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English speaking skills among non english majors at the college of foreign economic relations of ho chi minh city problems and implications for teaching

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VtMHAM UM'iOHM UNIVERSITY-HO CHI MINH CITY lilMt¥E8SIT¥ OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES mmmism SPBAEMG SKILLS :0KS KO^^ 'S^ S.'Sji£«sj ThJpf ?1R OF RMTB i TEBQh I Soperrisor : PE'flR LEONARD, MA Student; NGUYfeN TH| HO CHI MINH 2006 THOY CHAU m « VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY - HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS AMONG NON-ENGLISH MAJORS AT THE COLLEGE OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF HO CHI MINH CITY: PROBLEMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (TESOL) imfvirwiM'^iDiifcvNv t>.iioci;iM!Nii jfodywcii'i Supervisor: PETER LEONARD, MA Student: NGUYEN THI THUY CHAU HO CHI MINH 2006 m CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled "ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS AMONG NON-ENGLISH MAJORS AT THE COLLEGE OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF HO CHI MINH CITY: PROBLEMS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING" in terms of the Statement of Requirements for Theses in Master's Programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other institution Ho Chi Minh City, April 2, 2006 NGUYEN THI THUY CHAU RETENTION AND USE OF THESES I hereby state that I, Nguyen Thi Thuy Chau, being a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts (TESOL) accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master's Theses deposited in the Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for the purpose of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan or reproduction of theses Signature: Date: ACKOWLEDGEMENT I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mr Peter Leornard, for his valuable guidance, helpful suggestions and comments in the writing of this study would like to express my sincere gratitude to my lecturers for their dedication and helpful instruction during my TESOL course Thanks are also due to all my colleagues for the permission to attend their classes, their help with the data collection for the research, and their precious remarks; to all the first-year students participating in the research for their cooperation; and to all my friends for their moral support, good friendship and enjoyable company Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Nguyen Viet Anh, who helped me with data processing for this paper and his encouragement ui ABSTRACT The English language occupies a specially important status in the increasing development of science, technology, culture, economy, and international relations in Vietnam Therefore, there is a growing demand for English language learning all over the country A good command of English, especially spoken English, is a good advantage for job applicants nowadays Unfortunately, very few students at COFER have such an advantage Most of the students have problems with oral English, which always makes the teaching of spoken English a challenge to all EEL teachers The purpose of this study is to investigate the first-year non-English majors' problems in learning speaking skills, their causes, and offer some suggestions to better the teaching of spoken English to the freshmen at COFER In order to achieve the purpose, the study was carried out with the data collected through a survey questionnaire of 168 first-year nonEnglish majors, interviews with eight EEL teachers, and class observations A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods helps to achieve triangulation in action in order to gain good validity in the study The results of the,study show that the students are very passive and not confident in spoken classes First, this is due to the fact that they are affected by their prior learning experience, psychological factors such as anxiety, shyness, being afraid of being laughed at, being afraid of making mistakes, listening ability, classroom climate, and teacher Second, it is caused by the students' insufficient communicative competence After all, these problems result ftom the fact that they lack exposure to authentic English Based on the results and under the Hght of relevant literature review, the thesis came up with practical suggestions for the improvement of the teaching of spoken English at COFER IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x INTRODUCTION 01 Background 02 Statement of Purpose 03 The Research Questions 04 Significance of the Study 05 Abbreviations and Definition of Terms 06 Assumptions 07 Limitations 08 Delimitations 09 Overview of the Thesis Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 What is speaking? 1.2 The importance of speaking skills 1.3 Differences between spoken and written language 11 1.4 Factors affecting EEL learners' speaking skills 16 1.4.1 Cultural factors ' 16 1.4.2 Linguistic factors 16 1.4.3 Listening ability 17 1.4.4 Psychological / Affective factors 17 Self-esteem 17 Inhibition 18 Anxiety 19 1.4.4 Attitude and Motivation 19 1.4.5 Classroom settings 20 Physical conditions 21 The teacher 21 Classroom climate 21 1.5 Components underlying speaking effectiveness 22 1.6 Interaction 25 1.6.1 What is interaction? 25 1.6.2 The importance of interaction 25 1.6.3 Promoting Interaction 26 1.7 Teaching methods often used in Vietnam 28 1.7.1 The grammar-translation method 28 1.7.2 The communicative approach 29 The goal of communicative language teaching 30 Characteristics of the teaching/learning process 30 The roles of teachers and learners in the classroom 31 VI The role of teaching materials 32 Error treatment 35 1.8 Summary 35 Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN DESIGN 36 2.1 Methodology 36 2.2 Research design 37 2.2.1 Characteristics of Subjects 37 2.2.2 Instruments 38 2.2.3 Data collection procedures 41 2.3 Summary 42 Chapter 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 43 3.1 Data analysis 43 3.1.1 From student-questionnaires 43 3.1.2 Teacher-interviews 57 EFL teachers' remarks on problems students face in learning speaking skills and the causes of the problems 57 Difficulties teachers face in teaching speaking skills 62 3.1.3 Class observations 64 3.2 Summary of findings 66 3.3 Summary 68 Chapter 4: SUGGESTIQNS 69 To the organizers 69 To the teachers 70 VI1 CONCLUSION 87 BIBLIOGRAPHY 89 Appendix 95 Appendix 2a 97 Appendix 2b 100 Appendix 103 Appendix Appendix via Appendix 2a English Version of Questionnaire QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS This questionnaire is intended to investigate the first-year students' problems in learning speaking skills Please answer this questionnaire to the best of your knowledge Your answers will be used for research purposes only Thank you very much for your time and your help Part 1: Please complete the information about you Age: Gender: M D Where you are from: You have learnt English for years F D Part 2: Please put a tick (V) into the answer you choose (in some sentences you can choose more than one answer) At high school, how often you always often - Learning grammar LII LJ - Listening to teacher LJ LI - Reading D • -Writing O D - Speaking D O sometimes LI U 0 How you feel when you speak English? Not confident OK Confident O O O seldom U U O D never U U D O Very confident O What difficulties you have when learning spoken English at COFER? Lack of vocabulary LI Poor pronunciation I—I Poor grammar I—I Anxiety '—' 97 Shyness Being afraid of being laughed Being afraid of making mistakes Not being familiar with speaking in front of class Poor listening O O O O O What obstacles you have when you carry out a conversation? Choosing appropriate levels of formality O Taking a turn O Maintaining a conversation D Opening and closing a conversation O When you cannot express your ideas, you often - Appeal for assistance from teachers - Appeal for assistance from friends - Use Vietnamese - Stop speaking - Use gestures or body language - Try to speak, although it's not correct O LI LJ U U O How often you speak English to native speakers? Always Often Sometimes Seldom O D O D Never O How often you watch movies or listen to the radio/ tape in English? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never o o o o o In your opinion, your speaking skills are influenced by Teacher D Physical conditions LI Classroom climate U In your opinion, the course book in use is: interesting, suitable for your linguistic knowledge, encourage students to communicate U 98 - Ok Not interesting, not encourage students to communicate O O 10 Do you like learning spoken English? Yes D No O 11 Your motivation (reason) for learning spoken English? -A good job O - A compulsory subject O - Communicating with foreigners O - Living as Westerners D 12 In class, how you like practise speaking skills? Practise speaking English in pairs/ groups Practise speaking English with teacher Practise speaking English individually 13 What are your favorite classroom activities? Role-play Group discussion General Conversation Communicative Games Presentation D U U D U U D D 14 What are your suggestions for English spoken class? THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COOPERATION 99 Appendix 2b Vietnamese Version of Questionnaire BANG CAU HOI KHAO SAT Bang cau hoi nham dieu tra van de ciia sinh vien nam thu' nhat viec hoc ky nang noi Xin ban vui long cho biet y kie'n trung thifc va het siJc rieng tif cua minh Chung toi rat tran y kien cua ban va no chi difOc dung cho muc dich nghien ciJu Chung toi chan cam cfn sif giiip dd cua ban Phan 1: Vui long dien vao thong tin ve chinh ban Tudi: Ban xuat than tuf Ban da hoc tie'ng Anh du'dc Gidi tinh: Nam O Nu O nam Phan 2: Vui long danh d^'u (V) vao cau tra Idi ban chon (trong mot so'cau, ban CO the chon nhieu cau tra Icfi) trUdng phd thong, ban hoc Thi/dng xuyen Luon luon Hoc ngu* phap Nghe giao vien giang Doc hieu Viet Noi thinh thoang Hiem \ Ban cam thay nhif the nao ban noi tieng Anh? Khong tuf tin Binh thu'dng T\i tin O • Khong bao gi5 D • Rat tu tin o 100 Ban co nhu^ng kho khan gi ban hoc tieng Anh noi d COFER? - Thieu tuf viTng O - Phat am khong to't O - Ngu" phap chifa vtog O - Lo lang ' O - E then O - Sd bi ciTcJi O - Sd mac loi O - Khong quen noi trufdc Idp O - Kha nang nghe khong to't O Ban c6 nhUng trd ngai gi ban noi chuyen? - Chon phong each noi phu hdp - Tiep Idi - Duy tri cuoc noi chuyen - Bat chuyen va ket thiic cau cuoc noi chuyen O O O O Khi ban khong the dien ta du'dc y tu'ctng cua minh, ban thudng - Nh5 giao vien giiip dd O - Nhd ban giiip dd D - Dung tieng Viet O - Ngij'ng noi O - Dijng cuf chi dieu bo O - Co'gang noi mac dia khong dung O Ban c6 thudng noi chuyen vdi ngxidi ban xuf khong? Luon luon thufdng xuyen thinh thoang hiem khong bao gid • D n D n Ban c6 thufdng xem phim hoac nghe dai/bang bang tieng Anh khong? Luon luon thifdng xuyen thinh thoang hiem khong bao gid o o o o Theo ban, ky nang noi cua ban bi anh hUdng bdi - Giao vien - Dieu kien vat chat o LI O 101 - Bau khong Idp O Theo ban, sach giao khoa dang diing la: - Hay, phu hdp vdi kien thufc ngon ngi? cua sinh vien, dong vien sinh vien giao tiep - Binh thu-dng - Khong hay, khong khuyen khich sinh vien giao tiep O D D 10 Ban CO thich hoc tieng Anh noi khong? Co O Khong O 11 Dong cd (ly do) de ban hoc tieng Anh noi? - De CO viec lam to't - Mon hoc bat buoc - De giao tiep vdi ngifdi nu*dc ngoai - Song nhuT ngifdi phiTdng tay LI U D LI 12.Trong Idp, ban thich thiTc hanh ky nang noi nhifthe nao? - Thifc hanh noi tieng Anh cap/nhdm Q - ThUc hanh noi tie'ng Anh vdi giao vien LI O - ThuTc hanh noi tieng Anh mot minh 13.Ban thich nhang boat ddng nao Idp? Dong vai Thao luan nhdm Noi chuyen thong thUdng Tro chdi giao tiep Trinh bay D D D O D 14 Ban c6 nhu^g de nghi gi cho Idp tieng Anh noi? CAM CfN RAT NHIEU VE SV H0P TAC CUA BAN 102 Appendix INTERVIEW WITH VIETNAMESE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AT COFER The pre-determined set of questions In your opinion, what problems first-year students have in learning speaking skills? In your opinion, why they have such problems? What difficulties you face in teaching speaking skills? 103 APPENDIX AIMS Ask 'oi dfd give Informdtion on companies "^ and products Say large numbers Lay out a business letter Adjectives of nationality Present time Jx- Present simple OueMions and short answers with dofdoes 3 Companies 3.1 Describing a company ^ Read the c o m p a n y description and look at the map W h i c h company is it? We h.ive 70,330 employees world-wide and sjles ol Sl9,H06m We m.5niit.Kture ears, trucks, buses and maritime and industrial engines We also work ui the aerospace industry Our position as a major international group with large operations in pAirope and North ' America is a result of quality, safety and caring for people and the environment [ \r€>T\ro /gp O^n 1?3 • g / Gothenburg soisr^ Tokyo ^ancoGalicia ^ Buenos Aires Talk about companies like this: Sony.'."" 'I fapiifit'se company llh- hctuhjUiirters arc in lokyo Ithas/hiisn Vm/branches in my lonnfrw 16 g S o u ! H AFRICAN Johannesburg 4^BHP Molbourne M Match the company to the city where its headquarters are Daimler-Benz Brother Fiat/f/3^/ " Levi Strauss Seattle Turin Stuttgart Naeova Siemens; Si -^^o^/ San Francisco Toyota Milan Gucci Microsoft Nagoya Munich Compare with your partner like this: Microsoft is an American company, I think the headquarters are in San Francisco No, they're not in San Francisco, I ttiink they're in Seattie That's right They are ^ P E ® Listen to three people talking about their companies Complete the profiles Company: ^^^^.^^^ ^.^.'^''r- Conipany: Nationality: Nationality: Headquarters: I leadcjuarters: Number ol branches: Number of plants: Company: Nationality: Headquarters: Number of offices: Q l^^r'^lr.^'.^f Find out about your partner's company and make notes Ask questions Hke these: Who you ti'ork(or^ h that an Amcruan company^ Where are the headifiiartcrs f DoyoH have branches in Europe i Now tell some other learners about your partner's company like this: Pierre worksfor BMX It',(a British compan y Its heudifuarters are in Birmirii^hani It has branches in France and Germany 17 3.2 Talking abouttypes of business ^S Match the types o f business in the b o x to the pictures electronics motor vehicles financial services chemicals telecommunications aerospace energy engineering travel and tourism i"\ ^ p Can y o u think o f m o r e types o f business? S o m e c o m p a n i e s offer services Match the c o m p a n y to a service like this: Dentsu a bankmg Credit Lyonnais b nisurance Lloyd's of London c advertising d catering e airline f travel and tounsm McDonald's Club Med Lufthansa N o w talk about the c o m p a n i e s like this: aih'ertiMyw Denlsii IS ni the ad'Twrtisini^ business Other c o m p a n i e s manufacture things Make s o m e sentences about the c o m p a n i e s like this: Cocii-C.oLi makes soft drinks 18 food Coca-Cola Rank Xerox makes motor vehicles Ciba-Geigy manufactures chemicals Nestle sells soft drinks Apple office equipment Citroen computers Look at the words in the table Practise saying them with the correct stress Then put the words in the box below under the appropriate headings chemical electronics fmancial computer aerospace engineering energy insurance catering equipment Study these examples : Third person singular and plural makes •"' Nissan manufactures '• It ^' Nissan and Ford - They make manufacture motor vehicles motor vehicles Short answers Yes, it does (No, it doesn't.) Yes, they (No, they don't) i- Questions in the third person 'VDoes Hyundai make motorcycles? > Do Nissan and Ford manufacture trucks? " What does Hyundai make? : What Nissan and Ford manufacture? Complete these questions with or does , PepsiCo make clothing? I What 1-ord and Nissan do? J What Kodaksell? Matsushita and Sony manufacture consumer electronlc'^.' What producer your conip.mv Microsoft injkc computers.-' ^hatare the answers to the questions? OC^ork with a partner Think of six more questions about companies \sk another pair 18 APPENDIX AIMS Describe work activities Ask for and give information on working routines (times and conditions) Express likes and dislikes Prepositions of time Adverbs of frequency Verb patterns Verbs followed by -ing Day-to-day work 6.1 Talking about your work ^ n Read these two articles W h i c h hours w o u l d y o u prefer to work? Business hours around the world Office hours are usually from a.m ro6p.m although many people work until or p.m Junior stall normally stay until their bosses leave Offices are asually open on Saturday from a.m until p.m l.unchtime begins at I p.m and lasts one hour By Study these examples Prepositions of time o'clock at 5.30 Monday on Friday afternoon May IB August the morning from 12 t o 32 Business hours usually start at a.m and finish at p.m., Monday to Friday Offices are normally dosed on Saturdays In many businesses there is a 35houf working week Lunch hour begins at 12 and finishes at p.m Look at these people What hours you think they work? Compare your answers with a partner Ask your partner questions Hke these Make notes on what you find out What time you starl work f When you finish work: When's the lunch break ? Doyou work on Saturdays Do you ha7H' other break}' f When doyou takeyour holidays f Now tell some other learners about your partner's working times Two American colleagues are coming to work in your company Write a short letter to them describing the working conditions in your company Start like this: l;i: Dear Welcome to our company Let me tell you about our routine: We start work at Finish like this: If you have any further questions, please contact me Yours sincerely m 6.2 Describing routines Read this article about Pam Lopker D o you think she works hard? mmmmtmmm of Softvy^are mmmumimmmmtm For such a wealthy couple, Pam Customers or potential customers Lopker and husband Karl live in come to her office at least three modest style They have a house times a week, where she tries to sel them QAD's products She gave overlooking the ocean in up designing programs in 1990 California, a nanny and a cleaning lady who comes in once but she still takes an interest in technical work done by her a week We live a long way research staff below our means/ says Lopker An obsessive timekeeper, Lopker rises at 5.15 a.m every day and either goes for a long run or to the gym She returns home at 7.10 a.m precisely to wake her two children - a boy of 10 and a gid of - and prepare their breakfast She then drops them off at school on her way to work By the time she arrives at the headquarters of QAD it is already 8.30 Her day is usually full with meetings, cither to with marketing, strategy or sales doing his homework Her son is however, still allowed to play on the computer and on his Nintendo machine Lopker leaves the office at 6.30 p.m cvcr\' day in time to be home to see her children at p.m Her husband leaves the office p.m since he makes supper for the family most evenings, h is important that the family eats together, says Lopker In the evening she spends time with the children, playing games or reading Television was banned for the children last year - her son she says, was spending too much lime watching it and nor enough Pam I.opkcr fonntlvr f QAI) Iiiis become the richest self-mude tromuri in Amerien Some 2

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