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Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 7

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Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh 7 PRONUNCIATION EX.1 1. A. says B. looks C. wants D. helps 2. A. surprise B. adult C. undersea D. result 3. A. dressed B. guessed C. practised D. amused 4. A. enough B. account C. ground D. house 5. A. phones B. calls C. cooks D. climbs 6. A. machine B. cheap C. teacher D. child 7. A. ready B. break C. great D. steak 8. A. hear B. bear C. clear D. near 9. A. arcade B. amusement C. addition D. ago 10. A. few B. new C. sew D. nephew EX.2 1. A. talked B. fitted C. needed D. visited 2. A. houses B. misses C. glasses D. mixes 3. A. stamp B. sew C. opposite D. bookstore 4. A. milk B. library C. dinner D. polish 5. A. chicken B. coach C. orchestra D. change 6. A. sure B. saw C. send D. sit 7. A. image B. arcade C. take D. days 8. A. plays B. looks C. wants D. helps 9. A. expensive B. event C. essay D. except 10. A. bus B. busy C. unhappy D. cut EX.3 1. A. birthday B. thirteenth C. everything D. this 2. A. when B. who C. why D. where 3. A. studied B. stopped C. washed D. watched 4. A. appliances B. marbles C. shelves D. receives 5. A. snack B. relax C. atlas D. swap 6. A. candy B. advice C. cavity D. scared 7. A. surgery B. regularly C. hygiene D. strange 8. A. called B. weighed C. measured D. started 9. A. hour B. household C. half D. rehearse 10. A. buffalo B. public C. volunteer D. fun

Tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh PRONUNCIATION EX.1 A says B looks C wants D helps A surprise B adult A dressed B guessed C practised A enough B account C ground A phones B calls A machine C cooks B cheap A ready B break A hear B bear A arcade C undersea D amused D house D climbs C teacher C great D result D child D steak C clear D near B amusement C addition 10 A few B new C sew D ago D nephew EX.2 A talked B fitted A houses C needed B misses C glasses A stamp B sew C opposite A milk B library C dinner A chicken A sure A image A plays B coach B saw B looks D mixes D bookstore D polish C orchestra C send B arcade D visited D sit C take D days C wants D helps D change A expensive B event 10 A bus C essay D except B busy C unhappy D cut B thirteenth C everything D this EX.3 A birthday A when B who A studied C why B stopped A appliances B relax A candy B advice A surgery D scared C hygiene D strange C measured B household C half 10 A buffalo D receives D swap C cavity B weighed D watched C shelves C atlas B regularly A called A hour C washed B marbles A snack D where B public D started D rehearse C volunteer D fun EX.4 A early B beat A holiday A coop C realize B lazy B door C take C food D reader D vacation D boot A nervous B scout C household D mouse A buffalo B public C volunteer D fun A album A minority A ancient A invention B used C amusement D scuba- diving B gramophone B arcade B depend C robbery C contest C resort D monument D coral D defeat 10 A attraction B battle C veteran D character C aquarium D finally EX.5 A probably B woman A wrong B stomach C cough D online A result B undersea C scuba D adult A series B detective C equipment A decided A much B preferred B drug C listened C buffalo A stay B late B arcade A image D vessel C back D enjoyed D future D date C take D days A greeted B needed C collected 10 A nature B mature C picture D looked D future EX.6 A happy B apple A mind B bike C act C fit D aunt D tidy A school B chair C church A health B team C tea A sun B fun A excited A use C son A chair B fair A how B know 10 A season D sea D put B interested B computer C worried C duty C pair B break D chat D painted D shut D are C town C great D brown D steak EX.7 A means B novels A pretty B everything C rest D friend A party B apartment D practice A stay B late A parents A new A much C back C classmates D streets C wants B preferred B drug 10 A horrible D date C few D knew B looks A decided D friends C far B means B sew A plays C physics D helps C listened D enjoyed C buffalo D future B hour C hundred D hold EX.8 A improved B returned A nervous B scout A favorite B find A last A future B taste C arrived C household D mouse C outside C fast B summer D library D task C number D drummer A time B kind C bid D nice A hard B carry C card D yard A my B baby A well B get 10 A weather C spy D cry C send B ready D stopped D pretty C mean D head EX.9 A want B basketball A foodstall A who C family B bookshelf B which A brother A engineer A desks D when B geography A lemonade A coffee D television C chocolate C routine B question D garden D eats C hotel B volleyball 10 A station D weather C gymnast C lamps B stereo B couch D noodles C thank B seasons A round C foot C what B mother D camp D opposite D housework C intersection D destination EX.10 A friendly A gave B pretty B slave A mounted C type C hat B dated D study D escape C enjoyed A these B free A cow B show C borrow D slow A gave B tape C map A pull B study A worked C scene D handed C plural B stopped D bed D date D sugar C forced D wanted STRESS EX.1 A legal B strengthen C lemon D pretty A property B necessity A Canada B Chinese A begin B visit A listen B decide C Russian D lecturer C Malaysia C become D Australia D release C dispose D begin A apartment B family C expensive D eleven A different B unhappy C address D apartment A number A uncle B student B middle 10 A afternoon C parents C today B dialogue D complain D family C morning D pretty EX.2 A realize B improve A important B especially A general B opinion A comfort B nation A medical B advise A pencil B raincoat C possible D comfortable C prefer C abroad D influence D surprise C apply C vegetables C arrive B power D moment A enjoyable A photography B minority A translation D notebook C permission D explore B difficult 10 A Vietnamese B engineer C heroic C unluckily D visit D agree C celebration D product EX.3 A cartoon A computer B open C paper B shortage D physical D answer C village D teacher A important B community C organize A education B geography A relative B cinema D diseases C occupation D information C continue D suddenly EX.4 Mark the stressed syllables of these words market moderate chicken vegetables carrot energy spinach cucumber papaya 10 affect MULTIPLE CHOICE EX.1 When Vietnamese people celebrate the New Year? A will B are C D is “ this week?”  “No, she’s on holiday.” “No, she’s on holiday.” A Is Susan working B Does Susan work C Does work Susan D Has Susan worked I’m with the result A please B pleasing C pleasant D pleased I carry that bag for you?  “No, she’s on holiday.” Thanks A Do B Shall C Will D Would Our new car is smaller, so it uses petrol A more B fewer C less D little I don’t want much sugar in my coffee Just , please A a few B a little C fewer D less The Robinsons always go to Viet Nam plane A in B on C with D by noodles last night? A Did you eat B Were you eat C Did you ate D Do you ate It took us an hour to Nha Trang last year A drive B driving C to drive D drove 10 On the table, there were vegetables, bread and two large A bowl of soup B bowl of soups C bowls of soups D bowls of soup EX.2 When I was a boy, I tea to coffee A prefer B preferred C prefers D preferring He was only thirteen, but he ate his father did A as much as B more that C much than D as much than Every girl ought to learn to cook A what B when C how D where John enjoys tennis A playing B play C played D to play coffee without milk is yours? A The B An C A D Ø Video games can be A addictive B wonderful C interesting D beautiful Could you show me the way the railway station please? A near to B at C next D to “Was the competition a success?”  “No, she’s on holiday.” “Yes, people took part in it than usual” A more B fewer C less D many The meat of a pig is A beef B pork C chicken D lamb 10 Some scientists spend most of their lives at rocks A look B looking C looked D to look EX.3 Do you know the girl to Miss Lien? A talk B talking C talks D is talking It’s not far here, so I often walk A to B with C from D over Her new school is than her old one A bigger B large C beautiful D more My brother is grade A at B in C on D of It often me 15 minutes to go to school by bike A takes B gets C gives D has I have a son name is Ba A His B He C Him D He’s A looks after people in hospital A receptionist B nurse C teacher D farmer She is member of the family A taller B tallest C the tallest D the taller I enjoy letters to my friends A writing B to write C write D writes 10 These CD players are small enough to be A carried B brought C portable D taken along EX.4 Thursday is day of the week fifth A five What awful weather! I can’t go out B the five A a B an C fifth D the C the D My father isn’t sporty He plays sports A never B sometimes C often D always Don’t work too much You now A are relaxing B can relax C should relax D will relax Farmers have time off than workers A little B less C fewer D more Would you like to go out for a picnic with us? -> _ A Yes, I would B Yes, I will C Yes, I would love to D Yes, I want to go Nga has uncle in Ha Noi He’s a dentist He often wears uniform to work A a-a B an-a C a-an D an-an Students have two break each day A twenty minutes B twenty minute C twenty-minute D twentieth-minute There is a restaurant the supermarket A on the left B on the left of C to the left D to the left of 10 I sent a letter to my pen pal-Tim month A every B last C next D each

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2023, 15:04
