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IEC 61 837 3 Edition 2 0 201 5 04 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection – Standard outlines and terminal lead connection[.]

I E C 61 -3 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE S u rface m ou n ted pi ezoel e ctri c d evi ce s for freq u e n cy trol an d s el ecti on – S tan d ard ou tl i n e s an d term i n al l ead n ecti on s – P art 3: M etal en cl os u re s D i s pos i ti fs pi é zoél ectri q u e s m on tag e e n s u rface pou r l a com m an d e e t l e ch oi x d e l a fré q u en ce – E n com bre m e n ts n orm al i s é s et n exi on s d e s s orti es – IEC 61 837-3:201 5-04(en-fr) P arti e : E n vel oppe s m étal l i q u es T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - 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webstore i ec ch /csc Si vous désirez nous donner des commentaires sur cette publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csc@iec.ch I E C 61 -3 ® Edition 2.0 201 5-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE S u rface m ou n te d pi ezoel e ctri c d evi ce s for fre q u e n cy trol an d s el ecti on – S tan d ard ou tl i n e s an d te rm i n al l ead n e cti on s – P art 3: M etal en cl os u re s D i s pos i ti fs pi é zoél ectri q u es m on tag e e n s u rface pou r l a com m an d e e t l e ch oi x d e l a fré q u e n ce – E n com bre m e n ts n orm al i s é s et n exi on s d e s s orti es – P arti e : E n vel oppes m é tal l i q u es INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 31 40 ISBN 978-2-8322-2598-1 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i ca ti on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor Atten ti on ! Veu i l l ez vou s ass u rer q u e vou s avez obten u cette pu bl i cati on vi a u n d i stri b u teu r ag ré é ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Norm ative references Configuration of enclosures Designation of types 5 Metal enclosure dimensions 6 Lead connections Designation of m etal enclosures Bibliograph y 20 Table – Revised configurations Table – Designation of m etal enclosures I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 –3– INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON S U RF AC E M O U N T E D P I E Z O E L E C T RI C D E VI C E S F O R F RE Q U E N C Y C O N T RO L AN D S E L E C T I O N – S T AN D AR D O U T L I N E S AN D T E RM I N AL L E AD C O N N E C T I O N S – P a rt : M e ta l e n c l o s u re s FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all national electrotechn ical comm ittees (I EC National Com m ittees) Th e object of I EC is to prom ote intern ational co-operation on all q uestions concernin g stan dardi zati on in th e electrical and el ectronic field s To this end and i n additi on to other activiti es, I EC publish es I nternational Stand ards, Tech nical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicly Avai lable Specificati ons (PAS) and Guides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blication(s)”) Thei r preparati on is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC Nati onal Com m ittee interested i n th e subject dealt with m ay participate in this preparatory work I ntern ational, govern m ental and non-governm ental org ani zati ons liaisi n g with the I EC also participate in this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I nternational Organi zation for Standardi zati on (I SO) i n accordance with ditions determ ined by ag reem ent between the two org ani zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as 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rawn to th e possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the subj ect of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for i dentifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard I EC 61 837-3 has been prepared by I EC technical comm ittee 49: Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2000 I t constitutes a technical revision This I nternational Standard is to be read in conj unction with I EC 61 240:201 This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: • The outline drawing is defined as one set of drawings consisting of four views, which are the view from above, the front view, the view from the right, and the view from below; the view from the right was drawn optionall y in the previous edition –4– I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 • The height of package ( G ) is eliminated, instead total height is expressed by the sym bol letter G or with a subscript num ber • The dim ensions of term inal lead spacing are shown by the centre position of the terminal leads and its basic value e is 54 × n mm ( n is an integer) and , 27 × n mm for package • • • dim ensions smaller than mm (See I EC 61 240: 201 2, 5) I f the terminal lead spacing is not a m ultiple of the basic value, a subscript num ber such as e , e is attached, e g e , e , etc I f there are plural spacing values, the subscript number is followed by a h yphen and numbers such as e -1 , e -2 , etc I n terminal land areas, the lengths of each terminal pad are now expressed with m axim um values for consumer’s convenience They were expressed as m inim um values in the previous edition of I EC 61 837-3 I f there are plural identical enclosures with different height, each enclosure was expressed by a dash (/) and a two-digit number after the basic type nam e The identity references are given in the table of the sheet The configurations of the enclosures were revised as shown in Table The text of this standard is based on the following docum ents: FDI S Report on votin g 49/1 1 8/FDI S 49/1 40/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the I SO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all parts in the I EC 61 837 series, published under the general title Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection – Standard outlines and terminal lead connections , can be found on the I EC website The comm ittee has decided that the contents of this publication will rem ain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http://webstore iec ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or am ended I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 –5– S U R F AC E M O U N T E D P I E Z O E L E C T RI C D E VI C E S F O R F RE Q U E N C Y C O N T RO L AN D S E L E C T I O N – S T AN D AR D O U T L I N E S AN D T E RM I N AL L E AD C O N N E C T I O N S – P a rt : M e ta l e n c l o s u re s S cop e This part of I EC 61 837 deals with standard outlines and terminal lead connections as they appl y to SM Ds for frequency control and sel ection in metal enclosures and is based on I EC 61 240 which standardized layout rules of outline drawings of the surface-m ounted devices N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s The following docum ents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, onl y the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced docum ent (including an y am endm ents) applies Piezoelectric devices – Preparation of outline drawings of surface mounted devices (SMD) for frequency control and selection – General rules I EC 61 240: 201 2, C o n fi g u t i o n o f e n c l o s u re s The enclosures of the surface-m ounted devices are made of metal with the form ed lead term inals based on the descriptive designation system for semiconductors – devices package All SMD enclosures described in this part of I EC 61 837 are special surface m ount types Therefore, the following designator is used – SMS (Surface-Mounted, Special) D e s i g n a t i o n o f t yp e s The type designator consists of four parts as follows: A B C A: Configuration symbol of enclosures: – SMS (Surface-Mounted, Special) B: Structure of term inal leads – L: folded leads type; – J: folded leads type If there is a leadless type, it will have no m ark See Clause of I EC 61 240: 201 2, Classification of SMD C: Number of terminal leads D –6– I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 D: 2-digit serial number M etal encl osure di mensi ons The dim ensions given in this part of I EC 61 837 appl y to all com pleted SMD for frequency control and selection Onl y those dimensions are given which m eet the requirem ents of IEC 61 240 • I f there are plural identical enclosures with different height ( G ), or different length ( F), etc The sym bol letter sh all be expressed with a subscript number such as G , G , F1 , F2, etc • The dim ensions of term inal lead spacing shall be shown by the centre position of the terminal leads and its basic value e is 2, 54 × n mm ( n is an integer) and , 27 × n mm for package dimensions smaller than m m (see I EC 61 240: 201 2, 5) I f the terminal lead spacing is not a m ultiple of the basic value, a subscript number such as e , e shall be attached I f there are plural spacing values, the subscript number shall be followed by a h yphen and numbers such as e -1 , e -2 , etc I f there are plural identical enclosures with different height, each enclosure was expressed by the following dash (/) and two digit num ber after the basic type nam e The identity references are given in the table of the sheet • Lead conn ecti on s Since SM S types of enclosures are special SMD type, they won ’t have an y specified lead connections However, lead connections shall always be given in the detail specification under the agreem ent with custom ers Desi gnati on of metal encl osures Table sets out the designation of the metal enclosures as outlined in the following specification sheets All corresponding enclosures are listed in Table below Table – Revi sed fi gu rati on s Type Sh eet N o SMS-L4/01 ~03 Sheet SMS-L4/04~07 Sheet SMS-J 2/01 ~02 Sheet Des cri pti on LP1 was changed from , to , Maxim um B was chan ged from 9, to 9, Maxim um LP1 was changed from , to , Maxim um B was changed from 4, to 5, Min im um K1 was changed from 0, 85 to 0, Maxim um I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 –7– Table – Designation of metal enclosures No Type SMS – L4/01 SMS – L4/02 SMS – L4/03 SMS – L4/04 SMS – L4/05 SMS – L4/06 SMS – L4/07 SMS – L3/01 SMS – L3/02 10 SMS – L3/03 11 SMS – L3/04 12 SMS – L3/05 13 SMS – L3/06 14 SMS – L3/07 15 SMS – L3/08 16 SMS – L3/09 17 SMS – L3/1 18 SMS – L3/1 19 SMS – L3/1 20 SMS – L3/1 21 SMS – L3/1 22 SMS – L3/1 23 SMS – L3/1 24 SMS – L3/1 25 SMS – L3/1 26 SMS – L3/1 27 SMS – L3/20 28 SMS – L3/21 29 SMS – L3/22 30 SMS – L3/23 31 SMS – L3/24 32 SMS – L3/25 33 SMS – L3/26 34 SMS – L3/27 35 SMS – J 4/01 36 SMS – J 2/01 37 SMS – J 2/02 Sheet No Description Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, four L-l ead SMD outl i ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, four L-l ead SMD outl i ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead SM D outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead, SMD outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead, SMD outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead, SMD outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead SM D outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead, SMD outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead SM D outli ne Sheet Metal, resistance-wel ded, th ree L-l ead SM D outli ne Sheet 1 Metal, resistance-wel ded, plastic fram e, four J -l ead SMD outli ne Sheet Metal , resistance-wel ded, plastic fram e, two J -l ead SM D outl i ne –8– I EC 61 837-3: 201 Ref A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y Actual size F B A  I EC 201 Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 40 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 9, 50 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 75 ― ― 4, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 90 0, 70 ― , 40 , 20 ― , 80 ― , 88 ― ― 7, 50 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 40 ― ― 2, 30 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 Notes /01 /02 /03 /01 /02 /03 Note /01 /02 /03 K2 G s e e b2 y s b1 l1 L P1 Metal jacket (see Note ) e1 L P2 l2 K3 e K1 e Terminal land areas IEC NOTE The config urati on of the m etal jacket is given as an exam ple NOTE This portion of the l ead m ay be re-shaped und er pressure Metal, resistance-welded, four L-lead SMD Scale 5: outline – Type SMS-L4/01 ~ 03 Sheet – 28 – I EC 61 837-3: 201 Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y Taille réelle F B A Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 40 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 9, 50 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 75 ― ― 4, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 90 0, 70 ― , 40 , 20 ― , 80 ― , 88 ― ― 7, 50 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 40 ― ― 2, 30 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 e Notes /01 /02 /03 /01 /02 /03 Note /01 /02 /03 K2 G s e  I EC 201 b2 y s b1 l1 L P1 Gain e m étallique (voir Note ) e1 L P2 l2 K3 e K1 e Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE La config uration d'u n e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe m étallique m ontage en surface par quatre sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SMS-L4/01 ~ 03 Feuille Échelle 5:  I EC 201 – 29 – Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 1 , 05 ― ― 9, 60 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 1 , 40 ― ― 3, 50 ― ― 4, 30 ― ― 5, 50 ― ― 6, 20 ― ― 8, 30 ― ― 5, 30 2, 90 ― 3, 0, ― 0, 30 0, 38 ― ,1 0, 70 ― , 40 , 00 ― , 70 ― 2, 44 ― ― 1 , 80 ― ― 3, 00 ― ― 3, 70 ― ― 6, 00 ― ― ― 5, 00 ― ― , 40 ― ― , 80 ― ― 3, 00 ― ― 0, 20 Réf A B1 B2 B3 B4 F1 F2 F3 F4 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 e -4 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A Notes /04 /05 /06 /07 /04 /05 /06 /07 Note /04 /05 /06 /07 K2 G s y s e K3 b1 l1 L P2 e Gaine métallique (voi r Note1 ) l2 b2 e1 I EC 61 837-3: 201 L P1 e e K1 Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE La config uration d'u n e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe m étallique montage en surface par quatre sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SMS-L4/04 ~ 07 Feuille Échelle 3: – 30 – I EC 61 837-3: 201 Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 40 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 9, 50 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 75 ― ― 4, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 90 0, 70 ― , 20 , 20 ― , 80 ― 3, 75 ― ― 7, 50 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 40 ― ― 2, 30 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A  I EC 201 Notes /01 /02 /03 /01 /02 /03 Note /01 /02 /03 K2 G s y s b2 e e1 b1 e L P1 Gaine métallique (Voir Note ) l1 L P2 l2 K3 Surfaces de contact des sorties K1 IEC NOTE La config uration d'u n e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe m étallique m ontage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SMS-L3/01 ~ 03 Feuille Échelle 5: I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 – 31 – Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 6, 00 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 8, 20 ― ― 0, 20 ― ― 3, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 50 0, 70 ― , 20 , 00 ― , 30 3, 50 3, 75 4, 00 ― 6, 80 ― ― 8, 80 ― ― ― 0, 80 ― ― 2, 60 ― ― 2, ― ― , 70 ― ― 0, 20 Réf F B A B1 B2 F1 F2 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 b1 b2 l1 l2 y A Notes /04 /05 /04 /05 Note /04 /05 K2 G s y s b2 K3 Gaine métallique (Voir Note ) e1 l2 L P2 e L P1 l1 b1 e K1 Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE La config uration d'un e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique montage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Échelle 5: Type SMS-L3/04 ~ 05 Feuille – 32 – I EC 61 837-3: 201 Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 00 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 6, 20 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 0, 00 ― ― 4, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 50 0, 70 ― , 20 0, 80 ― , 60 5, 30 5, 60 5, 90 ― 5, 00 ― ― 5, 90 ― ― 7, 90 ― ― ― 2, 60 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― , 70 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A  I EC 201 Notes /06 /07 /08 /06 /07 /08 Note /06 /07 /08 K2 G s L P2 y s b2 Gain e m étalliqu e (voir Note ) l1 L P1 e1 K3 l2 e e b1 K1 Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE La config uration d'un e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique montage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Échelle 5: Type SMS-L3/06 ~ 08 Feuille I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 – 33 – Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y B F Taille réelle Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 00 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 7, 70 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 0, 00 ― ― 3, 00 , 75 ― 2, 25 0, ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 50 0, 70 ― , 20 0, 80 ― , 60 5, 30 5, 60 5, 90 ― 5, 00 ― ― 5, 90 ― ― 7, 90 ― ― ― 2, 60 ― ― 0, 80 ― ― , 70 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 Notes /09 /1 /1 /09 /1 /1 Note /09 /1 /1 A K2 G s y s e L P2 l1 K3 b1 e b2 K1 l2 e1 L P1 Gaine métallique (voir Note ) Surfaces de contact des sorties NOTE La config uration d'un e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique m ontage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Échelle 5: Type SMS-L3/09 ~ 1 Feuille IEC – 34 – Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 1 , 05 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 1 , 40 ― ― 3, 50 ― ― 5, 50 ― ― 6, 20 ― ― 8, 30 ― ― 5, 30 2, 90 3, 0, ― 0, 30 0, 40 ― ,1 0, 70 ― , 20 ,1 ― , 70 4, 88 ― 3, 00 ― ― 3, 70 ― ― 6, 00 ― ― ― 3, 40 ― ― , 40 ― ― , 60 ― ― 2, ― ― 0, 20 Notes /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 Note /1 /1 /1 K2 G s y s e l1 K3 L P2 b1 L P1 l2 e1 b2 Gain e m étalliqu e (voir Note ) e Surfaces de contact des sorties K1 NOTE  I EC 201 I EC 61 837-3: 201 IEC La config uration d'u n e gai ne m étalliq ue est d onn ée en exem ple NOTE Cette partie de l a sortie peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique montage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Échelle 3: Type SMS-L3/1 ~ Feuille  I EC 201 – 35 – Réf A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 e -4 e -5 e -6 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 1 , 05 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 60 ― ― 9, 70 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 1 , 40 ― ― 3, 50 7, ― 7, 85 8, 65 ― 9, 35 0, 95 ― 1 , 65 2, 75 ― 3, 45 3, 45 ― 4, 5, 55 ― 6, 25 ― ― 5, 30 , 50 ― 2, 00 0, 40 ― 0, 48 0, 40 ― 0, 48 0, 40 ― 0, 48 , 50 ― 2, 4, 67 4, 90 5, 08 ― 7, 05 ― ― 8, 55 ― ― 1 , 65 ― ― 2, 65 ― ― 3, 35 ― ― 5, 45 ― ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 2, 20 ― ― , 80 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 0, 20 y s e Note /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /20 b2 l2 L P2 K3 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /20 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /20 K2 G s Notes e1 I EC 61 837-3: 201 L P1 b1 l1 K1 e Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE Cette partie d e la sorti e peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique montage en surface par trois Échelle sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SM S-L3/1 ~ 3: 20 Feuille – 36 – I EC 61 837-3: 201 Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 00 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 8, 80 6, 40 ― 7, 00 7, 30 ― 7, 90 9, 30 ― 9, 90 0, ― 0, 70 ― ― 3, 80 , 40 ― , 60 0, 40 ― 0, 50 0, 40 ― 0, 50 0, 40 ― 0, 50 , 20 ― , 60 5, 00 5, 5, 30 ― 6, 30 ― ― 7, 20 ― ― 9, 20 ― ― 0, 00 ― ― ― , 80 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― , 80 ― ― 0, 20 Réf A B1 B2 B3 B4 F1 F2 F3 F4 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 e -4 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A  I EC 201 Notes /21 /22 /23 /24 /21 /22 /23 /24 Note /21 /22 /23 /24 K2 G s L P2 y s b1 e1 l1 K3 e b2 L P1 l2 K1 e Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE Cette partie d e la sorti e peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe métallique m ontage en surface par trois sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SM S-L3/21 ~ Échelle 5: 24 Feuille I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 – 37 – Réf A B1 B2 B3 F1 F2 F3 G K1 K2 K3 L P1 L P2 e e -1 e -2 e -3 b1 b2 l1 l2 y F B Taille réelle A Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 8, 26 ― ― 5, ― ― 6, 00 ― ― 8, 00 ― ― 7, 20 ― ― 8, ― ― 0, ― ― 2, 60 , 25 ― , 35 0, 20 ― 0, 30 0, 30 ― 0, 40 0, 20 ― 0, 30 , 20 ― , 60 5, 00 5, 5, 30 ― 6, 90 ― ― 7, 80 ― ― 9, 80 ― ― ― , 80 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― 0, 70 ― ― , 80 ― ― 0, 20 Notes /25 /26 /27 /25 /26 /27 Note /25 /26 /27 G K2 s L P2 y s b1 e1 K3 l1 e b2 L P1 l2 e K1 Surfaces de contact des sorties IEC NOTE Cette partie d e la sorti e peut être reform ée sous pression Enveloppe m étallique m ontage en surface par trois Échelle sorties en L, soudée par résistance – Type SMS-L3/25 ~ 5: 27 Feuille – 38 – I EC 61 837-3: 201 Réf A B F G K1 LB e e1 b2 l2 y Taille réelle Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 2, 00 ― ― 5, 20 ― ― 5, 50 ― ― 8, 20 0, 70 ― , 40 , 00 ― , 40 ― 4, 90 ― ― 4, 00 ― ― ― 2, 00 ― ― 2, 00 ― ― 0, Notes G B F A  I EC 201 s b2 e e1 e1 l2 LB y s K1 e Surfaces de contact des sorties Enveloppe métallique, châssis en plastique, m ontage Échelle en surface par quatre sorties en J, soudée par résistance 3: – Type SMS-J 4/01 Feuille 1 IEC I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 – 39 – Réf A B G1 G2 K1 F LB e b2 l2 y Taille réelle Notes /01 /02 B A Dim ensions (m m ) Min Nom Max ― ― 1 , 60 ― ― 5, 00 ― ― 3, 50 ― ― 5, 00 0, ― ,1 1 , 80 ― 3, 50 3, 30 ― 3, 90 ― 8, 80 ― ― ― , 35 ― ― 3, 90 ― ― 0, F G s y s e LB e Surfaces de contact des sorties Enveloppe métallique, châssis en plastique, m ontage Échelle en surface par deux sorties en J , soudée par résistance – 3: Type SMS-J2/01 ~ 02 Feuille b2 K1 l2 IEC – 40 – I EC 61 837-3: 201  I EC 201 Bibliographie I EC 601 22-2: 983, Quartz pour le contrôle et la sélection de la fréquence – Deuxième partie: Guide pour l'emploi des résonateurs quartz pour le contrôle et la sélection de la fréquence Résonateurs quartz sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 3: Encombrements normalisés et connexions des sorties I EC 601 22-3: 201 0, Normalisation mécanique des dispositifs semi-conducteurs – Partie 6: Règles générales pour la préparation des dessins d'encombrement des btiers pour dispositifs semi-conducteurs pour montage en surface IEC 601 91 -6: 2009, Filtres piézoélectriques sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 1: Spécification générique IEC 60368-1 : 2000, IEC 60368-1 : 2000/AMD1 :2004 IEC 60368-2-1 : 988, Filtres piézoélectriques – Deuxième partie: Guide d'emploi des filtres piézoélectriques – Section Un: Filtres quartz Filtres piézoélectriques – Partie 2: Guide d'emploi des filtres piézoélectriques – Section 2: Filtres céramique piézoélectrique I EC 60368-2-2: 996, IEC 60368-3: 201 0, Filtres piézoélectriques sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 3: Encombrements normalisés et connexions des sorties Oscillateurs pilotés par quartz sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 1: Spécification générique IEC 60679-1 : 2007, IEC 60679-2: 981 , Oscillateurs pilotés par quartz – Partie 2: Guide pour l'utilisation des oscillateurs pilotés par quartz Oscillateurs pilotés par quartz sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 3: Encombrements normalisés et connexions des sorties IEC 60679-3: 201 2, Filtres ondes acoustiques de surface (OAS) sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 1: Spécification générique IEC 60862-1 : 2003, Filtres ondes acoustiques de surface (OAS) sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 2: Lignes directrices d'utilisation IEC 60862-2: 201 2, IEC 60862-3: 2003, Filtres ondes acoustiques de surface (OAS) sous assurance de la qualité – Partie 3: Encombrements normalisés I EC 61 01 9-3: 991 , Résonateurs ondes acoustiques de surface (OAS) – Troisième partie: Encombrements normalisés et connexions des sorties Spécification géométrique des produits (GPS) – Tolérancement géométrique – Tolérancement de forme, orientation, position et battement I SO 1 01 : 201 2, _ I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N 3, ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 03 00 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:42
