BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES BS AU 206 4 1986 ISO 8093 1985 Diagnostic systems for road vehicles — Part 4 Specification for general requirements for testing electronic systems [ISO title Road ve[.]
Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES BS AU 206-4: 986 ISO 8093:1 985 Diagnostic systems for road vehicles — Part 4: Specification for general requirements for testing electronic systems [ISO title: Road vehicles — Diagnostic testing of electronic systems] UD C 62 1 : 62 Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Automobile Standards Committee (AUE/- ) to Technical Committee AUE/1 6, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Trailer Manufacturers Department of Transport (Highways) Electric Cable Makers’ Confederation Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers National Caravan Council Limited Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 28 February 986 © BSI 02- 2000 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference AUE/1 Draft for comment 83/73246 DC ISBN 80 41 Amendments issued since publication Amd No Date of issue Comments Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 Contents Page Committees responsib le National foreword ii Scope Field of application Reference D efinitions General requirements Requirements for the measuring equipment Tab le Pub lication referred to © BSI 02 - 000 Inside front cover Inside back cover i Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 National foreword This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Road vehicles — Diagnostic testing of electronic systems” published by the International Standards Committee and is identical with ISO 8093: 985 “ Organization for Standardization (ISO) Terminology and conventions The text of the International Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as a British Standard without deviation Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British Standards; attention is drawn especially to the following The comma has been used as a decimal marker In British Standards it is current practice to use a full point on the baseline as the decimal marker Wherever the words “International Standard” appear, referring to this standard, they should be read as “British Standard” Cross-reference International Standard ISO 4092: 984 C orresponding British Standard BS AU 206 Part : 986 Diagnostic systems for road vehicles Glossary (Identical) A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages to 4, an inside back cover and a back cover This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover ii © BSI 02- 2000 Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 Scope This International Standard defines diagnostic provisions applicable to electronic systems in road vehicles Field of application This International Standard applies to electronic systems including electronic control modules, associated input sensors, output actuators and indicators The measurement ranges specified exclude certain devices for which specific test equipment is required It does not apply to those systems which have built- in diagnostic capabilities and not require compatibility with off- board equipment Reference ISO 4092, Ro ad vehicles — Diagno stic s ystem s for m otor v ehicles — Vocab ulary Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the definitions of ISO 4092 apply General requirements Where the functions to be tested are specified by the vehicle manufacturer, the test shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, which shall take into account the principles of to 5.1 Accessibility of electronic systems The electronic components of the system to be tested shall be designed so that it is possible to make the necessary connections to the test equipment Relevant operational circuits shall be easily accessible and identifiable for test purposes This may be made possible through the input and output connectors or by special connector(s) Simulation of vehicle generated input signals If output signals have to be observed under specific operating conditions, the possibility of substituting or overriding input signals is required Signals in output lines Consideration should be given to the fact that, in some installations, output lines may also serve as input lines, and in that case shall conform to © BSI 02- 2000 Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 Requirements for the measuring equipment Table No Parameter DC voltage AC voltage DC current Range to ± 20 V to ± 50 V to ± 20 VØP to ± 400 VØP Resolution (see 6.1 ) 0,01 V 0,1 V 0,2 V 4V Accuracy (see 6.2 ) a/ b 0,5/1,5 0,5/1,5 5/5 5/5 C omments Input impedance: R W 100 k C u 0,01 4F Frequency: to 20 kHz ———— Input impedance: Measured at ignition coil primary R W 100 k terminal connected to the switching element, or equivalent terminal C u 0,001 4F Shunt R u 10 m7 Shunt R u m to ± A mA 0,2/2,5 to ± 20 A 20 mA 0,2/2,5 Resistance to 100 0,1 Two wire systems — measuring current: u 10 mA to 10 k7 10 0,2/5 to M7 k7 Measuring frequency: to kHz Inductancea to 100 mH mH 10/5 to H 10 mH Measuring current: u mA ———— Frequency to kHz Hz 0,2/1 to 100 kHz 100 Hz Trigger level: (3 ± 0,5) V ———— Time to 10 ms 0,01 ms 10 to 100 ms 0,1 ms Trigger level: 0,2/1 (3 ± 0,5) V Min retriggering time: 10 ms 0,1 to s ms to 10 s 10 ms to 100 Hz Pulse ratio to 95 % Min 20 to 80 % Trigger level: retriggering Frequency to 300 Hz 0,1 % 2,5/ – (3 ± 0,5) V 40 to 60 % to 600 Hz time 0,5 ms range to 95 % to 000 Hz a The values given only apply if the inductive component under test meets the following requirements: Resonant frequency of component > 30 Measuring frequency Magnetic saturation current > 30 Measuring current Q = R-1- -CL- > 10 6.1 Resolution Resolution is taken to mean the smallest change of parameter value resulting in a discernible display change (which requires a minimum display of digits) In the case of analogue displays, 1/5 of the scale division value is understood to be the resolution 6.2 Accuracy The figures given in the column accuracy (see the Table) allow the worst case error to be calculated Measuring errors are caused by different factors There are constant errors over the full measuring range and their values can be specified as a percentage of the full scale value There are also errors proportional to the measured values © BSI 02-2000 Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4:1 986 For a given range and a given measured value within that range, the worst case error, , is given by the equation E E = a R + b X 100 100 where is the constant error coefficient; is the proportional error coefficient; is the full scale value; is the measured value For the error coefficients, and the following preferred values should be used: 0,1; 0,2; 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2,5; 5; 7,5; 10 These are the worst case values in the temperature range to 50 °C a b R X a © BSI 02-2000 b, Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI blank Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI Publication referred to See national foreword © BSI 02 - 000 BS AU 206-4:1 986 Li cen sed Copy: Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Lon d on Sou th Ban k U n i versi ty, Sat Dec 09 01 : 57: 54 G M T+00: 00 2006, U n trol l ed Copy, (c) BSI BS AU 206-4: 986 ISO 8093:1 985 BSI — British Standards Institution BS I is the indep endent national b ody res p ons ib le for p rep aring Britis h S tandards It p res ents the UK view on s tandards in E urop e and at the international level It is incorp orated b y Royal C harter Revisions Britis h S tandards are up dated b y amendment or revis ion Us ers of Britis h S tandards should make s ure that they p oss es s the latest amendments or editions It is the constant aim of BS I to imp rove the quality of our p roducts and services We would b e grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or amb iguity while us ing this Britis h S tandard would inform the S ecretary of the technical committee res p ons ib le, the identity of which can b e found on the inside front cover Tel: 02 89 96 90 00 Fax: 02 89 96 40 BS I offers memb ers an individual up dating s ervice called PLUS which ens ures that s ub s crib ers automatically receive the lates t editions of s tandards Buying standards O rders for all BS I, 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