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(Luận văn) the effect of earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities on employees performance, a comparison between the state sector and other sectors in vietnam , luận văn thạc sĩ

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t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY ng hi International School of Business ep - w n lo ad y th ju ĐẶNG XUÂN CHƯƠNG yi pl al n ua THE EFFECT OF EARNING, WORKING ENVIRONMENT, AND PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STATE SECTOR AND OTHER SECTORS IN VIETNAM n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2012 t to UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY ng hi International School of Business ep - w n lo ad y th ju ĐẶNG XUÂN CHƯƠNG yi pl n ua al THE EFFECT OF EARNING, WORKING ENVIRONMENT, AND PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STATE SECTOR AND OTHER SECTORS IN VIETNAM n va ll fu oi m ID: MBUS 111006 at nh z z ht vb k jm MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) om l.c gm SUPERVISOR: Dr NGUYỄN ĐÔNG PHONG n a Lu n va y te re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2012 t to TABLE OF CONTENTS ng hi ep Chapter – INTRODUCTION .1 w n 1.1 Background of the research lo ad 1.2.Research problem, research objective, and research questions y th 1.3.Justification for the research ju 1.4.Methodology yi 1.5.Outline of the report pl 1.6.Definitions/concepts al n ua 1.7.Delimitations of scope and key assumptions va 1.8.Conclusion n Chapter – LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES fu ll 2.1 Introduction m oi 2.2 Classification models of literature review at nh 2.2.1 Earning and employees’ performance 2.2.2 Working environment and employees’ performance .10 z z 2.2.3 Promotion opportunities and employees’ performance 12 vb ht 2.3 Conclusion 15 jm Chapter – METHODOLOGY 16 k gm 3.1 Introduction 16 l.c 3.2 Research procedure 16 3.3 Conclusion 20 om Chapter - ANALYSIS OF DATA 21 a Lu 4.1 Introduction 21 y te re Chapter – IMPLICATION AND CONCLUSIONS .40 n 4.4 Conclusion 37 va 4.3 Patterns of data for each research question 22 n 4.2 Brief description of subjects 21 t to 5.1 Introduction 40 ng 5.2 Conclusions 40 hi ep 5.3 Implications 42 5.4 Limitations and recommend for further research .43 w n REFERENCE .44 lo ad ANPPEDIX A 47 ju y th ANPPENDIX B 49 ANPPENDIX C 51 yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re t to ng hi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ep After two years study in International School of Business (ISB) with MBus program, and the time of doing this thesis, I acknowledge that I was so lucky to be a member of this w n program where I had great chances to work with professionals come from both internal and lo ad oversea, those professionals had to equip us – students of ISB not only knowledge, skills and y th experience of economy and management, but also provide us valuable information of many ju aspects of social life I also have got a very nice friendship with many interesting members of yi the program who have interacted and helped me so much in studying and in many other fields pl Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation to my al n ua research Supervisor Dr Nguyen Dong Phong, for his intensive support, valuable guidance and va suggestions; all professionals of the program, and all members of ISB for their enthusiastic n supporters during my whole course and the time of doing this research; my classmates, who fu ll have shared with me both joys and difficulties during the course, encourage me so much in oi m doing this thesis at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re t to ng THE EFFECT OF EARNING, WORKING ENVIRONMENT, AND PROMOTION hi ep OPPORTUNITIES ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STATE SECTOR AND OTHER SECTORS IN VIETNAM w n lo Abstract ad Purpose – This study aims to determine the impact of three independent variables which are y th ju earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities on dependent variable, yi employees’ performance, and compare those variables affect on performance of employees in pl state sectors and other sectors in order to find out differences between two al n ua Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted involving 280 employees working in both government sectors and other sectors in Ho Chi Minh City Multiple regression va n analyses were performed to separately analyze the effects on employees, employees in state fu ll sectors, and employees in other sectors The comparison of those effects also did between two oi m groups nh Findings – The results showed that all three determinants which are earning, working at environment and promotion opportunities positively influence employees’ performance A z z comparison of the relative strengths of the effects reveals that in both state sectors and other vb sectors Earning has the strongest effect on employees’ performance, and in state sectors it ht jm affects stronger than in other sectors The second is Promotion opportunities, and it also shows k that in state sectors Promotion opportunities affects stronger on employees’ performance than gm in other sectors The third is Working Environment, but in this case the stronger one belongs l.c to other sectors, and in state sectors it impacts slightly to employees’ performance om Keywords: Employee, performance, compare, earning, working environment, promotion n a Lu opportunities, state sectors, other sectors n va y te re t to Chapter ng hi INTRODUCTION ep 1.1 Background of the research w n Each sector/organization has its own asset which contains two main lo ad components – labor and capital Capital is so important to the success of the y th sector/organization, while labor is essential to it The labor of the organization does ju yi everything daily and the whole existing time of the organization Without labor nothing pl is done However, labor with their knowledge and skills does not guarantee to the al ua success of the organization; the vital thing is how this labor demonstrates its n knowledge and skills in doing or performing their works Employees’ performance is va n an essential part for the success or failure of each sector/organization, which is affected fu ll by number of factors that come from both inside and outside of each m oi sector/organization such as leadership, earning, promotion opportunities, working at nh environment, employee employer relationship, leadership commitment, employee z involvement, and etc Each economic system contains a large number of z sectors/organizations, and inside each economy there are some differences such as the vb ht difference number of state sectors and other sectors, etc Vietnamese is a developing jm economy which comprises variety kind of sectors such as foreign sectors, join sectors, k gm private sectors, and public/state sectors Each kind of those sectors have contributed l.c fairly to the economy, and they all have been considering be important to the om development of the country All of those kind sectors could be divided into two groups a Lu which are state sectors and other sectors (foreign sectors, join sectors, private sectors), n in the process of reforming its economic system, the number of Vietnamese state sector va seems to be getting smaller by time while the number of other sectors has increased, n y system It is clearly that, in both state and other sectors the main contribution to the te re even the state sector continues to hold an important role in Vietnamese economic t to success of each single sector is the performance of its employees However, from the ng hi nature of each group, the state sector has some differences with other sectors, therefore ep each of them is affected by the same determinants but with different influences, different levels which should be analyzed and have a comparison Understanding the w n main determinants which affect employees’ performance in each group of sectors and lo ad from that has an adjustment for improving is vital to the success of each sector, its y th leadership, and even its employees, especially with Vietnamese economy which is ju yi changing so quickly with plenty of opportunities and challenges pl Market as battlefield, in battlefield as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said: the winning al ua or failing on battlefield depend on the emotion of the soldiers who are fighting on that n Therefore, motivating people is so important which is vital for the success of each va n organization in any field, including business In doing business today, one of the fu ll biggest problems for Vietnamese sectors that have been discussed so much on media is m oi productivity of Vietnamese labor is low This problem is agreed by both Vietnamese at nh government officials and people And many foreign managers who have worked with z Vietnamese people also reveal that Vietnamese labor is intelligent and has good skills, z but the output is quite low compare to labor of other neighbor countries, this problem vb ht could relate to the motivation aspect that requires reasonable answer and solutions jm Moreover, the fact in Vietnam is that not many managers consider carefully about k gm factors that motivate their employees in doing works, some of them may know how to l.c motivate their subordinates but they ignore, some other may not know well about that, om therefore those managers not adopt any policy to encourage their employees to a Lu perform better However, since Vietnam joined into World Trade Organization, n especially during economic crises times the competition between Vietnamese products va and foreign ones is so hard in both the quality and the price of each product that require n y resource, and improving performance of employees is one important factor By te re Vietnamese sectors have to enhance capacity in many aspects that include human t to enhancing the productivity of each employee, as a result the quality of products could ng hi improve and price could be reduced that help Vietnamese products have chances to win ep in competition Understand how factors and each factor affect on performance of employees w n and implement reasonable policies to boost productivity are so important to each lo ad managers for his/her sector(s) and for the whole Vietnamese economic system in y th competing with foreigners In this study, earning, working environment and promotion ju yi opportunities will be investigated to find out their effect on employees’ performance pl and compare the differences of those effects on state sectors and other sectors The al va Research problem, research objective, and research questions n 1.2 n of employees ua study also considers the relation of the three determinants in affecting on performance ll fu Research problem m oi How earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities affect on at nh employees’ performance? What are the differences of those impacts on the state sector z compare to other sectors in Vietnamese economic system? z vb Research objective ht Objectives of this research are to determine how earning, working jm environment, and promotion opportunities affect on employees’ performance, compare k gm and discuss what those determinants impact differently on the state sector and other l.c sectors in Vietnamese economic system om Research questions a Lu How earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities affect n employees’ performance? va How earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities affect n y Vietnamese economic system? te re employees’ performance differently between the state sector and other sectors in t to There has had number of studies about determinants affect on employees’ ng hi performance worldwide such as Workplace Environment and Its Impact on ep Employees’ Performance (Nowier Mohammed Al-Anzi, 2009); Earnings, and Performance-Related Pay (Alison L Booth and Jeff Frank, 1999); Effects of Wage and w n Promotion Incentives on the Motivation Levels of Japanese Employees (Kiyoshi lo ad Takahashi, 2006); Workplace Environment and Its Impact on Organizational y th Performance in Public Sector Organizations (Chandrasekar, 2011); Impact of ju yi Workplace Quality on Employee’s Productivity: case study of a bank in turkey (Demet pl Leblebici, 2012) etc Even those, in Vietnam it seems that has not had any study that al ua compared how those determinants impact the performance of employees between state n sectors and other sectors, therefore this research will look at some previous research va n about earning, working environment, and promotion opportunities affect employees’ fu ll performance, analyze the effect of those determinants on performance of employees in m oi Vietnam context and has a comparison and discussion in order to distinguish at nh differences of how those factors affect on state sectors and other sectors Finding out z those differences is considered as the thesis’ contribution to the literature and practice z Justification for the research vb 1.3 ht All sectors/organizations are formed by employees, and those people decide jm the success or failure of the organization which they belong to by their own k gm performance Understanding well main determinants in general and earning, working l.c environment, promotion opportunities in specific affect on employees’ performance om and recognize how those determinants affect on state sectors and other sectors a Lu differently in Vietnamese economic system could be very helpful for leaders/managers, n and even employees in each kind of sector to create attributions which are suitable to va each sector to improve performance of their employees, to enhance efficiency and n Methodology y 1.4 te re effectiveness of their firms Those are main reasons for doing this research t to Lazear, E(1998), Personnel Economics for Managers New York: John Wiley & Sons ng Mary Jane (n.d) Employee Promotion & Performance Appraisal, eHow Retrieved August hi ep 08, 2012 from http://www.ehow.com/info_7864603_employee-promotion-performance appraisal.html w n Ministry of Business Innovation & Management (n.d.), Seniority pay, promotions and older lo ad job seekers Retrieved 17 August 2012 from http://www.dol.govt.nz/services/lmi/work- y th force2020/ageing/seniority/seniority_06.asp ju yi Nancy L, Leech, Karen C Barret, GeorgeA Morgan (2005), “SPSS for Intermediate pl n New Jersey London ua al Statistics: Use and Interpretation Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (2 nd ed.) Mahwah, va n Nguyen Kieu Nga (2011) Factors affect employees’ loyalty in Esquel company in Vietnam fu Questionnaire of Master thesis submitted in University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City ll oi m Nowier Mohammed Al-Anzi, (2009) Workplace environment and its impact on employees’ Degree of Master of Business Administration at nh performance Project Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the z z Performance definition In online Business dictionary Retrieved March 29, 2012 from ht vb http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/performance.html jm Promotion In online Investoperdia dictionary Retrieved Mach 31, 2012 prom k http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/promotion.asp#axzz1qi7SpLdS gm Perry, Mesch, and Paarlberg (2006), Motivating Employees in a new Governance Era: The l.c performance paradigm Revisited, Public Administration Review 66(4): 505-14 Retrieved om 29 July 2012 from http:/www.aspanet.org/scriptcontent/custom/staticcontent/t2pdown- Van Eerde and Thierry (1996), Vroom’s Expectancy Model and Work-Related Criteria: A n va Meta- Analusis, Journal of Applied Psychology 81(5): 575-89 n a Lu loads/ perryarticle.htm y te re Savych, B (2005), Toward Incentives for Military Transformation A Review of Economic 45 t to Models of Compensation Santa Monica: Rand Corporation Retrieved 01 November ng hi 2012 from http://www.rand.org/pubs/technical_reports/2005/RAND_TR194.pdf ep Work environment In online Business dictionary Retrieved March 31, 2012 from w http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/work-environment.html n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 46 t to ANPPENDIX A ng hi ep Dear participant, I am a member of Master of Business in English of Economic University of Ho Chi w n Minh City At the present, I have been doing a research about determinants of employees’ lo ad performance: a comparison between state sectors and other sectors in Vietnam Please kindly y th share your own thinking on the issues given in this questionnaire ju All your ideas will help for the success of my research yi CONTENT OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE pl Please express the degree of your agreement with statements given below (Indentify your al n ua rating by circling the number) Rating scale: - Strongly disagree to - Strongly agree n va fu Earning (Salary/income) oi 5 Presence of salary that reflects my performance at nh 1.1 Your Rating m Contend of questions ll STT Current income presence of attractive and competitive z 1.2 z compensation system vb My company has transparent and equitable policy of salary 1.4 Presence of salary that encourages better performance Working Environment om equipment for doing their work I receive support from colleagues so much n Relationships between colleagues at my workplace are va 2.4 n My workplace is safety and convenience a Lu 2.3 te re 2.5 l.c In my workplace, staff is equipped and provided enough My company organizes stable working time gm 2.2 k 2.1 jm ht 1.3 friendly and relaxed y 47 t to 2.6 My superiors encourage and helpe me in doing my work so ng much hi ep Promotion oppotunities w 5 of employees n lo I have been trained all skills that need for doing my work ad The company has created many opportunities for me to learn y th 3.3 My company has variety training programs to improve ability 3.1 3.2 ju and improve yi 3.4 I have many opportunities for promotion pl ua colleagues with similar qualification n Employees’ Performance n va I have equal opportunities of getting promotion with other al 3.5 I believe I am an effective employee 4.2 I am happy with the quality of my work output 4.2 My manager believes I am an efficient worker 4.4 My colleagues believe I am a very productive employee My performance is better than that of my colleagues with ll fu 4.1 oi m at nh z similar qualification z 4.5 ht vb Other sector Thank you for your cooperation and contribution! om l.c gm ; k State sector jm Are you working for a state sector or another sector? n a Lu n va y te re 48 t to ANPPENDIX B ng hi ep BẢNG KHẢO SÁT Xin chào anh/chị, tơi sinh viên Chương trình thạc sĩ Trường ĐH Kinh w n Tế TP HCM Hiện thực nghiên cứu nhân tố gồm thu nhập, môi lo ad trường làm việc, hội thăng tiến tác động đến kết công việc nhân viên Rất mong y th anh/chị dành thời gian thực bảng khảo sát bên Tất kiến anh/chị có ju ý nghĩa với thành công nghiên cứu yi pl PHẦN NỘI DUNG KHẢO SÁT al n ua Xin anh/chị vui lịng cho biết mức độ đồng phát biểu với fu 5: Rất đồng ý ll 4: Đồng ý 2: Không đồng ý 3: Trung lập (khơng có ý kiến gì) n 1: Rất không đồng ý va quy ước: Đánh dấu chéo vào ô anh/chị lựa chọn: oi m Mức độ đồng ý Thu nhập (Lương) 5 z l.c at Nội dung câu hỏi nh STT Mức lương tương xứng với lực tơi z 1.1 vb Thu nhập có tính hấp dẫn cạnh tranh so với ht công ty ngành 1.4 Mức lương khuyến khích tơi làm việc hiệu Cơng ty tổ chức thời gian làm việc ổn định Nhân viên cung cấp đầy đủ trang thiết bị hỗ trợ cho công n a Lu 2.2 om 2.1 Mơi trường làm việc Cơng ty có sách lương rõ ràng công gm 1.3 k jm 1.2 va việc Nơi làm việc an toàn tiện nghi 2.4 Tôi nhận hỗ trợ nhiều từ đồng nghiệp n 2.3 y te re 49 t to Mối quan hệ đồng nghiệp nơi làm việc thân thiện ng 2.5 thoải mái hi ep Cấp tơi khuyến khích giúp tơi thực công 2.6 việc nhiều w Cơ hội phát triển n lo 5 Cơng ty có nhiều chương trình đào tạo & phát triển nhân viên Tơi đào tạo kỹ cần thiết cho công việc y th 3.2 ad 3.1 Công ty tạo nhiều hội cho học tập phát triển 3.4 Tơi có nhiều hội thăng tiến cơng ty ju 3.3 yi pl ua nghiệp có trình độ, lứa tuổi tính chất cơng việc n va Hiệu suất làm việc n Tôi nhận đươc công hội thăng tiến so với đồng al 3.5 Tôi cho nhân viên làm việc hiệu 4.2 Tơi hài lịng với chất lượng/kết làm việc ll fu 4.1 m Cấp đánh giá nhân viên làm việc hiệu oi nh 4.2 at Đồng nghiệp cho nhân viên làm việc z z 4.4 hiệu vb Tôi làm việc hiệu so với đồng nghiệp có khả ht jm 4.5 k gm hay doanh nghiệp/ tổ chức khác? Nhà nước Khác om l.c Anh chi vui lòng cho biết anh chị làm việc cho doanh nghiệp/tổ chức Nhà nước n a Lu n va Chân thành cảm ơn đóng góp anh/chị y te re 50 t to ANPPENDIX C ng hi ep REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS R ANOVA COLLIN TOL /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT PER /METHOD=ENTER PRO PAY ENV /SCATTERPLOT=(*ZRESID ,*ZPRED) /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM(ZRESID) w Regression n lo [DataSet1] C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\data_option2.sav ad y th Variables Entered/Removed ju Variables Entered Enter n ua PRO a Method al ENV, EARN, Removed pl yi Model Variables a All requested variables entered n va b ll fu Model Summary 765 a Square 585 Std Error of the Estimate nh R Square oi R m Adjusted R Model 579 53715 at a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO z z b Dependent Variable: PER ht vb jm df Mean Square 27.220 Residual 57.996 201 289 139.656 204 Total 94.339 000 a a Lu om 81.660 Sig l.c Regression F Sum of Squares gm Model k ANOVAb a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO n n va b Dependent Variable: PER y te re Coefficientsa 51 t to ng hi ep Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std Error Collinearity Statistics Beta w n 145 200 PRO 274 071 EARN 449 ENV 195 lo (Constant) t Sig Tolerance VIF ad y th 729 467 253 3.886 000 487 2.054 056 466 7.982 000 607 1.648 064 175 3.038 003 625 1.600 ju a Dependent Variable: PER yi pl Collinearity Diagnostics a al Variance Proportions ua Dimensi on Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) 1 3.926 034 10.745 023 016 15.606 n Model EARN ENV 00 00 00 31 01 65 09 12.960 68 13 12 40 01 86 22 50 n 00 fu va 1.000 PRO ll oi m at nh a Dependent Variable: PER z Mean Std Deviation jm -1.92026 1.06026 00000 53319 Std Predicted Value -3.442 2.362 000 1.000 Std Residual -3.575 1.974 000 993 205 205 205 205 om l.c 63269 3.2410 gm 4.7353 k 1.0634 Residual N ht Predicted Value Maximum vb Minimum z Residuals Statisticsa a Dependent Variable: PER a Lu Charts n n va y te re 52 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 53 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb jm k REGRESSION /SELECT=Type EQ /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS R ANOVA COLLIN TOL /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT PER /METHOD=ENTER PRO EARN ENV /SCATTERPLOT=(*ZRESID ,*ZPRED) /RESIDUALS HIST(ZRESID) NORM(ZRESID) l.c gm om Regression Removed ENV, EARN, Enter y PRO Method te re Entered n Variables va Model Variables n Variables Entered/Removed a Lu [DataSet1] C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\data_option2.sav a 54 t to Variables Entered/Removed ng hi ep Variables Variables Entered Removed Model Method ENV, EARN, w PRO Enter a n lo a All requested variables entered ad ju y th Model Summaryb,c R yi (Selected) 727 a n (Unselected) Adjusted R Std Error of the Square Estimate R Square ua Model ngoai NN al ngoai NN Type ~= DN pl Type = DN 797 528 511 58611 va n a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO fu b Unless noted otherwise, statistics are based only on cases for which Type = DN ngoai NN ll oi m c Dependent Variable: PER Sum of Squares at Model b,c nh ANOVA df Mean Square F Sig z z 32.307 10.769 Residual 28.856 84 344 Total 61.163 87 000 a 31.349 ht vb Regression k jm gm a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO b Dependent Variable: PER om l.c c Selecting only cases for which Type = DN ngoai NN Coefficients Coefficients Std Error 340 PRO 231 104 230 55 Sig .504 615 2.229 029 Tolerance VIF 529 1.889 y 171 t te re (Constant) Beta n B Collinearity Statistics va Standardized n Model Unstandardized a Lu Coefficientsa,b t to ng hi EARN 408 089 425 4.565 000 649 1.541 ENV 248 108 214 2.299 024 648 1.544 ep a Dependent Variable: PER b Selecting only cases for which Type = DN ngoai NN w n lo Collinearity Diagnostics a,b ad Variance Proportions 1 Eigenvalue Condition Index PRO EARN ENV 00 00 00 00 037 10.259 28 02 64 08 12.402 35 59 31 05 017 15.328 37 39 05 87 yi 1.000 pl 3.921 (Constant) al on ju Model y th Dimensi n va a Dependent Variable: PER n ua 025 ll fu b Selecting only cases for which Type = DN ngoai NN oi m Charts at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 56 t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z /STATISTICS COEFF OUTS /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT ht vb k jm REGRESSION /SELECT=Type EQ /MISSING LISTWISE R ANOVA COLLIN TOL /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) PER /METHOD=ENTER PRO EARN ENV gm Regression [DataSet1] C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\data_option2.sav l.c om Model Summary R Adjusted R Square 638 628 Estimate 49903 n 799 a R Square va (Selected) n Model Std Error of the a Lu Type = DNNN te re a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO y 57 t to ANOVAb,c ng hi Model Sum of Squares ep df Mean Square F 49.586 16.529 Residual 28.140 113 249 Total 77.726 116 66.373 000 a w Regression Sig n lo ad a Predictors: (Constant), ENV, EARN, PRO y th b Dependent Variable: PER ju c Selecting only cases for which Type = DNNN yi pl Coefficients a,b al Standardized Coefficients Coefficients n ua Unstandardized B Std Error Beta n t fu va Model Collinearity Statistics 057 247 PRO 307 099 EARN 464 073 ENV 187 084 Tolerance VIF 233 816 266 3.086 003 431 2.321 480 6.353 000 561 1.783 169 2.243 027 564 1.774 ll (Constant) Sig oi m at nh z a Dependent Variable: PER z ht vb b Selecting only cases for which Type = DNNN a,b k jm Collinearity Diagnostics Model n 1 3.933 1.000 00 00 031 11.279 45 00 om Condition Index (Constant) PRO EARN ENV 023 13.025 51 02 15 013 17.581 04 97 25 l.c Eigenvalue gm Variance Proportions Dimensio 00 60 03 60 n a Lu 00 n va 37 a Dependent Variable: PER y 58 te re b Selecting only cases for which Type = DNNN GET FILE='C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\data_option2.sav' SAVE OUTFILE='C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\data_option2.sav' /COMPRESSED t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z ht vb k jm om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re 59

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2023, 16:21



