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prepare 2 2nd edition student book

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This second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key forThis second edition combines teenappeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, ... Schools and B1 Preliminary for Schools exams, ...

Officiat СаmЫidg€ Ехаm PreParation ж ffi & ж ж ffi, ',** * ; i д THAYTRO.NET WСДN{ВRIDGЕ Officia Ехаm Preparation l Joanna kosta l Melanie williams Second Edition t CamЫidge в Get started 10 Sports and games 14 This is my day 18 8ULTI'RE The Раrа[уmрiс Games з 22 Great sounds 24 lt was awesome! 28 LIFE ýKILLý Co[[aboration: Reaching agreement з2 fiaýlý*1, з4 Moments in history зб What а great jobl 40 GUITUýE Saturdayjobs 44 Ап exciting trip 46 Favourite p[aces 50 ýKltLý Physical we[[-being: Safety at home 54 LIFE *ýýlýж а 56 clothes and fashion 10 Buying things 58 СUIТURЕ Shopping 66 11 об Eating out 12 The latest technology l"lFE ýNILLý lCT literacy: Writing а 72 blog 76 Еýý!ýж ё 7в 13 14 Heatthy bodies в0 Getting around town в4 GULтUпЕ Scotland бё 15 16 Mysteries in паturе 90 Amazing anima[s 94 ýKlL!.ý Social responsibitity: Protecting anima[s 9в '-lFЯ ýЁt{lЁý ý 17 18 100 п,) What аrе you watching? Magazines and books 106 CIILTUпE British TV аrоuпd the wоr[d 110 19 School сап 20 FamiIies 112 Ье fuп! 116 tlFý ýKlLr.ý EmotionaIski[[s: Being а good friend LlU BEEiEtr 722 Extra activities 724 VосаЬчlаrу list 127 Grammar reference and practice 1з7 List of irregular verbs 158 UtllT {} UOсдвULдпY ýЕY ýт&жYýý}g € ýр&mYý ýжý &&жýý page 14 tiпIтппlтп пЕдDlilG Adverbs of frequency Teenb[og: Sport Тrу these sports! Things in the c[assroom Numbers Sports leil апd lаll Sports equipment Э ;l:i.:]]l]::]]l1,1:,: g теýýý ýý жy page 18 ýж Dai[y routines Food О The sound /а/ :,.:.Р.iё,iЁпt,пппн:п.ulавýа.яЕ :l:ll' simp[e @Tetl us about your day ]],ll :,]],]a,,]],:]],: ]]]]';::]]:]:]:]]'a]'.: Culture The Раrа[уmрiс Games page22 page 24 Music Music phrases ý ýт W&ý &wýýý&жý! Adjectives ý &жý&т ý&ýýжýý page 28 Starting in the music busi ness Past simp[e of Ье Emotions О waslwere Activity days - [atest reviews Life Skitls Collaboration: Reaching agreement page З2 Review Units 1-4 page З4 Historical events В u i[d Jobs Э Three-sy[[abIe page Wоmеп in history The Great Firе ings Past simp[e: negatives and questions Work 50 weeks, 50 states, 50 different jobs @Students at work! Culture Saturdayjobs раgе 44 ,' Ёý ýН*ýТёffi* page 46 $&"#&ЖЖýYý = page 50 YЖýF Рfu&ýЖý (1) (2) Hotidays Hotidays Э Sounds and spelting Past simple; irregular verbs Bedroom furniture :SQmе9Пе;;:.|аПУа0€ |ёtС.l Everyone needs а favourite С.ý]впЬ;,ПЫiСёi:]ll.:1 ;,]i.:.l р[асе Э lз:l апd lэ,^l Free-time activities ,аlПd.llЙ,еýý.аЕёýlllll l ll,:.,:l.,.:lll,,,l Crossing the world on а rickshaw to see the Otympics Artists' favou rite places to wоrk Life Skills Physicalwell-being: Safety at home page 54 Review Units 5-8 page 56 s *LФT#ýý днs FдýнЕЕэFЁ раgе 5Е :э.: ' ,,,:,:.]i 52 эj${l,j*S Culture Shopping page 66 г CIothes MateriaIs Э Words beginning with lsl, Il, ltIl Buying and se[[ing Phrases with for What's your best buy? They're made of what? Some, апу, о lot of , а few, What kind of shopper аrе you? Two young entrepreneurs to О Weak forms: /а/ watch а bit of LlSTEilll{G SPEAKll{G WRlTlilG C[assroom language Ask апd answer questions about personal detai[s Э The a[phabet An interview about an unusuaI Tatking about sports sport А paragraph about your А description of а morning routi ne lnterviews about getting up in routine the morning А conversation about music and musicaI instruments А conversation about а music schooI Э EmaiI addresses, phone numbers and names Civing opinions about music and musicaI instruments @ conversations about in history Baralympic ath[etes @ Сrеаt Sounds @ зobs @ Summe' camp @ Hotidays @ Street fairs everywhere А description of а раrtу experiences @ Гivе short conversations An interview about а moment @ Giving а presentation about а moment in history А conversation about work А раrаgrарh about work experience А conversation about holidays А description of а journey Telling а trave[ story А description of а Descriptions of favourite pIaces favourite р[асе Descriptions of unusuaI things to use to make c[othes $ Гivе short conversations Describing what someone is wеаriпg А story about а рrоЬlеm buying something onIine l lltп UOGдвULдRY GRдtulIчlдR Fооd Food (1) 0s 0s Menus IJdBe об (2) Comparative adjectives street food around the wor[d Technology Su per[ative adjectives Computers and the Э Stress iп superlatives Did you know ? The history of computers shouldlshouldn't Э Silent consonants What is so great about ruппiпg? Э lxl апd раgе 72 i lol пЕдDlilG пtеrпеt Life Skills lCT [iteracy: Writing а b[og page 76 Review Units 9-12 page 78 :; ЧЁ&LТЖY page 80 ýЖ*ýffiý l[lness Health Prepositions А description of а town А trip to Edinburgh Cu[ture Scot[and page 88 iii ЖYý'ЕýЖýКý ii',ЁЭli*ý page 90 Э*! еЖ*ýЁЖ{j page 94 *Ж ýýgЖеý_ý features weather continuous fal[ing Geographical Past The О Rising and lч:l апd Loch Ness intonation Past simple and past continuous Animals Phrasalverbs е ls the story rеа[? lul Веаr to the rеsсuе @Оur апimаl friends Life Skills SociaI responsibility: Protecting anima[s page 98 Review Units 1З-16 page 100 Futurе with gоlл9 е Going to TeIevision aýýёY&Еааа,** ffi* g !;жiЖэý Entertainment rо Talent shows page 102 Magazines Read and Review Making suggestions э lntonation os, becouse, so and иzhеп Счltчrе British TV around the world page 110 j$ *&Ж "ý$#*st j *а Trip activities collocations h ave to l dоп't have Э have to l hos to School Ё*ёý to The ftipped сlаssrооm what's it а[[ about? - page 112 Р*Ж*Lýýý раgе 116 Family Adverbs of degree К* э Тhе letter i '.] А;drlё.rЬýlФ:mrп.п:ё.i: ] ':l,:.l,l.l , Life Skills Emotional ski[[s: Being а good friend page 120 Review Units 17-20 page 122 Extra activities page 124 Vocabu[ary list page 127 @ Grammar reference and practice page 1З7 List of irregular verbs page 15В Кеу to symbols: э pronunciation г J Лz Кеу forSchools exam task Q Video , What's it [ike to grоw up in а big famity? WRlTlilG LlsTEilll{G А conversation about а food festivaI street Ordering food ýА $Rп conversation about а new computer conversations about health emaitto а friend Giving advice prob[ems UlDEo @ Street foods @ Technotogy @ Heatth problems Q П @ Hnimals @ ТПе world of British TV @ schoot tife А conversation about а rасе @А conversation Ап аrtiс[е about а city about а visit to Edinburgh l А story about [ooking for the А story about а strange Loch Ness monster апimа[ An interview about [ooking after pets А conversation about watching а footba[l match А conversation about а ta[ent lliii]ýt ýR '.|э.il7i'|ia:: Tatking about TV programmes ].::".F.-:#:: ;;:r],:ii]*] :|:.a=.Ё!1 show 'a!-t:=-Ё- ':Э:r!!|.aЁj-i i'Ё,l:j]=.|,:; А conversation about а schooI i: magazine А review of а fi[m @п story view of Scotland talK about а schoo[ trip А description of а boarding schooI А ta[k about а fami[y trее Descriptions of famities j:j==*4 iфl+s.l ,l А review of а fi[m, р[ау or book Giving а presentation about уоur perfect schooI @А description of уоur famity ,I рR0l{UilсlАтl01{ Practise and improve your pronunciation iinE{ lhe ',пф tф !hофsА{ Ф$зф*li ,ч"t дB0llT YOU @ 1"99 Ai the start of the Unit, talk about уоu and уоuг life Ф rфя Ф*.ý*( no*-K.r ýeb,l еid !ь bil i,!ф bиr d.цьф мfuм il fu ффс k rdФ.Фt g,мфt sdil **,-"_," ж;.,:L.уж"*J*",,JЁr *" ft.J.j^,r1-1 а чдG! drtt п ;.*';::Ф, ф."i,.)]у Ф {r }м 1,1lt? l2 mш ье tпtflUЁ8lдтtO!i sь*ъ Ф* л^аы* : '-l i - 'i;.-: ], -,]ry]I: ***, l* -, ы'.*i *"-i-*, фьЕ,фlklФsi :fl яьфfu sепщý @ь Флпк! qilеффелф Флфп5чrилrJффс i еfofrм W"ё ч ж: ж - ечФрф i." fu j i;i; й;ь, 4lпраiýФt*Фýq.fuýФ*м; }:l1 xili: dсафdо€ зid аЦg!чjвrщс*" :;,"",d-"-",i*", ,lТJ;ij,*.#;jýж*#жfflý# |Ь* d яr{ роф s*.ф:tri+ i;_ ф-" ,ф" ;";;' *;;;;"; h ft 4Fo,pi 8r {ff{ihфl**ефье j ff:,;:,:л,j:ffJl1::;т,li ",,*,,-* з |яt:tд >qмsЕ'@ФмGжlФ Ъеd8 наth - Фщи"iчфlоп iil :jjf;]1tri*i*;, j Y.1''''" J*"_,,;ilil;:ji;.; "'-' jГ;""^:.r,iTiit"" лlт "*" , i:.*",., , ;,l,:;r;]lY]I:"*, 'i];:]]"",","",ь," -, Er- & f:.J*."lsjt.'rFфцt?:l ir ,Ii kgbl@! йlФ4 ,*,{ " tsёilяýrеh ф€ ih.*NфФý, Фl Фф" п.ьф] g , п€,,аtr r4Ё.dkr{ J ?r"h!lфJll(r ; п:::: :;i,];|l;:,";-,".,,," )>,1ф!,r(!р{:11.i4ьýаrа тi€ штЕs, TEctilOrOEr r i!л65 вФ r п,s, !,.а-; ]1 ф t |i ЕдSY т0 Fll{]l !ilg]nf Ехд]ul ist.ччirjфlllъпi;rijlЕ тдSкS Ф !ф #1 *я tцi,ry(riJk ýТlТТý рRЕрдRЕ т0 ефu|фвrЬёпаФфоiJiу!r\ -' ФфЕrЕJфfrdеоrсrпd ' соф,l4аlh.(4ФпфзФjФоiе tIдь*аЬьзrз.оаldff ' Ёй+ вб 1*j$ ]ф na ф ]J яоt frit WRlтЕ Рrераrе, plan and check уоur writing r.j }*lt**Фе!:d:;фi+ aп|r:яý{Б:!il'itrri !й*п iae iЬ fu ЬФ{r0фр!с!r ci Wпеkm.*iФсваьФlwмр ьы08 Е{ыфмуfu*.м*8t *! м|h d'l rwNфФ|!lФ$@ь*р!fu dояЕ,*.ht {о 'bJ r':p ар4 фп ]./ тil цтlSт тliilOl8Бl тдLкll{G PllltTs Say what you think about the topic iп the unit *;, UlDE0 watch interviews with teenagers [ike уоu ]:,:::i.i]:l].:i,l:i.]]]:]1]]]].a'.:|:;:]:]]:,i]:]]l]]l:i].iii]]; i t ýý8 * Ё сUtтURЕ tr# Lеаrп about the сulturе of English-speaking countries and the wider wоrld , hф,4 ]л|r -l.,.;+а, 9ir*п4Ф.ь } iфФ.ъе qJq бо Е !*Фяhёцеьы€ ,:!9фi,, ,i*Jry d =d Е бJdE rфяD qJмmЕь6€ mk eia фэlи lntrEpфb5 Tffi s] ФrilrелrФ[*:tr]d! ?у qi.ddE.araф, *i:a: ь*Е_ф+*йбмd" ЩафФ:ьффысlJФl,s+ & !ьis,ефlйяъвифФq , !-"лц-""-".Ф,,-r з ь.- Ф5 ýа.*.*.**ь.*, _ ;;;й;;;-i -'''j"' -*' ,.-,,+,tr _!:i!*i:aaJg:nlr !, ] UlDE0 ' : 4ьdфф@лц"ы"юм"* DJ фФl {r Ф* ы, Ф4 Ф Watch interesting PBOJEGT documentaries about the cu[ture topics !*-dф*_апiсс р|{ L.ъ !л lEJI сULпвЕ l I ф urr srtrrs ", :; ].: tIFE sKItts Deve[op important skiIls that уоu сап uýe in уоur daity tife 8пiGа!000rп[п0 р, W qпцkG ýtr ?tjf!* Ё]Jai4Jd*, tE *оG br ihэ f,,Ф, х :*"ж:ýж:,l:ji:J*:"Tfr,"t?;* dtа!с,hф е,, PпOJEGT "" Ф ф, а фr"i ; щ,,- mЁýЬi] ! Ф{lе Eirls F], Е, l ,,]t/ t];] i: il,, &W э,,.я",*я.в,*,д,е*"* Ф l ff iг;""::ljlli: ;ж 1:.T1;;:,i'1/" :,"l" -* i,* J:i :,-," ф fiii ""_ g : i}ё:fi ]"Ь.*,,q,*,*-F, : ýjh***жнrЕ,,-," -" ".,." something fun апd expand уоur learning Фlкф df -d,,dфtз] фрkм fu 5ей,lё! sttфlft$!Ф*hфr*лФ,ý- ii? !ýrtг ФW-ф г,:'ii qСФжжФФ ф.фih!Фф@gф Work together to create Tii, il\ fl{ ё.дяё фr q!зJ*оiз, фl tф tr(*tit! фlrм*tdnlP hFt! t,5oфL 4о rn lb," ,*t] ъ}бiйl , ъ- -_z RЕUlЕW Check your progress " нвuхr з THAYTRO.NET А ,,,*жg''а***ii- Things in the сlаgsrоаm there is Match the words in the Ьох to the letters А-Р in the photo @ Ьаg board chair computer door coat exercise book map pencil case pen poster rubber rulеr teacher textbook Ф window Tb.n [isten, check and repeat r if Y l 1ý I (,l а2 З l ýherg are Look at the photo and read the sentences Write yes or по There's а ruЬЬеr оп the tab[e yes There аrе five students in the classroom Тhеrе's а rеd penciI case оп the tab[e Тhеrе's а b[ue bag оп а сhаir There's а computer пеаr the window There's а poster on the wa[1 There's а bag on the floor Look at the photo and listen to the questions Complete the table with а tick (/) for the right апswеrs Yes, there is UеrЬ &е "l Yes, there are { No, there isn't No, there aren't l аtзл he/she/it is you/we/they ar* Э What co[our is each thing? Write five sentences lп pairs, ask and answer the questions А: lt s bluc сtпt{ rtll;itt В: l: l iilg roffll А: r,:,r iIis i l10 ] SтАRтЕR U1{lT , ý ч Work with а partner Student А, look around your classroom for 60 seconds, and then close your eyes Student В, ask questions about the classroom В: ls ffierc .] greeý Ьсlg tlпder rэу dt:sk? is" i lч!о, thcre isп't А: Дrе t*erc frr;y.ocrs лес;l-Г*е dcci,j' В: ffc, lfiеrе *rел'| А: 7es, fhere l s#trg#trg- ý#у##ý" жY*- Реrsоп Thing Place , Some- еVеrуопе Someone апуопе something а ing everywhere ] ] апу- no- nyth i ng ] по one nothing somewhere i anywhere j поwhеrе Ечеrуапе is atthe раrtу, Тlзеrе's something ta driпk ап the table, We use апуопе, апуthiпg, etc and по опе, nothing, etc iп negative sentences апd questions ! hачеп't gat апуwhеrе to sit ls по one iп the classraom? we use по опе, поthiпg апd поwhеrе in sentences with а positive verb We uSe олуопе, anything апd апуwhеrе iп sentences with а negative vеrЬ Negative verbs with опуопе, anything etc mеап the same as positive verbs with по опе, поthiпg, etc, ! hаvеп't got впуthiпg ta l've got nattliпg to do, тhеrе isп't апуопе at Гhеrез па опе at hоmе No опе, поthiпg, etc mеап not опуопе, поt anything, etc So we don't use а negative vеrЬ with these words |'ue got пothing to driпk (поtrМ+g*-по.thtф ) IhеrеЪ поиlhеrе ro sir rnot There-iжlffiere , ) hоmе choose the correct words to complete the sentences З l'm Ьоrеd l haven't gоtопуопе l апуthiпg l опуwhеrе to l went to the new shop in the town, but l bought по опе f поthiпg l поwhеrе Do you have еvеrуопе l everything everywhere in your l bag? Are you busy? l'm looking for someone something l sоmеwhеrе to waIk home with me, Where аrе уоUr friends? There's по опе l поthiпg поwhеrе in the c[assroom l ý Yоur rооm's very tidy There's nothing оп the floor l'm leaving because thеrе isn't where for me to sit Тhеrе опе in my class who speaks German опе in my school studies isn't We поrmаl[у use еVеrуопе, everything, etc and sо/пеоле, something, etc in positive sentences Practice э Complete the sentences with еиеrу-, so/ne-, qпу- or по- every гlъ everyth ] З Engtish Was there thing good on TV last night? Му favourite р[асе where l сап play footbatl with my friends is ,, Complete the conversations with the words in the Ьох anything апуwhеrе everyone по опе nothing someone so.ffiethifts Аппа: Matt: Charlie: Jon: Lizzie: Martha: Paul: somewhere Are you hungry? No, l ate sоиеthiлg а few minutes ago What's that noise? l think outside the window No, it's the trees There's there Did you specia[ yesterday? there's gо Yes, we went пеаr the take and we had а picnic Аrе уоu , Jack? doing Jack: No, Why? Greg: Have you got drinks Alberto: for the party? Yes, l bought some со[а Iikes со[а l Theydecided to gоSоrпеоле l something пеаr а beach for their hotiday f sоmеwhеrе GRАммдR пЕtЕRЕ]lсЕ At]l рRдGтIGЕ l45 € Complete the conversation with the words iп the Ьох р&*жý&ýжý &жý ýýYýжжýý*ýжý Determiner lt's уочr сар lt's уошrs Steve: he lt's his jacket lt's his she lt's h*c" swimming clothes were everywhere Аrе these shorts ? Laura: No, they aren't They're Dan's Steve: And these grееп socks? Are they too? lt's itg shoe hey're *ur clothes Тhеу'rе *urs Тhеу'rе y*t:r socks They're уsilrý Тhеу'rе th*ir trousers Тhеу'rе theirs about оur possessions That's mу tie ls this yaur scorf? We use the рrопоuпs miпе,уочrs, hls, etc so we don't need to repeat the поuп ls this уачr scarf? Yеs, it's miпе (поt УетtrЗ*mу-sг*rfl Аrе these your trainers| Yes, they're oшrs (поt Уеэ,*еу-rеоtrr *rttrвrs,J Мiпе is always singu[ar Who these traiпers Ьеlопg ta? They'l"e rrilле (not f??tffesj Тhеrе is no рrопоuп form fоr its Practice Complete the sentences with the correct determiner (mу, your, hb, etc.) З fi[ms One of my uncles lives in New David favourite actor is Yоrk name is саr , dog That isn't my parents' car is b[ue 'ls this Maria's?''No,,,,,.,,, jacket is red.' We haven't got а big dog is very sma[l Сап l rubber, please? l haven't got one Ьоrrоw Choose the correct words З 146 l love watching Johnny Depp You haven't got John's сар Нв / Hers is bIack l haven't got а penci[ Can l Ьоrrоw miпе f yours? Аrе these уоur books? No, they аrеп'tуоurs l miпе They belong to Наrrу and Nick Ana's looking fоr her shoes Аrе these hers l theirs? You're wearing Nick's jumper Where's his l yours? Shattwe buy а new tent? Ours l lts is very o[d GпАмluIдR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ Al{D PRAGTICE l tidied the house this morning А[[ costume lt's **rs We use the determin ers mу, your, his, etc with поuпs to talk & theirs u you уоu they уоUr lt's miпе weT mine my оur you rs уо rs his l Pronoun lt's my jumper it фý з Laura: No, they're The white socks аrе Dan's Steve: Right l [ike u socks, Laural Laura: grandma gave them to meI Steve: Whose blue jumper is this? Laura: lt's7 !You'vegotab[ue jumper, haven't you! Steve: Yоu'rе right! Dan and Lucy have got ? red trousers Are these Laura: Yes, they are ý#Ilýýi ýtrý ý **r8ý ý ýýру, ý ýýr8ý Questions Аrе thеrе апу shops пеаr уоur house? Have you got апу money? Positive тhеrе аrе some shops over thеrе Тhеrе's some money оп the tab[e Negative Тhеrе аrеп't large shops пеаr any l haven't got апу afew I 9f 9arr]ng1, тhеrе аrе а few books оп the tab[e lot mа*е:ае Му mum's got а lot of jewelIery There's а bit of make-up in the bathroom СоuпtаЬ[е nouns аrе поuпs for things that we can count We can use о/оп,thе or а пumЬеr before them and they can Ье used iп both the singu[ar and the рlurа[ l bought а leother wallet апd two caps iп the пеw shap Uncountable nouns аrе поuпs for things that we can't count We can't use а/ап оr а number Ьеfоrе them and we can't use them in the р[urа[ Му cousin bought some jewellery апd sаmе moke-up поt a-jewe{bry, l Му sister's got а of I my i money in my purse а [ot of ( uncountable а bit Complete the sentences with о /ot of, а few or а bit of countable house ýJ ) & Satly's got о bi| of jewellery but not much We've got biscuits Тhеrе аrе three packets hеrе and four packets оп that she[f we did we[[ in оur test and оur teacher оп[у gave homework - just опе exercise l've good friends - Аппа, Каrеп and Rachel We made sandwiches, pizza,a salad and cakes Тhеrе , food at my partyl The trip is for three days You on[y need pairs of socks, not 12 pairs! us got was Choose the correct words to complete the conversation James: Did уоu buy Holty: James: Lo lопу clothes in the saIes? Yes, l bought 2опу f sоmе sunglasses, 'о f sоmе basebal[ сар and 40 few l о bitof make-up ReattylYou bought a5lot l few of things l оп[у bought бо f some wa[[et Praclice Э Complete the table with the words in the Ьох bb€ ujt jewelIery photo Z еh€ е5е ju ice рu rSе earring egg make-up mitk T-shirt waIlet countable uncountable biscuit cheese jacket money Complete the sentences with some оr апу l didn't buy а new wa[[et because l didn't have money Тhеrе аrе there new students in my class Wеrе blue T-shirts iп the shop? Let's go shopping l want to new clothes That shop hasn't Did you eat got buy bread cake on уоur birthday? GRдммАR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ дilD рRдGтIGЕ l41 ýж&жж&ж ýý ffig When we соmраrе two things: we can use os + adjective + os to say the things аrе the same lп mу school, pizzo is as рарulаr as Ьurgеrs {паtаsрорtffihап ) we сап use not os + adjective + os to say two things аrе different Chaco{ate cake isп't as healthy as fruit salad The form of the adjective doesn't change with os + adjective + os А burger isп't as big as о pizza (not аs-фgrеrаs ",.] Spelling Complete the sentences with os as З l'm short, but my sister is very short |'m not os short as mч sister The Burger Ваr is popu[a r.Тhе Pizza Restaurant is popu[ar too The Вurgеr Ваr is consonant and add -er big + bigger, fot э fatter Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant change the -у to -i and add -er busy + busier, hoppy + happier Two оr more syllables add more expensive ^ mоrе ехрепsiче З ý Опе syllab[e slow + + + -у hea[thier + lrregu good bad far 148 l + + э mоrе beautifuI [а r better worse farther/further GRдммАR RЕFЕRЕI{GЕ дilll рRдстlсЕ (young) than my footbatIis is is yoU rS А mango is (interesting) (easy) than Exercise З (far) from schoolthan (bie) than а strawberry good hot The blue T-shirt is f 10 The red T-shirt is f15 The rеd T-shirt is rпоу9 ецрепsiче thап the blue T-shirt lt's hours Ьу train lt's hours 45 minutes Ьу lt's 25'С in London today lt's ЗЗ"С in lstanbul lstanbuI is The pizza wasn't bad The burger was very bad The pizza was Two syllables or mоrе beautifu[ ,,,, ,, bus The train iS slower Two syllab[es with consonant hea[thy is Му maths teacher geography teacher l think ptaying than watching it Exercise Му house expeftsive fast Comparative -у Write complete sentences Use the comparative form of the adjectives iп the Ьох *Фжр&ж&Yýwý &&dж*Yýwжý Adjective + Complete the sentences with the comparative form ofthe adjectives in brackets Your shorts аrе quite dirty, but уоur T-shirt is Му mum's pizza is good The pizza al Наrrу's Саfё is good too Му mum's pizza is пiсе э пiсеr, lote + later One-sy[[ab[e adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant (except w, х or у), double the Lemonade is sweet, but cola is real[y sweet Lemonade isn't very dirty yоur shorts аrеп't most[y add -er smoller, cheap + cheaper One-syllable adjectives ending in -е, add -r smo11 + Practice Ё lre[and is wet Scotland is wet too lreIand is One-syllab[e adjectives: - Practice & We use comparative adjectives to соmраrе two things (see Spelling) Water is usually сhеареr thап colo We usua[ly use thол after comparative adjectives Vegetables are healthier thап biscuits ý &ýрý&ý"&Yýýж,&ýdý&Yýwýý ъý {}} € Practice & SEE GпАммдп RЕFЕRЕilGЕ, Uillт tl, GOмрдпдтlчЕ дDJEGTIVES, р&ýý ýýý Adjective Опе sy[lab[e Two syl[ables with consonant heavy+ | + -у Э the heaviest famous + the most famous lrregu[ar + э far э the best the worst the farthest / furthest with two оr mоrе оthеr things The Hopper соmрчtеr is апе of the fgsfest iп fhe We use superlative adjectives to соmраrе one thing world, We use the before the superlative adjective rhis ls fhe smollest stTci rtрhапе апуwhеrе iп the wоrld We usually use iп to talk about а р[асе with the ý superIative adjective rfits is the rnosf expensive laptop iп the wоrld / iп mу city / iп гпу tоwп, etc, (natoftffi) ýpelling \ъSЕЕ // ll, One-sylla ble adjectives: - mostly add -esf smoIl + smol1esd cheop + cheopest - One-syl[ab[e adjectives ending in -е, add -st лiсе + лiсеs( 1ote э /otest - One-sy[[ab[e adjectives ending in consonant + vowel + consonant (except w, х or у), doub[e the consonant and add -est big > biggest, fot , fattest Two-sy[lable adjectives ending iп consonant + -у change the -yto -i and add -est busy + busiest, happy э hoppiest Adjectives of two or more syllables add most expensive э ffiost expensive near large thin friendly happy beautiful good bad fаr Му sister's got (tong) hair in my school (famous) Cristiano Ronatdo is one of footba[[ players in the world (good) burgers in mytown You can in Ray's Burger Ваr (friendty) teacher in mу Mrs Peters schoo[ (big) garden in my Му house has Street (funny) video Last night we eat is got watched onIine ltaughedalot! Write sentences using superlative adjectives The supermarket l busy shop / my town The supermorket is the busiest shop iп mV tаwп Му sister / fast реrsоп / оur school Russia / large country / wоrld Salad / heatthy food / this саfё l l bad singer / my class Gпдммдп пЕFЕпЕllGЕ, чillт сOмрАRдтlчЕ ADJEGTIvES, sPELLIilG, реýЕ ý48 The spe[[ing ru[es for superlative and comparative adjectives аrе the same slow slolve4 the s/оиzеst Complete the sentences with the superlative form ofthe adjectives in brackets Two sy[lables or mоrе good bad the adjectives З Superlative young + the youngest Write the comparative and superlative forms of € Му brother / good р[ауеr / his team Choose the correct words to complete the sentences З l think history is mоrе l the most interesting than science Travelling Ьу plane is foster l the fostest than travelling Ьу bus Oranges аrе heolthier l the healthiest food in the сuрЬоаrd Jonny bought better l the besf smartphone in the shop А printer is mоrе l the most expensive than а moUSe The Тоrrе de CristaI is ta[Ier in Spain l the foliest buitding GRдм]tlАR RЕFЕпЕI{GЕ АilD РRдстlGЕ I49 &, ýff8ý&el ýtr8gý.ý#,F Write complete sentences with should or shouldn't and the words in the Ьох фЬ Positive drink а lot of cola and lemonade eat а [ot of sweets and chocolate l/You/He/She/lt/We/They shou[d go to bed еаrliеr eat healthy food sleep we[[ watch а lot of TV Negative l/You/H e/Sh e/lt/We/They shou play tennis ldn't (shou ld not) lf Questions What should l/you/he/she/it/we/they do? Should l/you/he/she/it/we/they stop doing Sports? ý the vеrь without to Му leg hurts, You should rest апd you shouldn't walk yoa-sЫ*fo*est ý Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't Write complete questions with should Тhеп write short answers l/ Yes, чоч should my brother l buy а fast саr? (Х) my friends / gо to bed eartier? we / have а раrtу? (Х) the rасе? (/) John's got а temperature Не go to schoo[ l hurt my foot The doctor says ptay footba[[ for three weeks Му best friend didn't pass the exam His teacher thinks study hаrdеr Did you say уоur back hurts? gо swimming lt's vеrу good fоr you Му sister [ost hеr smartphone yesterday l think talk to the police То епtеr а rасе, you ,,,.,,, exercise the day before the rасе he Read the examples and write some advice with should or shouldn't l don't feelwe[[ What shou[d l do? yоч should qo to bed опd lie dоwп l lt's mу mum's birthday next week What shou[d buy hеr? You l've got ап ехаm tоmоrrоw Shoutd l study night? l а[[ she l want to visit another country Whеrе shou[d l go? Му Ьrоthеr wants to а пеw sport Which опе shou[d he do? l want to make some new friends Shoutd l join а club? 150 (/) уач-sЫаtтt+о-wЫ*) Practice ý опd exercise We use should апd shouldn't to give advice l've got а headoche Yач should take some mеdiсiпе, You shouldn'f lisfen to loud music We use should to say something is а good idea Му hапd hurts You should ga to the dасtоr We use shouldn'tto say something is а bad idea l feel sick You shouldn't eat апуthiпg After should and shouldn't, we use the infinitive of (not 5llо_цld dq s_роrt Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shou ld No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they shouldn't у_о_ц short апswеr you wапt to keep fit апd heolthy, GRАммАR RЕFЕRЕI{сЕ д1{1l рRдGтlсЕ р&ýр8ýа?ý&&ý We сап use prepositions to say where things аrе А river goes thr*чg!э the tоwп The cor pork is iп fraпt af the supermorket Тhrее bridges go ff{rasý the rivеr The petrol station is appasite the librory The post office is fie,rrf trо the trаiп stotion The restouront is певr the train stotion The trоiп station Ь &esi** the post office The hospitalb o{.rfside the tоwп swimming pool sports centre ьчs station Clnema mчSечm petrol station shops library theatre bank tлiversity, hospital ý Е@жý hotel к саfё market supermarket police station саr park restaurant post office , d train station Practice & Look at the map of the town choose the correct words to complete the sentences The swimming роо[ is пеоr f ocross the bus station З Х То get to the train station, wa[k ocross l through the bridge The university is opposite l nextto the tiЬrаrу The petrol station is beside l пеаrlhе university The cinema is opposite l nextto the rivеr There's а саr раrk iп frопt of l through the supermarket Look at the map again and complete the sentences with the words in the Ьох Use each word опсе only, across пеаr to opposite outside l А river goes througfi the town the town, there's а hospital Тhеrе's а The park The market Drive ý пехt thfough the bridge and there's а cinema on уоur teft bridge roundabout the middte is the police station is the hotet Read the questions and write true sentences about your town l Where's уоur school? ls the hospitaI outside your town? What's your favourite shop? Whеrе is it? Does а river gо through your town? How often you wa[k асrоss а bridge? ls there а museum in уоur town? Where is it? lilшl lt's пеа r mч house aoaasite the pork GRдм]ulдR RЕFЕRЕilсЕ АilD PRACTICE l5l Fж&ýтýýý ýжежвж&ж -ý реýY *&жYýжgý*ýý Write complete questions in the past continuous Тhеп write short answers At 10 оm yesterday, Positive l/He/She/lt was eating diппеr You/We/They wеrе playing footba[[ Negative l/He/She/lt wasn't (was not) sleeping (wеrе not) helping Yo,u/We/They ryele,n't What was l/he/she/it doing at am? What were you/we/they watching оп TV? Was l/he/she/it playing соmрutеr games? Were you/we/they listening to music? Questions Short anSWerS Yes, l/he/she/it was No, he/she/it wasn't Yes, you/we/they were No, you/we/they weren't We use the past continuous to taIk about activities happening at а moment in the past l was watching TV, mу раrепts were working апd rпу Ьrоthеr wаs ploying footbol1yeste rday аftеrпооп, ъъ ýý SEE GRАММДR ПЕFЕRЕilGЕ, U]llТ 2, SPELLltlG: -llUE tOпм, ре&ý,ýýý l No it wаsп't уоur friends / ride their bikes? (/) you / shop with уоur friends? (/) your mum / work? l/haveashower?(X) you and your friends / swim iп the Choose the correct words to complete the sentences At б pm, l wos doing Му dad was cooking l l were doing my homework wеrе cookinq оur dinner Yesterday afternoon, we wаsп't рlоуiпg l wеrеп't ploying tennis Yesterday аftеrпооп, уоu lrosn't wеаriпg f wеrеп't wеаriпg уоur new сар Му friends wosn't having l wеrеп't hоviпg [unch at pm We иzоs сlimЬiпg l wеrе climbing а tree on Saturday morning (Л) take? (/) Put the words iп order to make questions Then write answers that are true for you Practice Э ф it / snow? (f) Was it sпоlмiпq? yesterday at 11 am l you l wеrе / steeping / ? Wеrе you s/eepinq yesterday ot 11 аm? Nо, l wasn't / vtzos s at scllool wеrе / doing l you l at am this morning/whati? bIue socks / you / wеrе / wearing / yesterday / ? З after schoo[ yesterday/ watching / film / wеrе / you and your friends / Complete the раrаgrарh with the past continuous form of а ? the verbs in the Ьох сrу rаiп [isten rеаd make not sleep sit su rf not watch This mоrпiпg, my dad 0was makipg breakfast The ЬаЬу was hungry and Му big sister was in her bedroom а magazine Му mum ; and my o[der brother the internet Му litt[e sister in hеr favourite chair, but she TV Му to loud music Тhеrе were c[ouds уоuпgеr in the sky апd it l decided to stay at home he She' Ьrоthеr l52 а she GпАммдR RЕFЕRЕI{сЕ дilD рRдстlGЕ raining l was l it / yesterday evening / ? оп Saturday mоrпiпg / what / уоur friends/doing lwerel? шш ъ\ ýý ъъ ýý реýт ýЁжрLý д,{в р&ýт *&еýYýжýýýý К SEE GRАммдR пЕFЕRЕI{GЕ, UillтS 5-7, Complete the sentences with rдhеп or while рдsт slMPLE, р&&ýý ýýьýýý SEE GRАм]i|дв BEFEREIi0E, alp{lT 15, рлsт GtltTlt|tltltls, r**я тýа We use the past continuous to describe activities happening at а particu[ar moment in the past Sometimes these activities happen at the same time We don't use the past continuous to ta[k about the beginning оr the end of ап activity Jоlэп was looking at tlэe elephaпts апd his sisfer wgs buying оп ice сrеаrп We usе the past simp[e when опе comp[ete action fo[[ows another l woke up апd l чуелt dои,лsfоirs We often use the past simple and past continuous together to say that one action interrupts another А elephant was eBting sоmе fruit wkеп the Ьоу fe!t ý l was giving food to mу phoned me We found some footba[[ outside we wеrе ptaying saw а famous musician Complete the sentences with опе verb in the past simple and one verb in the past continuous Му teacher (feet) sick (travet) Ьу boat when she music When the talk) to my friends White l (start), l (саrrу)thе plates, (not l (fa tt) White we € (ruп) in the park when we (see) some ducks We we often use: , you an eХam Му mum was watching the monkeys someone sto[e hеr purse my friends wеrе snowboarding, they we use whеп апd while lo connect two activities when we use the past simple and past continuous together, Or Wlзеп the Ьоу {ell, he was looking at the elephants, , anything We whеп before the past simp[e The Ьоу was lookiпg at the еlерhолfs иrfiел he fell mопеу , l wasn't doing you turned оп the light ,, ,,, ,, you sent me the message, l was doing tyhen апd while rabbit l (do) my homework, my phone (ring) (notvisit)the British Museum whi[e (stay) in London Complete the sentences so they are true for you Use the past simple or the past continuous while before the past continuous The Ьоу fell whi|e he was looking of flie elep&oлfs Оr When l woke up yesterday, it luas rrзiпiпq When l got to schoo[, my friends Practice The teacher came into the classroom while а When l arrived home, White lwas doing my homework, Wtlilе the Ьоу иlas loaking af ffie еlер&олts, fie fu1l Choose the correct words to complete the Sentences З When the tеасhеr саmе l wos соmiпg into the classroom, we ployed l were рlауiпg cards She didn't call l wаsп't calling me whеп she heord l was heoring а strange noise White l got off l was getting off the bus, it storted l was stortiпg to rаiп John arived l wos arriving whi[e my sister mаdе l wos mаkiпg breakfast Му brother сlimЬ l was сlimЬiпq а tree when he fell l was folling l didn't meet l wоsп't mееtiлg my teacher while we shopped l wеrе shopping l GRА]tl]tlАR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ Al{D PRAGTICE 153 FýYýжý wýY*ý We fоrm the going fo futu rе with Ье infinitive without iо Positive Practice *8жý r8 + going to + ý (аm) going to phone оur I l'm friends Yоu/Wе/Тhеу'rе (are) going to invite а[[ оur family He/She/lt's (is) going to watch the ] anlm ats Negative i l'm (am) not going to апу I homework You/We/They аrеп't (are not) going I to buy pizza I He7sne7tt isn't (is not) going to win I prize I the а Who аm l going to see? What аrе you/we/they going to Questions Write complete sentences with the going to future form ofthe verbs l'm qoinq to Ьuч пеw traiпers, We / not ride / our bikes to schooI tomorrow, Му friends / watch / the talent show оп TV Му mum / not р[ау / tennis Iater Му dad / make Му cousins / not visit / us next weekend Wr,"r" is he/she/it going to go? Am l goingto have fun? you/we/they going to рhопе Лrе | Next summer, l 0'm go_ing |о fly^ to Canada with my family We with оur friends | а footba[[ shirt for my friend Jack because he likes sport We З а footbal[ match with him l love travel[ing When l'm 18, l to mе [ater? ls he/she/it going to te[[ Mum and Dad? Yes, lam No, l'm not anSWerS Yes, you/we/they are No, you/we/ they aren't Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isn't university | around the world l in а shop in different countries but l ? in а rеstаurапt That's hаrd workl ý We use lhe going fo future to talk about our future l'rп going ta watch the сопсеrf this ечепiпg, We Bren't going to study пехt wееkепd, We usua[[y make our future p[ans before we use the 'going fo' futu re Whеrе ore you going to go лехt su mmеr? Мчrп bought the tickets last week, We're Еоiпg to ybit paris апd Веrliп" We often use futurе time phrases tike thb еvепiпg, tomorrow mоrпiпg, next sчmmеr,whеп /'m J8, etc with the going to future Complete the questions with the going to future form ofthe verbs in brackets З Satu rday? Who mum уоu and at the weekend? уоur yourfami[y friends соuпtrу next summеr? (see) (trave[) to another when you're 18? ý Write true answers to the questions in Exercise З wе'rе qоiпq to ride ачr bikes GRАltlмАR пЕtЕRЕilGЕ Al{D PRAGTI(IE you апd уочr friends (watch) on TV after school today? (wеаr) tomorrow? , you ,.,.,,, (work) next уоur What I54 food What р[а ns l'm gоiпg to travel иthеп l'm 18 Му dad isn't gоiпg ta driче us to school toппorrow mоrпiпg, pizza buy fty not gо not serve stay travel watch work j Short l Comp[ete the paragraph with the going fo future form ofthe verbs in the Ьох Iater? I l/buy/newtrainers týE l'ltaff Фrlбпрfr?lаа.fi !flнаlýu ЁчиеýЕЁ i ltJпý , А suggestion is а р[ап оr ап idea that you want someone to think about Рd}зу dcrn't w* 9о to the сопсеrt? ýhэ1l w* mееt outside the сiпеmо? Why not osk уочr mчm to drive us? tet's go to о rеstачrопt loter After Whу don'twe ,Shallwe ,Whу поt опd LеtЪ , we use an infinitive without fo Shallwe mаkе а coke? (not Sh,сrltиеtо-лта*е-) Why don'twe buy some lеmопаdе? (поtWфоп'-ffiау-) Whу don't we , Shall wе and Why поt аrе questions So We use а question mark (?) Shollwe meet ot В рm? Why поt go Ьу bus? Деf3 is а sentence so we use а fu[[ stop (.) LеtЗ 9о to the football motch, When Someone makes а suggestion, we often use words and phrases like CoolJ, Sоuлds good!,You're right!, Good опе! and ЕхсеlIелt ideo!to апswеr LеtЗ 9о swimming Cool! Practice & Choose the correct words to complete the suggestions Let's use l to use that computer over there Shollwe l Wе sho11 include some cartoons in the magazine? tеtЗ l Why поt ask оur teacher to hetp } Why поt lShol/ we р[ау hockey? LеtЪ l Why поt write down оur ideas first? Why don't we l Why we don't put а notice on the website? WritesuggestionsusingShaI/ ,Whydon'tweIWhynot orLetЪ andthewordsinthebox have кffi О З Whу рр{ rеаd ride take watch listел to music? the film оп TV pizza f or d in пеr? оur bikes to school tomorrow? the book Ьеfоrе we see the film we some photos in the museum? we , Read the sentences, then write а suggestion using Sho/I lt's mу birthday tоmоrrоw We haven't got апу homework to today The schoo[ ho[idays start next week l'm bored and it's raining l'm hungry and there isn't anything to eat We have to something fоr the school magazine , Whу don't we I Why поt or LеtЪ GRА]ulмАR пЕFЕпЕ]lсЕ дl{D РRдGтIGЕ l55 пЕFЕпЕжýЕ &frý рж&ýтлýý е #ýуý у"8'{ ýЕ#,ýýýýуý уý Positive Negative t/Vou/we/They have to get up еаr[у, I He/She/lt has to eat later l/You/We/They don't have to go climbing He/She/lt doesn't have to wear а uniform Short Yes, l/you/we/they No, l/you/we/they don't Yes, he/she/it does No, he/she/it doesn't anSWers We use hаvе to to say something is necessary l сап't gc out l lzаче fo &elp l,y}y r{rLrm l/tle lэgч* fg Ье gl sсhаоl clt Е оm {оr thr: schooi trip" We use dоп't hоче to to say something is not necessary lt's Satul,c}oy Yоtз dоп't lз{]уе to gef ýр еяr! (But you can if you want.) tiy соuзiпs dofi'fhgye iý и/ёýr о чпifоrп clt tlзеir school, hove to means you have по choice You can't say 'no'I don't have fo means you сап something if you want Practice & you / study hard at your schoo[? (/) Dо yau hav_e tq s{цdу !1p;d at youy 5chool? уоur mum / work five З You hoye to get fit l has to get flt to enter а rасе Му school is opposite my house l don't have to go doesn't hove to go Ьу bus We hoye to leove l has to /еоуе оur phones at home You hove to wеоr l hos to wеаr trainers for а nature waIk Му dad dоп't have to wеоr l doesn't have to иzеоr а suit at work You dоп'thоvе to make l doesn't hove to moke breakfast l l can it Complete the sentences with the correct form of hoye to and the verbs in the Ьох bring not help stay поt buy tidy Every morning, l hove tldy mу Ьеdrооm .,,,,,,,,,,, апу mi[k There's а lot in the fridge Му friends аrе lucky at home а vосаЬulаrу test every week at school, Му brother is i[[ in bed today anything on the school trip l've got а lot of food and drink You We not You They Не GRАммдR пЕFЕRЕilGЕ Al{D рRдстlGЕ /с1 i do, da1,5 з week at the ф you / turn off уоur smartphone at schoot? (/) уоur dad / travel fоr his wоrk? we / Exercise 5? (Х) уоur friends / make their beds? (./) (Х) Complete the questions with the correct form ofhoye to and the verbs in brackets Then write answers that are true for you Dо you hoуe on SatUrday night? {о go (go) to bed еаr[у No l dоп't Choose the correct words to complete the sentences 156 Write complete questions with hoye to Then write short answers museum? (Х) What l/you/we/they have to поw? What time does he/she/it have to get up? Do l/you/we/they have to Ьriпg snacks? Does he/she/it have to wеаr nice clothes? Questions +J time What оп а school day? ,, you уоur (get up) (speak) English in й;й;;i;, - - ,;;;;; c[assmates йЁ;i miss а class? ,,, ,,, уоur English class? й;; й;;Ё уоu , you ,,, ';; л , (do) every day? ,- i;;fiir;;(buy) а ticket before you get оп а bus in уоur town? &&wýжýý &ý жýжжýж We use adverbs of mаппеr to say how we something you llove lo spcolr quletly here, Му s!ster сап play the рiапо beautifuýly We make mапу adverbs of mаппеr Ьу adding -/у to the adjective (see Spetling betow) |'"tiy litt|e brother ls яToisy fiе does everytking поlЪffу, !'m very careful ! always tTy hоrпеwоrk cal"*fu!!y Тhеrе are some irregu[ar adverbs good > well, fost > fost, hard > hard Spelling: adverbs of mаппеr Most adverbs add -1у Fоr adjectives ending iп -у in the adverb form quick > quickly to the adjective -1, we doub[e the / and add Fоr adjectives ending in а consonant rеmоvе the -у and add -ily + Ье а utifu l > Ьео utifu lly eosy > easily -у, we Practice а Э Write the adverb form of the adjectives slow $;atvly careful good happy б quiet wonderful 10 heavy l1 hаrd bad angry fast noisy Comp[ete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in the Ьох Use each word опсе оп[у bad carefu[ good hard t€ tld quick l can't hear you The band is p[aying very loudly lf you want to pass the exam, уоu hаче to study Му brother wоп the race because he rап very Please don't ask me to draw а picture l drаw Listen ! l'm going to repeat these instructions Let's have dinner at your house Your dad cooks really ý Comp[ete the questions with the adverb form of the adjectives in brackets Тhеп write answers that are true for you Which famous musicians sing b,eariflfi;lly (beautifut)? ! th i п k Taylo r ýи,ziff siлgs Ьео utif u l !у, speak homework How mапу [anguages can you (good)? How often you your (stow) (quick)? Do you How far is your school from уоur house? Сап you wa[k Do you р[ау iп а sports team? Does it (bad) eat ptay and (carefut)? there оr (easy)? (good)? GRдм]ulАR RЕtЕRЕilсЕ дilll PпAGTICE l57 l lnfinitive Past simp[e lnfinitive Past simple Ье Was, Were Iend Ient become Ьесаmе tie tay begin began Iose Iost break broke make made Ьriпg brought mеап meant buitd buitt meet met burn bu paid Ьuу bought рау pUt catch caught read read choose chose ride rode come саmе ring rапg coSt cost ruп rап cut cut Say said did see SaW drаw drеw seIl soId dream dreamed/dreamt send sent drink drank show showed drive drove shut shut eat ate sing Sang falt fett sit Sat feeI fett sleep sIept find found speak spoke fty fIew spe[[ spe[[ed/spelt forget forgot spend Spent get got stand stood give gаVе steaI stoIe gо Went swim SWam grоW grеW take took have had teach taught hеаr heard tett totd hit hit think thought hotd hetd throw threw huгt hurt understand understood keep kept wake woke know knew Wеаr Wоrе lеаrп Iearned/[earnt win Wоп Ieave Ieft write wrote l58 rned/burnt lRRЕGULДR VERBS put ) l Where English meets Exams Prepare Second Edition leve[s & З соmЬiпе teen-appeal topics with extensive preparation for the revised 2020 А2 Кеу for Schools exam Enjoy interactive, personalised [essons with themes and resou rces relevant to school-aged lеаrпеrs Relax knowing Prepare's unique Exam Journey drives students to exam success Create confident Engtish users with our enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus lnspire learnersto expand their horizons and knowledge exptoring Prepare's Life Skitts and Culture sections Support and extend learningthrough the пеw co[[ection of оп[iпе resources Cambridge English Scale Cambridge English {)ualification 16о-179 В2 First {оr Schools ь 40-1 59 В1 Рrеlimiпаrу for Schools 20_1 з9 J 100-119 ISBN 978-1-1 08-43328-0 ,llц!цl|шшlшццццшll,

Ngày đăng: 09/10/2023, 06:14