiness in favor of greater and long lasting triumph My own experience is a compelling example of this When I was teenager, I had a part time job with a paltry wage Because the money was not significant, I always spend all of them rightly after I was paid I ate out with my friends, bought new unnecessary stuff, and paid for video games On the other hand, my younger brother was a teenager like me and he worked with a small amount of wage, too He saved all the money he earned and just after completing his high school, he started university due to he could pay a remarkable part of tuition fee by his own savings But, I had to work for two years until I could afford the university expenses As a result, if I had not spend my whole money, I would have continued my education immediately Furthermore, the life is full of unexpected emergencies that can cause a lot of inconvenience and anxiety if we not have enough saving One of the most problematic issues in our life is medical bills especially when we face an unforeseen happening To overcome these tough situations, we need to have saving to cover the unwanted expenses For instance, one of my friends had a car crash recently and unfortunately he broke his leg Although, he would work and his salary was reasonable, he could not save money because of the payment of the loan he borrowed to buy his car Finally, he had to ask his elderly parents to cover not only the medical expenses but his living costs, as well Therefore, it is really wise to save some money for unexpected situations In conclusion, I argue in favor of the opinion that we should not spend our money as soon as we earn Because, we could use it for our superior purposes and for unpredictable expenses FINAL ORAL TEST - SPEAKING (2020.40) Task 2: You are going to take up a hobby this summer vacation Which one is your best choice: collecting stamps, fishing, or listening to music? Why? Last weekend a friend of mine told me about his very interesting fishing trip So this summer maybe I will take time to go on a fishing picnic with my daughter, I think it will be a really great experience Task 3: Some people prefer to eat meals at restaurants, while others prefer to prepare and eat food in their own home Which you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer Many people go to the restaurants for a meal whereas the others cook and eat meals at home In my opinion, I opt to cook and eat meals at home because I would argue that it is healthier than to eat at restaurants Firstly, many restaurants not purchase fresh foods since they would like to decrease the cost of meals They not attend to the cleanliness and hygiene of foods Hence, some people get poisoned by eating in restaurants It is particularly dangerous for children because they are more vulnerable and can be easily ill from the poor quality of foods As it is known, many people eat using the same dishes and drink from the same cups and bottles which are not even properly cleaned If these things are not cleaned properly, they can be extremely dangerous for human health Secondly, to prepare and eat foods at home can be more economic especially for a family Because to eat at a restaurant frequently would cost a large amount and that would be pretty tough for low wage earners The good restaurants that maintain the quality and hygiene of foods cost a lot that average people won’t be able to accommodate On the other hand, restaurants can offer some advantages For instance, if you eat at a restaurant, you can save your time Because to prepare and eat at home one needs to spend a considerable amount of time and effort which could have been used in other constructive works In addition, some restaurants offer delicious and variety of meals including foreign menus that we could not make at home on our own You can eat awesome meals there and drink wines in a fascinating atmosphere Moreover, to prepare and eat at home is a tough task for single and busy people who have very less spare time So restaurants can be a better alternative for those people In conclusion, it is considered by many that health is more important than money and delicious meals I believe that if we prepare meals at home, we can prepare foods and dishes properly and we can use healthy ingredients However, if you eat at a restaurant, you can not be sure that the meals and dishes are clean and healthy

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2023, 19:58
