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Completing the production process in vitro on hana strawberries and investigating the control factor for strawberry flowering

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY GRADUATE THESIS COMPLETING THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IN VITRO ON HANA STRAWBERRIES AND INVESTIGATING THE CONTROL FACTOR FOR STRAWBERRY FLOWERING Hanoi - 2021 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY GRADUATE THESIS COMPLETING THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IN VITRO ON HANA STRAWBERRIES AND INVESTIGATING THE CONTROL FACTOR FOR STRAWBERRY FLOWERING Practicing student Mao Thi Thuy Trang Class K61CNSHE Student code 610684 Supervisor Nguyen Thanh Hai, Ph.D Hanoi - 2021 COMMITMENT I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct I also declare that all the help to complete this thesis has been thanks i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would not have been possible without the support of many people I would like to express my gratitude to my professors of Department of Plant Biotechnology at Faculty of Biotechnology in Vietnam National University of Agriculture for their support and conducting the research Particular thanks to Nguyen Thanh Hai, Ph.D for his valuable comments and helpful advice, scientific guidance and valuable feedback throughout the time at laboratory of Department of Plant Biotechnology, especially with me work Finally, I wish to express my special thanks to my family for their great encouragement throughout my project and thesis, as well as my friends for their continual supports ii Table of Contents COMMITMENT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABBREVIATIONS v LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURE vii I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem 1.2 Purpose and requirement 1.2.1 Purpose 1.2.2 Requirement 1.3 Research location II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General introduction 2.2 Origin 2.3 Distribution 2.4 Category 2.5 Botanical characteristics 2.6 Strawberry diseases 2.6.1 Causes of the disease: 2.6.2 The most common strawberry diseases 2.7 Nutritional value and economic value 18 2.8 Factors regulating development 20 2.9 Research in the world and in Vietnam 22 III Materials and experiments 25 3.1 Material 25 3.2 Experiments 25 3.2.1 Production process of in vitro strawberry 25 iii 3.2.2 Survey of plant physiological properties controlling strawberry flowering 27 3.2.3 Rooting 27 IV EXPERIMENT COMPLETED 28 V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 42 VI REFERENCES 43 iv ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full form AC Activated charcoal BA N6 Benzylaminopurine IBA Indole-3-butyric acid NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid MS Murashige and Skoog medium TDZ Thidiazumron 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid GA3 Gibberellic acid CV Cultivar GA3 Gibberelic acid CT Formular v LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Influence of disinfectant to the stage to create the initial materials 30 Table 4.2 Effect of BA on the multiplication of strawberry after weeks 31 Table 4.3 Effect of BA and Glutamine on the multiplication of strawberry after weeks 33 Table 4.4 Effect of BA and coconut water on the multiplication of strawberry after weeks 35 Table 4.5 Effect of Reduced lighting hours on the flowering of strawberry after weeks 37 Table 4.6 Effects of AC on rooting ability of strawberry shoots after weeks 38 Table 4.7 Effects of α-NAA on rooting ability of strawberry shoots after weeks 39 Table 4.8.Effects of IBA on rooting ability of strawberry shoots after weeks 41 vi LIST OF FIGURE Figure 2.1 Hemorrhoids on strawberries Figure 2.2 Helix aspersa Slug on strawberries Figure 2.3 White powder disease on leaf 10 Figure 2.4 White chalk disease on strawberry plants 10 Figure 2.5 Rubber disease 11 Figure 2.6 Black spot disease 12 Figure 2.7 Gray mold on strawberry plants 13 Figure 2.8 Gray mold on strawberry diseases 14 Figure 2.9 Blackberry root rot 15 Figure 2.10 Red Spider 16 Figure 2.11 Tetranycus Urticae red spider 18 Figure 4.1 The shoots of strawberry create the initial materials 28 Figure 4.2 Strawberry shoots in vitro after sterilization on background medium after weeks 30 Figure 4.3 Strawberry shoots in vitro on basic medium supplemented with BA after weeks 32 Figure 4.4 Strawberry shoots in vitro on basic medium supplemented with BA and Glutamine after weeks 34 Figure 4.5 Strawberry shoots in vitro on basic medium supplemented with BA and Coconut water after weeks 36 Figure 4.6 The shoots young of strawberry in lighting hours is 10h 37 Figure 4.7 Roots of strawberry shoots on basic medium supplemented with AC after weeks 39 Figure 4.8 Roots of strawberry shoots on basic medium supplemented with αNAA after weeks 40 Figure 4.9 Roots of strawberry shoots on basic medium supplemented with IBA after weeks 41 vii I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem The strawberry is a perennial which arises from a crown of meristematic tissue or compressed stem tissue Leaves, stems, runners, axillary crowns, inflorescences, and roots all arise from the crown The plant has trifoliate leaves which spiral around the crown, with buds in the leaf axils giving rise to the runners Runners have two nodes with a plant produced at the distal node Strawberry blossoms contain many pistils, each with its own style and stigma attached to the receptacle When fertilization occurs the receptacle develops into a fleshy fruit (Darnell, R., 2003) The fruit is called an achene which contains the seeds The edible part is an accessory type fruit The seeds are arranged on the outside of the receptacle tissue The growth of the receptacle is dependent on successful fertilization of the ovules with its size and shape dependent on the number of achenes formed Strawberry plants are day length dependent with cultivars being long day, short day or day neutral (Darnell, R., 2003) Following further hybridizations, especially since 1850, strawberries has developed into the large, fragrant, tasty red fruit that is now cultivated worldwide The high degree of genetic heterozygosity present in Fragaria spp enabled the development of strawberry cultivars adapted to widely varying environment conditions and resistant to several diseases and pests Not only the genetic variability, but also a high adaptability and plasticity of the strawberry plant itself give this crop such a remarkable range of adaptation (Darrow, G.M., 1966) That heterozygosity was explained by (Gaafar and Saker 2006) as there are more than 20 Fragaria species worldwide, there are seven basic types of chromosomes that they all have in common However, they exhibit different polyploidy Some species are diploid, having two sets of the seven chromosomes (14 chromosomes total) Others are tetraploid (4x = 28), The results obtained in Table show that the MS medium α-NAA at the concentration of 0.1-0.5 mg / l is not a suitable rooting medium for the rooting of strawberries because of the rooting out slow and callus at the roots appear Nong Thi Hue et al (2018) reported that formula the MS medium α-NAA with 0.25 mg / l α-NAA for the mean and dimensional roots average root length reached the highest respectively 9.23 roots / sample and 1.64 cm In terms of the roots, MS medium contains α-NAA, the roots are relatively formed late, the average root length is relatively short, the shoots all appeared callus at the base MS 0.1 mg/l α-NAA 0.2 mg/l α-NAA 0.3 mg/l α-NAA 0.5 mg/l α-NAA Figure 4.8 Roots of strawberry shoots on basic medium supplemented with α-NAA after weeks Experiment 8: Effect of IBA on rooting of strawberry IBA is a hormone of the Auxin group, used in plant tissue culture, which stimulates the roots To determine the suitable root culture medium for strawberry, we conducted experiments with the addition of IBA with different concentrations to MS medium After weeks of culture, the following results were obtained: 40 Table 4.8 Effects of IBA on rooting ability of strawberry shoots after weeks Formular IBA (mg/l) Root length (cm) Shoot length Number of (cm/ sample) roots (roots / sample) CT1 0.0 2.11 5,73 3.12 CT2 0.1 2.46 5.54 5.34 CT3 0.2 2.21 4.99 5.7 CT4 0.3 1.82 5.65 5.84 CT5 0.4 1.66 5.60 6.16 CT6 0.5 1.55 4.13 6.43 LSD0,05 0.25 0.30 0.59 CV% 7.1 3.1 6.0 The results obtained in Table show that the MS medium containing IBA at the concentration of 0.1- 0.5 mg / l is not a suitable rooting medium for the rooting of strawberries MS 0.1 mg/l IBA 0.2 mg/l IBA 0.3 mg/l IBA 0.4 mg/l IBA 0.5 mg/l IBA Figure 4.9 Roots of strawberry shoots on basic medium supplemented with IBA after weeks 41 V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCLUSIONS The experiment formula Presept 1% (10 minutes) + Presept 1% (20 minutes) the most successful result in the sample was, the rate of survival after weeks was 73.33%, the shoots were big and strong, with good quality The medium MS + 0.3mg/l BA + 100 mg / l of Glutamine, on the multiplication of strawberry for the highest shoot multiplier was 13.73 shoots / sample are of uniform height, the shoots morphology when added is fat, strong, and green leaves The MS formula supplemented with 0.5 mg / l AC was the formula that had the best effect on rooting of strawberry shoots because the average number of roots was 4.71 roots / sample higher than MS medium (3.2 roots/ sample) SUGGESTIONS The tissue culture methods must support different techniques for the genetic analysis unit (Genotyping) by using molecular marker to recognized and sure that seedling are true to type and without somaclonal variation For strawberry tissue culture planting in this research we recommend the following: - Continuing experiments procedure to reach to the final stage which we couldnot it and that is seedling production able to acclimatization without side environment and without any troubles - Concentrating on writing down notes culture procedures step by step to reach for optimum ways in doing experiment and saving a lot of efforts, costs and avoide the negative results 42 VI REFERENCES Darrow, G.M., 1966 - The strawberry History, breeding and physiology Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York Darnell, R., 2003 - Strawberry Growth and Development The Strawberry Ed Childers Childers pub Gainesville, FL Emarah., 2008 - 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VARIATE CHIEUCAO HESONHAN GRAND MEAN (N= 15) NO OBS 15 2.4087 15 7.7933 STANDARD DEVIATION C OF V |REP SD/MEAN | BASED ON BASED ON % | TOTAL SS RESID SS | 0.44207 0.12685 5.3 0.0561 4.1159 0.24900 3.2 0.8715 |CT$ | | | 0.0001 0.0000 | | | | Effect of Activated Charcoal on rooting of strawberry BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUDAI FILE THANHT 21/ 2/21 12:15 :PAGE VARIATE V003 CHIEUDAI LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 640634E-01 320317E-01 CT$ 6.47288 * RESIDUAL 832871E-01 104109E-01 1.61822 3.08 0.101 155.44 0.000 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 6.62023 472874 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CAO FILE THANHT 21/ 2/21 12:15 :PAGE VARIATE V004 CAO LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 374411 187205 4.49 0.049 CT$ 5.29682 1.32420 31.76 0.000 * RESIDUAL 333582 416977E-01 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 6.00481 428915 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE SORE FILE THANHT 21/ 2/21 12:15 :PAGE VARIATE V005 SORE LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 161873 809363E-01 CT$ 8.35583 2.08896 * RESIDUAL 203919 254899E-01 3.18 0.096 81.95 0.000 - * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 8.72162 622973 TABLE OF MEANS FOR FACTORIAL EFFECTS FILE THANHT 21/ 2/21 12:15 :PAGE MEANS FOR EFFECT REP - REP NOS CHIEUDAI CAO SORE 2.67500 4.34200 3.53800 2.68200 4.72400 3.29000 2.54000 4.58667 3.46333 SE(N= 5) 0.456309E-01 0.913211E-01 0.714001E-01 5%LSD 8DF 0.148798 0.297789 0.232828 MEANS FOR EFFECT CT$ - CT$ NOS CHIEUDAI CAO SORE 2.12458 5.66333 3.20000 2.25292 4.45000 3.73444 3 2.78000 3.90556 4.71111 3.85667 4.49889 2.95667 2.14750 4.23667 2.55000 SE(N= 3) 0.589092E-01 0.117895 0.921771E-01 5%LSD 8DF 0.192097 0.300580 0.384444 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLE FILE THANHT 21/ 2/21 12:15 :PAGE F-PROBABLIITY VALUES FOR EACH EFFECT IN THE MODEL SECTION - VARIATE GRAND MEAN STANDARD (N= SD/MEAN | 15) DEVIATION NO BASED ON BASED ON OBS TOTAL SS RESID SS C OF V |REP % |CT$ | | | | | | | | | CHIEUDAI 15 2.6323 0.68766 0.10203 3.9 0.1013 0.0000 CAO 15 4.5509 0.65492 0.20420 4.5 0.0490 0.0001 SORE 15 3.4304 0.78929 0.15966 4.7 0.0958 0.0000 Effect of α-NAA on rooting of strawberry BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUDAI FILE NAA 21/ 2/21 12:27 :PAGE VARIATE V003 CHIEUDAI LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 676520E-02 338260E-02 CT$ 4.71516 * RESIDUAL 733156E-02 916445E-03 1.17879 3.69 0.073 ****** 0.000 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 4.72925 337804 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUCAO FILE NAA 21/ 2/21 12:27 :PAGE VARIATE V004 CHIEUCAO LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 784416E-01 392208E-01 CT$ 7.02535 1.75634 * RESIDUAL 338492 423115E-01 0.93 0.437 41.51 0.000 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 7.44229 531592 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE SORE FILE NAA 21/ 2/21 12:27 :PAGE VARIATE V005 SORE LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 172413 862066E-01 CT$ 12.2730 3.06825 * RESIDUAL 384674 480843E-01 1.79 0.227 63.81 0.000 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 14 12.8301 916435 TABLE OF MEANS FOR FACTORIAL EFFECTS FILE NAA 21/ 2/21 12:27 :PAGE MEANS FOR EFFECT REP - REP NOS CHIEUDAI CHIEUCAO SORE 1.01000 5.10400 4.58200 1.01600 5.24800 4.42000 0.968250 5.08667 4.68000 SE(N= 5) 0.135384E-01 0.919908E-01 0.980656E-01 5%LSD 8DF 0.441474 0.299973 0.319782 MEANS FOR EFFECT CT$ - CT$ NOS CHIEUDAI CHIEUCAO SORE 2.11625 5.73000 3.15000 0.746667 4.32444 4.67111 3 0.650833 5.68444 5.63778 0.775000 4.29222 5.34444 0.701667 5.70000 4.00000 SE(N= 3) 0.174780E-01 0.118760 0.126602 5%LSD 8DF 0.569941 0.412837 0.387263 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLE FILE NAA 21/ 2/21 12:27 :PAGE F-PROBABLIITY VALUES FOR EACH EFFECT IN THE MODEL SECTION - VARIATE GRAND MEAN STANDARD (N= SD/MEAN | 15) DEVIATION NO BASED ON BASED ON OBS TOTAL SS RESID SS C OF V |REP % |CT$ | | | | | | | | | CHIEUDAI 15 0.99808 0.58121 0.30273E-01 3.0113 0.0726 0.0000 CHIEUCAO 15 5.1462 0.72910 0.20570 4.5321 0.4367 0.0001 SORE 15 4.5607 0.95731 0.21928 4.8135 0.2269 0.0000 Effect of IBA on rooting of strawberry BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUDAI FILE IBA 21/ 2/21 12: :PAGE VARIATE V003 CHIEUDAI LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN F RATIO PROB ER SQUARES SQUARES LN ============================================================================= REP 247835E-01 123918E-01 0.63 0.554 CT$ 1.82438 364875 18.68 0.000 * RESIDUAL 10 195301 195301E-01 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 17 2.04446 120262 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUCAO FILE IBA 21/ 2/21 12: :PAGE VARIATE V004 CHIEUCAO SUMS OF MEAN F RATIO PROB ER SQUARES SQUARES LN ============================================================================= REP 847594 423797 16.01 0.001 CT$ 5.74878 1.14976 43.42 0.000 * RESIDUAL 10 264783 264783E-01 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 17 6.86115 403597 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE SORE FILE IBA 21/ 2/21 12: :PAGE VARIATE V005 SORE SUMS OF MEAN F RATIO PROB ER SQUARES SQUARES LN ============================================================================= REP 221433 110717 1.04 0.391 CT$ 21.4007 4.28013 40.13 0.000 * RESIDUAL 10 1.06666 106666 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 17 22.6888 1.33463 TABLE OF MEANS FOR FACTORIAL EFFECTS FILE IBA 21/ 2/21 12: :PAGE MEANS FOR EFFECT REP REP NOS 6 CHIEUDAI 1.95729 2.02000 1.93167 CHIEUCAO 5.48889 5.36167 4.97833 SORE 5.43333 5.56667 5.29500 SE(N= 6) 0.570528E-01 0.664308E-01 0.133333 5%LSD 10DF 0.179775 0.209326 0.420137 MEANS FOR EFFECT CT$ CT$ NOS 3 3 3 CHIEUDAI 2.11625 2.46000 2.20583 1.82167 1.66000 1.55417 CHIEUCAO 5.73000 5.54333 4.99111 5.65444 5.60556 4.13333 SORE 3.11667 5.34444 5.69778 5.84222 6.15556 6.43333 SE(N= 3) 0.806848E-01 0.939474E-01 0.188561 5%LSD 10DF 0.254241 0.296032 0.594164 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLE FILE IBA 21/ 2/21 12: :PAGE F-PROBABLIITY VALUES FOR EACH EFFECT IN THE MODEL SECTION - VARIATE GRAND MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION C OF V |REP |CT$ | CHIEUDAI CHIEUCAO SORE (N= 18) NO OBS 18 1.9697 18 5.2763 18 5.4317 SD/MEAN | BASED ON BASED ON % | TOTAL SS RESID SS | 0.34679 0.13975 7.1 0.5542 0.63529 0.16272 3.1 0.0009 1.1553 0.32660 6.0 0.3911 | | | 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 | | | Effect of BA and Glutamine on the multiplication of strawberry BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE HESONHAN FILE GLU 21/ 2/21 11:44 :PAGE VARIATE V003 HESONHAN LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN F RATIO PROB ER SQUARES SQUARES LN ============================================================================= REP 611666 305833 1.44 0.309 CT$ 14.5000 4.83333 22.75 0.002 * RESIDUAL 1.27500 212500 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 11 16.3867 1.48970 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUCAO FILE GLU 21/ 2/21 11:44 :PAGE VARIATE V004 CHIEUCAO SUMS OF MEAN F RATIO PROB ER SQUARES SQUARES LN ============================================================================= REP 166658E-04 833291E-05 0.00 0.999 CT$ 160274 534248E-01 5.22 0.042 * RESIDUAL 613538E-01 102256E-01 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 11 221645 201495E-01 TABLE OF MEANS FOR FACTORIAL EFFECTS FILE GLU 21/ 2/21 11:44 :PAGE MEANS FOR EFFECT REP REP NOS 4 HESONHAN 12.1250 11.8000 11.5750 CHIEUCAO 2.08750 2.08750 2.08500 SE(N= 4) 0.230489 0.505609E-01 5%LSD 6DF 0.797297 0.174898 MEANS FOR EFFECT CT$ CT$ NOS 3 3 HESONHAN 11.1000 11.2000 13.7333 11.3000 CHIEUCAO 1.92556 2.11778 2.05667 2.24667 SE(N= 3) 0.266145 0.583827E-01 5%LSD 6DF 0.920639 0.201955 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLE FILE GLU 21/ 2/21 11:44 :PAGE F-PROBABLIITY VALUES FOR EACH EFFECT IN THE MODEL SECTION - VARIATE HESONHAN CHIEUCAO GRAND MEAN (N= 12) NO OBS 12 11.833 12 2.0867 STANDARD DEVIATION C OF V |REP SD/MEAN | BASED ON BASED ON % | TOTAL SS RESID SS | 1.2205 0.46098 3.9 0.3091 0.14195 0.10112 4.8 0.9993 |CT$ | | | 0.0016 0.0419 | | | | Effect of BA and coconut water on the multiplication of strawberry BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE HESONHAN FILE NUOCDUA 21/ 2/21 11:52 :PAGE VARIATE V003 HESONHAN LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 185000 925000E-01 0.42 0.677 CT$ 6.56250 2.18750 9.98 0.010 * RESIDUAL 1.31500 219167 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 11 8.06250 732955 BALANCED ANOVA FOR VARIATE CHIEUCAO FILE NUOCDUA 21/ 2/21 11:52 :PAGE VARIATE V004 CHIEUCAO LN SOURCE OF VARIATION DF SUMS OF MEAN SQUARES SQUARES F RATIO PROB ER LN ============================================================================= REP 563167E-01 281583E-01 1.22 0.361 CT$ 153326 511087E-01 2.21 0.187 * RESIDUAL 138669 231114E-01 * TOTAL (CORRECTED) 11 348311 316647E-01 TABLE OF MEANS FOR FACTORIAL EFFECTS FILE NUOCDUA 21/ 2/21 11:52 :PAGE MEANS FOR EFFECT REP REP NOS HESONHAN CHIEUCAO 11.7000 2.28000 11.9500 2.11250 11.9750 2.18750 SE(N= 4) 0.234076 0.760122E-01 5%LSD 6DF 0.809707 0.262938 MEANS FOR EFFECT CT$ - CT$ NOS HESONHAN CHIEUCAO 11.1000 2.05111 11.2000 2.11889 3 12.8000 2.33222 12.4000 2.27111 SE(N= 3) 0.270288 0.877714E-01 5%LSD 6DF 0.934969 0.303615 - ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLE FILE NUOCDUA 21/ 2/21 11:52 :PAGE F-PROBABLIITY VALUES FOR EACH EFFECT IN THE MODEL SECTION - VARIATE GRAND MEAN STANDARD (N= SD/MEAN | 12) DEVIATION NO BASED ON BASED ON OBS TOTAL SS RESID SS C OF V |REP % |CT$ | | | | | | | | | HESONHAN 12 11.875 0.85613 0.46815 3.9 0.6768 0.0103 CHIEUCAO 12 2.1933 0.17795 0.15202 6.9 0.3607 0.1872 HỌC VIỆN NƠNG NGHIỆP VIỆT NAM CỘNG HỊA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc KHOA CÔNG NGHỆ SINH HỌC BẢN NHẬN XÉT SINH VIÊN LÀM KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP Họ tên sinh viên: Mao Thị Thùy Trang Lớp: K61CNSHE Chuyên ngành: Công nghệ sinh học Tên đề tài Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Completing the production process in vitro on Hana strawberries and investigating the control factor for strawberry flowering Thời gian địa điểm thực tập: Thời gian thực tập: 09/2020 - 02/2021 Địa điểm thực tập: Bộ môn công nghệ sinh học thực vật khoa Công nghệ sinh học trường Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam Ý KIẾN NHẬN XÉT CỦA GIÁO VIÊN HƯỚNG DẪN Tinh thần, thái độ học tập thực Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …… …….………………………………………………………………………………… ……… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………… Mức độ hồn thành Khóa luận tốt nghiệp giao:  Hoàn thành tố   Năng lực sáng tạo nghiên cứu viết Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… …………………………………………………………………… …………………………… Kết luận:   Sinh viên đủ điều kiện nộp Khóa luận tốt nghiệ Sinh viên khơng đủ điều kiện nộp Khóa luận tốt nghiệ Hà Nội, ngày 30 tháng năm 2021 Giáo viên hướng dẫn

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2023, 21:12


