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Published by Pearson Longm,4n Asia ELT 20lF Cornwall House Taikoo Place 979 King''''s Road QuarryBay Hong Kong fax +852 2856 9578 email pearsonlongman@pearsoned com hk wr,vw longman com and Associated Co[.]

Publishedby Pearson Longm,4nAsia ELT 20lF Cornwall House Taikoo Place 979 King'sRoad QuarryBay Hong Kong fax +85228569578 email: pearsonlongman@pearsoned.com.hk wr,vw.longman.com and Associated Companies throughout the world @PearsonEducationAsia Limited 2007 All rights reserved;no part of this publication may be reproduced,storedin a retrievalsystem,or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwisewithout the prior written permissionof the Publishers First published2O0T Producedby PearsonEducationAsia Limited, Hong Kong GCC/01 ISBN-13:978-962-00-5884-4 ISBN-10:962-00-5884-4 Publisher:Simon Campbell ProjectEditor: Howard Cheung Editor: IeffZroback Designers:JunkoFunaki,My.thWong,Angel Chan Illustrator:Balic Choy Audio Production:David Popeand SkyProductions For permission to use copyrighted images, we would like to thank O Mike Theiss/Jim Reed Photography/Corbis (pp a CTR and TR), @ Brad Loper/Dallas Morning News/Corbis @ (pp.4 CBR and BR), @ Lloyd Cluff/Corbis (pp.5 BCTL and 17TL), O Martyn Goddard/Corbis (pp.5 BCTR and 17 TR), O Marianna Day Massey/ZUMAlCorbis (p.13),CarolWiley @ Dorling Kindersley (p 30),Alistair Duncan (c) Dorling Kindersley (p 31 BR),Ariel Skelley/Corbis(p 33 TR and BL), O StephanieMazelCorbis (p 33 BR), @ Iumeirah (p 37 BL), O Stephanie Colasanti/Corbis (p 37 BR), O Tom Stewart/Corbis (p 43 TR), @Tim Garcha/zefalCorbis (p 43 BL), O NASA,ESA,the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AIJIIA)and I Green (University ofColorado, Boulder (p 49 TR), O Joe Bator/Corbis (p 49 BL), O NASA (p 51), O Joson/zefalCorbis (p 53 TR), @ GaryW Carteri Corbis (p 53 BL), @ DungVo Trung/Politika/Corbis (p 56), @ Simon Marcus/Corbis (p 63) and @ Antonio Mo/Gettyimages (p 66) Courtesy of the Library of Congress(p 29 TR) Acknowledgements I would like to dedicatethe Boostlr,r,ritingbooks to two very closecolleagues:Dean Staffordand YannickO'Neill.We have sharedmany experiencesand ideasabout teachingwriting skillsover the years,but your specialistknowledgeand enthusiasm for this aspect of learning and communication have always been an inspiration to me Thanks mightily! Iason Renshaw The Publisherswould alsolike to thank the following teachersfor their suggestionsand comments on this course:Tara Cameron,RosanneCerello,Nancy Chan, ChangLi Ping,Ioy Chao,JessieChen,JosephineChen,ChiangYing-hsueh,Claire Cho, Cindy Chuang,Linda Chuang,Chueh Shiu-wen,Mark de Boer,Mieko Hayashida,Diana Ho, Lulu Hsu, EuniceIung, Hye Ri Kim, JakeKimball, JosieLai, Carol Lee,ElaineLee,Melody Lee,PeggyLi, EstherLim, Moon Ieong Lim, Iasmin Lin, Martin Lin, Catherine Littlehale Oki, Linda Liu, Tammy Liu, Goldie Luk, Ma Li-ling, Chizuko Matsushita, Geordie McGarty, YasuyoMito, Eunice Izumi Miyashita, Mari Nakamura, Yannick O'Neill, Coco Pan, Hannah Park, Karen Peng,Zanne Schultz, Kaj Schwermer,MiYeon Shin, Giant Shu, Dean Stafford, H1'LrnjuSuh,TanYung-hui, Devon Thagard, Iohn and Charlievan Goch,AnnieWang,Wang Shu-ling,Wu Lien-chun, SabrinaWu,Yeh Shihfen,TomYeh,LauraYoshida,andYunji Yun The publisher's policyis to use papermanutactured forests fromsustainable II ritin The Boost! Skills Seriesis the definitive ond comprehensive fourlevel seriesof skillsbooksfor junior EFLleame6.Theseries hos beendevelopedoround qge-qppropriote,cross-curriculor topics thqt developstudents'criticql thinking ond examinotion techniques.It followson integratedskillsopproochwith eochof the skillsbroughttogetherat the end of eochunit The twelvecoreunitsin Boost! Writing followo cleorqnd tronsporent structureto make teaching ond Ieqming eqsyond tun The writing skills build ond progressocrossthe four levelsof Boost! Writing ond are co[elqted to the next generotionof tests of English Youwill find the followingin Boost! Writing 4: a Age-opproprioteond cross-curriolor topics Modelsof goodwdting os well os exqmplesofbqd writing Writing practicethot builds from sentenceqnd parogroph levelsto full-lenglhpqssqges Activities thot provide on opportunity to creoteo wide voriety of text tFpes(essoys,letters,emqils, etc.) Unit Topic - Eachunithasanage-appropriate and topic cross-curricular Studentswill findthetopicdirectlyrelates to their lives and study own to learn a beengaged andmotivated Writing Skill of thetargeted A verysimpleintroduction unitskillis provided Studentswill be introduced to thewriting skillina clearand way understandable 1r""fl'"?siJl*Tlfl:':lri; "*' l[#]llilih:.*:l:.:::tr':i: e"'""""":i-:si*;#r.r ".* *r.i:.lii*ffi ;@,F"d'1Tffiddq" i"#6ie"t"'t"": e":-#::::l-*1"J-., * Before You Write with Samples ol goodwritingarepresented task a noticing Studentswill be introduced to writingmodelsthatthey their ownwriting canfollowin discover thewritingskillforthemselves withouttheneedfor longexplanations AudioGD TheCDat thebackof thebookprovides plus passages audiosupportfor allreading listening tasks theaudiofor theIntegration Integration Writing Practice Practice basedarounda writingmodelis followed bymorepersonalized writingpractice Studentswill develop theskillsneededfor accurate and effective writingthroughmodel-based practice beableto followguidance to writetheirown passages 9*"* " "." ",."" " *" Thewritingskillis combined withlistening, reading or speaking tasks Studentswill a produce writingpassages basedon reading andspeaking/listening inputs developlanguage skillsneededforthenext generation of integraied testsof English @t"al.,,.^.",",, -", ",.,- ".," ," , ;'' o "",, ",,,";,-.,,".,;.""" , rt -*.-***,",tu.",, Review Aftereverytwo coreunits thereis a reviewwhich consolidates the writing skillsalreadystudied Studentswill beableto seetheir progress In usrng writingskills buildon previously taughtskillsto produceaccurate wntrng Evaluation p.8 Writecause-and- ExtremeWeather Science and Nature Writingcauseeffect sentences and-effect PY aboutextreme 5entence5 weather Writingan GameConsoles Write introductions n rl aooulvrdeo something new gameconsoles Ansand introdudion Entertainmentabout Review1 p.17 let Me Explain Culture and People Writing to explain something Learning at llome Culture and People Writeanessav wnI|noaDout aDouta newrute p a currenr roDtc ' aryourscnoor Review2 Writea letterto yourrcacnet h 10 p.27 FamousBuiklings Listen to the Music Geography andHistory Writesentences passrve in thepassive Using p.29 votce voiceabout buildings Writeparagraphs aboutdifferent p.33 kindsof music l\4ake a crossworo puzzle Crosswords Culture and People Writing descriptive sentences YaeationActivities Sports and Leisure Writing an organizing essay rc 5Ummer organize things activities SpaeeExploration People/ Science and Nature Usingphrases to complete to improve anapplication p.49 yourwriting letterfor a space mission Protecting Nature People/ Science and Nature lJsingdetails anoexamptes ro supponyour ideas Writeanessay tr tr p.43 Review4 an Complete aDolication letter '', to becomea juniorranger Review5 @ @ SehoolApplieation Culture and People Stutlying Abroad Culture and People Review6 Extra Writing Sheets Writingto applyto a SCnOOr Writean application letterto an international scnoot, Writing an Writeanessay essay to argue abouttravel anoptnton o.)J Unit I Writing cause-and-effect sentences Unit Writing anintroduction aboutsomething Unit3 Writing to explain something Unit Writing abouta current topic Unit passive Using voice Unit Using synonyms andpronouns Unit Writing descriptive sentences Unit Writing anessay to organize things Unit9 phrases yourwriting Using to improve Unit 1(' Using details andexamples to suppon yourideas Unil 11 Writing to apply to a school Unit 12 Writing anessay to argue anopinion ExtremeWeather @l ( *h", "n happenin a big storm?Discuss your answers * Readthe passage Katrina Leaves NewOrleans unoerwater Hurricane Katrinahit the cityof NewOrleans, causingmassive damage also l' Thehurricane left a largepartofthe cityflooded Katrinahadwind speedsof up to 220 per hour,sotherewasa lot ofdamage kilometers to the city However, the worsteffectof the hurricane was flooding.,S Because ofthe storm,hugeamounts of waterrushedintothe city Asa resultof this flooding,thousands of peoplelosttheirhomes := @ -, _- -" ' lnswer the questions In the filst underlined sentence,whqt "left q lorge pqrt of the city flooded"? In the secondunderlined sentence,whqt hoppenedbecquse"Kotdno hod wind speedsof up to 220 kilometersper hour"? In the third underlined sentence,whqt phrose links "the storm" ond "huge omounts of woter rushed into the city"? Writing cause-and-effect sentences youneedto wnitesentences Sometimes that showhowsomething lthecause]rnakesanother youEhoud linkthe c6usew th the effectusing thinghappen[theeffect].Inthlsk nd of sentence, a word o ptsrasesuchas becauseof so ds a resLr/Lcausear leave Completethe paragraphusingthe linkingword and phraseprovided @ leove / becouseof Hurriconesore dqngerous{1) their incredible Dower.Thev often cquse huge wqves,which ddmoge coostql cities.Hurricqnesqlso (2) buildings ond roods ruined As a result, hurricqnesoften cquseseriousfloods comptetethe paragraphusingthe causesprovided @ they form quickly / their incrediblespeed Tornqdoesore o kind of spinning wind thot move at more thon 400 kilometersper hour Becouse of (1) , they pick up objectsond cqlly them for mony kilometers.It is hqrd for peopleto prepqrefor tornqdoes qnd moveunpredictqbly becouse(2) (f Completethe paragraphusing the effects provided some houseswere flooded / mony housesdid not hove electricity Our city wqs hit by q terrible thunderstorm Lightning struck o power line, so (r) Also, (2) 10 becquseof heqvy rdin Uri j SehoolApplication Wouldyou like to studyat an internationalschool? your anSwers Whyor why not? Discuss @* Readthe letter Deor Ms Lee, I would like to qpply to becomeq studentqt Genius lnternotionolSchool.I think I would moke o greot studentfor your schoolbecouseof my qcqdemictqlent, strongEnglishqbilitiesqnd love of differentcultures Firstof all, I om on excellentstudent.I get good grqdes in oll subjects,ond I olwoysperformwell in tests.For exqmple,lqst semesterI got As in oll subjects Second,I hovevery goodEnglishskiUs,which I know is importont ot your school.By wcy of exomple,I find it eqsyto speokEnglishto my teochers,ond I reolly enioy reodingEnglishbooks Lost but not leost, I love to leom obout different cultures At on internotionol school, there will be students from mony different countries, qnd I qm excited to find out obout their beliefsond cultures In conclusion,bosedon my ocodemictolent,good English skills ond interest in other cultures, I feel thot I would be on excellent student for your school I look forwqrd to heoring from you obout my opplicotion Q nnr*", tt e questions I Whqt importont things ore missing from the stort ofthe letter? Whqt thinos ore missino from the end of the letter? Writing to applyto a school lf youapplyto certainschools,youmayneedto write a formalletter.Inthis kindof letter,you Youshouldalsoinclude shouldgivereasonswhyyouare a goodpersonto jointhe school addresses, a date,anda formalgneeting andclosing Q choosethe correctdetailsto completethe letter "' iin O A I nevergiveup ofter I beginsomething, "rr"n difficult 312ShinwonBuilding School 50ODqlgubeoldqero, Suseong-Gu B I qm writing to opplyto IntemotionolSuccess Dqegu706-011 C I look forwqrdto your rcsponse D Forexomple,I hoveolrcodystudiedEnglishond July19 French Mr ]ohn Russell E DeqrMr Russell, Intemotional Success School 139-143 Bonpo3-Dong,Seocho-Gu F JenniferPork Seoul,137-044 G Lostbut not leosl,I hovegoodteqmspi t E I feel thot I om on excellent student for your school becouseof my tqlent with longuoges,belief in working hord ond teqm spidt Filst of all, I qm tolented with languqges I find it eqsy to leqrn new ldnguqges, qnd I enioystudyingthem By woy of exomple, I found French difficult ot Second,I believe in working hord fi6t, but I kept studying until I could speok well _-, I qlways try to work with those oround me For exqmple, when I plqy teqm sports, I olwoys cooperqte with my teommqtes, so we cqn our best In conclusion, I believe my tolent with longuoges, belief in hord work ond teom spirit moke me qn excellent choice for your school You6 sincerely, ?oA Jefintfe( e Follow the stepsto write a letter to apply to an internationalschool Brcinstorm Brqinstormideqsfor your letteron o seporotepieceof poper.Think of three reqsonswhy you wouldbe o goodstudentfor the school your ideosto mqkeq wdting plqn Wdte qn interestingintroduction,detqilsfor Pian.'Use body porogrophsdescdbingyour reqsonsond o conclusionsummorizingyour letter Principal'sname: Introduction: Bodyparag.aph1 (reason): Topicsentence: DetailsandexamDles: Bodyparagraph2 (reason): Topi(sentence: DetailsandexamDles: Bodyparagraph3 Topicsentence: Details and Wrile:Writeyour letteron o seporote pieceof poper Include addresses, a date, and a formalgreetng andclosing ffiffi Readthe email a teacherwrote explaininghow to becomea reporter for the schoolnewspaper From: simpson@interschool.com Subject:RE:Newspaper To: he o, Thankyoufor yourernai I am g ad to hearthatyouare interested in becoming a reporter for the schoolnewspaper Beforeyoucanlo n the newspaper, l'd likeyouto writeme a shortema , givlngthreereasons whyyouthinkyou woud be a goodreporter Forexampe, areyougoodat any anguages? Canyoutakephotographs? Youshouldalso provrde examples to suppotyourreasons ookforwardto yourrepy T h a n yk o u , Mrs.Simpson G Write a short email to the teachergiving reasonswhy you woqld be a good reporter To:simpson@interschool.com Sub,ect:RE:Newspaper 62 ):ti! StudyingAbroad Do you think studyingabroadis betterthan studying your answers in your homecountry?Discuss @* Readthe essav A GreatPlaceto LearnEnglish - -:. - Manyof Everyyearthousands of studentsgo abroadto studyEnglish countrybut thesestudentsthinkyoucanonlylearnEngiish wellin an English-speaking placeto learnEnglish because it has I disagree In my opinion,my countryisan excellent goodteachers, a varietyof learningmaterials and manyplaces to study Firstof all,we havemanygoodEnglish teachers in my country.Somearelocalandsome arenativeEnglish speakers Forexample, I am taughtby a localanda nativeEnglish teacher I find learningfrom bothofthem perfectfor studyingEnglish available Second, it isworthconsidering thatthereisa widevarietyof learningmaterials that students canuse here.TherearemanyEnglish books,CDsandcomputerprograms At home,I useCDs Forexample, in my class, I readEnglish booksfull of interesting articles gameson my computer to practicemy listening andplayEnglish Lastbut not least,thereare manyplacesto learnEnglishin my country.Apartfrom school, I havebeento several I canalsostudyEnglish at institutions andcamps.Forexample, and listening skills campswhichhavehelpedmewith my speaking properly With In conclusion, I notfeelthat studentsneedto go abroadto learnEnglish itsexcellent teachers, learnlngmaterials and places to study,I thinkmy countryisa great placeto learnEnglish G Answerthe questions 'l Whot is the writer's opinion of studying English in her own country? Whot ideosdoesthe wdter useto support this opinion? W r i t i n g a n e s s a yt o a r g u e a n o p i n i o n In some essays,you may feed to afgue af opintonand showwhy youthinkyoul.opintonis coffect You can write this kind of essay in the followingw6y: -' i"t.od,r"iior'r Explainthe topic and state youfoprnron @ List ideasthat suppontyour opinion B"da Describee6ch dea n one bodypafagraphusingdetais an0 examples Conclusion Gve youf op nionagain your ideas Summaaize Loot at the topic and decidewhether you agree or disagree.Thenwrite three ideas that support your opinion It is better to go to sciencecomp thqn English comp Agree or disogree? Ideo 1: Ideo 2: ldeq 3: ,0;,,;;;;;;r;.**,; supported bydetaisandexamples 64 Followthe stepsto write an essayusingthe topic and your opinionand ideasfrom ActivityD BrcinsformiBroinstorm detoils qnd exqmplesto support your opinion ond ideqs Planj Useyour ideqsto moke q writing plon Wdte on interestingintroduction, detoils for body porogrophsexploining your ideqs ond q conclusionsummodzing your essoy Paragraph1 (idea): Topicsentence: DetailsandexamDles: Paragraph2 (idea): Topicsentence: Details andexamDles; Paragraph3 (idea): DetailsandexamDles: Wrife:Wdte your essoyon o sepqrqtepieceof pqper Listento a teachergiving a girl adviceon how to improve her essay Edit the text basedon what you hear Goingwi14, a Group Manys*udenlsiA;nki* ;s a good 'dealo go wilh a g,oup o{ faendnwhen lley sludy abroad.I agree I *hinks*udyirg abroadin a group is lessslressful, more{un andlesslonely llan sludy;rg alone F'rslof all,stud'1rg-'lh f.;ends,s leasisiressfullkan study'rgalone.Inanollercounlry, sluder*sfacn.problems wh;chlhet' fnendscan helpllen wih wlen I wassludyingin lhe Uni*edS*afes,r,y faendsoflen L,elpedne wtlh ny Erglish.Thisr\ade m,/,e>,penence mucAlesss*ress{ul Second,* S morefun Io sludy ab.oadin a group Fnendscan havea lol of fun logelle By *ay o{ exanple,my {aends andI l'ad so mucAyisi+ingmuseums I amsu.e ii would nol havebeenas erloyablew'lhou| tl em, Last,sludyirgin a group;slessloneiylkn sludyng alone.Allhoughsludenlsnayfeel very lonelytn a foreign counlry, beingwtlh faends c,anhelp.As an example,whenI was aboard,I neverfell la lonelybec'avsery lAendswere.Ilere I +Ainki+ bel*e lo sludy abroad'n a g,oup lhan lo sludy alone.wrlh tle.r {aends, siudenfs wili find lheir experiencelessslressful andlesslonelyllan by ttemselves Compareyour corrections with a classmate Followthe stepsto write a letter to applyto an Englishcampabroad Brainstormand plan: Brqinstorm ond plqn your letter on o seporotepieceof poper Write: Wdte your letter below .a (QJ, Followthe stepsto write an essayaboutthe followingtopic It is better to trovel in your own country thon to trovel obroqd Brainstormand plan: Broinstorm qnd plon your essqyon q sepqrctepieceof poper Decidewhether you ogreeor disqgreewith the topic ond think of ideqs, detqilsqnd exomplesto supporlyour opinion [4/rife.Wdte your essqybe]ow r@- ExtraWriting Sheets Unit _ Photocopiable @ PearsonEducaiionAsia Limited2007 Activity Page Boost!Writing ExtraWriting Sheets Unit_ Activity_ Page_ Title: Introduction: Bodyparagraph1: Topicsentence: Details: Bodyparagraph2: Topicsentence: Details: Conclusion: BoostlWriting4 Photocopiabte @ PearsonEducation AsiaLimiied2007 ExtraWriting Sheets Unit Photocopiable AsiaLimited2007 O PearsonEducaiion Activity _ Page_ BoostlWriting4 ExtraWriting Sheets Unit 7l Boost!Writing4 Adivity _ Page Photocopiable @PearsonEducation AsiaLimited2007 Boost! Writing Audio CD \ 0:49 0:31 2:52 1:08 0:44 B 0:33 B l0 l:57 li45 1:43 G 1t 12 I3 B l4 15 15 B G 17 18 19 B E B 0:51 I 0:51 B 10 2:23 1:15 0i38 l:07 l:18 0:56 0:54 11 G B B 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 3l 32 34 35 36 37 0:50 1:40 1:59 2:19 lt27 0:18 3:01 1i51 0:46 0:56 l:31 0.57 2:01 1:29 2tl 2:25

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2023, 10:40