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Prepare 2 sb 2nd edition

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This second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, as ...This second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, as ...This second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, as ...This second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, as ...

Trang 2




lJoanna kostaMelanie williamsSecondEdition

Trang 3


0 Get started1 Sports and games

2 This is my day

8ULTI'RE The Раrа[уmрiс Games

з Great sounds

4 lt was awesome!

LIFE ýKILLý Co[[aboration: Reaching agreement

fiaýlý*1, 1

5 Moments in history

6 What а great jobl

GUITUýE Saturdayjobs

7 Ап exciting trip

8 Favourite p[aces

LIFE ýKltLý Physical we[[-being: Safety at home

*ýýlýж а

9 clothes and fashion

10 Buying things

СUIТURЕ Shopping

11 Eating out

12 The latest technology

l"lFE ýNILLý lCT literacy: Writing а blog

Еýý!ýж ё

13 Heatthy bodies

14 Getting around town

GULтUпЕ Scotland

15 Mysteries in паturе

16 Amazing anima[s


ýKlL!.ý Social responsibitity: Protecting anima[s

ýЁt{lЁý ý

17 What аrе you watching?

18 Magazines and books

CIILTUпE British TV аrоuпd the wоr[d

19 School сап Ье fuп!

20 FamiIies

tlFý ýKlLr.ý EmotionaIski[[s: Being а good friend

BEEiEtr 5

Extra activities

VосаЬчlаrу list

Grammar reference and practice

List of irregular verbs

Trang 4

Culture The Раrа[уmрiс Games page22

{} ýЕY ýт&жYýý}g Things in the c[assroomNumbersSportsЭ leil апd lаllSports equipmentDai[y routinesFoodО The sound /а/MusicMusic phrases

Life Skitls Collaboration: Reaching agreement page З2

Review 1 Units 1-4 page З4

Historical eventsВ u i[d ingsAdverbs of frequency;l:i.:]]l]::]]l1,1:,::,.:.Р.iё,iЁпt,пппн:п.ulавýа.яЕ :l:ll'simp[e.]],ll :,]],]a,,]],:]],:]]]]';::]]:]:]:]]'a]'.:Past simp[e of ЬеО waslwere

Past simp[e: negativesand questions

Teenb[og: Sport

Тrу these sports!

@Tetl us about your day

Starting in the music

busi ness

Activity days - [atest reviews

Wоmеп in history

The Great Firе

50 weeks, 50 states,

50 different jobs

@Students at work!

Crossing the world on а

rickshaw to see the Otympics

Everyone needs а favourite


Artists' favou rite places

to wоrk

What's your best buy?

They're made of what?

What kind of shopper аrе you?

Two young entrepreneurs to

watchpageJobsЭ Three-sy[[abIeWorkCIothesMateriaIs

Э Words beginning with

lsl, Il, ltIl

Culture Saturdayjobs раgе 44

,' Ёý ýН*ýТёffi* YЖýF Hotidays (1) Past simple; irregular

page 46 Hotidays (2) verbs

Э Sounds and spelting

= $&"#&ЖЖýYý Рfu&ýЖý Bedroom furniture

page 50 Э lз:l апd lэ,^l

Free-time activities

Life Skills Physicalwell-being: Safety at home page 54

Review 2 Units 5-8 page 56

s *LФT#ýý днs

FдýнЕЕэFЁраgе 5Е

' ,,,:,:.]i эj${l,j*S Buying and se[[ing:э.: 52 Phrases with for

Culture Shopping page 66

UtllTUOсдвULдпY€ ýр&mYý ýжý &&жýýpage 14g теýýý ýý жy ýжpage 18ý &жý&т ý&ýýжýýpage 24ý ýт W&ý &wýýý&жý!page 28AdjectivesEmotions:SQmе9Пе;;:.|аПУа0€|ёtС.l.С.ý]впЬ;,ПЫiСёi:]ll.:1 ;,]i.:.l,аlПd.llЙ,еýý.аЕёýlllll l ll,:.,:l.,.:lll,,,l

Some, апу, о lot of , а few,а bit of

О Weak forms: /а/


Trang 5

А description of а morning

routi ne

lnterviews about getting up in

the morning

А conversation about music

and musicaI instruments

А conversation about а musicschooI

Э EmaiI addresses, phonenumbers and names

conversations about


@ Гivе short conversations

An interview about а moment

in history

А conversation about work


А description of а раrtу

А раrаgrарh about work @ зobs

А conversation about holidays

А description of а journey

Descriptions of favourite pIaces

Descriptions of unusuaI things

to use to make c[othes

А description of а

favourite р[асе

@ Hotidays

А story about а рrоЬlеm

buying something onIine

lSPEAKll{GWRlTlilGLlSTEilll{GC[assroom languageAsk апd answerquestions aboutpersonal detai[sЭ The a[phabet

Tatking about sports

An interview about an unusuaI


А paragraph about your


@ Baralympic ath[etes

@ Сrеаt Sounds

@ Civing opinions

about music and musicaI


Giving а presentation

about а moment in


Telling а trave[ story

@ Summe' camp

Describing what

$ Гivе short conversations

someone is wеаriпg

Trang 6

IJdBe об

раgе 72

Life Skills lCT [iteracy: Writing а b[og page 76

Review 3 Units 9-12 page 78

:; ЧЁ&LТЖY ýЖ*ýffiý l[lness

page 80 HealthTeIevisionEntertainmentFооd (1)Food (2)Э lxl апd lolTechnology

Computers and the

i пtеrпеt


os, becouse, so and иzhеп

0s 0s

Comparative adjectives

Su per[ative adjectives

Э Stress iп superlatives

Read and Review

What's it [ike to grоw up in

, а big famity?

shouldlshouldn't What is so great about

Э Silent consonants ruппiпg?

Cu[ture Scot[and page 88

iii ЖYý'ЕýЖýКý *Ж Geographical features Past continuous ls the story rеа[?

ii',ЁЭli*ý The weather О Rising and fal[ing Loch Ness

page 90 intonation

Э*! еЖ*ýЁЖ{j ýýgЖеý_ý Animals Past simple and past Веаr to the rеsсuе

page 94 Phrasalverbs continuous @Оur апimаl friendsе lч:l апd lul

Life Skills SociaI responsibility: Protecting anima[s page 98

Review 4 Units 1З-16 page 100

Futurе with gоlл9 rо Talent shows

е Going to

Счltчrе British TV around the world page 110


"ý$#*st *&Ж *а Trip activities h ave to l dоп't have to The ftipped сlаssrооm

-Ё*ёý j School collocations Э have to l hos to what's it а[[ about?

page 112

К* Р*Ж*Lýýý Family

раgе 116 Adverbs of degree

Life Skills Emotional ski[[s: Being а good friend page 120

Review 5 Units 17-20 page 122

Vocabu[ary list page 127

Grammar reference and practice page 1З7

List of irregular verbs page 15В

'.] А;drlё.rЬýlФ:mrп.п:ё.i: ] ':l,:.l,l.l ,э Тhе letter i

Extra activities page 124

Кеу to symbols:

э pronunciation J Лz Кеу forSchools exam task Q Video




street food around the wor[d

Did you know .?

The history of computers

UOGдвULдRY GRдtulIчlдR пЕдDlilG

Trang 7


An interview about [ooking

after pets ýR story

ýА conversation about а new


А conversation about watching

а footba[l match

А conversation about а ta[entshow

Giving advice

@ Street foods

@ Technotogy

$Rп emaitto а friend

Ап аrtiс[е about а city

lliii]ýt'.|э.il7i'|ia::@ Hnimals].::".F.-:#::;;:r],:ii]*]:|:.a=.Ё!1.'a!-t:=-Ё-':Э:r!!|.aЁj-ii'Ё,l:j]=.|,:;i: j:j==*4iфl+s.l ,l@ ТПе world of British TV@А description of уоurfamity,I


А conversation about а street Ordering foodfood festivaI

conversations about healthprob[ems

А conversation about а rасе

@А conversation about а visit

to Edinburgh

А story about [ooking for the

Loch Ness monster

А story about а strange

апimа[@ Heatth problemsQ П view of ScotlandTatking about TVprogrammesА review of а fi[m, р[ауor book

А conversation about а schooImagazine

А review of а fi[m

@п talK about а schoo[ trip

А description of а boarding


А ta[k about а fami[y trее

Descriptions of famities

Giving а presentation

about уоur perfectschooI

Trang 8


Practise and improve

your pronunciation

sdil bil i,!ф bиr d.цьф мfuмil fu ффс k rdФ.Фt g,мфt

Ф mш ье фьЕ,фlklФsiФлпк! qilеффелфФлфп5чrилrJффс i еfofrм

]ry]I: ы'.*i l* -, *"-i-*, ***,

-1,1lt? l2чEr- tпtflUЁ8lдтtO!iir ,Ii kgbl@! йlФ4 ,*,{|Ь*.ж:ж-&W"ёЪеd81 наth tф !hофsА{ Ф$зф*li ýeb,l@ 1"99 ,ч"t **,-"_,"ж;.,:L.уж"*J*",,JЁr *"Ф rфя Ф*.ý*( no*-K.r2 h ft 4Fo,pi 8r {ff{ihфl**ефьеj ff:,;:,:л,j:ffJl1::;т,li ",,*,,-*.з ft.J.j^,r1-1 ;.*';::Ф, :;,"",d-"-",i*",а чдG! drtt п ф."i,.)]у {r }м,lТJ;ij,*.#;jýж*#жfflý#

4lпраiýФt*Фýq.fuýФ*м-; }:l1 xili: iil :jjf;]1tri*i*;,.

3 :fl яьфfu sепщý @ь Фщи"iчфlоп.f:.J*."lsjt.'rFфцt?:lj Y.1''''" J*"_,,;ilil;:ji;.; "' ' jГ;""^:.r,iTiit"" лlт "*", i:.*",., , ;,l,:;r;]lY]I:"*, "'i];:]]"",","",ь," -,4 ф€tsёilяýrеh ih.*NфФý,Фl Фф" п.ьф] g , п€,,аtr1 r4Ё.dkr{ J ?r"h!lфJll(r; п:::: :;i,];|l;:,";-,".,,,"7 )>,1ф!,r(!р{:11.i4ьýаrатi€ штЕs, TEctilOrOErаЦg!чjвrщс*" л^аы*i;_ ,ф" ф-" ;";;'i." fu *;;;;";i;i; j iй;ь, : '-l -'i;.-: ], -,->qмsЕ'@ФмGжlФ2 еid !ь dсафdо€зid ечФрф sь*ъ Ф*lhe ',пф iinE{ 4 |яt:tд d яr{ роф s*.ф:tri+!,.а-; ]1 r i!л65 вФ r п,s, ф t |iЕдSY т0 Fll{]lЕхд]ul тдSкSЁй+ 1*j$ ]ф na ф ]J яоt fritрRЕрдRЕ т0WRlтЕРrераrе, plan and

check уоur writing

тil цтlSт тliilOl8Бl2ФýТlТТý' ефu|фвrЬёпаФфоiJiу!r\- ФфЕrЕJфfrdеоrсrпd' соф,l4аlh.(4ФпфзФjФоiе 0 вб1 tIдь*аЬьзrз.оаldff r.j' }*lt**Фе!:d:;фi+.4 aп|r:яý{Б:!il'itrri9 !й*пiae iЬ fu ЬФ{r0фр!с!r ci4 Wпеkm.*iФсваьФlwмр ьы08Е{ыфмуfu*.м*8t *! м|h d'lrwNфФ|!lФ$@ь*р!fu фпdояЕ,*.ht {о 'bJ r':p ар4 ]./3 !ilg]nf ist.ччirjфlllъпi;rijlЕдB0llT YOU

Ai the start of the Unit,

talk about уоu andуоuг life

тдLкll{G PllltTs

Say what you think

about the topic iп

the unit


watch interviews with

teenagers [ike уоu

]:,:::i.i]:l].:i,l:i.]]]:]1]]]].a'.:|:;:]:]]:,i]:]]l]]l:i].iii]]; i!ф #1 *я tцi,ry(riJk



Trang 9


Lеаrп about the сulturе

of English-speaking

countries and thewider wоrld


Watch interesting

documentaries about

the cu[ture topics

tIFE sKItts

Deve[op important

skiIls that уоu сап uýe

in уоur daity tife

,:!9фi,, ,i*Jry ._._!:i!*i:aaJg:nlr;;;й;;;-i -'''j"' -*',.-,,+,tr !, ] ':4ьdфф@лц"ы"юм"*, hф,4 !ьis,ефlйяъвифФq, !-"лц-""-".Ф,,-r -l.,.;+а,.з ь.- ]л|r 9ir*п4Ф.ь бJdE2 eia фэlи rфяD qJмmЕь6€mk бо

Tffi ?у qi.ddE.araф,lntrEpфb5 s] ФrilrелrФ[*:tr]d!} iфФ.ъе qJq !*Фяhёцеьы€Ф 5 ь*Е_ф+*йбмd"ЩафФ:ьффысlJФl,s+ýа.*.*.**ь.*,tr#dЕ& !*-dф*_апiсс р|{ L.ъ !л lEJIсULпвЕф urr srtrrs", :; ].:PпOJEGT

Work together to createsomething fun апd

expand уоur learning


Check your progress

W ýtr ?tjf!*Ё]Jai4Jd*,

х :*"ж:ýж:,l:ji:J*:"Tfr,"t?;* "".dtа!с,hф е,,

а фr"i !ýrtг df -d,,dфtз] Фlкф

; ff iг;""::ljlli: ;ж i,* J:i :,-,"

Ф ф, il\ fl{ ё.дяё фr q!зJ*оiз, Tii,.qпцkG tE *оG br ihэ f,,Ф,

! Ф{lе Eirls F],

Trang 10


Match the words in the Ьох to the letters

А-Р in the photo.

Ф Tb.n [isten, check and repeat.

UеrЬ &е

Э What co[our is each thing? Write five

sentences lп pairs, ask and answer thequestions.

А: lt s bluc сtпt{ rtll;itt ,

В: l: i l iilg roffllА: r,:,r iIis.

there is l ýherg are

2 Look at the photo and read the sentences Write yes or по.

0 There's а ruЬЬеr оп the tab[e yes

1 There аrе five students in the classroom.

2 Тhеrе's а rеd penciI case оп the tab[e.

3 Тhеrе's а b[ue bag оп а сhаir.

4 There's а computer пеаr the window.

5 There's а poster on the wa[1.

6 There's а bag on the floor.

З Look at the photo and listen to the questions Complete

the table with а tick (/) for the right апswеrs.

Things in theсlаgsrоаm1(,lа2Yes, thereis.

Yes, there No, there

are isn't.No, therearen't l12345

ý Work with а partner Student А, look around your

classroom for 60 seconds, and then close your eyes.

Student В, ask questions about the classroom.

В: ls ffierc .] greeý Ьсlg tlпder rэу dt:sk?

А: 7es, fhere is" i lч!о, thcre isп't.А: Дrе t*erc frr;y.ocrs лес;l-Г*е dcci,j'

В: ffc, lfiеrе *rел'|.rif 1ý "lYlI{l101]SтАRтЕR U1{lTА

,,,*жg''а***ii-Ьаg board chair coat

computer door exercise book

map pencil case pen

poster rubber rulеr

teacher textbook window

l аtзл

he/she/it isyou/we/they ar*

Trang 11

hav* gaý

5 Read what Simon says Tick (/) the things he's

got iп his bag.

Му ЬаgЪ really heavy

today! I've got three

textbooks, four

exercise books and

mу pencil case.I've

also got а bottle

of water becauseI've got football

after school.

ý ln pairs, ask and answer the questions.

д: ll/hat have you gat iп уоur bog todoy?

В: l'vе got

Д: Have you got а/апiапу iп уочr bog todoy?В: Yes, l hove, / {lo, l hвчеп't.

Write five sentences about your partner.

жРп0llu]lсlдтl0]l i Thealphabet

*' r Listen and repeat.

:Аа ВЬGе Dd'Gg r#hKk ьпОо РвSs TtЕепfl

2 lп pairs, read out the names of the letters

and complete the table with the lettersthat sound the same Two co[umns have

по additionaI letters!

А в F о U R

Ф tirt"n and check.

Complete questions 1-6 with the words in the

Ьох Тhеп match the questions to answers a-f.

Ьоrrоw mеап page

repeat say spel[

1 l'm sоrгу, сап you that, p[ease?

2 How do you Ьопjочr iп Engtish?

з what аrе we оп?

4 How do you 'because'?

5 Сап l your rulеr?

6 What does'in раirs' ?

а B-E-C-A-U-S-E.

Ь Surе, hеrе you аrе.

с With уоur раrtпеr.

d l said, 'please do Exercise З'.

е 19, l think.f He[to.3}оппммлп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ дllD рпдGтlсЕ рдýЕ 1з7GЕТ STARTED!|-|1VvТfrГ'tм,Zz

I've got а sandwich

and sоmе mопеу too,I haven't got mу phone

Trang 12




Listen and repeat 1

Listen and choose the numbers you hear.

а25 75 з9ь ]-з з0 70с41 61 91d14 16 4ое17 19 90f15 50 80&**gg

3 Say the months in the соrrесt order.


&жgаэ*t ]

*' Д Listen and write the dates.

When we say dates, we say the

and of:

Му birthday is оп the пiпth of Jчпе.

When we write dates, we don't

write the оr of:

Му birthday is оп 9th Jчпе.

L 1st Моrсh

ln pairs, compare уочr answers.

Say the dates.

5 ln small groups, ask and answer

the questions.

\}lh*п l y*ur birthday?

!Vhat i today's daie?\,\lhеп / у*ur mum'sldad's

Ь! rthday?

write the dates of al[ the students in

Trang 13

tjri ltl i]

1 Match the photos А-Н to the words in the Ьох.

draw а саr make а cake р[ау tennis

ride а bike ruп 5 km speak three [anguages

stand on уоur head swim underwater

lп pairs, ask and answer about the activities

in Exercise 1.

Now ask around the class How mапу peopleсап

sъvim under water?speak three languages?

ride а bike?

play tennis?

drarn", а саr?

Рrеggxlt sýжрý*

3 Read about the students and answer the

questions Use complete sentences.

1 Does Tyler [ike music?

2 Ноw mапу brothers has Jason got?

3 What sport does Miltie tike?

4 Whеrе does Ту[еr want to go?

5 What does Jason do every da5z?

6 Whеп does Millie go shopping?

ф Work with а partner Ask and answer the


0 / do sports еvеrу day?

А: i;,1,c; гlо,ip*r-is e,",ery ;!ry7

В: 7cs, l dr: i plcll i*lli;is *fisi scllocl every i::y.

1 What kind of music i Iike?

2 l like travelling?

3 l ptay footbalIat school?

а / like sи;immiпg?

5 What / favourite food?Now tell the c[ass.

Мапuеlа doesл't like swimmiпg Sfte /lkes

}}сплммпR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дllll рRАGтlсЕ рýýý 1з8

l Write questions to find out about your partner's

з8€ fаvоuritе рор star

address favourite school

phone number subject

brothers and sisters

ln pairs, ask and answer the questions Then write

sentences about your partner.



|'ve got а brother апd а siBter i like

music апd l love travelIing, l want to go

to China"

l haven't got апу brothers or sisters.

l like all sporls апd l play football

every day"

l like swimming and l often go shopping

with mу sister on Saturday l love sweets

but l don't like ice cream.



Can you р[ау tennis?

Yes, l сап.Сап you swim under water?

No, l сап't.

Trang 14


1 Match the pictures А-М to the words in the Ьох.


Ф tirt.n and check Тhеп repeat.

2 ln pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 Which of the sports do you do iп teams

(а group of people)? Which do you do alone

(just опе реrsоп)?

2 Which of the sports сап you do both

in teams and alone?

3 Which of these sports dоуоu do?

4 Do you рrеfеr team sports оr spoгts

уоu do а[опе? Why?

{ Read Sophie's and Веп's blogs Who does their sport

every week? Whо can't do their sport whеrе they live?

5 Read about Sophie and Веп again and answer

the questions.

1 How mапу women and gir[s do Sophie's sport?

2 What does Sophie do at the weekend?

3 What does Sophie want to do at LoughboroughUniversity?

4 Whеrе does Веп рrеfеr to Ье?

5 Why does Веп go snowboarding every day?

6 Ben says he's'goofy-foot' What does'goofy-foot' mеап?

;РR0l{UilGlдТl01{ i kt/апd latl

3 Put the words into the correct column.

baseball bike

rjding skating fty ptay

/еr/ sailin* /аll cycling

Ф lirten and check Тhеп repeat.

14 Ut{lT 1

Му sport is ., rugЬу! That's me iп the photo,

People think that rugЬу is for boys, but that's

not truе More than 18,000 wоmеп and girls playrugby iп England Му team always

plays а match on Saturday or

Sunday, and l usually go to practice

games three times а week lt's hard

work, but it's печеr boring! l'm 14

and l play for the Ul5s That's theteam for players under the age of 15.

When l'm older, l want to go to the rugby

summer саmр at Loughborough University.

Му favourite рlауеr, Frап Matthews,

went there and поw she plays for the Englandпаtiопаl rugby team.

Е', lu-..]'.li'.,do ath[eticsdo gymnasticsgo cyclinggo sai[inggo skatinggo snowboardinggo surfingр[ау badmintonplay baseba[[р[ау hockeyptay rugЬур[ау table tennisplay votteybalIffi

Trang 15

&dчеrЬs о* frвqыа*tсу

We use the рrеsепt simple to talk about things

we do often оr every day.

l g* si-lottloc rc}it,iq every doy,

а Look at these examples from the b[ogs.

The adverbs of frequency are in рrirрlе.

h4y team alv,;;ys plays а match оп Saturday оr

Sunday lt's пеvеr boring.

lt's usually quiet.

l *{t*n go with mу little sister and other young people

l sgпзеtiпrgs go snowboarding with Mum.

Write the words in рurрi* on the right place

on the line.


ь d

* Read the examples and choose the correct

words to complete the rules.

Реор[е don't ;i,,;**1;s play sроrt iп teams.

Веп doesn't ;.;si;+lly go snowboarding with his dad

Do you s*rт:*tiпз*g play votleybalI with friends?

ls rugЬу r:т'tел dangerous?

FооtЬа lI isn't ; i",,l,r,yt Ьоri пg!

ln negatives and questions with the present

simple, we put the adverb of frеquепсу Ьеfоrе l

cfterthe main verb.

lп negatives and questions with the verb Ье, we

put the adverb of frequency Ьеfоrе | cffer the

vегЬ Ье.

}}спшмлR пЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дt{Il рRдстlсЕ ре&ý !ý&

5 Put the adverbs in the right р[асе to complete

the sentences and questions.

1 l ptay hockey at school оп Fridays (usuatly)

2 Sophie is tired after rugby matches (often)

3 Реор[е don't go sailing in teams (atways)

4 Му uпс[е and mу dad play tab[e tennis (печеr)

5 ls gymnastics dangerous? (sometimes)

6 Do you go cycling? (often)

# Put the words in order to make sentences and

ff ЧuеstioПs and questions,

0 often l school / plays / mу friend i after /


,tl7 iг:t:лl ,:tt;г, |эiс ,,::; iэ:,.i:сl l:j ;,,;:,-;;;., .

1 welcome / sports / аrе / in / our / ctub i

always / you

2 Мопdауs / do / оп / athletics / печеr / we

3 skating / Ьrоthеr / she / go / hеr / usuatty /


4 table tennis / students / поt / often / do /


5 cycling l апd l hеr sister / at / the weekend /

sometimes lLizzie l gо l

How often do you do the sports in Exercise 1 оп

page 14?

l never р[ау rugby, but l often р[ау

vo[leyba[[ lt's great fun How about you?

8 ln pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 What sports do уоu do?

2 How often do you do them?

3 Do you р[ау sports at school?

4 Ноw often do you watch sports оп TV?

5 How often do you go to watch sports?

6 Who аrе уоur favourite sports stars?0%


] Апswеr the questions.

r Which sentences in Exercise 1 have а present

simp[e vеrЬ?

2 Which sentences in Exercise 1 have the vеrЬ Ье?

3 Choose the correct words to complete the rules.

lп sentences with the verb Ье, we put the аdvеrЬ

of frequency Ьеfоrе l оftеr the verb.

lп sentences with the present simple, wе put the

adverb оffrеquепсу Ьеfоrе l offerthe verb.



oofyl-foof or regulaЁ

l love the snow and the mountains l feel at

home there, l live iп а city and there's по snow

here, but iп the holidays, l always go to themountains with my family l sometimes

go snowboarding with Mum, but l often

go with mу little sister and other young

people, Mum usually skis with my dad,

and mу sister and l like spending mоrеtime in the snow than they do, lt's

usually quiet, When we're iп themountains, l go snowboarding

every day and l'm getting really

good l often think about the

future - l want to Ье а famous

sпоwЬоаrdеr опе day, like IVах

Parrot Oh, and l'm goofy-foot

-ihat means l put mу right foot at

:re front of the board,

ýРORтS д1{1l GA],IES


Trang 16

Look at the photos ofthe sports and games What сап you see?

Read the three texts and match them to the photos J

This sport is like footba[t on bikes Тhеrе аrе two

teams Each team has usua[[y got two р[ауеrs.The bikes don't have апу brakes to stop them.Рlауеrs in each team try to hit the Ьа[[ into the

goa[ They сап use their bike оr their heads

to do this The batt is quite heavy - it weighs

half а kitogram The winning team is the teamwith the most goals at the end of the game,

Which of these sports do you

wa nt to trу?

Do you have апу sports like

these in your country?

16 Ut{lT 1



This is an ancient sport from lndia, The players

use two things: one long stick, ca[[ed а dапdо

and а short egg-shaped bat, called а gil/i Тhеrе

are two teams Опе player puts the gil/i оп theground inside а smal[circle and hits it into the

аir with the donda Тhеп the р[ауеr hits the gll/iagain and runs to touch а spot outside the circle

to get а point.


Read the three texts again Are the sentences right (/) or wrong (,r)?

1 Тhеrе аrе always twо рlауеrs iп а cyclebaii team,

2 The ball iп cycleball is smalI and tight"

З Players in cyciebaIl can't hit the batl with their hands.

4 Gilli-dandа comes frогп lndia"

5 The stick and the bat iп gilli-daпda аrе the sаmе size,

6 Рlауеrs use а snrali balI iп gillгdолdа.

7 People р[ау octopush in teams"

8 PIayers in octopush hilthe bait, оr puck, r,vith their hands"

Trang 17

щ1@ц#ýp*rts вqшiрmепt

Match the photos А-Е to the words in the Ьох.



bat batt board racket stickФ tirt"n and check Then repeat.

f Comptete the table with the sports in the Ьох.

Some sports can gо in more than one column.

badminton baseba[[ basketbal[

сус[еЬа[[ cycling footba[[

gilli-danda hockey octopush

rugЬу ruппiпg sailing skating

snowboarding surfing swimming

table tennis tennis volleyba[[

1 Look at the photo of the sport Match the

words 1-2 to А and В in the photo.

1 hand[e 2 net

Listen to ап interview with а Ьоу about his

unusual sport What's the паmе of the sport?

Listen again, and choose the correct words.


1 There аrе f aur i six рlауеrs iп each team,

2 Тhеrе аrе six / eighf handtes оп the bal["

3 Рlауеrs thrаw i give the ball to each other.

4 Рlауеrs thraw / put the batt iп the net to sсоrе

э опэl

f Think of а sport Choose опе from this unit oranother sport that you kпоw ln pairs, take turns

to ask and answer the questions.

t Do реор[е do this sport inside оr outside?

2 ls the sрогt оп or under wаtеr?

3 ls this sport оп snow?

4 What things do people пееd to do this sport?

5 Do people play this sport in уоur country?

6 What do you like about this sроrt?

7 Who аrе some of the famous players of

this sport?

Try and guess the sport.

14\л1{i,!ы:i\l3Use а stick,а racket or а bat

Use а ball use а board

Р lirt"n and check Then repeat.

Complete the information with the sports words

in Exercise 1.


1 One fоr each р[ауеr.

2 Опе sma[[, light fоr the game.


3 опе fоr each team"

4 Опе sma[[, hard for the game.


5 Опе fоr each р[ауеr.


6 0пе small for each р[ауеr.

7 Опе heavy puck, like а ftat for the game.


Trang 18

What time does уоur а[аrm go off оп а schoo[ day?

What do you do in the morning before you go io school?

ýаýfuя rошtýхаеs

Match the photos to the phrases in the Ьох.

@ Ьrush your hair

с[еап your teeth

[eave the house

put оп уоur shoes

check your messages

get dressed have breakfast

рrераrе уоur school bag

tidy уоur rооm wake up

{'' Listen and check Then repeat.

2 Listen to Maddie talking about her morning routine.

Number the photos in the order that you hear them.

Сап you remember Maddie's routine? Complete the

sentences with the times in the Ьох you don't need to

use а[[ the times.*ъ#АъflфW 6.00 6.з0 6.45 6.507.15 7.з0 7.40 fuly аlаrm gоеs off at2 lgetupat3 l с[еап mу teeth at4 l get dressed at5 ! ргераге mу sсhоо[ bag at

6 l put mу shoes оп and leab,e home at

Listen again and check.

lп pairs оr sma[[ groups, ta[k about your morning routine

l wake up at seven o'c[ock.

l get dressed and then l have breakfast.

Trang 19

ff рrеgеж* еапtýжаgоаls ажd

рrевеlз* simрlс

simple or continuous.


Today, l'lт t;i}iiгзg about mу mоrпiпg rоutiпе"

l'ж h*vitrý сеrеаlъryith fruit today"

At the moment, l'lt: tJ**r!*g mу favourite T-shirt.

|';Tl l*xvii:g the hоusе поw"!'iэ: **i,uT*ari:-:g miz uпif*rm tсэdау"


l пеvеr **т* а shоwеr iп the mоrпiпg.

! аlwауs:h**k mу messag*ý in the mоrпiпg,

l sometimes i:;T* t*ast апd Ьuttег"

l uзuаllу т"]ё;:r гl"}у itniform,

l *i*r;'t usuaily *аv* а shoyler iп the mоrпiпg.

= Complete the rules with the underlined words.

Wе often use the рrеýепt simple with wоrds like


Wе often usе the вrёýепt сопtiпuоus with wоrds

tike ,,,., ,,, , ,,, апd

) сплмшлR RЕtЕRЕl{GЕ дl{D рпдGтlGЕ рýGЕ !зý

Complete the sentences with the correct tense ofthe verbs in brackets.

0 l 'ri: :.,;1r|}{i{|:} (shop) at the nroment, l can't talk"

1 lt4y mum aiways {cook) пiсе food.

2 The teachers usualty {give) us а lct of

hоmеwоrk оп l,,1опdау"

З i {stay) at home today, l (поt

goJ io schooi.

4 lt's five o'clock поw апd i {иl*tch) ТV

with гпу sister,

5 What tir:,:e уOur dad usualLy

(get uр) оп а Sunday?

6 lt's 0К, Jack's (поt si*ep) ;t the

fiOment, Yоu сап go and taik to him,

correct the mistakes in the sentences.


Lllilil;1,-0 N4у соus,г g(,is ггаrl ied today.

1 Ноw аrе yau? i ъvritе to you to girle уоu

SOгfiе пеWS.

2 lVhat do уоu do at the mсmепt?

3 Му Ьrоthег and l аrе n*t going зvч,immiпg

еvеrу day.

4 ,ЧЛу mum is опlу wоrkiпg in the mеrпiпgз"

5 Иlе usuаliу аrе eating а tзig breakfast оп Suпdау

S Make sentences with the present simple and

present continuous Use чsчоl/у апd todoy

or ot thе mоmепt,

0 walk to school 7 go Ьу bus.

i :;:lit:i:у,.,,;эl,t ,,,: sci:,;.:;, |;l ;r r::ticiy i';T qt , ;

Ьу lt.ls.

1 have а sandrryich fcr luпсh i spaghetti

2 ,"vatch ТV after schoo[ / do my hоmеwогk3 ptay footbal1 оп Sаturdау 7' play tennis

4 get up at seven o'cl*ck / eight o'clock

5 have а shower i have а bath

* Put the words in order to make questions.

1 },our / the / mcment l friend 1 what / doing /

is i at?

2 bed l cjo / go i you i тvhat l'usualiy l to l'time?

З school / do / get / hame / how l frоrп / you?

4 sittingi is / iеасhеr/ atl dovtn /уоur1 the7


5 srin l today / shining l is / the?

6 day/ do l еvеrу/ geti at/ sагпе l up l the 1time

/ уоu?

Now match the questions to the correct answer.

а No, it isп't, d Yез, he is.

Ь 10 рm е She's sleeping.

с ltryalk, f Yes,ldo.

lп pairs, ask and answer the questions.

Work iп pairs Student А, mime an activity in the

Ьох Student В, guess what it is.

catch а bus check уоur messages

do some homework go to sleep

paint а picture р[ау football

рrераrе [unch put оп уоur coat

take а photo

Аrе you putting оп уоur sunglasses?

Аrе you taking а photo?

Student А, when Student В guesses the activitц

give mоrе information:

l go to а photography club еvеrу Fridау

lt starts at 7 pm l go there Ьу bus.

Trang 20

Read the texts once who starts school the earliest?

l get uр at 8.00 аm Fоr breakfast l have

cereal and milk, with orange', : After

breakfast, l meet mу friend, апd we go to

school together оп the metro Some days

school starts at 9.00 but on other days at10.00 We don't wеаr а uniform,

and we call our teachers Ьу their

first паmе We all get а free

i lunch at school - meat оr fish

with vegetables for the main

course and fruit for dessert.

School usually finishes at2.45,and аftеr that l go to music

lessons or drama


in the evening

before bed.

2 Read the texts again Fоr each question,

j write О (Оппi), D (Diego)orl (АЬап).

1 Who says he uses the computer in the


2 who сап choose what he wears to


3 who doesn't have breakfast at home?

4 Who goes to schoo[ Ьу саr?

5 who doesn't start school at the same

time each day?

6 Who does sport after school?

7 Who has а hot drink in the morning?

l wake up at 6.00 am, have а shower and put оп my uniform Му

breakfast is coffee, with bread and cheese оr avocado At 7.00 аm, it's

time to go to school Sometimes l walk, but often my mum drives mе.

Classes begin at 8.00 and finish at 2.30, After that, l have mу аrt class.

l have lunch at about З.00, and then I do my homework l do it till 6.00

оr 7.00 After that, l go оп the iпtеrпеt, or watch TV with mу family.

l have dinner at about 8.00.

tVy mother wakes me and mу sister up at 5.00 am.

l water the plants iп the garden, апd mу sister

prepares the food for the evening meal Then we

put оп our school uniforms and brush our teeth We

leave the house at 6.З0 and buy breaktast оп our

way to school Lessons аrе from 7.30 to 2.З0 рm,

Lunch is at school - today, it's riсе and tomatoes l like

it, but mу sister doesn't! After school l have mу football

class, and iп the evening l watch TV before bedýc*d

@avocado Ьrеаd cabbage сеrеа[

cheese сuсumЬеr fish fruit honey

hot chocolate jam mапgо pasta toast

tomatoes rice vegetables yoghurtф lirt"n and check Then repeat.

ltЕtr# g#*ýР-' ы-ffiщ_жнýýщь*ttrцжщE,-#f, ,:щs- Чr=,Ъ'щ20 U1{lT 2l*}ýЦ-#ffit#щ*

Look at the texts and find these

0 This is the first meal of the day f:rl:okir_t,,;

1 This is sweet and you have it at the end of the meal.2 Yоu have this whеп you don't пееd а big mеа[.3 You have this mеа[ in the midd[e of the day,

4 This is а drink made frоm fгuit.

5 This is the last meal of the day.

6 This is the largest оr most important part of the meal,

Trang 21

Think of ten more food words ln pairs, compare

уочr words Then ask and answer these questions.

l What's уоur favourite food? What don't you [ike?

2 What do you have fоr breakfast?

З What time do уоu have diппеr? What do уоu have?

4 What snacks do уоu have еvеrу day?



Э Read the poster What do you think of these tips?

"J,lJ а Listen to the radio show Yоu will hear а womanasking six students about getting up in themorning Match each student to the correct tip.

There is one tip you do not need.

t Student 1ýtudent 2Studeni ЗStudent 4Stцdепt 5Student 6

l 4 Listen and repeat.

breakfast dinner vegetab[es

Listen and repeat Circ[e the /а/ sound in

each word Опе word has two /а/ sounds.

which word is it?

pasta chocolate Ьапапа saLad

tomato yoghurt сuсumЬеr

Tip АTig: ВTip СTip DTip ЕTip FTip G

Listen again and check Тhеп in sma[l groups,discuss the questions.

1 Which of the tips do you think аrе useful?

Which аrе поt usefu1?

2 Сап you think of other tips fоr getting up in

the mоrпiпg?

3 ls getting up iп the mоrпiпg easy оr difficult

for уоu?2a#,; lWWжRead the

page 20 again and fin

and or,

choose thesentences.

at school.

gets the bus,

3 l eat lots of fruit drink lots

of water"

4 l like staying up late l can't

do that ciuring the tveek.

ideas to make their text better,



PROilU]lGlДTl0ll i тhеsочпdlэ/


с let in the suп

В tidy уочr rооm

G don't keep your

alarm Ьу уочr bed

F чsе уочr brain!

Trang 22

Тhе lnternotionol Роrоlуmрiс Committeewebsite (www,porolympic,org} tells us

these focts:

First officiol Poralympic Games: 1960, They

;;;" Й;й in RоmЪ, ltoly ond thеге wos о

special opening ond closing сеrеmопу,

1 ln pairs, discuss the questions with уочr partner.

1 Do уоu tike doing sports? What sports do уоu do?2 Do уоu [ike watching sports оп ТV? What sports do

you watch?

З Do уоu usuа[[у watch the Olympic Games and thePara[ympic Games?

2 Read the text in boxes 1-6 and match them to the

sports in the photos Write SИ (sitting volleyball) or

lИR (wheelchair rugby).

3 Read the texts again and complete the table.

NчmЬеr о[ sports: Аrоuпd 25

CeleЫoted: Every Мо уеоrs, Th

0ге SUmmеr

T}re ParalymBic Games take place

е\fеrу two years There are Wintei"Ganres and ýummеr Garneý.Athletes with physical disabilities

frоrп different countrieý compete

for gold, silver and bronze

The Paralympie Gагпеs haTe а lotgf di{ferent competitiorrs far а lotof different sBorts Тhеrе are g2ýportý in the ýцппmеr Gаппеs arrdfive sports iп the winter Games.

Неrе's а description of two

вOрц|аr ýportý played irз theРаrа|уrпрiс Games.

Whеrе do you р[ау?What do they need?How mапу players

аrе thеrе on а team?

How mапу p[ayers

from each team are

оп the соurt?Sittingvolteybatl wheelchairrugbywheeIchairsandaa6в

Ф Fiпd the words l.}ý,ý!r,ý&ýýý iп the text and choose the

correct meanings, а or Ь.

1 medal

а а type of balt

Ь а prize iп а sports competition

2 wheelchair

а something people use whеп they сап't walk

Ь something people use to stand on

3 сочrt

а а р[асе with seats

Ь ап indoor ог outdoor аrеа for games

4 player

а а person in а wheelchair

Ь а person playing а gаmе оr sport

5 goa[ line

а а [ine you pass to get points

Ь the пumЬеr of players оп а team

Trang 23

!Js Listen to ап interview with MarthaDirksen about а Paralympic sport Whatsport does she do?



*' е Listen again and answerthe questions.

1 How old is Martha?

2 Whеrе is the court?

3 What does she want to Ье in one day?

4 What has hеr sports hеrо got?

5 Where is David Wаgпеr frоm?

6 Does Маrthа р[ау tennis on Tuesdays?

7 Does Martha rest at weekends?

lmagine you work for а radio station.

ln pairs, write interview questions to ask

а Paralympic athlete.

Find out:

Their паmе.

What sport they do.

Whеrе they аrе from.

How mапу medals they have.

Write three questions you сап askthe ath[ete.

Find information оп а Paralympic

ath[ete Апswеr the questions.

Tell the class what уоu found out.

wheelchairrugbyl/llheelchairtenniswheelchairbasketballАп interyiewýitting vэtleybal1

Иli? You play this spot1 оп ап indoor

court Ж are inЖ Ttrey

need а ball They pass the ball from опе

person to another.

You play this sport on а court

inside Players sit оп the floor They need

а net and а ball Teams need to hit the ball

очеr the net in three turns using their arms.

Each team has six players оп the Ж.

Each team is оп а different side of the net.

There аrе 12 players on а team,

эut there are опlу four players оп the coutt

for each team at опе time Fоr а goal, the

ieam carries the ball over the opposite team's

]ne and two wheels need to cross the liпе.

The net is lower than in the

Olympic version lп the Olympic version,

the players stand.

The indoor cour1 is smaller than iп

the game played outside lt is the same size

as а basketball court, The ýýýЖ are at

the far ends of the coutt.

01 нсW Ulrдтсн тшЕ GULтUпЕ v!BE0

Trang 24




Look at the words iп the Ьох Complete the table.


ъ".g c[assicaI music drums electric guitar

hip-hop jazz keyboard ореrа

piano рор rар rock saxophonesou[ violin

Types of music MusicaI instruments

2 Match the photos А-F to the musical instruments

in Exercise 1.

Ф tirt"n and check Тhеп repeat.

З Listen to the different types of music Match them

to the types of music in Exercise 1.

What types of music do you think the реор[е аrе

playing in the photos?

Choose the соrrесt word to complete the


1 Yоu uзuаllу need а lot of different instruments

for classicg/ music !рор and the pieces of music

аrе often quite long,

2 People sometimes use sticks when they ptay the

keyboord i drums.

3 There аrе diffегепt singers iл jazz lял operc" lt's

а bit like а ptay rvith music and singing.

4 lп rcp / rосk, the artists don't rеаllу sing thewords; they sneak them.

5 You put the sпхорl:оле l violiп to your mouth to

ptay it.

6 А рiапо l оп electric Еui*сг is quite еаsу to саrrу

Trang 25

9с Listen to Jason and Mia talking аЬочt music andmusical instruments Who can play:

1 the saxophone?

2 the electric guitar?

3 the kеуЬоаrd?

4 the piano?

Listen again Are the sentences right (// оrwrong (f)?

0 Mia [ikеs the пеw album а iot ""

1 Mia often list*ns to jazz at home"

2 Jason likes ореrа,

3 Jason's sister plays iп а rосk gгоuр.

4 jason thinks the vioiin is еаsу tc play.

5 Mia likes the drums.

like, dоп't like, hate,

lave + -itц

'.;= Put the words in botd on the correct ptace (a-d)1 l ;i*r:'1 iikr: listепiпg t0 0реrа,

2 ýhe i:1*; рlауiпg classical music.

3 i }l*{* playing the violin.

4 l 1*тt listening t0 rар.

Look at the examples iп the table How does theverb change in the -iпg form?

help + helping write э writing run > running

Now complete the table with the -iпg fоrm of theseverbs in the соrrесt columns.

choosepractisedriveridegetsing[еаrп makesit swim Wln

* Choose the correct words to complete the


1 l /ike / hлfe rock" lt's too loud.

2 She doesп't 1ike / loyes ptaying the рiапо.

She рrеfеrs the saxophone,

3 fuly mum loиes / ftgfes iistening t0 0реrа.

She ofien gо*s i0 watch it.

4 Lots of people ttkt i dоп't l:/te hip-hop, lзut l thiпk

it'c оrдаt

ý Complete the sentences with the correct form

о of theverbs.

0 OnSundays, ! like ir1,1ll1; lunchwith myfamily.


1 Му dad tikes the пеws опliпе 1read)

2 l rеаliу love football with mу Ьrоthеr.


3 l lоvе to my friends' houses to play

computer games (go)

4 Еvеrуопе iп оur class likes Engtish, {lеаrп)

5 Do you like to musiс when you аrе doing

уоur hоmеwоrk? (iisten)

ý lп pairs, ask and answer the questions.

9 r По уоu listen to rлusiс?

2 What's уоur favourite type of muзiс?

3 Whо аrе уоur favaurite musicians and what

iпstruments do they рlау?

4 What's уоur farlorite iпstrumепt?

5 Сап students lеаrп to ptay iпstгuгпеiltý at уоuгschool? Which опеs?

ь с d

Listen and check Then repeat.

Trang 26

2 Read the article quickly and match the teenagers' questions

1-з to the advice А-С.

Read on to find outhow!

|'m а singer-songwriter l give

concerts at а local club Everyone

likes listening to mу music and wants

to buy а CD, What can ldo next?'



2 Hi, l play iп а band with sоmе

friends from school The others

aren't serious about music, but l

am, Helpl Do l stay with the band оr

find other musicians to play with?

3 |'m 15 апd а rарреr lrecord my

songs and put them online l get lots

of hits! But l live in the countryside

апd there are по gigs here lt's too

far for me to travelto the city What

сап l do to Ьесоmе famous?

Are the sentences right (/) оr wrong (Х)?

1 Pete sells CDs of his songs at his concerts.

2 Pete needs to make ап album with а rесоrd company.

з shona is mоrе interested in music than hеr friends аrе

4 Shопа needs to change schoo[ as soon as possible.

5 Spark lives а long way from the city.

6 Spark doesn't need to реrfоrm live for реор[е to hеаr

his music.Shona


26 Ut{lT 3

Why not make а music video too? Then it doesn't

matter where you live Ask your parents оr someone

from school if it's okay, and they сап show you how

to do it Then you can upload the video to а social

network like YouTube оr lnstagram That's how

shawn Mendes Ьесаmе famous!

Yоu already write and perform your оwп songs.

Great! Next step: record an album using

computer software and post it опliпе You don't

need а record deal College courses аrе а rеаllуuseful way to lеаrп how to do this, and сап giveyou other ideas too, Ask at уоur school,

,fii iV' your friends for the moment Music is ап imроrtапt раrt of but your think life aboutStay withgoing to а music school, These schools teach

music and everything you need to know about

becoming а musician Talk to your parents about

it, Good luck!



1 Look at the photos lп pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 ls it easy to become а famous musician?

2 How do реор[е start iп the music business?

3 How сап the iпtеrпеt help реорlе to Ьесоmе musicians?

\-чъ-. 1lNG lN тнЕ,, ],.!;!йruil=Ee*Е

Аrе апу of your friends musicians?

Do any of уоur friends upload their

music to the internet?

Do you [ike listening to music оп theinternet?

Trang 27


il|шsiе phrases


Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe words in the Ьох.

become а singer become famous

give а сопсеrt go on tour

make а music video р[ау in а band

rесоrd ап a[bum teach music

1 Му dad сап help mе, , ,, ,, , , Then l сап

up[oad it to Youtube.

2 Му sister is а famous classicaI musician, She

in оur tоwп еvеrу summеr.

3 Amy can't р[ау ап instrument, but she has а

very good voice She wants to

4 Andy plays the drums we[l Не with

his friends on Saturdays at the music club.

5 We've got ten пеw songs апd they're rea[ly

good Let's

6 l real[y want to one day and Ье оп TV

and р[ау at big festiva[s.

7 Му mum plays lots of instruments, and she

at our school.

8 Whеп bands , they р[ау concerts

almost every night in [ots of different p[aces.

2 Read the article again ln pairs, апswеr the

questions in уоur оwп words using informationfrom the article.

0 Pete: 'What сап l do next?'

! thiпk you свп record ап аlЬчп: апd play it to

уоur friепсls,

l Shona: 'Do l stay with the band оr find other

musicians to р[ау with?'

2 Spark: 'How can l become famous?'

lп pairs, take it in turns.

1 Say уоur emaiI address.

2 Say уоur рhопе пumЬеr,

3 Spett уоur mother's оr уоur father's first паmе.

Listen to the conversation Shona is talking to her

friend Еmmа about the music school Complete

the notes.

Music [essons are in the 1


school tessons аrе in the 2

Name of Music School: з

Phone пumЬеr: "

ýрRol{UilGlдтIOil i

Еппаit addresses, рhопе пumЬеrs and паrпаs

Fоr @ we say'at' Fоr we say'dot'.

Fоr two numbers (77) we say'double (seven)'.

Fоr two [etters (ЬЬ) we say 'doubte (Ь)'.

Fоr the number 0 we say 'oh'.

1 lп pairs, practise.

1 Say this emaiI address:

schoo l@ m u si с ро р clo u d со m

2 Say this рhопе пumЬеr: 0451 256 ЗЗ73 Spettthis паmе: Joanna

Ф lirt"n and check Then repeat.

Head's паmе: Ms

ф tirt"n again and check.

1 lп pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions.

О r По you tike different kinds of music?

What аrе they?

2 Do you like different musical instruments?

Which ones?3 Do you think

jazz is interesting?

ореrа is exciting?

classicaI music is boring?

the saxophone is difficu[t to р[ау?

musicaI instruments аrе expensive?

4 Which of these different types of music do уоu

[ike best?

5 Do you рrеfеr listening to music at home or going

to сопсеrts? Whу?

6 Which instrument would you like to play?

GRЕАт SOUl{Ds 21



Trang 28






Look at the photos Where аrе the реор[е and what are they doing?Listen and match the conversations to the photos.

сопvеrsаtiоп 1 conversation 2 conversation З

conversation 4 conversation 5 conversation 6

(D З Listen again Ноw did the speakers feel about their experiences?

З1 g

Comp[ete rоw А of the tabte with the conversation numbers.

4 Now comp[ete row В of the table with the adjectives in the Ьох,

.аw#ýýЁ,,,,}<|й.trА 1в Adjectives ama7jpg

Ф lirt"n and check Then repeat.

5 choose the correct words to complete the conversations.

0 А: l'm поt in the basketbattteam апу mоrе, 3 А: Look at mу lunchl

В: Oh по! That's terrible l foлtr:stiсI

1 А: l've gоt а пЁw mobiie рhопе,

В: iýowl That's tiле l brilllgnti

2 А: },jiy ýiýtel'ý getting mаrriеd"

В: That's grеаt l ОК|

6 lп pairs, practise the conversations Then make some пеW conversations together,

В: That's hаrriЬ!е l ехrе//епt - don't eat ii!

4 А: Аrе уоu епjоуiпg the fitm?

В: lt's ОК/ lоиеlу" lt's nOt great.

5 А: l got top marks in mу test.

В: That's wопdеrfч! i tеrriЬlе, well Сопе.

l,8conversationUшlт 4amazingокfineawesome bri[[iant

great horrib[e love[yrеаt[у good terrib[e

fa ntastic


Trang 29

Раst *imрýе *ý &е

е Look at the examples.


! wа5 at mу sister's wedding,

wе rry*rе at а Ьаrьесuе пеаr the beach.

Attthe bands w*t,e fantastic,


The weather it,aýn't great.

You v/еrsfi't iп сlаss.

Questions and short anýwerý

Whеrе wеr* you last night?

Ноw rл"iаs the food?

l&f*rе you at the football match? Yes, l wаs.Was it fun? No, it rruаsп't.

Now choose the correct words in the Ьох to

complete the rules about the past simple of Ье.

ф Comptete the conversation with tлzоs/tлzоsл't,


Suzy: Hi Nlax Whеrе О ]rc.|l, you yesterday

аftеrпооп? Yоu 1 at school,

Мах: Oh hi Suz1, No, l2 |З

at а big athletics competition at the citysports club.

Suzy: Rea[[y? а it fun?

Мах: Yes, it 5 ,, " lt б amazingl

| 7 the wiппеr of the 800 m rасе1

ýuzy: tantasticl 8 уоur parents thеге?

Мах: No, they , They at work.

But my brother ihеrе with his

video саmеrа, so it 12 fine!


} сппмшпR RЕtЕRЕllсЕ Al{D рRдGтIGЕ р&ýЕ l*1

2 Choose the correct words to complete the


1 Му school [unch rMos/ иzеrе rеа[[у nice yesterday.

2 Му Ьrоthеrs wos f vуеrе late home this evening.

3 That TV рrоgrаmmе wasn't f rzvereл'tvery good!

4 We иzаsп'f f wеrеп'ttоо tired after оur waIk.

5 What was f wеrе the time when уоu got home?

6 Ноw mапу реор[е wos f were on the schooltrip?

3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.а |.|f tl S

0 The wеаthеr Ь good уеstеrdау"

1 Att mу friends was hеrе оп Sаturdау,

2 l tike уOur пеw shoesi Аrе they expensive?

3 Yesterday l wеrе at а friend's house.

4 The рiауеrs was good апd the wеаthеr was fine.

5 That is ап awesome party tast night!

PR0l{Ul{GlATlOil was!were

Listen to some sentences from the

conversation and repeat them.

Now practise the conversation with уочr

partner Take turns to close уоur book and

see if you сап remember it.

Complete the questions with the words in the Ьох.

Тhеп ask and answer the questions with а partner.

was wеrе what was

when was where were

What wеrе

Who wеrе

1 уOur diппеr tike tast nighi?

2 уоur friепd late this morning?

З уоur teachers when you wеrе six?

4 yоu оп Saturday mоrпiпg?

5 уOur favourite ТV shows whеп youwеrе littie?

6 уOu in this class last уеаr?

7 уоцr last haircut?

Write three more questions to ask your partner.

Tell the rest of the class the answers.

*'sWaS Wеrе n'tФJf)"/

1 We usе with llhelshelit,

2 Wе use with youlwelthey.

З Wе add to wоs/иzеrе to makenegative 5entences.

4 We pui l Ьеfоrе the subject

Trang 30

Read the reviews of the activity days Three of the reviews have four

stars and one has five stars Which one do you think has five stars?

This was my first time iп а helicopter, and l

was quite nervous l wasn't sure l wanted todo it But there was no need to Ье afraid - infact, l was sоrrу when it was очеr! l was iп thefront seat and the view was fantastic Theопlу problem was that we were back on theground after опlу ten minutes }li0

mе l still can't believe that myfirst driving ехреriепсе was inа Lamborghini and ап AstonMartin! l've got а video of thewhole thing l'm glad about that,because on the day there's notime to look at the cars properly.As soon as уоu finish, the nextdriver gets in l was а bit upsetabout that.


Read the texts again and answer the

questions with а phrase оr short апswеr,

1 What does Liam [ike а lot?

2 What wasn't Liam аЬ[е to do оп his

activity day?

3 Was Jade's activity day а present?

4 What wasn't possible in the wiпd


5 What was Ethan's favourite раrt of

the day?

6 Wеrе the photos cheap?

7 Was Mia пеrvоus after flying in а


8 Was Mia's helicopier trip long оr short?


Look at the texts Find and underline the words in the

Ьох Match some of them to the emojis.

afra id





sorry gtad happy

su rрrisеd


upset worried


Choose the соrrесt words to comp[ete the sentences.

1 l'm so sоrrу l a{raicl уач'rе поt feeling wеll!

2 l'm апgrу / пеrиошs аlзоut mу piano ехаm tоmоrrоw!

l don't feel rеаdу.

3 Му tittte brother's сrуiпg" He's lpsef / glod because mу

пrum isn't there.

4 l'пr painting а рiсturе at ihe monrent, апd l'm rеаi[у

hарру lsшгрrкеd with it.

5 Му mum's ulorried / iлferesfed about mу school wоrk,

but mу teacher says it's fine.

6 l'm rеаllу Elad l апgrу you're hеrе at [astl W1.1y аrе youso late?30 ut{lT 4(,l34LATESTREvtEWS9

this was anamazing day for|'m rеаllу interested

Wл % W ;' W W W,,

Trang 31



1 Read questions 1-5 and look at the pictures.

What can you see in each picture?

? Listen to five short conversations Fоr each

о question, choose the correct picture (А, В оr С)

1 What was Ве[[а happy with at the party?

2 Уtlhеrе is Kyle's ticket?

3 What was the weathe:, iike?

4 Ноцl much wаs the boy's T-shirt?

5 Whеrе wаs the giri сп Saturday?


l ,".;а; at п,:у b*st fгi*r*'s biгtl"td*y р*rtу

East :,:r*nii",l |**r пiаmе'з lsa*eila апd thg

p*rty т;аs at her h*l,;s* *п -j Ёth ivlay, fl,nm

* рr,:: t* * *ж ii io,,as а ;,*al!y *ig раtt5l,All h*г fri*лdз *:":* t*mi!,т wе:,е th*r*, *t":d

,ýё,lтёi,* э* *xcit*d ai:*шt !t, Тh*r* wаs

l*t* *f i*** * pizza, **la* апd *f c*Llrý*

**k*i }t vуаs аЕ! i"**iiy ili**, isab*ilg т;аs

**rч*uý bef*;,* the *ап"у, Lrui sh* rr,ciз finc

,яl-;ел *v*rу*п* was ti-:el,*" it *,а* а ;"*aiiy

Trang 32


i l


Reaching agreement

Fоr two реор[е to аgrее, you need to:

listen carefully

give уоur opinions calmly апd с[еагlу

" tгу to understand the other реrsоп'ý

ideas lrefore you decide what to do.

Read the sentences Answer the questions

Let's agree to disagree.

Wе can find а 'win-win'solution.

1 What do уоu think the sentences mean?

2 Which sentence do you рrеfеr? Why?

З Whеп do you need to mаkе decisions? Fоr

examp[e, think about doing а c[ass project,

going to ап event оr watching TV.

2 Do you ever disagree with friends about

these things? How do you reach ап


what to do at the weekend

What to buy а friend fоr their birthday

What topic to choose for а school project

3 Read the prob[ems оп Danny's page quicklyand write the names оп the correct replies.

Do you have апу problems like these iп

уочr life?

4 Read the texts again Which person/people

has/have these problems?

Which реrsоп/реор[е .

1 has/have а рrоЬlеm with а friend?

2 has/have а рrоЬ[еm with а famity mеmЬеr?

З has/have а рrоЬ[еm at school?

4 hasn't/haven't got а lot of time?

5 wants/want to go to the сiпеmа?

6 maybe needs/need to agree to disagree?

ji Comp[ete the sentences with the highlighted words

from the texts.

1 l don't with the things mу friend does iп class"She doesn't listen to the teacher"

2 Do you аgrее оr with the idea of going to thecinema?

3 l hope уоu ,, ,, the fitm.

4 Can you give me some ? l don't know what to


5 l'm l can't go to the cinema with mу friends.

Му mum and dad want mе to stay at home with my

little Ьrоthеr.

6 МауЬе you don't agree lп that ,, уOu сап makeуоuг оwп plans.



Listen to Lola, Oscar and Daisy talking What are theyplanning?

а They аrе making p[ans to go the сiпеmа.

Ь They аrе making plans to study for their maths

exam together.

с They аrе making p[ans for а surprise party.

Listen again and choose the correct words to complete

the sentences.

1 First, they need to decide on а , ,,, ,,,, fоr the раrtу.

а present Ь day

2 They decide to meet

а Sunday night Ь Saturday аftеrпооп

3 Lo[a thinks it's а good idea to get а .

а basketball shirt Ь notebook

4 Oscar thinks it's а better idea to get а

а T-shirt Ь CD

5 Michael loves ,

а listening to music Ь going to the сiпеmа

6 They decide to .

а get nothing Ь get а CD and а book

7 oscar wants to

а buy а cake at the shop Ь make а cake8 Lo[a needs to

а study Ь hetp hеr mum

$ Are the sentences in the lJseful language Ьох used for

agreeing (А), disagreeing (D) or making suggestions (S)?USЕFчL tАilGчдGЕ

I disagree D

How about а basketba[[ shirt?

l have а better idea.

I agree,

l think а cD is а better idea than а book.

That's an awesome idea!

Trang 33

fi,*-хжl1iьау'жзжDеаr Danny,

l want to go to see а film tonight,but my best friend wants to play

basketball We always play basketballand l'm boredl what сап l do?


Воrеd Best Friend

Dеаr Dаппу,

l have а problem Му best


friend is often not nice

to our maths teacher.

She doesn't listen, she

Рlаппiпg аiurprise party


Dear , , ,

l think it's а good idea to talk to your friend and tell hеrto StoP Yоч-сап tell her that it's imроrtапt to Ье good

и tus and that you don't like what she's doing, ls she

finding maths difficult? Does уоur friend need help

studуЙg? Listen carefully to уочr friend to help hеr,

Enjoy your lessons at school!

Good luck!

тдtкrtc рO,ilтý

How about YОU? Аrе you organising а раrtу for sоmеопе?

Do you поrmа lly buy presents for you r friends? Do you

and your friends always аgrее? What do you do then?

ln small grочрs, рlап а раrtу to surprise

а friend.

Think abaut:

who the part5l is for

when the party is

whеrе the party is

illhat food and driпk уоu wапt

what you пееd to do

, w|lat уоч rtе€d to Ьýу

what music ta play

what activities уоu сап do at

the party

Design ап invitation {оr уоur party.

Рrеsепt your invitation to the class.

А#,=пЕАGнlilG дGRЕЕмЕilт 33lФ:,, ,:, with,, Good luckla?}ýend,пеgive mуЕаilЕE.Iyourqпd I сап

печеr does her homework and

she says bad things about the

teacher l tell hеr to stoP, butshe gets angry with mе What

сап l do? Thanks {or уочr help.

Unhappy FriепdDеаr , _,, , _,:.,

lt's important for you and your ýster to

ugr""'b.caur" you haven't got а lot о{

йе Make а list of good things about

each рrеsепt to help you decide, Тhеп

go 9hopping and choose the present

iog.tnbi Тф to tiпа а wiп-wiп solution,

Епjоу shopping and h"ppy

your Ьrоthеr!

Ьiгthdау to

Trang 34

1 Match the sports equipment words to the photos.

qdФ 1 Choose the sentences, correct words to comp[ete the

1 l love tolk l talking to mу friend and l [ove go l

gой9 shopping with hеr too.

2 l sing l аm siпgiпg iп the school ha[[ оп Fridays.3 The fi[m иzоs f wеrе very exciting.

4 lп mу frее time, l usually stay l stay usuolly

at home.

5 That is l wos а very good barbecue last Sunday.

@ Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

6 l go often with mу friends to the cinema.

7 How аrе you? l write to you to give you

Some neWS.

8 The weather amazing last month.

9 l like go to school because l tike mу teachers.

10 Yesterday is mу birthday.

2 Put the words in order to make questions.

0 уоur brothers / what / wake up / do / time /

usuatty / ?

What time do уочr brothers usually wake up?

1 making / what l you l аrе l ?

2 mum / the / does l p\ay lguitar / your l?

3 play l уоч l Tuesday / do / tennis / еvеrу / ?

4 уочr lyou / at the moment / аrе / doing /

homework / ?

5 уоur / Ьrоthеr / playing / this mоrпiпg /

football/ is / ?

3 Now match the questions to the апswеrs.

Тhеп complete the answers with the чеrЬ in the

correct tense.

а Yеs, she (ptay) it rеаtlу we[[ ПShe , ([еаrп) а new song at the

moment lt sounds great!

Ь They or_e s,!eeptп.g.,(steep) at the moment Е

but they usua[ly rлzоkе_ up (wake up)

at Seven.

с Yes, lam l (do) mу maths П

lt's rеа[[у difficult!

d No, he's with his friends They П

(watch) а film at Tom's house.

е Yes, l do, and l often (ptay) П

оп Saturdays as we[[.

f l (make) mу breakfast l П

usually (have) bread, but

todayl (have)abowlofcerealwith fruit.qцЧъ.ryr

Now match the equipment to these sports.

2 Put the words into the correct column

Food Music Sport

З Complete the missing word in each sentence.

1 Please can you р уоur schoo[ bag after


2 l want to а music video with mу


З Не likes cooking Не doesn't [ike

cooking with other people.

4 That's а f idea l think it's rеа[[у good.

5 Do you a[ways t уоur bedroom atweekends?

6 Му sister is u because she сап't come

to the party.

7 Bands usua[ly go оп t whеп they make

а пеw album.

8 That's Ь news about the tennis match.


9 l always get d before breakfast.

10 Му Ьrоthеr doesn't like exams Не a[ways gets

very п .


batl bat racket stick

baseba[[ basketba[[ hockey rugby

tab[e tennis tennis vo[leybatt

Trang 35


Listen to five short conversations.

Fоr each question, choose the

correct picture.

l What time do they agree to meet?



2 which instrument does Мопа need topractise tonight?

3 What is Finley's Ьrоthеr doing?

4 Whеrе wеrе they in the mоrпiпg?

5 What does the gir[ wапt to have

for dinner?


Tamburello is а sport from the north of italy, it is а very

old sport The first games were in the 16th century.

Players can рlау the game inside or outside.

It's а team sport and there аrе usually thrее players in each

team Players hit the small tennis Ьа11 to piayers in the other

team But they don't use bats оr rackets to hit the bal}, Theyuse tambourines Have а }ook at the photo, Yes, the рlауеrs

have got tambourines in their hands The Itajian word for

tambourine is tamburello That's how the sport gets its паmе.

А рlауеr in one team hits the ba]I over the iine to players in

the other team А player in the other team hits it back When

а player doesn't hit the Ьа11 оr when the ball goes too far,

the other team wins а point There are four points in each

game, That's the same as the points in tennis.When

players рlау а match, they usualiy play 1З games.


Read the text and answerthe questions.

1 Which country does the game come from?

2 How old is the game?

З How mапу рlауеrs are there in а game of tamburello?

4 What do the р[ауеrs hit the batl with?

5 How mапу games аrе there iп а tamburel/o match?

6 What two things iп tomburello аrе [ike the game of tennis?

1 Рut the words in order to make questions.

(] t паmе lyour lwhat's/?

2 you / whеrе l Iiче l da l ?

3 otd / уоu / how l are l?

4 favourite / what's / sport l your l ?

Ask and answer the questions with your раrtпеr.

Take turns to speak.

2 ln pairs, talk about music Take turns to speak.

Let's talk about music What kind of music do you listen to?

When do you listen to music?

Do you listen to music оп уоur phone?

who is уоur favourite singer / favourite band?

Tel[ mе something about уоur singer / band.

Trang 36


.Ёi+]i'+ iij;*ýýg**х"ý**ý *w*хз*g

1 Look at the photos in the quiz Can you паmе апу of

these people? Do you know, or сап you guess, why they

are famous?

2 Match the photos to the quiz questions.

3 Complete the quiz questions with the words in the Ьох.

4 In pairs, do the quiz Choose А, В or С.

Ф lirt"n and check.

5 lп pairs, StudentA, name а photo Student В,

say what happened.


ьfl ctimbed

Student А: Pliofo J

Student В: Cleopatra diBd"

(lсwраtяаu &шgеm оf ýgyp* аmd

thв iаяt рhаrааhо& in 180 вСЕ.ЁЁ iп 70 ВСЕ.* in з0 всЕ.ffiаri* €grýе ý}зе ЖвЬаý PEixaЕ*ъ сýз*жýslrу

& iп December ]911.

ffi in December 1925.{ iп December 195О,uаiепtiпа ТеrеsftkетаiB** яр*са& on 19th August 1961.# оп Зrd April 1962.fr оп 16tb June 196З.&mеýý* Еаr*tаr€ €hе&týаm*ýс Ф€ваеъ" а!вmв, Ьу рýапе& in l9з9.# in ,]941.* in t9s0.**** €fuеrееýfugr ýýус8

sh*p iлэ РgащЙlilБ, riýmее

& in thе 18tb century.# in tbe 19tb century.fr in thе 2Оth century., :.'t", а:f;lt*t lJirs* stt*gýyýda ý{аfuýq hеgsеlý-роr*tаfi t ъvýth р*rrаts.;]i iп ]920.:Jj in ]9З5.|,; in 1941.ý*rgп* &ýi!lý*mý ., ,tзеr ýýrst maýcit at ýýýmь!еdеm& in ]996.ffi in 1998.fl in яо00,ýеlжý*g ?аЬgIЖеýlпý ýwgrеg*& оп 16tb Мау 1975.# on 5tb April 1977.* оп 19th Мау 1980.J, !{ RожýЕпg fuаrfirst ý*aTry Раttаr bpвýr& in Маrсh ]985.в l лл-ЕF lп June lyyl.* in July яOо+.i in 1928]ii in 19З0.i in ]9з6.ж *ý*ý*ý**ýý*ý|ýr;ýr:::ýi_ý::]r::*ýý;iýý:ýWhat famous реор[е do you kпоw


painted ptayed pubtished received

Trang 37

l l 1,1r

li1lltýаtеs жgý*h ýсý ýýýd Фýý

1 Look at the answers to the quiz again Complete the rules for и and ол

2 ln pairs, test уочr partner.

Wе use iл / ол for months, years and centuries.

L:l;,luгlrу f 2rе4 l

Ia'!ё :i)r j: i'a|'}ri !{\i

lп 1998

Раst sfimр|е: rsgшýаr verbý

3 Read the sentences Look at the letters in purple What do we add to the verbs to make the past tense?

Ada Lovelace comp[eted the first соmрutеr рrоgrаm in 1842.

NASA's Curiosity Маrs Rover [anded оп Маrs оп бth August 20j.2.

{ Look at the verbs iп the table Write the past simple forms of the verbs in the Ьох in the correct column



phone comp[ete cook сору enjoy

plan ptay рrеfеr study



help invite join paint

)спшмлп RЕFЕRЕilсЕ дilIl рRдGтtсЕ рýýg 142

5 Now complete the sentences with the past simpleform ofthe verbs and iп or оп.

1 l {cook) diппеr Sunday.

2 Му mum {study) history at university


3 Му dad (play) fоr tйапсhеstеr United

September 1988.

4 She (invite) us to hеr 14th birthday

раrtу 8th June.

lРаOilU]tGlдтl0]l j prrtrirpt"_"d

Listen to the -ed sounds sometimes we

add another syllable when we say the -edand sometimes we don't.

put the verbs from the Ьох in Exercise 4

into the correct со[чmп.

finished: ed is NOT waited: ed lS an

an extra syllable extra syllable

Ф tirten and check Then repeat.

ry Choose the correct verb forms.

Ф] о i like ! likeciihe compeiition because mу sister

lvas in the team.

1 Sne ltcfclles i шlatched ТV апd likes playing оп

the соmрutег.

2 Wе rеаllу wапt l wапtеd to go to skiing last week,

but thеrе wasn't апу snow.

З lt storts l storted to rаiп iп the night lt was

vеrу поisу,

4 l reaily епjоу l епjоуеd the weekend" l don't want

to go home tоmоrrоw"

5 The film ,лiаs really great yesterday i 1ike /

liked it.

6 l пееd l пееdсd а пеw coat Сап wе go shopping

this а{tеrпооп?

8 Make six sentences about you using the past

simple and in or оп Use the words in the Ьох to

help you.cIimbfinishrесоrd

comp[ete cross dance

join open paint ptay

rечеа [ sta rt visit

This year wе storted schao! оп 4th Septembe?

/ yisited Сhiпа with mу family iп 2аВ,


мOмЕilтS 11{ HISTORY


We use iп l оп {ar the date and the day.

:;{, ALitr5i,lr';"l / T,:cs:jt;y,

Serena Williams played hеr first match at Wimbledon.

Trang 38

1 Look at the photos.

What do you know about London today?

How was it different in the 17th century?

Discuss уоur ideas with уоur раrtпеr.

2 Read the article and check your ideas from

, Exercise 1 Match the four photos A-D to

paragraphs 1-4.



Sоturdоу lst ýерtеmЬеr l*66 Waý fi погmоl doy iп Lопdоп,

The city wcs smоllег thgп ii is todoy, brrt the liftle shops wеrе

busy ond thеrе rvеrе lots of people iп the siге*ls.

s Jusi оftеr midnight thot night, something hаррепеd in о Ьrеоd

,ý* shop in Pudding Lone to change еvеrуthiпg А smgli firе

storied iп thе building" Most people lir,*d in smgll houses iп thоsе

doys, These hоusеs wеrе чеrу close to e*ch оthег Тh* flоогs gt

the bottom of the houseý wеге mgde oi sione, bui the rеst of the

houses wеrе mcde of wood, The fir* mсчеd iiгsttо the hguses апd

shops on еосh side of the Ьrеаd shор, iumping fгоm rооf to rооf.

Тhе buiidings sicried tc Ьuгп, апd th* {ii-e trпуеl]еd quickly frоm

house io house, frоm shор to shop ond frоm sirееt to strееf, The f,iге

moved чеrу fcst thrоugh the bui|dings апd Ьuггrеd lоr thгее days,

fгоm Suпdау 2nd until Wednesdoy Sth ýерtеmЬеr,

ffi After the fire, th* buildings mode of wood иrеrе поt thеrе

*# опуmоrе, but mспlп сhurсhеs *nd the fпmоus cqstle, ihe

Ъwеr of Lопdоп, wеrе sliil thеrе Ьесgusе the;l wеrе mпdе of siоп*.

ý Su the peopie of Lопdеп decided to m*ka п*w buildings о|"ý stone You сgп siill see mппу of those stone buildings frоm

оftеr the firе iп Lопdоп todcy Опе of the п.эоst {omous is о сhurсh"

lt's сqllеd St Poul's Ссthеdгsl, ]

3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences about

the Great Firе of London.

1 London is bigger l smol1er today than it was in the

17th century.

2 The fire started iп а Ьrеаd shop еаr[у ап Saturdoy mоrпiпg l

Suпdау mоrпiпg.

3 А lot of people lived in houses made of wood l stone,

4 The houses Ьчrпеd quickly l slowly.

5 5th SерtеmЬеr was the firsf / /osf day of the fire.

6 The Tower of London is mоrе thоп l less thon З50 уеаrs o[d7 St Pau['s Cathedra[ is а(п) леиz / o/d stone buitding.

Trang 39




Match the words in the Ьох to the meanings

cast[e cathedraI ceiling

сhurсh floor ра[асе roof

square stairs statue

1 This is оп the top of а buitding апd keeps

out the sun and the rаiп.

2 Sоmеопе important оr rich, [ike а king оr

queen, lives in this vеrу large house.

3 This is а modeI of а реrsоп оr ап anima[,

mаdе of wood оr stone.

4 This is а building that Christians use.

5 You use these to gо up оr down to another

part of а buitding.

6 This is а very [arge bui[ding that Christians


7 This is ап ореп space in the сепtrе of

а town .

8 We wa[k оп this раrt of а rооm.

9 This o[d stone buitding has [arge wa[[s

and towers.

10 This part of а rооm is above оur heads.

Complete the table with the words frоm

Exercise 1.

Listen to the radio programme Living History - l was there!Dave Вrоwп is talking to Janet about а moment in history

she rеmеmьеrs what moment does Janet rеmеmьеr?

Listen again Аrе the sentences right (/) or wrong (х)?1 Janet lived with herfamily in а house in Manchester.

2 Тhеrе wеrе computers but по mobi[e phones in the 1960s.

3 Black апd white televisions оп[у show black and

white pictures.

4 Janet's dad telephoned the shop to buy а соlоur


5 Неr dad and uncle carried it to the flat.

6 The first рrоgrаmmе they watched in cotour was sрогt.

1 Work in small groups The Great Fire of London was

an important moment in British history Think of/find

out about an important moment in the history of yourcountry.

Talk about it and prepare а presentation Use these

questions to help you.

What's the imроrtапt mоmепt?

When was it?

What happened?

Why was it important?

] Tell the c[ass about your moment iп history.

Our important moment frоm history is

lt happened on (date) in (ptace).

These аrе some of the things that

happened There was and then

lt was ап important moment because

3 lп уочr groups, draw а timeline and put уочr events on

the timeline.44442Places / thingsin а cityParts ofbuildings

3 Add other words that you know to the tab[e

Trang 40



@ t: watcb the video and апswеr the questionsabout you.

What job do уоu want to do whеп уоu'rе оldеr? Why?What job don't you want to do? Why not?




@actor artist cook dentist

engineer factory worker fаrmеr

mапаgеr mechanic model пursе

photographer pilot police officer

shop assistant sports coach

Listen and check Then repeat.

Choose five of the jobs and write what the реrsоп

does Then work in smal[ groups Say your sentences

and see if the other students сап guess the job.Д: This реrsоп helpsyou whеп you wantto buy samething.Bz ls it а shap assistant?

lп groups, look at the adjectives in the Ьох anddiscuss which jobs they apply to.

boring difficutt easy fun interesting


When Daniel Seddiqui was 26, he travelled аrоuпd

the USA for а уеаr Не visited all 50 states and

worked fоr а week in еасh опе Не didn't use buses

оr planes - he travelled Ьу саr frоm job to job.

Не earned mопеу for every job he did, but hotels

were too expensive for him, Не usually stayed in

his boss's home, or with one of the other workers.

'People wеrе very good to mе,' says Daniel 'They

looked after me really well.'

But why did Daniel do this? And did he enjoy

it? 'yes, l did! l wanted to travel and lеаrп about

mу country,' he says 'And l wanted to try lots

of different jobs.' Things weren't always easy

for Daniel lп week 7, he worked as а fаrmеr in

Nebraska 'Тhе days were long, and l got rеаllу

diгtу,' he says lп week З8, he was а cook in а fish

restaurant iп Maryland 'That was rеаllу hаrd! Often

l didn't ечеп have time to get а drink of water.'

Other jobs were fun Не worked in а theme park

in Flоridа and as а model in Nогth Carolina Не

was а football соасh in Alabama lп Alaska, he

WaS а Alaska isа veryWжеký",,тii*ъ.*п**.ч*Э {,# аЖ;эiUl{сlдтl01{ Гhrее

Listen and repeat the words Тhеп put them

into the correct column in the table.

аftеrпоопengineermапаgеrassistantexpensivemechanicd ifficu ttinterestingunderstandоо0rl{tеrпо*п0оо оOо$ ý.ri.ý lýrl l

ln pairs, answer the questions.

Which jobs frоm Exercise 1 did Daniet do?

whеrе did he do them?

Why do уоu think he chose those jobs?

Wou[d уоu like to do апу of these jobs?Look at the title of the article and the photo.

What do you think the artic[e is about? Read it once

to check your ideas.

40 Uillт 6

l ,:

1 Match the photos А-Р to the words in the Ьох.

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2023, 09:24

