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Family and friends 2: FF2 SB (2nd edition)

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- SSH"Ud kLIS"UHAINIl CnIO.fXO SUOWW!S !WODN Starter: ~GB3lt1~ I've got brown hair Is he under the bed? This is my cousin He's got green eyes Where's Billy? There are Numbers 1-20 Family There is Colours Toys ~ ~ Words School things Grammar Phonics Skills This I That is These I Those are Review ofthe alphabet and initial sounds Reading: a description Listening: identifying people and objects Speaking : How many ? There are Writing: capitalisation, writing about my classroom (Workbook) Review of digraphs: Fee lings We're IThey're Are they ? She I can't Can he ? Ou tdoor ac t ivities Gfr::ro~ Food ~(!) I Lf um bers 20- 100 fillrltr:i1r:f? School subjects S~ ~~ ~ School rooms After-s choo l activ ities Prepositions of place: be hind I in front of next to I between Have yo u got ? I have I haven't Has he got ? He has I hasn't What I When have we got ? We 've got our I their I visit I don't have ~ eh sh th ch: chair teacher sh: shoes fish th: thumb bath Review of CVC words: a e ; U a: cat van e:peg bed i: bin fig 0: mop dog u: bus jug Consonant blends: gr br fr gr: grass grapes br: brush bread fr: frog frisbee Consonant blends: dr tr er dr: drum dress tr: truck tree cr: crayon crab R: a poem: 'My feelings' L: identifying feelings S: Is he sad? No, he isn't He's W: long and short forms, writing about my feelings (WB) R: information on a web page L: identifying outdoor toys S: Where 's the skateboard? It's in front of the table W: using a I an, writing about what I can and can't (WB) R: a caption story L: identifying which food items are available S: Have you got apples? Yes, we have W: question marks and full stops, writing about my lunch (WB) R: a description on a web page L: identifying school rooms S: What have we got in the art room? We've got W: capital letters, writing about my school subjects (WB) Consonant blends: R: information texts fl pI bl fl: flower flat pi: plum plate bl: blanket blue L: identifying after-school activities S: I read a book I don't ride a bike W: verbs, writing about w hat I after school (WB) ~1IftudJ23 ~ ~23 ~ Consonant blends: Special days What does he like ? He likes I doesn't like cl gl 51 cl: cloud clock gl: gloves glue si: slide slippers R: instructions on making a card L: identifyi ng suitable presents for people according to their preferences S: What does he like? He likes tennis W: long and short forms, writing about presents fo r my mu m (WB) Grammar Words Phonics Consonant blends: Ever~da~ sm sn sf sk What's the time? It's o'clock He at o'clock activities Times of the da~ sm: smile small sn: snow snake st: stairs star sk: sky skates Where does he work? He works in a Does she work in a ? Places ~r;fuJw Long vowels: a +magic e lake face gate plane ~8 Skills R: information texts L: listening for time and acti viti es S: He has breakfast W: identif~ing Wh - questions, wr itin g about da~ (WB) m~ R: a magazine interview L: listening for detail in an interview S: What are Peter's favourite animals? Th ey 're monkeys W: using commas with and in lists, writing ab ou t where m~ famil~ works (WB) wfufI [b::x:fu Review Weather Weather activities Clothes Time Celebrations Getting read~ ~1ift:i:dJ {fJ ~ Review What 's the weather like? It's Put on / Don't put on Long vowels: ; + magic e bike white kite line nine Present continuous: What are you wearing? What's he wearing? I'm / He's wearing Long vowels: o+magice nose bone rope home stone Present continuous: What are you / they doing? I'm / We're / They're What's he / she doing? He's/She's Long vowels: u+magice June tube flute cube /l;f)8 ~ R: a weather report identif~ing the weather at certain times fro m the weather report S: It's Monday What's the weather like? W: verbs and adjectives, writing about the weather (WB) L: R: a poem: 'At the airport' L: identif~ing people b~ their clothing S: What's she wearing? She's wearing He's wearing a red shirt Who is it? W: writing the time, writing about m~ clothes (WB) R: a descriptive email L: listening for detail to distinguish between photos S: What 's he doing? He's dancing W: present continuous verbs, writing abou t a part~ (WB) ~81jllllaLD p.94 Farm animals Adjectives Memories Tid~ing up Ordinal numbers }~~ 0J~UiJt,1 Long vowels: ee tree cheese green feet three R: a parents' letter L: identif~ing animals b~ their feelin gs S: It's nervous What is it? W: using and to connect sentences, writing about a farm visit (WB) Past simple: I was / wasn't You were / weren't Short & long vowels: cub cube tap tape pip pipe R: a school article L: identif~ing people b~ their fee lings and appearance S: He was a fireman (in th e school p loy) W: and/ or, writing about me and m~ friends (WB) ng/nk ring king swing bank sink pink R: a fair~tale L: identif~ing action s and emot ions S: What's Suzy ing ? She's Is she sad? No, she isn 't She's W: irregular plu ls, writing about a school open da ~ (WB) Past simple: There were some / weren't any Irregular plurals People , ii 1$_ni'il Comparatives: This cow is bigger than that cow ~~ ~ - -~- ~ ~ ' " ~8 Write the numbers 10 thirteen seventeen wenty fifteen fourteen el even twelve sixteen eighteen nineteen en Toys colours and numbers Starter Lesson One Words j Listen, point and repeat ~ 06 Listen and chant ~ 07 6th table Listen and read ~ CD computer pencil case SepteMber board 08 Look at the classroom These are your new tables and chairs And this is the new computer Look! This is my new pencil case Look, new pencils and pens! Unit School thin9s Lesson Two Grammar Listen to the story again and repeat Act Look and say ([nfumun) That is a new board This is the new computer These are new tables Those are new pegs , ' s Write [ ThiS CD _ That These Those ) ' " are bags Point and say - chairs is a ruler _ _ are pencils _ is a computer pencil case board / - - Those are tables ruler pegs pe~ ( ThiS is a ~ Lm!i It It Oil ( That is a ~ ( These are > These / Those are Unit , Look at the story again Act 1:0.:1 Make Snap cards Colour the pictures Put the cards in a pile Cut out the cards You can't see the pictures o o Take turns to turn over the cards Keep the matching cards Count If they are the same, say Snap them and see who is the winner! Speaking Use the Snap cards and say OK That's a great idea I'm the winner! I've got more cards than you 115 Circle the odd-one-out Write J ( cow ( kind ( photo ( loud J ( goat J ( wet J J ( horse J ( second ( quiet ( dirty J J J ( fourth J CCm~ J [ first ( donkey J ( first J man ~ J Look and circle the correct word The girl is~l~/ shorter than her brother Her coat is smaller / bigger than her brother's coat She is faster / slower than her brother The boy is faster / slower than his sister Look and write (your OK, whose turn is - It'S Review whose- I'm it Congratulations J the winner Review \ Tick (V) the picture that contains the sound u_e Z.T">~ o u i e /.- , 0 ~~ o_e ~ ~O o s ° r~ ~/r -/ Read and circle the correct word On Wednesday, it E~)! were our school plo!:J The children wasn't / weren't in the classroom The!:J was / were in the playground Our mums and dads was / were there too S Our teacher wasn't / weren't sad He was / were ver!:J proud of us All the children was / were very hapP!:J! Read and colour My work in Units 13 14 and is © OK ©© Good ©©© Excellent Review Culture In the UK, children play games at school They usually play at break time in the r i playground at eleven o'clock A very popular game is 'It: One child is 'It All the children run away and 'It' chases them When 'It' catches a child, he or she is now 'It: Another popular game is skipping Two children turn a long rope and another child jumps over it Everyone says a poem when the child is skipping Children can play these games in the winter to get warm Let's talk about games! On Saturdays and on Sundays, children at 11 o'clock often play these games at the park In at break time (times) on Saturdays on Sundays (days) in December in the winter (months and seasons) the summer, there is no school in July or in Read again Circle the correct word August, so the children Children ~~/ can't play games at school can play games at the They like / don't like the game 'It: They play games in the classroom / playground Break time is at nine / eleven o'clock S In the UK, children don't go to school in July / February Look, ask and answer C) :" ~ ' " , ' ' :-:.C : ) ~c/ "tA '/;- & gect;I'\e,E:~"'" ~- , , '~ " "' ~V/f " / AV L UH • • • • :/._ _ _ , at break tim~ ( Lunch time is at one o'clock Write about your games uu u At break timeJJ2tay on the dimbinfLirame ~ f'IiN,, /\ - " , Lunch I go to It's hot It's time is school ~He plays football ' I.) ~~ ~.~ I hl~·ll ' ~ ~ ~ ~v t< He ~: -:~ I fIMlf# NN(VV\ !l.U.I: ~ , ~ Culture My name's Tom I'm in the kitchen at home I'm eating my breakfast I've got some®~ and some jam I'm drinking some milk I really like my breakfast Breakfast is my favourite meal I eat lunch at school every day I've got a yellow lunchbox Today I've got a sandwich, a banana and some juice This is my sister, Lucy she's eating her dinner she's got a potato and some cheese She's drinking some apple juice Cheese is my sister's favourite food My favourite food is ice cream \ Let's talk about meals! I've got a sandwich I've got some toast She's got a potato She's got some juice Read again Write T (true) or F (false) Tom is eating some toast T Tom doesn't like breakfast Tom's got a potato for lunch Tom's lunch box is green S Lucy is eating a potato Look and say Act r0, ~( @ @ j , " Ff '" :: :i ; I -~-" - ~ ~J ~' I ~ J'm eating a potato ) ( I'm eating some toast 7, Write about your favourite meal uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Most children in the UK eat ~ ~l \ ~ I like chicken I also like ~~ \ carrots and tomatoes My ~ favourite drink is appte juice \ l My favourite meat is dinner Culture ~ My name's Lucy I live with my mum, dad, brother and This is the living room Here are my Mum and Dad They're working That Here is our garden We've got a swing This is its seat It's orange, my favourite Let's go upstairs This is our bathroom My towel is pink My brother's towel is orange He really likes football ' -= This is my brother's room These are his books He Let1s talk about homes! We This is our house They That is their new computer It That is its seat Read again Write T (true) or F (false) T Lucy lives with her brother Their new computer is in the kitchen Lucy has got a swing Its seat is pink Lucy's bathroom is upstairs Her brother likes princesses Point and say [their its our his her ~ This is their computer ) ( ThiS is its orange seat )?; Write about a room in your house uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ~ Most homes in the UK have - This is my dining room We eat here There is a table and six chairs There is a ru J Grammar reference Unit This is a computer These are tables That is a chair Those are posters Read and tick (1/') or cross (K) These is my bag _ That is a CD player _ This are pictures _ Those are pegs Unit We're happy Are they hungry? They're tired Yes, they are No, they aren't Write _ they nervous? Yes, _ _ Unit I can skate _ they hot? No, _ _ _ _ Can she play tennis? I can't swim Yes, she can No, she can't Order the words she football play ? Can can Yes, she skateboard can't I Unit Have you got a milkshake? Yes, I have No, I haven't Has he got fries? Yes, he has No, he hasn't Write you got a sandwich? Yes, _ _ he a pizza? No, _ _ Grammar reference ( Grammar reference Unit What have we got on Monday? We've got English When have we got PE? We've got PE on Thursday These are our bags These are their books Order the words maths got When we ? have maths We've on got Tuesday our are These T-shirts Unit I visit my grandma I have a music lesson I don't visit my grandma I don't have a music lesson Write I don't go swimming (K) go swimming (V) help my mum (K) watch TV (V) my homework Unit What you like? I like balloons What does he like? He likes sweets I don't like nuts He doesn't like pastries Write What does he like? (nuts ©) He Unit nuts What's the time? (chocolate @) He chocolate It's seven o'clock She gets up at seven o'clock She goes to school at eight o'clock He has dinner at six o'clock Order the words o'clock It's eleven lunch at has o'clock twelve She Crammar reference Crammar reference ) Unit Where does he work? He works in an airport Does she work in a shop? Yes, she does No, she doesn't Write He / police station? Does he work In a police station? No, She / hospital? Yes, Unit 10 It's sunny Put on your sun hat Don't put on your coat Write It's hot _ _ _ you r coat It's sunny your sun hat It's cold Unit 11 your shorts What are you wearing ? I'm wearing a blue skirt What's he wearing? He's wearing red gloves Write What _ _ _ you wearing? _ _ _ wearing jeans What he wearing? What wearing? She's Grammar reference a blue T-shirt black boots ( era Unit 12 What are you doing ? ence I'm ta lking We're sing ing What's he doing? He's eat ing a sandwich What are they doing ? They're dan ci ng Write What she doing? What Unit 13 reading doing? I'm taking photos The sheep is big ger than the goat The boy is shorter than t he ~ i " Write The horse is bigger than the sheep The sheep the horse The girl is taller than the boy The boy Unit 14 ~_~~ the girl I was naughty You were happy He wasn't sad They weren't cold Write (K) I wasn't happy (V) He _ brave Unit 15 (V) You (K) They _ kind hungry There were some children There weren't any men rite here were Th ere weren't some men children There any women There some animals Crammar reference OXFORD UNIVE RSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It funhers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2014 The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2014 2018 201 2016 2015 2014 10 o unauthorized photocopying -'Jl rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted , in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford Cniversity Press , at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose thi s same condition on any acquirer Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work IS B, : IS BN : IS BN : 9780194808309 9780194808385 9780194808569 Pack Class Book MultiROM Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources AC KN OW LEDGEMENTS Cover and title page illustration by: Tomek Giovanis & Christos Skaltas Other illustrations by: Kathy Baxendale (handwriting) pp.62, 63; 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Chris King pp.56, 90, 91 We would also like to thank the fOllowingfor their help: Debenhams Oxford and The Cake Shop, Oxford Covered Market Building on the exceptionally strong skills training, phonics and civic education of the internationally best-selling first edition, Family and Friends 2nd Edition now brings you : [BE€) Support and development for the whole child For students Class Book with Student MultiROM Real-world fluency development with supporting DVD GEm Interactive online practice you can assign and track GEm Comprehensive assessment and testing programme, including Cambridge English : Young Learners (YLE) For teachers with Fluency DVD, Online Practice and Assessment and Resource CD-ROM & Audio CD with or without Online Practice Oxford iTools Digital Classroom Resources Also available Grammar Friends Readers Teacher's Resource Pack with Story Posters, Phonics Cards and Flashcards

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2020, 07:06

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