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I E C P AS 63 ® Edition 201 7-06 P U B LI C LY AVAI LAB LE S P E C I F I C ATI ON P RE -S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e C l oth e s was h i n g m ach i n es for com m erci al u s e – M e th od s for m e as u ri n g th e IEC PAS 631 25:201 7-06(en) perform an ce T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C P AS 63 ® Edition 201 7-06 P U B LI C LY AVAI LAB LE S P E C I F I C ATI ON P RE -S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e C l oth es was h i n g m ach i n es for com m erci al u s e – M e th od s for m e as u ri n g th e pe rform an ce INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 97.060 ISBN 978-2-8322-4520-0 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th a t you ob tai n ed th i s p u b l i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri b u tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC PAS 631 25: 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Norm ative references Terms, definitions and sym bols 1 Terms and definitions 1 Sym bols Symbols relating to 9.2 – washing performance 2 Symbols relating to 9.3 – water extraction (spinning) 3 Symbols relating to 9.4 – energy, water and tim e Symbols relating to Annex F 5 Symbols relating to Annex G Requirements General Rated Capacity Dim ensions Test conditions, m aterials, equipment and instrum entation General Reference machine Ambient conditions Electricity supply Water supply 3 Ambient tem perature and hum idity Test materials 20 General 20 Base load 20 Stain test strips 20 4 Detergents 21 5 Equipm ent 21 5 General 21 5 Reference m achine 21 5 Spectrophotom eter 21 5 Equipm ent for conditioning the base load 22 5 I ron for preparation of stain test strips after washing 22 5 Other equipment 22 I nstrumentation and accuracy 23 General 23 I nstruments 23 Measurements 24 Preparation for testing 24 General 24 Test washing m achine and reference machine preparation 24 Test washing m achine 24 2 Reference m achine 25 Detergent 25 General 25 Detergent dose 26 I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 –3– 3 Mixing detergent 26 Detergent placem ent 26 Placing detergent into the drum base 26 Test loads 27 General 27 Pre-treatm ent of new base load item s prior to use 28 Requirem ents regarding the m aximum age of base load item s 28 4 Normalization of base load item s before a new test series 28 Conditioning of base load items before a new test series 29 6 Test load com position 30 Calculation of loads not shown in Table 32 Addition of stain test strips to the base load 32 Perform ance m easurements – general requirements 33 Tests for perform ance 33 General 33 Test procedure for perform ance tests 34 Test conditions, materials and preparation for testing 34 2 Test load and loading 34 Programm e 34 Test procedure 34 Test series 35 Measurem ents to determ ine washing perform ance 35 General 35 Removal and drying of stain test strips 35 3 Assessm ent of stain test strips 36 Measurem ents to determ ine m aximum spin speed 36 Measurem ents to determ ine water extraction performance 37 General 37 Washing m achines 37 Spin extractors 37 Measurem ent to determine the bath temperature 37 Measurem ents to determ ine water and energ y consum ption and programm e time 38 General 38 Procedure 38 Measurement of energy supplied by electricity 38 Measurement of energy supplied by steam 38 Measurement of energy supplied by gas 38 Measurement of energy consum ed via com pressed air 38 Assessm ent of performance 39 General 39 Evaluation of washing performance 39 Evaluation of water extraction performance 41 Evaluation of water and energ y consum ption and programme time 41 General 41 Water volumes 41 Bath temperature 41 4 Programm e tim e 41 Energ y consumption 42 –4– I EC PAS 631 25: 201 © I EC 201 Data to be reported 43 Annex A (normative) Specification of stain test strips with standardized soiling 44 A Artificial soils 44 A Supporting fabric for soil 44 A 2.1 Material 44 A 2.2 Weaving 44 A 2.3 Pre-treatm ent 45 A 2.4 Reproducibility 45 A Artificial soil 45 A 3.1 Soiling composition 45 A Stain test strips 46 A 4.1 Application of soil 46 A 4.2 Soil checking after deposition of soil 46 A 4.3 Washed reflectance values 46 A Marking of stain test strips and accompan ying data 47 A Advice for users 47 A Suppliers 47 Annex B (normative) Reference detergents – Reference detergent A* 48 Annex C (norm ative) Specifications for base load – Cotton/synthetics base loads 50 Annex D (norm ative) Reference machine specification – Specification of the reference washing machines and method of use 52 D General 52 D Further I nformation 52 D Reference machine: m ethod of use 52 D I nstallation of the reference m achine 52 D Regular maintenance 52 D 3 Before test series 53 D During a test series 54 Annex E (normative) Reference m achine program me definitions 55 E General 55 E Program ming instructions 55 E Tolerances 55 E Start-up programme 55 Annex F (norm ative) The bone-dry method of conditioning 58 F.1 General 58 F.2 Tumble dryer specifications 58 F.3 Bone dry procedure – Electric dryers 58 F.4 Bone dry procedure – Gas dryers 59 Annex G (norm ative) Folding and loading the test load 60 G.1 General 60 G.2 Folding the item s prior to loading the washing machine 60 G General 60 G 2 Test load 60 G.3 Loading I tem s into the washing m achine – general rules 62 G Machine type 62 G Loading sequences 63 G.4 Loading requirements for the test load – horizontal axis washing machines 65 G General loading directions 65 I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 –5– G 4.2 Horizontal axis washing machine: loading step by step 65 G Loading the horizontal axis machines 68 G.5 Loading requirements for vertical axis washing machines 69 G General loading directions 69 G Vertical axis washing m achine: loading step by step 69 G.6 Loading of m ulti compartm ent m achines 69 G General loading information 69 G Loading procedure 69 G.7 Perform ance testing with loads other than a full load – General inform ation 69 G.8 Calculation of the com position of test load item s for load sizes above kg and not shown in the Table or Table 69 G General 69 G Calculation of the load composition is done according to following formula: 69 Annex H (norm ative) Measuring the bath temperature 71 H General 71 H Specification of the loggers 71 H Preparation of the loggers before measurem ent 71 H Number of loggers 71 H Measuring the temperature 72 H Presenting the result 72 Annex I (inform ative) Perform ance testing of gas fired washing machines 73 I.1 General 73 I.2 I nstallation, testing procedure and calculation of supplied gas energy 73 Annex J (norm ative) Perform ance testing of steam heated washing m achines 74 J General 74 J Types of steam heating 74 J.2 Direct steam heating 74 J.2 I ndirect steam heating 74 J Specification of steam properties 74 J.3 Type of steam 74 J.3 Steam generator 74 J Equipm ent and instrumentation 74 J.4 Test equipm ent for m easuring the characteristics of steam 74 J.4 I nstruments 75 J.4 Measurements 75 J I nstallation 76 J.5 General 76 J.5 I nstallation of the m easure equipment for direct steam heated washing machines 76 J.5 I nstallation of the m easurem ent equipment for indirect steam heated washing m achines (alternative ) 77 J.5 I nstallation of the m easurem ent equipment for indirect steam heated washing m achines (alternative 2) 77 J Preparation for testing 78 J.6 General 78 J.6 Direct heated washing machines and indirect heated washing machines installed according to alternative 78 J.6 I ndirect heated washing m achines installed according to alternative 79 J Tests for performance 79 –6– I EC PAS 631 25: 201 © I EC 201 J.7 J.7 J.7 General 79 Performance testing of direct steam heated washing machines 79 Performance testing of indirect steam heated washing machines installed according to alternative 79 J.7 Performance testing of indirect heated washing m achines installed according to alternative 80 J Assessm ent of performance 81 J.8 General 81 J.8 Evaluation of performance of direct steam heated washing machines 81 J.8 Evaluation of performance of indirect heated washing machines installed according to Alternative 81 J.8 Evaluation of performance of indirect heated washing machines installed according to Alternative 82 J.8 Evaluation of total energy supplied to the washing m achine by steam 82 J Data to be reported 82 Annex K (normative) Procedure to determine test load size when rated capacity is not declared 83 K General 83 K Determination of the test load m ass 83 K Determination of the drum volume 83 Annex L (informative) U ncertainty of m easurem ents in the present docum ent 87 L Why is uncertainty im portant? 87 L Documents referenced in this annex 87 L Ways to access uncertainty 87 L General 87 L The bottom up m ethod 87 L 3 The top down m ethod 88 L Uncertainty of m easurem ent in the present document 88 L Reporting uncertainty 89 Annex M (normative) Test report – Data to be reported 90 M General 90 M Data for test washing m achine 90 M Data, param eters and results for the test series 90 M Materials used for the test series 94 M Standard Equipment used for the test series 95 Annex N (inform ative) Sources of m aterials and supplies 97 N General 97 N Suppliers for Reference Machine 97 N Suppliers for Test Materials 97 Bibliograph y 98 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure – Load item preparation prior to a test series 28 – Attached test strip 32 – Positions for m easuring soiled test pieces 36 G – Folding medium sheet with a stain test strip attached 61 G – Folding sm all sheet 61 G – Folding medium sheets 62 G – Folding large sheets 62 I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 –7– Figure G – I llustration of horizontal axis washing machine 63 Figure G – I llustration of vertical axis washing m achine 63 Figure G – H orizontal axis washing machine: placement of item s in the drum 64 Figure G – Vertical axis washing m achine: placement of items in the drum 65 Figure G – Schematic view of part loads within a large drum 68 Figure J – Schematic installation of the m easurement equipment for direct steam heated washing m achines 76 Figure J – Schematic installation of the m easurement equipm ent for indirect steam heated washing m achine (alternative ) 77 Figure J – Schematic installation of the m easurement equipm ent for indirect steam heated washing m achine (Alternative 2) 78 Figure K – Cross section of drum and lifter 84 Figure K – Figure showing how the drum diameter d shall be measured for different kind of drum perforation 84 Figure K – Definition of volum es V3 to V6 85 Figure K – Definition of volum e V1 and V2 86 Table – Size and mass of the different base load item s 20 Table – Detergent Dose 26 Table – N um ber of different load item s in the test load for various test load m asses 31 Table A – Ratios and tolerances of standardized soils: Reference Machine CLS 47 Table B – Composition of the reference detergent A* 48 Table C – Specification of the cotton/synthetics base loads 50 Table D – Description of the reference washing m achine and method of use 53 Table E – Specification of reference washing program me 56 Table E – Tolerances given for some procedure parameters 57 Table G – Orientation of test load items within a part load 65 Table G – Part load item s for a kg test load 66 Table G – Part load item s for a kg test load 67 Table G – Part load item s for a kg test load 67 Table G – Part load item s for a 20 kg test load 67 Table G – Part load item s for a 00 kg test load 68 Table H – Specification of tem perature logger suitable for temperature m easurem ent for both washing and drying 71 Table H – N umber of tem perature loggers for bath temperature measurem ent 72 Table M – Data for test washing m achine 90 Table M – Data, parameters and results 91 Table M 2 – Perform ance results of the test washing m achine 94 Table M – M aterials 95 Table M – Equipment 96 –8– I EC PAS 631 25: 201 © I EC 201 INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON C L O T H E S W AS H I N G M AC H I N E S F O R C O M M E RC I AL U S E – M E T H O D S F O R M E AS U RI N G T H E P E RF O R M AN C E FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Com m ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organi zation for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d an d i n additi on to other acti vities, I EC publish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Guides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC National Comm ittee interested in th e subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations liaising with th e I EC also partici pate i n th is preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Org ani zation for Stand ardi zation (I SO) in accordance with conditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or agreem ents of I EC on technical m atters express, as nearly as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC Nati onal Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that th e tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which they are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees und ertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim u m extent possibl e i n th eir national an d regi onal publications Any divergence between an y I EC Pu blication and the correspondi ng national or regi on al publicati on sh all be clearl y in dicated in the latter 5) I EC itself d oes not provi de an y attestation of conform ity I n depend ent certificati on bodies provide conform ity assessm ent services and, in som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform ity I EC is not responsi ble for an y services carri ed out by ind ependent certification bodi es 6) All users shou ld ensure that they h ave the l atest editi on of thi s publicati on 7) No liability shall attach to I EC or its directors, em ployees, servants or ag ents inclu din g in divi du al experts an d m em bers of its technical com m ittees and I EC N ation al Com m ittees for any person al i nju ry, property d am age or other dam age of any n atu re whatsoever, wheth er d irect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publication or any oth er I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in this publication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be th e subject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts A PAS is an interm ediate specification not fulfilling the requirements for a standard, but made available to the public I EC PAS 631 25 has been processed by subcom mittee 59D: Performance of household and similar electrical laundry appliances, of I EC technical com mittee 59: Perform ance of household and sim ilar electrical appliances The text of this PAS is based on the following docum ent: D ft P AS 59D/448/DPAS This PAS was approved for publ ication by th e P-m em bers of the comm ittee concerned as ind icated in the foll owi ng d ocum ent R e p o rt o n vo ti n g 59D/452/RVDPAS Following publication of this PAS, which is a pre-standard publication, the technical comm ittee or subcomm ittee concerned may transform it into an I nternational Standard – 86 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 V1 V2 g k e h d s c f b a r F i g u re K – D efi n i ti on of vol u m e V1 an d V2 IEC I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 – 87 – Annex L (informative) Uncertainty of measurements in the present document L.1 Why is uncertainty important? When a m easurement has been perform ed giving a figure as a result for som e quantity (also known as the measurand) we m ay ask how sure can we be about this figure I n other words: – I f we repeat the measurem ent will we then get the sam e result? – I f another group or another laboratory perform s the m easurem ent how close will we expect the results to be? By means of an uncertainty budget we m ay calculate an uncertainty interval y ± U, where y is the m easurement result and U the expanded uncertainty that is estim ated to give the interval a high probability (often 95 %) to cover the true value, Y, of the m easurand U is said to be the uncertainty associated with the result y The uncertainty interval of a m easurem ent is therefore a basis for qualifying the measurem ent The more narrow we want the confidence interval i e the sm aller we want the value of the uncertainty U, the more careful we often have to be about the measurem en t method, the measuring equipm ent, the training of the operators and the num ber of repetitions of the sam e experiment L.2 Documents referenced in this annex The following documents are included in the Bibliograph y of this PAS and should be consulted when examining the issue of uncertainty of m easurement in an y detail: – I SO/I EC Guide to the Expression of U ncertainty in Measurem ent (also known as “GUM”); – I SO 5725 (all parts); – I EC/TR 61 923 L.3 L.3.1 Ways to access uncertainty General There are in principle two ways to estim ate uncertainty: a bottom up m ethod and a top down method I t is generall y recom m ended that the two m ethods be used in parallel to achieve a reliable estim ate of the uncertainty budget L.3.2 The bottom up method This m ethod is set out in the I SO/I EC Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement I n this m ethod the test result y is expressed as a function of input quantities This function is often the formula used for the calculation of the result I n our case the y m ay be one of the final test results like water consumption, energy consum ption, washing performance, spin speed , spin drying perform ance, program duration or rinsing efficiency The input quantities may be tem perature, m asses, tim es, power, etc The magnitude of all the uncertainty contributions of each input quantity is estim ated The maxim um perm itted uncertainty is normall y defined in the standard H owever, the actual uncertainty of m easurem ent for the equipment used during the test should be used – 88 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 By com bining the uncertainties of the input quantities according to the law of propagation of uncertainty (see the I SO/I EC Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in M easurement for details), the uncertainty of the result y can be calculated With this calculation it can be seen how a specific uncertainty contribution from an input quantity influences the combined uncertainty of the final result and therefore how a reduction in an uncertainty contribution from an input quantity will influence the combined uncertainty of the final result Uncertainties may usuall y be reduced through a number of strategies including m aking more m easurements, using other methods or other equipm ent, but these usuall y have an additional cost associated with them We can use this information to put our effort into those aspects that reduce the uncertainty of the final result in the most cost effective way L.3 Th e top d own m eth od This method is set out in I EC/TR 61 923 In this m ethod the reproducibility standard deviation is estim ated from testing of the same machine (or the same model) in different laboratories using the same standard m ethod This type of testing is norm all y called a “ring-test” or “round-robin test” The reproducibility standard deviation of the test results can then be seen as the inherent uncertainty of the measurem ent m ethod as it m ay be influenced by rem aining differences in the am bient, the people and whatever else m ay be different between different m easurem ents at different laboratories I n principle it is onl y valid for the m achine investigated in this ring-test, but results m ay also be extended to similar types of m achines I t is im portant to note that this type of estimate also includes the inherent variability of the test wash i n g m ach in e , which can be particularl y problem atic if there are sophisticated electronic controls or fuzzy logic programmes in operating during tests Factors such as overloading can also increase the variability (and increase uncertainty) of the results Where different machines are tested for comparison in different laboratories, there will also be some differences arising from production variability, so great care needs to be exercized Therefore the two m ethods “bottom up” and “top down” may be used in parallel to achieve a reliable estimate of the uncertainty budget But both m ethods depend on the validity of the model or the data used L U ncertai nty of measu rement i n the present document Reviewing actual round-robin test results, where m achines are tested in different laboratories, will allow an estimate of the relative expanded uncertainties to be made This data illustrates the best achievable result in using this standard in selected laboratories M easu red property Rel ati ve expan d ed u n certai n ty of m easu red val u e (k = ) Washing perform ance Energy consum ption Water consum ption Final m oisture Prog ram m e tim e val ues can be reported in a Technical report after actual tests invol vin g different laboratories Wool shrinkage The values in the Technical Report define the level of uncertainty of the m easurem ent when the sam e m achine is tested in a number of laboratories which follow this standard They are I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 – 89 – onl y valid for those type of m achines assessed in the Technical Report; other machine types may behave differentl y, also affecting these uncertainty values I t is critical that laboratories m eet the requirements of the relevant standard whenever results are reported Additional details may need to be reported during round robin tests Laboratories are encouraged to check their alignment with other laboratories through participation in inter-laboratory testing whenever possible L.5 Reporting un certai nty I n sum mary, the uncertainty of m easured results has two sources: ) The statistical uncertainty of what is m easured as expressed in the sample standard deviation as calculated below, showing the accuracy of the measurem ent in the laboratory having done the measurem ent (noting that this m easurem ent also includes m achine variability) The calculation of standard deviation for a number of param eters is set out in Clause 2) The uncertainty of the m easuring method itself This is expressed as expanded uncertainty, where it is comm on to set the borders at a 95 % confidence interval, which gives the minimum and maxim um value within which the average measured result undertaken at an y other laboratory following this standard could be expected to fall Standard deviation of any parameter is set out as follows: s= n ∑ i =1 (x − xi ) ² n −1 i where: th term of parameter x xi is the xi is the m ean of all n terms of param eter x n is the num ber of m easurem ents of param eter x i Reporting of test results needs to have all of this information to allow a full j udgement of the m easured result: average measured value, standard deviation (across all test ru n s ) and expanded uncertainty As an exam ple, where the expanded uncertainty on energy consumption was found to be %, the data should be reported in the following form: Average energy measured Standard deviation of m easurem ent: Expanded uncertainty: Reporting: Energ y consumption: Average m easured: Standard deviation: Expanded uncertainty: , 44 kWh 0, 05 kWh % of ,44 kWh = 0, kWh , 44 kWh ± 0,05 kWh ± 0, kWh I nterpretation: Testing the same m achine in another laboratory following this standard, the expected average value (at 95 % confidence) should lie between , 30 kWh and , 58 kWh – 90 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Annex M (normative) Test report – Data to be reported M.1 General This annex presents the data to be reported for the reference machine and the test washing machine The layout of the following Table M to Table M is recom mended Onl y the tables and param eters that are relevant for the test series need be included Title: “ Test Report of TS XXXX” (state edition and year used) M.2 Data for test washing machine Table M.1 – Data for test washing machine Brand: Country of manu facture (i f indicated): Product number code: Source of machine: Appliance dimension declared: Rated capacity Drum volume decl ared: Washer axis (see 6, and G ): Water connections (hot, cold, hot and cold): Rated vol tage: Rated frequ ency: Rated current: Additional information: M.3 Model: Serial number: Heating source: Appliance dimension measured: Drum volume measu red: (if requi red) Washer loading (top/front): Rated input power: Test voltage: Test frequency: Data, parameters and results for the test series The following data (Table M and Table M 2) shall be reported for a test series used to determine the perform ance of a test washing machine The same table m ay be used for the reference machine and the test washing machine I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 – 91 – Table M.2.1 – Data, parameters and results Laboratory Checked / approved by Mach ine i dentification I ntern al test id entifier Reference m achine test series identifi er Program m e and options selected Nom inal req uired test load m ass Reason for extra test run (if appl icabl e) Small sheets Large sheets Medium sheets Average Test runs Test soil strips symbol unit Noted Accu- Accuracy racy (n) kg above kg measured and below (m) calculated (Cal c) Date of test run yyyy n - mm d d Mass of dition ed base load (with out test strips) b M g m 10 00 Md ry g m 10 00 Md et g m 0, 01 0, Vcm l m 0, 1 Vh m l m 0, 1 Mass of base load before each test ru n (with out test strips) b Mass of detergent used Cold water consum ption du rin g m ain wash a Hot water consum ption during m ain wash a (if connected) Standard deviation Number of items I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Average Test runs symbol unit Noted Accu- Accuracy racy (n) kg above kg measured and below (m) calculated (Cal c) Water consum ption during m ain wash (col d + hot if conn ected ) a Vm l calc 0, 1 Total cold water consum ption Vct l m 0, 1 Total h ot water consum ption (if connected) Vh t l m 0, 1 Total water consum ption (col d + hot if conn ected ) Vtotal l calc 1 Total el ectrical energy m etered d uri ng th e test Wet kWh m 0, 01 0, Wct Wtotal , kWh calc 0, 01 0, 01 cold kWh calc 0, 01 0, Calcul ated total h ot water en ergy determ ined d uri ng th e test a Wh t kWh calc 0, 01 0, Total steam energ y m etered d uri ng th e test Wst kWh m 0, 01 0, Total g as energ y m etered d uri ng th e test Wg t kWh m 0, 01 0, Total el ectric en ergy consum ed by com pressed air operati on Wca kWh m 0, 01 0, Total energ y (prog ram m e energ y) Wtotal kWh calc 0, 01 0, Am bient tem perature (test room ) ta °C m 0, 0, Laboratory suppl y water pressure cold pc kPa m 10 10 Laboratory suppl y water pressure hot (if connected) ph kPa m 10 10 Laboratory suppl y water total hardn ess cold mm ol /l m 0, 01 0, 01 Laboratory suppl y water total hardn ess hot (if nected) mm ol /l m 0, 01 0, 01 Total cold water energ y correction d eterm ined during th e test a Total energ y with out hot water Standard deviation – 92 – – 93 – Average Test runs symbol unit Standard deviation I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Noted Accu- Accuracy racy (n) kg above kg measured and below (m) calculated (Cal c) Date of water preparati on cold (if appropri ate) yyyy mm d d n - Date of water preparati on h ot (if appropri ate) yyyy mm d d n - Laboratory suppl y col d water inl et tem peratu re a Tc °C m 0, 0, Laboratory suppl y hot water inl et tem perature a (if nected ) Th °C m 0, 0, tMW m in m 1 Prog ram m e tim e tt m in m 1 Spin speed S rpm m 1 Mass of base load after spin extraction Mr g m 10 00 Rem aining m oisture content D % calc 1 Reflectance after wash: Sebum xi m 0, 01 0, 01 Reflectance after wash: Carbon black/Oil xi m 0, 01 0, 01 Reflectance after wash: Blood xi m 0, 01 0, 01 Reflectance after wash: Cocoa xi m 0, 01 0, 01 Reflectance after wash: Red Wine xi m 0, 01 0, 01 Reflectance after wash: Sum Ck calc 0, 01 0, 01 Washing Efficiency I ndex IW calc 0, 01 0, 01 Mai n wash du rati on c The figu res for reported precision specify th e roun din g an d reporti ng of val ues As an exam ple, a reported precision of 0, 001 m eans that the result shall be reported rou nded to d ecimal places a Tem peratu re and water volum e to be integ rated for each rel evant operati on to gi ve total cold water correction and calcu lated total h ot water energ y b Mass of conditi oned base load (without test strips) is recorded before the fi rst test run i n a test series – val ues prior to subsequent test runs woul d be after d ryin g (bu t not necessarily the ditioned m ass) c Mai n wash du rati on refer to 28 – 94 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Table M 2.2 – Performance results of the test washing machine Laboratory Checked / approved by Mach ine i dentification I ntern al test id entifier Reference m achine intern al test series identifier Prog ram m e and Options selected: Nom inal req uired test l oad m ass Reason for extra test run (if applicabl e) Unit Sym bol (refer to 2) IW Averag e rem aini ng m oisture content D Maxim um rem aining m oisture D ma x Averag e val ue for th e m axim um spin speed S Lowest val ue for the m axim um spin speed Sma x Averag e total water consum ption (col d + h ot if conn ected) Vtotal Averag e total energy consum ption Wtotal Averag e Programm e tim e tt Averag e Washing Efficiency I n dex a Reported precision a - 0, 001 % % rpm rpm l kWh 0, 01 m in Averag e Standard deviation The fi gures for reported preci sion specify th e rou ndi ng and reporting of val ues As an exam ple, a reported precision of 0, 001 m eans that the result shal l be reported rou nded to d ecim al places M.4 Materials used for the test series The following data (Table M.3) is recommended for inclusion in the test report I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 – 95 – Table M – M aterials Base load Suppli er Batch Suppli er Batch Date of deli very Storag e condition Targ et m ass in g for this test load ( nominal test load mass ) Suppli er Batch Date of deli very Storag e condition I dentificati on of test strips used for this test load Num ber of item s used in this base load Sm all sheets Medium Sheets Large sh eets Conditioning meth od Detergent Base deterg ent A* Perborate TAED Stain test strips and addition al soiled items Stain test strips Water hardness preparation M.5 Natu ral EN 60734 EN 60734 EN 60734 EN 60734 Other Type A Type B Type C1 Type C2 (specify) Standard Equipment used for the test series The following data (Table M.4) is recommended for inclusion in the test report – 96 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Tabl e M – E q u i pm en t L a b o t o r y C a l i b t e d B n d M od el Ac c u c y R e g i s t t i o n u n ti l No R e fe r e n c e w a s h i n g m ach i n e param eter: optical g eom etry: S p e c t l p h o to m e te r wavel ength resol ution: spectral ran ge: light sou rce: V a ri a b l e v o l t a g e re g u l a t o r ( t e s t s ys t e m ) E n e rg y m e t e r S te a m e n e rg y m e a s u re m e n t eq u i pm en t G a s e n e rg y m e a s u re m e n t eq u i pm en t T e m p e t u re re c o rd e r Wa te r m e ter S cal e (l o ad s ) S c a l e ( d e t e rg e n t ) p H -m e te r M o i s t u re m e t e r C o n d i ti o n i n g ro o m / ch am ber d etai l s D r ye r u s e d b e twe e n fo r d r yi n g t e s t ru n s D r ye r u s e d fo r b o n e - d r y ( w h e re a p p l i c a b l e ) I ro n ( w h e re ap p l i cab l e ) UV-filter gloss/specular: apertu re: m easuring tim e: calibration: I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 – 97 – Annex N (informative) Sources of materials and supplies N.1 General NOTE The inform ation g iven is for the ven ience of users of this PAS and does not stitute an en dorsem ent by CENELEC of th ese products N.2 Suppliers for Reference Machine Suppliers for reference machines, reference programm es: Electrolux Laundry System s Sweden AB SE-341 80 Lj ungby Phone +46 372 661 00 Fax +46 372 3390 E-m ail els info@electrolux.com Website www electrolux.com/professional N.3 Suppliers for Test Materials Swissatest Testmaterialen AG Mövenstrasse CH-901 St.Gallen Switzerland Phone +41 71 31 8055 Fax +41 71 31 8057 E-m ail info@swissatest ch Website http: //www swissatest ch WFK – Testgewebe Gm bH Christenfeld D-41 379 Brüggen German y Phone +49 21 57 871 977 Fax +49 21 57 90667 E-mail info@testgewebe.de Web Site http://www testgewebe de – 98 – I EC PAS 631 25:201 © I EC 201 Bibliography [1 ] I EC 61 21 , Tum b le drye rs for h ous e h o ld us e – Me th o ds fo r m e a surin g th e p e rform a n ce [2] I EC/TR 61 923, Ho us e h o ld e le ctrica l a p p lia n ce s – Me th o d o f m e a surin g p e rform a n ce – A sse ssm e n t o f re p e a ta b ility a n d re p roducib ility [Te ch n ica l Re p o rt typ e 3] [3] I EC/TR 6261 7, [4] I SO/I EC [5] Ho m e la un dry a p p lia n ce s – Un ce rta in ty re p o rtin g o f m e a s ure m e n ts Guide to th e e xp re ss io n o f un ce rta in ty in m e a s ure m e n t I SO/I EC Guide 43-1 , Proficie n cy te stin g by in te rla b ora tory , ed 995 co m p a ris on s – Pa rt : co m p a ris on s – Pa rt 2: De ve lo p m e n t a n d o p e tion o f p roficie n cy te s tin g sch e m e s [6] I SO/I EC Guide 43-2, Pro ficie n cy te stin g by in te rla b o tory Se le ctio n a n d use o f p roficie n cy te stin g sch e m e s b y la b ora tory a ccre dita tio n b odie s [7] I SO 431 9, Surfa ce a ctive a ge n ts – D e te rge n ts for wa s h in g fa b rics – G uide for com p a tive te s tin g o f p e rform a n ce [8] I SO 5725 (all parts), A ccura cy (true n e ss a n d p re cis io n ) of m e a sure m e n t m e th ods a n d re sults [9] I SO/TR 22971 , A ccura cy (true n e ss and p re cis ion ) of m e a s ure m e n t m e th ods and re sults – Pra ctica l guida n ce fo r th e use of ISO 5725-2: 99 in de s ign in g, im p le m e n tin g a n d sta tis tica lly a n a lys in g in te rla b ora tory re p e a ta b ility a n d re p ro ducib ility re sults [1 0] EN 458-2, D o m e s tic dire ct ga s-fire d tum b le drye rs o f typ e s B22D and B 23D , of n o m in a l h e a t in p ut n ot e xce e din g kW – Pa rt 2: Ra tio n a l use of e n e rgy [1 ] EN 50229, Ele ctric clo th e s wa sh e r-drye rs for h o use h o ld us e – Me th o ds of m e a surin g th e p e rform a n ce [1 2] CLC/TS 50594, Tum b le drye rs for co m m e rcia l use – Me th ods fo r m e a s urin g th e p e rfo rm a n ce [1 3] EN 60704-1 , Ho us e h o ld and s im ila r e le ctrica l a p p lia n ce s de te rm in a tion o f a irb o rn e n o ise – Pa rt : G e n e l re quire m e n ts [1 4] EN 60704-2-4, de te rm in a tio n Ho use h o ld of a irb orn e and s im ila r a co ustica l wa sh in g m a ch in e s a n d s p in e xtra ctors [1 5] EN 62053-21 , e le ctrica l n o is e – [1 7] a p p lia n ce s Pa rt 2-4 : (I EC 60704-2-4) Te st code – Te st Pa rticula r co de for th e for th e re q uire m e n ts for Ele ctricity m e te rin g e q uip m e n t (a c ) – Pa rticula r re quire m e n ts – Pa rt 21 : Sta tic m e te rs for a ctive e n e rgy (cla ss e s a n d 2) [1 6] – (I EC 60704-1 ) EN I SO 0472 (all parts), (I SO 0472, all parts) Sa fe ty (I EC 62053-21 ) re q uire m e n ts EN I SO/I EC 7025, G e n e l re quire m e n ts (I SO/I EC 7025) for in dus tria l la un dry m a ch in e ry for th e com p e te n ce of te s tin g a n d ca lib tion la b ora torie s _ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:51