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BRITISH STANDARD AUTOMOBILE SERIES | | | | | BS AU 242a:1998 | | | Inco rp o rating | | | | | | | | Automotive windscreen repair Ð Code of practice | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | IC S 43 040 | | | | | | | | NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW | | | | | Amendment No BS AU 242a:1998 Issue 2, March 999 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical C ommittee AUE /1 0, Safety glass for land transport, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of British Glass Repair Operators Automobile Association British Plastic Federation C onsumer Policy C ommittee of BSI Department of the E nvironment, Transport and the Regions Ð C entral Transport Group Flat Glass Manufacturers' Association Automotive Glazing E xecutive (Glass and Glazing Federation) National C aravan C ouncil Limited Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited Transport Research Laboratory Windscreen and Glass Repairers' Association Windscreen Repair E quipment Manufacturers and Suppliers Association This B ritis h Standard, having b e e n p re p are d unde r the dire ctio n o f the E ngine e ring Se cto r C o mmitte e , was p ub lishe d unde r the autho rity o f the Standards C o mmitte e and c o me s into e ffe c t o n D e c e mb e r 9 © B SI -1 9 Firs t p ub lishe d as B S AU 42 Amendments issued since publication Amd No Date Text affected 041 March 999 Indicated by a sideline N o ve mb e r 9 The fo llo wing B SI re fe re nce s re late to the wo rk o n this standard: C o mmitte e re fe re nc e AUE /1 D raft fo r co mme nt 8/7062 D C ISBN 580 28209 BS AU 242a:1998 Issue 1, March 1999 Summary of pages The following table identifies the current issue of each page Issue indicates that a page has been introduced for the first time by amendment Subsequent issue numbers indicate an updated page Vertical sidelining on replacement pages indicates the most recent changes (amendment, addition, deletion) Page Issue Page Issue Front cover Inside front cover a b 2 blank i ii to original © BSI 03-1 999 Back cover original original a b blank BS AU 242a:1998 Contents Page Committees responsible © BSI 998 Inside front cover Foreword ii Scope Normative references General Procedure Quality assessment Training Report and record keeping Annex A (informative) Windscreen damage identification Annex B (informative) Windscreen zones Bibliography Figure A.1 Ð Types of windscreen damage Figure B.1 Ð Windscreen zones Table B.1 Ð Windscreen zones and permitted repairs i Issue 2, March 1999 B S A U 42 a:1 998 F o re wo rd This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Automobile Standards Policy Committee It is based on proposals from the Glass and Glazing Federation and the Association of British Glass Repair Operators and the Windscreen Repair Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers Association This British Standard is a revision of BS AU 242:1991, which is withdrawn | There is an established practice to repair minor stone impact damage to windscreens using some form of plastics resin This practice, while not fully restoring a windscreen to its original condition, is practicable because: a) it improves the appearance of the damaged area and its optical quality; b) it restores a smooth surface to damaged areas that may otherwise interfere with windscreen wipers; c) it prevents further deterioration (e.g moisture ingress) This standard has been prepared taking into account the requirements for glazing and visibility in the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 It gives procedures that should be adopted for carrying out repairs and general guidance on the type of materials to be used Performance requirements for windscreen repair systems, including materials, for carrying out repairs in accordance with this British Standard are given in BS AU 251:1994, Specification for performance of automotive laminated windscreen repair systems Compliance with this British Standard can only be achieved with systems and materials conforming to BS AU 251 Examples of types of windscreen damage are given in annex A and details of the size of damage that can be repaired in different areas of the windscreen are given in annex B A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application C o mp lianc e wi t h a B ritis h S tandard doe s not o f its e lf c o nfe r im m un it y fro m le gal o b ligatio ns ii © BSI 03-1 999 B S A U 42 a: 998 S cope This P ro c e d ure B ritish S tandard fo r re p airing give s laminate d re co mme nde d winds c re e ns p rac tic e s damage d N O TE The fo llo wing Ð c le anline s s imp acts It ap p lie s to he avy go o ds ve hicle s and p as se nge r c ars Re c o mme ndatio ns the the typ e and quality o f the Ð o p e rating include : siz e o f the o f damage that c an damage d the quality o f winds cre e n are a (dirt damage d are a re duce Ð mo isture a) affe ct and fo re ign matte r (HG Vs) , ins ide c o ac he s facto rs re p airs : by the b o nding stre ngth and vis io n re p air) ; c o nditio ns p rio r to co ntaminatio n and (whic h during give s the re p air; a milky ap p e arance ) ; be Ð the time b e twe e n damage and re p air (p ro mp t re p airs are re p aire d; b) the are a o n the p artic ular typ e s winds cre e n and siz e c an in be whic h re p airs of p articularly imp o rtant in Ð the state d manufac ture r' s p ro c e dure s fo r the s te p s to e) re p o rts ass e s s fo r the winds cre e n re p air te mp e rature (lo w glass te mp e rature s can c aus e re p aire r; inc o mp le te d) s he lf life mate rial; made ; Ð the c) z o ne A) ; the quality o f finishe d filling te mp e rature s re p airs; o f the c an c aus e damage d the are a and damage to high e xte nd glas s and de laminatio n) re te ntio n This and b y the s tandard glaz ing re c o rds s uc h glas s±p las tic s and G e ne ral re p aire r e s as fo r co mp le tio n no t ap p ly to b ulle t-re s is tant s p e c ial glaz ing typ e s The of re p air s ho uld mate rials and s ho uld c o nfo rm c o nfo rm kit manufac ture r' s glaz ing 5.2 to to to S yste ms B S AU instruc tio ns s ho uld Any be and re p air fo llo we d R e m o val o f d irt c o n tam in atio n N o rm ative re fe re n c e s The fo llo wing p ro visio ns c o nstitute date d no rmative that, thro ugh p ro vis io ns re fe re nc e s , re vis io ns o f, Fo r undate d p ub licatio n D irt and c ume nts re fe re nc e o f this in B ritish this S tandard any o f the s e re fe re nc e s , re fe rre d to p ub lic atio ns the to , no t late s t e ditio n fro m (e g s c rap ing, te xt, s ub s e que nt amandme nts o the r fo re ign re mo ve d co ntain matte r sho uld damage d ab rading, Fo r C are or (e s p e c ially whe n ap p ly sho uld the be take n are a b y and, no t to be c o mp le te ly c are ful if ne c e ss ary, p e ne trate c le aning drilling) the inte rlaye r drilling) R e m o val o f wa t e r c o ntam inatio n o f the Any mo isture ap p lie s Specification for performance of automotive laminated windscreen repair systems re mo ve d in the p rio r to damage d carrying are a s ho uld o ut the be re p air B S AU : 9 4, N O TE a ho t C are G e ne ral Wate r c o ntaminatio n s ho uld dry until N O TE 3.1 The typ e re p aire d and sho uld p o sitio n o f the s iz e be o f damage limite d damage as on that c an a functio n the be The sho uld Ð de gre e o f the o f damage be as fo llo ws : z o ne A: damage that c an z o ne s be z o ne B: If the re p aire d ide ntifie d in within a c irc le mm a c irc le mm in damage within a c irc le mm in damage within a c irc le 40 mm in a) s e ats , the y up and co ache s to mm no t e xte nd fro m Re p airs le s s an in with mo re le ngth e dge than 0 mm to may an than be e dge e ight p as se nge r re p aire d, o f the ap art sho uld p ro vide d winds cre e n no t be carrie d o ut 3.3 be sho uld o nly b e c o mp e te nt re p aire rs c arrie d (s e e o ut clause by 7) b) damage s ho uld 998 be no t ke p t dry, white ning co nfo rming o ut with range to the 8C o f the B S AU glass to manufac ture r' s to re garding c o mp lie d are as anne x B e xte nding no t be 8C o r as instruc tio ns the typ e and s iz e with: on windsc re e ns re garding p o sitio n and thro ugh c o ns ide re d all laye rs re p airab le in o f glass any are a o f windsc re e n; c) damage with a crate r at the in p o int diame te r s ho uld o f imp act no t be re p airab le ; fully d) if damage , winds c re e n BSI are a re mains limitatio n; de laminatio n c o ntaminatio n © the o f damage d c o nfo rm c o ns ide re d Re p airs c arrie d re s tric tio ns e xce e ding mm traine d, kits re p air kit s ho uld re p airs siz e Fo r HGVs c rac ks are a is damage d re p air inte rlaye r o c curs e ithe r in fo llo wing s ho uld diame te r N O TE that the o f the T yp e , s iz e and c o nditio ns o f d am age in diame te r; D: of us e d the Ð z o ne (PVB ) s ho uld o f damage Ð damage d te mp e rature in The C: use T e m p e rature lim itatio n diame te r; z o ne b y care ful in anne x B state d damage be Re p airs within re mo ve d 4 M ate rials (se e diame te r; Ð take n O nly re p air re sin-mix windsc re e n be o f the windsc re e n s ho uld e ac h be c o mp le tio n p o lyvinyl b utyral anne xe s A and B ) 3.2 may air b lo we r o f the s ho uld o r irre ve rs ib le inte rlaye r has no t be o c c urre d, c o ns ide re d the re p airab le BS AU 242a:1998 Quality assessment Report and record keeping The repairer should inspect the repaired area to ensure it conforms to a) to c) The repairer should make and retain a record of the following: a) Repairs should not show significant optical defects The damaged area should be clear, but small imperfections may be acceptable Visual inspections should be carried out from the inside of the vehicle, under good illumination from a distance of 230 mm with normal corrected vision a) the invoice number; b) date of repair; c) date of invoice if different from the date of repair; d) the name and address of the repair organization; If after the repair a residual small dull spot is visible in the damaged area, the spot should not exceed mm in diameter f) the name and address of the customer; b) Repaired areas should be free of voids, air bubbles or foreign materials g) the registration number, make and model of vehicle; c) Repaired areas should not interfere with windscreen wiper function h) details of work carried out; e) identification of repairer; i) the type and location of damage (see annex B) NOTE Training The purpose of this recommendation is to assist quality control and to provide protection against liability Professional repairers should be trained and certified by the manufacturer of the repair system or their approved representative to be competent in carrying out repairs conforming to this standard © BSI 998 BS AU 242a:1998 Annex A (informative) Windscreen damage identification Types of windscreen damage are shown in Figure A.1 a) B e e ' s wing b ) C o m b inatio n c ) C lo ve r le af d) S tar b re ak e ) B ull' s e ye f) H alf m o o n m m m ax g) C rac k NOTE Repairs to damage g) apply to HGV and coach windscreens only (see note to 3.2 ) Figure A.1 Ð Types of windscreen damage © BSI 998 BS AU 242a:1998 Annex B (informative) Windscreen zones B.1 Windscreen zones A, B.2 For passenger cars, centre of the wipers; B.3 see B, C and D zone A is 90 mm wide, or single passing through the and described in Table B centred on a longitudinal vertical plane arc described by the driver's passing wiper [ vehicles through the with two windscreen wiper [ Figure B b) ] For HGVs and coaches with two wiper [ see shown in Figure B driver's seat and bounded by the Figure B a) ] vertical p lane are windscreen wipers, centre of the zone A is 350 mm wide, driver's seat and bounded by the centred on a longitudinal arc described by the driver's Figure B c) ] D ime nsio ns in millime tre s 290 D B a) A Pass e nge r car with B two windsc re e n C wip e rs 290 Vertical plane through mirror A B D C B D b) Pas se nge r c ar with s ingle winds cre e n wip e r Figure B.1 Ð Windscreen zones © BSI 998 BS AU 242a:1998 D ime nsio ns in millime tre s 350 D B b) A HGV and c o ac h (two B C winds cre e n C wip e rs ) Figure B Ð Windscre e n zones (continued) Table B Ð Windscre e n zones and p e rmitte d re p airs Z o ne Are a B.2 , B.3 P e rm itt e d re p air A see and Figure B B area wiped on driver's side, C area wiped on passenger's side, D area excluding zones A, N O TE Fo r HGV and c o ach winds c re e ns, N O TE Re p airs le s s than 0 mm ap art B excluding zone A excluding zone B and C damage s ho uld up no t to 50 mm be carrie d in o ut le ngth (se e damage within a circle mm in diameter damage within a circle mm in diameter damage within a circle 25 mm in diameter damage within a circle 40 mm in diameter may b e re p aire d (s e e 3.2) 3.2) Bibliography Road Vehicles (C onstruction and Use) Regulations 986 © BSI 998 | | | | | | | | | BSI Ð British Standards Institution | | | | | | | BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards It | | | | | | | presents the UK view on standards in E urope and at the international level It is incorporated by Royal Charter Revisions | | | | British Standards are updated by amendment or revision Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions | | | It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services We | | | | | | | | would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover Tel: 02 8996 9000 Fax: 02 8996 7400 | | BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that | | | | | | | | | | subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services Tel: 02 8996 9001 Fax: 02 8996 7001 | | | | In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless | | | | | | otherwise requested Information on standards | | | | | | | | | BSI provides a wide range of information on national, E urop ean and international standards through its Library and its Technical Help to E xporters Service Various BSI electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services Contact the Information C entre Tel: 02 8996 71 1 Fax: 02 8996 7048 | | | Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and | | | | | | | | | receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards For details of these and other benefits contact Membership Administration Tel: 020 8996 7002 Fax: 02 8996 7001 Copyright | | Copyright subsists in all BSI publications BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of | | the publications of the international standardization bodies E xcept as permitted | | | | | | under the C opyright, D esigns and Patents Act 988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ± electronic, photocop ying, recording or otherwise ± without p rior written permission from BSI | | | | This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations If these | | details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior | | written permission of BSI must be obtained | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BSI | | 389 C hiswick High Road | | London | | W4 4AL | | | | | | | If permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager Tel: 02 8996 7070