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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY PHAN THỊ HỒNG THẮM lu an n va ie gh tn to p A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF INTERPERSONAL MEANING IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE FABLES FROM MULTIMODAL PERSPECTIVE d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu m oi MASTER THESIS IN ENGLISH z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu Binh Dinh - 2019 n va ac th si MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY PHAN THỊ HỒNG THẮM lu an n va p ie gh tn to A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF INTERPERSONAL MEANING IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE FABLES FROM MULTIMODAL PERSPECTIVE d oa nl w va an lu ll u nf Field: English Linguistics oi m Code: 22 02 01 z at nh Supervisor: VÕ DUY ĐỨC, Ph.D z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN PHAN THỊ HỒNG THẮM lu an n va p ie gh tn to NGHIÊN CỨU SO SÁNH NGHĨA LIÊN NHÂN TRONG TRUYỆN NGỤ NGÔN TIẾNG ANH VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT TỪ PHƯƠNG DIỆN ĐA PHƯƠNG THỨC oa nl w d Chuyên ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh an lu Mã số: 22 02 01 ll u nf va oi m z at nh Người hướng dẫn: TS VÕ DUY ĐỨC z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby verify that the thesis titled “A comparative study of interpersonal meaning in English and Vietnamese fables from multimodal perspective” is my own work No other person’s work has been used without acknowledgement in the thesis This thesis contains no material which was previously published or written by another person, except where reference has been made in the text I have not submitted this thesis for the award of any degree, diploma in any university or any other institution lu an va Quy Nhon city, 2019 n gh tn to p ie PHAN THI HONG THAM d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Dr Võ Duy Đức for his encouragement, source of valuable materials related to multimodal genre, for his continuous support, patience, enthusiasm and immense knowledge His guidance helps me in all the time of writing this thesis, without which this thesis could not be carried out I would send my sincere thanks all the lecturers in the English master course for their perceptive judgments and discerning analysis, for their lu valuable lectures which provide important materials for this thesis an n va I am also grateful for source of materials and helpful suggestions on tn to fabled genre in my thesis of my friends, who inspired me to this thesis Lastly, my sincere thanks go to my parents, my husband and my son for gh p ie their love, helping and supporting me spiritually throughout the time this d oa nl w study is carried out ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ABSTRACT This thesis aims at conducting a contrastive analysis of the Attitudinal and Interpersonal resources in fables written in English and Vietnamese based on the frameworks of Appraisal developed by Martin and White (2005) and Grammar of Visual Design of Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) The data for this research were collected from 50 fables in English and in Vietnamese (25 in each language) In this study, a combination of variety methods such as qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, comparative, analytic and synthetic lu methods was employed to find out the correlations between fables in English an n va and Vietnamese in terms of how Interpersonal meanings are verbally and tn to visually conveyed The findings of this study show some major similarities in employing evaluative languages in the fables Specifically, negative Affect is gh p ie used more commonly than positive Affect and positive Appreciation is used w more often than negative one Moreover, the findings show that the image- oa nl producers in both EFs and VFs tend to focus on the contact of Offer In d addition, for Horizontal angle, the image-producer wants to employ more lu va an Oblique than Frontal angle in both EFs and VFs Some differences were drawn out from the findings The first difference is that the Affect is the most u nf ll frequently used in EFs while Appreciation ranks first in VFs The next m oi difference lies in the use of Judgement resources Vietnamese writers tend to z at nh employ more negative Judgment while English writers tend to the opposite Lastly, for Visual results, the image- producer in EFs tends to z gm @ employ Long Shot of Social Distance rather than Close shot and Medium shot; while in VFs, the largest percentage is illustrated by Medium shot The l English in Vietnam m co results of this thesis make some pratical contribution to teaching and learning an Lu n va ac th si TABLE OF CONTENT SUB- COVERS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS lu an CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION va n 1.1 Rationale 1.3 Aims and Objectives ie gh tn to 1.2 Significance of the Study p 1.3.1 Aims nl w 1.3.2 Objectives oa 1.4 Research Questions d 1.5 Scope of the Study lu va an 1.6 Organization of the Study u nf CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ll 2.1 Fables m oi 2.2 Appraisal theory z at nh 2.2.1 Engagement 2.2.2 Graduation 11 z gm @ 2.2.3 Attitude 12 2.2.4 Summary 20 l m co 2.3 Grammar of Visual Design 22 2.3.1 The Representational Meaning 22 an Lu 2.3.2 The Interactive Meaning 27 n va ac th si 2.3.3 The Compositional Meaning 32 2.4 Previous studies 34 2.5 Summary 36 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 37 3.1 Research Methods 37 3.2 Data Collection 38 3.3 Data Analysis 41 3.4 Procedures 41 3.5 Validity and Reliability 42 lu an CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 43 va n 4.1 Findings of Verbal Analysis 43 4.1.2 Judgment 55 ie gh tn to 4.1.1 Affect 47 p 4.1.3 Appreciation 63 nl w 4.1.4 Summary 69 oa 4.2 Findings of Visual Analysis 70 d 4.2.1 Contact 70 lu va an 4.2.2 Social Distance 75 u nf 4.2.3 Attitude 79 ll CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 87 m oi 5.1 Conclusions 87 z at nh 5.2 Implications 90 5.3 Limitations of the study 91 z gm @ 5.4 Suggestions for further research 91 REFERENCES 92 m co APPENDIX B l APPENDIX A an Lu n va ac th si LIST OF TABLES Table Title number 2.1 The monoglossic and the heteroglossic Page 10 Sub- categories of Affect 16 2.3 Judgement-social esteem 17 2.4 Judgement- social sanction 18 2.5 Types of Appreciation 21 4.1 The general distribution of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation in EFs and VFs 43 4.2 The distribution of sub- categories of Affect in EFs and VFs 47 4.3 Social esteem and Social sanction in EFs and VFs 56 4.4 Sub-categories of Appreciation in EFs and VFs 64 4.5 ie Frequency of Demand and Offer in EFs and VFs 71 4.6 Demand and Offer in EFs 72 Demand and Offer in VFs 73 lu 2.2 an n va gh tn to p oa nl w 4.7 Frequency of Social Distance sub-types in EFs and VFs 75 4.9 Sub-types of Social Distance in EFs 4.10 Sub-types of Social Distance in VFs 78 4.11 Frequency of Frontal and Oblique in EFs and VFs 79 4.12 Frontal and Oblique in EFs 81 4.13 Frontal and Oblique in VFs 4.14 Frequency of types of Vertical angle in EFs and VFs 83 4.15 Types of Vertical angle in EFs 85 4.16 Types of Vertical angle in VFs d 4.8 ll u nf va an lu 77 m oi 82 z at nh z m co l gm @ 86 an Lu n va ac th si LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title number 2.1 An overview of Appraisal resources Page an n va 13 2.3 Main types of visual representational structure 23 2.4 Geometrical Symbolism process 25 2.5 Interactive Meaning in images 28 2.6 Contact of Offer 29 2.7 Picture taken from long shot 30 2.8 Oblique angle 31 2.9 High angle 32 4.1 Frequency of Attitude in EFs and VFs 44 4.2 Sub- categories of Affect in EFs and VFs 48 4.3 Positive and Negative Affect in EFs and VFs 53 4.4 Sub- categories of Judgment in EFs and VFs 57 gh tn to Categories in the sub-system of Attitude ie lu 2.2 p w Positive and Negative Judgment values in EFs and VFs 61 oa nl 4.5 Sub-categories of Appreciation in EFs and VFs 64 4.7 Positive and Negative Appreciation values in EFs and VFs 67 4.8 Frequency of Demand and Offer in EFs and VFs 71 d 4.6 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 87 ` CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS This chapter deals with some conclusions from the discussion, which has been presented in the previous chapter Then it suggests some implications for learners and teachers of English as well as researching into evaluation meaning used in text and images Finally, some suggested ideas are mentioned for further research and the limitation of the study lu 5.1 Conclusions an The study is a comparative research on evaluation meaning used in EFs va n and VFs from verbal and visual perspective based on Appraisal framework gh tn to developed by Martin & While (2005) and Visual Grammar framework of p ie Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) From the findings and discussions in the previous chapter, we can suggest some conclusions: oa nl w In terms of how the images in English and Vietnamese fables carry interactional meaning, the findings show the frequency of occurrence of three d an lu resources, namely Contact, Social Distance and Attitude With regard to u nf va Contact, the findings show that the image-producer in both EFs and VFs tends to focus on the contact of Offer There are a few pictures related to the ll oi m interaction of Demand, but it is only employed in VFs This is a stimulating z at nh difference between EFs and VFs It can thus be suggested that both English and Vietnamese writers have a tendency of creating the lifelikeness and a z gm @ sense of the naturalness in the pictures which offer the observers to involve and make them feel truthful and lively Regarding Social Distance, the l m co frequency of three sub-types of Social Distance is different The imageproducer in EFs tends to employ Long Shot of Social Distance rather than an Lu using Close shot and Medium shot because they want to focus on describing n va ac th si 88 ` fully the whole figure of the participants with space around them to involve their whole world in a true and vivid way Meanwhile, in VFs, the largest percentage is illustrated by Medium shot It is possible that the imageproducer wants to show the personal distance to depict the emotion of the participants obviously With regard to Attitude, there is a similar point in the use of Horizontal angle between EFs and VFs Possibly, the image-producer wants to employ more Oblique than Frontal angle to give the viewer images with a lifelike and authentic way as well as make the vivid participant’s lu world Besides, in VFs, the image-producer uses a few images of Frontal an angle, which does not occur in EFs For Vertical angle, the Low angle is used va n more frequent than the High angle and Eye level in both EFs and VFs This is gh tn to a similar feature in the use of Vertical angle in both languages It is concluded p ie that the image- producer tends to show powerful and strong participants in the oa nl w VFs picture as well as bring good lessons to the young through animals in EFs and In terms of how Attitudinal resources are used in the English and d an lu Vietnamese fables, the text analysis reveals that all three types of Attitude are u nf va employed in EFs and VFs and the frequency of occurrence of those is different In EFs, the Affect values constitute the largest (34.2%), followed by ll oi m the Appreciation and the Judgment (33.6% and 32.2%, respectively) This z at nh result indicates the fact that English writers focus on showing characters’ feelings rather than evaluating people’s behavior as well as evaluating things z gm @ However, in VFs, Appreciation makes up the first (39.1%), followed by Judgment (32.8%) and Affect (28.1%) The number of instances of l m co Appreciation is approximately half as high as those of Affect; this also is a different feature in using the three sub-types of Attitude in EFs and VFs It an Lu can be concluded that the Vietnamese writers tend to focus on evaluation of n va ac th si 89 ` things rather than people’s behavior and feelings Besides, the findings show some similarities and differences between EFs and VFs in terms of how positive or negative the resources are With respect to Affect, the occurrence of frequency of negative and positive Affect values in both EFs and VFs has a similar trend with a larger number of the use of negative feelings when compared with positive ones With regard to Judgment, Vietnamese writers tend to employ more negative Judgment values than positive ones while English writers tend to the opposite It can be argued that the Vietnamese lu writers tend to have negative evaluation on bad behaviors and untruthfulness an of people to raise arguments and criticisms from readers about characters in va n the story With regard to Appreciation, there is a similarity in the employment gh tn to of positive and negative Appreciations in EFs and VFs; that is the positive p ie values are used more than negative ones This may be because the writers in both languages tend to praise and admire the products, objects or processes oa nl w rather than criticizing them In addition, the findings show some similarities in terms of how sub-types of the resources are used in EFs and VFs d an lu Regarding Affect values, the English and Vietnamese writers focus more on u nf va Un/Happiness and In/Security than Dis/Satisfaction and Dis/Inclination This employment reveals that they often give someone’s mood of feeling as well as ll oi m focus on feelings of peace and anxiety in relation to their environs Regarding z at nh Judgment values, with the aim of evaluating people’s behavior in capacity and dependably rather than truthful and ethical ranges, the writers in both z gm @ languages tend to employ Capacity and Tenacity more frequently than the other types of Judgment Regarding Appreciation values, Composition l m co accounts for a largest proportion in both English and Vietnamese languages compared with Valuation and Reaction It can be suggested that the writers an Lu n va ac th si 90 ` want to focus more on the evaluation of balance or complexity of objects, processes or states 5.2 Implications The comparative study of interpersonal meaning in English and Vietnamese fables from verbal and visual perspectives has some major implications to linguistic theory, especially for teachers and learners of English as well as researchers on Appraisal theory and Visual Grammar who are interested in this domain lu For teachers and learners of English, the study helps them to have a an good knowledge of Interpersonal meaning as well as the Attitudes resources va n including Affect, Judgment and Appreciation in English and Vietnamese gh tn to textbooks This also helps them to use and understand these textbooks better p ie Moreover, the teacher has considerable experiences in using language and images to teach and analyze the highlights of the visual, especially for nl w teaching the lessons of the literature of English and Vietnamese Besides, it d oa may increase teachers’ aware abilities in providing the visual text for the an lu language teaching to exploit the maximum values of the lesson In addition, u nf va the visual text helps learners of language to have a deep understanding of multimodal texts Also, the verbal text also helps them to understand the ll oi m importance of the fables and the distinctive characteristics of these evaluative z at nh meanings and how writers negotiate their attitude with readers, how they express their feeling toward something or someone and the way in which z gm @ values are constructed, especially for those who are interested in reading fables For researchers, the findings of attitudinal and interpersonal resources l m co in this study help them to receive useful knowledge of verbal and visual resources From this, they have a good knowledge to carry out investigations an Lu from Attitudinal and Visual perspectives n va ac th si 91 ` 5.3 Limitations of the study Due to the limited time, we focus on only one kind of AppraisalAttitude and one aspect of Visual Grammar: Interactional meaning Besides, according to the number of samples, this thesis is limited to 50 fables in English and in Vietnamese (25 in each language) Accordingly, the conclusions cannot be universal in EFs and VFs Moreover, within the limited time, we cannot avoid mistakes and weaknesses However, we hope that the thesis can be a good reference to teachers and learners of English as well as lu researchers on Appraisal and Visual Grammar an n va 5.4 Suggestions for further research tn to For further study relating to verbal and visual analysis, since the thesis ie gh is limited by the samples, researchers should use more samples to lead to the p generalized conclusions to all EFs and VFs Besides, this thesis focuses on nl w only one kind of Appraisal- Attitude, so other types of Appraisal system d oa should be employed such as Engagement and Graduation in future studies an lu Regarding multimodal analysis, the future studies should consider other types of Visual resources including Ideational and Compositional meanings ll u nf va oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si 92 ` REFERENCES A ENGLISH Allison, D & S.M Wu (2005) Evaluative Expressions in Analytical Arguments: Aspects of Appraisal in assigned English language essays Journal of Applied Linguistics 2(-1), 105-127 Bartens.(2004) Etika Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama Bonn, J D (2010) A Comprehensive Dictionary of Literature India: Abhishek Publication lu an Chen, Y., & Gao, X (2013) Interpretation of Movie Posters from the n va Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (Vol 1) tn to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia (6th ed.) 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va tn to Cao, X H (1991) Tiếng Việt: Sơ thảo ngữ pháp chức Hà Nội: Nxb ie gh KHXH p Đỗ, H C (2002) Tìm hiểu văn hóa qua ngơn ngữ.Nxb ĐHQG Hà Nội w oa nl Hoàng, V.V (2005) Ngữ pháp kinh nghiệm cú Tiếng Việt: mô tả theo d quan điểm chức hệ thống, In lần thứ Hà Nội: Nxb KHXH an lu u nf va Nguyen, T O (2015) Đặc trưng số thể loại truyện dân gian chương trình tiểu học Khóa luận tốt nghiệp Đại học Quảng Bình ll Pham, M H (1991) Tìm hiểu thể loại ngụ ngôn Việt Nam Luận án Tiến sĩ Trường Đại học tổng hợp Hà Nội oi m z at nh C ONLINE SOURCES z https://oureverydaylife.com/characteristics-of-fables-for-kids-12623438.html http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/ https://doctruyencotich.com/truyen-ngu-ngon an Lu http://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon m co l gm @ https://www.moralstories.org/fables/ n va ac th si ` APPENDIX A SOURCES OF DATA A1 EFs E1 https://www.moralstories.org/the-pig-and-the-sheep/ E2.https://www.moralstories.org/the-wolf-and-the-crane/ E3.https://www.moralstories.org/the-rabbit-and-the-turtle/ E4.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops- lu an fables/#THE_FISHERMAN_AND_THE_LITTLE_FISH n va E5.https://www.moralstories.org/the-golden-egg/ gh tn to E6.https://www.moralstories.org/the-bear-and-the-two-friends/ E7.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_FROGS_AND_THE_OX p ie w E8.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_TWO_GOATS nl E9.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops- d oa fables/#THE_FROGS_WHO_WISHED_FOR_A_KING an lu E10.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_WILD_BOAR_AND_THE_FOX u nf va E11.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_HARES_AND_THE_FROGS ll E12.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_STAG_AND_HIS_REFLECTION oi m E13.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops- z at nh fables/#THE_DOG_THE_COCK_AND_THE_FOX E14.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#BELLING_THE_CAT z @ gm E15.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_LION_AND_THE_MOUSE m co l E16.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_MONKEY_AND_THE_CAMEL E17.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_LION_AND_THE_ASS an Lu E18.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_WOLF_AND_THE_ASS n va ac th si ` E19.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_MONKEY_AND_THE_CAT E20.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_BEAR_AND_THE_BEES E21.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_FOX_AND_THE_LEOPARD E22.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_HERON E23.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_DOG_IN_THE_MANGER E24.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_OLD_LION_AND_THE_FOX E25.http://www.shortkidstories.com/story/aesops-fables/#THE_MOTHER_AND_THE_WOLF lu A2 VFs an n va V1.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/cho-va-nguoi-dau-bep.html gh tn to V2.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/bai-hoc-dau-tien-cua-gau-con.html V3.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/ga-keo-kiet.html p ie w V4.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/than-mercury-va-bac-tieu-phu.html oa nl V5.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/hai-anh-em-2.html d V6.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/chu-be-chan-cuu-va-con-cao.html an lu V7.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/con-cao-va-cai-bong.html va ll u nf V8.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/truyen-ngu-ngon-voi-va-kien.html oi m V9.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/hai-con-ngua.html z at nh V10.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/con-cao-va-chum-nho.html V11.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/chuot-nha-va-chuot-dong.html z @ gm V12.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/con-qua-thong-minh.html V14.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/lon-di-cho.html m co l V13.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/con-lua-va-nguoi-chu.html an Lu V15.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/ech-ngoi-day-gieng.html n va ac th si ` V16.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/vuong-quoc-khi.html V17.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/cao-bi-roi-xuong-gieng.html V18.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/mua-xuong-ngua.html V19.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/chien-ma-va-con-lua.html V20 https://lazi.vn/truyen/d/4610/day-buoc-chan-voi V21.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/chim-son-ca.html V22.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/tho-thay-rang.html lu V23.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/nguoi-tieu-hoang-va-con-chim-en.html an n va V24.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/anh-he-va-nguoi-nong-dan.html p ie gh tn to V25.https://truyencotich.vn/truyen-ngu-ngon/dieu-hau-va-cu-meo.html d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si ` APPENDIX B SAMPLE ENGLISH ANALYSIS (1) Text analysis [EF 3] The Rabbit and the Turtle One day a rabbit was boasting (-Judgment, Propriety) about how fast (+Appreciation, Composition) he could (+Judgment, Capacity) run He was laughing (+Affect, Happiness) at the turtle for being so slow (+Appreciation, lu Composition) Much to the rabbit’s surprise (-Affect, Insecurity), the turtle an va challenged him to a race The rabbit thought this was a good (+Appreciation, n Valuation)joke and accepted the challenge The fox was to be the umpire of gh tn to the race As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like p ie everyone thought w The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not (-Judgment, oa nl Capacity) see the turtle anywhere He was hot and tired (-Affect, d Dissatisfaction) and decided to stop and take a short nap Even if the turtle lu an passed him, he would (+Judgment, Tenacity) be able to (+Judgment, u nf va Capacity) race to the finish line ahead of him All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step (+Appreciation, Composition) He never (- ll m oi Judgment, Tenacity) quit no matter how hot or tired (-Affect/ z at nh Dissatisfaction) he got He just kept going However, the rabbit slept longer (-Appreciation, Composition) than he z gm @ had thought and woke up He could not (-Judgment;, Capacity) see the turtle anywhere! He went at full (-Appreciation, Composition) speed to the finish m co (2) Visual analysis l line but found the turtle there waiting for him an Lu n va ac th si ` lu an n va p ie gh tn to Visual content The gaze of the rabbit and the turtle is directed away from the viewer The whole figures of the rabbit and the turtle with space around them are illustrated Oblique angle: The frontal plane of the rabbit and the turtle makes a right angle with the frontal plan of the viewer High angle: The rabbit and the turtle look small and the background is formed Interpersonal meanings Contact: Offer Social distance: Long shot Attitude: Horizontal angle : Oblique angle; Vertical angle: High angle d oa nl w lu (1) Text analysis oi m [VF 5] Hai anh em ll u nf va an SAMPLE VIETNAMESE ANALYSIS z at nh Một người cha có đứa trai đứa gái, đứa trai đẹp mã (+Appreciation, Reaction), cịn đứa gái xấu xí (- z gm @ Appreciation, Valuation) Lúc cịn nhỏ, chơi với nhau, chúng tình cờ nhìn vào gương để ghế mẹ Đứa trai hớn hở (+Affect, l m co Happiness) khen (+Affect, Satisfaction) đẹp (+Appreciation, Reaction), đứa gái giận (-Affect/ Dissatisfaction) không chịu an Lu (+Judgment, Tenacity) lối kiêu căng (-Judgment, Propriety) anh n va ac th si ` Nghe anh khen (+Affect, Satisfaction) anh nghĩ anh cố tình (Judgment, Veracity) chê (-Affect, Dissatisfaction ) xấu (-Appreciation, Reaction), (nó đâu biết làm khác hơn?) Đứa gái chạy lại mách bố để bố trị tội anh, nói anh lấy hết phần đẹp (+Appreciation, Reaction) mà lẽ nên dành cho gái Người bố ôm (+Affect, Happiness) hai đứa, hôn (+Affect, Happiness)và âu yếm (+Affect, Happiness) hai đứa bảo,” bố muốn hai ngày phải nhìn vào gương Con, trai, lu bị xấu thói hư tật xấu, con, gái bố, làm cho an đẹp đức hạnh mình" va n (2) Visual analysis p ie gh tn to d oa nl w u nf va an lu Interpersonal meanings Contact: Demand The whole bodies of the children, approximately at the knees are illustrated Frontal angle: The frontal plane of thechildren runs parallel with the frontal of the image-producer Low angle: The children looks accustomed with the natural face Social distance: Medium shot ll Visual content The boy and the girl are looking directly at the viewer oi m z at nh z @ gm Attitude: m co l Horizontal angle: Frontal angle; Vertical angle: Low angle an Lu n va ac th si