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routledge history of philosophy vol v british philosophy and the age of enlightenment - stuart brown

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  • Cover Page

  • Routledge History of Philosophy, Volume V

  • Title Page

  • ISBN 041505379X

  • Contents

  • General editors’ preface

  • Notes on contributors

  • Chronology

  • Introduction

  • CHAPTER 1 Lord Herbert of Cherbury and the Cambridge Platonists

  • CHAPTER 2 Science and British philosophy: Boyle and Newton

  • CHAPTER 3 Locke: knowledge and its limits

  • CHAPTER 4 Locke’s political theory

  • CHAPTER 5 George Berkeley

  • CHAPTER 6 David Hume on human understanding

  • CHAPTER 7 Hume: moral and political philosophy

  • CHAPTER 8 British moralists of the eighteenth century: Shaftesbury, Butler and Price

  • CHAPTER 9 The French Enlightenment I: science, materialism and determinism

  • CHAPTER 10 The French Enlightenment II: deism, morality and politics

  • CHAPTER 11 The Scottish Enlightenment

  • CHAPTER 12 The German Aufklärung and British philosophy

  • CHAPTER 13 Giambattista Vico

  • CHAPTER 14 Rousseau and Burke

  • Glossary

  • Index of subjects

  • Index of names

Nội dung

[...]... articles on the history of seventeenth century philosophy M.A.Stewart is Professor of the History of Philosophy at the University of Lancaster He has worked extensively on the intellectual history of Scotland and Ireland in the eighteenth century, and has edited Studies in the Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment (Oxford, 1990) Ian Tipton is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Wales, Swansea His... for the History of Philosophy He is the Editor (with the late Peter Nidditch) of Drafts for the ‘Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ and Other Philosophical Writings (vol 1 1990, vols 2 and 3 forthcoming) He has also edited (with Alan Ryan) Perspectives on Thomas Hobbes (1989) and, most recently, Locke’s Philosophy: Content and Context (1994) He is the author of numerous articles on the history of. .. measured by thermometer Boyle b Kepler compiles Rudolphine Tables Harvey, Anatomical Exercise on the motion of the heart and the blood Böhme, The Signature of All Things Pascal b Bacon, Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning Bacon, New Atlantis Gassendi, Exercises in the Form of Paradoxes against the Aristotelians Herbert of Cherbury, On Truth [De veritate…] Grotius, On the Law of War and Peace... of Royal Academy of Art British troops Science and technology Cotton velvet first made at Bolton, Lancashire Réaumur d Quesnay, Economic Table Bridgewater Canal between Liverpool and Leeds begun Philosophy Burke, Vindication of Natural Society 1756 Godwin b Burke, The Origins of Our Ideas of the 1757 Sublime and the Beautiful Hume, Natural History of Religion Baumgarten, Aesthetics vol II 1758 Helvétius,... starts the periodical The Idler John Carr and Robert Adam, Harewood House begun Handel d Voltaire, Candide Johnson, Rasselas 1760Accession of George III British capture Montreal 176 1British capture Cuba, the French Antilles and Pondicherry 176 2British capture Martinique, Grenada, Havana and Manila Accession of Catherine the Great Jesuits expelled from France 1763Voltaire, Treatise on Toleration Seven... Invention of wool-carding machine Philosophy Bentham b 1748 Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Maupertuis, Philosophical Reflections on the Origin of Languages and the Meaning of Words Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws Hartley, Observations on Man Diderot, Letters on the Blind 1749 Buffon, Natural History Vols 1–3 Maupertuis, Essay on Moral Philosophy Euler, Analysis of Infinites J.T.Mayer, Map of the. .. Eternal and Immutable Morality Boulainvilliers, Refutation of the Errors of Benedict Spinoza Berkeley, Alciphron Chubb, The Sufficiency of Reason in Matters of Religion further considered Wolff, Empirical Psychology Balfour, An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul Balguy, The Law of Truth Campbell, An Enquiry into the Original of Moral Virtue Balguy, A Collection of Tracts, Moral and Theological... war on England Second Silesian War begins 1745Second Jacobite Rebellion begins 1746Charles Edward Stuart and his supporters routed at Culloden Annet, Deism Fairly Stated 1747William IV of Orange becomes hereditary Stadholder of the seven provinces of the Netherlands Handel oratorios Saul and Israel in Egypt James Boswell b Richardson, Pamela Scarlatti in London and Dublin Vivaldi d Handel, The Messiah... 1661Louis XIV begins personal rule Coronation of Charles II 1662Act of Uniformity gives assent to revised English prayer book 1663Writings of Descartes put on Index 1664English annex New Netherlands and rename New Amsterdam as New York 1665Bunyan, The Holy City Cyrano de Bergerac d Colgrave, The English Treasury of Literature and Language Cyrano de Bergerac (posth.), The Other World Comical History of the. .. Pufendorf, Two Books on the Elements of 1660 Universal Jurisprudence Smith, Select Discourses Boyle, The Sceptical Chemist Glanvill, The Vanity of Dogmatizing 1661 Royal Society founded Arnauld and Nicole, Logic, or the Art of 1662 Thinking Boyle, Concerning the Usefulness 1663 of Experimental Philosophy Clauberg, The Union of Body and Soul in 1664 Man Newton discovers differential and Glanvill, Scepsis Scientifica . contributors Routledge History of Philosophy Volume V British Philosophy and the Age of Enlightenment EDITED BY Stuart Brown London and New York First published 1996 by Routledge. a result of his importance both in the development of British and Irish philosophy and because of his seminal influence in the Enlightenment as a whole. British Philosophy an d the Age of Enlightenment. (1991). Routledge History of Philosophy General Editors—G.H.R.Parkinson and S.G.Shanker The Routledge History of Philosophy provides a chronological survey of the history o f Western philosophy,

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2014, 11:30