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Bsi bs au 209 4 1995 scan

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BSI BS *AU * 2 0 9 PA C;''''r*4 95 M 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0 4 9 4 4 8 8 657 I Vehicle security Part 4 Specification for security glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles G 29D 10 pages Reproduced by[.]

BSI BS*AU *209: PA: C; ' r*4 95 M 24 66 0494488 657 G- 29 D pages Vehicle security Part S p ecification for security glazing for passenger cars and car derived vehicles Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI I BS I BS AU 209 : Part BS*AU *209: : PART*4 95 = Lb24669 94 9 1995 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this B ritish S tandard was entrus ted to Technical Committee AUEIl7, Vehicle security, upon which th e following bodies were represented: Association of Car Fleet Operators Automobile Association Automotive Glazing Executive B ritish S ecurity Industry Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Consumers’ Association Department of Trade and Industry (Vehicles Division) Department of Transport Freight Transport Association Home Office Ice (Ergonomics) Master Locksmiths Association Metropolitan Police Motor Industry Research Association Road Haulage Association Ltd Royal Automobile Club Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited This B ritish S tandard, having been prepared under th e direction of t h e Engineering S ector B oard, was published under t h e authority of t h e S tandards B oard and comes into effect on 15 August 1995 O BSI 995 Amd No The following S I references relate to t h e work o n this s tandard: Committee reference AUEí1 Draft for comment 94í708973 W: ISBN O 580 24629 Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI Date R x t affected B S I BS*AU *209: P AR Ts 95 L b b b 04 94 90 205 BS AU 209 Part : : 1995 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover 11 Foreword Specification Scope Informative references Definitions S ecurity glazing and resistance to removal by impact Annexes A (informative) B S ecurity glazing (normative) Impact tes ts for th e retention of security glazing làble A Windscreens Figures Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI B.l Impact test B Impact points List of references Inside back cover i BS I PARTJ BS*AU *Z09: 95 3624669 94 93 BSAUZû9: Part4: 995 Foreword This part of BS AU 209 has b e e n p rep ared by Rc h n i c al Committee AUE/1 7, a t t h e reques t of t h e D e p artme nt of Trans p o rt, an d w i th t h e s up p o rt of t h e Home Office and organizations c o nnec ted w i th law enfo rc ement, t h e motor vehicle c o ns truc tio n indus try, an d vehicle us ers Hitherto , no s tandard has exis ted for t h e United Kingdom th at defines t h e p erfo rmanc e and us e of s ec urity glazing and i ts ins tallati o n w he n used to p revent o r de te r unautho rized e n tr y into o r removal of t h e motor vehicle It is recognized t h a t this s tandard covers a relatively n e w are a, no t previous ly s tandardized, and th at it may be neces s ary to ame n d t h e requi rements res ulti ng from ini tial exp erienc e of i ts us e O ther Parts of B S AU 209 are as follows Part Part O l a Pa rt2 part Part b Part 6a Part Code of practice fo r the application of security devicedsystems to vehicles’) Specvication for locking systems fo r passenger cars and car derived vehicles Speca@icationfor security systems against theft in-car equipmxnt fo r entertainment and communication puq~oses Specvication for security marking glaxing passenger cars and car derived vehicles Spedfication fo r central power locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles Specvication fo r dead locking systems fo r passenger cars and car derived vehicles vehicle drivers Spectyicationfo r locking systems fo r compartments o f o f for goods ’ It is envis aged th at th e following Parts will be publis hed in d u e cours e Part Part Part Spectyicationfo r locking systems fo r the load carrying compartment Spedfication fo r security of ancillary equipment on CVs S’&?cation imnwbilims Compliance wi th legal o b l igatio ns , ) i n preparation 11 Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI for a B ri tis h Standard d o es not of i ts e l f co n fer immunity from B S AU 209 : Part 1995 : Specification of contact with the safety glazing materials when Scope This Part of BS AU 209 specifies the minimum requirements for the performance of security glazing and its installation in order to deter unauthorized entry into, or use of, passenger cars and car derived vehicles Provisions for security glazing are covered in annex A used in a vehicle, whether they are broken or unbroken and for which special requirements regarding visibility, strength and abrasion resistance are laid down 3 g l a s s - p l a s ti c s s a fe ty glazing material A product consisting of glazing material which comprises one or more layers of glass and one or more layers of plastics in which a plastics surface of Informative references This Part of BS AU 209 refers to other publications that provide information or guidance Editions of the product faces inwards towards the passenger compartment when installed into th e vehicle these publications current at the time of issue of this standard are listed on the inside back cover, but reference should b e made to th e latest editions Security glazing and resistance to removal b y impact N U E S ecurity glazing requirements are given in legislation (see annex A) Definitions For th e purposes of this Part of BS AU 209, th e following definitions apply When tested in accordance with annex B, th e installed security glazing surrounding th e passenger compartment of th e vehicle shall conform to the requirements of and s ecu ri ty glazing S afety glazing material or glass-plastics safety glazing material so constructed and installed in a vehicle in such a manner as to deter unauthorized entry into th e vehicle s a fe ty glazing material A product consisting of organic and/or inorganic materials so constructed or treated to reduce in There shall be no separation between the glazing and th e body aperture large enough to permit th e free passage of a sphere 40 mm f mm in diameter f I t shall not b e possible to pass a sphere 40 mm mm in diameter freely through any tear or split which develops within the glazing materials If any piece of installed glazing fails to comparison with annealed s heet, plate or float 4 glass, th e likelihood of inj ury to persons as a result conform to the requirements of or 3, two further s eparate, but identical pieces, shall be tes ted in accordance with annex B and both shall conform to the requirements of Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI and BS I B S*AU *ZO ï: PART84 95 0494493 3bZ4bb9 TL4 995 B S A U209: Part4: b Annexes Annex A B.1.2 A (informative) 75 S ecurity glazing T he s afe ty a l e ng th p ro vis io ns of A.2 in A.4 to s afety re qu i re me nts s e c u ri ty an d fo r glazing are i nc l u de vehic le mas s of B.1 glazing an d of w hen res is tanc e s ub j ec t glazing is mnexes to ) 2/22/EEC attac k as A For use T he to to fro m o uts ide th e the 75 of p endulum be mm di ame te r s hall ro d e i th e r by f to i ts attac h e d The kg s u p p o rt, ri g i d mo u nte d di ame te r s te e l be s te e l w i th to to tal kg e n ab l e th e in- vehi c le glazing vehic le ru b b e r NO TE a front w in d s cre en s e al As an a o r by s tri p al te rn ati v e , to s i mulate te s ti n g may be a s uc h c o n d u c te d s eal on a w ho l e v e hi c l e covered ECE as of p e ne trati o n e nds a dju s ta b le glazing t o e nhanc e d a mild c yli ndric al he ad mm th e An es tab li s hed c o ns is ting of p e n du l u m , di ame te r hemis p heric al A l General c o vered mm by o ne Reg ulatio n given in of 43 tab l e th e or following EC B ' kst conditions D i rec ti ve A Tests s hall 'Ittble A Windscreens ECE Regulation Type of be c arri ed out under the following c o nditio ns : 43 a) te mp e ratu re : 20 O f C windscreen A nne x II B A n ne x II C b) p res s ure: c) relative 960 f mb ar humidity: 60 O C ; 00 mb ar; % f % 20 B Procedure laminated B 3.1 glass C arry s ized Plas ti c s - c o ated A nne x II Annex I Glass- Dlastics in A For u s e A nne x glazing is a) A.2 of an n e x of an n e x ap p ly; b) II ECE A of on th e e ac h p iec e vehic le of s uitab ly B 3.3) ( s ee th e l e ft exc ep t Bs wholly or A U p artly nec es s ary D riving vi s ib i lity th at 43, the hand : 82 on B 3.2 are s ide an d th e rig ht to s ymmetri c ally g laz ed, hand te s t o ne Pos ition t h e it is s ide of o nly s i de 9.2 or if e i th e r s ide it of at the p o i nt to th e s u rfac e of p endulum i mp ac t, of the th e in a way s uc h h amme r h e ad is th at, no rmal glazing provis ions an d D i rec ti ve 2/22/EEC or A of vehic le a front winds creen Reg ulatio n EC t e i the r: s tandard in c ateg o ry us ed c o vered by th i s w h e re in II A nne x locations is required other than in te s t glazing th e The th e glazing i n K Where s afe ty out e x te rn al S ub j ec t e ac h p i ec e vertic al heig ht of glazing to five 9.3 dro p mm 700 of no t p o int of o u te r p o ints f is n o t th e th e mm, p atte rn of s ho w n fo rm whi c h w hic h h as o ne in f imp ac ts fig ure B 2c , of s qu are a at mm di ag o nal i n a the s ide th e fro m e ac h 70 mm ho riz o ntal p l ane driver' s s e at in A For use lo catio n s w h e re driving vis i b i lity is no t required, including s u n ro o fs The glazing a) A.2 of of an n e x 9.3 no t b) in is c o vered thi s ap p l y ; EC II exc ep t Reg ulati o n A of EC D of BS AU th at 43, the provis ions 9.1 , 9.2 or an d D i rec tive 2/22/EEC : or c ateg o ry a) 82 fo r fro m e i the r: s tandard in an n e x by Pos ition t h e fi g ure fo r to p a line of p l ane p atte rn th e of as follows: f mm e x te ri o r s ymmetry, vis ible as mm glazing s ho w n on th e in B 2a; of th e mm s lo p ing edg es s ho w n B (normative) Annex th e as ymmetric al mid- p o int of s ymmetric al glazing: th e verti c al b) c e n tre in glazing: fro m of fig ure w ithi n minimum radi u s an d th e p arallel e x te ri o r mm of to the vis ible of th e c u rv atu re to p of an d glazing, as B 2b Impact te s ts for the retention of B 3.3 For s mall glazed security glazing w h e re the areas, s uc h di mens io ns are to o ac c o mmo date t h e imp ac t fig ure B 2c, out w hic h is as s ixthlig hts s mall t o p a tte rn s ho w n in B l A pparatus B l l to be Ge n e l e nab l e T he a rang e te s te d An ap p ara tu s of o rs adj us tab le s hal l b e o r c o mp lete rigid s u p p o rt adj us tab le vehic les s hall to Provision s hall b e s tri p of thic knes s o r or c lo s ure an d to re p re s e n t th e s hall be as des c rib ed the glazing area mm th e in B.1 Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI and 50 i nte rp o s e IRHD du ri n g c lo s ure s e al , fig ure fig ure an d to s u p p o rt o r o r ( s ee s ho w n in 25 made B ) The B l B and a ru b b e r b e tw e e n th e th e tes ting adj ac e nt to ap p ara tu s s hall fu rt h e r a s ing le imp ac t than 00 mm be as fro m at th e an y p o int daylig ht o p ening be NC Y E us ed c arry th e If th e glazing re q u i re me n ts of are a 4.1 is so no t s mal l th at apply no s uch p o i nt e x i s ts , B S I BS rAU* : P ART r L b 6 0494494 950 BS AU \ ' 209 Part : : 995 c m Y - a - OOP I _ Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI B S I BS*AU*209: PARTU 95 I1 624669 B S A U : P a r t : 1995 o n I I Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI 0494495 897 BSI BS*AU*209: PART*4 95 Lb24669 94 96 BS AU 209 L i s t of references (see claus e : Part : 1995 2) Informative references B SI publications B RITIS H S TAND ARD S I N S T I T U T I O N , L o n d o n B S AU : 982 Specificatic fo r plastics safe ty glazing m a te rials fo r Ise in road vehicles Other references ECE Regulation 43 Un ifo rm p ro visio n s c o n c e rn iw the approval of safe ty glazing and glazing m a te rials Council Directive 92/22/EEC tra i l e rd) '1 O b tai nab l e Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI from HMS O (as amended b y supplements to 3)l) Safety g lazin g a n d g lazin g m a te ria ls o n motor vehicles and th e ir BS AU Part 209 : : 1995 G- 29D- 10 BSI - B ritish Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level It is incorporated by Royal Charter Contract requirements British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application A Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions Any person who finds an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard should bring it to the attention of the Quality Manager, BSI without delay so that the matter may be investigated swiftly BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, Sales Department at Chiswick: Tel: O181 996 7000; Fax: O1 996 7001 In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library, the Standardline Database, the BSI Information Technology Service (BITS) and its %chnical Help to Exporters Service Contact the Information Department at Chiswick: Tel: O181 996 7111; F’ax: O1 996 7048 Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards For details of these and other benefits contact Customer Services, Membership at Chiswick: Tel: O181 996 7002; Fax: O181 996 7001 Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications and no part may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BSI This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard of necessary details such as symbols and size, type or grade designations including use by incorporation into computer programs, but where these details are reproduced including without limitation in printed form, in computer programs or in any other form whatsoever, the permission in writing of BSI must be obtained and if granted will be on terms including royalty, before the product is sold, licensed or otherwise exploited for commercial gain Enquiries about copyright 3hould be made to the Copyright Manager at Chiswick BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL 9508- 4- 5k- JWD Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI ISBN O 580 24629 Product code 00568038 AUE117

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 18:50


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