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(Luận văn) the quality of google translates vietnamese translations of english film titles

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY TRẦN THỊ THANH HUYỀN lu an va n THE QUALITY OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE’S tn to ie gh VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIONS OF ENGLISH p FILM TITLES nl w d oa Field: English Language ll u nf va an lu Code: 8220201 oi m Supervisor: LÊ NHÂN THÀNH, PhD z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu Binh Dinh, October 2021 n va ac th si BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN TRẦN THỊ THANH HUYỀN lu an n va CHẤT LƯỢNG DỊCH TIÊU ĐỀ FILMS TIẾNG ANH p ie gh tn to SANG TIẾNG VIỆT CỦA GOOGLE TRANSLATE nl w Chuyên ngành: Ngôn Ngữ Anh d oa Mã số: 8220201 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh Người hướng dẫn: TS LÊ NHÂN THÀNH z m co l gm @ Bình Định, 10/2021 an Lu n va ac th si i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I now confirm that I am the author of the thesis on the quality of Google Translate‟s Vietnamese translations of English film titles This topic is the result of my research, except for the references mentioned in the thesis Furthermore, I also certify that I have never submitted this thesis to any other academic institutions Quy Nhon, 2021 lu Student an n va gh tn to p ie Trần Thị Thanh Huyền d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would love to express my deep and sincere gratitude to all those who helped me finish this thesis First and foremost, I would like to express my boundless gratitude and sincere respect to my supervisor, Dr Le Nhan Thanh, for his enthusiastic guidance, unconditional help, valuable suggestions, and timely encouragement Without these things, I would not have been able to complete my thesis lu an Secondly, I would like to express my indebtedness to the lecturers of va n the Foreign Languages Department at Quy Nhon University for providing tn to valuable knowledge, giving me enthusiastic help, and creating a great learning Thirdly, my warm thanks are to my classmates of the 22nd MA Course p ie gh environment during my course here nl w on the English Language at Quy Nhon University Without their deep d oa sympathy and valuable support, I could not have completed this course an lu Last but not least, I wish to send my profound gratitude to my family, va friends, and colleagues Their precious encouragement and boundless love ll u nf were the motivation for me to finish the thesis oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si iii ABSTRACT This study evaluated the quality of Google Translate (GT)‘s Vietnamese translations of English film titles Today, the need to communicate is a must, but the language barrier is an obstacle Therefore, GT, a free direct translation tool, has been widespread So far, GT's translation quality has not shown high reliability, so it needs much research The research questions were: (1) What are the error types in GT‘s Vietnamese translations of the English film titles? (2) lu What are the frequencies of the translation errors in GT‘s Vietnamese an n va translations of the English film titles in terms of translation error types? To translations and GT‘s translations were analyzed through Farrús, Costa-jussà, gh tn to complete these questions, 130 English film titles with suggested Vietnamese p ie Marin˜o, & Fonollosa‘s (2010) translation error classification with orthographic, w morphological, lexical, semantic, and syntactic errors Besides, content analysis, oa nl both qualitatively and quantitatively, was used to analyze the data The first d finding is that GT produces no morphological errors and commits four error lu an types: orthographic, lexical, semantic, and syntactic errors Second, the highest u nf va rate belongs to semantic errors The study is helpful for GT users, GT developers, ll and researchers The findings suggest that users should consider film contexts m oi when using GT to translate film titles The conclusion is that GT fails to translate z at nh English film titles into Vietnamese, committing four broad error types at high rates, because it cannot consider films‘ context z translation quality m co l gm @ Key words: English film titles, Vietnamese, Google Translate, errors, an Lu n va ac th si iv TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale lu an 1.2 Aim and Objectives va 1.2.1 Aim n 1.3 Research Questions gh tn to 1.2.2 Objectives p ie 1.4 Scope of the Study w 1.5 Significance of the Study oa nl 1.6 Organization of the Study d Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW lu an 2.1 Film Titles u nf va 2.1.1 Introduction to film titles 2.1.2 Functions of film titles ll oi m 2.1.3 Characteristics of film titles z at nh 2.2 Translation 2.2.1 Definition of translation z 2.2.2 Translation process 10 @ gm 2.2.3 Translation methods 13 m co l 2.3 Machine Translation 15 2.3.1 An overview of Machine Translation 15 an Lu 2.3.2 Google Translate 17 2.4 Error Analysis 23 n va ac th si v 2.4.1 Translation errors 23 2.4.2 Translation error classifications 24 2.4.3 The conceptual framework for the thesis 26 2.5 Film Title Translation 30 2.5.1 Film title translation strategies 30 2.5.2 A review of the previous studies on the translation of film titles 31 2.6 Translation Quality Assessment 32 Chapter METHODOLOGY 35 3.1 Research Methods 35 lu an 3.2 Data Collection 37 n va 3.3 Data Analysis 39 4.1 Translation Error Types in GT‘s Vietnamese Translations 42 gh tn to Chapter FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 42 p ie 4.2 Frequencies of the Translation Errors in GT‘s Vietnamese Translations of the English Film Titles 44 nl w 4.2.1 No errors 44 d oa 4.2.2 Translation error sub-types in GT‘s Vietnamese translations 46 an lu 4.3 Quality of Google Translate in Translating Film Titles from English va into Vietnamese 63 ll u nf Chapter CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 65 oi m 5.1 Summary of the Main Findings 65 5.2 Limitations of the Study 69 z at nh 5.3 Implications of the Study 70 z 5.3.1 Implications for teachers and students of translation 70 @ 5.3.2 Implications for translators 71 gm l 5.3.3 Implications for other researchers 71 m co PUBLICATION 73 REFERENCES 74 an Lu n va ac th si vi ABBREVIATIONS GT: Google Translate MQM: Multidimensional Quality Metric MT: Machine Translation SL: Source language TL: Target language lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si vii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 lu an va n 4.2 Page Distinctions annotated for in the taxonomy 25 Model table for English film titles and GT‘s Vietnamese 39 translations The model table for the data 41 Occurrences of translation errors and No errors in GT‘s 43 Vietnamese translations Occurrences of translation error types in GT‘s 43 Vietnamese translations Frequencies of translation error sub-types in GT‘s 47 Vietnamese translations p ie gh tn to 4.3 Title Frequencies of morphological errors 48 51 4.6 Frequencies of syntactic errors 53 4.7 Frequencies of lexical errors 58 4.8 va Frequencies of orthographic errors Frequencies of semantic errors 60 d oa nl 4.5 w 4.4 an lu ll u nf oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page 2.1 The process of translation (Larson, 1984) 11 2.2 The process of translation (Newmark, 1988) 11 2.3 The various factors that impinge semantically on a text 12 2.4 Eight methods of translation 13 MQM 2.5 error categories used for inter-annotator 26 agreement lu an 2.6 Hierarchical structure of the error typology 27 n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 65 Chapter CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Chapter presents the main findings on film title translation quality by GT from the analysis results Moreover, the limitations and implications are also considered in this chapter 5.1 Summary of the Main Findings This thesis was conducted to evaluate the quality of GT‘s Vietnamese translations of English film titles To complete the research aim, the thesis lu must answer two research questions: an n va What are the error types in GT‘s Vietnamese translations of the What are the frequencies of the translation errors in GT‘s Vietnamese gh tn to English film titles? p ie translations of the English film titles in terms of translation error types? w This thesis used the Hierarchical structure of the error typology of oa nl Farrús et al (2010) as the conceptual framework This framework has five d broad error types and their sub-types These types and their descriptions were lu an mentioned in the Literature review u nf va The research results show that GT fails to transfer English film titles to ll Vietnamese ones The data indicated that among 130 film titles, only 16 m oi English film titles with 12.3 % were translated correctly, and 114 film titles z at nh were mistranslated The percentage of translation errors is above seven times higher than the rate of No errors In short, GT is not successful in translating z gm @ film titles from English to Vietnamese because GT's correct translation rate is low Or we can state that GT shows the bad Vietnamese translation quality of m co l English film titles 114 incorrect translations of film titles accounted for 87.7 %, and these an Lu inaccurate translations covered four broad translation error types: n va ac th si 66 orthographic errors, lexical errors, semantic errors, and syntactic errors GT did not make any errors of morphological errors Moreover, GT was free in some sub-types of orthographic errors, including punctuation and spelling errors And GT did not commit the sub-types of syntactic errors with conjunction, preposition, and article errors In short, the quality of GT‘s Vietnamese translations of English film titles is low and unreliable due to two reasons: The total number of inaccurate translations (114) is much higher lu than that of accurate translations (16) an Of all inaccurate translations, GT produced four (orthographic errors, va n lexical errors, semantic errors, and syntactic errors) among five error types tn to with high percentage levels ie gh The followings are the summary of main findings from the broad p types: morphological errors, orthographic errors, syntactic errors, lexical nl w errors, and semantic errors d oa In terms of morphological errors, GT did not produce any cases of this an lu error type It means that GT did not have any difficulty in deal with va morphological errors No instances of morphological errors are due to the ll u nf difference in English and Vietnamese English has suffixes to express the oi m changes in words, so it is a variable language Otherwise, suffixes not exist in Vietnamese; therefore, Vietnamese is not an inconsistent language z at nh In short, Vietnamese invariability leads to no morphological errors in the z translations of film titles from English to Vietnamese @ gm Orthographic errors were in the fourth position among five broad error m co l types GT got the perfect quality in punctuation and spelling errors with no error cases Capitalization errors happened because GT may not realize the an Lu standards of capital letters‘ rules between the SL and the TL Syntactic errors were in the third position among five error types No n va ac th si 67 errors in conjunction, preposition, and article prove GT‘s success in terms of these sub-types However, other sub-types of syntactic errors existed with different levels The highest cases were for syntactic element reordering errors Besides, some cases involved category errors These errors happen because film titles have a close relationship with the contents and contexts of the films Moreover, this machine translator is often operated with the wordby-word translation mechanism These things lead to the appearance of syntactic errors lu With the view to lexical errors, there were fewer extra word an errors than missing word errors There were fewer extra words since GT va n hardly skips words; it translates every word presented because it is only a gh tn to type of machine Missing words and extra words occurred in the film titles p ie because film titles are named after the film contents GT is a machine, so it does not grasp the film's contexts In conclusion, GT meets the difficulties oa nl w with both sub-types of lexical errors And lexical errors were in the second rank among error types generated by GT d an lu Among the total 141 translation errors, semantic errors belonged to the u nf va group with the most occurrences with 104 times That GT performs poorly in the semantic field is understandable Semantic errors deal with the lexical ll oi m meanings of words As we know, an English word includes many meaning z at nh fields, and GT often chooses the most popular meanings Also, selecting the meanings for film titles almost depend on the contents of the films z semantic errors happen naturally l gm @ Accordingly, when the contexts decide the choice of word meanings, m co GT is free from morphological errors However, GT commits the other four error types: orthographic errors, syntactic errors, lexical errors, and an Lu semantic errors with high percentages According to Farrús et al (2010), n va ac th si 68 syntactic errors, lexical errors, and semantic errors have much influence on readers‘ comprehension of TL texts Therefore, these error types affect translation quality Additionally, GT commits semantic errors at a large percentage A good translation must ensure accuracy in the semantic aspect because the semantic meaning conveys the ideas of the speakers or the writers From the rate of the semantic errors, it is logical to conclude that GT gives bad translations in translating English film titles into Vietnamese ones Accordingly, the percentages of incorrect translations and the high rate lu of error types in the conceptual framework of Farrús et al (2010) have proved an the quality of GT in translating film titles from English to Vietnamese The va n conclusion for the thesis is that GT does not perform well in translating film The existence of these errors is due to some following reasons p ie gh tn to titles from English to Vietnamese Firstly, to have qualified translated versions, translators must grasp the oa nl w knowledge of many fields, from the economy, politics to education and entertainment However, it is apparent that translators only focus on one d an lu major, so it is not easy to know the knowledge of all fields u nf va Moreover, to have accurate translations, translators should show competence in the SL and the TL Languages deal with many aspects, among ll oi m which are vocabulary and grammatical rules However, vocabulary and z at nh grammatical rules vary differently in different languages The translators can encounter challenges when dealing with the usage of grammar and the choice z gm @ of word meanings Furthermore, culture is a prominent element in a language Something l m co may be accepted in this culture but unaccepted in another When misunderstandings between cultures happen, accurate translations are an Lu impossible Translators who overcome cultural gaps can produce correct n va ac th si 69 translations The last reason is also one of the most important ones This reason deals with the functions and characteristics of film titles As presented in the Literature review, film titles must ensure vocative, informative, expressive, and aesthetic functions Moreover, they also have to guarantee language characteristics, cultural characteristics, and aesthetic characteristics Together with these things, film titles must convey the film contents These requirements of film titles are the challenges for translators lu To have qualified film titles, translators must know a variety of fields an However, GT is only a type of MT It depends on the data provided for the va n internet by developers to complete their duty of translation The more texts gh tn to are input into the system, the higher the translation quality is Therefore, it is a p ie challenge for GT to become a good machine translator in every field And this study proves that GT is not a good machine translator in translating English oa nl w film titles into Vietnamese ones However, we must confess that GT brings many advantages to our d an lu lives Thanks to GT, translators can save much time and effort in the duty of u nf va translation Hopefully, in the future, developers and managers can help GT overcome the weaknesses it has today GT can be improved to be a better and ll oi m better machine translator in every field z at nh 5.2 Limitations of the Study The study gained the research aim, but the researcher is aware of the z @ study's limitations The followings are the shortcomings of the thesis l gm Firstly, with only 130 English film titles and GT‘s Vietnamese m co translations, the error types and their frequencies may not be representative of all English film titles and their corresponding Vietnamese ones an Lu Finally, due to the different characteristics of languages, it is not easy to n va ac th si 70 find any framework suitable for all kinds of contexts The framework of Farrus et al (2010) is not perfect, too It does not contain pragmatic errors 5.3 Implications of the Study The research aim is to evaluate the quality of GT‘s Vietnamese translations of English film titles Hopefully, the main findings of the thesis will be of significance to those interested in translation and film title translation This section introduces the implications for teachers and students of lu translation, translators, and other researchers an 5.3.1 Implications for teachers and students of translation va n The research results of the thesis bring benefits to teachers and students gh tn to with a major in translation Firstly, the thesis guides them on recognizing translation error types of ie p film titles generated by GT These error types include capitalization of nl w orthographic errors, syntactic element reordering and category errors of syntactic d oa errors, extra words and missing words of lexical errors, and semantic errors an lu Additionally, the results also reveal the weaknesses of GT when va translating English film titles into Vietnamese ones GT made orthographic ll u nf errors, syntactic errors, lexical errors, and semantic errors in increasing z at nh morphological errors oi m proportions And the strength of GT is that it did not commit any cases of Besides, GT generated semantic errors with the highest level, compared z with the remaining error types @ gm Also, the findings make teachers and students realize that when m co l translating a film title from the SL to the TL, translators need to pay attention to the film contents Besides, translators must guarantee the functions and an Lu characteristics of film titles Lastly, teachers can use the research results of the thesis to design n va ac th si 71 appropriate and realistic teaching plans for students majoring in film title translation 5.3.2 Implications for translators All phenomena have two sides: the good side and the bad one And GT also brings advantages and disadvantages for translators GT can produce translations in a moment, but not all of them are correct As a result, depending absolutely on GT in translation is a bad idea for translators The results confirm that GT produced few correct translations in lu transferring English film titles to Vietnamese ones Among the total of 130 an English film titles, GT only generated 16 accurate translations Besides, GT va n committed semantic errors with the highest frequency when translating 114 gh tn to film titles In other words, using GT in translating film titles gives many incorrect pieces of translation p ie Thus, it is logical to advise that translators should be careful when nl w using GT to translate film titles Translators should pay attention to the d oa following aspects to get the perfect translations of film titles Firstly, they an lu should use this thesis as a reference to eliminate the errors by GT during the u nf va process of translation Secondly, they must consider the functions and characteristics of film titles Finally, with the knowledge of translation, ll oi m translators can have necessary modifications in translations of GT to meet of film titles z at nh film contents and cultural background without changing the target meanings z 5.3.3 Implications for other researchers @ l gm Some suggestions for further research are as follows Firstly, the length of translation put into GT should be longer to m co provide contexts for its translations This may ensure a better examination of an Lu GT‘s translation quality n va ac th si 72 Finally, another translation error framework which includes pragmatic errors should be used to investigate GT‘s translation quality in translating film titles from English to Vietnamese To sum up, GT is a convenient and fast tool because it can give a translation immediately However, GT does not gain good results in translating English film titles into Vietnamese ones In particular, GT gets many errors related to semantic ones Moreover, users should avoid orthographic, syntactic, lexical, and semantic errors by GT to choose the lu suggested translations accurately after considering the elements such as an cultural backgrounds, the film contents, and the TL and the SL contexts n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 73 PUBLICATION Trần, T T H., & Lê, N T (2021) The quality of Google Translate‘s Vietnamese translations of English film titles Journal of Science – Quy Nhon University 15(4), 69-75 https://doi.org/10.52111/qnjs 2021.15407 lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 74 REFERENCES English sources Ailan, D (2016) A study of film title translation from the perspective of Peter Newmark‘s communicative translation theory Quebec: CSCanada, 13(3), 32–37 Anwar, M (2015) Evaluating capitalization errors in Saudi female students‘ EFL writing at Bisha University Arab 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