WAYS TO IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Hoàng Thị Thu Hương FVC114 WAYS TO IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Student’s name Student ID Class HIV AIDS Biological structure and process within an organism The body’s d[.]
WAYS TO IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Student’s name_Student ID_Class HIV AIDS WHAT IS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Biological structure and process within an organism The body’s defense again diseases causing organisms, malfunctioning cells, and foreign particles Detects a wide variety of agents: from viruses to parasitic worms BASIC CLASSIFICATION OF IMMUNITY Innate immunity (Nonspecific) Human immunity Active immunity Acquired immunity (Specific) Natural Artificial Natural Passive immunity Artificial PARTS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Lymphatic system Complement system Thymus Antibodies White blood cells Bone marrow Spleen FACTORS AFFECTING IMMUNITY Age Sex Infection history – Diseases (Congenital - Acquired) Genetics Habitat Living mode: Diet, Sleep, Smoke, Exercise regime, Working mode, Hygiene-Protection SYMTOMS OF A WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM Stress Level is Sky-High Have Lots of Tummy Troubles Wounds Are Slow to Heal Have Frequent Infections Feel Tired All the Time Always Have a Cold HOW TO IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Live well Stress less Maintain a healthy diet Exercise regularly Maintain a Healthy Weight Hydrate Get plenty of sleep Quit Smoking Avoid alcohol Hygiene Stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines Supplement wisely Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Stress less - Relieving stress and anxiety key to immune health - Long-term stress promotes inflammation, imbalances in immune cell function Live well Tips for Stress less Get active Eat a healthy diet Avoid unhealthy habits Meditate Laugh more Connect with others Assert yourself Try yoga Get enough sleep Keep a journal Get musical and be creative Seek counseling IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Live well Hydrate IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Optimal hydration may support immune health ✔ Immune communication & biochemical pathways ✔ Supports blood volume ✔ Lymphatic system lymphatic system ✔ Histamine balance Live well Hydrate IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Tips to help you stay optimally hydrated ✔Keep caffeinated drinks in check ✔Reduce ✔Cut alcohol intake back on processed, salty foods ✔Replace water lost through exercise / heat ✔Choose powdered supplements ✔Aim for glasses daily ✔Don’t ✔Add wait till you’re thirsty herbal teas Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Get plenty of sleep - A good night's sleep increase your immunity by improve the efficiency of T helper cells Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Quit Smoking Smoking affects the immune system: - Change the balance of the immune system, making smokers more susceptible to autoimmune conditions - Reduce the levels of antioxidants in the bloodstream Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Avoid alcohol Limiting the ability of the body to protect itself from infection and disease adequately Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Avoid alcohol Tips to keep your drink low-risk Avoid drinking situations Count and slow down your drinks Eat before or while you are drinking Stop drinking when you reach your limit Drink water with a meal Make every second drink a nonalcoholic drink Live well IMPROVE IMMUNE SYSTEM Hygiene ✔Regularly washing hands help reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria ✔Washing after exercise is good for community