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Education and Technology This page intentionally left blank Education and Technology An Encyclopedia Volume 1: A–I Volume 2: J–W Edited by Ann Kovalchick and Kara Dawson Santa Barbara, California • Denver, Colorado • Oxford, England Copyright © 2004 by Ann Kovalchick and Kara Dawson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Education and technology : an encyclopedia / edited by Ann Kovalchick and Kara Dawson. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-57607-351-3 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN 1-57607-749-7 (e-book) 1. Educational technology—Encyclopedias. 2. Computer-assisted instruction—Encyclopedias. 3. Internet in education—Encyclopedias. 4. Distance education—Encyclopedias. I. Kovalchick, Ann. II. Dawson, Kara. LB1028.3.E17 2003 371.33′03—dc22 2003020749 08 07 06 05 04 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ABC-CLIO, Inc. 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper Manufactured in the United States of America Contents Introduction, xiii Education and Technology Volume 1: A–I Acceptable Use Policies (AUP), Judith Oates Lewandowski, 1 Active Learning, Kara Dawson, 3 ADDIE Model, Michael Molenda, 7 Adult Learners, Rita Richey, 10 Alternative Assessment, Kara Dawson, 13 Analysis, Allison Rossett, 15 Anchored Instruction, Donna Baumbach, Mary Bird, and Sally Brewer, 22 Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Project (ACOT), Judith Haymore Sandholtz and Cathy Ringstaff, 26 ARCS: A Model of Motivational Design, Peggy A. Ertmer, 34 Assistive Technology, Christine L. Appert, 39 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Marianne Williams, 47 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Virginia Gold, 51 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Michael Molenda, 57 Behaviorism, John K. Burton and David M. Moore, 61 Bloom, Benjamin S. (1913–1999), Gabriel Reedy, 66 Bloom’s Taxonomy, Michael DeCesare, 69 Bruner, Jerome S. (b. 1915), George O. Hack, 73 Campus Computing Project, Kenneth C. Green, 77 CaseNEX, Marsha A. Gartland and Robert F. McNergney, 92 Clark, Richard E. (b. 1940), Michael Molenda, 98 Cognitive Apprenticeship, Kara Dawson, 105 Cognitive Flexibility Theory (CFT), Rand J. Spiro, Brian P. Collins, Jose Jagadish Thota, and Paul J. Feltovich, 108 Cognitive Psychology, Richard E. Ferdig, 118 Collaboration and Negotiation Tool for Case-Based Instruction (CoNet-C), Ikseon Choi and Susan M. Land, 121 Collaborative Technologies, John R. Savery, 126 Communication Theory, Dawn L. Carusi, 129 Communities of Practice, John D. Smith, 134 Community Technology Centers (CTCs), Tamara R. Pearson and Aisha I. Wood, 136 Component Display Theory, David Wiley and Andy Gibbons, 138 Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), Steven Mills, 141 Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Minjuan Wang and Karen Cadiero- Kaplan, 144 Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC), Zane L. Berge, 152 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Kara Dawson, 159 Cone of Experience, Michael Molenda, 161 Constructivism, Thomas Duffy and Chandra Orrill, 165 Copyright, Esther Sinofsky, 173 Courseware, Thomas C. Reeves, 179 Crossroads Project, Michael Coventry, 182 CSILE/Knowledge Forum®, Marlene Scardamalia, 183 Curriculum Integration, Glenda Gunter and Donna Baumbach, 192 Cyberculture and Related Studies, David Silver and Donald Snyder, 195 Diffusion of Innovations, Ziad Akir, 205 Digital Divide, Colleen Swain, 210 Digital Video, Clare R. Kilbane, 213 Distance Education, Susan M. Zvacek, 219 Educational Fair Use, Esther Sinofsky, 231 Educational Systems Design (ESD), Charles M. Reigeluth, 239 Elaboration Theory of Instruction, Charles M. Reigeluth, 248 Electronic Books (e-books), Barbara Pace, 261 Electronic Emissary, Judi Harris, 263 Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS), Sanjay Dua, 267 Electronic Portfolios, Helen Barrett, 271 Entertainment-Education (e-e), Tanja Bosch and Joshua Ogada, 277 E-texts and Readers, Susan Amirian, 280 Evaluation, Melissa J. Dark, 285 Florida Virtual School (FLVS), Sharon Johnston, 291 Gagné, Robert Mills (1915–2002), Walter Wager, 295 Handheld Technologies, Donna Baumbach and Karen Fasimpaur, 303 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Clark Quinn, 307 Hypertext, Richard E. Ferdig, 313 Information Literacy, Odin Jurkowski, 319 Instructional Communications, Karen Hughes Miller, 324 Instructional Design (ID), Mable B. Kinzie, Marti F. Julian, and William C. Davis, 330 Instructional Objectives, Gabriel Reedy, 337 Instructional Technology, Michael Molenda, 341 Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), Chris Eliot, 343 Interactive Television, Johannes C. Cronjé, 347 International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), Jim Hill, 353 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Sally Brewer, 362 Internet Safety, Michael J. Berson and Ilene R. Berson, 364 Volume 2: J–W Jasper Woodbury, Kara Dawson, 373 JSTOR, Bruce Heterick, 376 Just-in-Time Training (JITT), Matthew F. Rose and Melissa J. Dark, 382 Knowledge Management, Melissa J. Dark, 389 Knowledge-Building Environments (KBEs), Marlene Scardamalia, 393 Learner-Centered Environment (LCE), Chandra Orrill, 401 Learning Circles, Margaret Riel, 407 [...]... Krendl, 500 Science and Technology (K-12 Education) , Randy L Bell and Lawrence B Flick, 503 Self-Regulated Learning, Peggy A Ertmer and Dale H Schunk, 508 Simulation and Gaming, Margaret Gredler, 515 Situated Cognition, Kara Dawson, 522 Social Studies and Technology (K-12 Education) , Judith Oates Lewandowski, 524 Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Niki Davis and Natalie Johnson,... Teachers: Preparation and Training, Keith Wetzel and Neal Strudler, 533 Technology across the Curriculum (TAC), Anne Scrivener Agee and Dee Ann Holisky, 539 Technology in K-12 Schools, Ann Thompson and Denise Schmidt, 546 Technology Planning, Larry S Anderson, 553 Telecollaboration and Teleresearch, Judi Harris, 560 Telementoring, Kevin O’Neill, 566 Television and Learning, Susan M Zvacek, 573 Usability,... Communications and Technology: A Project of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (1996, 2001), a comprehensive overview of educational technology research and scholarship Paul Saettler’s The Evolution of American Educational Technology (1990) provides a historical look at educational technology s evolution as a profession and its supporting institutions and industries Tjeerd Plomp and. .. 1996 [2001] Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology New York: Simon and Schuster Macmillan Plomp, Tjeerd, and Donald P Ely, eds 1996 International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, 2nd ed Oxford, UK: Pergamon Reiser, Robert A 2001 “A History of Instructional Design and Technology, Part 1: A History of Instructional Media.” Educational Technology Research and Development... International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (1996) includes more than 100 indepth articles that together represent educational technology s global influence as a domain of practice across many academic disciplines Most recently, Robert A Reiser and John V Dempsey have edited Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (2002), an exploration of past and current trends and issues in... Robert A., and John V Dempsey, eds 2002 Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology Merrill/Prentice-Hall Saettler, Paul 1990 The Evolution of American Educational Technology Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited Seels, Barbara B., and Rita C Richey 1994 Instructional Technology: The Definitions and Domains of the Field Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. .. (KBEs) Learning Circles Learning Objects Mathematics and Technology (K-12 Education) Mindtools MOOs and MUDs Online Learning Communities Open University Open-Ended Learning Environment (OELE) Probeware Rapid Prototyping Science and Technology (K-12 Education) Simulation and Gaming Social Studies and Technology (K-12 Education) Telecollaboration and Teleresearch Telementoring Virtual Library Virtual... technologies as tools for educational and social change And we have included long-standing approaches to good practice (see Instructional Design and Performance Support) It is on the basis of these foundational concepts and practices that such current applications as Open-ended Learning Environments, Virtual Reality, and Probeware have their significance Another challenge that we share with many authors writing... technology, ” “instructional systems design,” and “instructional media” have all been used to describe topics relevant to educational technology To understand this dynamic nomenclature is to understand the historical development of educational technology as a discipline-based effort to establish a consistent and comprehensive set of methods for the use of technology as an educational tool Yet each new technological... Television and Learning Usability Visual Literacy This page intentionally left blank Introduction It has never been easy to define educational technology or the scope of the profession Educational technology has roots in the broadly defined disciplines of education, psychology, and communication, as well as more specialized areas of interest such as organizational development, business and management, and . Education and Technology This page intentionally left blank Education and Technology An Encyclopedia Volume 1: A–I Volume 2: J–W Edited by Ann Kovalchick and Kara Dawson Santa Barbara,. Curriculum (TAC), Anne Scrivener Agee and Dee Ann Holisky, 539 Technology in K-12 Schools, Ann Thompson and Denise Schmidt, 546 Technology Planning, Larry S. Anderson, 553 Telecollaboration and Teleresearch,. (OELE) Probeware Rapid Prototyping Science and Technology (K-12 Education) Simulation and Gaming Social Studies and Technology (K-12 Education) Telecollaboration and Teleresearch Telementoring Virtual

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2014, 01:56