HRM FINAL EXAM CHAPTER 1 EVOLUTION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 Evolution of HRM 1 Welfare and administration (1900–1940s) HRM functions were performed by supervisor(s) and line manager(s); Refineme.
HRM FINAL EXAM CHAPTER EVOLUTION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Evolution of HRM Welfare and administration (1900–1940s) § HRM functions were performed by supervisor(s) and line manager(s); § Refinement of Personnel Management practices in terms of recruitment and placement of skilled workers § Development of Performance Management Programs Welfare, administration, staffing and training (1940s–mid-1970s) § Effects of World War II (e.g scarcity of labour -> more women enter the workforce); § More emphasis on welfare; § More professional approach towards personnel management; § Establishment of Business Schools with personnel management majors § In Australia, adoption of overseas theories HRM and SHRM (mid-1970s–late 1990s) § Turbulent times: oil crises and increased competition from abroad; § Increasing and more complex employment legislation; § Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, and HRM integrate into SHRM SHRM in the future (2000+) – More attention towards International HRM models; – HR managers are more proactive in relations to ethics, CSR, etc than ever before – Many of these aspects (e.g CSR) have been highlighted by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 – HR managers are expected to add value (even more value) to (1) employees, (2) line managers, (3) key customers, and (4) investors Personnel management (PM) is defined as an administrative specialization that focuses on hiring and developing employees to become more valuable to the company It is sometimes considered to be a sub-category of human resources that only focuses on administration (Quản trị nhân (PM) định nghĩa chuyên ngành hành tập trung vào việc tuyển dụng phát triển nhân viên để trở nên có giá trị cho cơng ty Đơi coi tiểu thể loại nguồn nhân lực tập trung vào quản trị.) Human Resource Management is the process of recruiting, selecting, inducting employees, providing orientation, imparting training and development, appraising the performance of employees, deciding compensation and providing benefits, motivating employees, maintaining proper relations with employees and their trade unions, ensuring employees safety, welfare and healthy measures in compliance with labor laws of the land and finally following the Orders / Judgements of the concern High Court and Supreme Court, if any (Quản trị nguồn nhân lực trình tuyển dụng, tuyển chọn, giới thiệu nhân viên, đưa định hướng, truyền đạt đào tạo phát triển, đánh giá hiệu làm việc nhân viên, định bồi thường cung cấp lợi ích, thúc đẩy nhân viên, trì quan hệ đắn với nhân viên cơng đồn họ, đảm bảo an toàn, phúc lợi biện pháp lành mạnh nhân viên tuân thủ luật lao động đất đai cuối tuân theo Lệnh / Phán Tòa án Tối cao Tịa án Tối cao, có.) Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is defined as alignment of strategic business goals of the organization with human resources, so as to foster innovation and improve motivation, satisfaction, productivity, and eventually overall performance Strategic HRM is a relatively new term, which differentiates itself from traditional HRM which was just merely an organizational function (Quản trị nguồn nhân lực chiến lược (SHRM) định nghĩa liên kết mục tiêu kinh doanh chiến lược tổ chức với nguồn nhân lực, để thúc đẩy đổi cải thiện động lực, hài lòng, suất cuối hiệu suất tổng thể HRM chiến lược thuật ngữ tương đối mới, khác biệt với HRM truyền thống vốn đơn chức tổ chức.) CHAPTER THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Globalisation: described as the increased pace of economic and cultural interconnectedness between different countries Global Financial Crisis In a financial crisis, asset prices see a steep decline in value, businesses and consumers are unable to pay their debts, and financial institutions experience liquidity shortages Work-life balance is the lack of opposition between work and other life roles It is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life, and family life are equal Work-life balance consists of, but it is not limited to, flexible work arrangements that allow employees to carry out other life programs and practices (Cân sống công việc thiếu đối lập cơng việc vai trị khác sống Đó trạng thái cân nhu cầu sống cá nhân, sống chuyên nghiệp sống gia đình Cân sống công việc bao gồm, không giới hạn, xếp công việc linh hoạt cho phép nhân viên thực chương trình thực hành sống khác.) Six main components of the External Environment Political and Legal Factors; Economic Factors; Social and Cultural Factors; Technological Factors; Demographic Factors; Natural (nature) Factors CHAPTER HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT Human Resource Planing (HRP) is the systematic forecasting of the existing supply of and future demand for employees and it is the bridge between HR strategies and HR functions Beside that it is responsive to continual changes in dynamic national and global industry environments Internal VS External Environment Internal environment into organization: employees, customers, suppliers, competitors… External environmental outside organization: economic, demographic, technological, globalization Environmental Scanning: Environmental scanning is the process of gathering information about events and their relationships within an organization's internal and external environments The basic purpose is to help management determine the future direction of the organization/ Quét môi trường q trình thu thập thơng tin kiện mối quan hệ chúng môi trường bên bên ngồi tổ chức Mục đích giúp quản lý xác định hướng tương lai tổ chức PEST analysis is a very useful strategic tool to help us understand the growth or recession of the market, business position, opportunities and orientation for business activities 5 HRIMS: Human resource information management system: Aggregated data on all aspects of the employment relationship including: - Administrative: industrial awards, HR policies, salary, leave… - Operational: personal and job histories, records on recruitment and selection… - Strategic reasons: all the above plus wastage, staff positions, labour market trends… Benefit: Improved planning and program development; Faster information processing; Improved response times; Decreased administrative and HR costs; Accuracy of information; Enhanced communication at all levels CHAPTER WORK DESIGN CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT Job Analysis: is the process of determining the requirements of jobs: the job outcomes; responsibilities; tasks and functions; the complexity of the role; the authority awarded to the job; and the personal attributes (e.g experience, knowledge, education) (Phân tích cơng việc: q trình xác định yêu cầu công việc: kết công việc; trách nhiệm; nhiệm vụ chức năng; phức tạp vai trị; thẩm quyền trao cho cơng việc; thuộc tính cá nhân (ví dụ: kinh nghiệm, kiến thức, giáo dục) Job Competencies = Theoretical Knowledge + Practical Skill(s) Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives Job Design: focuses on meeting the needs of both the employee and employer; has become a critical issue in retaining employees Six HRM functions Recruitment Selection Learning and Development Performance Management Reward management Industrial Relations CHAPTER TALENT ATTRACTION AND SELECTION Employee Attraction also known as Recruitment is the process of attempting to locate and attract a pool of appropriately qualified and experienced people; Is linked to competencies; Needs to consider both internal and external (e.g national legislation) policies; Decisions can be dependent on the organisational politics (Thu hút nhân viên gọi Tuyển dụng trình cố gắng định vị thu hút nhóm người có trình độ kinh nghiệm phù hợp; Được liên kết với lực; Cần xem xét sách nội bên ngồi (ví dụ: luật pháp quốc gia); Quyết định phụ thuộc vào trị tổ chức.) Internal Recruitment: Promotions (higher salary, more responsibilities.) Transfers Recommendation by current employee Example: Pin the job ad on your company noticeboard External Recruitment: Head hunters Recruitment agency Job fair Advertisement Example: Use social media (facebook, LinkedIn, ) recruiting to find outside candidates Selection process: 1.Applications/ résumes 5.Selection interview 2.Preliminary interviews 6.Medical 3.Testing 7.Decision 4.Background investigation 8.Appointment CHAPTER TALENT RETENTION & DEVELOPMENT Systems Approach to HRD: Phase 1: Needs Analysis Phase 2: Programme Objectives Phase 3: Delivery Phase 4: Evaluation On-the-job Learning Provided at the workplace itself Commonly conducted by supervisors or senior (experienced) employees; (Thường thực giám sát viên nhân viên cao cấp (có kinh nghiệm) Hands-on experience/ Practical Approach; Builds relationships; Can lack structure; (cấu trúc) Poor training skills Off-the-job Learning Taken at a site away from the actual workplace (Lấy nơi cách xa nơi làm việc thực tế) Commonly conducted by professionals and experts; (Thường tiến hành chuyên gia chuyên gia) Theoretical Approach - Learning by acquiring knowledge; (Phương pháp lý thuyết Học cách tiếp thu kiến thức) Completely detached from the workplace (Hoàn toàn riêng khỏi nơi làm việc) Expensive Example: Completing e-learning modules Human Resource Development (HRD) includes training an individual, providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources that are beneficial for the employee’s tasks, and any other developmental activities.This set of processes within the HR department is critical to employee on-boarding and retention Without proper training, employees can not succeed (Phát triển nguồn nhân lực (HRD) bao gồm đào tạo cá nhân, tạo hội học hỏi kỹ mới, phân phối nguồn lực có lợi cho nhiệm vụ nhân viên hoạt động phát triển khác Bộ quy trình phịng nhân quan trọng nhân viên nội trú trì Nếu khơng đào tạo phù hợp, nhân viên thành công.) Different Mentoring between Coaching CHAPTER MANAGEMENT OF PERFORMANCE Performance Management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback, and reviewing results./ Quản lý hiệu suất trình liên lạc liên tục người giám sát nhân viên diễn suốt năm, để hỗ trợ hoàn thành mục tiêu chiến lược tổ chức Quá trình giao tiếp bao gồm làm rõ kỳ vọng, đặt mục tiêu, xác định mục tiêu, cung cấp phản hồi xem xét kết Behavioral-based VS Result-based Approach - You should be able to list down the main people/stakeholders involved in Performance Management Process - You should be to provide examples of the Behavioral-based Approach and the Result-based Approach to performance review/ evaluation Behavioral-based Peer Review: performed by someone of equal rank/ Result-based Approach Management by Objectives (MBO) Goal Setting (Theory) Self-review: eview form (filled by you) + interview (with your supervisor) Upward Review: subordinates evaluates their bosses, managers or supervisors in terms of leadership, communication, empowerment, etc.; 360-degree Feedback: gathering work performance data from as many source as possible raphic Rating Scales: each trait or characteristic to be assessed is represented by a scale Balanced Score Card Ex: sales revenues generated are clearly an important indicator of an employee’s sales performance in a retail establishment So managers gauge the outcomes of their employees’ work Mixed Standard Scales: a modification of the basic rating scale a relatively recent innovation in rating scales Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales(BARS): using descriptions of behavior along the scale (*people outside the HR department also participate Ex: Daycare, Flex-time Scheduling, Positive Reinforcement, Employee Suggestion Box, Employee Suggestion Box: can give employees the sense that their ideas have value to the company Empowering employees to make suggestions and create initiatives is a behavioral approach because it helps employees enjoy their jobs and raise their self-esteem You should be able to understand why performance review programmes usually fail – i.e the primary causes for performance review programme failure reason: The Process Is Not Structured Goals Are not In The Picture Lack Of Communication: Overemphasizing Recent Performances Annual Performance Evaluation No Recognition/ Rewards You should understand and be able to list some of the main Sources of Ineffective Performance CHAPTER 10 STRATEGIC REWARD MANAGEMENT Reward Management A reward may be anything tangible (financial rewards) or intangible (job satisfaction) that an organisation offers to its employees in exchange for their potential or actual work contribution satisfier of certain self-defined needs/ Phần thưởng thứ hữu hình (phần thưởng tài chính) vơ hình (sự hài lịng cơng việc) mà tổ chức cung cấp cho nhân viên để đổi lấy tiềm đóng góp cơng việc thực tế họ đáp ứng nhu cầu tự xác định Extrinsic & Intrinsic Rewards Extrinsic Rewards - associated with, but external to the job: Financial/ Monetary, Developmental (e.g personal growth), Social (e.g flexible work time) Intrinsic Rewards –task variety, job challenge, autonomy Base Pay plan(s): It is pay for the job rather than for the person in the job/ Đó trả tiền cho công việc cho người làm cơng việc The foundational or fixed component of employee remuneration that is generally regarded as the pay best suited to addressing the objectives of staff attraction and retention/ Thành phần cố định thù lao nhân viên thường coi mức lương phù hợp để giải mục tiêu thu hút giữ chân nhân viên (Cash-supplement) Benefit plan(s): Financial entitlements that directly supplement cash base pay, including employer contributions to superannuation and health and medical insurance, paid leave, etc/ Các quyền lợi tài trực tiếp bổ sung tiền lương sở, bao gồm khoản đóng góp chủ lao động vào quỹ hưu trí bảo hiểm y tế y tế, nghỉ có lương, v.v Performance-related plan(s): Also known as incentive plans, these are rewards given in recognition of past performance and in order to reinforce and enhance future performance./ Còn gọi kế hoạch khuyến khích, phần thưởng trao để ghi nhận hiệu suất khứ để củng cố nâng cao hiệu suất tương lai You should be able to understand the main differences between reward plans for Top Management roles (e.g CEOs, General Managers) and regular employees Executive Short-term Incentives: Generally one year (e.g annual cash bonus) and linked to goals in organisational financial performance; - Pros: instrumentality (link between behavior, performance, and results) and reinforcement; - Cons: susceptible to manipulation (e.g artificially inflate profits)/ thường năm (ví dụ: tiền thưởng hàng năm) liên kết với mục tiêu hoạt động tài tổ chức; Ưu điểm: tính công cụ (liên kết hành vi, hiệu suất kết quả) củng cố; Nhược điểm: dễ bị thao túng (ví dụ: lợi nhuận tăng giả tạo) Executive Long-term incentives: Generally for three or five years and in the form of company equity rather than cash; main types are restricted to: [1] share plans, [2] option plans, [3] performance shares, and [4] share appreciation rights/ Thường ba năm năm hình thức vốn chủ sở hữu cơng ty khơng phải tiền mặt; loại giới hạn ở: [1] kế hoạch chia sẻ, [2] kế hoạch tùy chọn, [3] chia sẻ hiệu suất [4] quyền đánh giá cao chia sẻ