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Btta9- Sách Cũ Unit 1.Docx

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Name Class 9 UNIT 1 I Choose the best answer 1 Malaysia is divided two regions a to b on c in d into 2 She often goes to the to pray because her religion is Islam a church b pagoda c temple d mosque 3[.]

Name:……………………………………… Class: UNIT I.Choose the best answer Malaysia is divided …………… two regions a to b on c in d into She often goes to the …………………to pray because her religion is Islam a church b pagoda c temple d mosque The United States has a …………………… of around 250 million a population b separation c addition d introduction Mathematics and Literature are ……………….subjects in high schools a adding b compulsory c optional d religious Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists …………….? a of b to b with d in Vietnamese people are very ……………………and hospitable a friend b friendless c friendly d friendship They were welcomed by friendly ……………….in Vietnam a air b matter b impression c atmosphere I wish Susan ………………harder for her examination a will work b worked c has worked d works What were you doing when he …………………? a comes b to come c came d coming 10 It seems difficult for us …………….abroad at the moment a go b to go c went d gone 11 There used ………………a movie theater here, but it closed a long time ago a be b to be c being d been 12 I come from Vietnam so I am not used to………………….on the left a drive b drove c driven d driving 13 Although we are far away from each other , we still …………………… a keep in touch b say hello c keep together d keep on 14 I wish they …………….here tomorrow a will come b would come c come d came 15 We went to see many ………………… places in Hanoi last year a fame b famous c famously d famousness 16 Hanoi is not very………………from Kuala Lumpur a difference b different c differ d differently II Makes sentences with " I wish" based on the given situation I can’t come to the party  I wish I don’t know anything about cars  I wish I have to work tomorrow  I wish I can’t give up smoking  I wish I don’t have anything to eat  I wish III Use " used to" or " be used to" They are used to / used to go to Da lat in summer They are used to / used to playing soccer in the park I am used to / used to getting up early Tom is used to / used to his homework in the evening Lan is used to / used to writing to Maryam He is used to / used to work at night Do they use to / Are they used to watching T.V? Is she used to / Did she use to playing badminton ? My father is used to / used to come home late 10 She is used to / used to go swimming in the afternoon IV Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition Maryam was really impressed ………………the beauty of Hue It seems difficult …………… me to meet her now He doesn't depend ………….his parents This guidebook is full …………… useful information He will go to China ………….the end ………….this week She went out ………………saying a word What you often ………….the weekend? She was born …………… september 15th V Supply the correct word form She was really ………… by the beauty of the city ( impress) She made a deep……………… on the menbers of her class ( impress) Their …………… made me happy ( friendly) Many …………….come to Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum everyday ( visit) We enjoyed the ………………atmosphere in Ha Noi ( peace) HaNoi is not ……………… from Kuala Lupur ( difference) Viet Nam has a ………… climate ( tropic) The …………… language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia ( nation) In Malaysia, ……………….is free ( educate) 10 What is the main language of …………… at that school ? ( instruct)

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2023, 08:23

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