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(Luận văn) the effect of supervisors interpersonal style on postgraduate students skill development, research satisfaction, and quality of life, evidence from vietnam

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY t to International School of Business ng hi ep w n lo Nguyen Thi Ha ad ju y th yi THE EFFECTS OF SUPERVISOR'S INTERPERSONAL STYLE ON POSTGRADUATE STUDENT'S SKILL DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH SATISFACTION, AND QUALITY OF LIFE: EVIDENCE FROM VIETNAM pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) n a Lu n va y te re th Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY t to International School of Business ng hi ep w Nguyen Thi Ha n lo ad ju y th THE EFFECTS OF SUPERVISOR'S INTERPERSONAL STYLE ON POSTGRADUATE STUDENT'S SKILL DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH SATISFACTION, AND QUALITY OF LIFE: EVIDENCE FROM VIETNAM yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb ID: 22130018 n a Lu SUPERVISOR: Dr NGUYEN THI MAI TRANG om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) n va y te re th Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 t to ng ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS hi ep The completion of this study represents a significant milestone in my life It has been a long time when I come back the academic journal and it demands plenty effort This thesis w n could not have been completed without the valuable support and kind encouragement of many lo ad y th people ju Firstly, I would like to express my genuine appreciation to my supervisor, Dr Nguyen yi Thi Mai Trang for her precious time, countless advice, professional guidance, as well as her pl valuable comments in every stage of doing my research I could not have completed this al n ua research without her teaching and assistance n va I would also like to express my great gratitude to the committee members, Dr Nguyen ll fu Dinh Tho, Dr Tran Ha Minh Quan, Dr Nguyen Thi Nguyet Que and Dr Nguyen Thi Mai at nh to complete this thesis with best results oi m Trang Their valuable comments and constructive suggestions contributed significantly for me z My special thank is extended to all instructors and staffs of School International School z of Business – University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City for their great support and vb jm ht experience sharing during the last two years In addition, lots of other professors, classmates, k friends, and bosses motivated me in the long journey of postgraduate program gm Finally, the deepest and most sincere gratitude are for my beloved family and my n a Lu complete MBA program om l.c husband who always facilitate great conditions and kindly encourage me to pursue and n va y te re th t to ng ABSTRACT hi ep The concern about postgraduate non-completion and time taken to completion has attracted to explore recently and supervisor is designated to facilitate the student’s academic w n development either in terms of coursework or research projects To address this problem, the lo ad purpose of this study is to examine the effects of supervisor’s interpersonal style on research ju y th skill development and subsequently, on research satisfaction and quality of life in the context of yi Vietnam postgraduate studies Additionally, it investigates the moderating role of student’s pl intrinsic motivation in the relationship between supervisor’s interpersonal style and skill al ua development Qualitative research by in-depth interview is managed to make the adopted scales n to be appropriate for the context of the study Following, quantitative research or main survey is va n conducted to test the measurement models and the hypothesized model With Structural fu ll Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, the research findings indicate that supervisor’s m oi interpersonal style has a strongly positive impact on student’s skill development, research at nh satisfaction, and eventually happiness in life In addition, intrinsic motivation is highlighted to z moderate the relationship of supervisor’s interpersonal style and skill development during z vb supervisory process Thus, these findings will be useful for universities, or scientific research k gm enhancing postgraduate research studies jm ht institutions to identify and address implementation issues related to effective supervision in om life, intrinsic motivation l.c Keywords: effective supervision, supervisor’s interpersonal style, skill development, quality of n a Lu n va y te re th t to ng TABLE OF CONTENTS hi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ep ABSTRACT w TABLE OF CONTENTS n lo LIST OF FIGURES ad ju y th LIST OF TABLES yi pl CHAPTER - INTRODUCTION ua al 1.1 Research background n 1.2 Research gap n va ll fu 1.3 Research objectives 10 oi m 1.4 Research scope - 10 at nh 1.5 Research significance 11 z 1.6 Research Structure - 11 z ht vb CHAPTER - LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES 13 k jm 2.1 Quality of life and research satisfaction - 13 gm 2.2 Skill development 14 om l.c 2.3 Supervisor’s interpersonal style 15 a Lu 2.4 Moderating effect of intrinsic motivation - 17 n 2.5 Conceptual model 19 va n CHAPTER - METHODOLOGY - 21 th Page | y 3.1.1 Research process 21 te re 3.1 Research design 21 t to ng 3.1.2 Measurement scales - 21 hi 3.2 Qualitative study - 26 ep 3.2.1 The purpose of qualitative research - 26 w n 3.2.2 Sample of qualitative research - 26 lo ad y th 3.2.3 The conduct of qualitative research - 26 ju 3.2.4 The outcome of qualitative research 27 yi pl 3.3 Quantitative study 29 al n ua 3.3.1 Questionnaire design 29 n va 3.3.2 The purpose of quantitative research - 30 ll fu 3.3.3 Sampling 30 oi m 3.3.4 Data analysis method - 31 at nh CHAPTER – DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS - 33 z 4.1 Data collection 33 z ht vb 4.2 Sample characteristics - 34 k jm 4.3 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of reliability test 36 gm 4.4 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) 40 om l.c 4.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) - 42 a Lu 4.5.1 Model Fit 42 n 4.5.2 Reliability and Validity Check - 44 va n Reliability 44 th Page | y Discriminant Validity - 44 te re Convergent validity - 44 t to ng 4.6 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - 45 hi 4.7 Testing the moderating effect of intrinsic motivation - 48 ep CHAPTER – CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, AND LIMITATIONS - 50 w n 5.1 Conclusions and discussion of the findings - 50 lo ad y th 5.2 Managerial implications - 54 ju 5.3 Limitations and future research 56 yi pl REFERENCES - 57 al n ua Appendix A: Guidelines for in-depth interview - 62 n va Appendix B: Final measurement scales - 68 ll fu Appendix C: Questionnaire (English version) - 70 oi m Appendix D: Questionnaire (Vietnamese Version) - 73 at nh Appendix E: KMO and Bartlett's Test and Total Variance Explained 76 z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th Page | t to ng LIST OF FIGURES hi Figure 2.1 Conceptual model - 19 ep Figure 3.1 Research process 22 w n Figure 4.5 Confirmatory factor analysis (Standardized estimates) 43 lo ad Figure 4.6 Structural results (Standardized estimates) 46 ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th Page | t to ng LIST OF TABLES hi Table 3.1 Scale items of supervisor’s interpersonal style 23 ep Table 3.2 Scale items of skill development 24 w Table 3.3 Scale items of intrinsic motivation 24 n lo Table 3.4 Scale items of research satisfaction 25 ad y th Table 3.5 Scale items of quality of lify 25 ju Table 3.6 Removed items 28 yi pl Table 4.1 Source of data collection 33 ua al Table 4.2 Respondents’ characteristics 35 n Table 4.3 Cronbach’s Alpha Rule of thumb 36 va n Table 4.4 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for each measurement scale – first round 37 ll fu Table 4.5 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for each measurement scale – final round 39 oi m Table 4.6 Pattern Matrix 41 nh Table 4.7 Key goodness-of-fit indices 42 at Table 4.8 Construct correlations, squared correlations and AVE 45 z z Table 4.9 Fitness of conceptualized Model 45 vb jm ht Table 4.10 Unstandardized Regression Weights (SEM) 46 k Table 4.11 Summary of hypotheses testing result 47 gm Table 4.12 Difference between variance and partial invariance model 48 l.c Table 4.13 Estimating for moderating effects of intrinsic motivation 49 om Table D1 KMO and Barlett’s Test 76 n a Lu Table D2 Total Variance Explained in Exploratory Factor Analysis 76 n va y te re th Page | t to ng CHAPTER - INTRODUCTION hi ep 1.1 Research background The relationship between research students and supervisors plays a critical role in the w n success of postgraduate thesis Doing research or thesis is the process involving selecting a lo ad research topic, planning the research, identifying the necessary resources, managing the ju y th project, actively conducting the research, carrying out the literature review, data analysis and yi interpretation of the data, writing the thesis, and defending it (Ismail, Abiddin & Hassan, pl 2011) Obviously, students’ commitments with their studies and their endurance in pursuing al ua academic path have been addressed as key factors in ensuring completion of their postgraduate n program (Sakurai, Pyhältö & Lindblom-Ylänne, 2012) va n Postgraduate students can be listed into three main programs including research, fu ll coursework and research - coursework Thus, the concern about higher degree non-completion m oi and time taken to completion has attracted many scholars to explore, especially in overseas, for nh at example in Canada, Australia and Malaysia Recent research on postgraduate study experience z has shown that stress, frustration and attrition rates among students are high and the number of z ht vb postgraduate students leaving their programs is alarming, ranging from 40% to 70% (Gardner, jm 2007) The study by Elga (2003) in Canada indicates that the completion rates vary from 45% k to 77% in subject to the major (Arts and humanities: masters 67.9%, doctoral 44.7%; Social gm sciences: masters 72.6%, doctoral 48.5%; Natural & Applied sciences: masters 74.5%, doctoral om l.c 66.7%; Life sciences: masters 77.1%, doctoral 70.4%) In Australia, the completion rates for a Lu research degrees have increased remarkably since the 1980s to between 80% and 90% in the n mid 1990s (Colebatch, as cited in Ismail et al., 2011) Further, based on the data gathered by n va Graduate School of Studies (GSO) of one public university in Malaysia, graduate students with Page | th earlier than that (Abiddin & Ismail, 2011) y student complete their Ph.D within 4.84 years averagely in 2005 whereas they can complete it te re thesis (research and coursework) complete their Masters averagely within 2.69 years and Ph.D t to ng Appendix A: Guidelines for in-depth interview hi ep Original measurement scales Final Vietnamese version Comments GVHD thông tin chi tiết nhận xét GVHD nghiên cứu Modified: 4/10 respondents suggested to change Vietnamese words "thorough" to be closer with Vietnamese context and added “supervisors’ comments” as specific feedback to be clearly understandable Not applicable Eliminated: 5/10 respondents stated that the content was similar to item "My supervisor gives thorough feedback on my research" and "My supervisor acts professionally during our meetings" This item was suggested to delete w Original Vietnamese version n lo Supervisor's interpersonal style (adopted from Mainhard et al., 2009) ad * Leadership y th ju My supervisor gives thorough feedback on my research yi GVHD phản hồi sâu sắc luận văn pl n ua al n va GVHD nắm rõ nội dung thảo luận luận văn My supervisor acts professionally during our meetings GVHD thể chuyên nghiệp buổi họp thảo luận ll fu My supervisor acts confidently when discussing my papers oi m at nh z z Modified: 3/10 respondents advised to revise the wording “act” in Vietnamese to be more specific and closer with the context of supervisory in Vietnam k jm ht vb l.c gm Cách hướng dẫn Giáo viên buổi gặp GVHD chuyên nghiệp om Eliminated: 4/10 respondents noted that item "My supervisor gives me clear guidance" included advice Also, most of them suggested that item "My supervisor gives me clear guidance" was a better descriptive item than "My supervisor gives me a lot of advice" Hence, this item was deleted to avoid being bored n va Not applicable n GVHD cho nhiều lời khuyên a Lu My supervisor gives me a lot of advice y te re th Page | 62 t to ng * Helping/friendly hi ep My supervisor anticipates possible misunderstandings between us GVHD lường trước bất đồng w n lo ad Eliminated: 8/10 respondents stated that this content was not quite suitable and not realistic in Vietnamese culture, especially in the relationship between supervisor and supervisee Accordingly, this item was excluded Not applicable ju y th GVHD phản ứng nhiệt tình với sáng kiến tơi GVHD ủng hộ sáng kiến yi pl n ua al My supervisor reacts enthusiastically about my initiatives Modified: 3/10 respondents recommended to adjust Vietnamese words "reacts enthusiastically" to be closer with Vietnamese context and suitable with the construct n va Eliminated: 6/10 respondents noted this was not suitable in the dimension "helping/friendly" and this item had similar meaning to "My supervisor trusts me" Subsequently, this item was excluded fu Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD ln hợp tác cần oi m at nh z z Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD ln phản hồi cần ht vb Modified: 3/10 respondents proposed to adjust the Vietnamese wording to be clearer k My supervisor always cooperates, if I want something Not applicable jm GVHD người tơi trơng cậy vào ll My supervisor is someone I can rely on gm GVHD giúp đỡ Not applicable n a Lu My supervisor helps me om l.c Eliminated: 10/10 respondents remarked that the verb "help" and “support" was very close and similar in Vietnamese meaning All recommended to delete the item “My supervisor helps me “ and to remain the item "My supervisor supports me" as this was a better descriptive item n va y te re th Page | 63 t to ng * Understanding hi GVHD góp ý nghiêm túc luận văn Eliminated: 7/10 respondents suggested to adjust wording "quick to criticize me" by "critically comments on my research" to make the item clear in meaning and easily understandable However, after revising, the respondents found the content was similar with item “My supervisor is critical of my research”, hence this item was recommended to delete ep Not applicable Eliminated: 6/10 respondents commented that this content did not reflect the important role in respondents' perception in the supervisory process of Vietnam postgraduate program and it was not suitable in Vietnamese culture, especially in the relationship between supervisor and supervisee Most of participants suggested to delete w GVHD hài hước với n My supervisor shares my sense of humor lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al * Strict n va fu GVHD nhanh chóng trích ll oi m My supervisor is quick to criticize me at nh z z k jm l.c gm GVHD nghiêm túc nghiên cứu Modified: 3/10 respondents recommended to adjust "critical of my research" by "critical in guiding my research" to make the item clear in meaning ht vb My supervisor is critical of my research GVHD nghiêm túc hướng dẫn đề tài nghiên cứu om * Student responsibility/freedom y th Page | 64 te re Not applicable n GVHD để chọn cách làm riêng va My supervisor lets me choose my own direction n a Lu Eliminated: 7/10 respondents commented that this content was overlapped with item "My supervisor allows me to make my own decisions" The respondents further noted that the item "My supervisor allows me to make my own decisions" was a better descriptive item Hence, the mentioned item was eliminated t to ng Skill development (adopted from Marsh et al., 2002) hi ep Doing my own research helped me to develop my ability to plan my own work w n lo ad ju y th As a result of my research, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems yi Làm luận văn giúp phát triển khả lập kế hoạch làm việc Modified: 5/10 respondents proposed to adjust the Vietnamese translation to be more coherent Kết từ việc làm luận văn, cảm thấy tự tin giải vấn đề không quen thuộc Việc làm luận văn giúp tự tin xử lý vấn đề bất thường xảy Modified: 5/10 respondents proposed to adjust the Vietnamese translation to be more coherent pl Làm luận văn giúp phát triển khả để có kế hoạch làm việc riêng al Intrinsic motivation (adopted from Karatepe, 2014) Tôi cảm nhận cảm giác tuyệt vời lịng với làm luận văn tốt My research increases my feeling of self esteem Luận văn làm tăng nhận thức tơi lịng tự trọng n ua I feel a great sense of personal satisfaction when I my research well n va Modified: 6/10 participants indicated to revise the Vietnamese wording to be short but appropriate in meaning ll fu Tơi cảm thấy lịng với hồn thành tốt luận văn oi m nh at Not applicable z z Not applicable om Hàng ngày, hứng thú làm luận văn l.c Most days, I am enthusiastic about my research gm Thường ngày, tơi nhắc nhở phải hồn thành nghiên cứu k Hàng ngày, tơi buộc phải nghiên cứu jm Most days, I have to force myself to research Modified: 03/10 respondents advised to adjust the wording "force myself to the research" to "remind myself to complete research" instead to be suitable with the context of the study Eliminated: 04/10 respondents commented that this content was not highly appropriate with students or objects whose job were not related to academic field This item was not popular for all objects of doing research Hence, this item was excluded ht vb Research satisfaction (adopted from Lee et al., 2012) Eliminated: 8/10 respondents stated that this content was not related to the supervisory process and not suitable in the study context Likewise, the participants suggested to delete n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 65 t to ng hi ep I find real enjoyment in my research Not applicable Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái với luận văn Not applicable Tôi vừa ý với luận văn I consider my research pleasant Tôi thấy hào hứng với luận văn w n I am relaxed with my research lo ad Not applicable Eliminated: 05/10 respondents commented that this item was not suitable to measure the construct satisfaction Only 01 item could not reflect the level of disappointment from the respondent Accordingly, this item was excluded ju y th Eliminated: 10/10 respondents noted that "I feel fairly wellsatisfied with my research" included those three mentioned items and it might cause a boring feeling of repetition for the respondents if they were requested to reply all Consequently, those items were excluded yi Tôi thấy chán nản nhìn đến nghiên cứu pl Not applicable n ua al I am disappointed I ever look research n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 66 t to ng hi ep List of interviewees: Names No w Postgraduate learning status Gender n Trần Nguyễn Kiều Phương Female Trần Quốc Trung Male Phan Thanh Tú Male Đoàn Hồng Phát Female Trần Thanh Đăng Sơn Trương Kim Ngân Nguyễn Duy Tân Male Nguyễn Văn Luật Male Lê Quốc Hùng Male MBA, years graduation Vietnamese 10 Nguyễn Thị Yến Female MBA, years graduation Vietnamese ad lo MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 2, years graduation MBA, years graduation Language used in postgraduate study ju y th yi pl n ua al Male n va Female University English English English University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City English English English ll fu English oi m at nh Open University Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Vietnamese z z k jm ht vb University of economics and Law Gender Nguyễn Hoàng Tân Male Ngô Tuấn Tài Male Vietnamese Vietnamese Page | 67 th English y Female University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Open University Open University te re Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng English n MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBUS 4, under doing thesis MBA, years graduation MBA, years graduation va Female University n Đặng Bích Phương Language used in postgraduate study a Lu Postgraduate learning status om Names l.c No gm List of target respondents to read the final thirty-two items after in-depth interview t to ng Appendix B: Final measurement scales hi ep SIS Supervisor's interpersonal style (adopted from Mainhard et al., 2009) My supervisor gives thorough feedback on my research My supervisor acts professionally during our meetings lo My supervisor always explains comprehensibly when I ask something y th ju L4 HF yi My supervisor reacts enthusiastically about my initiatives My supervisor supports me HF1 pl al U1 ll fu My supervisor trusts me U n va My supervisor listens to me HR3 n HF2 ua My supervisor always cooperates, if I want something Understanding My supervisor pays attention, if I have something to say U2 m U3 oi nh My supervisor is critical in guiding my research My supervisor immediately corrects me if I something wrong vb SD4 SD5 Page | 68 th As a result of my research, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar problems SD3 y Doing my own research helped me to develop my ability to plan my own work SD2 te re SD1 n My research sharpened my analytical skills I learned to develop my ideas and present them in my written research SD va SR3 n My research further developed my problem-solving skills SR2 a Lu om Skill development (adopted from Marsh et al., 2002) SR1 l.c My supervisor allows me to make my own decisions My supervisor is easily impressed by me gm SR k My supervisor follows my proposals STR4 jm Student responsibility/freedom STR3 ht My supervisor is strict when evaluating my progress STR2 z STR1 z My supervisor demands a lot from me STR at Strict L3 My supervisor gives me clear guidance Helping/friendly L2 ad L1 n L w Leadership t to ng Intrinsic motivation (adopted from Karatepe, 2014) hi IM IM1 ep I feel a great sense of personal satisfaction when I my research well IM2 When I research well, it gives me a feeling of accomplishment IM3 w When I perform my research well, it contributes to my personal growth and development lo Most days, I have to remind myself to research My research is pretty interesting I definitely like my research RS2 y th RS3 ju I feel fairly well-satisfied with my research RS4 yi pl RS1 ad RS n Research satisfaction (adopted from Lee et al., 2012) Conditions of my life are excellent I have gotten the important things I want in life QL2 n va I am satisfied with my life QL1 ua QL al Quality of life (adopted from Nguyen & Nguyen, 2012) n QL3 ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 69 t to ng Appendix C: Questionnaire (English version) hi ep Dear Sir/Madam, I am Nguyen Thi Ha, a student of Master Program of International School of Business, University of Economics w Ho Chi Minh City I am undertaking a research to investigate the effects of supervisor’s interpersonal style on n lo student’s skill development, research satisfaction, and quality of life in the context of Vietnam postgraduate ad y th studies Please kindly help to complete the following short questionnaire regarding your perception upon doing ju postgraduate thesis, which should take you less than 10 minutes There is no right or wrong opinion All your yi responses are valuable and important for my research pl Your personal information will be kept confidentially and not be disclosed without your permission If you have n va I Section A n phone number: +84 909 880 941 ua al any concerns or questions about this study, please contact me via e-mail address: ha.nguyenin@gmail.com, or ll fu This section of the questionnaire explores your experience regarding to postgraduate thesis oi m Doing research, mentioned in this survey, is understood as doing thesis nh Have you done postgraduate thesis? at  Already complete (Continue 1a) gm c > months om l.c  Not yet doing postgraduate thesis b 3-6 months k a < months d > years jm 1b You have been doing postgraduate thesis: ht  Under doing postgraduate thesis (Continue 1b) c > 2-3 years vb b 1-2 years z a < year z 1a You have completed postgraduate thesis: n for your cooperation in completing this questionnaire a Lu If your answer for question is Not yet doing postgraduate thesis, you can stop your work here Thank you n va y te re th Page | 70 t to ng II Section B: This section explores your perceptions upon doing postgraduate thesis lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb gm 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 y th Page | 71 te re 4 4 4 4 n 3 3 3 3 va 2 2 2 2 n 1 1 1 1 4 4 a Lu 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 om 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 l.c 3 3 Strongly agree n 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Agree w 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Neutral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Disagree ep Strongly disagree hi To what extent you agree with each of the following statements, please indicate your answer using the following 5-point scale where: Question = Strongly disagree # = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree My supervisor gives thorough feedback on my research My supervisor always explains comprehensibly when I ask something My supervisor acts professionally during our meetings My supervisor gives me clear guidance My supervisor reacts enthusiastically about my initiatives My supervisor always cooperates, if I want something My supervisor supports me My supervisor listens to me My supervisor pays attention, if I have something to say 10 My supervisor trusts me 11 My supervisor is critical in guiding my research 12 My supervisor demands a lot from me 13 My supervisor immediately corrects me if I something wrong 14 My supervisor is strict when evaluating my progress 15 My supervisor follows my proposals 16 My supervisor allows me to make my own decisions 17 My supervisor is easily impressed by me 18 My research further developed my problem-solving skills 19 I learned to develop my ideas and present them in my written research 20 My research sharpened my analytical skills Doing my own research helped me to develop my ability to plan my 21 own work As a result of my research, I feel confident about tackling unfamiliar 22 problems I feel a great sense of personal satisfaction when I my research 23 well When I perform my research well, it contributes to my personal 24 growth and development 25 When I research well, it gives me a feeling of accomplishment 26 Most days, I have to remind myself to research 27 I definitely like my research 28 My research is pretty interesting 29 I feel fairly well-satisfied with my research 30 Conditions of my life are excellent 31 I am satisfied with my life 32 I have gotten the important things I want in life t to ng hi III Section C – Background information ep This section of the questionnaire refers to background or biographical information Please tick the suitable w choice or write n ad  Female y th  Male lo Gender:  Vietnamese yi pl  English ju Language used in postgraduate program:  Finance & Accounting n ua  Business administration al Major in postgraduate program: va  Other: …………………………………………………… n University you study postgraduate program: ll  Open University m  Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology oi  University of Economics and Law fu  University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City om l.c Thank you very much for your great collaboration! gm  Other: ……………………………………………………  Phone k  Email jm  Meet directly ht Primary means of communication with your supervisor:  twice/month vb  once/month z  1-2 times/month z Frequency you meet your supervisor: at nh  Other: …………………………………………………… n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 72 t to ng Appendix D: Questionnaire (Vietnamese Version) hi ep PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT Kính chào Anh/ Chị, w n Tôi tên Nguyễn Thị Hà, học viên cao học Viện Đào tạo Quốc tế, Trường Đại Học Kinh Tế TP lo HCM Tôi nghiên cứu vai trò giáo viên hướng dẫn việc phát triển kỹ nghiên cứu, ad y th hài lịng q trình nghiên cứu chất lượng sống sinh viên Rất mong Anh/ Chị dành ju khoảng 10 phút để trả lời Phiếu khảo sát Xin lưu ý khơng có câu trả lời hay sai mà tất ý yi kiến Anh/ Chị có giá trị quan trọng cho nghiên cứu pl Thông tin cá nhân Anh/ Chị giữ bí mật hồn tồn Trong q trình thực phiếu khảo sát này, al n n I Phần A va số điện thoại 0909 880 941 ua Anh/Chị có thắc mắc nào, xin vui lịng liên lạc với tơi thông qua địa email: ha.nguyenin@gmail.com ll fu Phần tìm hiểu kinh nghiệm làm nghiên cứu Anh/ Chị m oi Làm nghiên cứu đề cập phiếu khảo sát hiểu làm luận văn at nh Anh/ Chị làm luận văn chương trình đào tạo sau đại học chưa? c > tháng om l.c  Chưa làm b 3-6 tháng gm a < tháng k 1b Anh/ Chị làm luận văn: d > năm jm (tiếp tục câu 1b) c >2-3 năm ht  Đang làm luận văn b 1-2 năm vb a < năm z 1a Anh/ Chị hoàn tất việc bảo vệ: z  Đã bảo vệ luận văn (tiếp tục câu 1a) n n va Chân thành cám ơn giúp đỡ Anh/Chị a Lu Nếu câu trả lời Anh/Chị cho câu Chưa làm, Anh/Chị dừng việc trả lời phiếu khảo sát y te re th Page | 73 t to ng II Phần B hi Phần tìm hiểu thái độ, nhận thức Anh/ Chị trình làm luận văn ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om a Lu 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 n va y th Page | 74 te re 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 l.c gm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hoàn toàn đồng ý lo Đồng ý n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Giáo viên hướng dẫn (GVHD) thông tin chi tiết nhận xét GVHD nghiên cứu GVHD giải thích kỹ tơi hỏi Cách hướng dẫn Giáo viên buổi gặp GVHD chuyên nghiệp GVHD hướng dẫn tơi rõ ràng Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD ủng hộ sáng kiến Trong trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD ln phản hồi tơi cần Trong trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD hỗ trợ tơi Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD lắng nghe tơi Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD ý tơi trình bày Trong q trình làm nghiên cứu, GVHD tin tưởng GVHD nghiêm túc hướng dẫn đề tài nghiên cứu GVHD yêu cầu nỗ lực nhiều GVHD sửa cho tơi làm điều sai GVHD nghiêm túc đánh giá q trình làm nghiên cứu tơi GVHD theo dõi đề cương GVHD cho phép tự định GVHD gây ấn tượng tốt Làm nghiên cứu giúp phát triển kỹ giải vấn đề Tôi học cách phát triển ý tưởng trình bày nghiên cứu Làm nghiên cứu rèn luyện kỹ phân tích tơi Làm nghiên cứu giúp tơi phát triển khả lập kế hoạch làm việc Làm nghiên cứu giúp tơi tự tin xử lý vấn đề bất thường xảy Tôi có cảm giác thỏa mãn cá nhân tuyệt vời thực tốt nghiên cứu Khi thực tốt nghiên cứu mình, tơi cảm thấy trưởng thành Thực tốt nghiên cứu cho cảm giác đạt thành tốt Thường ngày, tơi nhắc nhở phải hồn thành nghiên cứu Tơi thích đề tài nghiên cứu Đề tài nghiên cứu thú vị Tơi cảm thấy hài lịng với nghiên cứu Điều kiện sống tuyệt vời Tơi hài lịng với sống Tôi đạt điều quan trọng mà muốn sống Khơng có ý kiến w Khơng đồng ý Câu hỏi Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý ep Xin cho biết mức độ đồng ý Anh/Chị với phát biểu sau cách đánh dấu vào tương ứng, với: 1-Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý 2-Khơng đồng ý 3-Khơng có ý kiến 4-Đồng ý 5-Hoàn toàn đồng ý t to ng III Phần C – Thông tin cá nhân hi Phần liên quan đến thơng tin cá nhân Xin vui lịng đánh dấu vào thích hợp ep Giới tính  Nữ w n  Nam lo Ngôn ngữ Anh/Chị sử dụng chương trình sau đại học: ad  Tiếng Việt y th  Tiếng Anh  Kế tốn tài yi pl  Quản trị kinh doanh ju Chuyên ngành Anh/Chị học chương trình sau đại học: al Khác: …………………………………………………… n ua Trường Anh/Chị theo học chương trình sau đại học:  Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh va  Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh n  Đại học Kinh tế Luật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh fu oi m nh Tần suất Anh/Chị gặp giáo viên hướng dẫn: ll Khác: ……………………………………………………  Đại học Bách Khoa Tp Hồ Chí Minh  lần/tháng  lần/tháng  Gặp trực tiếp  Email  Điện thoại at  1-2 lần/tháng z Phương tiện chủ yếu để trao đổi nghiên cứu với giáo viên hướng dẫn: z jm ht vb Khác: …………………………………………………… k Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác quý báu Anh/Chị! om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 75 t to ng Appendix E: KMO and Bartlett's Test and Total Variance Explained hi ep Table D1: KMO and Bartlett's Test w n lo ad Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi-Square Sphericity df ,892 4400,316 378 ,000 ju y th Sig yi Table D2: Total Variance Explained in Exploratory Factor Analysis pl n ua al % of Variance Cumulative % oi at nh z 33.577 10.792 5.539 4.798 4.507 4.033 3.568 2.988 z k jm ht vb Total 33.577 44.370 49.908 54.707 59.214 63.247 66.815 69.803 6.085 6.212 5.672 5.781 4.979 2.890 5.144 5.369 om l.c gm Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring 9.402 3.022 1.551 1.344 1.262 1.129 999 837 % of Variance Cumulative % m 34.619 46.498 53.173 58.941 64.460 69.399 74.076 78.227 Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total ll 34.619 11.879 6.675 5.768 5.519 4.938 4.677 4.151 fu 9.693 3.326 1.869 1.615 1.545 1.383 1.310 1.162 n Total va Factor Initial Eigenvalues Rotation Sums of Squared Loadingsa n a Lu n va y te re th Page | 76

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2023, 16:21